Home Fruit trees Icon and prayer that will help during childbirth. Patron saints of pregnant women

Icon and prayer that will help during childbirth. Patron saints of pregnant women

A person is able to overcome any difficulties with proper psychological preparation. This is where the secret of the popularity that the birth assistant icon possesses lies hidden. It instills confidence in your abilities, weans fear, calms panic and pushes aside all negative thoughts. With this attitude, giving birth to a child will become a completely feasible task, bringing joy and relief, and not just suffering.

Many expectant mothers who do not consider themselves believers still pray to the icon of the Mother of God “Helping Childbirth.” This is in Once again proves that even in the most convinced atheist there is a small part of the Christian. When a woman is on the threshold of severe physical torment, the immediate proximity of death and such a bright celebration of the birth of a new life, it is prayer that best calms her down.

Canonical variations of the icon

There is a huge variety of types of icons that help during childbirth, but only two of them are considered canonically established.

The first one came to us from the west, as evidenced by the flowing hair of the Mother of God and her uncovered head. Despite the violation of Orthodox canons, this version has become a classic and has performed miracles more than once. IN in this case The hands of the Virgin Mary are folded on the chest, and the fingers form the monogram of Jesus Christ (IC XC).

The second option is more traditional and is much more common. Our Lady stands in full height, hands are directed to the sky in prayer, and the baby himself is located at chest level.

In addition to these varieties, there are dozens more icons, and almost all of them have miraculous properties, helping expectant mothers.

Serpukhov icon

One of the most famous icons of the Mother of God “Helping Childbirth” is located today in the city of Serpukhov and belongs to the Cathedral of St. Nicholas (Nicholas the White). It was acquired in 1993.

During communion, a simple old woman gave Archpriest Vladimir a very old frame, covered with soot and dust to such an extent that under the layer of dirt it was impossible to guess the image. What was the surprise of the master restorers when, during cleaning, the bright face of the Mother of God appeared to them! Many years have passed, and during this period the icon has become the target of pilgrimage for people from all over the world.

When to turn to the icon of the Mother of God?

Why did the icons of the Mother of God deserve such love?

Naturally, this was due to the miracles she contributed to! Man, unfortunately, constantly needs confirmation of the presence of the Almighty, and many such cases have been recorded.

“Assisting childbirth” is credited with the following properties:

  • It significantly facilitates the process of childbirth, helping a woman cope with wild pain, and keeps her alive;
  • There have been recorded cases of relief from infertility after turning to the Mother of God;
  • Can get rid of pathologies. There is a documented case where a woman prayed to an icon when her fetus was in an abnormal position. By the time of contractions, the baby turned over in the womb and was born without complications.

Such rare miracles

If you happen to be faced with the need to turn to an icon to help during childbirth, then you will pay attention to its rather narrow distribution. Officially, it is available only in a dozen churches in Russia, and abroad - in even smaller quantities.

It just so happened that the lack of an original was to blame. The original is simply hidden for centuries, and those works of the masters that have come down to us cannot serve as the basis for creating new works. The greatest minds tried to trace the mentions of this icon, but their work did not yield results. Therefore, you will have to make a kind of pilgrimage in order to get the opportunity to offer prayer.

The image of the Mother of God “Helper in Childbirth” also belongs to the iconographic type of Immaculata, which translates as “pure, unsullied.” “Help in childbirth” (another name for the icon) is especially necessary for women who pray for a successful birth. It also helps those who want to get rid of infertility.

Origin and meaning

Historical path Icon of the Mother of God “Helper in Childbirth” unknown to anyone. There is also no information about the location of the original.

It was the Mother of God who was always prayed for help in any matter related to childbirth, who herself became the Mother of the Baby Jesus, and then saw the death and Resurrection of her Son. She is the one who can understand the pain and experiences of a pregnant woman or a woman wanting to give birth, and also provide her with the necessary protection.

History of acquisition

During Great Lent, Archpriest Vladimir Andreev gave communion to an old woman at home, who was very happy with the news that the parish of St. Nicholas Cathedral in Serpukhov would be revived. In honor of this event, she handed over to the archpriest a salary previously stored in the attic. The image was framed by a sooty robe, but after the layers of many years of dust were cleaned off by restorers, the face of the Mother of God “Helper in Childbirth” was revealed.

