Home Flowers Belly abdominal tattoo Beautiful belly tattoos for girls (50 photos) - The best ideas and sketches. When you can get a tattoo after childbirth

Belly abdominal tattoo Beautiful belly tattoos for girls (50 photos) - The best ideas and sketches. When you can get a tattoo after childbirth

Tattoos on the belly have received recognition from men and girls who love to be in the spotlight. Tattoos on the belly are hidden from prying eyes most of the time, but on the beach, in the gym and in the pool, such drawings can attract everyone's attention. In addition, this is a good incentive to keep yourself in good shape and play sports.Tattoos on the abdomen sometimes help hide surgical scars as well. It helps people hide a small flaw in their body, if any, and feel more confident. A tattoo on the belly can perform different functions, and always looks aesthetically pleasing and stylish.

Belly Tattoos can be located:

- Over the entire area of ​​the abdomen

- In the lower abdomen

- Focused around the navel

Often, a tattoo on the stomach is a good motivation to keep yourself in good shape and not lose shape. With significant changes in weight, a tattoo on the stomach can be greatly distorted, so those who have filled a drawing in this area inevitably need to follow their figure.

Belly Tattoos For Girls - Women Belly Tattoos

Tattoos on the belly of girls look very aesthetically pleasing, flirty and sexy. A drawing that can only partially peep out from under clothes attracts attention and interest. Small tattoos on the lower abdomen became especially popular at the end of the last century. In the 90s, trousers with a low waist came into fashion, so the belly was almost always open. Hundreds of girls wanted to decorate their lower abdomen with tattoos to look sexy and fashionable. With the development of the style on the belly, the girls began to have a slightly different character. They began to make bright large drawings for the sake of kitsch, challenge, rebellion. Such tat u did not carry the message of seduction or flirtation.

Today, belly tattoos are done with completely different ideas and ideas. Each girl chooses a sketch in accordance with her vision and intention.

Will belly tattoo stretch after pregnancy?

Unfortunately yes.

To a greater or lesser extent, a tattoo on a girl's belly will suffer distortion after pregnancy. Each skin is unique, like all processes in the human body, therefore the number of stretch marks on the skin is different for all girls. If the tattoo is located in the lower abdomen, it will suffer less, if the pattern is located over the entire area, distortion cannot be avoided.

Don't worry too much about this. After the body has fully recovered after childbirth and the feeding has ceased, the tattoo can be corrected. Several sessions may be required, but the drawing should be restored.

Belly Tattoos For Men - Men's Belly Tattoos

It is much easier for men to keep their belly in a fit shape, this is due to physiology. And the risk of stretch marks is completely excluded. Therefore, for men, a tattoo on the belly is a simpler and more understandable choice. Basically, such a tattoo will not be the first tattoo that a person chooses. In 80% of cases, this will be a large pattern on a significant part of the abdomen.

Large areas of the body, such as the belly, imply a three-dimensional pattern. For those men who do not want to take the entire area, a tattoo in the lower part of it is suitable.

Tattoo on belly on scar

A tattoo on the abdomen helps to hide surgical scars. For many people, such a tattoo helps to get rid of complexes and accept their body. But before getting a tattoo, you should definitely consult a doctor! This point cannot be avoided if you do not want to get yourself into serious problems. The fact is that only a doctor can determine your type of scar and consent to a tattoo. A good tattoo artist also knows that tattooing on keloid scars, for example, is completely contraindicated.

Some girls get tattoos on their belly after giving birth to hide imperfections on the skin of the abdomen: stretch marks or scars. Such tattoos help not only to get rid of ugly areas on the stomach, but also to feel more confident.

Tattoos on the belly are a great choice for avid lovers of wearable designs. Both large images and small beautiful tattoos look great on this part of the body. In the article, we will consider the best tattoos for girls and spectacular female sketches.

Advantages and disadvantages of belly tattoo for girls

The disadvantage of applying a tattoo on a girl's belly may be that during pregnancy the body will undergo a number of changes, which, as a result, will affect the external attractiveness of the drawing. In frequent cases, the tattoo stretches and loses its original appearance, and the abdominal area is covered with stretch marks. For this reason, it is best for a girl to get a tattoo on the bottom of her belly after the birth of children.

If the girl is not ready to back down from her intentions, it is best to get the tattoo on the side of her abdomen, avoiding the area below the navel. This area is the least prone to deformation.

Also, it is worth knowing that a tattoo on the lower abdomen takes longer to heal, unlike tattoos on other parts of the body. The fact is that this area is constantly in contact with jeans, elastic bands from leggings and sweaters, which create friction and slow down the process of tissue regeneration.

