Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill How to draw a deer with a simple pencil. How to draw a deer with a pencil step by step. How to draw a deer's head with pencils and a black pen step by step

How to draw a deer with a simple pencil. How to draw a deer with a pencil step by step. How to draw a deer's head with pencils and a black pen step by step

New Year's themes always arouse great interest among novice artists who love to draw both the main characters of their favorite holiday and their assistants.

How to draw Santa Claus' reindeer, because he has a whole team of them?

The answer is simple - learn to draw one, and then draw his brothers.

How to draw Santa Claus' reindeer. Step by step lesson:

1. In the center of a sheet of paper we outline three ovals of the future head and body of the deer

2. Using dots and straight lines connecting them, we outline the front legs of the deer

3. We perform a similar operation with the hind legs

4. Using a single thick line, we begin to unite the deer’s body, its head and tail from above. Continuing the New Year's theme, check out the lessons how to draw Snow Maiden And how to draw Santa Claus

5. On the muzzle we outline the eye, nose and mouth, behind the head - the ear

6. Draw branched antlers on the deer’s head

7. The next step is to draw the hind legs of the deer

8. Draw the hind, front legs and hooves of the deer

9. Using an eraser, erase all unnecessary construction lines. We draw a harness on the face

10. We also draw the harness on the neck and belly of the deer. With its help, Santa Claus will be able to manage the entire team

11. How to draw Santa Claus’s deer so that it is immediately clear that this is not a simple cart, but a magical one? Of course, we must not forget about the features - you need to draw large and ringing bells that warn of the arrival of the host of the holiday.

12. It's time to start coloring the deer. First, carefully shade it

13. Using more intense shading we show volume on the stomach and legs

14. Lightly shading gives the deer a natural look.

15. Using final highlights, we add life and believability to the deer.

Drawing on the theme of the New Year always lifts your spirits. It doesn’t matter how to draw Santa Claus’s deer, it’s much more important to believe in miracles and draw from the heart!

Reindeer are Santa Claus' faithful companions. It is on them that Santa Claus rides when it’s time to deliver gifts. A deer can be drawn in several ways. It is enough to know how to draw a New Year's deer, then you will be able to depict the majestic animal in its entirety or just its head.

Portrait of a horned

The knowledge gained will help to depict not only the New Year's, but also an ordinary stag against the backdrop of a watering hole and green grass. Before drawing a complete deer, it is better to practice and draw only the head of the animal.

Draw a small circle on a piece of paper with dotted lines. Using the same lines, mark a horizontal semicircle at the top of the circle. How to do this is shown in the photo.

Now it will be easier for you to draw the animal’s face. You will draw it inside the circle. The deer stands in profile, so only one of its eyes is visible. Place it above the newly created horizontal semicircle.

Both of the deer's ears are visible. Place them symmetrically relative to each other, the right one slightly lower than the left. The animal’s nose is elongated; draw a snout on its tip. Below, place a small semicircular mouth. On the top of the head, draw two artiodactyl horns until they look like this. Erase the auxiliary lines and let's talk about how to draw a deer next.

Finishing the portrait

Draw the animal’s graceful neck on the right side of the muzzle, and on the left, it smoothly turns into a horizontal body. Give your eyes an almond shape, but they taper not to the outer corner of the eye, but to the inner corner.

The horns need to be made voluminous. To do this, draw several branches, let there be five on each side. Take a soft pencil in your hand. Without pressing it, apply strokes to the background behind the animal. In the same way, add texture to the deer itself. Divide each ear with one longitudinal line. Using strokes, add volume to these parts of the animal's head, as shown in the photo. Do the same with the horns, body, muzzle. Make your nose and eyes black.

After you have mastered this method of depiction, you can tell us how to draw a deer as a whole.

We indicate the proportions of the animal on the canvas

We begin to draw the hero of this picture with a schematic representation of the head. Draw a small circle on the left side of the sheet, divide it in two with a vertical line. In the center of the circle, draw two parallel horizontal segments at a short distance from each other.

