Home Fruit trees What unites the moon Phobos Europa Hyperion. Martian Moon - Phobos: artificial or natural satellite? Most facts speak in favor of the fact that Phobos was created artificially

What unites the moon Phobos Europa Hyperion. Martian Moon - Phobos: artificial or natural satellite? Most facts speak in favor of the fact that Phobos was created artificially

I looked closely at the photograph of Phobos for a long time, could not understand what he reminded me of, but everything turned out to be simple... My old army flask, bent and scratched by sand, now lying around in the garage, is exactly like him, almost down to the details. Only a hollow object can take this form of surface bending; it must at least be covered with metal or consist of it, in the case of a flask it is aluminum, in the case of Phobos it can be titanium or its alloys.

This satellite has haunted scientists for many millennia. There is a lot of information that Phobos has artificial origin. Phobos, as everyone knows, is translated from Greek as “fear” and is a satellite of Mars. In 1887 it was discovered by American astronomers. The satellite of Mars is turned to the planet with only one side, just like the Moon, and has an uneven shape (since it is an asteroid).

The Mars Express Radio Science project, supervised by NASA, found that Phobos is empty inside, and the satellite itself rotates around the planet at an inexplicably high speed. In 1988, Mars was visited by 2 complex stations Phobos-1 and Phobos-2, with a bunch of equipment on board. About 500 million dollars were spent on both stations and the efforts were in vain, because after a couple of days both stations became unavailable (the connection was interrupted). Based on the results of the analysis of radio signals transmitted by the Mars Express probe when passing near the Martian satellite Phobos at a critically short distance, it was possible to identify the presence gravitational anomaly.
Analysis of the dynamics of frequency drift, caused by the gravitational interaction of the probe and Phobos, made it possible to obtain information about the mass distribution function in the interior of the microsatellite. It clearly differs from the theoretical one, modeled under the assumption of a uniform distribution of mass in the depths of Phobos.
The analysis of the identified anomalies should have taken some time, according to preliminary estimates, few weeks. But it was never published anywhere. Similar results were obtained when observing the passage of Mars Express near Phobos by three radio telescopes of the radio interferometric network of Europe: the 20-meter Wettzell telescope in Germany, the 14-meter Metsähovi telescope in Finland and the 40-meter Yebes telescope in Spain. The dynamics of the Doppler drift of the carrier frequency when the probe passes near Phobos has been revealed. The nature of Phobos' gravitational anomalies is still unclear. Ultra-high-resolution images of Phobos taken by the Mars Express probe have been successfully captured, but have not yet been presented. And they are unlikely to be presented.

Perhaps Phobos is spaceship, which was sacrificed in order to protect the planet from an asteroid, but it ricocheted and rushed tangentially, its fragments fell onto Mars, and Phobos, having received acceleration and lost control, is rushing around in orbit.


Phobos orbits at an average distance of 2.77 Mars radii from the center of the planet (9400 km), the periapsis is 9235.6 km, the apocenter is 9518.8 km. It makes one revolution in 7 hours 39 minutes 14 seconds, which is about a third faster than the rotation of Mars around its own axis. As a result, in the Martian sky, Phobos rises in the west and sets in the east. Due to its extremely low mass, Phobos has no atmosphere. Extremely low average density Phobos - about 1.86 g/cm³, indicates a porous structure, or hollowness of the satellite, constituting 25-45% of the volume. The period of rotation of Phobos around its axis coincides with the period of its revolution around Mars, therefore Phobos is always turned towards the same planet side (note, here he completely repeats the behavior of the Moon). Its orbit is inside the Roche limit, and the satellite is not torn apart only due to its strength (for this you only need a metal case with ties inside). This arrangement of the orbit leads to the fact that rocks are torn off Phobos, often leaving noticeable grooves on the surface of the satellite. The tidal influence of Mars gradually slows down the movement of Phobos and in the future will lead to its fall onto Mars. According to calculations, such an event will occur in 11 million years, although other calculations indicate that Phobos will collapse into many pieces within 7.6 million years. Every 100 years, Phobos approaches Mars by 9 cm. The most noticeable formation on Phobos is the Stickney crater with a diameter of 9 km. The crater was formed as a result of the collision of Phobos with an asteroid, and this collision almost destroyed the satellite. Also on Phobos, a system of mysterious parallel grooves was discovered near this crater (very similar to welds and patches). They can be traced over distances of up to 30 km in length and have a width of 100-200 meters with a depth of 10-20 meters. Due to the proximity of Mars, the gravitational force on different sides of the satellite is different. Moreover, on the Martian side it is practically absent due to the proximity of Phobos to the Roche limit.

