Home Mushrooms The phone screen lights up periodically. The phone turns itself off and on. Why? Using the special application “Touchgreen Calibration”

The phone screen lights up periodically. The phone turns itself off and on. Why? Using the special application “Touchgreen Calibration”

07.12.2018 Frank 0 Comments

When receiving notifications, by default, after blocking, the screen of your Android phone or iPhone constantly lights up.

If the screen on your Nokia, Samsung, Xiaomi, etc. phone lights up on its own, for no particular reason, this may indicate problems with the operating system or hardware.

Some applications may also be the reason for this. Below you will find tips on how to deal with this.

In general, this is a rather rare phenomenon, but it still occurs and there are three reasons for it. More details below.

Yes, I almost forgot, there is a program that can restore the functionality of any phone. Get to know her and

The phone screen lights up by itself - a problem with the operating system

The operating system on the phone controls various functions device, including notification light and screen.

Errors in operating system or user generated problems, which usually arise from previously rooted rights, may result spontaneous switching on screen.

After getting root, this happened on one of my smartphones from the manufacturer Samsung.

In this case, you can restore your phone to factory settings. I already wrote about this, how to reset your phone some time ago -

The phone screen lights up by itself - a problem with applications

As a result, the phone's display may light up. To solve the problem, go to your smartphone's settings and in the applications tab, turn off notifications for individual programs.

Phone screen lights up by itself - hardware problem

On some phones, the problem of uncontrollable screen backlight appears due to dirt accumulated in the hardware.

For example, dust and dirt that accumulate in the charging port can interfere with the power supply process, causing the notification light to light up.

This, in turn, leads to spontaneous backlighting of the screen - it lights up as if by itself.

To solve this problem, thoroughly clean all the ports of your smartphone with compressed air or a toothbrush.

Sometimes the problem of spontaneous screen backlighting is a consequence of a mechanical defect.

Therefore, if you try to fix the problem yourself and fail, go to a specialist for service. Good luck.

Spontaneous shutdown of a smartphone is a common problem that gadget owners regularly face. There are quite a few reasons why the phone suddenly turns off by itself. In this article we will look at the most popular of them.

When the phone turns off on its own, it creates some discomfort and interferes with normal work and communication. Most often, owners of old equipment encounter this situation, but in some cases problems can also occur with new devices.

If such a problem is one-time in nature, do not panic. The reason why Android turns off may be a simple glitch in the system. But, if it is of a regular nature, it is recommended to take the gadget to a service center.

However, some tasks can be dealt with at home. Full instructions for problems of different origins you will find below.

Power key doesn't work

Mechanical malfunctions of the power button often cause the phone to turn itself off.

It is impossible to replace the key yourself at home. If such a situation occurs with a new gadget, there is a manufacturing defect. When you contact the warranty service, the equipment will either be repaired or replaced with a new one.

But sometimes the breakdown of the power button is preceded by bumps and falls. Modern smartphones are quite fragile, and even a small impact on the ground can lead to malfunctions and malfunctions. The solution is the same - contact the service center to replace the power off key.

You can also diagnose the problem at home. You need to simultaneously hold down several combinations (for example, volume rocker and mute) and look at the result. If it does not respond properly, then repair is needed.

Software failure

Another option - the brightest for most equipment owners - is a failure in the operating system. Errors in its operation may cause the cell phone to freeze when performing specific task and the inability to disable it (or reboot) in the standard way. You can try to manually remove the battery and turn it on again. However, this method should not be abused.


If the phone constantly turns itself off, does not hold a charge and charges slowly, there is only one way out - install another battery.

Of course, you can extend the life of an old battery by several days by monitoring background mode, and downloading several special programs, but this will not fix the battery.

Moreover, a swollen or mechanically damaged battery can be life-threatening. There are cases when a faulty battery caught fire simply in the hands of users, or near their faces, causing serious burns.

