Home Indoor flowers Records of messages from the world of the dead. The White Noise Phenomenon. Negotiations with the world of the dead. Electronic Voice Recorders

Records of messages from the world of the dead. The White Noise Phenomenon. Negotiations with the world of the dead. Electronic Voice Recorders

Even at the dawn of the emergence of television and radio, the appearance of telephone communications, many legends and conjectures were circulating in the world, which were associated with one way or another of their "non-standard" use. For example, cases have become frequent when the relatives of a recently deceased person heard his voice in the telephone receiver, moreover, literally a few minutes or hours after his death. Radio amateurs began to periodically catch signals about the help of the captains of long-sunken ships with their receivers.

In the early sixties of the last century, television also joined the list of amazing phenomena. It was about the so-called "white noise", which is interference that occurs when there is no television signal at all.

Some researchers believe that it is through such television interference that humanity can enter into communication with the other world. But what this white noise is and how substantiated is the assertion that behind the flickering of white dots on the TV screen there is something much more than ordinary static electricity, of course, no one can explain for sure.

It turns out that new technologies are so closely interconnected with the other world that they exist, so to speak, “in one dimension” ...

There is a version that everything that happens outside the range of a person's understanding occurs, as a rule, at the sub-material level. We are talking about energy - energy flows that cover the astral world of a person. Esotericists say that in some way ghosts and astral spirits are clots of energy that people without special devices are not able to perceive.

But another thing is electrical devices, which, when tuned to modulate electromagnetic signals, can, according to some researchers, perfectly cope with the reception of energy interference not only in ours, but also in the world of subtle matters. And if the line between energy and matter is so thinned that astral currents can penetrate into our world, then televisions will be able to catch them.

In January 2005, the documentary White Noise was released on British screens. It was devoted to a little-studied phenomenon, which in scientific language was called the phenomenon of electronic voices or EVP. White noise, and this is what we are talking about, can be heard on the radio amid the hiss. It manifests itself in the form of voices and sounds of unknown nature, sometimes in the form of signals of unknown origin, manifested in the form of strange ghostly faces that appear on the TV screen.

Scientists have been interested in this phenomenon for a long time. Back in 1920, inventor Thomas Edison wrote about him in one of the issues of Scientific American. He believed that if the soul continues to live after death, then it is quite natural to assume that she would want to communicate with those who are dear to her and whom she left on earth. According to Edison, it was quite realistic to create an instrument that could record otherworldly messages. Moreover, some biographers of the inventor believed that he tried to invent such a device, but there is no exact evidence of this.

Both Marconi and Tesla expressed interest in the creation of such a technique for contacting the world of spirits. For the first time, they started talking about this phenomenon back in the thirties of the last century. It was then that unidentified voices were heard on the radio by Swedish and Norwegian military pilots during training flights. This was reported in the press as well.

In 1930, in London at Wigmore Hall, several hundred spectators unwittingly witnessed a strange phenomenon. The show was about to begin. A microphone was already installed on the stage, there was no one around. Suddenly, loud voices were heard from loudspeakers installed at different ends of the hall, connected to a microphone. The speech was conducted in different languages. No one, not the sound engineers serving the event, nor the scientists who subsequently studied this case, were able to explain it.

In 1952, in Milan, two priests tried to install a loudspeaker in a church. They wanted the parishioners to hear the Mass well. But suddenly a hiss was heard from the loudspeaker, and then a voice was heard, which clearly said that he was always with them and would help them. Both priests immediately recognized the voice that belonged to the recently deceased father of one of them.

An even more surprising incident happened a few years later with documentary producer Friedrich Jurgenson. Recording bird voices in the forest, and then listening, he was amazed: some other recording was superimposed on the recording of bird chirping, on which someone competently talked about the habits of birds. Jurgenson thought it was a recording of a radio show about birds. But a few weeks later, after listening to the same recording, he no longer heard the birdwatcher's voice. Instead, Jurgenson recognized the worried voice of his late mother, who was saying something to him.

