Home Perennial flowers Asteroid Vesta in what part of the sky. Vesta in the houses of the natal chart. Automatic interplanetary station Dawn

Asteroid Vesta in what part of the sky. Vesta in the houses of the natal chart. Automatic interplanetary station Dawn

Vesta in the horoscope is associated with the sign of Virgo, but she also has an affinity with the sign of Scorpio. In the original Zodiac of Assyrian culture there was no constellation of Libra: Virgo was followed by Scorpio, and what later became Libra was the claw of Scorpio.

Vesta in the horoscope

The symbols of Virgo and Scorpio are similar, only the sign of Virgo is directed inward, and Scorpio is directed outward. The Great Mother Goddess symbolized both the chastity of the Virgo and the matrimony of Scorpio at the same time. And only in patriarchal culture, the marriage sign of Libra created an artificial division of female roles (virginity before marriage and sexuality after). The discovery of Vesta shows the possibility of combining these two themes in one archetype.

Overall, Vesta reflects the principle of sex as a means of spiritual service. However, in the modern soul it often presents a wide range of sexual difficulties that are the result of the suppression of natural instincts.

Vesta in the signs describes 12 styles of focusing, making commitments, and what we must give up to fulfill our purpose. life goal. She also describes the way of handling sexual energy: its freedom, sublimation or suppression.

Vesta in houses indicates an area of ​​obligation or dedication to something, as well as an area of ​​​​limitation (this once again emphasizes Vesta’s connection with the sign of Capricorn and allows us to consider her as its ruler. - Approx.).

Vesta in horoscope signs

Vesta in Aries

People work with strong involvement in the business. Motivation comes from within, and they work better on their own and with their own ideas. Excesses occur when a person is so involved in the whirlpool of his own activity that he leaves no room for others to participate in it. Finding this place can lead to wonderful personal accomplishments.

Vesta in Taurus

Better focusing of energy in a stable state. They are persistent and constant as rocks if they see tangible results from their efforts. Difficulties arise because of their inflexibility. Sexuality is based on the natural release of natural instincts. If there is no sexual satisfaction, sexuality can cause stress. A pragmatic, albeit acceptable approach to sexuality and comfort requires material justification.

Vesta in Gemini

Concentration is facilitated by the spoken word and the information received. Good coordination. Alienation occurs through over-intellectualization and loss of meaning of words. Mental exchange means a lot in sexual relationships. However, these people also tend to use words to create distance between themselves and others. The mind should not be allowed to dominate the emotions.

Vesta in the sign of Cancer

To be active, a person must feel needed by others. Sympathetic connection with families and those who depend on them allows them to open the tap of the reservoir of working energy. Due to emotional hypersensitivity, withdrawal into oneself is possible, which is caused by the desire to protect oneself from real or imagined dangers from others.

Sexual satisfaction occurs when a person feels loved and caressed. And the feeling of insecurity prompts a break in the relationship. Relationships require emotional stability.

Vesta in the sign Leo

A person works best when given creative freedom. The desire to be proud of your work is aimed at the desire to beautifully present the result. Since this personality emanates radiance, alienation may arise if its radiance is<сжигать>those around her, as well as from her arrogance and arrogance. Romanticism and admiration evoke a sexual response. However, sexuality is inhibited if the energy of reproduction is directed only towards one's creative efforts.

Vesta in Virgo

Strong concentration at work. The incentive is the desire for improvement. The tendency to be overloaded and the habit of criticism withdraws from others. Sex is seen as a service to create the comfort of another or as an obligation. The natural response may be hampered by the shortcomings of others. With the harmonization of this moment, much greater efficiency in activity is achieved (Martin Luther).

Vesta in the sign of Libra

The person prefers to work with others more than by himself. He tries to involve others in the work and benefit from their contributions. But because Libras need to compare themselves to others, a strong sense of competitiveness arises. The need to be recognized as equal and reproaches about<взятого и отданного> - important factor sexual relationships.

However, because there is a need to be accepted and admired, a person is forced to put aside his own needs and desires. It is vital to achieve the necessary balance between personal inclinations and the preferences of others.

Vesta in the sign of Scorpio

Such people often seek depth and are cautious in all undertakings. Sex is seen as a supreme experience, despite all social taboos. On the other hand, the individual may have feelings of guilt, sin and shame that lead him to repress sexuality. Strongest concentration and devotion available.