Therefore, you should not delay replacing the battery. This will not only affect the comfort and performance of the device, but will also protect you from health risks.

Oxidation of contacts

Even those who carefully and carefully handle their smartphones are not immune from another type of mechanical damage - oxidation of contacts on the motherboard.

Moisture can get onto contacts and junctions as follows:

  • When there is a sudden change in temperature (condensation occurs).
  • Frequently carrying equipment in hands in hot weather.
  • Getting caught in the rain.
  • Falling into a container of water.
  • And others.

Modern top models are already equipped with moisture resistance, but budget cell phones do not yet have such a function. Moisture penetrates the phone through connectors, seams and speakers, becoming a catalyst for oxidative processes.

As in previous cases, this problem cannot be dealt with manually, and it is recommended to have the phone repaired by specialists.

Removing unnecessary things from the system

Android is positioned as an open platform, so each user can personalize it to suit their tastes and needs. Most often this happens by downloading software from the Play Market.

Sometimes these are several applications, and sometimes their number reaches such proportions that the equipment simply cannot cope with the processor load and constantly turns off.

The solution in this case will be as follows:

  1. Check the authenticity of the operating system. Only installing a licensed Android OS guarantees that the smartphone will cope with the assigned tasks properly.
  2. Clear storage from unnecessary programs. Optimal loading – up to 15 different applications.
  3. Check whether the installed utility conflicts with the OS. You can find out this on the forums, or in reviews directly under the program page in the Play Market.

Screen breakage

Sometimes a broken screen is mistakenly perceived as a cell phone refusing to turn on. It is caused by problems with the hardware, which are usually preceded by falls or contact of the device with water.

On most gadgets, a reboot is accompanied by a slight vibration response, which can be felt even if the screen does not show signs of life. It’s worth checking for a response; if not, take it to the specialist.

Mechanical damage

Various types of “flights” are a real disaster for fragile devices. In most cases, they are brought to the service center after a fall.

You can check the malfunction yourself by slightly bending the smartphone in your hands. If it turns off, then repairs cannot be avoided.

If after an impact the back cover in the area of ​​the camera or battery begins to heat up, then most likely the root of the problem lies in the lag of the thermal pad. It is possible to give final conclusions only after disassembling the gadget.

Moral deterioration

The average service life of a cell phone is 3-5 years, provided there are no breakdowns and care is taken. But many people use them much longer, so over time they have to visit repair points more and more often.

Equipment needs to be regularly changed and updated, because it is already difficult to get spare parts for devices that were released 5-6 years ago. And some malfunctions of outdated models are even refused to be repaired.

Therefore, when purchasing, pay attention to the OS version - if it is lower than 4.4, then maintenance will be in question.

Working in the cold

It is not recommended to expose gadgets to temperature fluctuations - this affects the battery. When working in the cold, many devices refuse to work and turn off on their own - this is normal practice. The range of suitable temperatures is indicated in the User's Manual.

Memory card

If, when installing a memory card, the smartphone does not work well, is glitchy, or turns off completely, it must be removed and replaced with another one.

Let's look at the reasons why MicroSD may conflict with the OS:

  • Speed ​​class incompatibility.
  • Factory defect in the memory card.
  • Mechanical damage to the slot that slows down its operation.


Regardless of the source of the problem, it is not recommended to repair your smartphone yourself, especially if it is under warranty. Proper repairs that will not negatively affect further work, can only be carried out at the service center.


Greetings! The display on your phone turns on spontaneously - this problem can drive anyone into hysterics. It would seem that, simple thing- Well, it lights up on its own, so what? However... so many inconveniences at once! The main ones include very fast charging iPhone. The smartphone doesn’t hold much charge anyway (look at the approximate data and compare with your own indicators), and then there’s the main consumer of energy – the display, which turns on when it wants. Horror!

It’s immediately worth noting that there are three main reasons for such a problem - it could be the fault software, telecom operator or hardware failure. Yes, it's as simple as that. But this is only at first glance. And on the second...

