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The fourth International Literary Forum “Slavic Lyre-2017” was held in Belarus from June 1 to June 4. The difference of the current event was that it was held not in the city on the Dvina, but in the city on the Svisloch. The welcoming Belarusian capital hosted poets, prose writers, playwrights, translators, literary critics from 9 countries - Australia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine and Finland. During the four days of the festival, 102 writers visited it. And all of them found a place, as well as the opportunity to show their abilities at this festival of the artistic word.

Despite the fact that the official MLF “Slavyanskaya Lira-2017” was supposed to start only on June 2, already on the first summer day Minsk was full of foreign guests-writers who were eager for creative communication, acquaintances and new experiences. And this moment was very subtly felt by the organizers of the event, preparing their program for the pre-forum day. Already at 13 o'clock the entire group of authors, and this is about fifteen people, was met at the Zero Kilometer memorial sign by the local historian and lover of antiquity, poet Mikhail BARANCHIK, who arranged an hour and a half tour of the Upper Town for the guests of the forum. Those who have visited it consider the walking tour of the city center as told by the newly-minted "guide" to be an unforgettable sight.

Then the whole group moved to the Russian Center for Science and Culture "Rossotrudnichestvo" in the Republic of Belarus on Revolutionary Street, 15A. Where some of the local members of the forum were already waiting for the new arrivals. So, among the arrivals were writers-members of the jury Yuri KOBRIN from Vilnius, Vladimir SOLYAR from Riga, Bakhykhozha RUSTEMOV from Astana, Natalia VARENIK from Belaya Tserkov, Alexander MOROZOV from Debaltsevo. They were joined by poets and prose writers from the cities of Smolensk, Tver, Kursk, Tiraspol, Kiev, Tula, Mozyr, Petrozavodsk, and, of course, Minsk. More precisely, Minsk was the host country. Literary readings began here. And they began with video poetry presented by the Minsk poetess and translator Tatyana SHPARTOVA. The ten-minute video caught the audience in the hall very much, and the author of the translations of the English writer was bombarded with questions. After that, stories began about their cities, their historical past, about the literary process in them and poetry readings. However, the audience was once again given the opportunity to plunge into the world of clip perception, when a stage performance of a song by Mozyr author Alexander KOLYADA was shown on the screen as part of a concert.

After the readings, the members of the jury stayed behind to hold the final meeting, since there was enough quorum. There were no battles, but there were some minor "skirmishes". As a result, the justice of the majority triumphed, and the winners in all nominations were determined. However, it was not difficult, given the availability of summary voting tables for all five nominations. After that, the jury and those who were patiently waiting for them in the corridor went to a summer cafe to sit comfortably over various alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

But it turned out to be not so quiet and measured first forum day ... From nine in the morning, the House of Moscow in Minsk began to fill up with foreign guests and local writers. Registration, an exhibition of books by the organizer of the forum - the Belarusian Literary Union “Polotsk Branch” - and local history literature, as well as souvenirs, kindly offered by the local bookstore “Svetoch”, awaited them in the foyer of the first floor. During the registration process, everyone had the opportunity to sign a petition in support of the "Slavic Lira" forum to the heads of the Union State, as well as sign up for the blitz-tournament of poets, for the presentation of their own books ... Guests kept coming and going. Here are authors from Finland, Moldova and distant Australia. Yalta, Chernogolovka, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kherson, Arkhangelsk, Volgodonsk, Nevel, Rzhev, Bobruisk, Yeniseisk, Zhitomir, Vitebsk, Noginsk, Lyubertsy, Gorki, Vladimir, Osipovichi, Pinsk, Novopolotsk Vyazma, Kaluga, Molodechno, Rechitsa. In the lobby, conversations, strong handshakes and hugs of old friends, exchange of literature began ... However, the first hour flew by quickly and all members of the forum in a friendly crowd went to sightseeing buses. A sightseeing tour of Minsk awaited the guests, and a lull reigned in the House of Moscow until lunchtime.

