Home Fruit trees How to switch the language on the keyboard. How to change the language on the keyboard in different ways

How to switch the language on the keyboard. How to change the language on the keyboard in different ways

Change the keyboard layout from one to another. This operation can be performed in a split second. And if you wish, you can not waste time on this at all. Want to know: How? Read this article.

When working with a computer, from time to time you need to enter text on different languages, usually in Russian and English. If you do not know how to change one for the other, you will have a question: how to switch to English (or Russian)? Let's try to do this in several ways.

About languages ​​on a computer

In general, on a PC, one language is always installed by default. You need to switch to the other. To see which language you have activated, look in the tray (this is such a panel at the bottom of the desktop on the right), there is a special language panel. It is usually set to either "EN" or "RU", which means English and Russian, respectively.

In this case, the language that is activated in this one may differ when switching to a particular application. For example, click in the browser in the search bar with the left mouse button. The “EN” icon will light up on the panel (if this language is activated by default). Now go to your text editor. If you just typed in it, you probably did it in Russian. By clicking on the editor window, you will see that the language has changed from "EN" to "RU". This means that there is no one language that will always be active when working with a computer. It all depends on the application.

But if you don't know how to switch to another language, that is, use this function the first time, then all applications will have one language (simply because no one switched to another). If it is English, then in the editor you can only type the text with Latin letters... However, it is not difficult to fix the situation, for this you need to know how to change the language from one to another. And if required, you can even supplement the language bar with other languages.

"Hot" keys

When working in a text editor, switching to another language using the mouse is not very convenient. It is much easier to use "hot" keys for this. In different operating systems, this can be a combination of "Ctrl + Shift" or "Alt + Shift". To check which combination is correct, click each of them in turn (in the editor, on the desktop or in any folder on the computer) and see if the language icon has changed in the language bar at the bottom right.

Customize keyboard shortcuts

If none of the combinations work, you might need to change the settings. To do this:

  • Right click on the language bar;
  • Select "Settings" (or by following the path "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Regional and Language Options" - "Languages" - "More");
  • Click "Keyboard Options", then the section "Change keyboard shortcuts";
  • Check the box next to the desired combination.

Add language and panel

In Windows, you can also type text in different national languages... Moreover, any language can be added to the language panel on the computer, so that it can be activated by the usual key combination, and you can easily switch to it. To do this:

  • Click on the "Start" icon and go to "Control Panel";
  • Select "Language and National Standards";
  • Go to the "Languages" section, click on the "Details" item;
  • Click on the "Add" button, select the language you want to print in;
  • Click "OK";
  • Click on "Default Input Language" (if you want it to be automatically installed when the OS starts up);
  • To display the language on the language bar, click "Language bar" and check the box next to the corresponding function.

Layout change with manipulator

You can also change the layout to English using the mouse. For this:

  • Left-click on the language indicator (if displayed);
  • Please select desired language.

Setting the display of the language indicator

If there is no language bar in the tray, then its display is disabled in the settings. To turn on the indicator, use following algorithm actions:

  • Click on the "Start" icon and go to "Control Panel";
  • Click the line "Clock, language and region";
  • Select "Change keyboard layout";
  • Then select the "Languages ​​and keyboards" section and click "Change keyboard";
  • Next, select the "Language bar" section and enable the "Pin to taskbar" function;
  • Additionally, you can change the method for switching keyboard layouts. To do this, click "Change keyboard shortcut";
  • Then click Apply and OK.

Change layout using programs

you can use special applications that allow you to change the keyboard layout on your computer (to English and back automatically). This is convenient, since you do not need to look every time which language is included in this moment... When entering text, the program will automatically determine which language to switch to.

An example of such an application is "Punto Switcher". This is a free program that is very quick to download. It is enough to enter the name in the search engine and follow the link from the search results search query... Punto Switcher recognizes the entered text, automatically determining which language to refer to the entered character combination.

Additional features of Punto Switcher

In the application settings, you can specify keyboard shortcuts that will switch the language. For this:

  • Open the program and go to the menu;
  • Click "General", then "Switch layouts";
  • Set the keys to change the language.