There are quite a few “suspicious” satellites in the Solar System.

Let's consider common features"suspicious" satellites:
- regular circular orbits, often located exactly in the plane of the planet’s equator;
- the period of revolution of the satellite around the planet is equal to the period of its rotation around its axis;
- abnormally low density or other facts indicating the presence of significant internal cavities. About the presence of such voids on the Moon (which, by the way, has high density), speaks unusual phenomenon"seismic ringing"
The first position among such satellites is, of course, occupied by Phobos, which is unanimously considered a “captured” asteroid.

Fact one. The density of Phobos is less than 2 g/cm3. Planetary scientists attribute this to the loose or porous material that forms its rocks.
“The average density of Phobos is 1.90±0.08 g/cm3, and the main contribution to the error in its estimation comes from the error in volume estimation. The previously accepted value for the density of Phobos, determined from navigation measurements from the Viking spacecraft, which were obtained under less favorable ballistic conditions, was 2.2 ± 0.2 g/cm3 (Williams et al., 1988).
The adjusted average density of Phobos is significantly lower than the density of the least dense carbonaceous chodrites, such as hydrated chondrites of type CI (2.2-2.4 g/cm3) and CM (2.6-2.9 g/cm3). It is also much lower than the density of other spectral analogues of Phobos matter - black chondrites (3.3-3.8 g/cm3) (Wasson, 1974). To eliminate this contradiction, it is necessary to assume a significant porosity of the Phobos substance (10-30% in the case of low-density carbonaceous chondrites and 40-50% for black chondrites) or the presence of a light component, for example, ice, in Phobos. The required porosity of carbonaceous chondrites corresponds to the porosity of some meteorite breccias - 10-24% (Wasson, 1974), as well as lunar regolith breccias - 30% or more (McKay et al., 1986). These materials are strong enough to withstand the tidal stresses in Phobos' body. On the other hand, the required porosity value for black chondrites seems unrealistic.” (Collection "Television studies of Phobos", "Science", 1994. sovams.narod.ru/Mars/1988/vsk.html).
Fact two.“The tiny satellite of Mars, Phobos, has the same powerful magnetic field as the Earth. As stated by the director of the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism and Radio Wave Propagation Russian Academy Sciences (IZMIRAN) Victor Oraevsky, this discovery was helped by a “happy accident”.
Back in March 1989, one of the Soviet spacecraft, sent to study it - “Phobos-2”. The device entered Phobos orbit and carried out separate measurements for four days according to the plan of the Mission Control Center.However, before starting scientific program the satellite got out of control, and the transmitted data “settled” in the MCC archive as being of no scientific value.
Only 13 years later, IZMIRAN employees set out to try to use the data that Phobos-2 managed to transmit and obtained unique results. It turned out that the satellite of Mars, which has a diameter of only 22 km, has the same powerful magnetic field as our planet. According to Russian scientists, this may indicate that Phobos consists of more than a third of magnetic matter and in this sense is the only one in solar system" (Source: “Cosmodrom.Ru”. 12/10/2002, 19:07).
Having a strong magnetic field could be caused either by a liquid core (molten or from salt water), which is excluded for the tiny satellite, or by the presence of magnetic iron ore in its rock composition.
But iron has a higher density. For example, for iron-stone meteorites it is 4.5-4.7 g/cm3. The image of “loose” and “porous” Phobos is melting before our eyes. The only explanation left is the presence of significant internal cavities.
Considering the similarity of Phobos to the bodies of the Asteroid Belt, it remains to assume the presence of large internal voids on other asteroids of the “suspicious” group. Well, whether they can have a natural origin is a rhetorical question. This is not the Earth, where water erosion washed away gigantic caves.
“Emptiness” is not unique property Phobos. The density of most asteroids is too low for rock-metal monoliths, which they were previously considered to be based on the analysis of meteorites. Many satellites of planets, such as Hyperion, are also porous. And this property is one of the manifestations of the general crisis of the planetesimal concept.
A very controversial remark equating the porous (which is clearly visible in the Cassini photographs) Hyperion with other planetary satellites and asteroids that do not have such an uncharacteristic surface.

