Home Diseases and pests What do the finger marks mean. What does protruding thumb and little finger mean? Everyday hand gestures

What do the finger marks mean. What does protruding thumb and little finger mean? Everyday hand gestures

Probably all people know that the same gestures in different countries have different meaning... Therefore, before using this or that combination of fingers, you should think about whether you will embarrass your interlocutor. Today we'll talk about shaka. You will find out what the thumb and little finger gesture means by reading the article.


What does the thumb and pinky gesture mean? In each country, it has its own meaning. Where did this gesture originate? It is believed to be in Hawaii. So who invented it? There is a version that in this way Kalili Hamana greeted. Who is this man? He was a simple hard worker who suffered an industrial injury while working in a manufacturing factory. sugar cane... Three of his fingers were chopped off. Only the little finger and thumb survived. Kalili was respected by the inhabitants of the island, but since the man could no longer greet normally after the injury, he raised his hand up, showing attention to his interlocutor. The inhabitants of the island, in order to cheer Kalili, also began to greet him, and then each other with this gesture. So it happened that before today among Haitians, raising the shaku sign means a greeting.

There is another legend. What does the thumb and pinky gesture mean? He shows that everything is in order. The legend tells us about the crippled Haman, who lost three fingers, so he could only get a job as a train keeper. His duty was to check the carriages for the presence of stowaway children. When Haman was finishing his work, he raised his hand up, saying with such a gesture to the driver that everything is in order and the train can move.


What does the thumb and pinky gesture mean today? It is very common on the Hawaiian Islands, it is often found there. The gesture means "thank you", "hello", "welcome", "how are you?", " good day"and another, but always carries positive meaning... Haitians call their gesture "shaka". Why is that? This is also a kind of secret. According to one version, the word has Buddhist roots. Shakyamuni folded his hands during prayer in the form of a shak. And since the gesture is shown precisely with the hands, it is easy to draw a parallel.

Hang loose

What does the thumb and pinky gesture mean for surfers? Hang loose means "relax and have fun." This is what surfers consider their credo for life, as well as a battle motto. Hang loose and shaka are identical. But it is no coincidence that surfers borrowed the greeting from the Haitians, which they altered a little. Today hang loose shows each other two surfers who are ready to go into battle. This gesture says that they are in a relaxed state, their mind and body are calm. After all, it is with this attitude that you can go to conquer the waves. This is, as it were, a kind of gesture that the coach expects from his charges before they step on the board and complete the swim.

Importance in Russia

Our compatriots are very fond of gestures. But we do not convey the meaning of the phrase only with the help of our hands. Everyone agrees that active gestures make the phrase more understandable, and the speech lively and natural. Also, Russians have many signs with which they can communicate without words. What does the thumb and pinky gesture mean? Its most common meaning is "call me." This is how friends can say goodbye when they part. One puts an impromptu telephone receiver folded from his fingers to his ear. And the other one understands that he needs to call. Even a mother can communicate with her little son when she escorts him to school.

The thumb and pinky hand gesture is often used by rockers. At the concerts of their favorite artists, people show their devotion to them. different ways... Gestures are the easiest way to demonstrate your dedication to the musician and his work. Many fans raise their protruding thumbs up and shake their hands in time to the music.

Some companies even try to play on popular gestures. For example, representatives of the Nike corporation often construct a daw from their fingers. They symbolize the company logo, as well as the Hawaiian greeting. Such incredible intelligence marketers can not fail to inspire respect and a smile.

Some people, especially young people, offer to drink in this gesture. Often times, such a combination of fingers can be seen in the club, and folded at the level of the abdomen. Thus, even a stranger may suggest that you have a glass of alcohol with him. Often, a guy with a similar gesture invites a girl to have a drink with him.

Significance in the Caribbean

Never use the sticky little finger and thumb gesture in an unfamiliar country. On Caribbean islands you can be fined for this. You will be perplexed: why? And there is such an unwritten rule according to which a gesture of two fingers, thumb and little finger, means offering a girl intimacy. And any person who believes that you showed the gesture to her can file a complaint against you with the police for harassment.