Additionally, you can customize the display of graphic images of languages ​​on the computer (country flags will be displayed).

By exploring the options for switching keyboard layouts, you can quickly switch the language to and from English, as well as customize the language bar in the most optimal way.


To navigate between presets system languages press the "Alt" key on the on-screen keyboard with the left mouse button (or other pointing device) once, and then press the "Shift" button with the left mouse button twice. Alternatively, you can press the Shift key first and then the Alt key twice.

You can select the input language by clicking on the "EN" (or "RU") button located on the right side of the taskbar, left-clicking once and selecting the required language from the list that opens.

If you have a connected computer keyboard, you can also change the language layout by pressing the key combination "Alt + Shift" (sometimes "Ctrl + Shift") on it.


If the input language on the onscreen keyboard does not change, then the text cursor is not in the input field, or the text input application is not running. To fix this error, move the mouse cursor over the text input field in any window or program and click on it once with the left mouse button to display the text cursor in the input field.

With speech recognition enabled, the user can set voice command transition between system input languages.

In operating rooms Windows systems XP (and newer) the user can change keyboard shortcuts to switch between input languages ​​or enable one of them. To do this, open the "Start" menu and select the "Control Panel" line in the list on the right. In the window that opens, find and click the line "Regional and Language Options". In the dialog box that appears, activate the "Languages ​​and keyboards" tab, and in it, click the "Change keyboard ..." button. The Languages ​​and Text Input Services window opens and click the Switching Keyboard tab. In the Keyboard Shortcuts for Input Languages ​​area, select the Switch Input Language line. At the bottom of the dialog box, click the "Change keyboard shortcut ..." button and select the desired option from the list of suggestions. Click the "Ok" button and close all windows for setting keyboard parameters and input language. The new keyboard shortcut for switching input languages ​​will take effect without restarting the operating system.

The On-Screen Keyboard application may not work in some non-unified programs.

Layout - the state of the keyboard, configured to enter text on specific language... In computers of Russian-speaking users, as a rule, two types of layouts are used - English and Russian. Depending on the convenience and level of the user, several methods are used to change the input language.


In the new Language and Text Services context menu, open the Keyboard Switching tab. In the field "Keyboard shortcut ..." find and select the line "Switch input language". Click the "Change combination" button below and choose the most convenient from the suggested options. Click “OK” to save the settings. Save the settings before exiting each menu.

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You brought a laptop from England (France, Sweden). Naturally, the installed on it operating system communicates with you on language country where you purchased your laptop. And you would like all menus, button labels, etc. to be in Russian. To do this, Windows 7 and later versions of Windows XP have support for MUI (Multilingual User Interface).


For example, we will assume that a system with English language... If the interface is not, then follow the same algorithm as described below. The names of the items in the sequence will be different, on the corresponding language... But you can translate the following Russian commands into the language of your computer and look for buttons with similar ones.

Windows 7 offers us several options. However, there are two ways here: changing the keyboard layout or interface language. I must say that this is a fairly easy task that can be implemented in different ways. We'll take a look at each of them.


Well, if you are wondering how to change the language on your computer, Windows 7 will help you with that. You can start with the most common way. It is about using the keyboard. More precisely, hotkeys. After you press a certain combination, the switch will take place. Let's see how you can do this.

If you are thinking about how to change the input language on your computer, then press the Shift + Alt combination. As a rule, these buttons will help to implement the idea. Did not work? Then try Shift + Ctrl. It should be borne in mind that you only need to use the keys on the left side of the keyboard. This trick will not work on the right "duplicates". True, this option is not always convenient. You can use several more switching methods. Which ones exactly? Now we will figure it out.

In tray

We have already seen the most common way to change keyboard layouts (using hotkeys). True, as already mentioned, he does not suit everyone. Sometimes (in extremely rare situations) this move does not work. Then other ways come to the rescue. Now we will look at how to change the language on a computer. Windows 7 offers us a couple more options.

