Home Blanks for the winter Geomagnetic field: features, structure, characteristics and research history. Magnetic storms: nature and impact on humans

Geomagnetic field: features, structure, characteristics and research history. Magnetic storms: nature and impact on humans

It is known that the Earth's magnetic field protects us from the harmful effects of sunlight, but it can also have a direct effect on the human body. Both positive and negative.

Magnetic field and living organism

Modern science has already proven that the earth's magnetic field affects living organisms. It has also been established that living beings not only perceive electromagnetic flows, but also generate their own.

Biophysicists and physicians note positive influence magnetic field on the circulatory system - condition blood vessels, the activity of transferring oxygen through the blood, the transport of nutrients.

Back in the nineteenth century, the French neurologist J.M. Charcot and the Russian clinician S.P.Botkin drew attention to the fact that the magnetic field has a calming effect on nervous system... The Soviet scientist A.S. Presman put forward a hypothesis according to which the electromagnetic fields existing in nature had an impact on the evolution of living organisms. According to Presman's theory, along with energy interactions in biological processes, information interactions play an essential role. Moreover, if the sensitivity of the perceiving systems is high enough, the transmission of information electromagnetic field can be done with very little energy. This theory has received confirmation in the studies of modern, in particular, American scientists.

All-pervading effect

Features of the influence of a magnetic field on a person are fundamentally different from any other effect - chemical, thermal, radiation, electrical. For example, if the muscles and the circulatory system can partly bypass a dangerous current, and radiation can be partially absorbed surface layers body, then the magnetic field affects the entire body. Employees of the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of the Russian Academy of Sciences assume that magnetic fields operate in the ultra-low frequency range, and therefore correspond to the main physiological rhythms - heart, brain, and respiration.

In particular, it was confirmed that the frequencies of the so-called "Schumann resonance" (amplification of electromagnetic atmospheric noise) coincide with the frequencies of the brain.

According to scientists, unlike other physiological influences, a person may not feel the wobbling of the magnetic field, but the body nevertheless reacts to it, first of all, with functional changes in the nervous, cardiovascular systems and brain activity.

Magnetic field and psyche

Psychiatrists have long traced the connection between surges in the intensity of the Earth's magnetic field and exacerbations mental illness, which often lead to suicide. Kelly Posner, a leading psychiatrist at Columbia University in the USA, notes that “the most likely explanation for the close relationship between psychological deviations in humans and geomagnetic storms is that there is a mismatch circadian rhythms organism (cyclical fluctuations in the intensity of various biological processes with a period of about 20 to 28 hours) and a failure in the production of melatonin - the main hormone of the pineal gland, which is responsible for the regulation of circadian rhythms.

Geomagnetic storms directly affect internal The biological clock organism in a destructive mode, thereby provoking the emergence depressive conditions and increasing the likelihood of suicide. "

British scientists also drew attention to the connection between neuropsychic disorders and the processes of the Earth's magnetic field. They managed to identify this pattern by examining about 40 thousand patients.

Reaction to magnetic storms

At one time, Russian biophysicist Alexander Chizhevsky, on the basis of numerous statistical data, pointed out the seriousness of the impact of geomagnetic storms on human health. Such storms, according to the scientist, are the culprits of outbreaks of plague, cholera, diphtheria, influenza, meningitis and even relapsing fever. In Yerevan medical institute studied the effect of disturbance of the Earth's magnetic field on the incidence of myocardial infarction. This disease is convenient for research in that it is possible to clearly determine the time of the onset of its occurrence, and then relate the data to the time of the onset of magnetic storms. Studies have shown that on the day of the passage of the magnetic storm and over the next two days, the number of visits of people with cardiovascular problems, as well as the number of deaths, increased.

But doctors say that most often human body does not react to the disturbance of the Earth's magnetic field immediately, but about a day after the start of the magnetic storm.

Numerous studies show that geomagnetic activity also affects circulatory system... Even during moderate storms, blood clotting increases by about 2.5 times, and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate also increases, which leads to the risk of thrombus formation.

"Magnetic field deficiency syndrome"

Doctor biological sciences Peter Vasilik discovered that during periods of strengthening of the Earth's magnetic field, human growth slowed down, but now humanity is experiencing a period of decline in the activity of the planet's magnetic field and, accordingly, Vasilik explains the acceleration observed today.

And according to the Japanese scientist and physician Kyochi Nakagawa, weakening geomagnetic activity is the cause of many disorders: bad sleep, loss of appetite, decreased immunity, tendency to frequent diseases, diseases of the joints, skin, genitourinary system, nervousness and general weakness.