Immediately upon their return, after the lunch break, all the participants of the event began to take their places in the concert hall, where at that time the recording of the informal "anthem" of the "Slavic Lyre" performed by its author Leonid VOLKOV was performed. Upon its completion, the solemn opening ceremony of the forum began. Fanfare sounded, photographs of a slideshow dedicated to the three previous forums flashed on the screen, and the host of the evening, Svetlana PANTELEEVA, took the stage. She made a touching speech to the audience, after which she invited the Counselor to the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Belarus Margarita NOVODVORSKAYA to the microphone. The counselor's speech was permeated with good wishes and a reminder of the responsibility of modern writers for the moral and ethical side of the works they create. After the representative of the Embassy, ​​Deputy Minister of Information of the Republic of Belarus Alexander KARLYUKEVICH took the stage. Being a writer himself, Alexander Nikolaevich happily and enthusiastically voiced a welcoming address to the participants of the fourth literary forum "Slavic Lyre-2017", wished them fruitful work for all three days. The performance of the duet of cymbalists, which was applauded for a long time, became an excellent "intersperse" in the solemn greetings of officials and writers.

And then the members of the jury, the chairman of the Belarusian Literary Union "Polotskaya Branch" - the founder of the forum - Oleg ZAITSEV, Deputy Chairman of the International Community of Writers' Unions Yuri KONOPLYANNIKOV, Vice-President of the International Federation of Russian-speaking Writers Yuri KOBRIN, took to the stage one after the other with a welcoming speech, member of the Coordinating Council of the Russian Union of Professional Writers Lyudmila SALTYKOVA; member of the Board of the Interregional Union of Writers Oleksandr MOROZOV; member of the Council of the South Russian Union of Writers Yevgeny BARANOVA; member of the Board of the Congress of Writers of Ukraine, Chairman of the Zhytomyr regional organization CLU Oleg Antonyuk. All represented organizations are co-founders of "Slavic Lira". Between their releases, Vladimir SOLYAR, Lyubov SERDECHNAYA and Elizaveta KOVACH played several songs on the guitar.

With this, the grand opening ceremony ended, and the first, most difficult competition for the audience award in nominations "Poetry. Free topic ".

Difficult, because 22 authors applied for three prizes at once. The competition was hosted by Oleg Zaitsev and Evgenia Baranova. And it lasted no less - two whole hours. At this time, a group of three poets went to meet with the kids from the summer school camp. The junior schoolchildren listened with great pleasure to children's poetry from the lips of foreign poets. In the meantime, the results were summed up in the concert hall. And it turned out that the top three included:

1st place - Polezhaev Sergey Viktorovich (Tver, Russia)

2nd place - Kriklivets Elena Vladimirovna (Vitebsk, Belarus)

3rd place - Podolsky Sergey Viktorovich (station Katyn, Smolensk region, Russia).

Polezhaev S.V.

E. V. Kriklivets

S. V. Podolsky

No sooner had the forum participants relaxed after the winners in the poetic nomination were announced, than an interesting creative evening began at once by two members of the jury and, at the same time, honored cultural workers of the Russian Federation, Yuriev Konoplyannikova and Kobrin. And if one tried to make the audience laugh, which he did well, the second, on the contrary, made him think about it, look around, rethink what he had heard ... The joint evening, instead of the stipulated forty minutes, lasted more than an hour, which, however, none of the participants regretted.

After dinner, the poets again "crossed swords", but this time in an additional nominations "Spiritual poetry (About God, faith, soul)"... Led by Lyudmila Saltykova and Vladimir Solyar. There were significantly fewer finalists in this nomination: only seven people. Therefore, the competition in it was reduced to one hour. As a result, it became known that the following authors, included in the top three winners, will receive prizes:

1st place - (Moscow region, Chernogolovka, Russia)

2nd place - Seshko Oleg Vitalievich (Vitebsk, Belarus)

3rd place - Kriklivets Elena Vladimirovna (Vitebsk, Belarus).

Patrakova L.R.

O. V. Seshko

E. V. Kriklivets

On this day, fortune was clearly smiling at the Belarusians, who took half of the prizes in two nominations at once. However, it was too early to rejoice, since there were still two festival days ahead and competitions in three nominations. And a real pleasure for lovers of bardic songs was the creative evening of the poet, author-performer Vladimir Solyar. For an hour and a half, the viewer "tortured" Vladimir, and Vladimir, in turn, the guitar. But his songs fascinated, if not all, then many of those gathered in the hall. However, in addition to songs, there were also poems performed by the author. By the end of the protracted literary and musical performance, everyone forgot about the master classes and went to hotels and apartments ...

