Home Fruit trees Khmer tattoo meanings. Magical tattoos sak yant. Classic application rules

Khmer tattoo meanings. Magical tattoos sak yant. Classic application rules

Finally, I got to the forest temple to capture the process and tell you about how and where it is best to get a magical Sak Yant tattoo. Sak Yant is not just an image on the body. This is a whole story, philosophy, magic and, if you like, a path. Before doing it, you need to find out all the details and ask yourself - do I want to change my life?
And if the answer is yes, then go ahead, follow me reader :)

Sak Yant – A tattoo that is filled with meaning

People at all times tended to decorate their bodies only if in ancient times tattoos had a deep meaning: to ward off demons, protect, find love, happiness and health.

A genuine Sak Yant is truly a chance and an opportunity for those who believe in miracles, in magic and in the fact that in addition to the rational, there are other matters.

However, I would advise even skeptics to think and try, especially if there is a real need and need for life to change, for new colors, feelings, joys and strength to appear in it.
In extreme cases, everything good afterward will be attributed to coincidence and accident.

Magic tattoo Sak Yant - Where to get a real one?

Making a real Sak Yant even in Thailand is quite a big problem. Of course, there are not many Sak Yant masters - that is, people who lived a certain number of years in monasticism, studied, became masters, comprehended the essence of the universe and tormented the flesh with asceticism. There are many more charlatans.
Although one can hardly blame them - demand creates supply.

For anyone who wants not just a tattoo, but is hungry for change, I would advise going to the Forest Temple for answers to their questions, rather than going to Volkin Street and getting “real yant” there.
A real Sak Yant - a tattoo with meaning, can only be tattooed in a temple.

Sak Yant is the name of tattoos with meaning, which arose more than 2000 years ago with the goal of protecting warriors, bringing good luck, success to the home, and prolonging life.
Ancient treatises describe cases where arrows on the battlefield did not touch those who had Sak Yants on their bodies, bringing good luck in battle.

Hollywood brought Sak Yantu popularity in the modern world.
I think millions of people know that Angelina Jolie wears a Sak Yant called 5 lines (Hai Tiao) on her left shoulder. This is one of the most popular and powerful tattoos, which promises the owner the 5 most sought-after benefits of life.

Sak Yant in the temple at Ajahn Dam - Story about the trip

Today I went to a Buddhist temple and will tell you how everything happens so that you know in advance what to prepare for.

Large groups do not gather for Sak Yant. This is not a water park or a circus, so a trip for a magical tattoo is an individual and thoughtful matter. Usually there are from 1 to 4 people maximum in a group.

We set off early in the morning, by car from Pattaya, along the way picking up the girls who decided today to take such a bold step, which (I am sure) will change their lives.

Forest Temple is a Buddhist monastery located a couple of hours from Pattaya, towards Rayong.

It is home to several male monks who have dedicated their lives to service and faith, lead a modest and ascetic lifestyle and have neither wives nor children.

In Thailand, absolutely every man is obliged to become a monk. For some, even two weeks is enough, for others, they find themselves and the meaning of life in service.

There is a big holiday in the temple where we are heading today - the birthday of the main monk, to whom we are bringing a birthday cake and offerings.

In the forest temple

Time flies by and it’s already about 11 am, we are approaching the temple.
The weather is fine - it’s drizzling a little, a phenomenon quite rare for our latitudes and therefore welcome, it will be cool for at least a couple of hours.

To begin, we climb the steps to the Buddha statues on the mountain to light candles and ask for blessings.
The candles are right there, free of charge, as well as a lighter, left for this purpose by someone caring.

The Buddhist monastery is actually located in the forest. For us, inhabitants of civilization, this is of course wild and strange. How can you voluntarily go and live in such a wilderness?

We were in a hurry to get there before 11 am so we could congratulate the head monk.
The fact is that the monks wake up very early (at 3-4 am) and their last meal is between 11 and 12 am.

We made it just in time for the meal, which today is unusual, but festive:

Meaning of Sak Yant – which one to choose?

Those who are going to get a magical tattoo - Sak Yant, should remember that it carries not only magical properties, but also responsibility for them.
For Sak Yant owners there are a number of rules that it is advisable to follow.
The Thais themselves take Sak Yant tattoos very seriously. If a person leads a promiscuous lifestyle, steals, cheats on his wife/husband, drinks, does not keep the commandments, he should not get this tattoo.

Ajan - that is, tattoo artist Sak Yant, before getting a tattoo, will analyze your horoscope and tell you which qualities it is better for you to enhance and which tattoo to refuse.

Ajahn Dam – Black Master

One of the girls in our group wanted to stuff a dragon. But since she herself is extremely combative, with a strong character, Ajahn Dam advised her not to do the dragon, but recommended stabbing Kinnari, which, on the contrary, will soften her character and help her find love and a husband.

Sak Yant – Kinnari

Let's talk a little about the meanings of Sak Yant and popular tattoos.

Dragon and tiger are popular tattoos that not only men, but also women want to get. Contrary to rumors, women are quite capable of getting both a dragon and a tiger, there are “indications” for this.
Tiger, dragon - symbolize wisdom, strength, attract wealth and courage.
(4500 baht)

The crocodile is a rare and unwanted tattoo. The crocodile is a symbol of resourceful cunning, sometimes even unscrupulousness; it is usually pinned by men who run a dangerous and nervous business.

Thai girl Kinnari - surprisingly, Kinnari was done in this temple only 4 times, the girl who came with us was the fifth. A very beautiful drawing, the main meaning of which is to successfully marry a girl out of great and mutual love. That is, it is a symbol of marriage, long and happy.

Tattoos with the male organ - everything is clear here. A symbol of male energy, endless success among women, male strength into old age. For Europeans, the male genital organ causes a smile and looks indecent; for Asians, such a Sak Yant is quite common and does not raise any doubts.

Khao Yot – 9 spiers – If you have been to Thailand, you have probably seen this Sak Yant more than once. I had such a drawing, for example, in a rented car. 9 spiers are the Sak Yant of protection and good luck, a symbol of a strong family, the foundation of Sak Yant tattoos. Often this is what the master recommends applying first. It is done at the base of the neck. (2000 baht)

Hai Tiaao – 5 lines – The most popular tattoo, most often among women. I have already spoken about Angelina Jolie, I will explain in more detail about the 5 lines themselves.

Sak Yant – 5 lines in Pali language

Line 1 – mantra of peace and tranquility in the home, in the family.
Line 2 – helps you find your path, will tell you your purpose in life.
Line 3 – protection from evil people, spirits, troubles and disasters.
4th line – universal luck
Line 5 – Pure and mutual love
(1500 baht)

In the forest temple, Ajahn has thousands of hundreds of Sak Yant tattoos to choose from, so his eyes run wild.

