Home Indoor flowers Riga in autumn. When is the best time to go to Riga for a vacation? So, the Old Town, Dome Square

Riga in autumn. When is the best time to go to Riga for a vacation? So, the Old Town, Dome Square

There are some cities, the charm of which is most evident in the autumn season. Many Eastern European settlements undoubtedly belong to similar ones. In particular, this is Riga, known to many tourism lovers since Soviet times. If you want to go to Riga, we offer you information about the sights that you should see in this city.

Lime clock

The original city clock is located in the center of the square, where dating is customary in Riga. The lime clock is located in a place surrounded by landmarks - the Latvian National Opera, the Freedom Monument, and the Bastion Hill. From the very moment of its establishment, the watch has helped orient people in a hurry to work. Thus, the Riga government planned to develop the punctuality of workers. A little later, the emblem of the Lyme confectionery factory was attached to them.

Riga castle

The construction of the castle began in the XIV century, but since then the castle has been destroyed and reconstructed many times. The last time a major reconstruction of the castle was carried out at the beginning of the 16th century. And until the middle of the century, it was considered the seat of the Livonian Order.

Subsequently, the castle changed rulers many times. Since 1922, the castle has become the presidential residence, and during the Soviet Union it even served as a pioneer camp. The castle is fraught with many underground passages and has not been rebuilt for almost a hundred years.

Three brothers

This is how three buildings are called in Riga, fraternally closely adjacent to each other. These buildings were formed in the city in the 15th century. Nowadays, "Three Brothers" houses the State Center for the Protection of Cultural Monuments and the Museum of Architecture. The buildings were located on Malaya Zamkovaya Street, which used to be a city outskirts, where artisans worked.

Book a hotel in Riga

To get acquainted with the sights of Riga, you will need to settle somewhere. Especially for you, Riga hotels are presented below, divided into three categories: popular hotels, luxury hotels and cheap hotels. Here you can book a room in a hotel in Riga in advance in accordance with your wishes and financial capabilities. For your convenience, here you will find information on the location of the hotels in relation to the city center, as well as the number of stars.

Just select the hotel you like by clicking on the "View hotel" button. Next, you will find yourself on the page where you can book a hotel. There is also more detailed information about it, reviews, ratings, photos, location on the map, features and, of course, prices.

If you would like to see other hotels, you can simply select the city "Riga" from above, and you will see a list of all Riga hotels available for booking.

Issue "Heads and Tails" in Riga

"Eagle and Reshka" is a travel program that shows one city from the point of view of an economical tourist and a tourist who does not limit himself in his means. In this episode, the participants of the program went to Riga - the capital of Latvia. For more information on how you can spend time in this magnificent city for an economical traveler and a traveler with no budget, see the video below.

You know, there are cities that you fall in love with at first sight, at the first breath of air. It is impossible to guess with which city you will develop a relationship of love and complete mutual understanding, and which city you will want to leave faster. I liked Riga - for its houses, cobbled streets, church spiers, bustle of streets, music and magical atmosphere. And in the end, I was in Riga itself three times: in summer, autumn and winter.

Here you can look at my photos of summer Riga (about 60 photos):

Riga in summer

On New Year's holidays from Tallinn to Riga, my friend and I took the Eurolines bus. 4.5 hours with coffee-tea on board, and you will find yourself in another country. Of course, there are no customs offices or stops at the border. What catches your eye ?! Hustle and bustle on the streets of the city! Such an eye-pleasing Muscovite after slow Tallinn. You feel something warm and dear. And absolutely everyone speaks Russian. In Tallinn, young people often do not speak Russian, the older generation almost always. If in the Estonian capital you should start speaking to people on the street with English, then in the Latvian one you shouldn't even think about it, speak Russian and they will understand you.

Riga in winter

The city was founded in 1201 by German knights-conquerors. With the entry into the Hanseatic League at the end of the 13th century, a period of prosperity began in Riga, the city developed rapidly, providing its residents with many freedoms and privileges. The city was greatly influenced by German urban culture, as evidenced by the stone buildings in the Old Town today. In the 17th century, Riga was invaded by Sweden, and in 1721, as a result of the Northern War, Riga and most of Latvia passed into the possession of the Russian Empire. Emperor Peter I personally took part in the reconstruction of the city.

In the first half of the 20th century, the city experienced a number of tragic events associated with revolutions and world wars, which was reflected in its demographic history. Today the city is multinational.