Saturday 3 June, began with a literary scientific-practical conference "Russian and Russian-language literature at the turn of the century" within the walls of the educational building of the Geographical Faculty of the Belarusian State University. The tone of the event was set by the opening speech of Oleg Zaitsev and the very emotional speech of Anatoly ANDREEV, Doctor of Philology, Professor, a member of St. Petersburg. His report was called “Russian-language literature of Belarus at the turn of the century”. Anatoly Nikolayevich shared his sore point: the state in which, according to the “templates” of the local academic methodology, the Russian literature of Belarus has now found itself. Then Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Vadim SALEEV took the floor out of turn. He supported A. Andreev's speech and added new facts. After that, he dwelled in some detail on the work of the members of the Bellitsoyuz "Polotsk Branch" in general and its most prominent authors in particular. However, the report of Candidate of Philology and Doctor of Historical Sciences Lola ZVONAREVA turned out to be much more voluminous. Unfortunately, it was possible to hear it only from the mouth of the reader, but not the author, who could not come. "Breaking through to an understanding of the true purpose of man" (Zoomorphic code in Alexander Zinoviev's novel "Yawning Heights") - this was the title of this report.

The next person to familiarize the participants of the event with his salary was Oleg Zaitsev. He read his report, entitled "The theme of Slavic unity in the poetry of Yevgeny Matveyev." He was followed by Anastasia KORSUNSKAYA, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Russian Language Department of the Military Institute of Physical Culture from St. Petersburg. Her report was titled: "The Image of the Motherland in St. Petersburg Poetry at the Turn of the 20th - 21st Centuries:" Nostalgic Pain ". However, all those present in the hall were not so excited by the performance of KORSUNSKAYA as by the speech of the Secretary of the Literary Criticism Section of the ROO "Bellitsoyuz" Polotsk Branch "Yuri KLEVANTS, who this time brought gifts to several members of the forum jury. His report was titled "Saltychata and Naughty Girls: Examples of Satirical and Humorous Works of Belarusian Authors of Recent Years." Lyudmila Saltykova told the conference participants fluently about the literary process on the lands of the Ryazan region in her report "The literary life of the Ryazan land of our time." And the speech of the poet Vasily MELNIKOV "Poetry no longer teaches" in general served as a prologue to the round table that opened on the third day. But more on that later.

At the end of the conference, all its participants went to the university courtyard, to the monuments of the Monk Euphrosyne of Polotsk and the first printer Francysk Skaryna, where an impromptu stage awaited them. The open poetic tribune identified itself with lines from the work of the deceased great Belarusian and Russian poet Yevgeny MATVEEV, whose 80th birthday is celebrated by the country's literary community this year: “Do not wash the Judah's mark from the face of the One who first threw a stone into the brotherhood…”. It was also dedicated to the unity of the "Russian world". One by one poets and prose writers from Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Latvia and Lithuania, Belarus came to the podium, reading their patriotic poems, as well as poems about nature, philosophical and love lyrics ... The guests of the event were also pleased with their performances by the folklore and ethnographic ensemble of BSU "Tutayshaya gentry" and soloist-vocalist Dmitry Nikonovich. The event was filmed by the ONT TV channel.

After lunch, the forum participants again gathered in the House of Moscow, where the exhibition of books by members of the Bellitsoyuz “Polotsk Branch”, as well as forum participants, continued its work. The competition for the audience award has begun in nominations "Small prose" hosted by Yuri Konoplyannikov and Natalya Varenik. As a result of the announcement of the list of finalists, there were 14 applicants on the stage. Each of them was given 5 minutes to read an excerpt from their story, which was included in the short list of an open correspondence literary competition that preceded the forum itself. As a result, the "gold", "silver" and "bronze" of audience preferences were taken home by the following prose writers:

1st place - Tolbatova Natalia Vladimirovna (Smolensk, Russia)

2nd place - Ratic Larisa Anatolievna

3rd place - Sinitsky Gennady Nikolaevich (Nevel, Pskov region, Russia).

Tolbatova N.V.

Ratic L.A.

Sinitsky G.N.

The writers had not yet had time to “cool down” from the fervor of the competition in the “Small Prose” nomination, when they were offered a series of presentations of books and literary almanacs. Lyudmila Saltykova with the anthology "Under the Ryazan Sky", Valery Savostyanov with the magazine "Priokskie Zori" and his own book of poetry, Mikhail Baranchik, Tatyana Majorina and a number of other authors appeared on the stage in turn. The presentations of books and almanacs lasted more than an hour. And then, without swinging, it began blitz "Tournament of Poets", whose members have added themselves to the list the day before. And in total there were 41 people. This is where the mastery of rhymed thought, literary style, oratory and stage grace, the flight of facial expressions and gesture was truly revealed. Each of the participants tried to present their creation from the stage in a special way, to charm the viewer not only with talent, but also with the ability to recite their own creations. The "Tournament of Poets" was hosted by Oleg SESHKO. And the assessment of the works was given by four members of the jury at once - Professor Vadim Saleev, playwright and screenwriter Andrei Kureichik, poetess Lyudmila Saltykova and Yevgeny Baranova. As a result, two authors got into the first two - poets from Minsk Vasily Melnikov and Vera Kushnerova... However, after reading additional poems and voting in the hall, the prize was given to the lady by a margin of several votes.

