Home Flowers Extra-curricular activity to foster a culture of behavior “Being polite is easy. Extracurricular activity: "The alphabet of communication. Extracurricular activity in the form of a conversation

Extra-curricular activity to foster a culture of behavior “Being polite is easy. Extracurricular activity: "The alphabet of communication. Extracurricular activity in the form of a conversation

MOKU Padunskaya special

(correctional) boarding school type VIII

Educational hour

Conversation "The Feast of Your Name"

Compiled by: E.V. Kichigina

Celebration of your name

Target: Instill in guys a sense of respect for their names

and the names of others;

Broaden the horizons of students, develop curiosity.

Equipment: Posters with names written on them and their decoding.

Each person has a name, you simply cannot live without it. Parents immediately give their child a name at birth, once and for all.

“Among living people, no one is nameless at all. At the moment of birth, everyone, both low and noble, receives his name from his parents at a sweet hour ... "

Let's trace how the names came about, I think it will be interesting for you. The science of proper nouns is called onomastics.

From the Greek language "onoma" means "name".

In ancient times, when people lived in tribes, in order to be different from each other, they began to invent names for themselves and others - nicknames. As a rule, such names reflected some kind of dignity of a person: "A keen eye", "Brave", "Kind heart", etc.

Calling a person like that, people seemed to immediately give him a characteristic, which he had to confirm all his life. Therefore, the name was given to a person not immediately after birth, but among certain peoples after six months, or even more. And why?

As the number of people increased, the names began to be repeated, and they sounded shorter - this made it more convenient to address a person. Dima - Dmitry, Alexey - Alyosha, Nadezhda - Nadia, etc. And parents began to invent them, sometimes long before the birth of the child.

In some peoples it was customary to call the boy by the name of his grandfather, and the girl by the name of her grandmother.

But often parents, when choosing a name for their son or daughter, try to make it beautiful and mean how they would like to see their child, because every name means something today.

Vera - Russian

Elena - Greek, sunny, light

Margarita - pearl, pearl

Olga is a saint

Svetlana - light

Julia - curly

Alexey - reflective, preventing defender

Vitaly - vital

Dmitry - belongs to Demeter, the goddess of the Earth

Oleg - ancient Russian from the Prince of Ancient Russia

Eugene - old

Stepan - old

Our ancestors were attentive to the choice of a name for their children. They wanted their children to grow up strong, sturdy, kind, sweet. These are the names they were given, such as, for example, Dobrynya - doing good, Lyubomir - loving the world, people, Lyudmila - dear to people. Hope, faith, love - these are all ancient Russian names.

By name you can learn a lot about a person. Please tell me what can be identified by name? (children's answers) gender of the child, girl or boy. If an elderly person, then add a middle name.

Despite the fact that we have a lot in common, how are we different from each other? Answer: by name.

Answer: what can you find out knowing your middle name?

Answer: what is your father's name.

Many fairy tales and cartoons, novels, short stories, novellas are associated with the names. Name them if you know them? (children's answers)

And now a small quiz based on fairy tales, name the hero of the fairy tale and its name:

1. She went to wonderland (Alice)

2. She has blue hair (Malvina)

3. He fell into the snowy kingdom (kai)

4. He rode the stove (Emelya)

5. She is the most beautiful in Russian fairy tales (Elena)

6. He was on the moon (Dunno)

7. The name of the strongest hero (Ilya)

8. Who is the wisest in fairy tales (Vasilisa)

9. The name of the Tsarevich in fairy tales (Ivan, Elisey, Guidon)

10. Her brother turned into a kid (Alyonushka)

Now guess the riddles - and riddles are famous lines from songs. Each riddle has a name.

Along the little white houses

Acacia blooms stiflingly

Good girl …… .Lida

He lives on the southern street.

Blue skirt

Braid ribbon

Who doesn't know .... Sweetheart

Lyuba ... everyone knows.

Apple and pear trees were blooming,

Mists floated over the river

Came ashore ... Katyusha

On a high bank on a steep one.

No need to frown ... Lada

No need to frown ... Lada

For me, your laugh is a reward ... ..Lada.

Stewardess named ... .. Jeanne

You are adored and desired

My unearthly angel

You are everywhere with me

Stewardess named .... Jeanne.

You have completed this task. And now for the last task. Each of you will now write down all the forms of his name to his deskmate. For example: Lena - Helen - Lenusik - Lenok - Alyonushka - Lenchik.

Let's count who came up with the most names.

All of you guys.

I would like to wish you that you like your name and that it only brings you good luck, good mood and fun.


Newspaper "Last Call" No. 12 2008

"500 riddles about words for children" Moscow 2008.