Place the eyes symmetrically inside them; they are wide-set on a deer. Draw the animal's ears as shown in the photo. Place the horns next to them, while their role is played by two semicircular lines. Draw the elongated muzzle of the deer below the head circle. Now you can start working on the body.

The geometric figure of a circle will also help with this, but this one is larger than the one that helped to schematically depict the head. Connect the muzzle and the large circle with two curved lines - upper and lower, located almost parallel.

Explaining how to draw a deer step by step with a pencil, we can once again remind you that it is better to do this starting with a diagram. Then the proportions of the body will be respected.

Making the horns branchy and the body voluminous

Let's go back to the top of the picture again. The bottom of the horns follows the outline of the curved line you drew near the ears at the beginning. On their upper part there are clearly visible branches, let there be 4 of them. The deer has a small nose on its muzzle, and under it there is a semicircular mouth. Once you have these facial details drawn, you can learn how to draw the deer next.

The animal's body is narrow in the neck area and voluminous near the pelvis. At the top of the large circle, which is responsible for this particular area of ​​the body, draw small irregularities. Thanks to this, the femoral bones of the animal became slightly visible, which roll slightly when the artiodactyl walks.

Draw the deer's tail. He is not very large and moderately lush. Draw it with zigzag lines. Using a rounded line, make the stomach moderately convex. Make the animal's neck more realistic. Draw a shirtfront on its front part. When you cover the body of the animal with faint pencil strokes, leave it white.

Now about how to draw a deer with a pencil next.

We designate the legs and make the artiodactyl even more realistic

As you can see in the photo, the upper part of the animal's legs is located in the middle of the sides of its body. Here they are wider, then narrower. Draw the thigh part of the legs quite voluminous. The middle and lower parts of the front legs are narrower. You will create these fragments using almost parallel segments. But if you extended them downwards, after a while they would intersect. Therefore, slightly narrow the animal’s slender legs towards the hooves. On the hind ones, the knees are clearly visible, but if you compare them with human ones, in deer they bend in the opposite direction. Show this in the picture.

Talking about how to draw a deer step by step with a pencil can make artists happy that the creative process is nearing completion. After all, all that remains is to erase the unnecessary auxiliary lines and, using strokes, give the image of the animal a finished look.

Completing a masterpiece

After you have erased the unnecessary lines with an eraser, you need to shade the body, head, legs of the animal, leaving its belly, shirtfront and the inside of the ears light. You can paint the animal so that it becomes light brown and draw a winter or summer landscape at a distance.

Here's how to draw a deer step by step - first you create an outline of the animal using various lines and geometric shapes. Then you outline them, erase them and give the drawing a completed look using strokes of a simple pencil or paints.

Winter has carefully covered the streets and roofs and houses with its blanket of snow, made snowdrifts, and in distant Lapland Santa Claus is already harnessing his famous reindeer. By all appearances, very soon he will rush past our doors on a winter night, leaving gifts for us - adults and obedient children - under the trees. It is customary to celebrate the arrival of the New Year in a beautifully decorated home; Santa really likes this, and the owners of festively decorated rooms will certainly receive the best gifts. And if you also draw his portrait, or at least his magical deer on a beautiful poster, then Santa Claus, captivated by your attention, will do everything possible so that the New Year 2020 comes for you in the happiest way. You may say, how can you draw a deer with a pencil step by step, because it’s so difficult? Nothing like this! We will teach you simple techniques for drawing these beautiful symbols of the upcoming New Year of the White Metal Rat.

Example No. 1

A deer has common features with a horse, but there are still differences between them. The first animal has a shorter and more graceful body. It also has a small tail and branched horns. An animal depicted running is difficult to draw, and therefore you first need to learn how to create it standing still. Following the instructions, you can draw this animal on a postcard for the New Year 2020 step by step.