How to use?

How to put together a gesture that in Russia means a harmless "call me back"? You need to make a fist, and then bend your thumb and little finger in turn. And the rest should be tightly pressed to the palm. The little finger should be brought to the mouth, and the thumb to the ear. If you want to make a rocker gesture, then the hand needs to be raised and turned so that the palm is facing forward.

Who is using?

In Hawaii, the shaka gesture is used by everyone - both adults and children. In this way, they greet each other, thank, say goodbye, and so on. In our country, such a combination of fingers is also very popular among young people and children. Older people rarely use this gesture. After all, he along with positive value can be negative. For example, in clubs, drug dealers often offer clients to try drugs with a two-finger gesture. In doing so, they put their hand to their lips. By the way, drug dealers are often tracked down by such gestures. That is why people of the older generation are wary of showing any gestures. They even try not to wave their arms, because it counts bad taste... However, many still manage to attach meaning to gestures even when there is no secret meaning and was not invested.

Psychologists argue that gestures can say about a person's emotions even more than his words, because we, most often, do our body movements unconsciously, automatically, obeying internal sensations, and we cannot always control them. Therefore, it is useful to know what gestures, for example, of hands mean, in order to understand how sincere your interlocutor is, how open, calm or worried, etc.

What do the hand and palm gestures mean?

Human hands are almost always in sight. And they always pay a lot of attention to them in a communication situation. If your opponent is overwhelmed by the strong, then his palms and hands are unlikely to be at rest, most likely he will twist something in his hands, stroke something, touch things, his clothes, hair, etc. It is important to know what hand gestures are talking about in order to correctly interpret the behavior of your interlocutor, focusing not only on words.

The very first gesture that can say a lot about a person is a welcoming handshake. If he is a domineering person, he will reach out his hand first, turning it palm down. Wanting to show special respect and even servility, people stretch out their hand, facing downward. A compliant, non-confrontational, and somewhat shy opponent will most likely give you an edge-up hand. In a self-confident, weak-willed person, the hand will be tense and straight, and the handshake will be weak.

Other hand gestures and their meanings:

  • a person often spreads his arms to the sides and demonstrates his palms - he is sincere and open to communication;
  • crossed arms and palms, on the contrary, speak of alertness and not readiness for contact;
  • palms folded on top of each other speak of the opponent's overestimated self-conceit;
  • hands in pockets, especially if a person is sitting at the same time, - a sign of aggression and irritability;
  • hands are in motion, a person constantly strokes his hair with his palms, touches his face, etc. - he tries to lie;
  • a person covers his mouth with his hand - he does not agree with you, but does not dare to object;
  • straight palms pressed to each other are a sign of a purposeful and tough person in communication;
  • palms are on the edge of the table - the opponent expects to receive support from you;
  • bent hands - the interlocutor does not want, is ready for any compromises in communication;
  • one hand holds the wrist with the other - the person is not sure of his actions and words, but is trying to pull himself together.

The most common finger gestures and their meanings

There are so-called international gestures that are well understood by people from around the world. And they are often used to overcome the language barrier. Although, nevertheless, one should be careful to use some finger gestures familiar to Europeans, for example, in Muslim and some other countries. After all, here they can be interpreted as indecent.

So the well-known OK sign - thumb and forefinger folded in a ring - is usually an expression of approval. But in Brazil and Arab countries he means a hint of intimate relationship and is considered offensive. In Japan, this gesture should be understood as the question "How much does it cost?"

In the process of direct communication with each other, people use not only words, but also non-verbal signals. Hand gestures, facial expressions, body position in space - all this can tell about the interlocutor no less than he is ready to tell himself. We propose to analyze the meaning of gestures in communication between people and their interpretation from the point of view of specialists in the field of psychology.

What the handshake tells about

Shaking hands is a non-verbal gesture that is used in many cultures as a sign of greeting. Often, he also testifies to the end of communication or the achievement of an agreement. This gesture is typical for most men, although Business Etiquette allows ladies to resort to it at the beginning and end of negotiations, if they are attended by representatives of the opposite sex. At the same time, the woman is always the first to extend her hand.