In general, let's quickly find out how to deal with all this disgrace? Let's go!

Raise to Wake feature and other software “features”

In iOS 10 for iPhones starting with the 6S, 6S Plus and SE models, the Raise to Wake feature began working. When activated, the moment you pick up the device (lift it from any surface), its screen lights up on its own. This is done for ease of unlocking - you just have to put your finger on the Touch ID sensor.

So if you are complaining that the screen on your iPhone turns on by itself only the moment you pick it up, this is the effect of this option.

In some cases, the Raise to Wake option may not work perfectly; try not lifting it from the surface, but simply shaking the locked iPhone - the screen backlight will light up. A similar situation can occur when the phone shakes violently, for example, in a pocket.

Therefore, if this is relevant for your phone model, turn off this function and check whether the automatic backlight switching on has disappeared? For this:

Done? Have you checked? Nothing has changed and the backlight can still flash on the screen at any time, despite the fact that the phone is locked? There are a few more software features, which may cause the display to behave In a similar way. Here's what you can do:

  • Check applications and games installed on iPhone. Perhaps this is just a “bug” of some particular program. For example, a notification should come from her - the screen lights up, but nothing comes.
  • Jailbreak. Check all tweaks that were installed or updated during Lately. Delete one at a time, starting with the most recent one. But in general, it is better to remove the jailbreak itself.
  • , but (important!) do not recover from backup copy. See if the screen stops flashing on its own on a completely “clean” device.

But all this may be meaningless, because there is a chance that the “root of evil” is located in a completely different place - from which you would not expect such a “set-up” at all... the SIM card.

The screen on the iPhone turns on by itself - is the SIM card to blame!?

In fact, it’s easy. To be more precise, this is not the fault of the SIM card itself, but entertainment services connected to it. This is especially true if the SIM card is new - just purchased or replaced. Moreover, each operator has one such option, which at some intervals shows various information on the display - thereby activating it for several tens of seconds without your knowledge.

But such information messages do not always appear. In some cases, the iPhone will simply turn on the screen, but there will be no text on it.

Here are the options you should pay attention to first:

  • Beeline - "Chameleon".
  • MTS – “MTS news”.
  • Megaphone – “Kaleidoscope”.
  • Tele2 - “Tele2 topic”.

It is these services that cause the display of your phone or tablet to turn on periodically. Yes, for iPad it will work the same as for iPhone. For example, on my iPad with a new MTS SIM card, a black screen with the text “Sim card played sound” constantly lit up.

I turned off MTS News and everything went away.

Be sure to turn off these services (this can be done either through the operator or with special commands) - the “calmed” screen backlight and battery will thank you.

The display lights up on its own - problems with the hardware inside the iPhone

Perhaps the saddest option. And you have to be sad because it is impossible to identify one single reason. There is no way to tell - the locked display is activated from time to time only because of the battery.

There can be a lot of options, and the battery is far from the only one:

  • In the case when this happens during charging, it is worth checking the power supply, cable and wire connector on the iPhone. You should try to replace the adapter and Lighting cable, but carefully clean the connector - perhaps it has oxidized or dust has clogged up there. You can clean it with a brush or toothpick (no metal objects!).
  • If, in addition to the fact that the screen lights up on its own when locked, the device (when it is completely turned off) also turns on on its own, then you should look towards the top cable with the power button.
  • You also need to pay attention to the bottom connector and the Home button (especially if moisture has gotten there).
  • And of course, low-quality spare parts and unprofessional repairs can cause this behavior of the iPhone or iPad display.

And much, much more. Only a good service center can determine the cause of hardware problems more accurately when conducting diagnostics. Good, this procedure almost always free. But I still really hope that your problem, dear reader, will be resolved in some way from the first two points of this article, and the matter will not come to repair.

P.S. Leave questions in the comments - always welcome! And of course, put “like” and press “+1” - this also brings joy :) Try it and you will like it!