For example, you can use the mouse and system tray. Look at the taskbar, in its lower right corner. There, next to the various tray icons, there should be a small "window". It usually displays several letters. Ru - if you write in Russian, and En - if in English. Do you want to know how to change the language on your computer (Windows 7, XP or any other OS version)? Then move the mouse cursor over the letters and press the left button on the device. A small list will appear in front of you possible actions... In it you will see a check mark opposite the layout that you currently have installed. To change it, just click on the required line. After that, the letters on the taskbar will change. To get rid of the "list", just click anywhere. That's all. Nothing complicated or requiring special knowledge.

Control Panel

Well, there is also one more pretty interesting option development of events. It helps when the previous methods did not work (rarely, but it happens). We are talking about changing the layout using the "Control Panel".

Do you want to know how to change the input language on your computer? Then open "Start" and go to "Control Panel". Now take a look at the list that opens. Find "Clock, Language and Region" there. Click on "Regional Standards". After that, it remains to carry out just a few simple movements.

A window with several tabs will pop up in front of you. You need to go to "Languages ​​and Keyboards" and then click on "Change Layout". Next, a window will appear in which you need to select one of the available layouts. Save changes - you can close everything that was just open. See if everything worked out - to do this, lower your gaze to the tray and the letters near it. If they changed, everything worked out. No? Then try again.


Well, there is one more point that we have not covered. This is a question of how to change Windows language... That is, systemic. There are several options. The first is through the same "Regional Standards". Go to the same tab as when changing the language, but now it's worth clicking on "Select system language". In the window that appears, click on the desired line and save the changes.

The second way is to change the language after the update. Go to the "Update Center" and then download the required layout for yourself. After it loads, you will be prompted to replace the settings automatically. Don't give up on it. The computer will ask you to reboot, after which the system will change the interface language. That's all.

At first glance, it may seem that an ordinary Russian-speaking PC user will only need native language that is set on the computer by default as the interface language and keyboard layout. Yes, perhaps, for most office tasks, this will be enough if you use a computer or laptop as a modern analogue of a typewriter, but an Internet user will definitely need a Latin alphabet to enter the address of the desired website. Email and other tasks. Let's consider in more detail the settings of the language bar and the basic principles of working with it using the example of Windows 7 OS.

The easiest way to change the input language is by resorting to the interface of the Windows language bar itself, which by default is located on the right side of the taskbar next to the notification area and shows the current language. So, we click on the RU icon, denoting the use of the Russian language at the moment, and we see other languages ​​to choose from, among which may be the English we need, if the language panel was previously configured accordingly. Setting up the language panel, in particular adding / removing input languages, will be discussed in Section 3 of this article. Another way to switch between input languages ​​is to use the keyboard itself. So, depending on the settings, to change the layout language, you must press the key combination Ctrl + Shift or Alt + Shift. This method will be especially convenient when typing with both hands, since it does not require additional time spent on manipulating the mouse, the hands remain on the keyboard. As for the language bar settings, they are very simple and straightforward. To open the settings window, right-click on the icon in the taskbar and select the "Options ..." item.

In the "General" tab, if necessary, set up the default input language by selecting it from those used. Below we see a window with the languages ​​used and buttons on the right to control them. So, you can delete an unnecessary language or add a required one. If English was not installed earlier, click the "Add" button, select it from the list of supported ones in a new window and confirm your choice by clicking on the "OK" button.

No less important settings, which were discussed in P.2 of this article, are located in the "Switching keyboard" tab in the same settings window. Here, in addition to controlling the enabling / disabling of the Caps Lock mode, there are settings for key combinations for changing languages. Highlight the "Switch input language" parameter with the left mouse button and click the "Change keyboard shortcut" button below. In the window that appears, select the most convenient keyboard shortcut option to change the input language and, if necessary, separately for the keyboard layout. After making the changes, do not forget to confirm and save them by clicking on "OK".

In addition, in the settings of the language panel, it is possible to assign a keyboard shortcut to switch to a particular language. This function will be convenient for those users who periodically use 3 or more input languages. We assign unique combination keys for switching, for example, to the English we need, in the same way as changing the switching of languages ​​with the only difference: in the “Keyboard shortcuts for input languages” window, highlight “Enable English”. Next, we set up the keyboard shortcut and save the settings.

If you still have questions about switching to another input language or setting the language bar for more new version Windows, then in the video attached below you will find a similar instruction for Windows 8.

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