"500 new ditties" Moscow 2000.

Newspaper "Pedsovet" No. 8 2003.

Newspaper "Pedsovet" No. 8 2005 year.

Newspaper "Last Call" No. 7 2003.

Newspaper "The Last Call" No. 7 2007.

Form of carrying out: conversation.

Target: Formation of moral values ​​among students, ideas about good and evil, the essence of mercy; motivation for moral self-improvement, for active actions in the name of good.


    Help schoolchildren to comprehend the concept of life and realize its value

    Form moral categories and value judgments, instill a culture of discussion.

    Foster feelings of rejection of evil, camaraderie, patriotism and compassion, the desire to do good deeds.

Teaching methods:

  • Exercises

Equipment: computer, projector, cards, presentation

Course of the lesson

    Org moment

Hello guys! Sit down.

My name is Alexander Vasilievich.

Today in our lesson we will talk with you about universal human values.

A person's life is the most precious thing he has. It is inimitable, unique, priceless. Human life is God's gift! But for some reason, few of us seriously think about how he lives, why he lives and what he will leave behind.

People value precious stones. They take care of them, choose a beautiful frame, carefully store them and are afraid to lose them, and the most important jewel - our life - is often left to drift. We, without hesitation, live day after day, waste time on idle entertainment or idle around the TV screen. But a moment will come when each person will stop and ask himself: “Why do I live? Why is my life given to me? " After all, if fate, nature, some higher forces predetermined our birth, then it is not accidental. This means that there is some meaning in our life. Life is given to a person only once, and, as the Russian writer N. A. Ostrovsky said, "you must live it so that it does not hurt excruciatingly for the years spent aimlessly."

But before we continue the conversation, let's argue: continue the phrase "To live means ..."

There is no sense in life without a purpose, your life should be filled with universal human values. What do you think these values ​​are?

Right! These values ​​are the core of spiritual life that grows out of the Old Testament commandments. Guys who have heard or know these commandments.

    honor father and mother

    do not kill others either physically or mentally

    avoid impure thoughts and desires

    do not slander, do not envy because envy breeds resentment and quarrel.

Remember that truth, goodness, beauty, love, wisdom are the axis of social intelligence that enriches the human soul

« A person, like the world in a mirror, has many faces. He is insignificant - and he is immensely great. "

Every person in this world is an individual. Everyone has their own life path, their own life positions. And now you will have to answer the question"What is the purpose of your life?" and indicate your four strengths that you have, and several qualities that you would like to cultivate in yourself, in order to achieve your goal in life.

Each of you has set your own goal, but whatever the goal in your life is, you must rememberIndian wisdom

Guys, of course, you all perfectly understand that life is not always smooth and smooth as we would like. On the way, there are various difficulties that a person must overcome. Remember, there are no hopeless situations in life.

There are no hopeless situations:

    You can always find a way out of any situation, there is always a door through which you can exit, only you need to find it.

    Life is always better than death, there will be time for the "next world".

    Maintain your spirit by repeating: “I can, I can handle, I can overcome, I can handle

    Love yourself and those around you.

Guys, you all know perfectly well that you need to be able to live and appreciate every day you live, and now I suggest you answer the questions:

How many days have you lived? What have you learned? What have you succeeded in? How many good deeds have you done?

Today we talked to you about what life is, what you want to strive for in life, and what you were able to achieve. Now think and answer in order for a person to live, what does he need? goal

Yes, having a goal is the most important thing in life. Striving to make dreams come true, to make plans come true. This goal may be different for everyone, but it should be. And she should be tall, noble, such that would elevate a person in his own eyes and in the eyes of the people around him.

And now you will also learn about 13 secret phrases about life that will help you overcome difficulties and live a happy life.

Clip Slide 15

After the clip at the end

And I want to end our conversation with poetic lines

View document content
"Poems about life"

A person's life is the most precious thing he has. It is inimitable, unique, priceless. Human life is God's gift! But for some reason, few of us seriously think about how he lives, why he lives and what he will leave behind.

People value precious stones. They take care of them, choose a beautiful frame, carefully store them and are afraid to lose them, and the most important jewel - our life - is often left to drift. We, without hesitation, live day after day, waste time on idle entertainment or idle around the TV screen. But a moment will come when each person will stop and ask himself: “Why do I live? Why is my life given to me? " After all, if fate, nature, some higher forces predetermined our birth, then it is not accidental. This means that there is some meaning in our life. Life is given to a person only once, and, as the Russian writer N. A. Ostrovsky said, "you must live it so that it does not hurt excruciatingly for the years spent aimlessly."