After this, the icon became the cause of many miraculous events that were witnessed and described by Vladimir Andreev, and in order to see it, pilgrims from all over the world began to flock to Serpukhov.


In the canonical version Icon of the Mother of God “Helper in Childbirth” has two different options:

  1. The Mother of God stands at full height, her hands raised to the sky in prayer. In front of her (at chest level) is the Infant of God.
  2. The head of the Blessed Virgin is uncovered, slightly tilted, and her hair is loose (given this subtlety, many believe that the origin of this variant is Western). The color of the outer garment is red with a golden tint. Stars are sometimes depicted on the shoulders. The lower garments are dark green (also gilded). Fingers right hand partially overlap the fingers of the left. Below the Virgin’s folded palms is the Savior. His right hand is extended in a gesture of blessing, and his fingers are folded so as to form a monogram of his (Jesus Christ) name, composed of the letters Greek alphabet. Left hand He holds the Divine Infant on his knee. The image as a whole is placed on a crescent moon.

In addition to these two established types of image, there are many others that differ in detail and style of writing.

Where is

On the territory of Russia, it is quite difficult to find a “Assistant in Childbirth”. The acquisition of one of the lists occurred not so long ago - in 1993. It was transferred to Serpukhov, to the St. Nicholas Cathedral and it was placed in the chapel of the Mother of God “Help to Childbirth”. It is believed that this image has miraculous powers and helps in case of complications during pregnancy or infertility.

You can also see image lists in:

  • Church of the Transfiguration on Bolvanovka (Moscow);
  • Krasnoselsky Church of All Saints (Moscow);
  • Izmailovsky Holy Trinity Cathedral (St. Petersburg);
  • Church of the Nativity (Ekaterinburg).

What to pray for

According to the name Icon of the Mother of God “Helper in Childbirth” you need to ask for a safe delivery. It gives expectant mothers peace of mind and hope, and helps give birth to healthy children, despite the disappointing forecasts of doctors. Some, through diligent prayers, were able to achieve a cure for infertility and waited for pregnancy to occur.

In addition, she should pray that:

  • the pregnancy was generally easier;
  • the child has taken the correct position;
  • facilitate the course of childbirth;
  • cope with common problems in pregnant women depressive state and fears;
  • gain vigor and strength of spirit;
  • gain hope that all hardships will be resolved safely.

Having found the spiritual strength and support of the Mother of God, any woman will be able to cope with the difficulties of childbearing and even feel joy from them. To contact her there is special prayers, but it is not at all necessary to know them, the main thing is to ask Virgo for help from the bottom of your heart and then she will hear.

Day of Veneration: January 8/December 26 (new/old style). On the same day, the day of the icon of the Mother of God “Blessed Womb”, which is close in meaning, is celebrated.

Pregnancy for a woman is a blessing from God, and motherhood is the main mission of the fair sex on Earth. A woman should prepare physically, psychologically and spiritually for pregnancy and childbirth.

Orthodox traditions during childbirth

A hundred years ago, every woman preparing to become a mother relied on the will of God in everything. The midwife never began to help a woman in labor without first praying. At the time of birth, all household members stood in front of a lit lamp and prayed to the Mother of God for a successful delivery. Prayer before childbirth was also obligatory for the woman in labor. The era of atheism changed people's worldview, however modern society is increasingly reviving Orthodox faith, spirituality in souls and society. That's why everything today more women resort with prayer to To higher powers- first to conceive, then to bear and give birth. Miracles that occur through the faith and prayers of believers convince us of the mercy and love of the Lord for his children.

Spiritual preparation for childbirth

A believer during pregnancy often turns to To the heavenly powers. The priests insist that during the period of bearing a child, every woman must visit the temple, confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. The main assistant to a pregnant woman during the entire period of bearing a baby is the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. The Holy Face showed many miracles of faith, including the gift of motherhood. Prayer should accompany a pregnant woman for all nine months; not only in church, but also at home, a woman can turn to the Heavenly patroness and protector. “According to our faith, may it be for us...” - prayer at the moment of childbirth works miracles: there are cases when women in labor who uttered the words of prayer had pain subsided, the process of childbirth was facilitated, and bleeding stopped. The priests claim that prayer during pregnancy, prayer before childbirth, and prayer during childbirth are equally important for a woman.