It is advisable to divide the sheet of paper into 6 equal squares, on which the deer will be depicted. It is necessary to draw 2 large circles that will help create the body, and 1 small one for the head. Then you should draw the knee joints, after which it will be much easier to draw the legs and hooves. All parts need to be connected with one line, resulting in a silhouette.

When the drawing is ready, all its internal contours should be erased and the horns should be completed. If there are sharp corners, then they need to be made smooth. To create a deer you need to learn how to draw antlers. To do this, you need to create two curved branches of horns, after which branches are added to them. This part should be symmetrical. At the end, you need to correct all the strokes with a pencil to make the drawing complete.

Example No. 2

The second method is simpler and therefore perfect for children, even the smallest novice artists :). You can draw it with a simple pencil and then color it with paints. To do this, you need to draw an oval, which will be the body of the animal. Then the head and neck are attached to it. You need to draw horns on your head. The animal's legs should be made straight. After this, all strokes need to be adjusted and all lines made smooth. The deer can be decorated with felt-tip pens or paints.

Here's another interesting drawing master class

These two methods are simple and can be done by anyone who wants to create a drawing. Step-by-step instructions will allow you to quickly cope with such a task as drawing a beautiful deer with a pencil or paints step by step in various forms: on the run and on the move. It is important to clearly convey all the lines. The image of a deer is suitable for any postcard or poster. For the New Year, such a 2020 drawing can become part of the room decor.

Deer are one of the most beautiful and graceful animals. And they are undoubtedly one of the symbols of the New Year, since it is generally believed that Santa Claus moves around the world with their help. The main distinguishing feature of a deer is its branched antlers and long, slender legs.

To correctly depict such an animal in a sketch and maintain all proportions, you can arm yourself with a photograph from an encyclopedia or video. But a novice artist, and even more so a child, is unlikely to be able to correctly transfer the character he likes from the finished picture. In this case, it is better to use step-by-step lessons showing how to draw a deer for the New Year 2019 step by step, easily and beautifully.

For beginning artists who are just about to learn how to draw step by step, it is best to abandon other auxiliary tools other than a simple pencil and eraser. After all, it is much easier to correct a mistake by erasing the wrong line with an eraser than to redraw the entire sketch again.


It is believed that a running deer is the most difficult to depict, since you need to take into account the proportions of the animal in motion, when all the lines are slightly distorted. But don’t despair if you have never held an artist’s pencil in your hands, but really want to draw this particular character.

A step-by-step lesson will help you not to make mistakes in the sequence and correctness of drawing lines on paper, which as a result should form a graceful and proud deer.

Drawing order:

  • We outline the head and shoulders. To do this, draw two ovals, as shown in the picture. We connect them with lines, drawing out the neck. Add two more ovals to the sketch for the body.
  • We outline the figure, outlining the shape of the animal’s body. We schematically depict the legs, their length and shape. To do this, in the places where the bones are connected by joints, we draw circles that will prevent mistakes in the anatomical structure of the deer’s legs. We outline the ears and muzzle.
  • We add volume to the legs, making them slender and graceful. Since the animal is running, three of its legs are buried in the snow, so we draw a hoof on only one. The picture shows what needs to be done to add realism to the sketch. Add a fluffy tail.
  • We outline the horns, ear and eyes on the muzzle.
  • Draw the horns and fur on the neck.
  • We delete all the auxiliary lines with an eraser, being careful not to touch the deer sketch.
  • We outline the contours, add expressiveness to the face and draw in the details.


If desired, the deer can be colored with colored crayons or shaded in black and white, as shown in the picture.

How to draw a baby deer with a pencil step by step

This lesson will help you quickly and easily draw a deer for the New Year for children. In addition to the fact that the child will enjoy the work, it will also have a positive effect on fine motor skills for accurate writing, and will develop perseverance and imagination.

To draw a deer from this picture for beginner children 5-6 years old, you need to prepare a pencil with a soft lead and a good eraser.

Drawing order:

  • Draw two intersecting ovals for the head and muzzle.