By itself, this gesture can tell a lot about the interlocutor. Strong-willed, open person greets with a firm handshake, squeezing the interlocutor's hand tightly enough. People who are not overly confident show a flaccid gesture in which the hand is relaxed and the hand is underneath. Such a handshake characterizes a person without initiative, lazy, not inclined to accept independent decisions... Touching the hand of the interlocutor, accompanied by weak squeezing, can also speak of a person's delicacy, his ability to keep his distance. If, after a short greeting, the interlocutor puts his hands behind his back, or puts them in his pockets, thus he demonstrates superiority.

Open people extend their hand to their vis-a-wee, bending it at the elbow and wrist only slightly. The secretive or deceitful, on the other hand, try to keep the limb bent. Their forearm remains pressed to the body, while the hand is directed almost vertically. If, when shaking hands, such a person tries to squeeze the interlocutor's hand down, this characterizes him as cruel and rather domineering. Independent individuals try to maintain the maximum distance, practically without bending their hand when shaking hands.


Any small and fussy hand gestures betray excitement, uncertainty, or a desire to hide the truth. If the speaker scratches the side of his neck, this may mean that he is voicing a thought that he himself is not completely sure of. Such a gesture on the part of the listener speaks of his distrust or desire to comprehend what was said more deeply.

By touching the earlobe, scratching and rubbing it during a conversation, a person expresses his desire to speak. He delicately waits for a convenient moment when he can connect to the conversation, but at the same time expresses impatience in every possible way, sometimes even raising his hand, like a schoolboy in class.

Arms crossed on my chest

It is generally accepted that crossed arms and legs are a kind of energy protection that people resort to in various life situations... There are many gestures with which a person is closed from the interlocutor or the world around him. We propose to consider the most common of them.

  1. The first pose is crossing your arms in front of your chest. The forearms are joined together, while the hands can wrap around the shoulders or nestle against the body. People often accept this position in unfamiliar places where they do not feel completely safe.
  2. A pose in which the interlocutor crosses his arms over his chest indicates a negative attitude towards what is happening and may mean unwillingness to discuss a topic. Sometimes, distrust of what a person hears causes the person to cross their arms over their chest. A similar gesture is used by people who want to hide information. The position of the body, when the arms crossed on the chest are combined with the palms clenched into fists, should be considered a state of defense, extreme tension. Reddened cheeks and constricted pupils indicate a willingness to fight back.
  3. Public figures rarely openly display gestures that can betray their nervousness or desire to hide something. Meanwhile, they tend to use a similar energy protection... It is not difficult to distinguish between camouflaged crosses. Ladies usually touch their wrist, turn the bracelet on their wrist, fiddle with the clasp on the watch. A man can adjust cufflinks or cuffs. A similar gesture looks like a gesture in which a person holds an object at chest level with both hands. It can be a book pressed to your chest or a folder with papers, a bouquet of flowers, a glass of wine.

Clasped fingers

With the fingers clasped in the lock, the hands can lie in front of you or on your knees, or fall along the body if this is a standing position. This gesture hides disappointment and latent hostility if a person sits with his brushes in front of him or bringing them closer to his face. Moreover, the higher the hands are raised, the stronger negative feelings... Sometimes such a gesture is perceived as attention to the interlocutor, because the person sitting opposite can smile and even nod. But this is an erroneous impression, the interlocutor is only trying to hide with feigned facial expressions negative attitude to what is happening.

What does the "hands behind the back" gesture mean?

The position of the body, when a person's hands are laid back and closed behind the back, is associated with a demonstration of superiority. Straight posture, unfolded rib cage and straightened shoulders indicate that the individual is quite satisfied with his position and confident in himself. Such a gesture can be considered as a high degree of trust in the interlocutor. Most likely, the person feels quite comfortable, does not feel any threat. This gesture is characterized by the arrangement of palms on top of each other.