After the clip at the end

Having a goal is the most important thing in life. Striving to make dreams come true, to make plans come true. This goal may be different for everyone, but it should be. And she should be tall, noble, such that would elevate a person in his own eyes and in the eyes of the people around him. And I want to end our conversation with poetic lines

Let's Live, Love and Wonder

Let's believe, remember and regret

Cry from Happiness, laugh from the Soul

Let us Live so that the Heart does not grow old.

Let's just admire

Fields, sky, silver dew,

And if it's difficult, still don't give up -

Go forward without lowering your head.

Let's be sincere in communication,

Honest in words, deeds and deeds,

Let's Believe, Holy, No Doubt

Live in reality, openly, and not in dreams!

Let's be honest

In their mistakes, envy and lies,

Let's Live, Love and Admire -

Spread the wings of your Soul!

View presentation content
"Class hour life and death"



Spiritual life

Human values

Honor your father and mother

Don't kill others physically or mentally

Avoid Impure Thoughts and Desires

Do not slander, do not envy because Envy breeds resentment and strife

Truth, goodness, beauty, love, wisdom

Axis of social intelligence


like a world in a mirror -


He is insignificant -

And he is immensely great ... "

“When you were born, you alone cried, and everyone around was happy. Live your life so that when you die, everyone around you cries, and you alone smiles. "

Indian wisdom

Rules that need to be remembered for every person before whom, for any reason or circumstance, arose "DEAD END"

There will be time for the "next world"




"Think ..."

How many good deeds have you done?

How many days have you lived?

What have you learned?

What have you succeeded in?

Turtulova Rufia Vasilievna
self-knowledge teacher
Category 1
EKR Semey
school-lyceum number 38

In the mirror of friendship
Extracurricular activity
7th grade
Target: develop the ability of students to be friends, to be a true friend, to understand the importance of fulfilling obligations as one of the ways to fill life with joy.
-expansion of ideas about sincere friendship and its obligations;
-development of the ability to distinguish sincere friendship from friendly relations, true friendship from false;
- fostering a sense of responsibility for the creation of sincere and selfless relationships in friendship.
Circle of joy
Galina Gerasimova
How good it is when a friend is there!
He will always understand, he will always be able to console.
And if someone disturbs my heart,
He will meet the good news with a smile.
Friendships are different, just believe
That the impossible is possible with a friend.
And no matter how hard and difficult it is,
Nothing is more important than your friends.
Now I propose to greet each other warmly.
"House of Mood"
Red house is a great mood
Yellow house-good mood
Blue house - bad mood
1. What place in the system of universal human values ​​would you give to friendship? Why?
2. How does friendship affect human activities: work, learning, creativity?
3. How do you understand the meaning of the expression "in the mirror of friendship"?
4. Can there be any commitment in friendship?
5. How and in what way is sincere friendship manifested?
6. What do you think is the difference between the concept of "friend", "friends"?
Watching the cartoon "Leopold the Cat"
Make two flowers, one called "Friendship Helpers" and the other "Friendship Enemies".
Friendship assistants: common interests, hobbies, hobbies, honesty, trust in each other, mutual understanding, caring for others, loyalty, joyful mood, sympathy, justice, kindness, sensitive attitude towards each other, forgiving, the ability to see the good.
Enemies of friendship: resentment, quarrel, fight, rudeness, greed, deception, selfishness, envy.
Flower pots are glued on a drawing paper with a conditionally wilted flower and a blooming flower. The task of the group is to glue a flower called "Friendship Helpers" to a blooming flower, and a flower called "Friendship Enemies" to a wilted flower.
Training "Balls with grievances"
Each student is given a ball.
I ask you to inflate the balloons.
Imagine that the ball symbolizes a person, and the air in it is a feeling of resentment.
-What will happen if resentment overwhelms a person?
-How to help a person? (You need to let go of the insult, learn to forgive.)
Finish the proverbs and sayings about friendship between different nations. What facets of friendship does each pair of proverbs and sayings reveal? Give examples from real life.
Friendship is friendship, and service is service
Friendship with care and help is strong
Be a friend, don't be at a loss
He called himself a friend - help in trouble
The plow is not a plow. Buddy not friend
Suddenly he will not become a friend.
You can't cut a strong friendship with an ax.
Distrust kills friendship.
Warm up
In the center of the class there is a desk on it there is a Whatman paper, students stand around the table and, using a marker, circle their palm and write their name on it. And then a song about friendship sounds, while it sounds, the children walk in a circle, it ends opposite whose palm they are, write a wish on their fingers.
Friendship doubles joy and halves sorrow
F. Bacon
The enjoyment of communication is the main sign of friendship.
Without friendship, no communication between people has value.

