Home indoor flowers Prayer to the archangels and all heavenly powers for every day of the week. Strong prayer for the days of the week

Prayer to the archangels and all heavenly powers for every day of the week. Strong prayer for the days of the week

All about religion and faith - "strong prayer on the days of the week" with detailed description and photographs.

Prayer for every day is, first of all, the prayer "Our Father". The Son of God Jesus Christ taught us to pray this prayer, therefore this prayer is the most powerful, for it is closer than other prayers to God. Every day, before any prayer in Orthodox Church It is customary to read “Our Father” first, then, in further prayer, express your thoughts on your own. Even those who do not believe in the Lord the Living God know this prayer: unbelievers also sometimes pray with words that the Son of God himself taught us. Every day, Orthodox Christians pray with the prayer “Our Father” before going to bed, before eating, rising from sleep, before good deeds, and after.

In order to receive what we ask God for in prayer of supplication, we must open our hearts to the Lord and believe in him. The bible says that if we have faith, even the size of a mustard seed, we can move mountains with a word. And indeed it is. Prayer is not empty air shaking. Prayer has power: prayer sometimes heals even terminally ill people, even when doctors are already abandoning the patient. Prayer is also strong against the spirits of wickedness in high places. When we are overwhelmed by everything that is from the evil one, we can pour water, then God will help us and guide us on the true path. God also helps in any of our deeds if we pray diligently and carefully.

The more often we cry out to the Lord God in prayer, the closer he is to us. Many people ask how to pray: when, under what circumstances, on what occasions. The Lord God himself, Jesus Christ, answered all these questions with his own example: Jesus Christ prayed, even being crucified, when he hung on the cross. When he was in unbearable pain, he appealed to the Almighty with the words: “Either, Or! lama savahfani? that is: My God, My God! why did you leave me?" Jesus Christ even prayed last minutes own life. By this he showed us an example of diligence in prayer. If we treat prayer in the same way as Jesus Christ treated it, then any of our prayers, even the shortest, will be as strong as the prayer “Our Father”.

Our Father, Who art in heaven!

Yes, shine your name,

let your kingdom come,

let your will be done

as in heaven and on earth.

Give us our daily bread today;

and leave us our debts,

like we also leave our debtor;

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from the evil one.

For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.

Prayer for every day is not only the prayer “Our Father”: Orthodox Christians also pray to the Archangels every day. Each day is dominated by its own Archangel. On Monday, the first day of the week, it is customary to pray to the Archangel Michael. Tuesday - Archangel Gabriel. The Archangel Raphael is placed over Wednesday. On Thursday they pray to the Archangel Uriel. On the fifth day of the week, it is customary to pray to the Archangel Salafiel. Saturday - Archangel Jehudiel. Sunday - Archangel Zarachiel. Below is a list of prayers for each day of the week.

Monday. Prayer to Archangel Michael.

Lord, Great God, King without beginning, send, Lord, Your Archangel Michael to help Your servants (name). Protect us, Archangel, from all enemies, visible and invisible. Oh Lord Great Archangel Michael! Demon crusher, forbid all enemies fighting with me, and create them like sheep, and humble their evil hearts, and crush them like dust in the face of the wind. Oh Lord Great Archangel Michael! The six-winged first Prince and Governor of the Heavenly Forces - Cherubim and Seraphim, be our helper in all troubles, sorrows, sorrows, in the desert and on the seas a quiet haven. Oh Lord Great Archangel Michael! Deliver us from all the charms of the devil, whenever you hear us, sinners, praying to You, calling on Your Holy Name. Hasten to help us and overcome all who oppose us with the strength of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross Lord, prayers Holy Mother of God, with the prayers of the holy Apostles, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Andrew, for Christ's sake, the holy fool, the holy prophet Elijah and all the holy great martyrs: the holy martyrs Nikita and Eustathius, and all our venerable fathers, who have pleased God from time immemorial, and all the holy powers of heaven.

Tuesday. Prayer to Archangel Gabriel.

Oh, holy great archangel Gabriel, stand before the Throne of God and be illuminated by illumination from the Divine light, enlightened by the knowledge of incomprehensible secrets about His eternal wisdom! I sincerely pray to you, guide me to repentance from evil deeds and to affirmation in my faith, strengthen and protect my soul from deceitful temptations, and implore our Creator for the remission of my sins.

Oh, holy great Gabriel the Archangel! Do not despise me a sinner, praying for your help and your intercession in this world and in the future, but my helper will always appear to me, let me unceasingly glorify the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the power and your intercession forever and ever. Amen.

Oh, holy Archangel Gabriel! We earnestly pray to you, instruct us, servant of God (name), to repentance from evil deeds and to affirmation in our faith, strengthen and protect our souls from deceitful temptations and implore our Creator for the remission of our sins.

Oh, holy great Gabriel the Archangel! Do not despise us, sinners, praying to you for help and your intercession, in this world and in the future, but the helper will always appear to us, let us unceasingly glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the power and your intercession forever and ever.

O holy Archangel of God Gabriel, always stand before the Throne of the Most High, joyful evangelist and zealous helper of our salvation!