Vesta in the sign of Sagittarius

A person concentrates well when he works for something in which he believes. The ideal awakens his energy to work. Alienation occurs if he promotes his views without regard for the beliefs of others. Seeking truth or adventure stimulates sexual activity; a lack of honesty can undermine relationships. These people can also put sexual impulses into action. The mixture of these aspects creates practical idealists and mystics who are traumatized by the material world.

Vesta in Capricorn

It is best to work in a disciplined and consistent manner. Effort at work is often motivated by ambition or the desire to succeed. The ability to formulate and execute plans leads to success in administrative work. Adherence to rules and regulations can lead to excessive rigidity. Responsibility is necessary for a fulfilling sexual relationship.

There may be a fear of sexual intimacy or emotionality if associated with being critical or losing power and control. Can be achieved great success. Success awaits these people through paying off their debts.

Vesta in Aquarius

It is best for a person to work in a humanistic, social or political motivation: the ideal of freedom for oneself and others. Alienation can occur due to insufficient attention to the needs of loved ones. There is often rebellion towards figures of authority. The sexual response is stimulated by the unusual, and the person becomes involved in sexual relations with friends on a non-profit, liability-free basis.

Vesta in the sign of Pisces

The soul receives energy to work in the service of others. It is difficult to find a point of application of one's strength due to the vagueness of goals. Such a person can play the role of a martyr and make others feel guilty for his suffering. The ability to heal others through sexual interaction or the sublimation of sexuality into spiritual realization.

A person may feel that their sexuality belongs to everyone who needs it, and that no one alone has the right to it. Mixing dreams and reality, in poetry and in practice.

Vesta in the houses of the horoscope

Vesta in the first house of the horoscope

Due to a strong focus on self-determination or pursuing one's own goals, there may be a tendency to exclude long-term relationships from one's life. One-pointedness and abstinence can lead to significant achievements. Being true to yourself.

Vesta in the second house of the horoscope

The ability to generate resources to provide and support oneself and loved ones. There may be restrictions on money, comfort and feelings so that the tension created leads to the study of the art of self-expression (Catherine II - conjunction with Mars).

Vesta in the third house of the horoscope

The purpose of the advanced mind is to disseminate information to others. There may be limitations in communicating in order to clarify one's own ideas. If a person is critical of himself, he may experience a feeling of inferiority of his intelligence. This position is characterized by working with the intellect (Herman Hesse, conjunction with the Moon in Pisces).

Vesta in the IV house of the horoscope

Devotion to home and family. Often, additional responsibilities at home in youth develop into responsibilities towards the family later. Such a person may experience restrictions in personal freedom due to these obligations. An efficient and skilled approach to household chores is required.

Vesta in the 5th house of the horoscope

A calling for personal creative expression - in children or artistic forms. There may be alienation from children, romances and pleasures. Due to excessive sublimation of sexual energy, obstacles may arise in this area. There is a need for a creative profession or something that puts a person in the center of attention.

Vesta in the VI house of the horoscope

Dedication to work and efficient functioning. Health difficulties can draw attention to self-medication, nutrition and physical exercise. The incentive to improve can lead to very good performance.

Vesta in the 7th house of the horoscope

The calling to work in collaboration. But since Vesta craves self-fulfillment and independence, conflict can arise in cases where compromise is required. Often the person is overly absorbed in the interaction.

Vesta in the VIII house of the horoscope

A calling to psychic and occult activities or deep interaction with others. These people may also have difficulty finding someone who matches their sexual intensity, and thus may feel limited in this area. Difficulties with others over the distribution of resources - money and energy - can lead to learning the ability to renounce personal desires and share property.

Vesta in the 9th house of the horoscope

A call to seek the truth. Excessive focus on a belief system can lead to political or religious fanaticism. Limiting the breadth of your horizons. Ideal image must be found in the material world.

Vesta in the X house of the horoscope

Concentration on career or position in society. Closeness to the MC may indicate a spiritual calling. There may be difficulties in finding a satisfying purpose and path if critical abilities are developed. Potential talents include tremendous discipline, thoroughness, and the will to work hard.