If a person puts his hands behind his back, wrapping one hand around the wrist or forearm, this means that he is excited and is trying to control himself. Moreover, the higher the seizure, the stronger emotions the individual experiences and the more difficult it is to restrain them. The arms, laid back behind the back, can be combined with other gestures, for example, scratching the back of the head. This indicates self-doubt, a feeling of awkwardness. In this case, by hiding his hands from the interlocutor, the person tries to hide the state of stress, concern or anxiety.

Hands in pockets

Many of us, even in childhood, had to hear the remark of our parents: "Take your hands out of your pockets, this is not decent." Indeed, a person who, during a conversation, hides his brushes deeper, can hardly be called well-mannered. But often such a gesture betrays a desire to hide something. Most likely, the interlocutor does not say a lot, openly lies, or his reaction to the conversation does not correspond to what is being demonstrated.

A similar reaction is observed in shy people who simply do not know where to put their hands during a conversation and are afraid that unnecessary gestures will betray their nervousness. It is not difficult to understand this, since such a person behaves stiffly, speaks little and reluctantly, keeps his shoulders down, and his gaze is turned down.

If, when communicating, the interlocutor squeezes clenched fists into his pockets, it means that he is overwhelmed by anger, rage. Gesture means that it is difficult for a person to control negative emotions... He has exhausted all verbal arguments and is ready to move on to physical impact. Usually, the threat is reflected in facial expressions: the eyes narrow, the cheekbones are tense, the teeth are clenched.

Hand gestures with emphasis on the thumbs

If thumbs protruding upward, such a gesture indicates a desire to dominate. With such a non-verbal signal, the man makes it clear to the lady that he is interested in her. He demonstrates his superiority and social status putting your palms in your trouser pockets or belt. At the same time, the thumbs clearly indicate the direction where the object of male pride and dignity is actually located. Such a gesture can be regarded as a desire to please, conquer and conquer.

If we do not consider the gesture in a sexual context, then we can say that hands in pockets and thumbs outside are a demonstration of the power of power and superiority. Another dominance gesture looks like this: the arms are crossed over the chest, and the thumbs are pointing up. Power and a sense of superiority simply overwhelm the individual if he takes a similar position.

When a person tightly clasps his shoulders with his hands, raising his thumbs, lifts his chin and looks into the face of the interlocutor, this indicates that he is confident in his own righteousness, does not want to hear objections. Curiously, these thumbs-up dominance gestures are used by both men and women.

Demonstration of open palms

Open palms are associated with honesty. According to research, businesspeople who don't use open-hand gestures are less likely. People trust less those who keep their hands closed in front of them, believing that they are not completely honest, trying to hide something.

A person who asks for something is more likely to achieve his goal if he accompanies his words with a gesture with palms turned up. Such a gesture is more disposed, since it does not pose a threat. If the interlocutor sees the back of the hand, then the request will be perceived as an indication and may cause an antagonistic attitude.

What do the hands on the chest mean?

When a person declares his love or expresses sympathy, he puts his hand to his chest, as if saying that his words come from the heart. Often, those who want to convince the interlocutor of the absence of malicious intent also resort to a similar technique. This gesture hides a desire to show the sincerity of feelings, but this does not always correspond actual intentions speaker.

Connecting fingers together, with palms apart, talking man wants to show his confidence and awareness of the matter. Perhaps he wants to emphasize the significant points of his speech or wants to convince the interlocutor that he is right. If the speaker's head is tilted back slightly, this can be interpreted as a feeling of superiority.

This gesture has two options; when your fingertips are pointing up or down. The first is usually used by people who want to express their thoughts, and the second by those who listen. In the latter case, the gesture is regarded as negative and means that the interlocutor has his own opinion about what was said. It is no longer possible to convince him, because, as in the first case, such a position of the hands indicates confidence in his decision.

Hands are spread, palms up

A gesture when a person, when communicating, demonstrates his palms turned towards the interlocutor or a group of people, he seems to say: "I will be frank with you." This is a non-verbal signal that sets you up for openness. It should be noted that such a technique is often used by dishonest people who want to inspire confidence in themselves. Therefore, it is necessary to interpret such non-verbal gestures taking into account facial expressions and behavior. If the interlocutor has nothing to hide, he behaves naturally, his face is relaxed, his eyebrows are raised, and his arms are widely spaced.