Riga is a city rich in architectural monuments. The famous "Old City" with its medieval buildings is included in the UNESCO list of historical heritage.

There are many Jugend-style architectural monuments in the central part of the city.

Original museums, rich cultural life make Riga a unique city - "Little Paris" on the shores of the Baltic Sea.

Below are photos of Riga during the New Year holidays (January 2011), and in autumn (November 2010).

Autumn Riga:

Riga, comfortably located on both banks of the Daguava River, with a bright personality, attracts hundreds of thousands of foreign visitors every year. This city is flooded with tourists in all seasons, but the most optimal, according to the Tour-Calendar and many experienced travelers, is the period from late spring to early autumn.

Tourist season in Riga

Riga has been spoiled by the attention of tourists since the days of the USSR. Like other cities of the Baltic republics, it was secretly a kind of "internal abroad", where it was very prestigious and fashionable to have a rest, primarily because of the elusive flair of forbidden Western life. However, only the well-to-do intelligentsia could afford it, in whose circle a trip to the current Latvian capital was a matter of honor. The road here was closed to the broad masses. At best, they had to be content with "Sochi, where are the dark nights." Today Riga is a large tourist center accessible to absolutely everyone. Moreover, the city authorities are doing everything to improve the inbound foreign flow, since many in it live off tourism. And, I must admit, they are good at it. In 2014, by the decision of the international jury of the European Union, she was awarded the honorary title of the cultural capital of Europe, thanks to which its popularity among travelers has increased many times. Both summer and winter she has something to surprise her welcome guests. Nevertheless, their influx throughout the year is not uniform.

High season

The largest city in the Baltics has never complained about the lack of visitors. The influx of visitors is especially great in the summer, when all entertainment complexes are open and the club industry is working at full capacity. Sightseeing attractions, but the status of the capital still obliges to satisfy the interests of people of all ages. Also, a noticeable increase in the occupancy of hotels and hostels is celebrated on the eve of Catholic Christmas and New Years, when festive illumination is lit on all squares and boulevards, skating rinks are poured and fairs are unfolding, attracting the smell of cinnamon, mulled wine and ginger. The third peak of the season is associated with the famous KiViN and the New Wave music competition. And although they take place in Jurmala, most tourists still try to set aside a couple of days for a visit to Riga. As a rule, at this time, prices in a democratic Latvia rise by 20% -30%.

Low season

A decrease in demand for this direction is observed from the second half of September to mid-December and from the second half of January to the end of April - early May. This is due to the end of the vacation season, the beginning of the new school year and the weather, which deteriorates significantly and sometimes disrupts the plans. True, there is nothing dramatic in this. On a rainy day, you can always find something to do with yourself. For example, wander through the empty halls of museums and galleries, sit in an atmospheric restaurant, enjoying the taste of exquisite dishes, or pamper yourself with divine spa treatments. Fortunately, their cost decreases in the low season. Flights, hotel accommodations and train travel are also getting cheaper. Therefore, if a high above zero temperature is not important for you, you can safely decide on a trip: see the capital and save money!

The best time for excursions

Riga is a cozy and memorable city. It sinks into the soul with a unique atmosphere and will forever remain in the heart with its incomparable architecture, endlessly elegant pavements, spacious green parks and cute cafes. The fusion of the past and the present, shining through here literally in everything - this is the main secret of its attractiveness. The historical center with a complex of centuries-old buildings, united by old courtyards, "gingerbread houses" and towering spiers of cathedrals, instantly immerses you several centuries ago. Who has not been here: Sherlock Holmes with his inseparable friend Watson, and the well-known D'Artagnan from the movie "The Three Musketeers", and the knight Ivanhoe, and even Stirlitz himself. Ancient sculptures descending from the pedestals right into the streets, and the play of musicians only add to the realism of the environment, as if erasing the boundaries of time and creating a delightful effect of presence. But Riga is not only the romanticism of the Middle Ages, but also, to some extent, a museum of modernism. Perhaps, in no other European city you will not come across such a concentration of buildings in an extremely expressive and rich in decorative elements Art Nouveau style. There are a lot of cultural heritage objects in Riga, so the day of an inquisitive traveler will be filled to the brim with impressions. The main thing is not to rush and choose the right time for sightseeing tours. In our opinion, this is the second half of May, summer and the first two weeks of September.