Vesta in the XI house of the horoscope

A call to group interaction. There may be restrictions in friends or company, and this makes a person understand the value of others in his life. There is a need to fuse hopes and desires together so that a person can devote himself to an ideal.

Vesta in the XII house of the horoscope

Devoting oneself to selfless service and following spiritual values. There is a strong subconscious need to isolate and withdraw in order to develop deep faith. Persecution for religious beliefs or fear of mistakes in the past can cause fear of penetration into the spiritual nature. There may be subconscious sexual fears and barriers that are overcome by combining the desire for the infinite with a practical assessment physical world and its limitations.

Aspects of Vesta in the horoscope

Aspects of the Sun - Vesta horoscope

Self-fulfillment, work and a sense of duty form the basis of life goals. Harmonious Aspects: high level personal integration. Devotion to the ideal and seriousness of intentions. These people may live according to their defined sexual values ​​and avoid possessive relationships (Carl Jung, conjunct in Leo - psychology of self-integration; Charles Dickens, in Aquarius, on IC).

Stressed: Inability to find a satisfying career. Fear of intimacy and commitment. Mental anxiety and stress due to a feeling of futility in the chosen direction in life. Being overly self-absorbed can lead to alienation from others. The solution to the problem is to develop a target focus and integrate the energy of the individual with her vision of the world.

Aspects of Moon - Vesta horoscope

Concentration is combined with emotional responsibility. Harmonious aspects: fruitfulness, desire take care of others. Understanding without words and emotional response. Free and open attitude towards sex. (Baudelaire is in Cancer, square to the Sun in Aries).

Intense: Fear of intimacy and detachment from the emotional needs of others. An overly emotional look inside oneself. There may be infertility. The solution to the problem lies in understanding the essence of moral restrictions and sexual standards. To help the individual release sexual and emotional energy, therapy can be used.

Aspects of Mercury - Vesta horoscope

The need to concentrate on thoughts and in the process of communication. Restlessness in purposeful practical creativity. Harmonious aspects: high developed intelligence, able to focus and direct his thoughts. Incentive to express ideas or devote oneself to teaching. Such a person can succeed in scientific research or as an agent, intermediary, medium.

Tense: difficulties in communication - excessive precision in words, or, conversely, irresponsibility and vagueness. A crystalline mental look inside oneself, quirks of the intellect, or simply a focused study of a situation. Sometimes there may be sexual problems due to lack of communication with a partner. The solution to the problem is to clarify personal goals and thoughts and free yourself from unnecessary intellectual baggage. Clear mental processes lead to clear communication.

Aspects of Venus - Vesta horoscope

Individual and independent attitude To intimate relationships. Harmonious aspects: the ability to combine femininity with individual expression. Sensitive understanding of female psychology. Sublimation of sexual energy for the sake of art or spiritual path.

Tense: Indicates a conflict between the independence or demands of work and the needs of relationships, resulting in withdrawal from people. They can mean puritanism, psychological coldness or frigidity, or, conversely, a tendency towards debauchery. The integration process makes it easier to develop your own sexual rules.

Aspects of Mars - Vesta horoscope

The ability of volitional concentration of energy. Harmonious aspects: the ability to combine autonomy with intimate relationships, sensitivity and mastery of sexual expression. Ability to sublimate sexual energy in the fight for the cause - a spiritual fighter. (Harriet Beecher Stowe, conjunct Scorpio - fight against slavery)

Tense: restrictions in the expression of masculine energy, which can lead to psychological coldness or impotence. Indecision in a responsible situation. Aggression as compensation. The solution to the problem is to study the management of energy, incentives and will, a clear vision of the goal.

Aspects of Juno - Vesta horoscope

An evolutionary path that begins with human autonomy and ends with his reunification with others. Harmonious aspects: the ability to make serious commitments to others. These people devote themselves to purifying and perfecting the partnership, which often takes the form of a sexually charged spiritual union.

Intense: alienation from relationships or isolation within them. Sometimes sacrificing oneself to a partner or being overly involved in the relationship. Sexual dominance and control as part of interaction. Integration is an individual role within responsible relationships.

Aspects of Jupiter - Vesta horoscope

Social assessment of one's vocation. Harmonious aspects: purpose to follow truth and knowledge. These individuals have the ability to synthesize large-scale pictures in detail. Sexual power can be sublimated in the sphere of politics, teaching or spiritual initiation.