Laying hands behind the head

The habit of throwing your hands behind your head is characteristic of self-confident people who like to show their superiority. This gesture annoys many at a subconscious level, since it immediately betrays a snob in the interlocutor. Putting your hands behind your head during a conversation is a gesture that demonstrates confidence and superiority. If at the same time a person sits in a relaxed position, crossing his legs, then you have an amateur. As a rule, a similar gesture is used when communicating with subordinates or peers in status.

The origin of such a pose is unknown, but psychologists are sure that in this way a person seems to plunge into an imaginary chair, while relaxing with his whole body. This manner of sitting does not always have a negative connotation. Often, a person who is tired from work or sitting for a long time throws his hands on the back of his head, stretching with his whole body. With such a gesture, he demonstrates that he feels quite comfortable in your company.

Most people touch their face during a conversation. Such gestures might look like:

  • stroking the chin,
  • rubbing the bridge of the nose or eyelids,
  • touching the mouth with a hand or various objects,
  • touching your temples with your fingers,
  • propping up the cheek with the palm of your hand.

Most often, such movements hide a desire to hide the truth or, on the contrary, distrust of the speaker. It is best to consider such gestures in combination with human facial expressions, since the same touch can have different meanings.

For example:

  1. A gesture like chin stroking talks about making a decision. If at the same time the interlocutor uses his thumb, he is sure that he is in complete control of the situation. Nervous rubbing of the lower part of the face with the palm indicates that the proposed option does not suit a person too much, but an alternative has not yet been found.
  2. Touching the lower lip demonstrates interest in the conversation or the interlocutor. In this case, a person can draw along the line of the mouth with one finger, actively rub this area. The most direct listeners even pull or curl their lower lip. Ladies, in order to draw attention to themselves men, can run over their lips not only with their hand, but also with the tip of their tongue.
  3. Many children enjoy it on a subconscious level. For example, fingers in the mouth- a gesture that looks pretty cute and means that the child needs approval and support from others. However, adults sometimes make similar movements. In their case, such gestures also carry semantic meaning as in children.
  4. Some gestures that express emotions and feelings involve the use of various subjects... For example, you should pay attention to the fact that the interlocutor brings a pen to his mouth... If the interlocutor says something, it may be a lie. If he listens to you, then with this gesture he expresses disbelief. However, such actions may have another reason. Some bite on a pencil or pen while contemplating a problem.
  5. A fairly common posture during a conversation when hand rests on the cheek or chin... These gestures look about the same, but they are interpreted differently. If the interlocutor listens attentively with his chin resting on his hand, it is most likely that it is more convenient for him to comprehend what he has heard. But when the listener relaxedly rests his cheek with his hand, and his gaze is absent-minded, most likely he is bored and eagerly awaits the end of the conversation.
  6. An expression of no confidence in what was said looks like twisting the earlobe, frequent touching the eyes or the corners of the lips... This is also indicated by the index finger with which the listener rests his cheek. By bringing the index finger to the temple, the person demonstrates a critical attitude. Perhaps he feels distrust, or is not satisfied with the arguments presented, analyzes what he heard, suspecting a dirty trick.
  7. Gestures like rubbing your neck or ear talk about unwillingness to listen more or that the topic is not very pleasant to the interlocutor. In the latter case, the person often takes a closed position, crossing their legs or arms. He may also clasp his hands in a lock, fencing off from communication or stand up abruptly, thereby demonstrating that the conversation is over.

What gestures speak of deception

When a person tells a lie, you can figure it out by his gestures and facial expressions. Of course, it is unlikely that anyone will become very nervous, embellishing events a little. But if it comes about a major deception or a desire to hide a serious misconduct, then answering direct questions, a person is unlikely to be able to hide all emotions.