The producer turned for help to Konstantin Rodiv, a famous psychologist and student of Carl Jung, who studied this phenomenon. Having given birth with the help of physicists and electronics engineers, he was able to create a receiver, the main element of which was a pure crystal. The receiver was called the goniometer. With his help, Rodiv recorded several thousand otherworldly voices and even published a book about his research.

Psychics say: the world around is filled with voices. Most often, they warn about something or threaten. Sometimes they predict events and even save lives. Most often they can be heard in ancient buildings, at graves, etc. - places with concentrated energy, those where powerful outbursts of emotions took place. One of these places is hospitals, where many events always take place accompanied by active emotions: sometimes positive, but more often negative.

Each profession has its own legends, secrets and superstitions. Aesculapians do not like to talk about amazing phenomena that cannot be explained from the point of view of science. But most of all, resuscitators are faced with the unknown. They see ghosts more than once, hear strange voices.

Scientists have one rule: when considering a phenomenon, do not get confined to a single explanation, and no matter how unrealistic the hypotheses may seem, they subject each of them to study.

What else can explain the phenomenon of white noise, other than contact with the other world. Many theories have been put forward about the origin of this phenomenon. One of the first assumptions was that the result of interference on the air was the activities of the special services. Allegedly, in this way, intelligence transmitted information. But many experiments have been carried out, during which outside interference was excluded.

The most scientific hypothesis was that the EVP phenomenon is human-audible sounds from space. A person who is eighty percent of water, in principle, is able to perceive electromagnetic signals without the help of devices. After all, as you know, water is an excellent conductor of radiation, but this is hardly possible to explain specific phrases of messages, which are often addressed to specific people.

Since 1984, the Harsch-Fischbach couple from Luxembourg began to hear voices from different sources. The spirits contacted them using a piece of equipment they called the Eurosignal Bridge. One day a voice ordered to disconnect the TV from the antenna and switch it to an unconfigured channel. They did so by installing a video camera. Images began to flash on the screen. When the footage was viewed at a slower speed, an image of a previously deceased relative appeared on the screen.

The entity posing as "Technician" indicated that its task is to coordinate research. The technician would report when the message arrived so that it would be recorded. On one of the recordings, one can clearly hear his words that he is not an energy and not a light being. Its role is to open a bridge of communication.

But one circumstance does not make it possible to write off all this on aliens: the overwhelming majority of the images on the records are photographs of people who actually lived once on Earth.

The researchers found that the more white noise is studied, the more interest in people is shown by "active souls." After all, these are the souls who definitely need to tell about something. After all, there are often cases when wild cries for help are heard on the air.

Those who heard such voices, they said, were thrown into a stupor, many even turned gray before their eyes. But what is this and who can be so begging for help? Or maybe these screams are emitted by "evil souls"? And then a suspicion creeps in: maybe hell really exists ...


toropyggka about "" I remembered the mention of the phenomenon of "white noise", when the voices of ghosts were recorded on magnetic media. I offer an interesting article by Sergei Mikhailov on this topic.

In January 2005, the UK screened the release of the film White Noise, dedicated to an as yet little studied phenomenon - the so-called phenomenon of electronic voices, or EVP. It lies in the fact that sometimes on the radio, among the hiss, which is called "white noise", you can hear voices and sounds of unknown origin. Sometimes signals of unknown nature in the form of strange ghostly faces appear on the TV screen.

Well-known scientists have long been interested in this phenomenon. On October 30, 1920, in the next issue of the scientific journal Scientific American, the famous inventor Thomas Edison wrote: “If a person or what we call a soul continues to live after death, then it is natural to assume that she would like to communicate with those whom she left here, on earth. I think it is possible to create an instrument that will record otherworldly messages. " Some biographers of Edison believe that he tried to create a similar device, although there is no evidence of this. Marconi and Tesla also expressed a serious interest in creating technology that would allow contact with the spirit world.

For the first time, the EVP phenomenon was spoken about in the 30s of the twentieth century. Then, Swedish and Norwegian military pilots heard unidentified voices on the radio during training flights. They wrote about this in the newspapers.