With the mercy characteristic of you, accept this laudatory singing, brought to you from us unworthy. Correct our prayers, and bring me, like incense, to the Heavenly Altar of the censer; illumine our minds with the light of knowledge of the mysteries of our saving faith; inflame our hearts with love for Christ our Savior, turn and strengthen our desires on the saving path of His Gospel commandments; Yes, in this age we will live quietly and piously for the glory of God, but in the future we will not be deprived of the eternal Kingdom of God, if we receive, let us be worthy of the grace of Christ our God, the intercession of His Most Pure Mother, the Immaculate Virgin Mary and your powerful prayers to the Lord God for us, and yes let us glorify with you and other bodiless powers of heaven and all the saints of the One in the Trinity of the glorious God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Wednesday. Prayer to Archangel Raphael.

Oh, holy great Archangel Raphael, stand before the throne of God! You, by grace, from the Almighty Physician of our souls and bodies, given to you, healed the righteous husband Tobit from bodily blindness, and his son Tobias, traveling to him, saved you from the evil spirit. I pray with all my heart: be my guide in my life. Save the enemy from all visible and invisible, heal my spiritual and bodily illnesses, direct my life to repentance for sins and to do good deeds.

Oh, holy great Raphael the Archangel! Hear me a sinner, praying to you, and vouchsafe in this and future life give thanks and glorify our common Creator in endless ages of ages. Amen.

Thursday. Prayer to Archangel Uriel.

Oh, the great Archangel of God Uriel! You are the radiance of the Divine fire and the enlightener of those darkened by sins: enlighten my mind, my heart, my will by the power of the Holy Spirit and guide me on the path of repentance and implore the Lord God to deliver me from hell of hell and from all my enemies, visible and invisible, always now and forever and ever. Amen.

Friday. Prayer to Archangel Salafiel.

Oh, the great Archangel of God Selaphiel! You pray to God for the people of believers, beg His mercy for me, a sinner, may the Lord deliver me from all troubles and illnesses and from vain death, and may the Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven grant me with all the saints forever and ever. Amen.

Saturday. Prayer to Archangel Yehudiel.

Oh, the great Archangel of God Jehudiel! You are a zealous defender of the glory of God. You excite me to glorify the Holy Trinity, wake up the lazy me too, glorify the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and implore the Lord Almighty to create a pure heart in me, and renew the spirit of the right in my womb, and by the Master’s spirit, let me affirm me to worship God in spirit and in truth. Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Sunday. Prayer to the Archangel Zarachiel.

Oh, the great archangel of God, the archangel Barahiel! Standing before the Throne of God and from there bringing the blessing of God to the homes of the faithful servants of God, ask the Lord God for mercy and blessings on our homes, may the Lord God bless us from Zion and from His Holy Mountain and multiply the abundance of the fruits of the earth and give us health and salvation and good haste in everything, victory and overcoming of enemies and will keep us for many years, but with one accord we glorify God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

daily christian prayers

Turning to the Lord in prayer on the days of the week, a person knows that it will come true. Prayers for every day are a means of communication between people and God, so as not to deviate from the true path. According to church sources, it is necessary to pray daily in order to always remain under the protection of the Lord's hand.

A person who lives without prayer on the days of the week is unhappy, because he has no one to help him. Relying only on himself, as an atheist, he is deprived of the mercy of the Lord, missing many chances that can radically change his life.

Orthodox prayers for every day help to always find a way out of any situation.

There are many cases where simple Christian prayers have helped in a wide variety of cases. Believers note - prayer words really work, they work real miracles! It is thanks to such miracles that people's faith in the Lord will never fade away.

Man is a sinful being. Usually people turn to God only when a terrible misfortune happens, on an ordinary day forgetting about the existence of another world in general. It is not right. The Lord rewards only those who believe in him always, and not just in hard times. To always count on the help of the Lord - pray every day in the morning, during the day and in the evening.

What prayers are suitable for every day?

Exists great amount prayers for each day of the week. All of them have been tested by time and many believers who have repeatedly turned to their strength. You can be sure that each prayer will come true, because a special power is imprinted in them.

It is known that today scholars also note the effectiveness of prayer on the days of the week. According to the research, the sound codes contained in the texts of prayers allow you to tune in a certain way, concentrate on the problem, finding its best solution. Prayers can not only be read, but also listened to. Even then, they have an effect on the consciousness, as if putting the believer into a light trance. That is why you should pray properly.

Sincere prayers always come true!

Here are a few effective prayers on the days of the week, which allow you to solve many problems, getting rid of the various misfortunes that accompany human existence.

Thanksgiving prayer song to the Mother of God - give thanks Holy Virgin Mary to receive the many blessings of the Lord. For those who are not too lazy to read prayers to the Mother of God, not only in times of misfortune, but simply for thanksgiving for the blessings bestowed by Heaven, it will be easier to ask in time of need.

Suitable for every day of the week, under special conditions, prayers that relieve any disease. For example, prayer for head pains to John the Baptist - often people complain about a strong headache not knowing how to pray. Sacred words will get rid of her for a long time.

Prayer to Simeon of Verkhoturye with the threat of loss of vision - century computer technology allowed not only to open up new opportunities for people, but also to get rid of good vision. Simeon of Verkhotursky will certainly help preserve his eyesight if you read a prayer to him with tired eyes.

And if you do not complain about your health, pray on the days of the week to all the Archangels of God, asking them for help in matters for yourself and your neighbors.

Write down the texts of these prayers for each day of the week so that they are not lost. Read them daily for them to take effect. Soon the words will be remembered by themselves and the sheet can be put aside. The main thing - do not forget that we are not the only ones in the Universe, God is above us. But it is important to read these prayers correctly so that they have an effect.

Prayer is right, but how?

Knowledgeable people note that prayers work if you treat them daily. At the same time, sincere faith must always be preserved in the heart. You don't have to go to church all the time. You can pray at home by purchasing an icon of the corresponding saint.