The liar can be betrayed by shaking hands, wanting to immediately drink a sip of water, or hurriedly lighting a cigarette. To hide the lie, the interlocutor will look away or, on the contrary, gaze intently into the eyes, demonstrating that he is honest with you.

A person who tells a lie begins to blink frequently, make unnecessary movements, such as shifting papers. It is believed that rubbing the nose also speaks of insincerity, especially if a person does this action several times in a row. If the speaker's mouth is covered with a hand, the likelihood is also high that he is lying. It is worth paying attention to such a gesture as rubbing the eyelids. Often he also betrays a lie, although perhaps the interlocutor himself does not trust you too much. The desire to close one's mouth, as well as the touch of fingers to the lips, are gestures that mean deception.


It is worth remembering that when non-verbal communication every gesture matters, since it is perceived by the interlocutor, often on a subconscious level. Perhaps you just love to keep your hands in your pockets or sit comfortably with your hands folded. However, the interlocutors or business partners will draw their own conclusions from this.

4 In this article, I would like to talk about such a fashionable dub gesture now. What does dub gesture mean? However, first I recommend reading a few interesting articles on the topic of fashionable jargon Pipidastra, Twerk, B-Boy, Beatmaker, etc.
Many are now at a loss and are trying to google the answer to the question of what the Dub movement means. You need to understand that this gesture was invented among rappers trap and crunk parties such as Migos, Skippa Da Flippa, Rich The Kid etc. Most likely the Dub dance originated in Atlanta, but this is not a fact.
Now the dance has become so famous that questions about it surely have arisen, both among schoolchildren and among adults. In fact, Dub has essentially become the dominant dance of the summer. 2016 of the year. Someone without understanding, could see how LeBron James is doing " Dab"and it looked like he either wanted to sneeze in his forearm, or he wanted to sniff his armpit.

Dub movement -this gesture shows your internal state when you have done something cool and are very pleased with yourself. Please note that some footballers often "sniff" their armpits

Some believe that the very first team that created the Dub movement was three " brother acrobat" Huey, Duey, and Louie - The Migos, while other frothing-at-the-mouth specimens prove that it was created by such famous rappers, how Pee-Wee Longway, Rich The Kid, or Jose guapo living in Atlanta... However, although they have certain merits in creating the Dub movement, they came up with the main part Skippa da flippa that can be traced in his video before it went mainstream. Regardless of who did it first, it should be understood that most likely the now popular Dub movement has roots in Atlanta, where such dances are baked like pancakes for Shrovetide.

Myself dance message means more than just waving your arms dumbly and smelling your armpit. This is what you feel in this moment time, your inner state, and what music means to you.

With the help of hand and finger gestures, not only deaf people communicate - they are actively used by many in their Everyday life... Hand movements often show the direction, express their attitude towards a person, twisting a finger to the temple, talking with foreigners abroad. In general, sign language is non-verbal and understandable to different people a way of communication, known since ancient times.

History of origin

In Christianity, certain positions and movements of the hands were used for oaths and prayers, Muslims endowed each palm and all phalanges of the fingers with letters of the alphabet. Secret Masonic signs denoted concepts known only to a select few brothers. The movements of the palms in emblems, art, fortune-telling had their own significance. Many did not change at all, some were given a different explanation.

Now it is impossible to imagine any conversation or interesting conversation, performed without active hand movements. Moreover, swings and explanations can be both intuitive, unconscious, expressing emotions, and specially selected, carrying specific information. Let's consider the most often used with their meaning.

Everyday finger gestures

There are not so many explanations of actions with fingers, they are all known and understandable to everyone:

  • Binding in the form of a circle of the index and thumb denotes approval, consent, the so-called concept "okay"
  • Raising the thumb up is interpreted as approval of an act or action

  • Fig (fig) means refusal, disagreement, it is often shown by children to each other or to adults
  • Raising the middle finger up is a very offensive and even indecent gesture, its meaning is a message of three indecent letters. Expressed in words, it is understood by everyone as the phrase "Fuck you on"
  • Downward thumb is a demonstration of dissatisfaction with something, analogous to the "fu" particle
  • Quickly rubbing your fingers against each other indicates a strong interest, excitement
  • When your fingers are clenched into fists, it's best to hold your tongue and watch your words. Your teammate may already be about to start a fight, especially if the knuckles are white from intense exertion.