In 1930, in London's Wigmore Hall, hundreds of people witnessed an unusual phenomenon. The show hasn't started yet. There was a microphone on the stage, near which there was no one. Suddenly, several loud voices, speaking in different languages, were heard from loudspeakers installed at different ends of the hall, connected by wires to a microphone. The sound engineers who serviced the event were later unable to explain what had happened.

In 1949, at the International Congress of the Spiritualist Organization in Manchester, the Dutch engineer Zwaan demonstrated a device he had created that was capable of capturing and reproducing the voices of dead people.

In 1952, in Milan, two Catholic priests installed a loudspeaker in a church so that all parishioners could hear the mass well. Suddenly a hiss was heard in the loudspeaker, and then from there was heard: "I am always with you and will help you!" Both witnesses to the unusual phenomenon recognized the voice of the recently deceased father of one of the priests.

In 1959, documentary producer Friedrich Jurgenson recorded bird voices in the forest. He was amazed to find that another recording was superimposed on the recording of the birds' voices. A man was talking knowledgeably about the habits of birds. Jurgenson thought he had somehow recorded a radio show about birds. But when he heard the same tape a few weeks later, the birdwatcher's voice was gone. Instead, Jurgenson's excited voice was calling his mother: "Friedel, my little Friedel, can you hear me ?!" Fridel's mother called Jurgenson in childhood.

After that, the producer managed to record several more unknown voices that spoke different languages. Jürgenson worked on the problem with Dr. Hans Bender, head of the parapsychology department at the University of Freiburg.

In 1965, Dr. Konstantin Rodiv, a famous psychologist and student of Carl Jung, met with Jurgenson and, convinced of the existence of EVP, became interested in studying this phenomenon. Having given birth, he attracted physicists and electronic engineers to work and created his own receiver, in which a pure crystal is the main element. The Byl receiver is called a goniometer. With the help of a goniometer, Rodiv recorded thousands of otherworldly voices, and in 1968 he released a report on his research, translated into several languages.

In those same years, American businessman George Meek sponsored a similar project in the United States. Engineer Bill 0 "Neil, who previously worked at NASA, constructed a device for communication with the spirit world, called a spiritualist. In 1981 0" Neil died under strange circumstances and disappeared as a spiritualist.

By then, EVP had intrigued people around the world. In Britain, two researchers, George Bonner and Raymond Kass, experimented with a reel-to-reel tape recorder and made white noise act as a carrier of voices. Bonner asked into the microphone: "Can anyone hear me?" A minute later, the answer appeared on the tape: "Yes!" Bonner and Kass recorded tens of thousands of otherworldly voices over 22 years.

Despite the large number of experimental results, none of the researchers has yet been able to explain EVP. Later this concept was expanded, and a new term appeared - instrumental transcommunication, which also includes otherworldly telephone calls, ghost recordings on VCRs and mysterious messages on personal computers. In 1982, a society of enthusiasts for these phenomena appeared in the UK - the Association for Instrumental Transcommunication. The leader of the society is Judit Chisholm. Her passion for EVP began with a very curious incident.

In 1999, she bought a tape recorder and found that it did not play the music she had. Out of frustration, Judit swore: "These idiots in the store sold me a low-quality product!" Suddenly the tape recorder, where the tape with the recorded music was spinning silently, came to life and said: "You should not return the tape recorder to the store." Miss Chisholm was surprised to recognize the voice of her colleague and friend, who had died several years ago. "Jack, is that you?" Judit dared to ask quietly. - “Me, baby. I will help you, ”came from the tape recorder.

Since then, as soon as Edith turned on the tape recorder, "they" began to talk to her or to each other. "They" are otherworldly voices. Some Judit recognized - they were her deceased relatives and acquaintances. Some voices could not be recognized, others spoke foreign languages. Sometimes the communication was two-way, and Judit could communicate with deceased friends. Sometimes they didn’t answer questions, as if they didn’t hear her, or they talked among themselves.

