Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill The most common chemical. The most abundant substance in the universe. Role in the human body

The most common chemical. The most abundant substance in the universe. Role in the human body

We all know that hydrogen fills our Universe by 75%. But do you know what other chemical elements there are that are no less important for our existence and play a significant role in the life of people, animals, plants and our entire Earth? Elements from this ranking shape our entire universe!

10. Sulfur (prevalence relative to silicon - 0.38)

This chemical element is listed under the symbol S in the periodic table and is characterized by atomic number 16. Sulfur is very natural.

9. Iron (prevalence relative to silicon - 0.6)

It is designated by the symbol Fe, atomic number - 26. Iron is very often found in nature, it plays an especially important role in the formation of the inner and outer shell of the Earth's core.

8. Magnesium (abundance relative to silicon - 0.91)

In the periodic table, magnesium can be found under the symbol Mg, and its atomic number is 12. What is most surprising about this chemical element is that it is most often released during the explosion of stars in the process of their transformation into supernova bodies.

7. Silicon (prevalence relative to silicon - 1)

Designated as Si. The atomic number of silicon is 14. This gray-blue metalloid is very rarely found in the earth's crust in its pure form, but it is quite common in other substances. For example, it can even be found in plants.

6. Carbon (prevalence relative to silicon - 3.5)

Carbon in Mendeleev's table of chemical elements is listed under the symbol C, its atomic number is 6. The most famous allotropic modification of carbon is one of the most coveted precious stones in the world - diamonds. Carbon is actively used in other industrial purposes for more everyday purposes.

5. Nitrogen (abundance relative to silicon - 6.6)

Symbol N, atomic number 7. First discovered by Scottish physician Daniel Rutherford, nitrogen is most commonly found in the form of nitric acid and nitrates.

4. Neon (abundance relative to silicon - 8.6)

It is designated by the symbol Ne, atomic number - 10. It is no secret that this particular chemical element is associated with a beautiful glow.

3. Oxygen (prevalence relative to silicon - 22)

A chemical element under the symbol O and with atomic number 8, oxygen is indispensable for our existence! But this does not mean that it is present only on Earth and serves only for human lungs. The universe is full of surprises.

2. Helium (abundance relative to silicon - 3.100)

The symbol for helium is He, the atomic number is 2. It is colorless, odorless and tasteless, non-toxic, and its boiling point is the lowest among all chemical elements. And thanks to him, the balls soar upward!

1. Hydrogen (abundance relative to silicon - 40,000)

True number one on our list, hydrogen is in the periodic table under the symbol H and has atomic number 1. It is the lightest chemical element in the periodic table and the most abundant element in the entire studied universe.

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We all know that hydrogen fills our Universe by 75%. But do you know what other chemical elements there are that are no less important for our existence and play a significant role in the life of people, animals, plants and our entire Earth? Elements from this ranking shape our entire universe!

Sulfur (prevalence relative to silicon - 0.38)
This chemical element in the periodic table is listed under the symbol S and is characterized by atomic number 16. Sulfur is very common in nature.

Iron (prevalence relative to silicon - 0.6)
It is designated by the symbol Fe, atomic number - 26. Iron is very often found in nature, it plays an especially important role in the formation of the inner and outer shell of the Earth's core.

Magnesium (prevalence relative to silicon - 0.91)
In the periodic table, magnesium can be found under the symbol Mg, and its atomic number is 12. What is most surprising about this chemical element is that it is most often released during the explosion of stars in the process of their transformation into supernova bodies.

Silicon (prevalence relative to silicon - 1)

Designated as Si. The atomic number of silicon is 14. This gray-blue metalloid is very rarely found in the earth's crust in its pure form, but it is quite common in other substances. For example, it can even be found in plants.

Carbon (abundance relative to silicon - 3.5)
Carbon in Mendeleev's table of chemical elements is listed under the symbol C, its atomic number is 6. The most famous allotropic modification of carbon is one of the most coveted precious stones in the world - diamonds. Carbon is actively used in other industrial purposes for more everyday purposes.

Nitrogen (abundance relative to silicon - 6.6)
Symbol N, atomic number 7. First discovered by Scottish physician Daniel Rutherford, nitrogen is most commonly found in the form of nitric acid and nitrates.

Neon (abundance relative to silicon - 8.6)

It is designated by the symbol Ne, atomic number - 10. It is no secret that this particular chemical element is associated with a beautiful glow.

Oxygen (prevalence relative to silicon - 22)

A chemical element under the symbol O and with atomic number 8, oxygen is indispensable for our existence! But this does not mean that it is present only on Earth and serves only for human lungs. The universe is full of surprises.

Helium (abundance relative to silicon - 3.100)

The symbol for helium is He, the atomic number is 2. It is colorless, odorless and tasteless, non-toxic, and its boiling point is the lowest among all chemical elements. And thanks to him, the balls soar upward!

