Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Expensive things with the letter m. Lesson summary

Expensive things with the letter m. Lesson summary


Sounds M - M. Letter M

Program tasks:

* To consolidate the skill of correct pronunciation of the sounds M and Mb in syllables, words and sentences

* Finding the position of sounds in a word
* Differentiation of sounds by hardness - softness
* Analysis of words like SGS.
* Reading, writing reverse syllable

* Develop attention, memory, thinking

Course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.
The game "Remember - repeat"
Gnome - album - house - com 3 - 4 chain options
- What is common in words?
Fly - soap - raspberry - skein 3 - 4 chain options
- What is common in words?
Mila - pyramid - machine gun
- What is common in words?
2. Isolated pronunciation. Characteristic of sounds M, M.

* Pronunciation of a given sound with a different timbre

* Uttering a predetermined sound with different vocal strengths

- What sounds did you make?

- Tell us about the sound M

- Tell us about a soft pair of sound M

3. Highlighting the last consonant.
Echo game.
House - ... M you - ... M
Smoke - ... wigwam - ...
Dam - ... album - ...
There - ... Tom - ...
Lump - ... hippo - ...
Catfish - ... myself - ...

4. Game "On the contrary".
MO - ... OM - ...
MU - ... UM - ...
WE - ... YM - ...
ME - ... OM - ...
MJ - ... UM - ...
MI - ... YM - ...
5. Differentiation of sounds by hardness - softness.
Working with handouts 2 pictures 1 - with M sound, 2 - with M sound.
1) Task: raise a card with a card with a soft M, raise a card with a hard sound M
2) Task: put all the cards on one table.
Select pictures with M - at the beginning of a word, then M - at the end of a word, and pictures
with an M in the middle of a word.

6. FMK
Walking in circles
A) With a stop at solid M. In syllables, words.
B) With a stop at soft Mb. In syllables, words. The vocabulary material in the exercises is the same for the sound for the task under the letter A) and B).
7. Determination of the position of the place of sound in a word.
Game "Where is the sound hidden?"
Vocabulary material: Poppy, plane, bear, lump, Tom, fly, Panama, album, Dima, wash.
Benefit "3 houses".

8. Selection of antonyms
War is peace
fast slow
stupid - smart
quarrel - make up

hard - soft

big small

9. Sound analysis

A) Conversion of syllables, work with split alphabets.
variant of the chain: MA ... ..MU ... ..UM ... ..IM ... ..MI ... ..MA ... ..AM

Oral analysis of syllables, laying out the syllables MA, MI with chips.

Reading a direct syllable: MA, MU, ME, MI.

B) Analysis and placement of the MA syllable by the chips

- How many sounds did you hear?

- What is the first sound, tell us about it.

- What is the second sound, tell us about it.

- Lay out the outline of this syllable with tokens.

- Add to these two counters, the counter for the sound K.

- How many sounds were there?

- How did they sound together?

- How many sounds are there?

- "Read" according to the scheme, which word came out. (POPPY)

- There was a syllable - it turned out to be a word.

- What did you do for this?

- How many sounds are in the word МАК?

- Which one at the beginning? Which one is at the end? What's in the middle?

10. Acquaintance with the letter.

- How many sounds does the letter M have? (Two - M and M)
- What is the difference between a sound and a letter?
- What is a syllable?
- What does the letter M look like?
- Showing the spelling of the letter M.

11. The letter of the letter M, syllables UM, MU


Queen Svetlana

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In everyday life, we are periodically faced with the task of searching for words according to certain parameters. Unfortunately, using paper dictionaries is somewhat difficult when you don't remember exactly the spelling of a word. Moreover, the search takes a lot of time, and sometimes, due to the infrequent updating of the vocabulary base, you cannot find the word you are looking for at all. We have combined many dictionaries and automated the word search process, which now takes only hundredths of a second.

For your attention are presented words starting with the letter M... Almost every word in our dictionary contains a definition, and various search options allow you to almost always find a result. In this section of the site, we have provided the ability to search for a word using the rubricator.

