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Train schedule: Simferopol. What is an electronic ticket and electronic registration

Simferopol railway station (Russia) - description, history, location. Exact address, phone number, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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Simferopol railway station is the first attraction that visitors get acquainted with. Provided that the tourist does not rush to leave the station as quickly as possible and find himself at a vacation spot, but allows himself to look around more carefully, he will see a lot of interesting things.

The railway station in Sochi is a copy of the Simferopol one.

The Crimean railway gate building was built in the style of Italian architecture. Two galleries extend from the main building, which form a courtyard. In this courtyard there is a fountain that everyone calls Italian. On the roof of the building there is another decorative element - a small building in the form of an ancient temple.

Few people know about this place, so it’s usually quiet here (as much as it can be at a station, the noise still comes through). But in this “little Italy” you can brighten up the time before the train, rather than sitting in the waiting room among a bustling crowd of other passengers.

The architects wanted to install a transparent roof over the courtyard and create a winter garden. But the project was not implemented.

The clock tower is the most striking element of the decoration of the station building. The height of the tower is 42 m, so it is almost impossible not to notice such a “bell tower”. The watch is mechanical and is driven by a weight weighing 250 kg. The watch is wound once every nine days. The tower's spire is crowned with a red star.

The dial of the station clock contains the signs of the zodiac. The artists sculpted the bas-reliefs and installed them in the wrong sequence. In addition, if you look closely, you will notice: instead of the zodiac images of Taurus, Virgo and Libra, there are Swan, Canes Hounds and Ophiuchus on the clock.

This incident is associated with the name of the main architect, Alexei Dushkin, who during the anti-religious Soviet times was fond of ancient manuscripts and mysticism. Astrologers believe that he encrypted some kind of message in the dial and it was not without reason that he used a rare sign - Ophiuchus, which means “Gate of Heaven”. And the building on the roof, so similar to an ancient temple, was also the idea of ​​Alexei Dushkin.

The railway station in Sochi is a copy of the Simferopol one; it was opened a year later. Interestingly, the railway twin brother on the dial is also not all right with the zodiac signs. There are unconventional images and no Taurus, Virgo and Scorpio.

Alexey Dushkin rebuilt the Simferopol railway station, destroyed during the Great Patriotic War. The first station building appeared back in 1874 on a section of the Lozovo-Sevastopol railway; at first it was a small and dusty station. And in 1951 a new station opened. Captured German soldiers were brought in for construction. The construction estimate was more than 8.5 million RUB.

Alexey Dushkin was able to build a beautiful, majestic building. The only thing that the architect did not have time to do before the release of a special resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers “On the elimination of excesses in design and construction” was to build a winter garden. The ideas of Alexei Dushkin were recognized as irrational, he was accused of architectural excesses and love for the West. The artist even had to serve time in prison.

The station hall is decorated with medallions with bas-reliefs. The bas-reliefs depict Russian scientists, writers, generals and other public figures.

Address: Simferopol, pl. Privokzalnaya, 1.

“Gateway of Crimea” – Simferopol railway station. The railway transport hub of Crimea is a single architectural complex, which includes the actual building of the Simferopol station, the ticket office and the Kurortnaya city bus station. It received its name by analogy with what Simferopol itself was called, comparing the city with the entrance to the peninsula.

Simferopol railway station - brief information

The modern appearance of the Simferopol railway station, despite the latest reconstruction in 2010, has retained an interesting history associated with the name of its creator, architect A. Dushkin. At one time he was accused of involvement in the occult and excessive passion for mysticism. His diaries and drawings were seized by state security officials, but they remained undeciphered. Twin railway stations in Simferopol and Sochi continue to welcome guests coming to these cities.
The main attraction is the clock tower. According to guidebooks and websites about the Simferopol railway station, it performs two main functions.

The main purpose is to show time using clocks located on 4 sides of the tower
Technological purpose – water tower-reservoir using water for station needs

There are several main mysteries of the station. The first is that the tower clock is decorated with a zodiac horoscope, in which the 3 familiar signs of Taurus, Libra and Virgo are missing. Instead of them there are sculptures of the constellations Cygnus, Ophiuchus and Canes Venatici. And the second is a copy of the pagan temple on the roof of the main building, which is not visible from the ground.

Researchers suggest that it was dedicated to the fertility goddess Demeter.
Today, the station building houses a service center, a waiting room, modern storage rooms and rest rooms.