Tense: Conflict between one's own philosophy and what serves the greater good. These people may believe that only their philosophy is valuable as truth, that is, these are the pillars of religion. Sometimes such a person strives to surpass himself and is therefore unable to fulfill his promises. Another difficulty is the overemphasis on sexual power. The solution is to broaden the goal to include social and cultural forms.

Aspects of Saturn - Vesta horoscope

Intense concentration and dedication. Harmonious aspects: self-discipline, seriousness of purpose and the ability to realize aspirations and hopes through hard work and dedication. Once realized, these aspirations are based on a solid and reliable foundation. Devotion to your home and obligations. (Gauguin, conjunction in Pisces, in opposition to Ceres in Virgo, left his wife and five children to follow his artistic calling in Polynesia. Nietzsche, in Aquarius, in the 2nd house).

Tense: Conflict between personal needs and responsibilities to others. The desire to avoid obligations or suffering under the burden of excessively heavy responsibility. High standard excellence for yourself and others. Problems may stem from preoccupation with work, excessive ambition or sexual inhibitions. The solution to problems is to develop a harmonious approach to the performance of duty in such a way as to experience personal joy and satisfaction from it.

Aspects of Uranus - Vesta horoscope

Original or universal impulses on which a personal calling is based. Harmonious Aspects: A mind that concentrates on new or intuitive ideas. Scientific or occult research. The ability to commit oneself to new political, spiritual and religious views. Such people sometimes defend sexual freedom and the principle of non-possession in sexual relationships.

Tense: conflict between concentration on business and the desire for new things and changes. This can lead to rebellion against commitment and anarchic behavior. IN sexual behavior deviations from traditional sexual ethical codes. The solution to the problem is to devote oneself to innovations and reforms that would provide constructive changes in the old order, or construction functional structures new order. (Leonardo da Vinci, opposition).

Aspects of Neptune - Vesta horoscope

Devotion to spiritual or artistic ideals. Harmonious aspects: sexual union as a means of achieving the mystical unity of Neptune. The depth of compassion that can lead to dedication to serving the world. Spiritual or artistic calling (Salvador Dali,<фотограф снов>, many of which have a sexual interpretation - connection).

Tense: scattering of goals and lack of understanding of obligations. An incorrect perception of reality that leads to unnecessary self-denial and self-sacrifice. Spiritual or sexual disappointments or avoidance of work. The solution to the problem is to use the power of Vesta in order to effectively interact with physical reality and other dimensions (Goya, the exponent of the reality of the unconscious, is the opposition).

Aspects of Pluto - Vesta horoscope

A sense of destiny to transform society. Harmonious aspects: ability to focus a large number of energy to reach a different reality. Transforming sexuality for regeneration, healing and enlightenment. This aspect may indicate a calling to use power to serve spiritual or social ideals.

Tense: the conflict between the use of power for personal and impersonal purposes. This can lead to the desire for power being blocked and released in destructive ways. Obsessive sexual desires, exaggerated fear of death, paranoia and excessive self-preoccupation may occur. There may also be a feeling of social isolation. The solution to the problem is to focus efforts on constructive social change. (Hitler, semi-square).

Demeter George, astrologer

Vesta is a curious asteroid in many ways. This is the only such object that can be seen with the naked eye. Vesta surpasses most others in mass and size known asteroids in the space between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars. In terms of its parameters, it is even closer to those. Located in the Main Vesta, it refers to bodies formed approximately during the same period as the Earth, which means it can tell a lot about the distant past of our system.


Vesta is an asteroid discovered during the search for a planet between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. According to the theory, the distribution of orbits in space around the Sun follows a certain pattern. All known on early XIX centuries the planet fit into this theory. The only exceptions were Jupiter and Mars. The huge space between them should have hidden an unknown planet. During her search, many elements of the Main Asteroid Belt were discovered.

Vesta was discovered in 1807 by Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers. Another scientist, Carl Gauss, gave her the name of the ancient Roman goddess of the hearth. The name stuck and is still used today.


After Ceres was classified as a dwarf planet, Vesta ranks second in size among asteroids after Pallas. Its parameters are 578x560x458 km. The noticeable asymmetry of the form does not allow Vesta to be classified as a dwarf planet. In terms of mass (2.59 * 10 20 kg), it is also ahead of Pallas, that is, in the Main Asteroid Belt, only Ceres surpasses it in this parameter.