To find all words in M, it is necessary to sequentially indicate the first letter of the search word, then the second, third ... eventually you will find the word by the selection method. In addition, the word length filters located in the "Search parameters" block will be useful to you.

In other sections of the project, it is possible "Search for words by mask and definition", "Composing a word from a word or letters", "Solving and drawing up anagrams online" and many others.

Our database contains more than 300,000 words of the Russian language and is well suited for solving crosswords and scanwords, solving school and student problems, an assistant in board and online games.

Hopefully the received list of words starting with letter M will significantly save your time, and the search results are guaranteed to help in solving the task.

Correctional and developmental tasks.

1. Teach the child to determine the direction of sound in space.

2. To prepare the child for the assimilation of the sound-syllable series by the formation of spatio-temporal representations.

3. Teach the child to clearly pronounce the sounds [M] and [M "], to differentiate sounds by ear and in pronunciation.

4. Introduce the following concepts into the child's passive and active vocabulary: "consonant sound", "hard (soft) consonant sound".

5. Learn to determine the place of sounds [M], [M "] at the beginning, middle and end of words.

6. Learn to analyze syllables such as AM, MA.

Exercise 1... Didactic exercise "Follow the sound" (development of auditory attention).

An adult blindfolds the child and rings the bell himself. The child must go to the sound of the bell.

Assignment 2... Didactic exercise "Before - between - after".

The adult invites the child to remember what seasons, months, days of the week he remembers; asks to pronounce them in order. The adult then asks questions: What is the first month of the year? last? before March? after March? between June and August? (Similarly, the game is played on the material of the days of the week, seasons.)

Assignment 3... Acquaintance with the sound [M].

The adult invites the child to guess the riddle and answer the question:

Hungry - hums

Sated - chews,

He gives milk to all children. (Cow)

"How does a cow moo?" - "MMM..."

An adult shows in front of a mirror and explains to the child the articulation of the sound [M]: when we pronounce the sound [M]:

The lips are closed without tension;

Air comes out through the nose;

The neck "works".

An adult shows the child a sound symbol [M]: cow hums: MMM ...,

then he explains that the sound [M] cannot be sung, since the sponges create an obstacle to the air. This sound is a consonant, solid, voiced (the neck “works”), so we denote the sound [M] with a blue circle with a bell. Thus, the child learns characterization sound [M].

Task 4. Phonetic exercise.

The cow hums: MMMMMMMMMM ... (after the adult, pronounce the sound [M] for a long time).

Assignment 5... Didactic exercise "Clap your palms".

An adult pronounces a number of sounds, syllables, words and asks the child to clap his hands if he hears the sound [M] (in isolation, in syllables, in words):

m, a, y, m, m, and; am, ar, op, om, ma, mu, ka, sa, we;

poppy, Olya, fly, house, soup, flour;

Assignment 6... The adult invites the child to listen carefully and repeat the syllables, while the child should feel the closing of the lips when pronouncing the sound [M]:

ma, mo, moo, we; am, om, um, im.

Assignment 7... The adult invites the child to repeat the syllable series:

ma-mo, ma-we, mo-ma, mo-we; am-om, um-im, um-am, om-im.

Assignment 8... An adult pronounces words, singling out the sound [M] in them, and the child calls the same first (last) sound in words:

poppy, fly, car, soap; house, catfish, lump, scrap.

Assignment 9... The child is asked to choose from a number of drawn objects those in the name of which the sound [M] is:

at the beginning of words: poppy, fly, mask, brand;

at the end of words: house, catfish, album;

in the middle of the words: bag, plane, lamp.

To determine the place of the sound [M] in a word, it is recommended to use a card and a blue circle with a bell.

Assignment 10... Remember with the child:

months of the year, in the name of which there is a sound [M] (March, May);

a season with the sound [M] (winter) in its name.

Assignment 11... Finish sentences (aligning pronouns with nouns):

This is my ... (hat). This is my house). This is my ... (coat). These are my books).

