Home perennial flowers Is Jordan safe? Cuisine and restaurants. Increased solar activity

Is Jordan safe? Cuisine and restaurants. Increased solar activity

It is quite an interesting destination for tourists. And, of course, for every tourist who wants to go to the region, it is very important what the security situation is in Jordan. Is it worth going there? After all, this country is a neighbor of Syria, Iraq, Israel, Palestine, and these countries cannot be called calm. However, despite such a neighborhood, security in Jordan for tourists today is not enough. high level; in fact, it is perhaps one of the safest countries for visiting countries in the Middle East. Although, of course, a number of requirements must be observed here.

Criminogenic situation

In terms of crime in Jordan, security in the tourism industry is at a high level; in general, crimes against a person, including theft, are quite rare here. This is due to both long-term and tough laws against criminals.

What should you refrain from?

The most insecure situation in Jordan is on the borders with Syria; it is better to refrain from traveling there. Tourists who, for some reason, nevertheless decided to visit the border areas, should definitely have documents with them, since their checks are carried out there regularly. Identity cards should also be carried by those who go to the border with Israel, such as the region or the valleys.

How to behave in calm areas of the country:

  1. You should not photograph someone without asking permission.
  2. Before visiting, you need to clarify whether non-Christians are allowed to enter there (many of them are open to everyone, but there are also those where only Muslims are allowed to enter).
  3. No need to gesticulate too actively. The Jordanians themselves are active gesticulators, and many gestures have very specific meanings. Therefore, in order not to offend anyone, it is better not to allow yourself unnecessary gestures when talking.
  4. Giving money and taking away purchases (especially food) is necessary right hand- the left in Islam is traditionally considered "unclean".
  5. On and in the territory near the pool, a beach outfit is perceived normally, but it is unacceptable to go to the city in this form. Should refrain from too short shorts, skirts, low-cut dresses and blouses, T-shirts with bare shoulders.

However, the Jordanians are very friendly and tolerant of tourists, so if they break the rules, they usually explain their mistakes to the guests of their country without showing aggression.

Health Preservation

How about health security in Jordan? No special vaccinations are required to visit the country, but it is still better to be vaccinated against:

  • hepatitis A and B;
  • typhoid fever;
  • tetanus;
  • poliomyelitis.

On a trip, you should take a first aid kit with you, since not all the necessary drugs can be found in local pharmacies. AT major cities there are quite decent clinics; in small towns, the health situation is worse. Just in case, it is better to insure yourself before the trip, although as for local residents, and for tourists, contacting a doctor in an emergency that does not require hospitalization is free.

In addition, you should follow the rules common to visiting all hot countries: do not drink raw water (it is clean here, but chemical composition slightly different from the usual European tourist, so it can cause indigestion; for the same reason, you should stop drinking drinks with ice) and do not eat unwashed fruits, stop drinking unboiled milk.

Safety while on holiday at the Dead Sea

When swimming in the sea, you should enter the water in flip flops so as not to cut your feet on sharp shells and corals. You should not dive with your eyes open - the water is too salty. Even for swimming, it is better to use special diving goggles to protect your eyes from accidental splashes.

In addition, poisonous fish and jellyfish are found in the sea; if you encounter them, you should immediately consult a doctor. And in no case should you stay on the beach at noon - the sun is very active here, and you can easily get burned.

Desert visit

The best time to go to the desert is early in the morning. During the day, the sands are very hot, and it becomes unbearable to be there. At night, "forays" into the desert can be very dangerous - a meeting with a snake, scorpion or other poisonous insects is not excluded.

Be sure to bring water with you. Sunglasses, a headdress, a scarf with which you can cover your face. Shoes should be comfortable, closed and with thick soles.

Road safety

Traffic in Jordan is on the right. In large cities, roads are usually good quality, but the traffic is quite chaotic, many break the rules, besides, the markings and road signs are clearly not enough. The speed at which you can move within locality- 60 km / h, outside the city - 80. Highway Amman-Aqaba allows you to reach speeds of up to 110 km / h.

Outside the city roads are not roads in best condition, but the movement is quite calm. Driving at night is not recommended. Going out of town, you should refuel in advance, because refueling is rare on the roads between cities.

As before in Libya, Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, it is completely restless, but in Jordan the government guarantees complete safety to all its guests. It is a country of enchanting beauty, where you can enjoy a great variety of flora and the valley ringing with birds. But, despite all the sights of this country, people are in no hurry to go here to rest.