Train schedule at Simferopol railway station

Until 2014, the Simferopol railway station schedule included a large number of trains arriving on the peninsula from mainland Ukraine. Currently, the unitary enterprise "Crimean Railway" services the internal transport infrastructure.

The Simferopol train schedule contains information about suburban and intercity traffic on the peninsula. There is also a freight rail and ferry service across the Kerch Strait.

You can find out all the necessary information by telephone. Check the Simferopol railway station information phone number on the official website.

When will you visit the Simferopol railway station? Then, when they decided to travel by rail between the capital of the Republic of Crimea, Sevastopol and Bakhchisarai. Pay attention to the memorable exterior of the ensemble representing this transport institution. Convenient infrastructure awaits you, modern tourists.

Where is Simferopol Railway Station?

The facility is located in the west of the agglomeration – in the Zheleznodorozhny district. It is adjacent to the Resort Bus Station. Geographically, this is the northwest, nearby you will find Station Square, the House of Culture of Railway Workers, Cosmonautics Park and Lenin Boulevard.

History and overview

The first stop in Simferopol appeared in 1874, becoming the final point of the Lozovo-Sevastopol Railway. Later he acquired a typical Art Nouveau building. The modern building and the new station facilities were built and decorated between 1946 and 1951.

In 1944, before retreating, the Germans blew up everything that had been built according to pre-revolutionary engineering and architectural designs - even the rails were destroyed. The new version was more impressive and became much more spacious. In Soviet times, in July-August, 100 thousand people passed through the colonnade of galleries!

It was planned to create a winter garden in the space, but they forgot about it. The implementation of the station idea was carried out by the architect Alexey Dushkin, who designed the appearance of many “Stalinist” skyscrapers and important landmarks.

For a long time, the tower of the new building housed the control room of a trolleybus with the largest route in Russia. What is very informative is that at one of the stations in the Sochi district there is a twin station. It was built a year later.

Simferopol railway station is a place where passengers feel majestic. Why? The architecture of the main station is based on Venetian traditions, which is the basis of the late Soviet Triumph style.

The compositional center of the ensemble is the roof in the form of an ancient temple and the tower. It has a clock with a musical mechanism and a spire. Arched galleries radiate from here. From the side of the tracks, the main entrance is sheltered from the sun.

The interior has walls with bas-relief portraits of great figures of Russia; by the way, each section of the elongated waiting room has its own color. There is a veranda of the “temple” with a balustrade. All columns are granite, the basement of the walls is also decorated with finishing slabs. The doors and internal portals are tall. They have stucco decor around the perimeter.

Simferopol Railway Station - a transport symbol

The Railway Station complex in Simferopol consists of a tower, two galleries forming a beautiful atrium, as well as boarding and urban areas. It accommodates such internal and external elements as:

  • 7 landing platforms (the closest path communicates with the courtyard);
  • electronic turnstiles;
  • escalators;
  • Waiting hall;
  • help desk;
  • first floor hall with metal detector frame;
  • a number of office premises (including the station duty officer);
  • ticket offices for trains on Crimean routes;
  • paid bathrooms;
  • luggage storage;
  • pumping station in the tower (underneath there is a water supply from an artesian spring);
  • pavilion of printed and souvenir products;
  • crossing over railway tracks (one of the overpasses is covered, transparent, connected to the tracks);
  • dining room;
  • stands where the schedule is posted (Sevastopol, Bakhchisarai and northern directions);
  • large electronic scoreboard;
  • line police department;
  • parking and taxi rank (from the city side);
  • area where payment terminals and ATMs are located;
  • strip of landscaping (circular).

The Intercity+ train departed from one of the tracks, reaching high speed. Once upon a time it connected Crimea with major cities of Ukraine, most often with Donetsk. The tower clock is driven by a weight weighing 250 kg - it is wound once every nine days. And one more interesting fact. The “temple” on the roof is open to everyone, here you can brighten up the time. However, too few people know how to get here. That's why it's empty more often.

It remains to add that buses running through the most popular ones are waiting for you 100 m to the north-west. At the same point you can board the most famous trolleybus in the country (going to). The length of its route is 86 km! The fare is ridiculous. And there is a lot of pleasure. The area is really attractive. Live here! There are a lot of hotels and cafes at your service.

How to get there, schedule

Getting to the railway terminal of the main city of the Crimean autonomy is easy. If your bus arrives at - you are already there. If you land at a local airport, take trolleybus No. 9 (you will go all the way). Those traveling by car from the South Coast should keep to Vernadsky Ave. and st. Kievskaya.

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