Nakagawa's theory is called Magnetic Field Deficiency Syndrome. However, the deficit of the magnetic field can be caused artificially. For example, in spaceship or a magnetic field shielding effect is created in the submarine. People who are in such conditions for long time significant violations of functional parameters were found, a decrease in metabolism and a decrease in the total number of leukocytes in the blood were observed, and also precursors of various diseases appeared.

Everyone has days when everything falls out of hand and makes you feel unwell. Headaches and incomprehensible anxiety are the consequences of the activity of the Sun, which we call magnetic storms. This luminary of ours bestows upon us negative energy... Solar radiation is the basis of life on planet Earth, but it is also the disturbance of the magnetic field of our planet under the influence of the flying solar wind. And one can argue whether there are magnetic storms or not, but scientists have clearly seen the correlation between solar flares and their effect on the state of people.

What is it

It would be more correct to call the phenomenon a geomagnetic storm - a disturbance of the planet's magnetic field, which lasts from a couple of hours to several days. Radiation belts (spheres) of our planet, in which protons and electrons are captured, reaching them from outer space, increase the planet's ring current (current in the equatorial area at an altitude of 10-60 thousand kilometers). As a result of their interaction with the Earth's magnetic sphere, disturbances arise - these are magnetic storms that form space weather on the planet. It is also an incredibly beautiful magnetic-optical phenomenon - the northern lights.

Causes of occurrence

The sun is quite unstable. The types of solar activity that lead to magnetic storms are:

  • Solar flares - the release of billions of kilotons of energy (plasma) in terms of TNT equivalent. Magnetic energy is generated from rotational energy.
  • Coronal mass ejection - in this case, the energy is not converted into magnetic, but all is spent on imparting acceleration to the substance (protons and electrons) that will fly into space.
  • Coronal holes are areas of the Sun's corona with reduced density and temperature. It is in these places that the magnetic lines open, and the plasma of the luminary flows into space.

All these phenomena provoke the appearance of a huge number of charged particles that scatter in comic space. Some of them, flying at a speed of about a thousand kilometers per second, reach our planet on the second or third day, and we call this flow the cosmic wind. It is they who change the parameters of the Earth's magnetic field.

Life in the storm

With the beginning of the space age and with the advent of the possibility of observing the Sun with the help of extraterrestrial objects, scientists have figured out the nature this phenomenon and learned to predict the onset of magnetic storms. These are hourly, two-day, weekly and 27-45 day forecasts. At the same time, only an hourly forecast gives an accuracy of 95%, while all the others still leave much to be desired. In addition, it has been reliably established that magnetic storms over the years are associated with the solar activity cycle of 11 years. When the activity is maximum, we experience up to 50 magnetic storms per year, against 1-2 in the years of minimum activity of the star. On average, every inhabitant of the planet, about 20% of his entire life, is under the influence of a magnetic storm. This is quite a lot, given their effect on the state of the body.

We do not see her, but we feel

We sense changes in the magnetic field with the help of a "sensor" built into the vestibular apparatus. It is a part of the inner ear with special receptor cells. This "sensor", like all other senses, is connected to the brain and can get tired. For example, with prolonged sound or electromagnetic exposure, we may experience headache or vestibular disorders. The development of scientific and technological progress has led to the fact that we live in a permanent magnetic smog - we are constantly surrounded by many different radiations, ranging from mobile devices and ending jet engine an airplane that we don't seem to hear.

People and the Sun

In many religions of the peoples of the world, the Sun is a symbol of goodness and goodness. But not everything is so simple, because the ancients did not know about magnetic storms on the Sun. The benefits that we derive from the ultraviolet radiation of the luminary are colossal, but it can kill us. The impact of magnetic storms on human health and well-being has long been questioned. But maybe soon they will give us sick leave diagnosed with a victim solar activity? Research carried out by the Comic Research Institute at Peoples' Friendship University has confirmed the effects of changes in the magnetic field on the functioning of cardiomyocytes (heart muscle cells). The impact of the magnetic storms that arose after the outbreak was assessed on the state of rabbit cardiomyocytes. It showed that with such an effect, the viscosity of the blood and its coagulability increase, the amount of adrenaline (stress hormone) and the swelling of the heart muscle increase.