Many people wonder why the phone turns off by itself. Answer this question is not as simple as it seems. After all, there are many reasons for such behavior. Do not immediately panic if you are faced with this problem. Try to figure out for yourself what the true reasons for this phenomenon are. It is recommended to act by the method of elimination. But what points are worth taking a closer look at? Why does my phone turn off by itself?


Very often, our current problem appears due to the device’s battery draining. Discover this phenomenon it's not that simple. After all, few people will independently check whether the battery fits well mobile phone. Especially if there were no problems with this before.

To exclude this option, uncheck back panel your mobile phone, then press the battery firmly against the phone. All that remains is to check whether the device will turn off. Yes? Then the reason is clearly something else. No? Now you have found the source of the problem.


Why does my phone turn off by itself? Next reason This behavior is nothing more than a battery problem. Its malfunction almost always leads to the fact that the mobile device begins to turn off and on on its own. Don't be surprised by this.

What to do in this case? Think about how long you've had your phone. Have you followed the recommendations for caring for your device's battery? Did you always start charging after full discharge"problematic" component? If not, then the reason most likely lies in the battery.

To eliminate this problem, simply replace the faulty component. Usually after purchase new battery The phone stops turning off spontaneously.

Battery charge

The reasons don't end there. Why does my phone turn off by itself? Check the battery charge. Not the most common case, but one that occurs in practice. It is the low battery charge of the phone that causes the device to turn off.

This situation is quickly resolved. All you need to do is charge your phone and then turn it on. You will notice how the problem disappears by itself. From now on, just keep an eye on your battery charge. Then you won’t have any surprises with your phone. In any case, you will be prepared to disconnect the device.


Unless the reasons for such behavior lie in something more serious. Why does my phone turn itself off and on? Under such circumstances, the source of the problem is not always the device’s battery and its malfunction. Everything is much more serious.

The point is that if you notice how the phone turns off and then turns on on its own, it’s time to check the device for viruses. They cause most gadget malfunctions. It is impossible to predict exactly how a phone will react to a particular virus.

To prevent infection, it is recommended to use special antivirus programs for mobile devices. Or take the gadget to a service center. There they will help you not only check your phone, but also “cure” it if necessary.


That's it for the list possible reasons The origin of our current problem does not end. Why does my Nokia or any other phone turn off? If all of the above options do not suit you, then you can think about installed programs and applications. Utilities often cause problems with your phone.

There are several options here. The first is that you have little space left on your mobile. In this case, you just need to make room. Remove some of the most unnecessary programs or games - and the problem will disappear by itself.

Third - availability malware. To correct the situation, you will have to find and eliminate the problematic utility. After this, you won’t have to wonder why the phone turns itself off and on (Samsung, Nokia or some other). After all, the problem will disappear. Its reappearance is possible when the gadget is again cluttered with programs.

System failure

Why does my phone turn off when charging and more? The last common variant of this behavior is failures in the device’s operating system. They happen simply from time to time, from viruses, and from the number of installed programs and applications. But most often, problems in the operating system are the result of incorrect firmware.

In order not to have to figure out how to correct the situation for a long time, you simply need to reflash the gadget. It is not recommended to do this yourself. It is better to take the phone to a service center.

Usually after reflashing all problems are eliminated. If even after this nothing helps, it’s time to change your phone. After all, sometimes the reason lies in equipment malfunction. In such a situation, only a complete replacement of the gadget will help. Now it’s clear why the phone turns off by itself. Fixing this problem is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to know where to start. By the way, you should think about firmware only after eliminating all of the above reasons.

Every year, manufacturers release dozens of new smartphone models. Some as distinctive feature can boast of being cheap, others have high performance, others have an ergonomic design, others are endowed with excellent energy-saving characteristics, powerful battery and impact resistance. But none of these devices can be 100% protected from breakdowns. of various nature. One of these troubles is the spontaneous activation of the touchscreen, which is usually typical for Chinese budget smartphone models. Why the sensor on the phone is pressed by itself and how to deal with this problem, you will learn from the article.