Miss Chisholm's library contains about a thousand recordings of the voices of spirits. Judit often travels around the world and speaks at seminars organized by paranormal societies in different countries. Her wonderful tape recorder is always with her. Miss Chisholm and other enthusiasts of the phenomenon of electronic voices are trying to involve specialists in their research - physicists, engineers, psychologists. The goal is to unravel the phenomenon of instrumental transcommunication and create a universal device with which anyone could contact their deceased loved ones.

But what's strange is that every third message from there carries a threat or aggression.

What is White Noise - Electric Voice Phenomenon

"Greetings from the Other World" on the air: self-deception or reality?

Horror films are known to be more than popular cinema genres. Not so long ago, fans to tickle their nerves were able to successfully do this by watching the American-Canadian-British horror movie called "White Noise". Once again, the viewer was faced with fear, born of an irrational something in the spirit of the famous "Ring".

The plot of the film is as follows: the main character, whose wife died in an accident, begins to receive signals from the deceased through a radio receiver. Further more, the unfortunate widower, is drawn into communication with the other world and becomes a free explorer of the so-called "white noise". Day and night, he monitors television and radio interference, every now and then finding messages from the other world in them.

The creators of the picture added fuel to the fire, claiming that the film is based on real events associated with the “Phenomenon of the Electric Voice (EVP). There are many resources on the web devoted to this problem.

It turns out that many scientists have tried to establish a connection with the other world through technology. In 1920, the famous inventor Thomas Edison expressed the idea that our "I", passing into another world, should obviously retain its ability to act on matter even from there. And if this is so, then sufficiently sensitive equipment will be able to register such an effect - you just need to invent it. This is such an original guess, it is not for nothing that the creators of the film "White Noise" put this phrase into the epigraph.

One of the most famous researchers of the phenomenon is the Swedish documentary filmmaker Friedrich Jurgenson. He accidentally recorded the voices of his deceased relatives on tape. The Latvian psychologist Konstantin Raudiv became a companion and follower of Jurgenson. Together they carried out a lot of experiments, and Raudive soon realized that the best results can be obtained when some carrier waves, background noises are present during the EVP recording. In his opinion, interlocutors from another world somehow use this sound "raw material", transforming it into the sounds of their own voice.

In electronic voices, sound usually vibrates at a high frequency. The rhythm of the phrase in electronic voices is also unusual, there is something supernatural in it. The pace of speech is generally faster than normal speech. Another typical feature of such voices is monotony. The most intriguing thing is that a person who has encountered EVP unmistakably recognizes the voice of his deceased loved ones. However, provided that the recording is of high quality.

Anyone can try the experiment. For this, a radio with a radio receiver (AM / FM) and the ability to record audio cassettes are enough. In addition, you will need headphones, which make it easier to detect electronic voices.
Next, take a new cassette, insert it into the recorder and put on the headphones. Then turn on the radio and look for unoccupied frequencies. You need to find a gap between two adjacent radio stations where static interference is clearly audible, but no interference from radio stations is heard.

Then try to relax, hit the record button and ask those who have gone to the best of worlds to speak to you. Do not try to hear electronic voices while your tape recorder is on recording, you will not hear them.
After three to five minutes, stop recording, rewind the tape to the beginning of the recording. When playing, start at a volume level of approximately 20 percent of maximum. Then start adjusting the volume to the level that is most comfortable for you. Focus on static sounds and get used to them to be able to distinguish the moment when the uniformity of their sound will be at least slightly disturbed. You need to be careful here.
When listening to it for the first time, use the tape counter to mark where on the tape something unusual appeared. When listening again, carefully study each of these marked areas. Now return the tape to the beginning and do the same again, paying special attention to the most "suspicious" places and looking for new ones. And then you find a strange thing. The more often you listen to the same tape, the more clearly all the incomprehensible parts are heard, they seem to "appear". However, you should not make hasty conclusions, perhaps these sounds have a completely explainable origin: for example, they can be the voices of neighbors or other extraneous noises.