Heavenly patrons of mother and baby

Asking the question: “Who should I pray to? Which icon is better to turn to?”, the woman understands in her soul that the main helper will be the Mother of God, to whom people always turn in times of sorrow and trials. Being immaculate and pure, Holy Virgin gave birth to a Son painlessly, but for her earthly life she fully experienced what pain and suffering were. That is why it responds to the prayer requests of believers. Several Holy Faces of the Mother of God are considered the patroness of a pregnant woman: the icon “Helper in Childbirth”, “Quick to Hear”, “Leaping Baby”, “Healer” and many other miraculous icons. The Savior will not remain indifferent to sincere pleas for help and protection, therefore the prayers offered at the icon of Jesus Christ also have effective force. No less effective are the prayers of Ksenia of St. Petersburg and Anastasia the Pattern Maker. However, most believers believe that the main assistant to a woman in labor is still the icon of the Mother of God “Helper in Childbirth.”

The history of the acquisition of the miraculous image

My modern history The miraculous image dates back to the 90s of the twentieth century. It was then that she appeared Orthodox world Icon "Assistant in Childbirth". It is not known for certain where the original face is located, but one day, during Great Lent, a copy of this icon was found in Serpukhov. Father Vladimir received it as a gift from a devout old woman whom he gave communion to at home. For many years of fighting against God, the icon was kept in the attic, then it appeared to the world under the name “Helper in Childbirth.” Since then, many miracles have been recorded from this image through the prayers of believers. Many infertile women have learned the joy of motherhood: fervent prayer in front of the “Helper in Childbirth” icon works wonders. There are two options for the image of the Mother of God on this wonderful list:

The Mother of God is depicted in full height with her arms raised up, the Eternal Child is located at the level of her chest.

The Blessed Virgin is depicted with her head uncovered and her hands folded; the Savior is in the womb.

Orthodox image of the Holy Virgin

Orthodox canons predetermine the image of the Mother of God with a covered head, which is why many clergy believe that the second version of the icon is of Western origin. However, among Orthodox Christians, the icon “Helper in Childbirth” is also considered a significant shrine, on which Mother of God depicted with the Baby in the womb. Father Vladimir installed the found image in the church, composing an akathist for it. Now pregnant women and their relatives read the akathist to the Mother of God, standing in front of the icon, thereby significantly facilitating the course of pregnancy and reducing pain during childbirth.

There is also a canonical prayer that expectant mothers say in front of this wonderful icon. The power of prayer is incomparable to anything. A prayer addressed from “the very depths of the soul” is considered especially powerful. A message to the Heavenly powers, framed sincerely, with a deep message, will always be heard and “through our prayers it will be given to us...”

The meaning of the icon for the Orthodox

The icon “Helper in Childbirth” is designed to help women in labor; the name of the holy image speaks for itself. Pregnant women turn to the icon with a request to safely carry, give birth healthy baby. Some of those whose pregnancy is complicated by pathologies ask for healing and a successful delivery. Not only pregnant women flock and turn to the icon, but also those who cannot bear children for some reason. Prayers for healing from infertility are also heard by the Heavenly Patroness, many after prayer appeal found the happiness of motherhood. But this is not the only thing the “Helper in Childbirth” icon helps with. The prayer for the granting of peace of mind, a healthy spirit and vigor, faith in the mercy of the Almighty is heard first of all, for it is truly said: “Obtain a peaceful spirit, and thousands will be saved near you...”.

Miracles of the Holy Image

The priests of the Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Serpukhov, where the miraculous icon is located, constantly observe the pilgrimage of parishioners who are attracted by the miraculous icon Holy Mother of God. Miracles through prayers emanating from the holy face constantly confirm triumph true faith into the mercy of the Lord. Desperate married couple, who buried six stillborn babies, turned to the image of the “Assistant in Childbirth” for help. Throughout their seventh pregnancy, the couple fervently prayed to the image together, drank holy water, and in due time she was born. healthy girl. A unique case of healing from the icon was recorded not only by clergy, but also by maternity hospital staff. The baby, whose incorrect position in the womb of his mother threatened with complicated childbirth, through prayers in front of the icon, turned over overnight and positioned himself correctly.