Fashion season season

Riga is the fashion capital of North-Eastern Europe. Twice a year, at the end of October and at the beginning of April, the city hosts a fashion show "Riga Fashion Week", bringing together the best Baltic designers and the local cream of society under one roof.

Football season

The Daugava football team, which plays in the Estonian Premier League, is based in Riga. Matches are held throughout the year at different times, the exact schedule can be found on the club's official website.

Opera season

Guests of the capital will be able to join the art of opera. The largest theater in the country, the Latvian National Opera, is located in Riga. The opera season traditionally opens in early September and ends in June.

It's time for holidays and festivals

Riga is a very lively city with a rich cultural life, composed of a mosaic of colorful events. Throughout the history of its existence, it has seen many grandiose celebrations. So, in 2003 Riga was honored to host the international Eurovision song contest and the international sailing regatta Cutty Sark, and in 2006 - the Ice Hockey World Championship. In 2014, when the city officially became the “European Capital of Culture”, the festive calendar was supplemented with a number of new events claiming to be permanently registered, and those that were held on a regular basis became even more spectacular and large-scale. At the beginning of summer in the Latvian Ethnographic Museum you can get to the Fair of Folk Crafts and Applied Arts "Gadatirgis". The glory of the "singing country" is regularly supported by the International Festival of Organ Music, which falls in June. June 23-24 - Ligo, the summer solstice festival with round dances, bonfires and folk dances. It is interesting to visit Riga on City Day, which is celebrated on the third weekend of August. Its organizers are preparing an extensive program: theatrical performances, knightly duels, performances of Argentine tango dancers, Okarte Night Run, a vintage car show - this is not a complete list of everything that awaits the witnesses of this festival. One of the central events throughout the year is the Staro Riga Light Festival, usually timed to coincide with Independence Day, celebrated on November 18th. During four evenings (usually starting from the 15th), the Riga landscapes are completely transformed thanks to dozens of light installations, interactive video technologies and special effects. At the end of December, when many Christmas markets open in the city and fluffy trees are being erected in the squares, a celebration of the winter solstice is held, to which the Ziemassvetki party is dedicated. At the end of winter and at the beginning of spring, the city hosts the traditional exhibition-festival of eroticism "Erots". On May 4, the day of the restoration of the independence of the Republic of Latvia, concerts and sports competitions are held in the city.

Climate in Riga

The Latvian capital is characterized by a moderately continental, rather humid climate. There are not many sunny days, cloudy - about 40% for the whole year.

Riga in spring

The actual spring comes in Riga closer to April. And in March it is still damp and cold. Usually, it is in the second spring month that the snow cover finally melts, and the mercury thermometer rises to +10 .. + 15 ° C. But evenings remain chilly, so it is prudent to take a few sets of warm clothes with you. In May, trees and shrubs acquire young leaves, the air is filled with the delicate fragrance of flowers. Perhaps this is the best time to get to know Riga.

Temperature and weather in Riga in spring

Weather in MarchWeather in AprilMay weather
Average temperature-1 +6 +12
Day temperature+2 +9 +16
Temperature at night-4 +2 +7
Water temperature+1 +4 +10
Rain2 days13 days11 days
Snow6 days0 days0 days

Riga in summer

Summer in Riga is a wonderful time. Warm weather favors in-depth sightseeing and long walks in the fresh air. True, it may rain from time to time, so sometimes you have to walk with an umbrella. By July, at noon hours, the environment warms up to +22 .. + 24 ° C on average, on some days forecasters can register +27 .. + 28 ° C. At the same time, nighttime temperatures rarely exceed the threshold of + 17 ° C. After the 15th of August, a slight cold snap sets in. The winds are blowing, the approach of autumn is felt more and more clearly.

Temperature and weather in Riga in summer

June weatherWeather in JulyWeather in August
Average temperature+15 +17 +17
Day temperature+19 +21 +20
Temperature at night+11 +13 +13
Water temperature+16 +18 +19
Rain12 days14 days15 days

Riga in autumn

September is celebrated with an often gloomy sky. But so far it cannot be said that it is really cold during the day: about + 15 ° C. But already in October, when nature brightly and effectively says goodbye to summer, coats and boots will be very useful. If not for daytime walks, then for evening walks for sure. In November, it gets noticeably colder, and rains become more frequent.

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