Here are just a few of them:

SNAKES Sak Yant – To find your soulmate forever

How is a Sak Yant tattoo done?

I think many of you have heard that Sak Yant is certainly pricked with a special bamboo stick, but this is not so.
Yes, this tradition has been preserved and is still alive at festivals and in some monasteries, but even advanced Thais no longer prick themselves with a stick, only with a machine. Why? Why do we use disposable syringes, do anesthesia when going to the doctor, sterilize manicure equipment in the salon - this is your safety and the master’s.

The magic of a tattoo is not affected in any way by the way it is applied. The most important thing is the master. The person who tattoos you must be real and follow all the rules, and there are many of them and they certainly have nothing to do with the tattoo machine.

For those who still persist and want a tattoo with a bamboo stick with an iron tip, I’ll tell you. The stick is not sterilized; at best, it is wiped with alcohol and dipped endlessly into a saucer of paint in which the blood of a dozen people floats. Do you want this? I wouldn't recommend it :)))
The argument is “well, all these people are definitely not sick, would they really take such a risk?” In my opinion, completely naive and childish. HIV, hepatitis B and C have not been canceled.

Master Ajahn Dam - which means Black Master - uses a modern tattoo machine with disposable needles. Info 100%, I looked at everything and took pictures especially for those who doubt it.

In addition, he himself wears gloves and all accessories are disposable and cannot be reused. Paint or oil is diluted in a jar in one go.

How long does it take to get a Sak Yant tattoo?

You will be surprised, but the process itself is surprisingly fast. We will return to the issue of magic later, but even I, (a big skeptic), was shocked by how the tattoo instantly healed. This is the first time I’ve seen this, although I myself have a tattoo.

Having done Sak Yant, on the first day you can swim and do everything you did before. The tattoo immediately looks as if it was done a few weeks ago - clear, healed, by the hand of a master!

Is it painful to do Sak Yant?

No, it's quite tolerable. Even a large tiger, which one of the girls stuffed with butter, took the master no more than 15-20 minutes.

Sak Yant - the whole process step by step

Why do I emphasize that Sak Yant should be done by an ordained master. Because then it makes sense, otherwise it’s just a pretty picture.

After you have chosen a sketch, Ajahn calculates your birth date, asks questions and decides what to advise you and what not.

Getting a tattoo

After application, the master reads a prayer with his hands on your Sak Yant and “blows” mantras into it, spelling the tattoo

If the tattoo is 5 rows, with a color, on top, to enhance the effect of the tattoo, a piece of gold is pasted, which is also enchanted.

What colors are Sak Yant tattoos?

The main colors of Sak Yantov are black and red.

You can order a tattoo of any color, but the classics are black and red, and also white.

Colorless – transparent Sak Yant

For those who are not ready to answer the question for the rest of their lives - “what is that you have tattooed here”, there is an option for a colorless, transparent tattoo.
Surprisingly, a transparent Sak Yant tattoo is considered stronger and more powerful precisely because it is invisible to others.

Transparent Sak Yant is pricked with special monastic oil, which is made by hand in the monastery and enchanted many times with mantras and prayers.

No one will see this tattoo. The sketch will be erased, the swelling from the needle will subside and it will dissolve on your body, only you will know that it exists and what it means.

In terms of price, transparent Sak Yant is cheaper than colored one.

Transparent Sak Yants are even made for children to protect them from evil and misfortune.

How much does a Sak Yant cost in a master’s temple?

If you have already been interested in the topic, then you probably know that prices for Sak Yant vary greatly. The forest temple we went to is considered very respected among Thais and people who understand this.

Not least because this is not a tourist attraction, there is no problem of robbing a farang and the price for Thais is the same as for locals, prices are affordable and start from 500 baht. The maximum cost of a Sak Yant for the entire back, as far as I know, is about 15-20,000 baht.

At the same time, Sak Yant’s “party” does not like Ajahn, who tattooed Angelina Jolie and after this success got up and began working for himself.
80,000 baht for a tiny Yant will scare anyone away and the Thais condemn such self-interest.

The cost of a trip to the forest temple depends on how many people are in the group.
This is an individual excursion made to order.
The prices are:

3800 baht – 1 person
2600 baht – 2 people
2200 baht – 3 people.
(Price per person).
So, as you can see, it is beneficial to cooperate. If there are more people, the price will probably be even lower.

The Sak Yant tattoo ritual requires compliance with rules, namely, offerings to the monks are also required. In this case, lotuses, candles and a small donation (50-100 baht). The organizer will help you with lotuses and the rest.

The Sak Yant tattoo itself depends on what you choose, the color and size.

It is worth mentioning that the fake sak yants that you will be offered in city tattoo parlors are several times more expensive and do not carry any semantic meaning.

How long did we stay in the temple?

While talking with the organizer, I realized that each trip is individual. We were lucky and got to the main monk’s birthday, and Buddhists, as you know, are in no hurry. The Sak Yants themselves were completed in no more than an hour, but the ceremonies before and after, the leisurely elections, the communication, all of this took several more hours.
Total - the journey there and back, the process, I was home by 17:00. They usually arrive even earlier.

Gifts and wishes come true

The coolest thing is that everyone who comes to the forest temple not only brings gifts, but also leaves with gifts themselves.

The head monk is generous, and very often gives amulets to visitors, treats, and other things that bring health and good luck.

We were incredibly lucky. We came to his birthday and he cut off and gave us a piece of his cassock (which Buddhists call Kashaya), on which mantras for good luck and success in business are written.

Kashaya is a Buddhist robe for a reason (from orange to brown).
It is believed that in ancient times, Buddhist ascetics simply picked up old clothes, faded and yellowed from age, as a sign of respect for the Buddha himself, who, according to legend, in turn sewed a Kashaya for himself from discarded worn-out items, sometimes found near crematoria, cleaned them with saffron and for this they acquired an orange color.
Kashaya means muted color.

The kashaya worn by the chief monk of the forest temple for many years is a very valuable thing, since it has been charmed and prayed thousands of times, carries a lot of positive energy and is very desirable among Buddhists, especially as a gift from the hands of an enlightened one.

The donated piece should be kept and carried with you all the time, and in the event of an important meeting, event, desire, just hold it in your palms and focus on your desire.

We were also given Thai Buddhist amulets, which are made by the monks in the temple and which every Thai has.
You've probably noticed how men wear whole bunches of them. Amulets made of clay, silver or wood are placed in a waterproof box for safekeeping.

What are your impressions of the trip for Sak Yant?

As you can see, the story about the trip turned out to be huge, and there were even more impressions behind the scenes. For those who doubt, I’ll say - don’t hesitate, go. It will change your life.
If for some reason you can’t have a catchy, colored tattoo, do it in oil and hide it from prying eyes.