In fact, this satellite of Saturn, in terms of its rotation characteristics, differs sharply from others (primarily those with synchronous rotation), and is not “processed” by the ancient mechanism of planet formation. Therefore, it really consists of loose rocks and “does not have to” have internal voids.
Scientists have determined the composition of the Itokawa asteroid

“Scientists suggest that the Itokawa asteroid was formed as a result of the collision of celestial bodies. Analysis of data obtained by the Hayabusa apparatus also showed that the asteroid consists mainly of olivine, pyroxene and metallic iron - substances from which planets are formed, reports New Scientist.
Many of the large boulders on the surface of Itokawa have a multi-layered structure. This indicates that the object from which the asteroid was formed must have had sufficient big sizes so that thermal processes take place in its center.
Scientists were able to establish the topography of the asteroid with an accuracy of up to a meter, and the study gravitational field object made it possible to calculate its density. It turned out that it is 1.95 g/cm3, that is, the asteroid is 40% empty inside.” (science.compulenta.ru, 06/08/2006. spacenews.ru/spacenews/live/full_news.asp?id=17731).
Stickney Crater on Phobos - one of the most characteristic impact craters. Looking at photographs of other asteroids, we see similar craters comparable to the size of the asteroid itself. celestial body.
The question arises - if there are significant voids inside the satellite, then how could a shock or even just an energetic impact be carried out on such a fragile structure?
I put forward a hypothesis: Phobos was first delivered to the “correct” orbit, and only then it was “processed”, and, possibly, the creation of internal cavities.
Let's pay attention to the photo of the Stickney crater.

“Near the Stickney ridge you can see trenches that owe their origin to the same catastrophe that created the crater itself.” (I. Lisov. “On the Moon you cannot drown in dust. But on Phobos is it possible?” “Cosmonautics News”, 1998, No. 19-20. novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/content/numbers/186-187/29.shtml) .
The opinion expressed in the article contradicts the proposed hypothesis. However, I note: this is not visible in the photograph given in I. Lisov’s article, but in other photographs the famous “troughs” (parallel grooves) pass not only around the crater, but also inside its walls, which excludes their simultaneous occurrence. The crater is clearly much older than the furrows. It is possible that the ancient mechanism of planet formation, which created grooves on the outside of Phobos, simultaneously formed internal voids.
Stickney Crater illustrates another possible function impact craters, which occurs when transporting “fragile” hollow structures requires not a destructive impact, but a long-term contact interaction (for example, the outflow of a jet stream from the same crater - its giant funnel acts as a “guide nozzle”). Photo. Stickney Crater on Phobos. Photo of the Viking-1 station. www.astronet.ru/db/msg/1188837

In memory of Phobos-Grunt

Roscosmos announced new version causes of the accident of the Phobos-Grunt spacecraft, which, due to the failure of one of the engines, was unable to leave low-Earth orbit and 2.5 months after launch sank in Pacific Ocean. Experts came to the conclusion that the cause of the problems was powerful flash in the sun.
(Astronomers are still perplexed as to how they missed it. The Earth, as is known, is protected from cosmic radiation by its magnetic field, and the satellite did not yet reach the Van Allen belt).