All tourists are very afraid for their safety and before choosing whether to go on vacation to the Middle East, they need to think carefully. This behavior is explained by the fact that almost every day the news on TV shows reports of new terrorist attacks, explosions in the Middle East. But Jordan, unfortunately, also belongs to this region.

A few benefits to help you make the right choice.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the Middle East includes more than 20 different regions and not just conflict countries like Iraq or Afghanistan. Each country has its own shortcomings, problems and even conflicts. But this does not mean that you have to sit at home and not go anywhere to rest.
Jordan is a country in the Middle East where they don't shoot or blow anything up. Also in the history of this region there is no violence and cruelty. That's enough safe country. Very often there is an opportunity to observe in society the wrong perception of a given country and the general situation in the Middle East. This can be explained by the wrong information policy in Europe towards the Middle East. It is unfortunate that it is quite difficult to change the stereotypes that have been created about this region.
Lowest airfare to Jordan
Jordan is a safe country and no one will threaten its guests. Every tourist here feels welcome and an honored guest, starting from the airport. After all, the Jordanians are a very educated and well-mannered people, they know and can speak different languages. They treat all tourists in a friendly and peaceful manner. Also for questions personal security guests are treated with special attention. But, in order not to notice an increased attitude towards the safety of tourists, attention is not focused on this issue. No one will be able to see a person with a machine gun in a hotel or even on the street. Moreover, every hotel has a hidden security system. The police constantly monitors all tourist routes, and the tourists do not notice this.

Jordan is the most democratic country in the Middle East, where tourists are not required to comply with any special rules. Here, all residents of any nationality and culture are treated with understanding and respect. For example, there are no strict restrictions on clothing and behavior, everything remains, as in other countries, within the bounds of decency. But it's best to behave not defiant, in in public places, for example, in a bathing suit, it is not recommended to appear. Even if Russian tourists want to take excursions to religious or historical places, then there are also no strict restrictions on appearance. You can even wear a top and shorts and it will not surprise anyone, because Jordanians also dress like this in extreme heat.
Some Jordanian girls wear a headdress - a headscarf, but this is not necessary for tourists. Very often you can see mother and daughter dressed differently. For example, a mother is dressed in long and closed clothes, and her daughter is dressed in a very short skirt and tank top. This is considered normal in Jordan.

Gourmet Jordanian Cuisine

The inhabitants of this country have great respect for guests from Russia, because the Russian tourist market is one of the most important for them. All tourists from Russia are people who have already seen a lot in their lives and have rather high demands that must be satisfied. Tourists are both rich and not very rich, but there is something for everyone great options and living conditions, from luxury hotels to a special hotel for pilgrims. It was built recently in the Jordan Valley, where Jesus Christ was baptized.
Jordan is glad to see any guests with any requests, even those who prefer to travel with a backpack. This country is accessible for tourism, but is not a place of mass recreation.
Jordan is a place for true connoisseurs, for those who understand all the joy in rest, appreciate peace and tranquility

For a trip to Jordan, you need to be at the airport 2 hours before departure.
Check-in for the flight starts in 2 hours, ends 40 minutes before departure! Who did not have time, he was late!

If the passenger did not arrive on time for check-in, the airline has the right not to take him on board the aircraft.

If you have not been issued documents in our office, You need to find a representative with a sign "Receiving operator", from whom you can get, by presenting your passport, a package of documents (air tickets, voucher, insurance), and then go through the registration yourself.

Package of documents:

  • foreign passport (valid for at least 6 months from the end of the trip);
  • if your child is entered in your passport without a photo and he is already 5 years old - you need to paste a photo
  • if a child under 16 years old is flying with you - a notarized permission to travel abroad for a child from each of the parents not participating in the trip and a birth certificate of the child;
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • voucher
  • insurance policy
  • air ticket
  • if necessary, power of attorney for the child
  • bank statement (when exporting more than 10,000 euros per person)
  • International driver's license (if you plan to rent a car)

The flight to Jordan is approximately 3 hours.

Free baggage allowance on charter flights to Jordan, not including weight hand luggage, make no more than 20 kg per 1 passenger seat!

Hand luggage weight should not exceed 5 kg per 1 seat; maximum dimensions– 55x40x20 cm For any baggage exceeding established norms free baggage transportation, payment is made at the appropriate baggage rate.