1. Your friend made a mistake on the board. You noticed this and …….
2. While distributing notebooks, your friend put someone else's notebook by mistake. Your words and actions?
3. You accidentally but strongly pushed a classmate with whom you are friends. What will happen?
4. Someone accidentally stepped on your foot. Are you in pain. How to proceed?
5. You were put at the same desk with someone who is not very attractive to you or, on the contrary, you like very much. What will your friend say, do?
6. You heard that someone called your friend offensively. What will you do?
7. Your friend is sick for a long time, is in the hospital during the school year. Your actions?
Circle "From heart to heart"
-Let's sit down more comfortably and listen to kind and good music, and I'll tell you a story.
Once upon a time there was a kind wizard, he had a wonderful shiny pipe (pause), and when he blew into it, colored balls flew out of it (pause). These balls flew in all directions: red balls were in a hurry to amuse people (pause), yellow ones to make people happy, blue ones to calm them down. And all people were noble to the wizard and his balls. Peace reigned on Earth (pause).
The bright warm sun was shining. Magic beautiful flowers bloomed around (pause), birds sang wonderful songs. So, magic balls from a magic pipe have fallen into your palms. Take them, smile at them, say "thank you" to the wizard quietly. Let's open our wonderful eyes, raise our balls up and say: "We are all good today" (pause). Well done.
-But the magician sent us magic beads in a magic box, with the help of them we will collect magic necklaces.
Performance of the song "Song of Friendship"
1. I.G. Matytsin. "The world of the communicative game". Minsk, 2002
2. Sketches about the nature of East Kazakhstan. "Voices and Colors of Belovodye". M. Nemtsev,
M. Petrachkova. "MRK", 2000.
3. Journal. "Self-knowledge", No. 12, 2010.
4. Methodological manual for the teacher "Self-knowledge", Almaty 2010
5. Textbook "Self-knowledge" for the 7th grade of a comprehensive school, Almaty 2010
6. Notebook for the student "Self-knowledge", Almaty 2010




"Mordovia State Pedagogical Institute named after M. E. Evseviev"



Extracurricular educational event "rules of etiquette"


student MDI-108

Shishkanova I.


Ph.D., associate professor

I. G. Zubareva

Saransk 2012

Purpose of the event: the formation of moral and ethical qualities of the personality of students, the skills of cultural communication of students and the idea of ​​students about the basic ethical standards.


- educational: to summarize the knowledge of students about the rules of etiquette, about the rules of behavior in public places, with peers, with elders, etc.

- developing: development of intelligence and good manners not only in knowledge, but also in the ability to understand another .

- educational: education of independence, activity, the formation of a sense of solidarity and healthy rivalry, the ability to work in a team.

Location: classroom.

Event form: competitive.

Equipment: assignment sheets, answer sheets, pens, stopwatch, team names.

Preparatory work:

Choosing the form of the event, its topic, time and place, setting the goals and objectives of the event.

Divide the class into 2 teams (8-10 people each). Each team chooses a captain and nominates a team name.

Prepare the class for the event (set up tables for team members), a stopwatch, team names, answer sheets.

Prepare sheets of paper and pens (for each team) for the test.

Invite guests as a jury.

Shishkanova I.N .: Hello guys! Today our class hour is dedicated to the rules of etiquette. Today we will try to figure out our rules of conduct in public places. After all, our behavior is highly dependent on various changes! But do not forget that nothing emphasizes individuality in the best way, like knowledge of etiquette and rules of behavior. What do you know about etiquette? What rules must be followed in order not to lose face in front of the person you like?

Students: Etiquette is… .. You can't do this…. You have to be like that ...

Shishkanova I.N .: Okay, let's now put your knowledge of the rules of good taste into practice. Before you start, you need to split into 2 teams and each team will earn a certain number of points. And our first competition "Warm-up". So, for each correct answer, a point. Each team will fill in the correct answers on the forms provided. At the end of all 5 rounds, the jury will calculate the number of points and announce the winning teams.


Class: 10 - 11

Duration of the event: 60 minutes

Meeting participants: class teacher, educational psychologist, students.

Event type: extracurricular activity

Target: development of the communicative competence of students through group forms of activity


1. Creation of conditions for the formation of students' skills of productive communication.

2. Creation of an emotional mood for effective teamwork in a group.

3. Creation of conditions for the development of communicative competence of students.

Meeting form: interactive business game.

Expected results: the extracurricular activity will help learners find ways to resolve communication problems.

Time spending: in grade 10 - 1 week of the new academic year (if the class is "combined"); in grade 11 - as needed.