Hydrogen (abundance relative to silicon - 40,000)
True number one on our list, hydrogen is in the periodic table under the symbol H and has atomic number 1. It is the lightest chemical element in the periodic table and the most abundant element in the entire studied universe.

An element is a substance made up of identical atoms. So, sulfur, helium, iron are elements; they consist only of atoms of sulfur, helium, iron, and they cannot be decomposed into simpler substances. Today, 109 elements are known, but only about 90 of them actually occur in nature. Elements are classified into metals and non-metals. The periodic table classifies elements based on their atomic mass.

A vital element for higher organisms, which is a component of many proteins, accumulates in the hair. History: Latin name - The origin of sulfur is unknown. The Lithuanian name is likely to be taken from the Slavic peoples, may be associated with the Sanskrit Cyrano yellow color.

Physical properties: insoluble in water. Yellow, solid, low power, melted. Electronegative 2. 58. This mineral is found in various rocks. It forms in both metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. It is found in quartz compounds in association with other sulfides and oxides. It can also replace other minerals metasomatically. Large amounts of this mineral can be used to make iron.


More than three quarters of all elements are metals. Almost all of them are dense, shiny, durable, but easily forgeable. In the earth's crust, metals are usually found together with other elements. From strong and malleable metals, people make airplanes, spaceships, and various machines. In the periodic table, metals are indicated in blue. They are divided into alkaline, alkaline earth, and transitional. Most of the metals we are familiar with - iron, copper, gold, platinum, silver - are transition metals. Aluminum is used for food packaging, beverage cans, and lightweight and durable alloys. It is the most abundant metal on Earth (read the Metals article for more details).

The word "pyrite" comes from the Greek word for "fire". Piritas was used in the first firearms locks. Due to its resemblance to gold, it is sometimes referred to as silly gold. Pyrite is also used in jewelry, but its products are scarce because the hardness of the pit is low and reacts chemically to the environment.

Sphalerite is a sulfide mineral, zinc sulfide. Also called deceptive zinc. The most abundant zinc mineral is the most abundant, so most of it comes from this particular mineral. It is found in combination with pyrite, galena and other sulfide minerals, as well as calcite, dolomite, and fluorite. Most commonly found in hydrothermal veins.


Non-metals include only 25 elements, including the so-called semimetals, which can exhibit both metallic and non-metallic properties. In the periodic table, non-metals are indicated in yellow, semi-metals in orange. All non-metals, with the exception of graphite (a type of carbon), poorly conduct heat and electricity, and semimetals, such as germanium or silicon, depending on conditions, can be good conductors, like metals, or not conduct current, like non-metals. Silicon is used in the manufacture of integrated circuits. For this, microscopic "paths" are created in it, along which the current passes through the circuit. At room temperature, 11 non-metals (including hydrogen, nitrogen, chlorine) are gases. Phosphorus, carbon, sulfur and iodine are solid, while bromine is liquid. Liquid hydrogen (produced when hydrogen gas is compressed) fuels rockets and other spacecraft.

Sometimes sphalerite crystals are transparent, but jewelry is very rarely used because it is very fragile. Color Yellow, Brown, Gray, Black. Moson 3.5-4 hardness. The name of the mineral comes from the Latin - lead luster. Galena occurs in crystals, grains, and large aggregates in hydrothermal veins.

In rocks in rocks, dolomites, sandstones in rocks. Galena is the main lead in the ore. Cinnamon is a mercury sulfide mineral. The most common mercury ore. Several mines of this age are still in use. This mineral is in the form of a mineral filler. The crystal lattice is hexagonal.

Elements in the earth's crust

Most of the earth's crust is made up of only eight elements. Elements are rarely found in pure form; more often they are included in the composition of minerals. The mineral calcite is composed of calcium, carbon and oxygen. Calcite is part of limestone. Pyrolusite is composed of the metal manganese and oxygen. Sphalerite is also composed of sulfur. The most abundant element in the earth's crust is oxygen. It is often found in conjunction with another common element, silicon, as well as the most common metals, aluminum and iron. The figure shows sphalerite, which is composed of zinc and steel.

Crossroads Prism, large fragments Irregular semi-streams. Moson's hardness is 2-2.5. Gypsum is a hydrated calcium sulfate. Propagated sedimentary mineral. Gypsum mineral floors form mountain deposits of the same name. Step into enclosed bodies of water in hot climates. It can also be formed from anhydrite by reaction with water.

Gypsum consists of different brines and has different colors. The colorless form of gypsum is called selenite. The completely anhydrous form of calcium sulfate is called anhydride. Heated gypsum powder with hemihydrated calcium sulfate. Gypsum is a very common mineral. Lithuania is located in the northern part. Its large layers are formed from closed reservoirs, gradually evaporating. Such large gypsum layers were characteristic of the permeability period.