Different saints help in different matters. Find out about such a saint who is called by the Lord to help in a specific case that matches yours. Get his icon, consecrate it in the church. You can buy a church candle at the same time. Take a place of honor for the icon in the house. Read prayers correctly on any day of the week.

While praying, you can light a candle in front of the face - this helps to better concentrate on the saint. Discard extraneous thoughts by reading the holy text. Think only about prayer, imagine the saint as if alive. At the same time, it is necessary to sincerely believe that the request will certainly be heard by the saint. God is pleased to hear your appeals to him, and therefore he will definitely help.

Faith is here best conductor for prayer words, capable of bringing petition to the ears of the Lord. God loves those who do not renounce his teachings, living according to his written and unwritten laws. In order to strengthen faith, read the Bible and regularly visit the Temple of God (at least once a month) in order to listen to liturgies.

You can pray not only for yourself, but also for others.

However, keep in mind that the church itself does not recognize unbaptized or non-Christians. If you wish to pray for them, you can do this only by private prayer, not in the church. That is, pray at home on your own for a person who has not accepted holy communion- you can, but in the Temple of God - you can not.

If you are unbaptized and suddenly believe in the power specific prayers- pray! Even better - be baptized immediately so that your short prayers really been heard. To strengthen your faith, you can go to church to listen to holy songs. Listening to the holy text of the prayer, you can join the faith and understand for yourself - someone from above is clearly looking at you.

But most importantly, remember - you need to pray correctly, because the text of the prayers has a special meaning. Do not apply with a petition to a saint or an Archangel just like that. If you just want to pray - contact us with a prayer of thanksgiving.

every day: comments

One comment

Prayers really help a lot in life. They help not only to achieve some specific goals (find Good work or meet your soul mate), but also to find peace, confidence and peace of mind. And this, in my opinion, is no less important! After all, without peace of mind it is difficult to achieve anything in life at all and it is impossible to recover from illnesses and ailments.

Strong prayer for the days of the week

Prayers to the Archangels for every day

On Sunday

Holy Archangel Barahiel, who brings us a blessing from the Lord, bless me to make a good start, correct my negligent life, and please the Lord my Savior forever and ever. Amen.

Oh, holy Heavenly Beginnings, implore our Lord Jesus Christ to make us worthy to lay a good beginning!

On Monday

Holy Archangel of God Michael, with your lightning sword, banish from me the evil spirit that tempts me. Oh, the great Archangel of God Michael - the conqueror of demons! Defeat and crush all my enemies, visible and invisible, and beg the Lord Almighty, may the Lord save and save me from sorrows and from every disease, from deadly ulcers and vain death, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

In addition to Monday, they pray to Archangel Michael with a request for help and protection from thieves, evil, enemies, natural disasters, war and needless death.

Oh, Saint Michael the Archangel, light-like and formidable voivode of the Heavenly King! Before the Last Judgment, weaken to repent of my sins, from the net that catches, save my soul and bring me to the God who created it, who settles on the cherubim, and pray for her diligently, but with your intercession she will go to the place of the deceased. O formidable governor of the heavenly forces, the representative of all at the Throne of the Lord Christ, the guardian, firm in all man and wise armourer, strong governor of the Heavenly King! Have mercy on me, a sinner who requires your intercession, save me from all visible and invisible enemies, moreover, strengthen me from the horror of death and from the embarrassment of the devil, and make me shamelessly present to our Creator at the hour of His terrible and righteous judgment. O all-holy great michael Archangel! Do not despise me a sinner, praying for your help and your intercession in this life and in the future, but make me worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit with you forever and ever. Amen.

Lord, Great God, King without beginning, send, Lord, Your Archangel Michael to help Your servants (name). Protect us, Archangel, from all enemies, visible and invisible. Oh Lord Great Archangel Michael! Demon crusher, forbid all enemies fighting with me, and create them like sheep, and humble their evil hearts, and crush them like dust in the face of the wind. Oh Lord Great Archangel Michael! The six-winged first Prince and Governor of the Heavenly Forces - Cherubim and Seraphim, be our helper in all troubles, sorrows, sorrows, in the desert and on the seas a quiet haven. Oh Lord Great Archangel Michael! Deliver us from all the charms of the devil, whenever you hear us, sinners, praying to You, calling on Your Holy Name. Hasten to help us and overcome all those who oppose us, by the power of the Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, by the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of the holy Apostles, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Andrew, for Christ's sake, the holy fool, holy prophet Elijah and all the holy great martyrs: the holy martyrs Nikita and Eustathius , and all our reverend fathers, who have pleased God from time immemorial, and all the holy Heavenly Forces.

Oh Lord Great Archangel Michael! Help us sinners (name) and deliver us from a coward, flood, fire, sword and vain death, from great evil, from a flattering enemy, from a tormented storm, from the evil one, deliver us forever, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Holy Archangel Michael of God, with Your lightning sword, drive away from me the evil spirit that tempts and torments me. Amen.

Oh, holy six-winged Seraphim, offer up your pious prayer to the Lord, may the Lord soften our sinful hardened hearts, may we learn to entrust to Him, our God, everyone: both evil and good, teach us to forgive our offenders, so that the Lord will forgive us.