Naturally, such experiments require a certain perseverance and courage, especially bearing in mind the unenviable fate of the main character of "White Noise".
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Do you know what white noise is?

In truth, there is no physical evidence that these are the voices of the dead yet, but there is no evidence to back it up either. I think you all know that a movie was made about white noise. The film "White Noise" was based on real events according to the versions and experimental developments of scientists. Of course, not the whole film is real, since it needs to be made interesting for a mass audience, but the fact remains.

For the first time, conjectures about the existence of the provided phenomenon were proposed and studied by the Swedish film producer Friedrich Jurgenson. He recorded the singing of birds on tape in 1959. There was nothing unusual during the recording until Jurgenson listened to the piece. The film producer heard extraneous sounds on the tape - it was a hoarse male voice in Norwegian.

Friedrich was one hundred percent sure that there was no one next to him at that time, so he decided that his tape recorder had inadvertently intercepted and recorded a fragment of a transmission from some kind of Norwegian radio wave. Jurgenson was a little fluent in this language, so after making inquiries, he found out that on that day none of the Norwegian stations had broadcasts with such text content.

Since then, he has undergone tests to study this secret phenomenon. Soon, according to the film producer, he managed to establish a connection with his deceased mother. Friedrich Jurgenson was followed by the Latvian psychologist Konstantin Raudiv.

Thomas Edison was also involved in similar studies. He stated that personal qualities of a person, for example, intellect, character, do not disappear even after the death of the physical body. They only pass into another plane of being. Thomas was engaged in the creation of an electrical device that would allow to obtain information transmitted by deceased souls.

A light example of white noise: Take a blank (blank) audio cassette, tune the radio to medium or long wavelength and press the record button. It may not come out the first time, but many enthusiasts around the world unanimously claim that the more times you try to do this, the more often you catch voices. Most of the voices of white noise in the world were recorded near cemeteries, as well as in England at the ruins of castles.

Voices can sound in any language of our planet, by the style and manner of speech it is possible to determine to which era a particular voice belongs. Usually you can hear one or two words, less often phrases, but the messages are already an exception only for the elite. So, messages can be of any nature: from threats to revelations of the deceased. The threats of white noise were fortunate enough to be recorded only by those who were confidently heading towards their goal and had been doing this business for a long time. On this basis, they concluded that there are such guards who watch over the observance of parity between the worlds.

Enthusiasts, as a rule, stop studying white noise after the first threats. This is just one example of threats; there are also specific targeted threats. After such threats, the addressee usually dies. Such cases are known among white noise enthusiasts. In the entire history of white noise, there are only two of them: In two cases, the first warning was ignored. The official version, both in the first and in the second case, is suicide, but in reality it is driving to suicide, but the perpetrators are not material, which means they are not subject to jurisdiction.

Researchers have found that the more we study white noise and try to figure out the truth of being, the more interest "active souls" show to us - these are, as a rule, those souls who want to tell us something. There were cases when wild screams were heard on the air: “... Save-ee !!! Help-ee !!! "

After listening to this, the hair stands on end. The question arises: What is it and who can it be? Are these screams created by "evil souls"? Or maybe hell exists? The messages of "evil souls" make a terribly chilling impression, after listening to this sound file I was simply put into a stopper out of terrible fear. I wouldn't be surprised if a few gray hairs appeared on my head.

After reading this article, consider whether it is worth jeopardizing your life and the life of someone close to you for the sake of your tearing interest. If you disobey the warning and listen to the white noise, be Vigilant! THEY can get to you ...

Carefully! Recording and listening to this program is FORBIDDEN for the faint of heart

EVPmaker v2.6- not a joke and serious program of German developers. A lot of specialists in different directions were involved in its creation. This project has no analogues in the world. Besides, the program is free.

This program records otherworldly voices (white noise) on a computer. An embedded sound signal given by the experimenter from a microphone connected to a computer. Then, if you listen to this reproduced sound very carefully, then in this white noise you will hear voices and even messages. It is not excluded to appeal directly to the experimenter himself.

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