The advantage of getting a tattoo on the belly for girls after childbirth is its excellent disguising ability. Drawing on the lower abdomen can hide stretch marks, scars and other imperfections in the figure.

However, it is worth knowing that a tattoo on stretch marks on the stomach can only be filled by a qualified master who has previously performed similar work. Having got to an illiterate self-taught person, you run the risk that in the future the drawing will have to be deleted or redone again. And these mistakes require both time and financial costs.

Belly tattoo ideas for girls

When choosing a picture, you can not limit yourself to drawing small images, but give free rein to imagination and bring to life the most daring idea.

However, not many girls are ready to commit this bold act, so most of the tattoos applied to this area are feminine and delicate: various flowers, all kinds of patterns and ornaments, images of animals, etc. Below we will consider the most popular ideas for female tattoos.

Tattoo lettering on belly

A tattoo of an inscription on the belly of girls is one of the most common designs that looks very attractive and sexy.

In this area, quotes in an ornate font look impressive, as well as phrases in the style of minimalism.

The choice of the language in which the text will be applied depends on the lady's personal preferences: it can be beautiful Arabic script, wise Latin, or English that everyone understands.

Flower tattoo on belly

Many girls stuff floral motifs on a scar after appendicitis or caesarean section to disguise it beautifully. An excellent choice would be roses, sakura, lilies, peonies and any other flower arrangements.

A flower tattoo on the belly denotes beauty and femininity.

Roses, depending on the specific color, are associated with different meanings. Red roses, for example, symbolize true love, passion and respect, white ones mean purity and youth, and pink ones - elegance and grace.

Lotus flower means purity of mind, body and soul, wisdom, spiritual growth.

Tattoo designs on belly

In the past few years, oriental ornaments have become one of the most sought after designs among women. Patterns are applied both on the back, under the chest, on the lower back, and on the tummy.

A mandala, lotus flower or abstraction looks most elegant on ladies. For those who love minimalism, it is best to choose black for patterns. And for creative individuals, flowery colored motives are perfect.

Small tattoos

Girls with a tattoo on their belly stand out favorably among other ladies. But in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex, it is not at all necessary to apply a large drawing from the chest to the pubis.

A small tattoo, applied, for example, in the waist area, can be a great alternative. Below you can see for yourself by familiarizing yourself with the little tattoos of girls.

Sketches of tattoo on belly

Sketches of drawings for the abdomen are striking in their variety. Popular motifs include flowers, stars, patterns, insects, birds and animals. Below in the photo we will consider the most common designs that are chosen by many girls around the world.

Butterfly tattoo

If you love butterflies and their symbolism, then you can choose one of the tattoos that will give you a seductive look. A butterfly on the belly can represent freedom, transformation, and beauty.

Eagle tattoo

Eagle tattoos symbolize courage, discernment and enlightenment. This motive is perfect for a strong-willed girl who is used to achieving high results in life with her work.

Phoenix Bird Tattoo

The phoenix is ​​known to be a legendary bird that emerges from the ashes. It stands for stamina and vitality. By adding floral elements to Phoenix designs, you can create a more feminine and sophisticated look for your design.

Feather tattoo

Feathers look amazing and delicate at the same time, which is why they are often worn around the waist or on the sides of the belly. They can be made both in black and gray color, and in bright shades, depending on the personal preferences of the future owner of the picture.

You can add meaningful text to your design, such as a name, date, or quote, to give it new meaning.

Animal Tattoos

Those girls who choose tattoos with animals, to some extent associate the qualities of animals with traits of their character. Consider what these or those representatives of the fauna mean.

  • The peacock is an important symbol in many religions. It is associated with beauty, nobility, spirituality and renewal.
  • Cats are more than just popular pets. They symbolize feminine strength, happiness, prosperity, secrets and elegance.
  • The fox is associated with both positive and negative values. She stands for wisdom, adaptability, quick thinking, as well as cunning and malice.
  • Wolves are currently one of the most popular tattoo designs. The reason is that many people associate themselves with them. Wolves are symbols of strength, family, instinct, survival, freedom, and protection.
  • The snake symbolizes healing and rebirth, intelligence, revenge and temptation.
  • The dragon plays an important role in Japanese and Chinese culture. In general, it symbolizes power, power, wisdom and prosperity. Its color also influences the meaning of the tattoo. The green dragon, for example, represents life and the earth, while the blue dragon is associated with compassion and forgiveness.