Kushnerova V.

After dinner, all the participants of the Slavic Lira-2017 forum plunged into the whirlpool of competitions again. This time translators took the stage to "cross" rhymes. The competition for the Audience Choice Award in the "Literary Translation" nomination has begun. Surprisingly, this year quite a lot of finalists took part in it - as many as 9 people. And here was the most extensive geography of participation - Australia, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine and Finland. Translations from Ukrainian and Polish, Finnish and Italian, Belarusian and Belarusian were heard from the stage. And only the author from the distant fifth continent, Yakov Smagarinsky, ventured to translate the Russian classics into English. That he did well. As a result, the seats were distributed as follows:

1st place - Yurtaev Dmitry Valerievich (Minsk, Belarus)

2nd place -

3rd place - Serdechnaya Lyubov Sergeevna (Smolensk, Russia).

Yurtaev D.V.

Berdova S.A.

Heart L. S.

Moreover, the contender for the "silver" Lyubov Serdechnaya nobly gave the palm to Svetlana Berdova, who had gained the same number of points. Here they are a real female understanding and mutual assistance!

The evening of the second day ended with workshops on literary translation, conducted by Lyudmila Saltykova and Vadim Saleev.

The final day Sunday 4 June , for the forum participants began in the Minsk Regional Universal Library. It was there, on the third floor, in the hall of foreign literature, that all the participants of the round table "Writer and society: general and particular" gathered. The conference was opened by one of its moderators, Alexander Morozov. Its introductory part, formulated as “to live in society and to be free from society, is impossible”, was picked up by Vasily Melnikov, who in fact summarized the theses of his report “Poetry no longer instructs”. He was essentially supported by Yuri Kobrin with the phrase "Vasily Melnikov talks about what should not be argued about" and then developed his idea. Yuri Konoplyanikov, Vladimir Solyar, Elena Tseiko, Oleg Zaitsev and others joined the controversy that arose after his speech.

After the round table, its participants moved back to the House of Moscow, where by that time the sleeping members of the forum were waiting for them. It got hot again in the concert hall: the finalists in the "Dramaturgy" nomination were invited to the stage to try their luck for the audience award. The nomination was led by Alexander Morozov and Vasily Melnikov. There were four applicants for three prizes. But the production of his play was performed only by a couple of co-authors of Dmitry Yurtaev - Nikolai Vasilevsky and Anastasia Kuzmichyova. Nevertheless, the prizes went to other participants in this nomination:

1st place - Elizaveta Igorevna Kovacs (Tiraspol, Moldova)

2nd place - Milanes Yulia Migelevna (St. Petersburg, Russia)

3rd place - Melnikov Oleg Isidorovich (Minsk, Belarus).

E. I. Kovach

Milanes Yu.M.

Melnikov O. I.

After lunch, creative evenings of the jury members Vasily Melnikov, Alexander Morozov, Lyudmila Saltykova and Evgenia Baranova took place, which aroused genuine interest among all the participants of the "Slavic Lira-2017". And after the evenings, a series of presentations of author's books and literary anthologies of participants from Moldova, Russia, Belarus continued.

At six o'clock in the evening, a song performed by Leonid Volkov sounded again in the concert hall of the House of Moscow. And then the fanfare. This time, Svetlana Berdova, the finalist of the forum, a wonderful translator and reciter, took the lead to the microphone. She in turn invited the jury members to the stage, who presented the winners in both versions - the jury and the audience, diplomas and prizes. Thus, the winners according to the version of the professional jury got the alarm clock radio for the third place, the gift leather notebook with gold embossing for the second place, and the tablet for the first place. And each of the winners in both versions received an impressive package with books and collective collections of the members of the Belarusian Literary Union “Polotsk Branch”, kindly provided by the publishing house “Literary Light”. And among the winners according to the jury in all five nominations were the following authors:

in the category “Poetry. Free topic "

1st place - Kriklivets Elena Vladimirovna (Vitebsk, Belarus)

2nd place - Polezhaev Sergey Viktorovich (Tver, Russia)

3rd place -

Kriklivets E.V.

