Home Fruit trees Plump figures of girls. The sexiest fatties in the world. The most beautiful and non-standard figures photos

Plump figures of girls. The sexiest fatties in the world. The most beautiful and non-standard figures photos

Being thin is becoming less and less popular. The current trend is supported by bloggers with non-standard figures. Increasingly, fashion designers are being inspired to create collections. The tendency to express individuality allows women to enjoy life, be in harmony with themselves and not chase a photoshopped ideal.

Curvy women

One of these wonderful, inspiring and organic personalities is the American model Katie Sturino - a resourceful impersonator, a charming and brave chubby woman, and also a businesswoman!

In 2015 she started her own fashion blog on Instagram when she realized there was nowhere for plus-size women to get style inspiration. “It suddenly dawned on me that there are many plump young women, but there are few examples of how to dress beautifully and fashionably.”, - recalls Katie.

The proud owner of a size 54, Sturino learned to accept and love her body, which helped her gain self-confidence and happiness. In her blog, she clearly demonstrates that the life of a girl with appetizing shapes does not have to be sad, boring and hopeless.

The girl dresses according to the latest fashion trends and lives life to the fullest. Recently she became seriously interested in copying screen and show business stars. Katie deliberately chose thin women as her role models. By making fun of the fashion world in this way, she proved that fashionable and stylish things can fit perfectly on a plus-size lady.

The idea was accepted by the public with a bang. Without much effort, Katie has amassed nearly 150,000 loyal followers. And this figure is growing. The beauty approaches her creativity so responsibly that she even selects partners for photos. Accessories, poses and facial expressions are as identical as possible to the prototypes.

Katie posted photo collages with Hailey Baldwin, Kylie Jenner, Jennifer Lawrence and Amal Clooney. The hit of her parodies were the famous newlyweds - Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. “Megan is a natural choice to follow. The world watches her every appearance! She has a simple and clear style that is pleasant to interpret for women of any size.", - Sturino commented on the pictures.

Katie stated in one of her posts: “It’s not about who wears the best outfit. The point is that anyone can wear anything! Start with self-confidence!”

“People should accept their body as it is, and not depend on stereotypes and exhaust themselves with diets to please others.”, says Katie. However, she notes that society is not yet ready for such changes and there is a lot of work to be done. Unfortunately, they are even often considered unattractive.

A healthy attitude towards her own body helped the girl not pay attention to online bullying on the Internet. They called her “fat” and “whale”, bombarded her with phrases “Cover up!”, “Lose weight!”, “It’s impossible to look at this!” Katie challenged her detractors by posting a photo of herself proudly posing in a bikini.

Sturino strives to debunk the conventional wisdom that clothing size has a direct relationship to physical health. Katie plans to continue to inspire women to talk and think well about their appearance and value yourself the way nature created them.

Men love “fat” and thin people equally, not for their shape or lack thereof! A man loves a woman who has a bright personality, a cheerful disposition, is beautiful from the inside, and most importantly, who loves and respects herself. Men perceive women as a whole, along with her shortcomings and advantages, her inner world and character, with her natural beauty and well-groomed appearance, self-confidence and, of course, with all her kilograms. A woman who knows how to present herself correctly always arouses the interest of the opposite sex, and absolutely nothing depends on weight.

10. Natalie Loughlin

This beauty's sizes range from 12 to 14 (L - XL), but that doesn't bother Natalie Loughlin at all. The model, originally from Trinidad, is called “plus-size Cindy Crawford.” Not a bad compliment for a plump woman who, contrary to stereotypes, decided to pursue a modeling career.

9. Maggie Brown

Recognition came to Maggie after winning a competition with the terrible name “Fat and Sexy Models” in 2006. After the Tyra Banks show, she signed a contract with the Wilhelmina Models agency and Macy's and Mervyns. Her exotic looks and sensual curves keep her busy.

8. Barbara Brickner

At first, Barbara was offended when she was asked to join the ranks of models with non-standard sizes. But after traveling, high fees and the popularity that came, Barbara stopped being offended, realizing that she also had something to be proud of. She does not regret at all that she became a model, albeit plus size. She has had the pleasure of working with brands such as Eddie Bauer, Target and many others. Having received recognition in one area, this girl with appetizing curves decided not to stop there. The new peak that she strives to conquer is the career of a country singer.