This conclusion was reached by the Interdepartmental Commission to analyze the causes of the emergency situation that arose during the launch of the Russian Phobos-Grunt spacecraft onto the flight path to Mars, which presented the results of its work to Roscosmos, Interfax reports.
“The commission, having examined the main causes of the emergency situation with Phobos-Grunt, recognized as the main version the possible impact of plasma formation in the Earth’s magnetosphere on the spacecraft,” a source in the space industry told the agency on Thursday.

According to a representative of Roscosmos, a few days before the launch of Phobos-Grunt, a powerful flare occurred on the Sun, and solar Activity these days was abnormal. The solar flare occurred on November 4, and the spacecraft was launched on November 9, 2011. According to experts, the flare caused a powerful coronal mass ejection weighing several billion tons, which triggered a series of magnetic storms, which did not subside for several weeks.

In this regard, experts do not rule out that tragic accident"Phobos-Grunt" fell into a plasma cloud, and this caused the failure of one of the engines.(In this case, a couple of dozen spacecraft should have fallen from near-Earth orbit, or did the new Phobos-Grunt turn out to be the weakest and most unprotected of them?).“If Phobos-Grunt had been launched later than November 9, perhaps today it would already be on its way to the Red Planet,” the expert noted.
Previously, various reasons were expressed for the possible failure of the launch of the Russian device, including the “sin” even of the American radar, which allegedly knocked Phobos-Grunt off course.

It is also surprising that from 1969 to 1972, the Americans, without any protection on their Apollos, in spacesuits that looked more like walking suits, easily and naturally crossed the Van Allen belt, completely oblivious to all sorts of solar flares there, probably radio tube equipment is much more reliable than current microcircuits, and the spacesuits of that time were simply enchanted by Alaskan shamans.

Could Phobos, the mysterious Martian moon that has attracted the attention of astronomers since ancient times, be an artificial structure?

This question, which first arose more than 50 years ago, now faces researchers with new strength in connection with the emergence of new facts concerning this celestial body.

FOBOS (from the Greek Phobos - fear), satellite of Mars. Discovered by A. Hall (USA, 1877). The distance from Mars is 9400 kilometers, the orbital period is seven hours 39 minutes 27 seconds. It has irregular shape and always faces Mars with the same side. Its greatest diameter is 26 kilometers.
Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius. 2000.

Scientists have confirmed that there is vast empty space inside Phobos. This very important conclusion was the result of research under the Mars Express Radio Science program, which was carried out by two teams of specialists. They, independently of each other, analyzed information about the gravitational force of Phobos and its mass.

The information was received by radio from the Mars Express Orbiter artificial satellite, launched on July 2, 2003 by a Russian launch vehicle from the Baikonur Cosmodrome.
It is appropriate to recall here that Joseph Samuilovich Shklovsky, a Russian astrophysicist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, who together with Professor Carl Sagan, a famous American astronomer, wrote the book “Intelligent Life in the Universe” (published in 1966), back in 1959 he suggested that the hollowness of Phobos and its artificial origin.
Shklovsky tried to understand the reason for the inexplicably high speed of rotation of this satellite around Mars. The mentioned phenomenon aroused great interest in scientific circles both in the Soviet Union and abroad.

The connection is interrupted forever

On July 12, 1988, the USSR sent two automatic interplanetary stations(AMC) - “Phobos-1” and “Pho-bos-2”. Each of them was equipped with a set of complex devices and instruments: three television cameras, a spectrometer, a flight control and orientation system, video and sound recording systems. total cost of both AMCs was $480 million.
At first everything went well, but on September 2, Phobos-1 did not make contact. Attempts to restore contact were unsuccessful. Phobos-2 safely reached an intermediate orbit around Mars in March 1989 and managed to transmit a whole series of data and photographs to Earth before the Mission Control Center (MCC) in Kaliningrad near Moscow (now the city of Korolev) lost contact with it too.