  • if the purpose of tattooing is to emphasize your sexuality or express mystery, then a small drawing in the form of a panther or a cat is the best option;
  • for refined and glamorous personalities, it is best to pay attention to vegetation and flowers;
  • if you want to create something memorable for yourself or say something special to the world - a tattoo in the form of a hieroglyph or an inscription - will help in this situation;
  • to give your image innocence and romance, you can prick yourself a flower or a small butterfly.

Important! Applying tattoo on the body - no matter which part was the priority - is a very responsible and serious decision. You need to think carefully about everything before going to the salon, weigh all the pros and cons. Understand why exactly this is being done. Is it a momentary weakness or a full-fledged sober decision. Will there be any regrets in the future.

Features of body painting or what the drawings on the belly of girls are talking about

You can correct, touch up or restore an existing drawing at any time - it is much easier than on any other part of the body. If you want to add something to the tattoo, but no idea comes to mind, you can consult with the tattoo artists. View photos of belly tattoos for girls from their catalogs and be sure to have some sensible thought in your head.

Most of the girls who decide to get a tattoo with their choice are quite happy. The tattoo on their body looks attractive, harmonious and beautiful, provided that the pattern is chosen correctly.


Flowers are considered to be an identification of the beauty of the body with nature. The symbolism of flowers in tattooing comes from folklore and mythology of many countries of the world. Therefore, each type of flower has its own meaning and understanding. Description of the meanings of some types of colors:

  • Jasmine is a symbol of love, associated with feminine tenderness. An excellent choice for those who want to bring some mystery to their image.
  • Orchid is the embodiment of beauty, swiftness and power. The energy that comes from it is amazing. The flower is associated with sophistication and luxury.
  • The lotus is a symbol of overcoming difficulties, determination and femininity. Girls most often prick it on the neck - and rightly so.

To disguise problem areas of the abdomen, tattoo flowers on the belly of girls in the form of bouquets are used: roses - as a symbol of beauty; peony - longevity; the strength of character will cross out the thistle; femininity - showing wildflowers.

Advice! When applying a tattoo in the form of a bouquet, you should choose small and bulky compositions. Applying any bouquet will be very painful. In this case, anesthesia cannot be done, because after it the tattoo will take longer to heal, and the pattern may turn out to be blurry.

Animals, reptiles and birds

The category "animals" is conventionally divided into two groups - real and fictional. The symbolism of animals in tattooing is designed to help its owners develop good personal qualities. The bird is associated with air and is an intermediary between its owner and God:

  • The peacock's tail is the embodiment of beauty, wealth, greatness and royalty. Feathers of a tattoo on a girl's belly can mask virtually any skin defect, and very skillfully and beautifully.
  • A feather is a common tattoo - a symbol of lightness, revival of love of freedom and spiritual uplift.
  • Angel wings are a symbol of purity, purity, spiritual strength. The girl who "wears" them on the body emphasizes her uniqueness and lightness.
  • The symbolism of the wings suggests that their owner wants to break away from the everyday hustle and bustle of problems.
  • Hare - will tell everyone about happiness and carelessness. In the Chinese horoscope, he is considered the happiest of all the representatives who are there.

Advice! It is very desirable for girls to get a hare tattoo, since it is considered a symbol of renewal, motherhood and femininity. According to the old fad, talismans in the shape of a hare make childbirth easier.

Hieroglyphs and inscriptions

Almost the first place in popularity is occupied by the inscriptions on the belly. Their sizes can be very different, as well as the language. Although the priority is still English. The phrases that girls choose for tattoos are varied. The most popular tattoo inscriptions on the belly of girls:

  • "What a girl wants, God wants it"
  • "Life is a struggle"
  • “I carry everything with me” and so on.

Everything is much simpler with tattoo hieroglyphs. Here the girl chooses the inscription, and the tattoo artist already suggests its meaning in the form of a hieroglyph. What do you want to decorate: the area below the navel, from the line of the breasts to the navel, pin a pattern on the sides or in the middle of the abdomen?

  • The area for tattooing should be chosen by the mistress of the drawing, it is advisable to decide on this issue in advance: for example, the area below the navel, from the line of the breasts to the navel, pin the drawing on the sides or in the middle of the abdomen.
  • The more complex the image is chosen, the longer the application will take, the longer the body will heal, the more painful the sensations will be. If the choice is made firmly and there is no reverse move, then you should be patient and courageous to withstand all this.
  • Beautiful belly tattoos for girls hide not only skin defects, but also minor body defects. For example, symmetrically located images on the sides hide a slight flaw in the figure, emphasizing its dignity.