S. V. Polezhaev

Parfenova I.A.

in the nomination Spiritual Poetry (About God, Faith, Soul). Additional nomination "

1st place - Seshko Oleg Vitalievich (Vitebsk, Belarus)

2nd place - Feschenko Irina Valerievna (Irina Valerina) (Bobruisk, Belarus)

3rd place - Parfenova Irina Aleksandrovna (Shabalina Irina) (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia).

O. V. Seshko

Feschenko I.V.

Parfenova I.A.

in the category “Small prose. Free topic "

1st place - was not awarded due to the finalist's violation of the terms of the Forum Regulations

2nd place - Dmitry Korsunsky (St. Petersburg, Russia)

3rd place - Polikarpova Larisa Stanislavovna (Minsk, Belarus).

Korsunsky D.M.

Polikarpova L.S.

in the nomination "Literary translation"

1st place - Kryzhanovskaya Lyudmila Nikolaevna (Kherson, Ukraine)

2nd place - Berdova Svetlana Alexandrovna (Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Russia)

3rd place - Trunova Tatiana Anatolyevna (Vladimir, Russia).

Kryzhanovskaya L. N.

Berdova S.A.

Trunova T.A.

in the category "Dramaturgy"

1st place - Melnikov Oleg Isidorovich (Minsk, Belarus)

2nd place - Elizaveta Igorevna Kovacs (Tiraspol, Moldova)

3rd place - Milanes Yulia Migelevna (St. Petersburg, Russia).

Melnikov O. I.

E. I. Kovach

Milanes Yu.M.

The ceremony of awarding the winners, finalists, honoring the jury members and guests of honor was perfectly complemented by the wonderful performances of the soloist-vocalist Tatyana Petrovna AVDEEVA, the vocal ensemble Belaya Ruzha, hosted by Svetlana Berdova. And the ceremony ended with a common memorable photo of the forum participants. After that, everyone moved to the nearest cafe, where informal communication continued.

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The list of changes in the release is below ...

Release date: 06/20/2018

As part of BIM technology, in addition to the previously implemented two-way communication with Tekla Structures 21.0, 21.1, 2016, 2017, support for Tekla version 2017i has been added. In addition, DSTU-N B V.2.6-185: 2012, concrete volume, autoscaling, superelements, FE 55, "Report Book", calculation of nodes of metal structures, parameters of cracks, etc.

List of changes

  • Added double-sided linking of LIRA-SAPR 2017 with Tekla Structures 2017i.
  • Added calculation of non-metallic composite basalt reinforcement in accordance with DSTU-N B V.2.6-185: 2012. The design of the reinforcement is carried out according to the norms of DBN V.2.6-98: 2009.
  • A control has been introduced for reading the results obtained during the calculation of the problem in other versions of LIRA-SAPR, which have an incompatible format for recording the results.
  • Clarified the calculation of the volume of concrete with symmetrical and asymmetrical reinforcement, as well as in elements without reinforcement.
  • The behavior of the autoscaling function when adding / removing schematic elements has been fixed.
  • Clarified the formation of the "Book of Reports" tables for a fragment of the scheme.
  • The formation of an oilcloth of forces on the edges of the volumetric FE has been fixed.
  • The reaction in the view windows of the computational scheme when changing the color and size of the font for displaying text information has been fixed.
  • Fixed ordering of the order of finite elements in structural elements of bars.
  • Fixed output of results of selection of reinforcement in bars for superelement tasks.
  • The correct accounting for the angle of pure rotation (in the local coordinate system of the element) for FE 55, which simulates the elastic connection between the nodes, has been restored.
  • The attribute of taking into account the unification in plates has been clarified.
  • The definition of the annular section stiffness for physically nonlinear analysis has been refined.
  • The error of transferring forces from the main scheme to the local mode of calculating the hinge joint of the joining of the beam to the column has been fixed.
  • The error in the presentation of the results of calculating the parameters of cracks for FE 410 has been fixed.