The energy of this place is certainly off the charts. I am very glad to meet the monks and masters of Sak Yant.
Ajahn Dam is just a bundle of positive energy, such a smiling and cool guy!
His guest that day was another respected master Sak Yanta, who looked like a pirate :)
The guys radiate so much friendliness, sincere interest and love for this world.
The girls who made Sak Yant for themselves, sharing their impressions, said that all this was very unusual and strange. For example, during prayer, one felt pressure on her head (when special masks-caps are put on), although the master was simply holding them. For another, the tattoo itched at the place where it was applied, but after prayer it immediately went away.
But the overall impression was a lot of positivity, a crazy supply of energy and food for thought, everyone was happy, especially since on this trip you can learn something new about yourself and get answers to various questions.

Where to do Sak Yant - who to contact for a trip?

If you also want to change the course of your life, find what you want, get answers to questions, find a way, then write in the comments, I will give you the contacts of the organizers with whom you can go to the forest temple.
I look forward to your comments after the trip, share your stories!

But somehow in passing. In today's post we will consider this aspect of Thai culture in more detail. What varieties are there, what is it like meaning of Sak Yant symbols where you can get such a tattoo in Thailand - we’ll tell you about all this and more.

These patterns on the body contain Buddhist sacred symbols and mantras written in the letters of the Thai or Khmer (Cambodian) alphabet in the Pali language - the language of worship in Thai Buddhism. In addition to lettering, there are also images of mythical animals and angelic people.

Some common Sak Yant designs and their meanings

Drawings for Sak Yant tattoos are divided into many categories according to their meaning and purpose. There are very, very many variations of patterns, but more often than others you can find the following:

  • Gao Yot, translated from Thai as "nine towers" - this popular Sak Yant tattoo belongs to the category " chok laap", that is, "bringing happiness and good luck." Nine pins are placed on the back at the base of the neck. This pattern often serves as the basis, the “foundation” for all subsequent tattoos. Some Thai masters recommend as the first Sak Yant tattoos make exactly “nine towers”.
  • Ha Thaeo - "five rows" - this is also chok laap, that is, a tattoo aimed at good luck and happiness. Each column is responsible for a specific aspect of life: the first is home and the correctness of the life path; the second - positive changes in fate; the third is protection from evil spirits, all kinds of misfortunes and troubles; fourth - attracting good luck; fifth - invulnerability, achieved through true love and mercy.
  • Si Yot - “four spiers” - is done by those who want to gain power over the feelings of other people, and, on the other hand, protect themselves from such influence.
  • Paet Thit - “eight points” - eight identical, but multidirectional yantras collected in a circle. Usually done in the center of the back, it signifies protection in all directions of the Universe.

Among the images of animals, the most popular are tigers, birds (usually depicted in pairs - one on each shoulder blade), and monkeys.

In general, it makes no sense to talk about varieties - not only because of their diversity, but also because Thai sacred Sak Yant tattoos are applied not at the whim of a person, but solely at the personal discretion of the master monk. Yes, yes, it’s not you who choose the pattern here! You can only express your wishes - and not about the image, but about what changes you want to bring to your life, what goals to achieve.

Where to make Sak Yant in Thailand

According to established traditions, they do magical tattoos Sak Yant ajana- this is how in Thailand they respectfully call ascetic monks who have spent at least ten consecutive rainy seasons in seclusion. There are quite a lot of such masters, but few foreigners know about most of them. In addition, we must take into account the fact that some people flatly refuse to give a sacred tattoo to strangers and people of other faiths.

  • Guests of the country, choosing where to make Sak Yant in Thailand, in most cases they go to Ayutthaya, where master Ajahn works Cob, or go to Bangkok to see Ajahn Nu, who at one time became famous for giving a Thai ritual tattoo to Angelina Jolie herself. But these two options are for those who are willing to pay $1,000 or more for a magical pattern on their body.
  • For those who are not ready to part with such a sum, there is a simpler option - the Wat Bang Phra temple near Bangkok, where artists give tattoos to everyone for a symbolic donation of 100 baht. You can go there on any weekday. And every year in the spring (most often in March, but the date varies) a grandiose tattoo festival is held there: on this day, a huge number of ajans and crowds of lay people gather in the temple, wanting to get an appointment with them.

Sak Yant Masters in Thailand They live in almost every corner of the country, but on our island, unfortunately, not a single one could be found. So if your goal is to acquire a real sacred symbol on your body, then you will have to go quite a long way. But if Thai Sak Yant tattoo you need it purely for beauty and as a memory of visiting the Land of Smiles, then on Koh Chang you can easily get a stylized pattern done in almost any tattoo parlor.

Sak Yant- magical tattoos (sacred patterns) that appeared among the Tai tribes in southwest China and northwest Vietnam more than 2000 years ago. The Sak Yant depicts sacred geometric designs, animals and deities with phrases in Pali language. In Thailand, the tradition originated in Cambodia in the early 17th century, when Siamese and Khmer troops fought together against Burma. Today, Sak Yant is popular mainly in Thailand, and to a lesser extent in Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar.

It is believed that Sak Yant gives the owner protection, power, wealth, charisma, etc. Sacred tattoos are traditionally applied with metal needles, but now machines have already begun to be used, especially in places where foreigners often come for Sak Yantami, worried about the sterility of the needles.

What does Sak Yant mean from symbols. The yant, which is not a design, consists of Buddhist prayers, abbreviated syllables, or elements from Pali spells. Since the Pali language does not have a written language, the Khmer or Thai alphabets are used when applying yant. For example, in Central Thailand, the Khmer or Shan alphabet is often used to apply Yant, and in the North of Thailand, the alphabet of Northern Thailand or the Ly language is used. Some Yantra designs were adapted from pre-Buddhist shamanism in Southeast Asia.

Animal images. In addition to lettering, images of animals are made (tiger, monkey, gecko, etc.), each of which endows the tattoo wearer with certain qualities (details at the end of the post↓).

Sak Yant tattoo color It can be black, red or nothing at all - that is, transparent.

Unlike the West, where tattoos are more of an aesthetic decoration, in Thailand they are imbued with spirituality and superstition, rooted in Buddhist animistic ideas and images. Some Thais believe that Westerners can never truly understand and appreciate Sak Yant. And one more important point - in Asian culture, the head is the most sacred part of the body, and everything below the waist is the least. Foreigners often paint images on their legs, and if among these images there are images such as Buddha, then this causes a very negative emotional reaction among Thais.

Magical properties of Sak Yant and prohibitions for its bearers. If you believe in the magic of Sak Yant, it will change your life. There are three main actions of sacred tattoos. First, Sak Yant benefits the wearer, giving him, for example, eloquence. The second is protection in dangerous situations - such Sak Yants are made by police, military, taxi drivers, etc. And thirdly, Sak Yant gives a person influence over other people. For example, it evokes fear or respect. But besides the advantages, Sak Yant requires compliance with certain rules, if ignored, it does not work.