On Tuesday

Holy Archangel Gabriel, bringing unspeakable joy from Heaven to the Most Pure Virgin, fill my heart, grieved with pride, with joy and gladness. Oh, the great Archangel of God Gabriel, you announced to the Blessed Virgin Mary the conception of the Son of God. Raise to me, a sinner, a day terrible death Lord God for my sinful soul, may the Lord forgive my sins. Oh great Archangel Gabriel! Save me from all troubles and from a serious illness, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Oh, many-eyed Cherubim, look at my madness, correct my mind, renew the meaning of my soul, may heavenly wisdom descend on me, unworthy, so as not to sin with a word, in order to curb my tongue, so that every deed is directed to the glory of the Heavenly Father.

Akathist to Archangel Gabriel

Oh, the great Archangel of God Raphael, received a gift from God to heal ailments, heal the incurable ulcers of my heart and many diseases of my body. Oh, the great Archangel of God Raphael, you are a guide, a doctor and a healer, guide me to salvation and heal all my illnesses, mental and bodily, and lead me to the Throne of God, and beg His mercy for my sinful soul, may the Lord forgive me and save from all my enemies and from evil people, now and forever. Amen

Oh, holy God-bearing Thrones, teach us the meekness and humility of Christ, our Lord, grant us the true knowledge of your weakness, your insignificance, grant us victory in the struggle against pride and vanity. Grant us simplicity, an eye of pure and humble consciousness.

Holy Archangel of God Uriel, illuminated by the Light of God and abundantly filled with the fire of fiery hot love, throw a spark of this fiery fire into my cold heart and my soul dark light light up your Oh, the great Archangel of God Uriel, you are the radiance of the Divine fire and the enlightener of those darkened by sins, enlighten my mind, my heart, my will by the power of the Holy Spirit, and guide me on the path of repentance, and implore the Lord God, may the Lord deliver me from the hell of the underworld and from all enemies, visible and invisible, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen

Oh, holy Dominions, always abiding before the Heavenly Father, implore Jesus Christ, our Savior, to seal his royal power in weakness and grant us grace, let us be cleansed by this grace, let us grow with this grace, let us be filled with faith, hope and love.

Holy Archangel of God Selaphiel, give prayer to the one who prays, teach me to pray with a humble, contrite, concentrated and tender prayer. Oh, the great Archangel of God Selaphiel, you pray to God for the believers, pray to His Mercy for me, a sinner, may the Lord deliver me from all troubles and sorrows, and illnesses, and from vain death, and from eternal torment, and the Lord of the Kingdom will vouchsafe me Heavenly with all Saints forever. Amen.

Oh, holy Heavenly Forces, pray to our Lord that he may bring down into our souls the consciousness of weakness, weakness and limitation, may there always be a place in us for Divine action, at the hour of death, give us grace given by God, may we acquire mercy from the Lord of Forces, to Him be praised and worshiped.

Holy Archangel of God Jehudiel, the companion of all who strive on the path of Christ, excite me from heavy laziness and strengthen me with a good feat. Oh, the great Archangel of God Jehudiel, you are a zealous defender of the glory of God, you excite me to glorify the Holy Trinity, wake me, the lazy one, to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and implore the Lord Almighty to create in me a pure heart and renew the right spirit in my womb and by the Master Spirit will confirm me and the truth to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Oh, holy Heavenly Authorities, pray for us the Heavenly Father, grant wisdom and reasoning, in order to distinguish, so that with the Jesus Prayer we crush all the thoughts of the devil with your intercession, so that we acquire a pure, clear, prayerful mind, a good heart, a will turned to the Lord.

Words addressed to angels will help strengthen subtle energy spiritual world. Daily reading of the prayer will put a strong protection from evil and problems.

Prayers to angels are distinguished by their laconicism. They may seem short at first glance, but they contain everything you need. They were composed by preachers, taking into account the spiritual energy of each day of the week. A certain one rules every day, and its power will help you achieve unity with the divine principle.

Who are the angels

An angel is a messenger and executor of the will of the Lord. As stated in the Holy Scriptures, spiritual beings were created long before the appearance of people. Not having physical body, of a certain gender and not knowing human temptations, they righteously serve the Lord.

Their duties include the direct transmission of God's orders. Present view an angel is able to frighten, blind or deprive a person of the gift of speech. Therefore, in their true form, they appear only before the righteous or people whose faith is especially strong. To ordinary people they appear in a form that can be perceived painlessly and easily. In icon painting, they are conventionally depicted as young men with large wings behind their backs.

Archangels have no personality, according to Holy Scripture. But they gained fame because of the mention in the Bible. Each angel played a specific role in the history of the formation of Christianity. Many people turn to their help.

Prayers for every day of the week

Monday. On the first day of the week, we must turn to the Archangel Michael, who, with his strength, will help scare away the evil force and evil spirits. Prayer to the angel is as follows:

“Oh, Saint Michael, your angelic help will help the servant of God (name) gain the intercession of God. Save me from troubles, enemies, the power of the devil, the fall. Beg the Lord to help my soul, and may His power strengthen my vulnerability to the influence of evil. Till the end of time. Thanks God. Amen".