A visa can be obtained upon arrival in Jordan. The visa fee at the airport is JD 10. Visa - issued at the Embassy of Jordan within 1-2 days. You need a valid passport (valid for at least 6 months) and 1 photograph. The cost of a single entry visa is $15.

Political system: a constitutional monarchy.

Population: 6,053,193 people. Almost all Jordanians are ethnic Arabs. Ethnic minorities include Circassians, Chechens and Armenians.

Religion: Islam (Sunni). About 95% of Jordanians practice Sunni Islam, and 5% are Christians, mostly adherents of the Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches.

Official language: Arabic, the second language in the country is English.

Currency: Currency unit The dinar (JOD) is made up of fils. 1 JD = 1.71 USD. Banknotes: 20; ten; 5; one; 0.5 dinars. Coins: 1000, 500, 250, 100, 50, 10, 5 fils. Credit cards are accepted in hotels, restaurants, shops.

Transport: Developed air and land communications with outside world. international Airport Queen Alia, where the national airline Royal Jordanian is based, is located 35 km south of Amman. The second most important local airport is located in Aqaba, which is also a center of tourism. Movement within the country - by shuttle buses and passenger taxis.

Electricity: Mains voltage - 220 volts.

Airport taxes and customs: When leaving the country at all border points, except for the airport, foreigners are charged a fee of 5 dinars. customs regime generally liberal. Import of a number of goods increased demand(tobacco products, alcohol, electrical equipment, etc.) is limited, including a duty on excess quantities. When exporting antiquities and antiques, it is required special permission Department of Antiquities. Export of any types of corals and products from them is prohibited.

Sanitary and epidemiological situation generally favorable. Presentation of a certificate of vaccination when entering the country is not required.

Telephone: International code Jordan - 962. Ambulance 199, 191.

Purchases: People come to Jordan specifically for shopping, because here you can buy both modern goods and traditional handicrafts. Walking through Jordan's bazaars and shops is not only great fun, but also a great way to connect with the locals.

National holidays: During public holidays banks, state organizations and many shops are closed for the whole day:
1st of January - New Year;
January 30 - Birthday of King Abdullah II;
May 1 - Labor Day;
May 25 - Independence Day;
November 14 - Birthday of King Hussein;
December 25 - Christmas.

Kitchen: Jordanian cuisine is related to Arabic culinary tradition, but remains unique in its kind. Any honorable guest is met with a richly laid table.

Russian tourists are famous for their fearlessness, and even force majeure circumstances are sometimes unable to force them to return their tickets and refuse a tour. Foreigners are more cautious and rational. After the recent one in Tunisia, when tourists were killed, among others, the Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA) gave advice to vacationers about holidays in various countries that could theoretically become a new target for IS militants.

If you are closer to European thoroughness than Russian fatalism, you may read with interest about what, according to the British, tours to Egypt, Turkey, Morocco and other Islamic countries familiar to travelers are potentially dangerous.


On March 18, 2015, terrorists dressed in military uniform opened fire indiscriminately outside the Tunisian Parliament building in the country's capital. They then broke into a nearby museum, where they took hostages. The death toll from the attack is 21, most of them foreign tourists. Experts believe that the attack could throw the tourism industry in Tunisia back to the positions of 2011 - then, after the "Arab spring", the industry, for obvious reasons, sank a lot. British experts do not advise travelers to go to the capital of the country now, even despite the increased security measures taken.


ABTA assesses the level of terrorist threat in Turkey as high, and warns those who choose both sightseeing holidays (Istanbul) and resorts (Mediterranean coast). Of course, any trip to the border with Syria is strongly discouraged.

Experts recall that in 2014, a terrorist attack had already taken place near the Turkish-Syrian border, which claimed the lives of dozens of people. Terrorist set off explosive device at the gas station. In addition, in January 2015, in Istanbul, a suicide bomber killed a policeman in one of the most beloved tourist areas of the city - Sultanahmet.


Since the Arab Spring, the flow of tourists to the country has decreased by a quarter. All kinds of political demonstrations, including with the use of weapons, have become business as usual in Cairo. Today, according to ABTA experts, the influence of IS is growing in Egypt. In September 2014, representatives terrorist organization appealed to radical pro-Islamic groups in Egypt:

"If you can kill an infidel from America or Europe, (...) including citizens of countries that have joined the coalition against IS, kill him."