What to fear

It is assumed that healthy people magnetic storms on the sun do not cause any deterioration in health. But everyone can still be disturbed by such indignations. One way or another, but the body is affected by the influence of magnetic storms. Symptoms can vary:

  • During such periods, we develop large quantity white blood cells (lymphocytes), but their activity is reduced. And this leads to a decrease in the general immunity of the body.
  • Melatonin is also responsible for the immunity and daily biorhythms of our body, the production of which is disrupted, which leads to an imbalance in the hormonal background.
  • The quality of our blood also changes - it becomes more viscous, which increases the likelihood of blood clots. In addition, this leads to disruptions in the oxygen transport process. The first to suffer from oxygen starvation is the brain, hence headaches, insomnia and decreased performance.
  • Malfunctions of the cardiovascular system may appear: unstable blood pressure and heart rhythm disturbances.

The effect of storms on the formation and conduction of a nerve impulse has not been fully studied. But there has been an increase in such periods of road traffic accidents, work injuries and exacerbation of mental disorders.

How to reduce risks

  • Try not to use the subway - its powerful ultra-low frequency electromagnetic fields can amplify Negative influence geomagnetic storm.
  • You should not fly by airliners - at an altitude of 10 kilometers, the protective layer of air is reduced by 2 times. In addition, the load on the vestibular apparatus may be excessive.
  • Introduce foods that reduce the level of adrenaline in the blood into the diet: apples, dried apricots, cranberries, raspberries, bananas. Eliminate alcohol and heavy foods: fatty, spicy and very sweet.
  • Try not to get nervous, drink tea or tinctures medicinal plants: valerian, peony, strawberry.
  • Follow the prognosis and, if the symptoms bother you, see your doctor for qualified help.

How addicted are you

It is easy to check the degree of your dependence on the magnetic field. To do this, you will need a stopwatch and an observer who will film the test. You need to stand on one leg and close your eyes for 15 seconds. After that, talk on mobile phone and repeat the test. If you managed to maintain a level position in the second case, you are not dependent or slightly dependent on electromagnetic radiation... If you feel awkward, then read the previous section - it was written just for you.


Our body is a fragile system. Millions of years of evolution have prepared man for existence on this planet. We can protect ourselves from a lot, but there are forces that are beyond our control. According to NASA, the strongest of all recorded storms happened in November 2003, all the next ones are expected to be weaker. And while scientists are struggling with the invention of a device-compensator of magnetic radiation, our health and well-being in our hands. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, be healthy!

Please love and favor: giant fusion reactor, located at a distance of 150 million kilometers from Earth, also known as a star named the Sun. Only thanks to him we have the pleasure of contemplating life on Earth. But, as you know, you have to pay for any pleasure. V in this case we rely on the most expensive thing we have - health.

The sun throws out into the surrounding space every second great amount energy in the form of various radiations, particles and plasma. Even taking into account the huge distance, this is quite enough to significantly reduce the population of our planet.

Moreover, periodically on the Sun (near sunspots) flares occur - thermonuclear explosions of colossal power. High-energy particles reach the Earth in a few hours, threatening to destroy everything in their path.

But the Earth is defending itself. Its personal magnetic field takes on the impact of the solar wind, preventing it from penetrating the planet's surface. At the same time, it is deformed, as if "shudders" from the impact. These vibrations of the protective shield are the famous magnetic storm, which in the last decades has been frightening humanity.

The storm covers the sky with darkness ...

Does a solar magnetic storm affect humans? Undoubtedly. That's how? This is where the fun begins.

If we compare a magnetic storm with electromagnetic fields that arise when using numerous devices and devices (mobile phones, computers, microwave ovens, televisions, city transport), then it will obviously lose in power. Even an ordinary telephone receiver "storms" more.

In theory, high-tech should have completely destroyed our fragile organisms long ago - after all, in fact, we live in a state of constant electromagnetic stress. One interesting circumstance saves humanity. The fact is that people don't care strong impacts... On the contrary, we are harmed by the weak, because they are similar in their frequency characteristics to our own electromagnetic fields. So it turns out that a magnetic storm is even a small radiation, but a remote one.

the more different around him electrical devices, the less sensitive it is to magnetic storms. They just get lost in man-made noise ...

Wildlife is generally very sensitive to solar activity. So, during magnetic storms, birds confuse north and south, insects begin to run and fly hysterically, and some types of algae and bacteria grow and multiply at an insane speed.

By the way, if we compare the 11-year periods of solar activity with various epidemics, a very interesting pattern emerges. For example, the story of the bird began just in the "active" period.

Sun and heart

The main danger of magnetic storms is that rhythmic changes in the geomagnetic field occur in the range of 0.5–2 Hz. It is with this frequency that our heart beats. The imposition of a solar rhythm on a human can lead to disastrous consequences - from an attack of arrhythmia to a heart attack. Especially for cores.