Tuesday. This day is ruled by the Archangel Gabriel, whose good news helped to feel all the love of the Lord. It was Gabriel who informed the Virgin Mary about the imminent birth of the Savior. In prayer, people can beg the angel for healing from illnesses:

“Oh, Great Gabriel, illuminated by Divine light, aware of incomprehensible secrets and enlightened by the Lord, hear my prayer! I ask you to strengthen my faith. Guide me (name) to repentance of all sins and protect my heart from temptations. Ask the Lord for forgiveness of my soul, may the Almighty have mercy and forgive my sins. Saint Gabriel, do not leave my request unheeded, I cry out for help and pray for forgiveness, unceasingly glorifying Your name, the Lord and His Son. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Wednesday. In the middle of the week, prayers should be read to the angel Raphael. His intercession will help heal spiritual and bodily ailments. The prayer goes like this:

“Oh, Holy Archangel Raphael! You, the great healer, come with your power to the servant of God (name) and help me heal the diseases of the soul and body. Lead me to God and help me gain his intercession. May the sins that destroy my soul disappear, as I bear remorse for my words and deeds with all my heart. Save me from all enemies and their evil words. From now on and forever and ever. Amen".

Thursday. On this day, a prayer to the angel Uriel will help you not to go astray from the path of faith in God:

“Oh, Holy Angel of God Uriel, you are the enlightener of the Divine principle. Do not let my thoughts be clouded and save my heart, soul, will from sins. Guide me by the power of the Holy Spirit on the true path, help me repent of my sins before the Heavenly Ruler. Archangel Wiiril, pray to the Lord to deliver my soul from eternal suffering, from hell and enemies on the path of a righteous life. Till the end of time. Amen".

Friday. Archangel Selaphiel rules over this day. His power will help reunite with God and find the righteous life path. A prayer addressed to an angel will help hold back the blows of fate:

“Oh, Great Selaphiel! Pleaser of God, praying for believers, ask the Lord for forgiveness for my soul. May your help save me from all troubles, illnesses and misfortunes. May God hear my prayers and descend his Divine help on the sinful slave (name). Till the end of time. Amen".

Saturday. On Saturday, it is customary to praise the Archangel Jehudiel. His intercession will give zeal and help fight laziness and inaction. The prayer goes like this:

“Oh, Archangel Yehudiel! You are the defender of the glory of the Lord and help sinful people to glorify the Lord of Heaven. Awaken diligence in me (name), and pray to God for deliverance from the feeling of laziness. Help me, O Great Powers of Heaven, to work for the glory of the Lord and not go astray. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Sunday. Before Sunday service It is customary to glorify the angel Barahiel, who by his power instructs people on the path of correction and repentance to our Father. sacred text it is customary to read in the morning:

“Oh, Great Angel of God Barahiel. You, Holy One, bring the blessing of the Lord into the souls of people. Pray for my soul before the Almighty, I will forgive you for mercy and guidance on the path of my correction. Let my body know no illnesses, and in life the abundance of God's help accompanies me. Save the soul of God's servant (name) and give strength to overcome obstacles. Praise the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

It is worth getting into the habit of daily reading prayers at home. Each angel will help to gain protection and receive help. This will strong protection from all worldly temptations and new stage spiritual growth.May every new day bring you happinessand don't forget to press the buttons and

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Prayers on Monday

First Prayer to Archangel Michael

Great archangel of God, Michael, conqueror of demons, defeat and crush all my enemies, visible and invisible. And pray to the Lord Almighty, may the Lord save and save me from all sorrows and from every disease, from a deadly ulcer and from a vain death, O great Archangel Michael, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Second Prayer to Archangel Michael

O Saint Michael the Archangel, have mercy on us sinners who demand your intercession, save us, servant of God ( names), from all visible and invisible enemies, moreover, strengthen from the horror of death and from the embarrassment of the devil, and make us shamelessly present to our Creator at the hour of His terrible and righteous Judgment. O all-holy, great Michael the Archangel! Do not despise us, sinners, who pray to you for help and your intercession in this life and in the future, but make us worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit with you forever and ever.

Prayers on Tuesday

First prayer to Archangel Gabriel

Oh, holy great archangel Gabriel, stand before the Throne of God and be illuminated by illumination from the Divine light, enlightened by the knowledge of incomprehensible secrets about His eternal wisdom! I sincerely pray to you, guide me to repentance from evil deeds and to affirmation in my faith, strengthen and protect my soul from deceitful temptations, and implore our Creator for the remission of my sins. Oh, holy great Gabriel the Archangel! Do not despise me a sinner, praying for your help and your intercession in this world and in the future, but my helper will always appear to me, may I unceasingly glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the power and your intercession forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer (other) to Gabriel

Oh, holy archangel Gabriel! We wholeheartedly pray to you, instruct us, servant of God ( names), to repentance from evil deeds and to affirmation in our faith, strengthen and protect our souls from deceitful temptations and implore our creator for the remission of our sins. Oh, holy great Gabriel the Archangel! Do not despise us sinners, praying to you, in this world and the future, but the helper will always appear to us, let us unceasingly glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever.

Prayers on Wednesday

Prayer to Archangel Raphael

Oh, the great archangel Raphael of God! You are a guide, a doctor and a healer, guide me to salvation and heal all my mental and bodily illnesses, and lead me to the Throne of God, and pray for His mercy for my sinful soul, may the Lord forgive me and save me from all my enemies and from evil man from now to eternity. Amen.

Prayers on Thursday

Prayer to Archangel Uriel

Oh, the great Archangel of God Uriel! You are the radiance of the Divine fire and the enlightener of those darkened by sins: enlighten my mind, my heart, my will by the power of the Holy Spirit and guide me on the path of repentance and implore the Lord God to deliver me from hell of hell and from all my enemies, visible and invisible, always now and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayers on Friday

Prayer to Archangel Selaphiel

Oh, the great Archangel of God Selaphiel! You pray to God for the people of believers, beg His mercy for me, a sinner, may the Lord deliver me from all troubles and illnesses and from vain death, and may the Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven grant me with all the saints forever and ever. Amen.