Task 12. Acquaintance with the sound [M "].

An adult asks a child a question: "What is the name of a baby cow?" - "Calf".

An adult draws the child's attention to the fact that the calf is small, he hums: um ...

Then he introduces the child to the sound symbol [M "]: the calf hums: um ..., NS characteristicssound: consonant, soft, voiced, and designation: green circle with a bell.

Assignment 13... Didactic exercise "Clap your palms if you hear the sound [M"] ":

um, a, u, um, u, um; me, ka, pa, mi, ki, me;

ball, soup, bowl, Misha, peace, crow.

Assignment 14... The adult invites the child to listen carefully and repeat a series of syllables:

me-me, mi-me ...; am-oh-oh-oh-oh ...

Task 15... The adult asks the child to list pictures with names beginning with the sound [M "]:

ball, bowl, bear, chalk, subway, month.

Picture games: "What's gone?"(the child closes his eyes, the adult removes the picture. The child must remember the name of the picture that was removed.)

"What changed?"(the child closes his eyes, the adult swaps the pictures. The child must remember and how to establish the initial row of pictures.)

Task 16. Differentiation of sounds [M] - [M "]. Didactic exercise" Clap your palms if you hear the sound [M] ":

m, m, m, m ...; ma, me, mi, mu ...; am, ohm ...; ball, fly, poppy, Misha ...,

Didactic exercise "Say the opposite" (playing with a ball: an adult pronounces a syllable with a hard consonant sound [M], while throwing a ball to a child. A child catches the ball, pronounces a syllable with a soft consonant sound, returning the ball to an adult, etc.):

ma-me, mo -..., mo -..., we -...; me-ma, mi -..., mu -..., me -...

Task 17. The child is invited to choose among the names those that begin with the sound [M] ():

Misha, Mark, Marina, Miron ...

Paste pictures into the notebook with images of objects whose names begin with the sounds [M] and. (At the end of the lesson on the topic, the adult invites the child to remember what pictures he pasted into his notebook.)

Task 18... Didactic exercise "Say a word, name the first sound in a word."

Underground, in a closet

She lives in a mink

Gray baby.

Who is this?., (mouse)

He slept all winter in a fur coat,

Sucked a brown paw,

And when he woke up, he began to roar.

This is a forest beast ... (bear)

To guess riddles, name the first sound in the answer:

In winter, he sleeps

In the summer, he agitates the hives. (Bear)

No arms, no legs

And he knows how to draw. (Freezing)

The girl is sitting in a dungeon,

And the scythe is on the street. ( Carrot)

Flies all day

Everybody gets bored

The night will come

Then it will stop. (Fly)

Learn pure phrases:

Ma-ma-ma - I'm at home myself.

Mu-mu-mu - milk to whom?

Mo-mo-mo - we eat popsicle.

We-we-we - read the book we.

Mi-mi-mi - we sing the note mi.

Me-me-me - give me some weed.

Task 19... The adult says a couple of words and asks the child to determine what is the first sound in these words, and then make a sentence with each word:

the mouse is a bear; soap - Mila; small - crumpled.

Task 20... Exercise for fingers and the development of speech coordination with movements:

We wrote, we wrote, -

And now everyone stood up together

Trampled with their feet

They patted their hands.

Perform appropriate movements.

We wrote, we wrote, - Rhythmically clench your fingers into fists.

Our fingers are tired.

We will rest a little -

And we'll start writing again.

Task 20. Acquaintance with the letter M.

Letter M with two humps,

Like a camel - see for yourself!

O. Hoffman

What does the letter M look like? The letter M of fingers: close the tips of the index fingers, lower them down with the middle fingers, and squeeze the rest into a fist.

Games with a letter.

Task 21... Syllable analysis: AM, MA. Drawing up diagrams from circles. (The consonant is a blue circle with a bell, the vowel is a red circle.)

Compilation of letters of the split alphabet of syllables AM, MA. Reading, cheating, dictation in block letters.

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