In fairness it should be noted

that not all magnetic storms are accompanied by such micropulsation, but at best half. However, in such unfavorable days it is better not to expose yourself to additional stress.

Sun and brain

Physicians have long known that the psyche is very sensitive to low-frequency vibrations. For example, a growing feeling of fear, which turns into panic, occurs in some people before an earthquake - in this way they react to rhythmic tremors and low-frequency waves that occur during this.

The risk group includes people whose work is associated with chronic stress: managers of various ranks, as well as workaholics. Yet greater danger nervous and unbalanced people are exposed.

The study of history shows that quite often major upheavals in society tend to epochs of maximum solar activity. This was the case, for example, in 1905, 1917, 1991. However, not only human aggressiveness is growing, but also luck. If we compare the graphs of solar activity and the statistics of winnings in various lotteries (in particular,

roulette in Monte Carlo), then involuntarily you will begin to believe in mysticism.


And yet, despite the fact that the meteosensitivity - scientific fact, in the overwhelming majority of cases, people simply "make up" health problems for themselves, using the message about a magnetic storm simply as a convenient excuse. The promptness and volume of information about solar activity, warning of even the most insignificant magnetic storms, informers on sites indicating the geomagnetic situation - all this plays a rather cruel joke with humanity.

Many people develop a kind of dependence on this information, they cannot take a step until they figure out how many points on the solar storm scale they are promised today. And someone and their own real problems with health writes off in the sun, and does not consider it necessary to consult a doctor.

So, protecting yourself from magnetic storms, first of all, protect your head - from information spam flying from all media.

Alex Volgin

Surrounds the magnetic field. Absolutely everything that is on Earth is exposed to the special, invisible power rays of this field. But the magnetic field exists not only around the Earth, it is also in the body of every person. Many doctors and biophysicists, studying the effect of a magnetic field on living organisms, including humans, note that it has a huge effect on the circulatory system and on general state all blood vessels.

What is the significance of a magnetic field for a person? Its influence has been proven more than once and continues to be studied constantly. Remember how with abrupt change an external magnetic field worsens a person's well-being. However, do not forget that this state of the magnetic field is a temporary phenomenon. There are also more dangerous changes to it.

Our era is characterized by a particularly rapid development various equipment, creating a large number all kinds of machines, structures and products from complex alloys. All this huge amount of metal surrounding us leads to the fact that the magnetic field is redistributed incorrectly. The metal attracts him to itself, thereby depriving the organisms of people and animals of its influence. Thus, a deficiency of the magnetic field in the body is created, the consequence of which is disruption of work. different systems organism, organs and tissues.

There is a theory that it is the deficit of the magnetic field that has become the culprit for the fact that in the first place among all diseases in terms of frequency of occurrence are. This effect is widely used in magnetotherapy.

As a rule, the effect of a magnetic field on living organisms, on a person as a whole and on his individual organs does not cause an increase in body temperature, the formation of endogenous heat or skin irritation. V medicinal purposes it is necessary to correctly dose the magnetic field, the effect on a person in this case will only be positive. Its good tolerance is noted in very weak patients, as well as in the elderly. Today, a lack of a magnetic field is compared to a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.

About 50 years ago, Japanese scientist Nakagawa described a new disease - magnetic field deficiency syndrome in humans. The main symptoms are weakness, decreased performance, increased fatigue, headache, changes in the work of the cardiovascular system, skin disorders. And this is not full list disturbances that can be caused by a lack of a magnetic field. Of course, the magnetic field itself, or rather, its deficiency, is not the main cause of all these diseases, but becomes an important component in their development. One of the methods of treatment Nakagawa suggested procedures to restore the normal magnetic field.

Also, scientists have described the mechanism of action of a magnetic field on any living organism. The metal ions included in the circulate throughout the body, so a magnetic field is formed around the vessel. Since blood flows through the vessels to all parts of the body, the magnetic field exists in the body everywhere. As soon as a decrease in the magnetic field occurs, blood circulation is disturbed, a failure occurs in the transportation of oxygen to the organs, and a disease develops. So it is not in vain that the deficit of the magnetic field is compared with the deficiency of vitamins, minerals and nutrients in organism.

It is known that the Earth's magnetic field protects us from the harmful effects of sunlight, but it can also have a direct effect on the human body. Both positive and negative.

Magnetic field and living organism

Modern science has already proven that the earth's magnetic field affects living organisms. It has also been established that living beings not only perceive electromagnetic flows, but also generate their own.