Place of the icon in the house

In the old days, in the room where a pregnant woman slept, they always hung an icon with the face of the Most Holy Theotokos to protect the mother and baby. Modern Orthodox women They also prefer to see the holy face every day, but they often ask the question: “Where in the house should the icon of the Help in Childbirth be located?” The clergy answer the question unequivocally: the icon should be located where it will be easiest to offer prayers to it. If it is convenient to hang it on the wall, let it hang on the wall, you can put it on a shelf and a bedside table, the main thing is that the holy image was purchased in the temple and consecrated. The best option there will be an icon in the room where it constantly lives expectant mother, since first of all this icon is for pregnant women. “Helper in Childbirth” celebrates the day of veneration on January 8, they pray to her not only for pregnant women, but also ask for the health of newborns. Today, almost every maternity hospital has such an image; they hang it in the wards, and most importantly, in the delivery room. It is believed that in that maternity hospital there is the least number of unsuccessful births, in which the woman in labor is greeted by this holy image.

The celebration of the icon of the Helper in Childbirth takes place on January 8 (December 26, old style).
The history of the icon is hidden in the darkness of centuries. The location of the original is also unknown.

Childbirth, associated with physical torment, infertility, associated with spiritual torment, from time immemorial have encouraged women to resort to the holy image with a request for help and intercession before the Lord Mother of God. Most likely, the appearance of icons with the image of the Mother of God carrying the Child Jesus is connected with this.
An icon of this kind is the icon of the Mother of God Childbirth assistant.

There are two canonical versions of the icon:

The first is the one in which the Virgin Mary is depicted standing at full height, with her hands raised up in prayer, and at the level of her chest is the baby Jesus.

In the second version of the image “Helper in Childbirth,” the Mother of God is depicted with her head uncovered and her hair flowing (although according to Orthodox canons of icon painting, the Mother of God should be depicted with her head covered, and this may indicate the Western origin of this icon). The outer robe is red, with a golden tint, with stars on the shoulders (not always). Underneath is a dark green robe, also gilded. The hands of the Virgin Mary are folded on her chest. The fingers of the left hand are half covered by the fingers of the right.
Baby Jesus is depicted under folded hands. The fingers of his right hand are folded for a name blessing (each finger represents a letter of the Greek alphabet, extended forefinger- this is I, the bent middle one is similar to C, thumb crossed with the ring finger is an X, and the raised, slightly bent little finger represents the letter C. The result is IC XC - the monogram of Jesus Christ.

Along with the canonical images of the “Helper in Childbirth” icon, there are many variations.

In Russia, lists of the “Helper in Childbirth” icon are rare. One of the lists was found relatively recently and is located in Serpukhov, in the St. Nicholas Cathedral ( Cathedral Nikola Bely), in the chapel of Our Lady “Help to Childbirth”.

Address: Serpukhov, st. Kaluzhskaya, house 26/12
Coordinates: 54°54"50"N, 37°24"42"E

The Icon of the Helper in Childbirth was found in 1993 and is considered miraculous, helping with pregnancies with complications, as well as with infertility.

The story of the discovery of the miraculous icon of the Helper in Childbirth is remarkable. Her on Lent was given to Archpriest Vladimir Andreev by an old woman whom he administered communion at home when she learned about the revival of the parish. After the frame in the sooty robe, removed from the attic, was cleaned of many years of dust, the bright face of the Virgin Mary with the baby Jesus looked out from the icon. The image was called “Assistant in Childbirth.”
Since then, the icon has shown many miracles, which Vladimir Andreev witnessed and described. For example, a case is described when a woman with a pregnancy complicated by abnormal position of the fetus turned to the icon. After prayers were offered to the icon, the next morning the fetus turned over and took the correct position!
There were cases of help with infertility.