  • Fixed a bug in graphical editing of the grid of axes, in which there are no intervals in one dimension. Now, even if the spacing table is empty, you can graphically "stretch" the parametric grid of the axes to the desired size using a control point with an automatic increment of the number of intervals.
  • Improved interactive editing of spot elevation symbols using control points: you can graphically adjust the direction of the arrow and leader.
  • The command for automatic placement of elevation markings for all floors has been made available only for views of the "Facade" or "Section" type, disabled for plans.
  • The error of canceling the operations of interactive editing of the cutting plane position for cuts and sections has been eliminated. Leads to the appearance of "phantom marks" in the drawings of the sections.
  • Fixed error displaying loads on staircases with a filter by load cases.
  • The error of incorrect determination of the plane of application of the load from prisms, cones, spheres and bodies of revolution has been fixed.
  • Improved the operation of the command "Scatter chain of dimensions" (into separate dimension symbols): for chains of dimensions for which the orientation of the dimension line is not explicitly set (by pressing the button), its particular positions (vertical dimensions, horizontal dimensions) are automatically determined, and the generated individual symbols are oriented accordingly ...
  • For the Linear dimension and the Chain of dimensions, the consideration of the positioning method Fixed level of the locator has been added.
  • Fixed crash when importing some text files.
  • The error in collecting masses for a seismic load has been eliminated for the case if at first the masses were collected, and then the load from which these masses were collected was removed.
  • Fixed a bug in the procedure for balancing reinforcing bars, repeated with a given pitch, on reinforcement diagrams of stiffening diaphragms: it was necessary to change the sign of the placement step manually, now it is performed automatically.
  • Restored the automatic update of the length of the retainers in the table of the reinforcement specification after adjusting their length in the parameters of the reinforcement model.
  • The error in the formation of punching shear contours in the case when another plate with the interpretation Load was located above the reinforced concrete slab has been eliminated.
  • The error of displaying the hatch contour line in the drawing, if the hatch was filled, has been fixed.
  • The error of automatic correction of lines and contours in drawings has been eliminated: after manual editing, the horizontal clipping line taken from the library was mistakenly deleted.
  • When importing files from Revit and Tekla Structures in the LiraKM format, the dimensions of RC sections are rounded with an accuracy of 1 mm.
  • The functionality of the Analysis command in the Filter Elements dialog box has been restored. This command displays all the values ​​that are in the model for the current parameter.

Software "LIRA-SAPR 2019" is a modern tool for the numerical study of the strength and stability of structures and their computer-aided design. The solution "LIRA-SAPR 2019" enables a variant selection of reinforcement with varying grades of concrete and reinforcing steel, as well as sections of elements based on the performed static and dynamic analysis. The LIRA-SAPR 2019 system includes modes for designing reinforced concrete and steel structures into a single graphical user environment, as well as advanced modes for controlling the scales of isofields of forces, stresses, displacements, and reinforcement. The LIRA-SAPR 2019 product presents a unified graphical environment and uses tools to construct a finite element design scheme of a building based on its architectural model.

The LIRA-SAPR 2019 complex contains the SAPFIR 2019 application.

The main characteristics of LIRA-SAPR 2019:

  • Developed intuitive graphical user environment.
  • SAPPHIRE-constructions preprocessor.
  • Complex of multifunctional processors.
  • An extensive library of finite elements that allows you to create computer models of almost any structure: bar planar and spatial schemes, shells, slabs, beams, walls, massive structures, membranes, awnings, as well as combined systems of finite elements of various dimensions.
  • Calculation for wind loads, taking into account pulsations and seismic effects according to the standards of the CIS countries, Europe, Africa, Asia and the USA.
  • Calculation for various types of dynamic influences.
  • Construction systems for reinforced concrete and steel elements in accordance with the standards of the CIS countries, Europe and the USA.
  • Editing of steel assortment bases.
  • Interaction with other graphic and documenting systems (AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, Microsoft Word, etc.) based on DXF and MDB files.
  • Developed help system, convenient documentation system.
  • Changing the language (Russian / English) of the interface and / or documenting at any stage of work.
  • Various systems of units of measure and their combinations.


  • A documentation system "Book of reports" has been developed, which includes interactive copies of screens of the calculation scheme and conceptually new tables of results of FEM and reinforced concrete calculations. An interactive copy of the screen is capable of returning the design model to the view or fragment stored in its image at any time. Tables provide a complete analysis of the results of calculating the scheme using tables.
  • Implemented the definition of punching shear contours directly on the finite element model. New tools allow you to fill the model with the necessary information for punching shear analysis, track all changes in it, edit the contours and analyze the results.
  • Implemented export of data on strip foundations to FOK Complex.
  • New dialog "defining spatial frames with generation of foundation slabs".
  • The dialog for defining the finite elements of the pile, taking into account the adjacent soil layers, has been implemented.
  • FE-56 element with 6 degrees of freedom along the global coordinate axes or local coordinate axes of the node. The presence of this element makes it possible to significantly facilitate the modeling of combined pile-slab (PCB) foundations.
  • CE-57. For FE-57, the characteristics of the group's layers are determined automatically based on the created three-dimensional soil model and the location of the piles.
  • Improved the ability to transfer projects from computer to computer.
  • Visualization of the results of calculating geometrically nonlinear systems at each step has been implemented.