  • Do not get a tattoo if pregnancy is planned in the near future. It is always fraught with stretch marks on the stomach, they will significantly spoil the image. It is better to do this after the birth of the child, at the same time and mask the stretch marks with a tattoo.

Advice! You should carefully consider the decision, get yourself a tattoo for those girls who have: dermatitis, psoriasis and other skin problems. Before the procedure, you should consult a dermatologist and think in general - was it worth doing.

For those who have no contraindications, you just need to choose a good salon, with good masters, with good reviews. You do not need to use the service of strangers, even if they were previously related to tattooing. Here, no one and nothing will protect you from infection with dangerous diseases or skin complications after the procedure.

For those who have no contraindications, you just need to choose a good salon, with good masters, with good reviews

Most often, the girl who got the tattoo has the goal of self-expression and decoration. Therefore, the images in women's tattoos are based mainly on beauty, tenderness, purity, love, mystery, romance. In other words, the meaning of all images is aimed at emphasizing and even exalting the moral and bodily characteristics of the female half of humanity.

A tattoo on the stomach is an excellent choice for those who want to hide an important image for themselves from prying eyes or effectively mask body imperfections. Below you will find out about the popular meanings of belly tattoos and the most common options for their execution.

The meaning of the tattoo

A tattoo on the belly is usually of practical importance. With its help, it is customary to hide scars and scars left after the removal of appendicitis and other operations. The tattoo on the sides well masks stretch marks and skin imperfections.

A tattoo on the abdomen can help shape the contours of the body. Blackouts on the sides visually reduce the waist, a tattoo in the lower abdomen visually stretches the torso, and the framing images, on the contrary, shorten it.

Often, a tattoo on the belly has a protective function. Someone believes that the image in the form of a cross, runes or eyes, stuffed in the abdomen, will protect him from the evil eye, bring good luck in his personal life and contribute to career success.

Girls who get a tattoo on their belly usually try to emphasize their femininity and sexuality. By stuffing a tattoo in the area of ​​the lower ribs, representatives of the stronger sex, on the contrary, want to demonstrate their masculinity.

Tattoos on the stomach for girls

Girls prefer to stuff delicate color images on their belly, focusing on their playfulness and romance. Female representatives rarely choose sketches of tattoos with weapons or skulls.

In the very lower part of the abdomen, it is customary to make small inscriptions and symbolic patterns. Small, graceful tattoos in this area look best. It can be hearts, flowers, stars, animals, birds, cartoon characters.

Girls like to make two symmetrical tattoos: one is placed on the right, and the other is placed on the left side of the abdomen, closer to the ribs. This can be an inscription, an image of an animal or an original pattern.

A particularly popular place for a tattoo for girls is the area around the navel. Usually it is emphasized with specific patterns, imitation of jewelry (for example, a tattoo in the form of a chain), floral ornaments.

Belly tattoo for men

Men like to stuff humorous pictures on their belly, playing around the navel in an interesting way. If a guy is overweight, he can depict a semblance of cubes on his stomach. Some people get tattoos of internal organs, others choose images of playful animals.

Bruised tattoos are especially popular among brutal men. On the upper abdomen, they stuff images of sharks with their heads cut off, the semblance of bleeding wounds and scars, bloody daggers and other tattoos in a pronounced aggressive style. Often these tattoos are very large.

Popular belly tattoo designs for men include inscriptions located in a horizontal plane. Male tattoos are characterized by sloppiness and angularity. Guys often choose print style black and white lettering and place it predominantly in the upper abdomen.

Ever since people began to get tattoos, tattoos on the belly, photos of which we often see on the Internet, have been done by courageous people without complexes: the belly is a large "canvas" for large drawings and it is chosen mainly by men, often continuing the theme of tattoos with breasts (if, of course, there are any).

Tattoo of a wolf on the stomach with an eye

Tattoos on the stomach to hide the scars

Belly tattoos for girls and guys, sketches of which are correctly selected in silhouette and color, are able to hide abdominal scars of completely different origins.

  • Appendicitis - the scars from it are short, but they look quite rough and noticeable, so it is better to choose colored tattoos with a lot of details;
  • Caesarean section scar- longer, but thinner. It is better to choose larger sketches of dark, saturated colors;
  • Other abdominal scars: It is best to look at the circumstance, but it is important to remember that deep scars (thicker) mask color works better.