7. Crystal Renn

One of the most famous and highly paid curvy models. Crystal has been in the modeling business since she was 14 years old. And once upon a time, when her ascent in the modeling business was just beginning, she was skinny, like other girls. Due to strict contractual requirements, she had to go on diets. Naturally, this led to unwanted eating disorders and other diseases. This unsettled the girl not only, but also from the fashion world. Over time, Crystal gained weight and began promoting herself as a model with a voluptuous body. It turns out she's doing quite well, apparently. Because today she is the only model in her niche to appear on 4 Vogue covers from different continents.

6. Kate Dillon

Once upon a time, Kate Dillon was one of the successful skinny models. But no matter how successful she was, inside of her there was always a desire to renounce diets and eat to the fullest. She was terribly tired of struggling with her weight. In addition, quite often she was refused filming, calling her “too fat,” and this despite the fact that the girl hardly ate, constantly smoked and drank coffee. The point of no return was the moment after which she was hospitalized due to health problems. After two weeks of treatment, Kate looked exhausted and tired, but a fellow model said she was incredibly beautiful.

From that moment on, Kate Dillon firmly decided to end diets forever. She gained weight, but had no intention of giving up her modeling career. Using numerous connections in this area, Kate managed to become a successful model and with a new weight.

5. Emma Aronson

Some girls, born with their imperfection (is it an imperfection?), live their whole lives struggling with it. Others, like Emma, ​​find nothing imperfect in their body and make money from it. Emma never paid attention to either the criticism or the ridicule of skinny girls (and not only girls, her father sometimes took a black marker and marked places on his daughter’s body where she would do well to lose weight). She let all her negativity and resentment into sports. Her success in rowing allowed her to receive a scholarship to Syracuse University. After university, she worked in a boring job on television, and then got into the modeling business, where she achieved success.

4. Mia Tyler

When your sister is one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood and your father is a rock star, people have a lot of expectations about everyone related to them. Beautiful Mia, having a size L, was able to overcome all prejudices and make her love herself for who she is. Photos of her far from bony body have repeatedly appeared in glossy magazines: Vogue, Marie Claire and many others.

3. Chloe Marshall

This lively and cheerful girl from the UK is proof of how far plus size models can go. Thanks to her, the scope of activity of such models is not limited to photographs for clothing catalogs, shooting for glossy magazines and fashion shows. Before your eyes is a photo of the finalist of the Miss England competition. The girl managed to beat seven skinny participants and receive the title “Miss Surrey”. She did not become Miss England, but received a lucrative contract with the Models Plus modeling agency. The girl displays incredible confidence, she is cheerful and, of course, has good prospects in the modeling business.

According to explanatory dictionaries, non-standard is something that does not meet norms and standards. It turns out that a non-standard figure is one that goes beyond the established framework. If your figure is smaller than the required canons, then you are thin. If more - full. Who sets standards and non-standards?

What figure was considered ideal in different eras?

We will not touch on Venuses and languid young ladies from the Renaissance. Let's talk about the wild changes in the canons of beauty in the twentieth century. Probably never before has the understanding of the ideal figure changed so quickly. In just 100 years, society has changed its views on the ideal at least 5 times.

At the beginning of the century, a beautiful figure was a thin and flat-chested “board” with pale skin and unhappy eyes. It has become fashionable to look like men - to wear short hair and bandage your breasts in order to acquire the first size.

Marilyn Monroe decided to radically change the understanding of female beauty and in the 50s she became the ideal of beauty with parameters 92-60-86. High, elastic breasts, a small butt and a pronounced waist drove men crazy, and women bleached their hair en masse, exhausted themselves with diets and tried to copy the gait of the famous Monroe.

At the same time as Marilyn, Audrey Hepburn proved to the world that you can weigh 45 kg and be a luxurious woman. Her parameters are 87-50-86, but men went crazy about her. And to this day, “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” is popular thanks to its incredibly beautiful actress.

In the 60s, men came up with their “ideal woman” - the Barbie doll. A blonde with huge breasts (100 cm), a wasp waist (45 cm) and a small round butt (85 cm) with long legs became the cause of mass weight loss, plastic surgery and the release of shapewear for many years. Some have gone even further - .

Either because almost all Americans smoked marijuana, or because famous fashion designers were addicted to heroin, the late 60s gave the world a new standard - the anorexic model weighing 40 kg Twiggy. This child (it’s awkward to call her a woman) changed my mind. Not a woman, but a teenager appeared on the pages of famous publications. Height - about 180 cm, long legs, miniskirt, emaciated body and small breasts were dreamed of by women who dream of a chic figure.