The rules can be compared to the commandments of any religion. Don't kill, don't steal, don't lie, don't sleep with other people's wives, often: do not drink alcohol and do not eat meat, etc. Each monk has his own set of rules.

©Olga Salii. Copying of material is prohibited. First published: 2013, updated: 2019

Where to make Sak Yant in Thailand

  • The masters who make Sak Yant are very different and there are many of them. But they are like dentists - you will never know the master until you see him in person and receive your Sak Yant.
  • Masters who apply Sak Yant are very expensive, very popular, and there are many others - about whom the Internet does not shout, because they do not know how or do not want to do PR. It’s easy to understand that the amount of PR on the Internet does not equal the “power” of the master...
  • The easiest way is to choose a popular master, about whom everyone has already written and said how strong and cool he is, call him at the specified number and come to the appointed place.
  • You can choose the most expensive one - for example, Ajahn Nu, who makes Sak Yant for Angelina Jolie and lives in Bangkok, paying around $1000 for his Sak Yant.
  • You can independently come to the temple or to the little-known Ajahn and get a tattoo from him, choosing him with your own eyes. At Wat Bang Phra, a simple Sak Yant is done for free, the only mandatory cost is a donation of 100 baht.

Everyone measures their skill level by their own criteria...

Masters who make SakYant

Ajaan Kob, Ayutthaya- the most popular master among foreigners. Lives in Ayutthaya. Get there: From Bangkok to Ayutthaya you can take the Victory Monument BTS metro station. We get to the metro, exit the station and ask anyone: “Bas tu Ayutthaya.” We are shown a finger in the direction of mini-buses, one of which we board and go to Ayutthaya. Upon arrival in Ayutthaya, you can also ask anyone where Ajahn Kob lives or ask a taxi driver to take you directly to Ajahn. Phone number of Ajahn Kob: +66 8155-77-958 and his assistant: +66 8660-81-749. Sak Yant at Kob costs around 1,000-20,000 baht.

Ajahn Thong. Lives and makes Sak Yanty in Bangkok and Singapore (in Singapore Sultan Plaza). You can find it here: 42 Soi Therdthai Phasi Charoen, near Talat Phiu market. Phone number: 02-869-1425. Sak Yant costs from 100 baht.

Ajahn Tueng Kongton. He also makes unique Sak Yants that no one else makes. You can find it in Bangkok near Baan Pra pin 5 village, address: 109 Soi Ekachai Bangbon. Phone: 081-496-0076

Other masters listed for example here: sak-yant.com/samnak-sak-yant/ajarn-kob/— Ajahn Kob’s page, and in the right column you can find many other Ajahns and see information about them.

But there are other ways to get Sak Yant. For example, come to the temple and choose your master with your own eyes.

Master's Choice and Sak Yant at the Magical Tattoo Festival at Wat Bang Phra

If you want to choose your master personally, then you can do the maximum right away: go to Festival of magical tattoos, which takes place every spring (around March, but each year has its own date) in the Wat Bang Phra temple near Bangkok - on this night the maximum number of masters (monks and ajans) is present in the temple - you can look into the eyes of everyone and choose your own.

In general, a sacred tattoo at Wat Bang Phra can be applied on any weekday - to both men and women; it’s just that the maximum number of artists gather here on the night of the festival. Simple SakYant is done for free - you only need to leave a donation of 100 baht. More complex (images of animals or birds) are paid, on average it can cost 2-3 thousand baht (within $100).

The needles used to make Sak Yant are sterilized purely symbolically (you can see this moment). There is often a whole line of people wishing to get a sacred tattoo for each monk. In general, if sterility is important to you, then at Wat Bang Phra you can ask who makes the Sak Yant with a machine - now there is such a thing.

How to get to Wat Bang Phra temple

Bang Phra Temple is located here: 13.903211, 100.198342 You can get to it:

  • catch a metered taxi from Bangkok (about 30 km west of Bangkok and about 900 baht one way),
  • call or Grab, which will be cheaper (in 2016 it cost 340 baht from Bangkok to the temple!)
  • by rented transport (car or bike) from anywhere in Thailand.
  • Or hitchhiking: quite easy, download a short Thai phrasebook for this case.

Magical tattoo festival every spring at Wat Bang Phra (photo)

Now a little about the festival - what a spectacle it is... It starts the night before. A lot of people come to the temple who want to make a Sak Yant or update an old one from their master (it is believed that over time the power of the Sak Yant decreases and it needs to be renewed).

The rest are sleeping at this time - some where: in rooms, on the street, on the floor, on the ground or in tents...

Already during the application of magical tattoos on the night before the festival, some begin to fall into a trance, acquiring the properties of their tattoos: the image of a tiger gives a person the strength of a tiger, the image of a monkey gives the properties of a monkey, etc.

In the morning, you can eat for free on the temple grounds. Lots of people and a lot of food... The official part of the festival begins.

The action takes place in the square on the temple grounds. Hundreds of people sit on mats on the ground under the rays of the sun. Some people begin to fall into a trance and run out to the stage (or crawl out, depending on the animal depicted on the person).

At first there are much more photographers than such people, which creates the effect of being present at some kind of hunt.

And then people around you start going crazy...

Turn into crocodiles

monkey kings.

Towards the end, when the main monks are supposed to appear on stage, more and more people fall into a trance. Sometimes the situation gets out of control and it seems that you are about to be trampled, it is not clear from which side - only dust is visible and you can hear the tramp of people rushing somewhere...

Basic meanings of Sak Yant

Ha-thaeo(Thai: ห้าแถว ; translation: five rows) is one of the most common tattoos that brings good luck. Applied on the left shoulder - this is exactly what Jolie has. The first column stores the homely atmosphere, will direct you on the right path, will tell you the exit and entrance. The second column strengthens the personal horoscope, reducing the likelihood of anything bad in it. The third column is protection at work, from evil spirits, ghosts, from troubles and misfortunes. The fourth column brings good luck in everything. The fifth column answers true love and mercy, which give invulnerability.

Kao-yot(Thai: เก้ายอด ; translation: two spiers) is the main goodluck, which is made as a foundation for all other tattoos and is applied right at the base of the neck. Some masters insist that this Sak Yant be applied before the others.

Si-yot(Thai: สี่ยอด ; translation: 4 spiers) - influence the feelings of other people and protect the wearer.

Paet-thit(Thai: แปดทิศ ; translation: eight points) - protection in all directions of the universe - a round tattoo, usually applied in the center of the back.

Gecko image- causes people to like you and want to communicate with you. If there are two geckos, then sympathy is from the opposite sex.

Tiger image(usually two are applied) - it is considered a very strong tattoo, it gives great strength and influence on one’s life and in society.