Does the asteroid Vesta have an atmosphere?

It’s not for nothing that asteroids are classified as a separate class of cosmic bodies. They differ from planets in a number of parameters: size, shape, mass, and so on. Signs characteristic of an asteroid do not allow it to retain a gas shell. Therefore, the answer to the question “does the asteroid Vesta have an atmosphere” is negative. An extremely rarefied gas envelope exists on Ceres. Other bodies in the Main Belt cannot boast such a characteristic, like the asteroid Vesta. Has the atmosphere of Earth, Venus, Mars, gas giants and some satellites. Asteroids are too small for this.

How to see asteroid Vesta?

Due to its brightness, Vesta can be seen with the naked eye. Although it is smaller in size than Ceres and Pallas, it is characterized by greater reflectivity. Other asteroids cannot be seen from Earth without special equipment.

The best time to search for an asteroid in the sky is during opposition days, when it approaches the minimum distance to Earth. During these periods its brightness increases to 5.1 m ( minimum value this parameter is 8.5 m). Last time a similar confrontation occurred in April 2014.

Vesta approaches its minimum distance to our planet once every 3-4 years. Without a telescope, you can only notice it in good visibility conditions. However, it is no different from ordinary stars.


Vesta's orbit lies in the inner part of the Main Asteroid Belt. Its shape is only slightly elongated - it is an almost perfect circle. The orbit is characterized by a slight inclination to the ecliptic plane. Vesta completes one revolution around the Sun every 3.6 years. At the same time, the asteroid does not cross the orbit of our planet during its movement.

Automatic interplanetary station Dawn

In 2011, in July, Vesta passed the point of minimum distance to our planet. This period was used to study the asteroid in detail. Back in 2007, the AMC Dawn went to Vesta. The mission of the device is to study this asteroid, as well as dwarf planet Ceres.

Dawn entered Vesta's circular orbit on July 16, 2011. By December 12 he had reached minimum height over the asteroid. Among the tasks of the apparatus were measuring gravitational field, determination of the spectrum of neutrons and gamma quanta appearing during the fall cosmic rays to the asteroid Vesta. Photos of the object began to arrive on Earth on December 13.

The Dawn spacecraft left the 2012 asteroid and went to Ceres. Today (December 2015) the device continues its work in orbit of the dwarf planet.


Vesta is an asteroid carefully “examined” by the Hubble telescope. The research was carried out in the 90s of the last century. Hubble studied the surface of the asteroid. The most impressive feature of the relief was the giant crater, later named Rheasilvia. The trace presumably left by the collision is characterized by a diameter of 460 km and a depth of 13 km. Scientists still cannot answer the question of how Vesta was able to survive such a blow.

The Dawn spacecraft also studied the condition of the crater. According to scientists, Rheasilvia was formed 1 billion years ago. The crater basin partially obscures the impact of another older impact, called the Veneneya crater. In the center of Reyasilvia there is a mountain 22 km high and 180 km in diameter. In terms of its parameters, it is ahead of the giant Olympus on Mars, previously considered the highest known mountain in the solar system.

Scientists suggest that the material ejected during the impact served as material for the formation of objects of the Vesta family and class V asteroids.

Researchers are turning their attention to such objects because they can tell us a lot about the time when the Solar system was just forming. Vesta is an asteroid similar in composition to terrestrial planets. Most likely, its study will tell astronomers a lot about the distant past of our piece of the Galaxy.