In the 70s, it became fashionable to play sports, pump up your butt and arms, and be active. Therefore, an athletic and slim figure became goal No. 1. Madonna with her feminine curves and toned body, Claudia Schiffer from 90-60-90 and many actresses of that time motivated women to do aerobics, dancing and fitness.

Until 2000, it was fashionable to weigh no more than 55 kg, regularly engage in physical exercises or martial arts (after all, Angelina Jolie in the image of Lara Croft suggested which woman is ideal). A strong, self-confident woman should be at least 175 cm tall, measurements 95-60-90 and definitely without cellulite.
And then about ten years ago the world began to bring femininity back into the world. It all started with Kelly Brook - her usual butt, size 3 breasts and small tummy were recognized as the ideal proportions of a real woman.

The most beautiful and unusual of our time

Let's start with Angelina Jolie. A chic, successful actress, a wonderful mother and the owner of the status of “Brad Pitt’s wife” evokes admiration. Her elegant and very fragile appearance is endearing, and her ability to choose the right clothes makes Jolie one of the most stylish women in the world. But her figure is far from ideal - a very thin, almost anorexic body, long arms with protruding veins and a weight of 35 kg do not look healthy. But the charm and inner beauty of this woman make her one of the most beautiful.

Kim Kardashian is also far from the embodiment of the ideal, but her contribution to the return of curvy figures to fashion is undeniable. Her huge butt and large breasts made the famous rapper Kanye West fall in love with her. After the birth of her daughter, Kim gained weight and now weighs more than 80 kg. Excess weight is too clearly visible in almost all the photos of the star, because she continues to wear tight clothes and short tops.

But be that as it may, Kim Kardashian is considered one of the most beautiful women in the world.

Famous blogger Tanesha Awashti is taking the fashion world by storm. Her photos in branded items and her love for her body were so loved by her fans that they consider Tanesha one of the prettiest women with non-standard shapes. The girl created her own clothing brand for plump young ladies. Millions of plus-size women thank her for giving them self-confidence and beauty tips.

Tara Lynn is a charming chubby who proved to the world that being sexy and successful with a butt of 116 cm and a waist of 86 cm is real. Fashion houses like H&M really liked her sweet, gentle face and feminine forms, and her confident and professional presentation made Tara Lynn a star of Elle and Vogue magazines.

British singer Adele is known to us not only for her cool voice, but also for her unusual figure. A plump face, wide hips, a blurred waist - well, this is not the kind of show business representative we are used to. But excess weight does not stop Adele from feeling beautiful, and her fans from copying her style and singing along to her songs.

This woman changed the understanding of female beauty and charm for many decades. As soon as she appeared on the silver screen, men instantly fell in love with her, women dreamed of becoming like her, and fashion houses and magazines dreamed of photo shoots.

Monica Bellucci showed the world a new standard of femininity. Weight - 65 kg, perfect hourglass, luxurious appearance and daring look still drive men crazy.

Kate Winslet, the famous British actress, fell in love with the audience for her directness and femininity. Her debut in Titanic made her popular and beautiful. Lush breasts, a small belly, plump arms and a weight of about 70 kg do not in the least prevent the actress from building a successful career and a happy personal life.

In order to become a model with stunning success and huge fees, Crystal Renn has done a lot of work. She was not noticed in the fashion world for a very long time, declaring “non-standard”. The girl worked out for hours in the gym, exhausted herself with hunger strikes and constantly compared herself with other models. But one day I decided to give up on everything and work in the plus-size category. Thanks to this, the world admires the model’s figure, and millions of women have become more determined, because they realized that their extra pounds are not a punishment, but a gift.

Many compare Beyoncé to Kim Kardashian - also plump, also married to a rapper. But the famous singer did not resort to plastic surgery and has come a long way to success. Many awards, a horde of fans, a beloved man appeared in her life out of love for herself and her body. Curvy figures do not stop the singer from wearing short dresses and selling out sold-out crowds.

If you think that having a size 54, you need to close yourself off and have complexes, then this is not so. Ashley Graham proved to the world that you can be curvy and sexy at the same time. How many men dream about her body! And women finally believed in their own individuality and beauty. Ashley has become one of the most beautiful full-figured women in the world.