The Dragon- rare Sak Yant. Gives wisdom, strength, wealth.

My name is Kirill. In this essentially small, but still quite voluminous report, I want to talk about a trip to the Thai shaman Ajyan Kom to apply a Thai magical tattoo called Sak Yant. I want to say right away that I will not go into absolutely all the details of the trip, and will try to describe the main and most important, in my opinion, points. Perhaps you will learn something valuable from my story.


The idea of ​​making a Sak Yant arose in my head not by chance: firstly, I have been interested in tattoos for several years now; secondly, trips to the Land of Smiles have now become something taken for granted in my life and the life of my girlfriend Elena, and we go to Thailand almost every year; and thirdly, my interests include shamanism in all its manifestations, as well as almost everything related to self-development, development of the spirit, inexplicable influence on a person’s life and personality, etc. In short, it simply couldn’t happen that Elena and I wouldn’t find out about Sak Yant.


Magical body designs, which have mystical and sacred meaning for the people of Thailand (as well as Cambodia and some other Southeast Asian countries), have repeatedly attracted Elena and I’s attention. Initially, we did not attach any special significance to them, but naturally there was an interest in finding out what these unusual patterns were.

Fortunately, nowadays there is such a thing as the Internet, which can provide answers to many questions. As I read more and more articles on the topic of Sak Yants, idle interest began to transform into an irresistible desire to learn as much as possible about sacred patterns and sacred symbols.

You can find out what Sak Yants essentially are in a separate article; I’ll just say that Elena and I’s main attention was attracted by the fact that, according to the beliefs of the Thais, who are known to be Buddhists, magical drawings that once came to Siam from Cambodia have the ability to influence a person’s personality and life.

Thus, a person may desire the favor of Lady Luck, help in financial ventures, or feel the need to change his character, and a magical symbol applied to his body can give him this. There are even cases where people who were unable to have children, after applying Sak Yant to their bodies, were able to have children. There are generally out-of-the-ordinary stories about people who have certain symbols on their skin and who are not harmed by bullets or bladed weapons. And while Elena and I lived on Koh Chang, a Thai man in a remote island village told me an unusual case about a virgin who had a Sak Yant on her body (why she did it, the Thai kept silent): the young man with whom she was in love tried many times have sex with her, but at the most crucial moment something happened that made him unable to deprive the sweet lady of her innocence, because... the magical symbol protected her and her body.

In general, there are a lot of unusual and sometimes even shocking stories about Sak Yants. You can’t find many of them on the Internet, but if you talk to Thais, you can learn a lot of interesting things. Here I want to say that I personally have no doubt that there are certain things in our world that are simply not possible to explain from the point of view of the rational mind.

Due to a number of life circumstances that were beyond our control, and even if they were, then only to a negligible extent, Elena and I decided to make Sak Yanty for ourselves. The decision was made, probably, back in 2013-2014, but we managed to implement our plans only in 2016.


Of course, if you are not a particularly superstitious person and do not gravitate toward magic, and even more so, if you have never had a mystical experience in the course of your life, then you can simply go to any tattoo parlor, of which there are countless in the Land of Smiles, and ask a master make you a Sak Yant, and not even with a tattoo machine, but with a bamboo stick, and ultimately bring home new vivid impressions and an authentic tattoo. However, in this case, the Sak Yant will only be a memory of the trip and an intricate pattern on the body.

Firstly, only monks in Thai temples or, so to speak, special people called ajyans can apply Sak Yants to others (in Russian, the word “shaman” can be called a synonym for the term “adjyan”, although these concepts are, of course, not completely identical least, because there are huge differences between cultures).

Based on the fact that monks are forbidden to touch a woman’s body, this option disappeared by itself, and we decided to find an ajyan.

Secondly, Ajyan is not so easy to find. Initially, we searched the Internet and found several addresses, but here, as they say, one thing or another began to “come out”. One Adjian’s place is always so full of people that it’s simply impossible to get to him; for another, the prices are such that for a drawing the size of a pack of cigarettes you will have to save for ten years; the third is always on the move: sometimes in China, sometimes in Malaysia, sometimes in Indonesia, sometimes in the Philippines, sometimes not accepting at all.

We also read about such adjians who create the appearance of some kind of sacrament and desire to help, but in fact their main task is to “make money”, and more. In addition, the person to whom the Sak Yant is made by Ajyan becomes forever bound with a special bond; Ajyan can even be called a mentor to the one to whom he inflicted a sacred tattoo, albeit not in the full sense of the word. To put it mildly, we didn’t want to connect our lives with God knows who, and, to be completely honest, neither in 2013 nor in 2014 did we have the financial opportunity to go to any of the Adjians. All this forced us to postpone plans indefinitely. In short, the unshakable truth worked here too - everything has its time.


But everything worked out, as it happens in such cases, very opportunely.

In 2015, Elena and I went to Koh Chang for a long time - to live, work (we work via the Internet), relax, taste island life and soak up Thai culture.

Omitting all the details of our life, I will only say that in the time that has passed since the first spark of our desire to make Sak Yanty, this idea somehow faded in the bustle of everyday affairs, plans for life and everyday worries - we went to Elephant Island, not thinking neither about tattoos, nor about shamans, nor about ajyans, nor about anything like that. However, by the end of 2015, i.e. on the eve of the New Year, everything somehow turned out that signs began to appear on the path of life, there’s no other way to describe it: someone on the street will start a conversation about Sak Yant, then you’ll dream about something, then we’ll meet Thais who have everything our backs are covered with Yantras, and we will sit until 4 am in conversations, etc.

And when we were walking in Bangkok along Khaosan Road and Soi Rambutri, we went into some store: Elena went to look at some of the goods displayed on the store shelves, and I just leisurely stomped after her. A Thai man of some unusual appearance was walking towards me (or maybe it was just an impression), or rather, his originality was felt at some non-verbal level. But what was most striking was that as he passed me, for some reason he shouted: “Sak Yant!”, then chuckled and moved on. I must admit, I was amazed by this, and it was at that moment that I again remembered the extinguished desire to get a magical tattoo, and I also had some inexplicable confidence that the TIME had COME to get it. I didn’t know how, I had no idea through whom and who exactly we would be able to find, but I was already clearly aware that everything would work out.


Having returned from Laos to Thailand and having traveled eight hours from Bangkok to Trat, and then to Koh Chang, we began to look with renewed vigor for the opportunity to make Sak Yanty. We traveled the length and breadth of the island on a motorcycle, visited most of the tattoo parlors, asking the artists if they knew about the Ajyans or monks doing magical tattoos in the area where we were staying. But they either offered us to get “tattoos” with them, or sent us to Bangkok, which we didn’t really want to go to again: firstly, we had just returned, and, secondly, there was no feeling that we needed to go there. In short, our searches on Koh Chang were unsuccessful, but then the omnipresent World Wide Web came into play again.