Asteroid Vesta was discovered on March 29, 1807 by Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers and is one of the brightest asteroids visible from Earth on a clear night. It is located in the asteroid belt, between Mars and Jupiter. This asteroid has always attracted scientists, as it is very reminiscent of a planet that suffered from a collision with some kind of huge object more than two million years ago. Despite the fact that the asteroid is almost the same age as planet Earth, in the photographs it looks like a nascent planet. Usually small objects solar system(satellites, asteroids), devoid of a magnetic field and not protected by a powerful atmosphere, inevitably “age” from the effects of cosmic dust, meteorite impacts, and solar wind. But for some reason the surface of this asteroid looks like that of a young planet that has not undergone space weathering (darkening of the surface). To clarify all these mysteries, more accurate information was needed than what is available only through a telescope. And on September 27, 2007, NASA's Dawn space probe was launched, the first space mission to Vesta. Already on June 1, 2011, the Dawn space probe took the first images of Vesta, which showed the rotation of the asteroid. On September 5, 2012, the Dawn spacecraft, having completed its work of collecting and transmitting data, left orbit around Vesta and headed towards Ceres. Dawn made 78 observations of Vesta - the highest quality in the history of such interplanetary missions. An amazing discovery was the discovery of two huge craters in the southern hemisphere of Vesta, partially overlapping each other. The first has a diameter of 395 km, and the second - 505 km, which is almost 90% of the diameter of Vesta itself. Also, noticeable gravitational anomalies were discovered and the first gravitational map of Vesta was compiled. According to gravimetric measurements, Vesta's material concentrates towards the center, possibly forming an iron core. The asteroid's axis is inclined by about 27 degrees, that is, more than Earth's (23.5 degrees). For comparison, the Moon's axis, which has craters constantly in the shadow, is tilted only about one and a half degrees. As a result, Vesta experiences a cycle of seasons, and every part of its surface sees the Sun at some point.

Vesta. Astrological context.

Vesta is the goddess who keeps the eternal and holy fire spiritual development, transformation, purification and enlightenment. From an astrological point of view, it develops vigilance and responsibility, and ethical concerns in a person. It serves to maintain life without taking part in it itself. The position in the natal chart indicates those areas of life where a person can do something greater and sacrifice himself for the common good. Where Vesta is, we must allow the other person to see what we consider most precious, but often what is most vulnerable. If Vesta has a connection with the planets of relationships, then such people are always committed to serious relationships; frivolity is not their style. They would rather be alone than frivolous and unsuitable partners. For example, the Vesta Moon interaction gives a sense of belonging, and day after day we share this feeling with those we love. Such people simply will not tolerate relationships that do not allow this. In the dynamic development of the horoscope, Vesta manifests itself especially clearly in such events as marriage, divorce, the birth of a child (a child comes into the family), and a change of place of residence. Vesta is less active and does not always participate in the formation of instructions for the purchase or sale of real estate, travel, or the appearance of a new family member in the apartment. This happens, for example, in directorates - by aspecting Vesta with the rulers and cusps of the “marriage” houses - I, III, IV, VII, X. Moreover, as it should be, Vesta both gives aspects from her directorial position and receives them to your natal position. For example, in the year of divorce, she becomes on the cusp of crisis houses (IV, VIII, XII), has a configuration with the Nodes, a connection or a negative aspect with the rulers of the “marriage” or crisis houses. In any case, using the Vesta asteroid is an additional important information when reading a horoscope.

A new frontier in the development of human civilization is the exploration of the vast and full of mysteries of space. We are taking thousands of steps towards clues, and one of them is the study of the asteroid Vesta, which has exceptional features compared to other celestial bodies.

Asteroid Vesta

It is one of the most massive objects in the vast asteroid belt stretching between Mars and Jupiter. One revolution around the Sun takes almost 4 years, around its own axis - 5 hours, and the acceleration of gravity is almost 5 times less than on Earth. The asteroid shares its name with the Roman goddess of the family hearth, Vesta. It received its name from the notorious Carl Gauss. By the way, Phaeton, which will be discussed later, was also named after a mythical god, and the first discovered asteroids were named only after the names of goddesses (for example, Vesta, Juno, Ceres, Pallas and others).

Vesta is the only asteroid that is visible naked eye from Earth (at normal weather conditions). This is facilitated by a bright surface, big sizes and the ability to get relatively close to our planet. At the same time, its shape is far from ideal - round; Vesta did not have enough gravity to “polish” its surface.

Origin hypothesis

On March 29, 1807 (almost 200 years ago), Heinrich Olbers discovered the asteroid Vesta. Its brightness and suspected origin, incomparable to other celestial bodies in the asteroid belt, make it one of the most interesting objects to study.

The generally accepted version says that Vesta is a fragment of the planet Phaeton, which can now only be imagined: the entire asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter is its fragments. But is it?