Equipment: computer, screen, projector, presentation, handouts (Whatman sheets by the number of groups, colored markers, colored tokens, 4 colored flags)

The structure of the event.


The extracurricular activity "Communication problems" is addressed to students in grades 10-11. The form of the event is an interactive game "spinner". This form corresponds to the age characteristics of schoolchildren. During the game, participants will have the opportunity to see and analyze the problems that schoolchildren may have when communicating with different categories. Outline the ways to resolve them. The approbation of this form of extracurricular activities has shown that during the game, the optimal activity of the participants is achieved throughout the event. Schoolchildren develop analytical skills and develop communicative competence.

During the entire event, the teacher-psychologist observes the children, analyzes their actions. He shares the necessary information with the class teacher or with specific children.

The peculiarity of this form: at each stage of the game, students, before completing their task, must analyze the answers of the previous groups, find a connection with their opinion. This makes it possible to maintain the activity of schoolchildren during. This technology was successfully applied during a parent meeting, a city meeting of young teachers.

Introductory speech of the teacher

Good afternoon, dear guys! I am pleased to welcome you to the extra-curricular event "Communication Problems" (Slide 1)... The topic was not chosen by chance.

It is impossible to imagine the development of a person, his existence as a person, without connection with society, outside of formal communication with other people. Therefore, communication is an essential condition for any form of social and individual human life. Social experiences and daily practices. (Slide 2)

However, in recent years, people have become much less verbally interacting with each other. Communication in social networks has almost replaced the real one for many of you. The situation when you tell your interlocutor your thoughts and at the same time do not look into the eyes is typical today. And as a result, the lack of social experience of communication with adults and peers. And as a result, communication problems arise that need to be learned to resolve correctly. We will try to consider together the problems associated with communication, find ways to overcome them.

The epigraph of our event can be the words of Exupery: "The greatest luxury in the world is the luxury of human communication." (Slide 3)

Guys, today we will hold our event in the form of an interactive game. There are colored tokens on my table: red, green, yellow, blue. I ask you to come up and choose a token of a certain color, of your choice.

Acquaintance with the rules of the game

I see that you have all decided on the choice of color. I ask you to go to the table on which there is a flag, the color of which matches the color of your token. Thanks! Thus, we have got 4 groups.

I ask you to listen to the rules. The game consists of five stages.

Stage 1

On each table there are sheets of Whatman paper. Each team needs to write down three problems in three minutes:

To the “red” team - when communicating with parents;

To the blue team - when communicating with teachers;

The green team - when communicating with classmates;

The yellow team; - when communicating with peers at the place of residence.

Stage 2

At this stage, you need to write three tasks that need to be solved in order to overcome the identified problems. Time 3 minutes.

To the “red” team - tasks in solving problems of communication with peers;

To the blue team - tasks in solving problems of communication with classmates;

To the Green team - tasks in solving problems of communication with teachers;

To the yellow team - tasks in solving problems of communication with parents;

(At the signal of the leader (class teacher) of this game, the team moves to another table)

Stage 3

At this stage, you need to write three activities that need to be carried out in order to overcome the identified problems and solve the intended tasks. Time 3 minutes.

The “red” team - with classmates;

To the blue team - tasks in solving problems of communication with peers;

To the green team - tasks in solving problems of communication with parents;

To the yellow team - tasks in solving problems of communication with teachers;

(At the signal of the leader (class teacher) of this game, the team moves to another table)

Stage 4

The working time at this stage is 15 minutes. Each team has a category of problems, tasks and activities aimed at solving the identified problems. You need to analyze everything that the previous groups left you and prepare the defense of the mini-project in 15 minutes. Any form of project presentation, time up to 5 minutes.

(As a result of the transitions, the participants of each group received an unfamiliar set of problems, tasks, activities to overcome them. At this stage, it is appropriate to remind the students about the "brainstorming" and the distribution of roles in the preparation of the mini-project).

Stage 5

Each team presents its own mini-project.

(The experience of holding events in this form showed that the guys present their mini - projects in various forms: playing out some real situation, propaganda team, in the form of a "cloud", a quest).


Guys! I thank you for your active participation in our event. I liked your projects. You brought up very important issues that anyone can experience when communicating. You put forward the necessary tasks and mapped out the right solutions. Although, I can assume that it was not always easy.

I would like to hear from you your opinions about our event as a whole, what will be useful for you in further communication.

(schoolchildren's answers are heard)


Dear Guys! Thanks for your answers and reasoning. I think that our "live" communication has brought you a lot of positive emotions. I am sure that today many of you discovered your classmates as pleasant companions, like-minded people with whom it is pleasant to communicate. Until next time! (Slide 4)

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