There is information that the task of Phobos-2 included the study of strange objects and questionable phenomena on the surface of its namesake - the satellite closest to Mars. The spacecraft had to maneuver around Phobos for two months, at times descending over it at a distance of up to 50 meters. And in addition, it was planned to drop two research modules onto the Martian moon - to analyze the soil, measure the magnetic field, and take and transmit images of the satellite’s surface to Earth. Upon completion of this part of the program, Phobos-2 was supposed to return to orbit around Mars and continue its research.

But that did not happen. First, from Martian orbit, the AMS transmitted images of the surface of the Red Planet, as well as data on the composition and properties of its atmosphere. Then, according to the program, on March 27, 1989, Phobos-2 interrupted radio communication with the Mission Control Center during its approach to Phobos.

But after giving the command to resume communication, the control center received only a very weak, short signal from the probe, after which Phobos-2 fell silent forever.

The AMS has been destroyed... by intelligent beings!

Images of the surface of Mars transmitted by Phobos-2 only added new mysteries. One of them shows a system of straight lines near the equator of the planet. Since the camera was shooting in infrared, the lines cannot be geological formations, but represent localized heat sources. The width of each line is three to four kilometers. Another photo shows a large oblong shadow correct form.

The object casting this shadow is not in the photo, but it is clear that it must be huge. The last picture was taken by a camera, for some reason aimed not at the surface of the planet, but at the sky. It clearly shows a strange object in space.

In 1991, Marina Lavrentievna Popovich - engineer-colonel of the Air Force, candidate of technical sciences, first class test pilot, holder of 101 world records in various types airplanes, ex-wife Soviet cosmonaut No. 4 Pavel Romanovich Popovich - during her stay in Los Angeles she gave it to an American journalist and writer, researcher anomalous phenomena Paul Stonehill, who emigrated to the USA from Odessa, one of the photographs taken by Phobos-2. It depicts a huge cylindrical object about 25 kilometers long. This was the very last picture received from the AMS, after which the connection with it was interrupted.
Transferring the photo to Stonehill, Popovich said that the USSR Glavkosmos knew all the details of the incidents with Phobos-2 and that, according to experts, this spacecraft was destroyed in 1989 by some intelligent beings.

The secrets of Phobos will be revealed!

In 1996, the book “UFOs in the USSR” was published in the USA, written by Paul Stonehill together with the popular American ufologist, writer and TV presenter Philip Mantle. It told about contacts with UFOs in the Soviet Union. In the book, the authors included information received from Marina Popovich, and also included a photograph she gave to Paul Stonehill.
The mysteries of Phobos, the “terrifying” satellite of Mars, are of interest to many people around the world. Thus, on August 6, 2009, in an interview on the C-SPAN cable television channel, American astronaut Edwin (“Buzz”) Aldrin, the second earthling to set foot on the surface of the Moon in July 1969, said: “We must fly to the satellites of Mars. One of them is a monolith, the shape of which is clearly visible and similar to a potato, and which orbits Mars every seven hours. I mean Phobos."

In Russia, along with Marina Lavrentievna Popovich, prominent specialists in the field of space exploration and exploration are also trying to attract the attention of world science to the strange satellite of Mars. One of them is a professor at the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) Valery Pavlovich Burdakov, an Honored Scientist of Russia, a developer of space technology, who is also involved in research into the principle of UFO movement.

Specialists in the USA also have a lot of information and hypotheses regarding the Martian Phobos. And recently it became known about plans to organize a Russian-Chinese expedition for a joint flight to Phobos. So, perhaps, this “horror story” will not have long to hide its secrets from us. earthlings.