Stop doubting

If you are still shy and continue to find flaws in yourself, leave the self-flagellation for others. Buy yourself beautiful, suitable clothes, expensive perfume, highlight your strengths and prove to the world that you are desirable and feminine. Believe me, many men adore women in their bodies.

The canons of beauty are gradually changing. If initially the concept of beauty was born from expediency, a visual reflection of health, suitability for procreation, now it is determined by completely different principles. First of all, this is the convenience of working with figures for fashion designers, displaying them in photos and video materials. But even now, among the dominance of skinny models, there are also normal or slightly curvy beauties. Moreover, it would be correct to call them the sexiest fatties.

1. Tara Lynn

Tara is considered the most beautiful curvy model. Although her colleagues consider Tara “fat,” she herself loves her body and, on the contrary, feels sorry for skinny standard models. Lynn doesn't torment herself with diets, but she didn't get her curves from fast foods either. She constantly works with her body, does yoga at least an hour a day, and of course loves herself exactly the way nature created her. In many cultures, Tara would be called the ideal of female beauty and the sexiest fatty!


Justine burst onto the catwalks just a few years ago. And now she is considered one of the most beautiful plus size models in the modeling business. It is distinguished by softness and clarity of forms, harmonious beauty.


Christina is one of the biggest fatties in the fashion world. At the same time, she is also a successful presenter on television, she is invited to appear in clothing advertisements and appear in the most fashionable magazines, she is one of the most in demand.


Barbara had a successful career as a model for fashion magazines for 10 years, in particular she starred for Grace, MODE, Womans World and Glamor. When Barbara became a mother, she began to produce her own line of clothing for sexy fatties like her, as well as for expectant mothers.


Sylvia's career is just beginning. She only recently burst into the world of high fashion, but has already become a very popular model. Now the Korean-American woman needs to be able to hold out among lush beauties like her.


Anansa is just climbing the podium Olympus. But she has wonderful baggage - in addition to youth, beauty and charm, she also has a supermodel mother, Beverly Johnson, who graced the cover of Vogue in 1974.


Natalie is a bright representative of beautiful chubby girls. She shoots for many magazines and participates in various advertising campaigns. Images of Natalie adorn billboards across the United States.


Ashley specializes in lingerie shows and does it with grace and charm.


Kate's career began in the early 90s. During this time, Dillon managed to rise to the very top and even enter the ranking of fifty most beautiful people on the planet.


Brazilian women are considered the hottest. However, they can hardly be called thin or skinny. It was thanks to the Brazilians that the fashion for a lush “loin” part appeared. Flavia was just a nanny in New York, where she was noticed and invited to the fashion industry for her bright appearance and hot temperament.

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It is very important for a woman to be attractive in the eyes of a man. What sacrifices do the female half of humanity make in order to prove that they are the most beautiful.An ideal figure occupies a central place in a woman’s life. She devotes most of her time to it, constantly playing sports and going on various diets.

But do the opinions of two completely different halves of humanity always coincide, and which one is considered beautiful female figure through the eyes of a man, photo which they look at so often?

These changing parameters of beauty

Despite the generalized image of the ideal female figure of our time, each man individually has his own preferences in this regard. Due to the fact that many modern men are individualists, every detail of her image plays an important role in the appearance of the second half.

Women are forced to adapt, so some adhere to the strict modern parameters of top models, while others prefer beauty in the style of Marilyn Monroe. How have beauty standards changed throughout history and what is today’s standard of an ideal female figure?

One of the oldest images of a woman was discovered in Austria, and it dates back to twenty centuries BC.

It is completely different from the standards established in our society: the woman represented on the small figure has large hips, belly and breasts.

After 19 centuries, the standard of beauty has changed significantly. An example of an impeccable figure was the famous Venus de Milo, who was just over 160 centimeters tall with parameters 86-69-93. It is obvious that the then beauty “lost weight” significantly compared to representatives of the ideal forms of the past.

As for our millennium, it is worth noting that beauty standards in recent decades have changed very often. The fashion ranged from curvy girls to very thin girls who looked like teenagers.

Of course, most often the standards of female beauty changed in the twentieth century. The beginning of the century erased the difference between women and men, which is why a neat figure with small breasts came into fashion. Anna Pavlova becomes the ideal of that time - a famous ballerina, fragile, transparent and languid. To make their breasts look smaller, many girls bandaged them.