Prayers on Saturday

Prayer to Archangel Yehudiel

Oh, the great Archangel of God Jehudiel! You are a zealous defender of the glory of God. You excite me to glorify the Holy Trinity, wake up the lazy me too, glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and implore the Lord Almighty to create a pure heart in me, and renew the spirit of the right in my womb, and by the Master’s spirit, let me affirm that I bow to God in spirit and truth to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayers on Sunday

Prayer to Archangel Barahiel

Oh, the great archangel of God, the archangel Barahiel! Standing before the Throne of God and from there bringing the blessing of God to the homes of the faithful servants of God, ask the Lord God for mercy and blessings on our homes, may the Lord God bless us from Zion and from His Holy Mountain and multiply the abundance of the fruits of the earth and give us health and salvation and good haste in everything, victory and overcoming of enemies and will keep us for many years, but with one accord we glorify God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

In the service of the Lord among the many spiritual beings in the heavenly kingdom are the Archangels. They are the leaders of the heavenly army, which stands in defense of the world of God. The duties of the Archangels include keeping order on earth and in heaven. They are subject to angels who are closest to people.

Archangels are often evangelists of the will of God. They convey prophecies to people and reveal the secrets of faith. In human form, only the Archangel Gabriel and Michael appeared before people. Each Archangel has its own functions, but all of them are involved in one way or another in instructing a believer on the true path. In the Bible, it is noted that each Archangel is responsible for a specific day of the week.

Prayers by the Archangels are different huge force. When offering a prayer, the following should be considered:

  • archangel Michael, which is depicted in church paintings with weapons in his hands, is the spokesman for all the works of the Lord. He is a real defender of the Kingdom of Heaven, so icon painters often depicted him trampling on a monster that symbolizes Lucifer.
  • Gabriel often depicted on icons with a mirror in his hand, which symbolizes as a messenger of the deeds and thoughts of the Lord.
  • Raphael assists in healing, on the icons he is depicted with a medical vessel in his hand.
  • Uriel responsible for the realm of the mind. Icon painters depict him with fire and a sword in his hands, which is a symbol of the study of various sciences and enlightenment in general.
  • Selaphiel- this is the supreme minister of prayers, therefore icon painters depict him in a prayer position.
  • Yehudiel is responsible for glorifying the Name of the Lord and is considered the steward of the blessings of the Lord. He is depicted on icons with a golden crown in right hand, this symbolizes the highest award for a believer who spares no effort in the implementation of charitable deeds.
  • Barahiel always depicted in pink clothes, it symbolizes God's blessing.

It is believed that if a believer reads prayers to the Archangels for every day of the week, then luck will never leave him and all his undertakings will be successful. Priests recommend praying to the Archangels in the morning.

Monday Prayer - Prayer to Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael is the first of the Archangels. He patronizes Monday. Very often, this Archangel acts as a petitioner for people before God, as he stands directly next to the throne of the Lord. It is he who enters the names of the righteous in the book of heaven. Archangel Michael accompanies the souls of the righteous to the gates of the new Jerusalem.

Prayer to him on Monday is as follows:

“Holy Archangel Michael, I ask you to drive away from me the evil spirit that tempts me. Use your lightning sword for this, so that he will never dare to approach me again. Begged the Lord Almighty to save me and keep my soul clean, save me from spiritual and bodily illnesses. You are the great winner Evil Forces and Demons, crush overnight all my visible and invisible enemies. Amen".

Prayer on Tuesday - Prayer to the Archangel Gabriel

The Messenger of God Michael patronizes the second day of the week - Tuesday. He has power over the natural elements. He reflects the power of God, is the servant of all the miracles performed by the Lord and guards paradise.

Prayer to him on Tuesday is as follows:

“Holy Archangel Gabriel, you are the one who brought joyful news from Heaven to the Virgin Mary about the immaculate conception and the future birth of the Son of God. I ask you to fill my heart with joy, drive away sorrows and sorrows from me with your power. I sincerely pray to you to instruct me to repent of my sins, strengthen my soul and protect me from temptations and temptations. Do not refuse me my request, grant your intercession before God at the hour doomsday. Amen".

Wednesday Prayer - Prayer to Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael is considered the patron saint of those suffering from various diseases. But he helps people whose souls are filled with mercy. This Archangel is an enlightener and is able to crush evil spirits.

You need to pray to him on Wednesdays with these words:

“O great Archangel Raphael, you have the gift of God to heal ailments. That hear my request for the healing of the ulcers of my soul and bodily ailments. Be my guide and do not let me turn off the true path. Guide me to salvation and lead me to the Throne of God. Ask him to forgive all my sins and cleanse my soul. Protect me from all my enemies and enemies, do not let them harm me. Amen".

Thursday Prayer - Prayer to Archangel Uriel

All events taking place on Thursday are controlled by Archangel Uriel. He oversees the state of affairs in Hell, and sometimes plays the role of God's messenger. So, he informed Noah about the coming "end of the world." That Archangel is responsible for enlightenment and it is his function to fill the souls of people with love for God, to destroy sinful attachments in them.

Prayer to him goes like this:

“Holy Archangel Uriel, you are illuminated by the Divine light and filled with fiery love for God. Throw a spark of love into my heart, let it flare up with sincere faith and all corners dark souls they will be illuminated with Divine light. Enlighten my mind with knowledge. Strengthen my will and set me on the path of repentance. Pray to the Lord to forgive me my sins, which I repent of, and deliver me from the fiery hell. Amen".