At the end of the 18th century, German scientists discovered a pattern in the distances between the planets and the Sun. Everyone fell under the identified rule famous planets with one exception: there seemed to be a gap between Mars and Jupiter - according to calculations, there should have been the orbit of another planet there. A few years later, astronomers found it, exactly in the place where it was supposed, and named it Ceres. But the story didn’t end there either. In subsequent years, four more large objects were discovered, including the asteroid Vesta, rotating in approximately the same orbit as Ceres. Heinrich Olbers, who discovered Vesta, became the founder of the hypothesis: next to Jupiter there used to be another planet, Phaethon, which fell into pieces.

Phaeton - a myth?

This idea was picked up by the world community and developed in various directions. In the last century, scientists calculated that Phaeton could have been almost 7,000 kilometers in diameter, making it even larger than Mars. The catastrophe is separated from the present by 16 million years.

On the other hand, all of the above are just hypotheses. The date is not exact, the causes of the cataclysm are controversial. Some say that the volcanoes were to blame, literally destroying the planet from the inside. Some argue that Phaeton was torn apart by centrifugal force; others are sure that if such a planet existed, it simply fell into pieces due to a collision with its own satellite. We’ll talk about the theory of alien intervention, which has no less followers, later.

But there are, as always happens with hypotheses, opponents of the very existence of Phaethon: the opposing theory says that the asteroid belt near Mars is not fragments, but pieces of a planet that failed to form (as the theory says big bang, all planets were once rarefied matter until they formed into real objects due to collapse).

In astrology

Along with other celestial bodies in astrology, the asteroid Vesta also has its own meaning. Astrologers define it as serving higher ideals, the desire not to create something new, but to renew and revive the old. In a negative sense - to block the road to renewal.

Vesta, Juno, Lada, Eros, Phaedra - all these are asteroids of the love series. Their main meaning is related to and reflects on the love life of a person. What does asteroid Vesta mean in the list of influences on you? celestial bodies love series? That you will have to remain celibate in the name of highest goal, donate intimate life, and not always voluntarily.

At the same time, it is necessary to understand that individual asteroids do not have global significance in astrology; they can only be “shades”, only additional, specific sources of information.

Modern research

Launched in 2007 space station Dawn, one of its probes, examined the asteroid Vesta in 2011 and 2012, but the data has yet to be fully exploited. In 2016 it was discovered great amount ice formations inside Ceres, which gave reason to look for them on Vesta. But the amount of H 2 on its surface is 100 times less, which did not give confidence in the presence of water on the asteroid.

In new studies using the same bistatic radar data, scientists have again taken up the question of the existence of ice on Vesta. Having received information about its surface in centimeter resolution, they noted the inconsistency of the properties and shape of the asteroid over the entire area and a little later established: yes, there is ice on Vesta. And it is precisely this that is the reason for such heterogeneity in the structure.

These future studies will help to understand how water is transported in space and how to prevent water shortages in arid regions on Earth.

Observations from Earth

As already mentioned, Vesta can be observed from Earth with the naked eye. This is best done during a confrontation.

During opposition, the observed object is exactly between the Earth and the Sun. The subject is fully illuminated and as close as possible. For example, on January 18, 2017, the asteroid Vesta approached the Earth by 229 million kilometers (which is a microscopic distance for space). Such an approach was possible precisely because of the confrontation. A photo of the Vesta asteroid is posted in the article.

Observations of the asteroid Vesta could be carried out in Moscow from 5 pm to 7 am. It was observed in the constellation Cancer with the naked eye.

Vesta was already observed in Australia in 1960. Moreover, fragments of an asteroid fell to Earth. The meteorites were discovered 10 years later, and based on their unusual structure and composition (pyroxene, which is usually found in lava), they were determined to belong to Vesta.

Asteroid Vesta - the birthplace of aliens?

More precisely, Phaeton. If such a planet really existed, then many are sure that there was life on it, moreover, intelligent life.

In one of the images sent by Dawn, you can see what appears to be a destroyed disk crashing into the surface of Vesta. All people's ideas about the means of transportation of aliens one way or another converge to "flying saucers." The object stuck into the asteroid is very similar to such a “plate”.

Of course, this theory quickly found a response among the people. One of the versions assumes the presence of a highly developed civilization that visited the Earth, the other - that the Phaetonians, in general, moved to it and became earthlings.