Incorrect operation of the touchscreen is not the most pleasant thing, but the problem can be fixed

Conventionally, the reasons why the sensor itself is pressed can be divided into two categories:

  • Software failure - occurs due to errors in the software (software) of the smartphone;
  • Hardware failure - errors associated with damage to the component parts of the device.

Depending on the model of your smartphone and the circumstances under which the screen malfunctioned, you can be more or less likely to say which of the above failures caused this problem. Thus, in Chinese budget models (according to statistics, most often in Alcatel and Xiaomi), the incorrect functioning of the touchscreen occurs as a result of low-quality assembly of the device and a cheap resistive display, which, as is known, is vulnerable to the accumulation of static charge on its surface. Dropping a smartphone or pressing hard on its screen can also cause problems with the operation of the touchscreen.

However, there is no need to despair. Before claiming that screen functioning errors arose due to hardware damage, you should try to fix this problem using software methods. Let's take a closer look at them.

How to eliminate spontaneous sensor activation programmatically

So, let's look at several ways to solve this problem on our own.

Method 1: Reset your smartphone to factory settings

Depending on the smartphone model, restoring the “default” operating parameters is performed in a certain section of the settings. However, the path to them is the same for most devices; only the names of these blocks differ. Therefore, let’s look at how to reset the settings to factory defaults, using the Philips S326 smartphone as an example.

Method 2: Screen Calibration

Re-calibration of the touchscreen may be necessary not only in the event of a software failure, after which the sensor on the smartphone clicks on its own. After the fall mobile device from a height, falling into water, replacing the display, etc. calibration must be carried out in mandatory- this can help in most of the cases listed here. Let's consider two methods that allow us to carry out this procedure.

Screen calibration using standard tools built into the smartphone

In those device models that have the ability to determine the tilt angle of the touchscreen as standard functionality, you can calibrate it without using special utilities. For this:

  1. Go to the “Settings” section of our device;
  2. In the “Display”, “Screen” or “Special Features” block, find the “Calibration” item and click on it;
  3. The next window suggests, as a rule, to place the phone on a flat surface and start the calibration procedure, then your device will automatically adjust the optimal touch angle and complete it.

Using the special application “Touchgreen Calibration”

This method is suitable for those whose smartphone models do not have built-in tools for screen calibration. The application compares favorably with similar ones, first of all, due to its ease of use, as well as the very high accuracy of determining the angle of the sensor.

  1. So, to calibrate the screen using Touchscreen Calibration, you need:
  2. Download the application from the link at Google Play— https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=redpi.apps.touchscreencalibration ;
  3. After installation, we launch the program, in the start window we see the inscription “Calibrate” framed in a blue background, you need to click on it;
Click on “Calibrate” to begin the touchscreen calibration process

The calibration procedure begins, during which you will be asked to adjust the screen tilt angle in six different touch modes, we go through each of them;

Do not forget that the smartphone must be on a flat surface all this time for the calibration to be as accurate as possible.

When finished, you will be prompted to reboot your device for the changes to take effect.

Here click “Ok” and reboot the device for the changes to take effect


If the methods described above did not help you fix sensor clicks, then the problem most likely lies in the hardware of your smartphone. There are several hardware reasons due to which the touchscreen may operate spontaneously:

  • Resistive display - this type of screen differs from capacitive ones in that it is a layer of glass on which a flexible membrane is applied; as a result, such a touchscreen wears out quickly;
  • Poor quality of double-sided tape - Chinese manufacturers, and some service centers Those who repair displays by replacing them like to save on double-sided tape, which is used to fix the screen inside the case. As a result, the touchscreen does not work properly.

For the above reasons, it is better to entrust the matter to a specialist than to try to repair the screen yourself. If you still want to do it yourself, I recommend viewing these guides on touchscreen repair:

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