Secrets of the twentieth century 2011

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How smart are you answers: level 122

Question: What do these four words have in common?
Hint: the words Moon, Phobos, Europa, Hyperion (the solution consists of 8 letters).
Answer: satellites.

Explanations for the answer to level 122 of the game “How smart are you?”

- natural satellite Earth. The planet's closest satellite to the Sun, since the planets closest to the Sun, Mercury and Venus, do not have satellites. The second brightest object in the earth's sky after the Sun and the fifth largest natural satellite planets of the solar system.

The Moon is the only astronomical object outside the Earth visited by humans.

- one of two satellites Mars. It was discovered by American astronomer Asaph Hall in 1877 and named after ancient Greek god Phobos (translated as “Fear”), companion of the god of war Ares.

Johannes Kepler proposed the existence of two moons on Mars in 1610. It was based on the logic that if the Earth has one satellite, and Jupiter has four (known at that time), then the number of satellites of the planets increases exponentially as they move away from the Sun.
By this logic, Mars should have two satellites.

The third part of Chapter 3 of Gulliver's Travels (1726) by Jonathan Swift, which describes the floating island of Laputa, states that Laputa astronomers discovered two moons of Mars.

Or Jupiter II - the sixth satellite Jupiter, the smallest of the four Galilean moons, one of the most large satellites in the Solar System. Discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei. Over the centuries, Europa has been increasingly observed using telescopes and, since the 1970s, spacecraft flying nearby.

Europa is composed primarily of silicate rocks and contains an iron core in the center. The surface is made of ice and is one of the smoothest in the Solar System; it has very few craters, but many cracks.
The satellite has an extremely thin atmosphere, consisting mainly of oxygen.

Europa's interesting characteristics, especially the possibility of detecting extraterrestrial life, have led to a number of proposals for exploration of the satellite.

Natural satellite Saturn. Discovered in 1848 and named after the Titan Hyperion.
It is believed that the length of the day on Hyperion is not constant due to the fact that the satellite revolves around Saturn in a highly elongated elliptical orbit and also has a very non-spherical shape

The surface of the satellite is covered with craters. The jagged outlines of the surface are traces of catastrophic collisions.

Could Phobos, the mysterious Martian moon that has attracted the attention of astronomers since ancient times, be an artificial structure?

This question, which first arose more than 50 years ago, is now confronting researchers with renewed vigor due to the emergence of new facts concerning this celestial body.

Scientists have confirmed that there is vast empty space inside Phobos. This very important conclusion was the result of research under the Mars Express Radio Science program, which was carried out by two teams of specialists. They, independently of each other, analyzed information about the gravitational force of Phobos and its mass.

The information was received by radio from the Mars Express Orbiter artificial satellite, launched on July 2, 2003 by a Russian launch vehicle from the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

It is appropriate to recall here that Joseph Samuilovich Shklovsky, a Russian astrophysicist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, who together with Professor Carl Sagan, a famous American astronomer, wrote the book “Intelligent Life in the Universe” (published in 1966), back in 1959 he suggested that the hollowness of Phobos and its artificial origin.

Shklovsky tried to understand the reason for the inexplicably high speed of rotation of this satellite around Mars. The mentioned phenomenon aroused great interest in scientific circles both in the Soviet Union and abroad.

The connection is interrupted forever

On July 12, 1988, the USSR sent two automatic interplanetary stations (AMS) to Mars - Phobos-1 and Phobos-2. Each of them was equipped with a set of complex devices and instruments: three television cameras, a spectrometer, a flight control and orientation system, video and sound recording systems. The total cost of both AWSs was $480 million.
At first everything went well, but on September 2, Phobos-1 did not make contact. Attempts to restore contact were unsuccessful. Phobos-2 safely reached an intermediate orbit around Mars in March 1989 and managed to transmit a whole series of data and photographs to Earth before the Mission Control Center (MCC) in Kaliningrad near Moscow (now the city of Korolev) lost contact with it too.