Here are a few more places where lists of the Helper in Childbirth icon are located:

Church of the Transfiguration on Bolvanovka (Moscow, 2nd Novokuznetsky lane, building 10);
- Church of All Saints in Krasnoe Selo (Moscow, 2nd Krasnoselsky lane, building 7);
- Holy Trinity Izmailovsky Cathedral (St. Petersburg, Izmailovsky Ave., building 7a);
- Church in honor of the Nativity of Christ (Ekaterinburg, Mashinostroiteley str., building 4a);
- Temple of the Holy Princes Boris and Gleb (Kaluga region, Borovsk, Kommunisticheskaya str., building 102).

Prayers to the icon of the Helper in Childbirth:

Option 1.

Oh, All-Merciful, Good and True Protector, our Lady Theotokos, who never leaves us in earthly life! To whom will I offer prayers, to whom will I bring tears and sighs, if not to You, Comfort to all the faithful! With fear, faith, love, Mother of the Belly, I pray: May the Lord enlighten Orthodox people to salvation, may He allow us to give birth to children for You and Your Son to please You, may He keep us in the purity of humility, in the hope of salvation in Christ, and grant us all, in the veils of Thy grace, earthly consolation. Keep us under the canopy of Your mercy, Helper in childbirth, Most Pure One, help those who pray for childbirth, turn away evil slander, freedom, grave troubles, misfortunes and deaths. Grant us grace-filled insight, a spirit of contrition for sins, grant us to see all the height and purity of Christ’s teaching given to us; protect us from disastrous alienation. May we all, who gratefully praise Thy greatness, be worthy of Heavenly tranquility and there with Thy beloved, with all the saints, let us glorify the One God in the Trinity: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.

Option 2.

Oh, Most Holy Lady Lady Theotokos, who knew the happiness of Motherhood, in which you received the excitement, hope, anxiety and sorrow of all earthly mothers, do not leave with Your prayers those who fall to the saints and the miraculous icon Thy servant of these (names) and ask from Thy Son and all Gods for permission for infertility, for help and happiness in childbirth, and for their reliable protection and protection as babies. Look, O Most Pure Mother, Helper in childbirth, on these Thy servants, united in a marital union and begging for Thy help, may Thy mercy be upon them, may they be fruitful and may they see the sons of their sons to the third and fourth generation and live to the desired old age and they will enter the Kingdom of Heaven of Your Son and our Lord Jesus Christ, to Whom all glory, honor and worship is due with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever.

Exists great amount prayers that help them cope with the most crucial moment in their lives. Among the diversity sacred texts You can choose a prayer for a specific situation. For example, the prayer “For a safe resolution” will help during childbirth, the “Prayer for children” will give the child health, and the prayer “For repentance of sins” will help cope with emotional unrest.

Icon of the Mother of God

The Icon of the Mother of God is considered the main helper of mothers. By popular belief, this icon even helps childless couples and makes childbirth easier. You can ask for help from the patroness at any time, and for this it is absolutely not necessary to know the special texts of prayers. You can buy a small icon and always carry it with you. The main thing is to sincerely believe in happiness, prosperity and respect the holy image.

Icon of the Righteous Godfathers Joachim and Anna

The righteous Joachim and Anna are able to calm a pregnant woman and give her patience. These are one of the main assistants and companions of pregnancy. The images depicted on the icon are the parents of the Mother of God themselves.

Saint Paraskeva Friday

The image of Saint Paraskeva Friday has long been associated with family well-being. The icon helps not only pregnant women, but also those who for a long time cannot arrange his personal life. Paraskeva Pyatnitsa was even popularly called “a woman’s saint.”

Icon of the Mother of God “Help in Childbirth”

Do not confuse the Icon of the Mother of God and the Icon of the Mother of God “Help in Childbirth.” These are two different images. In the old days, this icon was given another name: “helper of wives to give birth to children.” Pregnant women come to this image for help during childbirth, to gain strength and to pray for the health of the unborn child. The “Softening Evil Hearts” icon will help you cope with fears during pregnancy.

Helper of sinners

The Helper of Sinners is an icon depicting the Mother of God. During pregnancy, you should definitely pray to this image. The icon forgives sins and gives support to all who have repented. You should pray to the same image for forgiveness if you have committed such a terrible sin as abortion.

Reverend Roman

The icon of St. Roman has miraculous properties. According to popular legend, the saint granted pregnancy even to women diagnosed with infertility. While expecting a baby, you should definitely thank Reverend Roman for the opportunity to become a mother.

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