The middle of the century has arrived, and with the advent of Marilyn Monroe, curvaceous beauties have returned to fashion. The girl had parameters 92-60-86, had a unique femininity and charm that captivated many.

Along with the famous blonde, Audrey Hepburn, who is the complete opposite of Monroe, is also gaining popularity in Hollywood. Tall, weighing just over 40 kilograms, Audrey captivated many.

In the late fifties, the iconic Barbie doll appeared. As a result of the study, it was calculated that a girl with doll proportions should have parameters 99-45-84.

It is known that one woman from America wanted to look like Barbie so much that she had more than fifty plastic surgeries, bringing herself closer to the ideal.

The doll's figure was corrected only at the beginning of the 21st century - under the influence of public opinion, manufacturers reduced Barbie's breasts.

Just a few years pass and the world is struck by a new phenomenon called Twiggy(from English twig - twig). An extremely thin girl who looked like a teenager in a skirt became one of the most successful models and forced many women to torture themselves with diets. With a height of almost 180 centimeters, the beauty of that time weighed only forty kilograms and drove everyone crazy with her parameters 80-55-80.

In addition, since television was gaining popularity at that time, it became fashionable among stars to lose weight, because the camera adds several treacherous kilograms even to slender women.

Jane Fonda in her youth.

Despite Twiggy's wild popularity, a new standard appeared in the 70s - Jane Fonda. The ideal is a healthy and athletic girl, confident in her abilities.

It was not anorexic exhaustion that came into fashion, but the image of a fitness girl. Madonna was one of the first to follow this example in the early 80s.

To whom do we owe the numbers 90-60-90? The famous model of the last decade of the last century, Claudia Schiffer, had these parameters. Also, thanks to this super-model, various diets and sports are becoming even more popular.

Although Claudia had “ideal” parameters, she was quickly supplanted by the queen of “heroin chic” and anorexic beauty – Kate Moss. Femininity fades into the background, and the difference between girls and boys is erased.

At the beginning of the 2000s, a fit, strong and confident Angelina Jolie came into fashion., which has nothing in common with the exhausted ideals of yesteryear. Jolie's parameters are 98-64-89.

And now we are slowly approaching the modern standard of beauty, which quickly displaced the “Tomb Raider” from the pedestal. The current beauty is considered to be actress Kelly Brook, who has a magical proportion of 0.70588253, which is calculated using a special formula. Although Brooke has the perfect number, she has not had any luck in her personal life and career so far.

Now, if you had any complexes, they should disappear! After reading this article, you will be convinced that your figure is ideal, it’s just that the standard is a little outdated; but fashion always comes back, doesn’t it?

Every man to his own taste

It is worth noting that all people are different, which means that many have different opinions. Some people like one type, others another. It is generally accepted that everyone likes the type of model, large breast size, small height. But this is far from true.

Usually girls of model appearance, thin, with long legs, are chosen by teenagers and middle-aged men. Both of them are trying to assert themselves at the expense of such a girl, and also to show others that he still means something in this life. Therefore, not all young people pay attention to models.

Also many people are attracted to skinny girls, but with rounded shapes. Such that every part of the body is toned, but at the same time there is something to look at. The owner of such forms should have short stature. According to the guys themselves, you want to protect and care for such women; next to them they feel like real gentlemen.

It should not be ruled out that I like the donuts too, and many argue that this is a beautiful female figure through the eyes of a man, the photo of which is confirmation of this. Such ladies are chosen by those applicants who are looking for a chosen one for a serious relationship. Psychologists say that such a figure often attracts those who have the lowest social status, guys from the village, as well as those whose mother has the same shape. But this doesn’t mean that I like ladies who don’t want to take care of their bodies. Sagging sides, belly, and huge buttocks have never adorned anyone.

The dominant place is occupied by a figure in the form of a pear, guitar or hourglass. That is, the owner has wide hips and a thin waist. Such volumes attract the views of the maximum number of men. Firstly, scientists have proven that it is this type of figure that informs them about a woman’s readiness to continue her family. Secondly, any clothing fits perfectly on such a figure.

Recently, many women want to have a figure like the famous actress Angelina Jolie, who can rightfully be considered the favorite of all young people. Her figure can be called a “carrot”, that is, she is characterized by voluminous shoulders and narrow hips.

Many people want to see curvaceous breasts next to them., and they don’t care about the other parameters. Experts say that this type attracts those who have problems in financial matters.

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