Going to my VK page, I began to look for all sorts of communities dedicated to Thai sacred tattoos - that’s how I found a guide, or rather a guide named Natalya. He immediately wrote about his desire and unsuccessful searches and asked for help with advice, if possible.

Whether it’s an accident or not, among all the people I wrote to, it was only from Natalya that I was able to get intelligible answers to my questions, without bending my fingers or voicing fabulous sums for support or even for a little advice.

Natalya wrote back to me quite quickly - she turned out to be a very pleasant person to talk to, an interesting and extraordinary person.

Our communication with Natalya ultimately boiled down to the fact that we simply decided to do each other a favor. As a result, I got the coordinates of Ajyan Kom, who could receive us, and a real opportunity to make my little dream come true, and Natalya received help in her work and a grateful friend, even two. In general, everyone’s karma is cleared)


Taking into account the fact that both Natalya and Elena and I are working people, our negotiations lasted about a month and a half. But the result was worth it. It was decided to go to Adjyan Komu in the village after the New Year - in February.

We decided to go with Elena on our own - without guides or assistants, but Natalia's help turned out to be invaluable: she not only provided us with the contacts of a shaman, whom she had known for quite some time, but also made sure that upon arrival we were expected and warmly received.


The trip to Adjyan Komu turned out to be difficult, although very exciting. We had the address and phone number in our hands, but we had to find out how to get to the province and the place where the shaman lives in the process - we consciously decided to go, so to speak, on our own, turning the trip into something akin to a real pilgrimage .

My Thai does not yet allow me to speak freely on the phone, but it allows me to communicate with strangers on the street, conduct a more or less intelligible dialogue and find out what I need. Thus, having arrived from Koh Chang to the capital, we first went to the Victory Monument to find a minibus there to the province where Adjian Kom lives.

While we found the required minibus, we had to run around, because... half of the people we were able to talk to either didn’t know what kind of province we needed or didn’t know how to get to it.

Even the drivers, who, it would seem, should know the surroundings of Bangkok and nearby provinces like the back of their hand, could not say anything intelligible.

It took an hour and a half to find transport following the route we needed, and there were moments when we wanted to give up everything, put it off “for later,” etc. But then the thought also arose that this was a test of “strength” - whether we needed to go to Ajyan or not, whether we really wanted to carry out our plans or not, etc.

As a result, we met a woman who called the number indicated on our piece of paper, understood where we needed to go, but said that it was no longer possible to go at that time (and it was already about 6 pm local time), because... It’s dark, and they’ll only be able to receive us in the morning. But we decided to go towards the unknown and go, at any cost - to go, no matter what. After that, all difficulties simply disappeared.

Having passed the so-called “skywalk”, we went down to another street near the Victory Monument, and went to the minibus parking lot, from where transport departs in our direction.

While we walked past makeshift offices, represented by tables covered with a bunch of papers and coupons, and a couple of chairs, we could not understand who exactly to approach in order to already find this minibus that would take us “there, I don’t know where.”

Suddenly, a good-natured Thai man standing near one of the “offices” came into view - we showed him the address, and he immediately said that he knew the place we needed. He exclaimed in Thai: “Oh! So this is Adjyan Koma’s house!” The result was a two-hour drive through a Thai suburb plunged into pitch darkness.

This trip seemed somehow not entirely real: sometimes it plunged me into slumber, sometimes it seemed that in the darkness of the unlit interior of the minibus, rushing along almost unlit roads, the soul was separated from the body, then it seemed that everything that was happening was a dream... The reason for this state I can’t explain it, and I won’t even try. It is quite possible that this is how approaching some new milestone in life affects consciousness...


The driver stopped the car and said that we had arrived. Elena and I got out, wearily dragging our backpacks and bags with laptops out of the car, and the Thais sitting in the cabin, who continued on their way, for some reason, as one, smiled, waved goodbye and wished good luck. “Chok di khap!” - and we are already standing, looking after the leaving minivan.

We are standing on the road. Dark. Behind us is some incomprehensible territory, fenced off, from where a local dog barks at us, strangers. Ahead, across two lanes of the road, directly opposite us is the temple gate that we saw in the photo. Closed. Looks like they're not waiting for us. I light a cigarette, thinking about the best course of action and thinking through a possible course of action. Elena is distraught because there is impenetrable darkness all around, there is not a soul, everything is closed, there is not one of the ubiquitous Seven-Elevens, and in general the atmosphere is somehow strange, unusual, to put it mildly.

By the way, the photos you see were taken the next morning.

Remember when I said that the obstacles evaporated? So...

We're standing. I smoke. It’s not clear what to do. Suddenly, from somewhere out of the darkness, a jeep as black as night drives up to the temple gates and stops. I smoke. It’s not clear what to do. The jeep is standing. The gate doesn't open. Elena and I look at each other. We simultaneously decide to cross the road. As soon as we take the first step, the temple gates open, the jeep drives into the territory, and we run up to the entrance. About ten dogs of different colors and sizes are running towards us. A young Thai woman approaches. The dogs bark incessantly, so much so that you can’t hear anything. In confusion, I try to explain to the Thai woman what kind of farang we are and what we are doing in the Thai outback at such a late hour. After a short explanation, the secret woman shows us with a sign that we can enter and locks the gate behind us. She then gestures for us to follow her.


We walk first through a dark courtyard, then through some strange rooms, where either statues stand in the corners, or strange dolls hang, or amulets and amulets. It’s immediately clear that the place is unusual. But we are not afraid - some kind of reverence fills us from within.

We move on. There is incense wafting from somewhere and the sound of bells moving with light gusts of wind can be heard. We pass through an area of ​​not entirely clear purpose, on which there are no buildings, and through a passage between the walls of the fence we enter another area, where there is a small temple, statues of deities and several residential buildings.

Having covered a few more meters, we find ourselves at the entrance to the house - we see Adjian Kom sitting at the table and another Thai. Ajyan is either looking at us or not - you can’t tell.

The impression from this person is unique. You don't meet people like this every day. We look at him, at another Thai, at a Thai woman - everything is somehow strange. It’s not clear what to do – it’s not clear once again.

A moment later we enter the guest room: the floor is covered with carpets, several blankets and many pillows. Three fans, a small refrigerator, a bedside table and nothing else. A moment - and we are already sitting in a car with three locals and driving to the store to buy something to eat. A moment - and we are already drinking the coffee offered to us near the rest room. We eat something incomprehensible from Seven. I treat the dog to a bun with sausage. I smoke. We reflect and share our impressions with Elena. “Phew!” - they were waiting for us - thanks to Natalya! We have accommodation for the night - thanks to the locals! We are there - thank you!