Service functions

  • All operations of creating and editing elements and nodes of the design model include automatic accounting for the intersection of elements and nodes
  • The "Pointing with cursor" tool has been implemented, which allows for an object (node ​​or element) to automatically select all objects on the diagram that have similar properties in common with the specified object.
  • The source data packing mode is supplemented with a preview and analysis of the result of joining matching nodes, automatic detection and correction of elements with incorrect geometry. Added packaging of unused materials for reinforced concrete and steel structures.
  • The operation of combining selected bars into one bar has been implemented.
  • The capabilities of the load summing system have been expanded. Added summation of loads on a fragment and inertial forces.
  • The possibility of specifying the number of reinforcing mesh bars has been introduced to clarify the calculation of the width, depth of crack opening and the distance between them when specifying the characteristics of physical nonlinearity for plate elements.
  • The functionality of the dialogs "Constructive elements" and "Unification of elements" has been expanded.
  • New mosaic modes have been implemented.

FEM processor

  • The processor implements the solution of geometrically nonlinear systems and pretensioning modeling.
  • A super-element procedure for constructing the stiffness characteristics of the new FE-57 has been implemented
  • The module for calculating the seismic action has been implemented in accordance with SP 14.13330.2014 - module 56. It is allowed to specify both standard and non-standard accelerations of the base. The presence of IV soil category for all types of structures, as well as intermediate soil categories I-II and II-III for hydraulic structures was taken into account.
  • The module for calculating soil massifs has been improved using the modernized nonlinear KE-282 and KE-284, taking into account the unloading branch that does not coincide with the load branch.


  • You can assign a material to a steel member regardless of the gauge of its cross section.
  • The calculation according to DBN V.2.6-163: 2010 of elements of solid and through cross-section has been implemented.


  • SAPPHIRE has a new user-defined ribbon interface that makes it more intuitive to create and edit a model, design reinforced concrete elements, and design drawings.
  • A tool for creating parametric trusses with various lattice options has been developed.
  • To simulate elevator shafts and ventilation ducts, a tool has been developed that allows you to create a single opening through several slabs.
  • Added the ability to edit common properties for objects grouped in a block.
  • Implemented the formation of a punching shear contour for a column located under a slab, which has a different thickness.
  • Enhanced copying capabilities: the entire floor via the clipboard can be copied not only within one project, but also between projects.
  • The ability to see the physical body of an object when editing an analytical model has been implemented.
  • For basic SAPPHIRE objects, you can set up properties for use by default: material, thickness, and some others.
  • Improved import of models from * .IFC, * .MSH files (MESH-modelers).
  • Improved calculation of the value of the distributed load from the baffles.
  • The alignment of the analytical model of the slab to the walls has been improved.
  • Saving projects in * .spf format for previous versions of the program (SAPFIR 2014, SAPFIR 2013.) is provided.


  • In addition to the previously developed PLITA, DIAPHRAGMA and COLUMN systems, SAPPHIRE-RC has included a new BEAM system.
    The user has the opportunity to unify beams based on information about reinforcement imported from LIRA-SAPR.
  • For the PLITA system, the task of rectangular sections of reinforcement in an arbitrary direction has been implemented.

First of all, many thanks to all the organizers of this Lyra. This time it turned out to be shifted in time, which usually leads to coincidence with other festivals. After all, initially the time of Lyra was conceived as intermediate after Grushinsky and before others (at that time, I remember, after Lyra there was a festival somewhere in the Crimea). Therefore, any movement of the dates negatively affects the number of participants. People sometimes even ask for a vacation just for Lyra's time, but if the time is running out, then the person, naturally, does not get to the festival. In my opinion, it is necessary to strictly fix the time of the event, as it was originally the last weekend in July.

However, the organizers, especially the workers of the YCY and the youth department, made every effort to make it successful, they worked on the weekend, since the concert was held on Sunday, but no one grumbled or complained. Volunteers also helped, their presence created a festive atmosphere.