FOBOS (from the Greek Phobos - fear), satellite of Mars. Discovered by A. Hall (USA, 1877). The distance from Mars is 9400 kilometers, the orbital period is seven hours 39 minutes 27 seconds. It has an irregular shape and always faces Mars with the same side. Its greatest diameter is 26 kilometers.
Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius. 2000.

There is information that the task of Phobos-2 included the study of strange objects and questionable phenomena on the surface of its namesake - the satellite closest to Mars. The spacecraft had to maneuver around Phobos for two months, at times descending over it at a distance of up to 50 meters. And in addition, it was planned to drop two research modules onto the Martian moon - to analyze the soil, measure the magnetic field, and take and transmit images of the satellite’s surface to Earth. Upon completion of this part of the program, Phobos-2 was supposed to return to orbit around Mars and continue its research.

But that did not happen. First, from Martian orbit, the AMS transmitted images of the surface of the Red Planet, as well as data on the composition and properties of its atmosphere. Then, according to the program, on March 27, 1989, Phobos-2 interrupted radio communication with the Mission Control Center during its approach to Phobos.

But after giving the command to resume communication, the control center received only a very weak, short signal from the probe, after which Phobos-2 fell silent forever.

The AMS is destroyed... by intelligent beings!

Images of the surface of Mars transmitted by Phobos-2 only added new mysteries. One of them shows a system of straight lines near the equator of the planet. Since the camera was shooting in infrared, the lines cannot be geological formations, but represent localized heat sources. The width of each line is three to four kilometers. Another photo shows a large, oblong shadow with a regular shape.

The object casting this shadow is not in the photo, but it is clear that it must be huge. The last picture was taken by a camera, for some reason aimed not at the surface of the planet, but at the sky. It clearly shows a strange object in space.

In 1991, Marina Lavrentievna Popovich - engineer-colonel of the Air Force, candidate of technical sciences, test pilot first class, holder of 101 world records on various types of aircraft, former wife of Soviet cosmonaut No. 4 Pavel Romanovich Popovich - during her stay in Los Angeles, transmitted American journalist and writer, researcher of anomalous phenomena Paul Stonehill, who emigrated to the USA from Odessa, one of the photographs taken by Phobos-2. It depicts a huge cylindrical object about 25 kilometers long. This was the very last picture received from the AMS, after which the connection with it was interrupted.
Transferring the photo to Stonehill, Popovich said that the USSR Glavkosmos knew all the details of the incidents with Phobos-2 and that, according to experts, this spacecraft was destroyed in 1989 by some intelligent beings.

The secrets of Phobos will be revealed!

In 1996, the book “UFOs in the USSR” was published in the USA, written by Paul Stonehill together with the popular American ufologist, writer and TV presenter Philip Mantle. It told about contacts with UFOs in the Soviet Union. In the book, the authors included information received from Marina Popovich, and also included a photograph she gave to Paul Stonehill.

The mysteries of Phobos, the “terrifying” satellite of Mars, are of interest to many people around the world. Thus, on August 6, 2009, in an interview on the C-SPAN cable television channel, American astronaut Edwin (“Buzz”) Aldrin, the second earthling to set foot on the surface of the Moon in July 1969, said: “We must fly to the satellites of Mars. One of them is a monolith, the shape of which is clearly visible and similar to a potato, and which orbits Mars every seven hours. I mean Phobos."

In Russia, along with Marina Lavrentievna Popovich, prominent specialists in the field of space exploration and exploration are also trying to attract the attention of world science to the strange satellite of Mars. One of them is a professor at the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) Valery Pavlovich Burdakov, an Honored Scientist of Russia, a developer of space technology, who is also involved in research into the principle of UFO movement.

Specialists in the USA also have a lot of information and hypotheses regarding the Martian Phobos. And recently it became known about plans to organize a Russian-Chinese expedition for a joint flight to Phobos. So, perhaps, this “horror story” will not have long to hide its secrets from us. earthlings.

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