In November 2014, an Islamist group based in northern Sinai terrorist group Ansar Bayt al-Maqdi swore allegiance to IS. For this reason, the UK Foreign Office does not recommend any travel to North Sinai. ABTA experts believe that it is necessary to abandon trips to the border with Libya and Israel (including the monastery of St. Catherine, beloved by pilgrims and tourists, where three travelers from South Korea were killed by terrorists in 2014).

The resorts of Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada, experts have so far recognized as safe. However, lovers of the Red Sea with fish are advised not to leave resort towns because of the existing threat of abductions.


Morocco's reputation as a country free from extremist sentiments was shaken after an explosion rocked a restaurant in Marrakesh in a tourist destination in 2011. Vacationers were among the dead. However, so far everything is calm in the Maghreb and the Foreign Office assesses the level of terrorist threat as "medium" - the same as in the US or Canada. However, ABTA experts remind that in 2014, members of the IS group - immigrants from Morocco - published a video in which they promised to "bring jihad to Moroccan soil." Tourists are invited to decide for themselves how dangerous the trip to Casablanca, Fes and other local cities is in connection with this statement.


The main hub of the UAE remains a relatively calm place for tourists, however, even here there are some “buts” (according to at least, for cautious Britons): The Foreign Office believes that the possibility of a terrorist attack cannot be completely ruled out. And, in fact, where in the world is it possible? ..


This country attracts tourists and seaside vacation and an abundance of attractions. That's just the neighbors ... On the one hand - Iraq, on the other - Syria. In February 2015, the US Embassy in Jordan warned Americans that in major shopping malls Amman, large-scale Act of terrorism- similar to what happened in Kenyan Nairobi in September 2013. Diplomats have suggested that IS militants may be actively recruiting supporters among radical Islamists in Jordan. British experts still assess the level of terrorist threat in Jordan as "medium".


The Foreign Office considers the likelihood of terrorist attacks in Kenya high and especially does not recommend that the British go to the border with Somalia, where the Al-Shabab group is based. Experts do not exclude the possibility of kidnapping of European tourists by terrorists.

The countries of the Middle East, for the most part, cannot boast of stability political situation and guarantee the absolute safety of tourists. In this regard, Jordan can be safely called an exception to the general rule. Now it is one of the most calm and comfortable countries for recreation in the region. There are almost no direct criminal and terrorist threats in the country. The only thing tourists may encounter is petty theft pockets, which are common in crowded places.

Girls in this country can feel relatively comfortable, but do not forget about the mentality arab men, which differ increased attention to tourists (especially Slavic appearance). If you have to contact with the male population, then you see yourself naturally, you should not be rude and smile a lot, all offers to get to know each other better, you need to answer with a firm refusal, any softness in your voice and a smile in response to this question can be regarded as consent. Do not forget that you are going to a country that is distinguished by strict moral standards that it is desirable to respect and, if possible, comply with. First of all, you don’t need to wear too open and provocative clothes: the more modestly you dress, the less likely it is that increased interest will be shown to you.

Much more often, tourists have to deal with natural hazards that can ruin their vacation and even put them on hospital bed. Several species of poisonous fish and jellyfish are found in Jordan. In order to somehow protect yourself from these inhabitants, when entering the water, you need to wear special shoes that you can buy on the spot or bring with you. Also, such shoes can protect against sharp corals.

In the deserts, it can be extremely dangerous to meet with poisonous jellyfish and scorpions, so in no case should you go on such a trip on your own, but only accompanied by an experienced guide (even if such a trip will cost more than traveling on your own).

In the period from May to October in Jordan, there comes a time of increased solar activity. At popular Jordanian resorts, you can easily get sunstroke. To prevent this from happening, you need to properly distribute the time spent on beaches and other public places.

As well as in many other Middle Eastern countries, Jordan has certain problems with drinking water. Water in the country is chlorinated, but it is strongly not recommended to use it raw or in any other form, otherwise there is a big risk of catching some kind of intestinal disease. It is best to buy bottled water and thus solve this problem.

The level of medicine in the country is developed at a high level, so in which case you can always get a qualified medical care. There are also many pharmacies in the country, but if you use any specific medications, then it is better to take them with you, as they may not be available on the spot or they will be sold according to prescriptions.

If you plan to eat outside of hotels, then it is best to do this in those establishments that are popular with local residents. In such places, prices will be affordable and the quality of food on good level. Try to avoid drinking drinks with ice, as it is often made from ordinary running water.

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