Half an hour later we were already lying in the room on the floor, trying to sleep and looking forward to a new day - we cannot know what will happen, but for sure - everything will be fine, because whatever happens next, we have already succeeded!


At half past seven in the morning I opened my eyes, realized where we were, got up and went outside. In the light of day, everything appeared completely different from what it had been the day before, but most of all the question that worried me was: “What will happen today?”

Elena woke up. Morning coffee. Light breakfast. We sit and wait. Little by little, the residents of this place begin to wake up and go about their business. The local monastery itself resembles a small world with its own life, orders, laws, and habits. Everything is not the same as in Bangkok, not the same as in Koh Chang, which has already become familiar and dear...

Opposite our shelter is a temple. There are ten more rooms in the shelter. There is a stable nearby. On the right are buildings of unknown purpose.

I walk around the territory: there is a huge wooden head, as it seemed to me, of an Indian buffalo with even more huge horns, lying on the floor. Here are boxes with many different small figurines. Here are shelves with some religious publications in Thai.

And here is the skull of some animal, perhaps a goat, hanging on the wall. Everything is unusual, strange, original.

Someone came by taxi. Ajyan met them. They all left together.

In quiet solitude and peace we sit and wait.

Natalya said that sometimes people wait all day. The shaman himself must invite. All day? For a long time? Well, what can there be! We are ready to wait a day or two. But we only had to wait a couple of hours.


We had pieces of paper with us on which our wishes and petitions, if you can call them that, were written in Thai. To write them, I spent several evenings while I translated everything from Russian into English, then from English into Thai, then double-checked the translations from English and Thai into Russian, then showed all this to my friend Dzheb on Koh Chang so that she could check the errors, and then I copied everything onto paper, getting used to writing Thai letters.

We gave these leaves to Adjian’s assistant (we were never able to understand who was who in Adjyan’s house Koma), and he took them to the shaman. After 5 minutes we were called inside.

We entered a huge hall, the interior of which resembled a temple - there were statues of Buddha everywhere, paintings, photographs of monks and sheets with spells, there were incense and many different religious items of interior and decor.

We slowly walked closer to the place where Ajyan was sitting, and already next to him, sitting on our knees, we crawled even closer and sat down on the mat. The shaman signaled for me to sit at his feet and turn my back. In his hands he had a piece of paper with my notes. I had no right to choose Sak Yant, because... the shaman already knew what I needed, and he made the drawing at his own discretion.

Ajyan's assistant handed me a pillow, which I pressed between my chest and knees. Ajyan Kom anointed the place where the Yant would be made with a special oil and began to hammer the ink, made from a composition known only to him, into my skin with a thin steel knitting needle.

As for the physical sensations, they are much more “pleasant” than when applying a tattoo with a machine. It hardly hurts. But as for internal sensations, everything is completely different here. Words can't describe how you feel. But if you really attach importance to what you are doing and try to occupy your mind while the shaman is drawing with some practice, for example, stopping the internal dialogue, then you begin to feel some vibrations, internal sensations change from simple curiosity to a semi-ecstatic state.

The shaman finished making Yant, and the assistant, who had previously been stretching the skin on his back, gave the sign to fold his hands together at the forehead, as during prayer. Ajyan began to recite mantras called katas. At that moment, my entire being was filled with both bliss and some kind of strong experience, which I cannot describe in words due to the limitations of verbal language. But the culminating moment was the breathing of the shaman - after reading mantras in the Pali language, the shaman inhales Power into the Sak Yant - activating magical symbols.

Actually, all this constitutes the very ritual for which Thais and some foreigners strive to get to the monks and adjians with the desire to change something in their lives and in themselves.

Elena went through the same ritual as me, although her experiences were of a slightly different nature: while the shaman was reading the katas, Elena felt as if something negative had come out of her being, which had been part of her for a very long time, and was replaced by something good, brighter and stronger. At the end of the ritual, tears flowed down her cheeks, and she herself experienced a powerful mystical experience. My dear companion also went through a sacred ritual initiated by a Thai shaman.

Let the names of the Yants and the meanings of the images, as well as the images themselves, remain only between us and Ajyan Kom. Don't blame me.


I will not describe further events that accompanied us after the ritual and on the trip back to Bangkok, so as not to take up your precious attention, although everything could be described in much more detail and with more details. But let this report be simply the story of a person who visited the shaman.

There are many stories and legends about Sak Yants. A huge number of people say and write that after applying sacred drawings, their lives change dramatically and their desires come true. And personally, I think this is 100% true.

No more than a month has passed since we visited the shaman in the Thai province, and at the moment I cannot say that my life or Elena’s and my life has changed dramatically, because during this period of time it is very difficult to judge anything .

But I can say with confidence that there was a feeling of some kind of inner fullness and change, a feeling of greater self-confidence and a fearless look into the future. Since the day of applying Sak Yantov, we have been constantly accompanied by a feeling of calm and everything is going well, as if obstacles are moving aside when we approach them.

I feel renewed, changed, free, able to realize everything I set my mind to. It is likely that after some time I will be able to write about more significant changes in life - about changes that are not just felt on a deep inner level, but about changes that will manifest themselves in outer life and can be put into words.

Natalya said that when we find out that the Sak Yants are alive, we will not think enough, and that the Sak Yants always check their new owner. Well, we await the test with reverent awe, steadfast in spirit and confident that everything is happening exactly as it should be happening.

As for Adjyan Kom, we were not able to communicate with him in any way and spend time beyond what was allocated for the ritual, but we sincerely believe that we can fix this, because now we should visit the shaman at least once every year to once again visit the place of Power and “recharge” Sak Yanta. And what can I say, there is still a lot of room on my back for the shaman’s hand to work...

Thank you to everyone who helped us on our journey, thank you to Natalia and thank you for reading this story.

Chok di khap or simply - good luck!

Sak Yant in Thai สัก - sak (to stuff) ยันต์ - yant (yantra). Yantra is a Sanskrit word that comes from Vedic culture, literally meaning “that which limits”, “instrument”, “amulet”, “mechanism”. Sak Yant is an ancient tradition of ritual tattoos that endow their owner with special mystical powers.

History of Sak Yant

The first mentions of Sak Yant are present in ancient Chinese chronicles and date back to the first century BC. e. Yantras were collected in southwestern China and northeastern Vietnam. The chronicles contain references to historical facts when warriors applied yantras to their clothes to protect them from weapon strikes. Over time, the tradition transformed, absorbing the attributes of Brahmanism and Buddhism. Today, Sak Yant is distributed throughout Southeast Asia, all the way to Indonesia and the Philippine Islands.

Sak Yant is a pattern consisting of mantras (Thai - kata) in the Pali language. Pali is the language of northern India, the birthplace of Buddha, in which the entire canon of the most ancient Buddhist school, Theravada, is compiled. The Pali language does not have its own written language, so the letters of the Khmer alphabet are used.