The phaeton was also used several times in literature: writers convince that the planet was destroyed directly by its inhabitants, starting a thermonuclear war.

Asteroid (4) Vesta- the second largest body in the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
In general, it would be more correct to call it “minor planet Vesta.” It is the largest of the minor planets in this asteroid belt.

NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA image from the Dawn station, July 24, 2011. The picture was taken from a distance of approximately 5200 km.

It is clearly visible that Vesta did not have enough of its own gravity to take the shape of a ball.
Curious for comparison: Saturn's moon Mimas It is smaller in size, but it was able to acquire a spherical shape.

became the most massive asteroid in the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars after Ceres was reclassified as a dwarf planet. But the planet Vesta is smaller in size than Pallas, another small planet.

Enough bright asteroid, the only one that can be seen with the naked eye. Several other asteroids are also theoretically visible without a telescope, but already at the limit of our eyes, for this we need good vision and a truly black sky, without flare.

Using the Hubble telescope, an idea of ​​the surface of Vesta and its composition was obtained.
In 2011, the Dawn spacecraft approached Vesta and took more accurate images.
All South Pole and the surrounding area is occupied by the huge crater Reyasilvia, with a diameter of about 460 km. It is named after the Vestal Virgin Rhea Silvia, the mother of the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus. The name is written in exactly one word, so it was decided not to use double names.

An image of the southern hemisphere of Vesta from the Rassvet spacecraft.
The picture was taken on July 17, 2011 from a distance of 15,000 km.

The central hill of the Rheasilvia crater is visible in the center.
But the walls of the crater are not visible, because the Rheasilvia crater is so large that it is almost equal to the diameter of Vesta itself.
The bottom of the crater is located at 13 km. below the average surface level of Vesta, and the edges are 4-12 km higher.
The central hill of the crater is 18 km. height.

It is assumed that many asteroids of the same class V are fragments of Vesta.

Southern Hemisphere elevation map of the asteroid Vesta. The highest places are shown in red.
The large red circle is the walls of the Rheasilvia crater.
The red spot in the middle of the circle is the central hill of this crater.
The photo was taken from the same point as the top image, but shifted slightly clockwise.
If you look closely, you will notice that the shape of Reyasilvia is not a circle - in the picture it is broken at the bottom, and then there is another semicircle. This is an even more ancient crater - Veneneya, with a diameter of about 400 km.
Veneneia was formed 2-3 billion years ago by the collision of Vesta with a dark, carbon-rich asteroid.
And, one billion years ago, Vesta collided with another asteroid of lighter material, resulting in the formation of the Rheasilvia crater.

The blows were truly monstrous and it is unclear how poor Vesta even remained unharmed.
If you paid attention to the size of Vesta in three coordinates, you probably noticed that two sizes are 500 km each, and in the third - about 400. From this we could conclude that Vesta is strongly flattened.
Look at the animation of its rotation, which was compiled from successive images: Vesta is indeed flattened from the poles. These are the consequences of a collision with asteroids that formed the craters of Rheasilvia and Veneneia.
In addition, look more closely: along the equator, you can see longitudinal grooves as it rotates. It is believed that these are grabens - geological folds, or rather rock faults, that were formed from collisions with these asteroids.

However, Vesta suffered more than once, as evidenced by other craters tens of kilometers in size.

This chain of three craters on Vesta is called the Snowman. Located in the Northern Hemisphere.
Their names from West to East, that is, from left to right in the photograph: Marcia, Calpurnia and Minucia.
Marcia, whose diameter is about 50-60 km, is the youngest of these craters, since it overlaps Calpurnia.
Minucius is the oldest, as can be seen from the smoothed walls and integrity of the walls of Calpurnia on his side.

The core of the Vesta asteroid is iron-nickel. Stone mantle. After the initial heating and melting of rocks from nuclear reactions, a period of cooling and crystallization began, which led to diversity rocks on Vesta. This can be seen from spectral analysis Class V meteorites that reach Earth.

Until now, Vesta has been studied only through telescopes. But, in August 2011, the American spacecraft Dawn (NASA), launched in 2007, had already entered Vesta orbit and transmitted its first high-quality images. In April 2012, it left Vesta and headed towards Ceres.
On March 6, 2015, the device entered Ceres orbit.

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