  • Rhythmic or involuntary tapping of your fingertips or nails on the table indicates boredom, tension, or thoughtfulness.

Everyday hand gestures

Very often, during lively conversation, people help to describe experiences or incidents with them with their hands. It happens that a certain position with crossed arms means a lot. The most common gestures are deciphered as follows:

  • Arms crossed at chest level demonstrate closeness, unwillingness to communicate or make contact
  • Hands crossed behind the back with fingers clenched into fists show a person's displeasure, anger, a strong degree of thoughtfulness
  • Unconscious, chaotic hand waves speak of strong excitement, shyness, embarrassment.

  • An outstretched hand means a desire to say hello, to seal a meeting or agreement with a strong handshake. This gesture is most often used by men when meeting or during work negotiations.
  • If, during a conversation, the hands are lowered along the body, the person is calm, does not worry at all
  • The meaning of raised arms is also simple - this is how athletes usually express their victory. However, in some cases, especially in violation of the law, they mean consent to fulfill the requirements of the police, surrender to the authorities
  • If the interlocutor squeezes or nervously squeezes one palm with the other, it means that he is very tense or angry, unhappy with the conversation

  • The palms folded in a prayer sign, as it were, pray for help, for the fulfillment of the request. This is what children often do, begging for a toy from their mother or asking for a walk.
  • Scratching with the palm of the head or rubbing the chin indicates thoughtfulness, mental analysis of the situation
  • Rubbing your nose means shyness, lack of confidence in your words and actions.

  • If the interlocutor rubs his ears, buttons or belt with his hand, scratches his cheek - he is hiding something or telling a lie
  • The hand pressed to the heart expresses the highest degree the speaker's beliefs and sincerity
  • Palms hidden in pockets or behind the belt of trousers show insecurity and shyness.

The list of movements can be continued endlessly, because each person behaves differently during a conversation. However, the most common gestures are the same for everyone, they mean the same thing.

Deaf sign language

Deaf and deaf-mute people have own language communication with hands and fingers. It is simple enough to learn it to learn to understand acquaintances or friends who are deaf. After all, you have to show with your hands both individual letters and whole words.

Here are the basic concepts of the language of the deaf:

  • Each letter of the alphabet corresponds to its own sign with the fingers of the hand, there are exactly 33 of them
  • Deaf people mainly show their names, surnames, names of cities, rivers, very rare words in letters. Gestures for common words
  • Deaf language consists of almost 2000 word meanings
  • The most commonly used words, for example hello, thank you, sorry, very easy to show and learn the first time
  • Even without knowing the alphabet of the deaf, one can easily explain something to them, because such people understand everything by the movement of their lips. The main thing is to pronounce the words clearly.


Differences in the interpretation of familiar gestures by country

In different countries, hand gestures familiar to Russians can have a completely different, sometimes even completely opposite, meaning. Here are some notable examples:

  • Two fingers spaced apart in the form english letter"V", denoting the word "Victoria", or "Victory", the British and Australians mean "Get away from me"
  • An open palm outstretched, requiring a stop, in Greece means an insult, sending a person to hell

  • The thumb raised up is a symbol of approval for many. But in Thailand, it means censure, condemnation of an act
  • The beckoning movement of the index finger should not be used in the Philippines - there is an arrest for it
  • A fig stands for a refusal, the Brazilians show it very often. They use it as a wish for health and good luck.

  • "Goat" or horn from index finger and the little finger is often used by rockers or musicians. In Italy, such a gesture directed at any man means betrayal of his wife, bearing the interpretation of "cuckold"
  • The middle palen upward denotes an indecent three-letter gesture. In Asia, they are shown something interesting.

All these movements with your fingers or palms should be studied and applied only where they are appropriate, because, unknowingly, it is not surprising to get into an awkward situation and cause discontent among others.

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