Like last year, the poetry workshop pleased me. I was pleased with the creative growth of last year's participants, the presence of new young talents. For example, I was pleased with Ivan Trofimenko from Belgorod, a student of the Literary Institute. His manner of presenting poetry, combined with a very strong textual basis, I think, will serve him well and we will soon see a mature, established poet, unless life's difficulties or temptations take him off the path of poetry.

This time they decided to give the floor to young prose writers. I think this is a good sign of literary life, when young people begin to master prose. This is a difficult matter, it requires experience and perseverance, so I think that a prose workshop will take root on Lear.

The music competition this time was small, but the winners were revealed and their performance in the concert showed that the leaders of the workshop did not lower the level set by Lira. I would like more music, but a competition is a competition.

An organizational decision was also made. The organizers have appointed Irina Radchenkova, who has long been a fan of her festival, as director of the Oskol lyre. Let's hope that the next festival, which will actually be the thirtieth, will turn out to be truly festive and crowded.

The staff of the Mir Belogorya TV company made us feel nostalgic this time. They found in the archives a television program from Central Television from 1992 about the Oskol lyre and showed it to us. And they themselves filmed our reaction to viewing. I think they will show this program again. And we saw how crowded the festivals were then and what great attention was paid to it by the local authorities.

You can watch their report on the current Lear:

Unfortunately, there were some incidents. Our young Belgorod laureates had their tent and belongings stolen. It so happened that everyone left the clearing and a lonely tent, lonely standing at the landing, seemed to seduce some of the residents of Fedoseevka. I don’t think it will bring good luck to the thieves, rather the opposite. But, nevertheless, Lyra took her next sacrifice, thank God, only with things ...

I think that Fedoseevites will remember this weekend for a long time, when cars scurried along the quiet Lesnaya street all day and all night, and it was not easy for them to leave, and poems and songs sounded in the meadow all night. I think that if this meadow is arranged for the duration of the festival, it could be a good place for holding it. But now this is already the concern of the new festival year ...

CamMe, Snapchat, Perfect365 and other apps along with the stars that suit them

This week, our imagination was fueled by the CamMe app, which allows you to take remote selfies using clenched fist recognition. TJournal decided to figure out what is interesting on the market for mobile applications for creating selfies, and presented which of the famous people could use them.

1. CamMe

Raise your hand, squeeze your hand into a fist, and after three seconds the app takes a photo. In addition to simply being able to take a selfie from afar, CamMe offers a photo booth mode (a series of three photos at intervals of one second) and a useless FanShot mode - inserting a face into the scenery, of which only two are free.

The 60-second instructional video provides an example of how the app helps a girl in a fitting room take a full-length selfie instead of taking a hand-held selfie. Be that as it may, usually there is nowhere to put the phone in the fitting rooms, and if you give it to someone to hold it, it’s easier to just ask for a photo.

CamMe is rather buggy: it does not always detect a hand raised up and “falls” after deleting two unsuccessful photos. That didn't stop him from winning the Mobile World Congress award for "Most Innovative App".

Who will appreciate: Madonna, who does not hesitate to post selfies with puffy eyes on her Instagram. It could have been processed!

3. Pixtr

Does everything the same as Facetune - retouching, skin color equalization, brighter than the eye - just by pressing one button. True, the app's rating (2.5 stars) and numerous reviews suggest that the "magic button" still does not exist: users complain that Pixtr spoils their photos rather than improves them.

Who will appreciate: Ivan Okhlobystin, active.

5. FrontBack

Shoots both the front and rear cameras at the same time, and then stitches both photos into one shot. It is convenient when people sit opposite each other or when you want to show how boring you are to sit in a lesson.

There is a Dualcamera app for Android - it does the same thing as Frontback. The name of the application hints at the fact that it is not just copied from Frontback, but also tries to impersonate it. Although the app is free, users complain about the dominance of ads.

6. Selfie Cam

The main feature of the application is the use of the emotion recognition function for automatic descent. The creators of the application declare that it is enough to "wink or smile" for Selfie Cam to take a photo on its own, but in practice only a smile is determined.

But the application has a lot of stickers for photos ("Like?", "So Hipsta", "Badass"), which can find their popularity among young people.

Who will appreciate it: Vladimir Putin, who cares about security so much that he does not even leave fingerprints on other people's iPhones.

9. Everyday

An application for those who want to really take care of their appearance and do not mind turning it into art. Everyday, as the name suggests, reminds the user every day to take a selfie, and then allows them to turn a series of photos into a short video.

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