Friday Prayer - Prayer to Selaphiel

The patron saint of Friday is Selaphiel. He leads a group of prayer angels who send people's prayer appeals to God with their inspiring lips.

Sounds like Friday prayer to this Archangel like this:

"Holy Archangel Selaphiel, grant your strong prayer to me who is praying, teach me to pray humbly, contritely, with concentration, with sincerity and spiritual tenderness. Beg, Archangel Selaphiel, the Lord to deliver me from all troubles and sorrows, illnesses and hardships, from vain death and torment eternal. Ask the Lord, Lover of mankind, for mercy for me and hope for the peace of my soul after death in the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

Prayer on Saturday - Prayer to the Archangel Jehudiel

The sixth day of the week is controlled by the Archangel Yehudiel. The supreme administrator of the Lord's eternal blessings encourages believers for their sincere faith and in difficult life situations protects them. He is especially favorable to those who work for the glory of God.

Prayer to him is as follows:

“Holy Archangel Jehudiel, save me from heavy laziness, strengthen my will, so that a desire arises in my soul to work for the glory of our Lord. You are a zealous defender of the glory of God, teach me to sincerely pray, glorify the Holy Trinity. Ask the Lord to forgive all my sins and cleanse my soul. Amen".

Prayer on Sunday - Prayer to the Archangel Barahiel

Developments sunday controlled by Archangel Varahiel. Its functions include sending God's blessing to the believer on earth for every good deed done by him.

He prays on Sundays, addressing this Archangel with the following words:

“Holy Archangel Barahiel, bringing the blessing of the Lord to us unworthy and sinners, I ask you to bless me for a successful start to a good deed. Help me correct my unrighteous life for the sake of my Savior, grant me joy and positive emotions. Grant me the fulfillment of my desires, so that I can fill my life with meaning. Amen".

Prayer book: how to read a prayer to the Holy Archangels

There are no special rules for reading prayers sent to the Archangels. Of course, the sincerity of the praying person is important. Be sure to remember that any prayer is a conversation, so it should sound like an appeal.

These prayers can be said anywhere and at any time. But it is best to do this in the morning in your own room. It is allowed to include appeals to the Archangels in morning rule. It is important during the ascension of prayer to sincerely desire to repent of committed sins.

This type of prayer is said with a slightly bowed head, while the hands should be folded on the chest. A humble posture emphasizes the sincerity of prayer and true faith in the shower. After finishing reading the prayer words, you should overshadow yourself with the sign of the cross.

All prayers to the Archangels are in the prayer book. Therefore, if you did not have time to learn them, then it is quite possible to simply read the texts, but at the same time you should definitely understand their meaning. It is also allowed to include in prayers one's own wishes, which correspond to the general semantic theme. daily prayers Archangels are short so don't overload with your own speech turns and phrases.

According to the teaching christian church, each person has his own Guardian Angel. This light essence every day saves its wearer from minor troubles, and in some situations even saves from death. However, there are more powerful forces directed by the Lord God to help mankind. In particular, such forces include the Supreme Angels of the Heavenly Host - the Archangels. As with the Saints and the Lord Himself, prayers can be offered to the Archangels. Light forces will never refuse the suffering if their intentions are pure.

But which Archangels should be prayed to every day? How are such prayers read correctly? What can one ask the Light Forces about, and what should one not even think about? Which specific High Angel should be addressed, depending on the specific day of the week?
The answers to each of the above questions are in this article.

Which Archangels to pray to?

According to Orthodox dogmas, there are an unprecedented number of Archangels in the Host of God, but 7 of them stand out in particular:

  • Michael - The Archangel, placed over chaos and the People of Israel, dominates human virtues;
  • Gabriel - the head of the cherubim, dominates the snakes, the keeper of Paradise;
  • Raphael - patron of human souls;
  • Uriel - Angel of the elements;
  • Yehudiel - the patron of labor, cruelly eradicating laziness;
  • Sarakael (Selaphiel) - an overseer of the souls of people who allow themselves to transgress God's and human laws;
  • Barahiel - an overseer of those who rise from the dead, a guide on the True Path.

The listed Guardians of the Lord can be prayed, depending on the day of the week.

Prayers to the Archangels for each day of the week are listed below:

  • Monday- Prayer to Michael for the aversion of evil spirits;
  • Tuesday- an appeal to Gabriel from diseases and ailments;
  • Wednesday- prayers to Raphael from heaviness in the body and soul;
  • Thursday- prayers to Uriel from natural disasters and the disgrace of God;
  • Friday- an appeal to Selafiel with a request for success in his endeavors;
  • Saturday- prayers to Yehudiel, allowing you to fight natural laziness;
  • Sunday- a must visit on this day morning service, having previously prayed to the Archangel Barahiel. This Heavenly Guardian will help you not to turn off the right path.

Important! Only a person baptized in the Orthodox Christian faith can offer prayers to the Archangels of the Lord.

How to prepare for prayer to the Archangels?