I was fond of tattoos for a long time, but I still did not dare to do something for myself, and after giving birth I decided: I had a cesarean section, and I hated this scar. At first I chose an ornament that would cover the scar, but as soon as the tattoo was ready, it seemed to me that it was not large enough, and I finalized the sketch and continued it, and then again, and as a result, now the tattoo covers not only my belly, but and ribs, and even a little hips. I am happy, and although they scared me that if I was going to give birth to a second one, it would creep up, I think there would be no problems with the correction!

Lyuba, Vladimir

Tattoo on the stomach with a rose and leaves

Things to consider before getting a belly tattoo

If you liked the tattoo on the stomach, you have already chosen the meaning and sketch, you should know about some points before deciding to make such a tattoo:

  1. The abdomen is an area that most often changes in volume due to the fact that a fairly large amount of subcutaneous fat accumulates here. Take this into account when making a tattoo - over time, the drawing can be quite deformed;
  2. If you decide to hide scars on your belly with the help of a male or female tattoo, keep in mind the fact that painting over the area with a scar with light colors, the scar will still be visible. Choose darker, more saturated shades;
  3. Thanks to the tattoo, you can also visually adjust the figure... For example, an elongated diagonal pattern outwardly can make your belly a little slimmer;
  4. The belly is a rather painful place for a tattoo., so be prepared for unpleasant sensations.

Important! It is better for girls who are planning to become pregnant to postpone the tattoo on their stomach: during pregnancy it will stretch, and after childbirth it may not look the same as before. However, if the desire to get a tattoo is still very high, it is better to choose more neutral zones: at the very bottom of the abdomen or slightly on the side.

Hammerhead shark tattoo on stomach

Men's belly tattoos

Men who have a tattoo on their stomach do not attach importance to the place where it is done. A tattoo on the belly is not only an excellent way to emphasize a sports figure, but also has great potential: the belly plus the chest provide a large field for activity and allow you to make a real picture on your body, which, moreover, you can see on your own from day to day, unlike from tattoos on the back.

The most common designs for male belly tattoos:

  • Old School theme(roses, swallows, ribbons, and images of women)
  • Birds(eagles, hawks)
  • Lettering(Gothic fonts are most often used as they look good at large sizes)
  • Historical scenes(riders, warriors, knights, horses, battle scenes)
  • Sea creatures(octopus and mythical: Neptune, Kraken, Cthulhu, Adamastor)
  • Landscapes(lighthouses, castles, fortresses)
  • Skulls and Sugar Loafs(from the theme Dia de los Muertos)
  • Wild animals(panthers, tigers, lions)
  • "Family tattoos"(portraits of relatives, parents or children)
  • Fantasy Tattoos(dragons, hydras, pegasus)
  • Biblical scenes(Virgin Mary, praying or crying angels, Jesus)
  • Occult or religious symbols(pentagrams, star of David, crosses, signs of the zodiac)

Girl and snake tattoo on stomach

I would like to make a large canvas out of my body and completely paint it with a tattoo, where all the drawings would be connected in meaning and made in the same style. I started with the belly because this is the center and it is easiest to move from the center of the picture. I plan to move from the belly to the chest, then to the ribs, sides and back. I want a historical picture.

Mikhail, Krasnoyarsk

An example of a tattoo on a stomach with a rubik's cube

Women's belly tattoos

Girls also often choose their belly as a canvas for a tattoo. But, unlike men, they choose more miniature, seductive drawings, which are most often done in the very lower abdomen.

The most common female belly tattoos:

  • Cat... A symbol of grace, sexuality and the personification of female nature.
  • Roses. A royal flower often used in old school style. Denotes noble birth and femininity.
  • Ornament. Serves as an ornament, allows you to emphasize the figure.
  • Flowers . A symbol of femininity, beauty and tenderness.
  • Zodiac sign
  • Inscription

Belly with old school tattoos

Did you know? Tattoos on the belly are the second most common among women (just after the waist), because they are easy to hide under clothes.

I work in a bank, and it's not that I shouldn't have a tattoo, I can't even wear pants to work! But I really wanted a tattoo, and for me the only acceptable way out was to get a tattoo on my stomach. Of course, I could have done it on my back, but I myself would not have seen it then) For the tattoo, I chose the character of my favorite cartoon "My Neighbor Totoro". I never regret it!

Ksenia, Moscow

Owl full belly in the form of a tattoo

Advice: since not only male but also female belly tattoos are very common, we do not advise you to choose a ready-made sketch: it is better to find something unique or develop your own together with a master. Only then can you be sure that your drawing is unique and that you are unlikely to find a second such tattoo.

Video: tattoo in the form of an inscription on the abdomen, application process

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