  • We outline the furry ears, as well as the horns, which at this stage should resemble tree branches.

  • At the top of the muzzle we draw a large oval for the nose, and on the head we outline small eyes.

  • We outline the triangular ears.
  • Under the muzzle we draw the front legs of the animal and denote the hoofs with two lines, as shown in the figure. Let's draw the back leg and don't forget about the deer's tummy.
  • We depict a small, fluffy tail. We add volume to the horns and draw out the ears more carefully.
  • Add a smile to the deer.
  • We outline the sketch with a black marker and color it as we wish.

On a note!

To add color to the design, it is best to use brown, black and bright red.

Drawing a cartoon deer: photos step by step

Many fans of this holiday dream of drawing a deer for the New Year in stages with a pencil, and even a cartoon one. And all because these animals are one of the main helpers. This lesson with photos, step by step, will help you correctly portray the hero of New Year's and Christmas fairy tales.

Drawing order:

  • We draw an oblong, oval body and head. We outline the neck and legs with lines, as shown in the figure. Using smooth lines we draw the muzzle, nose and mouth of the animal.
  • Draw the eye, ear and neck, approximately the same as in the picture. Draw a line of fur where the two colors come together.
  • We outline and draw the horns. It is better to make them symmetrical so that the animal looks harmonious and proud.
  • We draw the legs, giving them the necessary shape and volume.
  • We remove unnecessary lines with an eraser, draw a shaggy tail and tummy.

Having learned to draw one cartoon deer, you can try to depict several animals harnessed to a team and rushing to quickly deliver Santa Claus to the children.

Deer are the real pride of the forest. After all, no animal has such a “crown”. In addition, the deer is a very graceful mammal. Therefore, it is very difficult to draw it in dynamics. So, for the first acquaintance with it, we will learn how to draw a cute cloven-hoofed animal in a simple pose. The structure of the head and body is very similar to a horse, but there are differences. For example, an elegant and short body, a short small tail, branchy elegant horns and a small head. All these traits give the deer its own personality and provide inspiration to learn how to draw.

Necessary materials:

Stages of drawing a deer:

  1. Draw a figure in the form of an oval. We draw three lines to it below, where there will be circles at the ends. These will be the legs and hooves of the future deer. Then we move on to sketching the head and neck of the artiodactyl animal. To do this, draw two lines up on the left side of the body. Let's add an oval and a small part on the left side of the head.

  2. The sketch is ready, so you can adjust and supplement it to obtain a beautiful deer figure. Smooth out the outline of the head and neck a little, remove the extra lines with an eraser and draw the ear.

  3. Now you can add gorgeous antlers to the top of the head, which have grown into branches from the top of the deer’s head.

  4. We continue to draw the neck and put a scarf on it. We go down a little lower and already outline the outline of the two front legs of the deer along with the hooves.

  5. We finish drawing the second pair of legs with hooves, and also determine the general contour of the body. Let's add a small neat tail on the right side of the picture.

  6. We refine the outline of each detail to prepare the drawing for the application of colored pencils.

  7. The shade of the deer's fur will be brown. Therefore, for the base shade we use a light brown pencil. We apply strokes to the body, head and horns.

  8. We paint the areas of the abdomen and upper legs with a honey shade. Using a dark brown pencil, create an additional dark color on all parts of the drawing, excluding the scarf, hooves, nose and eyes.

  9. We’ll make the scarf on the deer’s neck a beautiful bright red shade and for this we can’t do without colored pencils.

  10. There are tiny areas of white left that have not yet been painted over! But we can quickly fix this by picking up a black pencil. We completely paint over all four hooves, the small nose at the tip of the muzzle and the area of ​​the eye where the pupil should be. Finally, using such a dark shade, we create an outline of the entire drawing and small details.

A beautiful deer already decorates this piece of paper. And only bright colored pencils of different shades were able to transform a boring outline drawing into a colorful illustration that you want to use to decorate a postcard.

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