The patterns are arranged into geometric shapes that have different meanings. Basically, the meaning of Sak Yant is certain material goals, for example, protection from enemies, attacks with weapons and attracting good luck and wealth. But an ordinary drawing cannot have mystical powers. This is what distinguishes a real Sak Yant from a simple tattoo done in a salon.

Meaning and meaning of Sak Yant tattoos

Sak Yant can only be done by Buddhist monks or Reisis (Rishies - sages in Sanskrit) initiated into this tradition. The place where Sak Yant is made is called Samnak Sak Yant. As a rule, this is a Buddhist temple. Reisi, who has a high level of moral purity, is able to transmit power through the Sak Yant. To activate the magical power of the yantra, the monk reads a kata (mantra), thereby filling the image with the power of prayer. For a yantra to work, its owner must adhere to the five Buddhist limiting principles:

  • truthfulness (not lying)
  • non-violence (not killing)
  • not appropriation of someone else's property (do not steal)
  • don't commit adultery
  • do not take alcohol or drugs

Real Sak Yant can only be done by men, as a monk cannot touch a woman. In addition, women are prohibited from entering many of Thailand's most sacred places and temples.

Sak Yant for women

Sak Yant Jolie

Several years ago it became known that Angelina Jolie gave herself a ritual magical tattoo of Sak Yant. It turned out that the master who made the yantra for her was not a monk. He is a former monk. Yant was made at great expense in violation of all the rules of tradition and caused a wave of condemnation among authoritative masters.

Real Reisi are ascetics, usually recluses who have taken severe vows and live in restrictions and austerities. Through asceticism, Reisi achieves inner purity, the reward for which will be superpowers. It is believed that such an ascetic is able to “see” your Sak Yant. “See” your destiny and your future and make the Yant that you need.

Nowadays, many tattoo parlors and individual tattoo artists offer their services, which they call Sak Yant, but this will be the most ordinary tattoo. The increased popularity of ritual tattoos led to the emergence of Ajarn. As a rule, Ajahn is a former monk or tattoo artist who has received some recognition as a person capable of performing the Sak Yant ritual. Such Ajans give tattoos to everyone and some people believe in their magical powers.

Who can do Sak Yant

Reisi (Rishi)- Buddhist monks do it at temples or monasteries. It is believed that such a Yant must be earned, it must be given to you by fate. The Rishi himself will see your individual Yant, which will change your destiny. The Rishi will not take money from you because he lives in renunciation. Rishi doesn't have a catalog of designs, so you won't have a choice. You cannot tell him what to do, since he sees better than you what exactly you need.

Traditionally, the most powerful Risis are found in monasteries in northern Thailand and Laos. It is there that the centers of Buddhism are concentrated, where traditions are stored and transmitted.

Adjarn- former monks or masters who are quite authoritative in the tradition. It is believed that Ajahn must practice meditation, mantra recitation, Vipassana in order to have Sak Yant abilities. Some of the Ajans do this, but some don't. Ajans make Sak Yant for money or donations. Typically, Ajahn has a catalog of designs and you can choose a design. Most of them give magical tattoos to women. The word ajarn probably comes from the Sanskrit acharya, which means teacher.

Tattoo parlors. Ordinary salons that enjoy increased demand for an exotic product. They may include reading mantras and other rituals in the tattooing process. Sometimes the process may take place in front of the altar. Whether or not these tattoos have mystical powers is up to you to decide.

Every year in the suburbs of Bangkok a special ceremony is held to honor teachers of the ancient tradition of mystical tattoos. This festival takes place day and night during which people fall into trance states.

Basic designs of Sak Yant and their meaning

  • Ong Phra (Thai: องค์พระ; translation: Buddha body) is one of the most important symbols. Means Buddha himself. Above is the Moon, illuminating the path in the darkness and the Sun, illuminating the path during the day.

  • Ha-thaeo (Thai: ห้าแถว; translation: five lines) - The most common yantra, representing five lines of symbols. Located on the left shoulder. Usually each line is a spell for good luck, health, etc.

    Ha-Thaeo Sak Yant

  • Kao-yot (Thai: เก้ายอด; translation: nine spiers) - Usually located on the back under the neck. Can be of different sizes and complexity.

  • Si-yot (Thai: สี่ยอด; translation: four spiers) - is done in order to have an influence on the feelings and actions of others, and to be protected from this.

  • Paet-thit (Thai: แปดทิศ; translation: eight points) - provides protection to the eight directions of the Universe. Round form; usually located in the center of the back.

  • Sip-thit (Thai: สิบทิศ; translation: ten points) - version paet-thit, but protects in ten directions.
  • Maha-niyom (Thai: มหานิยม; translation: big advantage) - gives recognition and favor to the owner in the eyes of others. Round form; usually located on the back near the right shoulder.
  • Yot Mongkut (Thai: ยอดมงกุฎ; translation: crown with spire) - for success and protection in battle. Round form; usually located at the top of the head.

  • Panchamukhi (Thai: ปัญจมุขี; translation: five faces of Devas) - to prevent diseases and dangers.
  • Suea (Thai: เสือ; translation: tiger) - usually in the form of two tigers. Strength and authority.

Where to make Sak Yant. Adjanov's addresses

Ajarn Kob. Address: 4/1 MOO 5 Klongsabou Ayutthaya Ayutthaya 13000 Phone: 0815577958. Address in Thai: สำนักสักยันต อาจารย์ กบ อ Ayutthaya, 13000 Ayutthaya, Thailand

Ajarn Tong (AC Tong). Address: Thanon Terd Tai, Soi Petch kasem 23 (opposite Wat Pleng Temple) Address in Thai: สำนักสัก อาจารย์ทอง วัดเพลง ถ 23 มกับวัดเพลง. Ajarn Tong does Yant intuitively. You won't be able to select a thumbnail. When visiting, you need to take flowers and incense to offer to the deities at the altar.

Pra Ajarn Hlek Dam. Temple address: Wat Nern Patanaa temple, Gong Tuul, Hnong Pai, Petchaburn. Address in Thai: สำนักอาจารย์เหล็กดำ, Thailand. Phone: 081-9713514.

Wat Bang Phra Temple. The most popular temple at the moment, which is considered the center of the Sak Yant tradition in Thailand.

Ajarn Pi Bang Grating. Address: 398 Moo 5 Soi Chatone -128 Wat Pra Non Tambon Don Gaew, Ampher Mae Rim, Chiang Mai. Phone: 0826270155 or 0900549985.

Ajarn Terng. Address: Soi Ekachai 109 in Bang Bon 3, Bangkok 101500

Pra Ajarn Hlong. Wat Dtrai Ratanaram Temple . Ampher Gleng, Rayong Province.

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