Biophysicists and doctors note the positive effect of the magnetic field on the circulatory system - the state of the blood vessels, the activity of oxygen transfer through the blood, the transport of nutrients.

Back in the nineteenth century, the French neuropathologist J.M. Charcot and the Russian clinician S.P. Botkin drew attention to the fact that the magnetic field has a calming effect on the nervous system.
The Soviet scientist A.S. Presman put forward a hypothesis according to which the electromagnetic fields existing in nature had an impact on the evolution of living organisms. According to Presman's theory, along with energy interactions in biological processes, information interactions play an essential role. Moreover, if the sensitivity of the perceiving systems is high enough, the transmission of information by an electromagnetic field can be carried out using very little energy. This theory has received confirmation in the studies of modern, in particular, American scientists.

All-pervading effect

Features of the influence of a magnetic field on a person are fundamentally different from any other effect - chemical, thermal, radiation, electrical. For example, if the muscles and the circulatory system can partly shunt a dangerous current, and radiation can be partially absorbed by the surface layers of the body, then the magnetic field affects the entire body.
Employees of the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of the Russian Academy of Sciences assume that magnetic fields operate in the ultra-low frequency range, and therefore correspond to the main physiological rhythms - heart, brain, and respiration.

In particular, it was confirmed that the frequencies of the so-called "Schumann resonance" (amplification of electromagnetic atmospheric noise) coincide with the frequencies of the brain.

According to scientists, unlike other physiological influences, a person may not feel the wobbling of the magnetic field, but the body nevertheless reacts to it, first of all, with functional changes in the nervous, cardiovascular systems and brain activity.

Magnetic field and psyche

Psychiatrists have long traced the connection between surges in the intensity of the Earth's magnetic field and exacerbations of mental illness, which often lead to suicide. Kelly Posner, a leading psychiatrist at Columbia University in the USA, notes that “the most likely explanation for the close relationship between psychological deviations in humans and geomagnetic storms is that there is a mismatch in the body’s circadian rhythms (cyclical fluctuations in the intensity of various biological processes with a period of about 20 to 28 hours. ) and a failure in the production of melatonin - the main hormone of the pineal gland, which is responsible for the regulation of circadian rhythms.

Geomagnetic storms directly affect the internal biological clock of the body in a destructive mode, thereby provoking the onset of depressive conditions and an increase in the likelihood of suicide. "

British scientists also drew attention to the connection between neuropsychic disorders and the processes of the Earth's magnetic field. They managed to identify this pattern by examining about 40 thousand patients.

Reaction to magnetic storms

At one time, Russian biophysicist Alexander Chizhevsky, on the basis of numerous statistical data, pointed out the seriousness of the impact of geomagnetic storms on human health. Such storms, according to the scientist, are the culprits of outbreaks of plague, cholera, diphtheria, influenza, meningitis and even relapsing fever.
The Yerevan Medical Institute studied the effect of disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field on the incidence of myocardial infarction. This disease is convenient for research in that it is possible to clearly determine the time of the onset of its occurrence, and then relate the data to the time of the onset of magnetic storms.
Studies have shown that on the day of the passage of the magnetic storm and over the next two days, the number of visits of people with cardiovascular problems, as well as the number of deaths, increased.

But doctors say that most often the human body reacts to disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field not immediately, but about a day after the start of the magnetic storm.

Numerous studies show that geomagnetic activity also affects the circulatory system. Even during moderate storms, blood clotting increases by about 2.5 times, and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate also increases, which leads to the risk of thrombus formation.

"Magnetic field deficiency syndrome"

Doctor of Biological Sciences Petr Vasilik found that during periods of strengthening of the Earth's magnetic field, human growth slowed down, but now mankind is experiencing a period of decline in the activity of the planet's magnetic field and, accordingly, Vasilik explains the acceleration observed today.

And according to the Japanese scientist and doctor Kyochi Nakagawa, weakening geomagnetic activity is the cause of many disorders: poor sleep, loss of appetite, decreased immunity, a tendency to frequent diseases, diseases of the joints, skin, genitourinary system, nervousness and general weakness.

Nakagawa's theory is called Magnetic Field Deficiency Syndrome.
However, the deficit of the magnetic field can be caused artificially. For example, in a spaceship or in a submarine, the effect of shielding the magnetic field is created. In people who fell into such conditions for a long time, significant violations of functional indicators were found, a decrease in metabolism and a decrease in the total number of leukocytes in the blood were observed, as well as precursors of various diseases.

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