Preparation for the initial reading of prayers to the Archangels of the Lord includes the following stages:

  • Fast. You need to fast before praying to any of the Supreme Angels for at least a week. It is desirable that in lean diet did not include animal products;
  • Acceptance of repentance in the church with the subsequent remission of sins. This procedure is not obligatory, but highly desirable, since the energy of a pure soul reaches Higher Spheres than a prayer service for a person stained with sin;
  • Frequent church attendance. It is also recommended to put candles every day for the health of relatives, friends and even worst enemies;
  • Cleansing your own home negative energy. Before the first reading of the prayers, the Archangels are recommended to consecrate every corner of the apartment or house, sprinkling it with holy water (if necessary, you can call a priest). General cleaning is also carried out, old things are thrown away, broken dishes and other items with recognized negative impact on the human aura;
  • Set to grace. Turning to the Higher Forces, the prayer must be in a cheerful mood, supported by undeniable faith;
  • Detachment from negativity. It is recommended that within a week before the first reading of the prayer to the Archangel, give up vicious worldly pleasures and bad habits;
  • Immediately before the prayer itself, wash yourself with holy water and cross yourself three times.

Preparatory procedures before a prayer appeal to one of the Lord's Archangels are not mandatory. However, having cleansed the soul and body of worldly vanities, a person will be able to pray harder, and his prayers will be heard faster.

How to read prayers to angels?

For a person who wants to master the prayers to the Archangels for every day, it is important to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of prayer reading:

  • Sincerity. Not a single prayer will be heard if your thoughts directly contradict what you say in your appeal to the Archangel. When reading the text about Love for the Almighty, you must sincerely, with all your heart, love God and his Angels;
  • Renunciation of all evil and negativity. During the prayer, one should not experience anger or anger. You cannot wish death, illness or misfortune even on your worst enemy. Before you start praying to the Archangels, find the strength in yourself to forgive your enemies and wish them well and prosperity;
  • Unwavering faith. Most likely, an agnostic or atheist who decides to pray to the Archangels will only become stronger in his unbelief. The reason for this will be blocking energy flow directed by the praying Higher Powers. Therefore, in order for the prayer to be heard, first of all, you need to believe in God;
  • Reading a traditional text. The traditional texts of prayers to the Archangels on the day of the week were created by the wisest theologians of ancient times. Therefore, it is in these texts that the wisdom and power of the appeal to the Servants of God is hidden. After reading the original prayer, you can turn to the Archangel of a specific day of the week with a personal prayer;
  • The use of religious symbols. Christian symbols, when praying to Orthodox saints and Archangels, give additional energy power to the spoken words and thoughts of the prayer. Therefore, in the process of prayer, the Archangels are recommended to surround themselves with church utensils - candles, holy water, Holy Scripture, incense, etc. It is also recommended to pray in front of the icon-painting image of the Archangel, acquired in the church closest to the dwelling;
  • Place for prayer. You can pray to the Supreme Angels on any day of the week both in church and in own house(provided that a general cleaning has been carried out in the dwelling).

Important! In the process of prayer reading, respect should be shown to the Archangels of the Lord. Higher Powers cannot be commanded. They can only beg for help. The prayers of the Archangels need to be read in a clear, but quiet voice, praising them and the Lord. All prayers to the Archangels are offered in the morning, preferably at dawn.

Prayer on Monday

Text prayer appeal to the Supreme Angel Michael for protection from the evil one on Monday is presented below:

"Holy Archangel of God Michael, banish from me with your lightning sword the evil spirit that tempts me. O great Archangel of God Michael the conqueror of demons! Defeat and crush all my enemies, visible and invisible, and beg the Lord Almighty, may the Lord save and save me from mourning and from every disease, from deadly ulcers and vain death, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

On Tuesday

The text of the prayer appeal to the Supreme Angel Gabriel for health:

» Holy Archangel Gabriel, bringing unspeakable joy from Heaven to the Most Pure Virgin, fill my heart, grieved with pride, with joy and gladness. Oh, the great Archangel of God Gabriel, you announced to the Blessed Virgin Mary the conception of the Son of God. Raise to me a sinner the day of the terrible death of the Lord God for my sinful soul, may the Lord forgive my sins; and the demons will not hold me in the ordeals for my sins. O great Archangel Gabriel! Save me from all troubles and from a serious illness, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

For environment

The text of the appeal to the Supreme Angel Archangel Raphael from heaviness in the body and soul:

“O great Archangel of God Raphael, received a gift from God to heal ailments, heal the incurable ulcers of my heart and many diseases of my body. O great Archangel of God Raphael, you are a guide, a doctor and a healer, guide me to salvation and heal all my mental and bodily illnesses, and lead me to the Throne of God, and beg His goodness for my sinful soul, may the Lord forgive me and save me from all my enemies and from evil people, from now to eternity. Amen."

Prayer on Thursday

Prayer to the Supreme Angel Uriel from natural disasters:

“Holy Archangel of God Uriel, illuminated by the light of God and abundantly filled with the fire of fiery hot love, throw a spark of this fiery fire into my cold heart, and illuminate my dark soul with your light. O great Archangel of God Uriel, you are the radiance of the Divine fire and the enlightener of those darkened by sins: enlighten my mind, my heart, my will by the power of the Holy Spirit, and guide me on the path of repentance, and implore the Lord God, may the Lord deliver me from the hell of the underworld and from all enemies, visible and invisible, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

On Friday

An appeal to the Supreme Angel Selaphiel for help in achieving goals and attracting success:

“Holy Archangel of God Selaphiel, give prayer to the one who prays, teach me to pray with a humble, contrite, concentrated and tender prayer. O great Archangel of God Selaphiel, you pray to God for the believers, implore His mercy for me, a sinner, may the Lord deliver me from all troubles and sorrows, and illnesses, and from vain death, and from eternal torment, and the Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven will vouchsafe me with all Saints forever. Amen."

For Saturday

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