Atoms of elements

The atoms of the elements are made up of smaller particles called elementary particles. An atom consists of a nucleus and electrons revolving around it. The atomic nucleus contains particles of two types: protons and neutrons. The atoms of different elements contain a different number of protons. The number of protons in the nucleus is called the atomic number of the element (for more details, see the article "Atoms and Molecules"). As a rule, there are as many electrons in an atom as there are protons. The argon atom has 18 protons; the atomic number of argon is 18. The atom also has 18 electrons. There is only one proton in a hydrogen atom, and the atomic number of hydrogen is 1. Electrons revolve around the nucleus in different energy levels, kc are called shells. The first shell can accommodate two electrons, the second - 8 electrons and the third - 18, although usually no more than 8 electrons circulate there. In the periodic table, the elements are arranged according to their atomic numbers. Each rectangle contains the symbol of the element, its name, atomic number and relative atomic mass.

The hardness of the gypsum according to the Moson scale. In the construction industry - gypsum, plasterboard, gypsum concrete, etc. for the production of materials. In medicine - for plaster casts. In agriculture, soil improvement.

They can be deposited from hot springs, hydrothermal veins, volcanic plates, or sulfate-rich springs. Another type of gypsum is industrial. When sulfur dioxide is released into the atmosphere, a process is often used that results in large amounts of gypsum.

Periodic table

The horizontal rows of a table are called periods. All elements belonging to the same period have the same number of electronic shells. The elements of the 2nd period have two shells, the elements of the 3rd period have three, and so on. The eight vertical rows are called groups, with a separate block of transition metals between the 2nd and 3rd groups. For elements with atomic numbers less than 20 (with the exception of transition metals), the group number coincides with the number of electrons at the outer level. A regular change in the properties of elements of one period is explained by a change in the number of electrons. So in the 2nd period, the melting point of solid elements gradually increases from lithium to carbon. All elements of the same group have similar chemical properties. Some groups have special names. So, group 1 is made up of alkali metals, group 2 - alkaline earth metals. Elements of group 7 are called halogens, elements of group 8 are called noble gases. In the picture you see chalcopyrite, which contains copper, iron and sulfur.

Scientists explain the appearance of chemical elements by the Big Bang theory. According to her, the Universe was formed after the Big Bang of a huge fireball, which scattered particles of matter and energy flows in all directions. Although, if in the Universe the most common chemical elements are Hydrogen and Helium, then on planet Earth they are Oxygen and Silicon.

Of the total number of known chemical elements, 88 such elements have been found on Earth, among which the most common in the earth's crust are Oxygen (49.4%), Silicon (25.8%), also Aluminum (7.5%), Iron, Potassium and other chemical elements found in nature. These elements account for 99% of the mass of the entire Earth's shell.

The composition of the elements in the Earth's crust differs from the elements found in the mantle and core. So the core of the Earth consists mainly of iron and nickel, and the surface of the Earth is saturated with oxygen.

The most common chemical elements on Earth

(49.4% in the Earth's crust)

Oxygen is used for breathing by almost all living organisms on Earth. Tens of billions of tons of Oxygen are consumed every year, but it still does not decrease in the air. Scientists believe that green plants on the planet emit Oxygen almost six times more than it is consumed ...

(25.8% in the Earth's crust)

The role of Silicon in the geochemistry of the Earth is enormous, about 12% of the lithosphere is silica SiO2 (all hard and durable rocks are one third of silicon), and the number of minerals that contain silica is more than 400. Silicon is not found in free form on Earth, only in compounds ...

(7.5% in the Earth's crust)

Aluminum is not found in its pure form in nature. Aluminum is a part of granites, clays, basalts, feldspar, etc. and is found in many minerals ...

(4.7% in the Earth's crust)

This chemical element is very important for living organisms, as it is a catalyst for the respiratory process, is involved in the delivery of oxygen to tissues and is present in blood hemoglobin. In nature, iron is found in ore (magnetite, hematite, limonite and pyrite) and in more than 300 minerals (sulfides, silicates, carbonates, etc.) ...

(3.4% in the Earth's crust)

It does not occur in its pure form in nature; it is contained in compounds in the soil, in all inorganic binders, animals, plants and natural water. Calcium ions in the blood play an important role in regulating the functioning of the heart, and allow it to clot in the air. With a lack of Calcium in plants, the root system suffers ...

(2.6% in the Earth's crust)

Sodium is distributed in the upper part of the earth's crust, in nature it occurs in the form of minerals: halite, mirabilite, cryolite and borax. It is part of the human body; human blood contains about 0.6% NaCl, which maintains normal osmotic blood pressure. Sodium is found in animals more than in plants ...

(2.4% in the Earth's crust)

It is not found in nature in its pure form, only in compounds, it is contained in many minerals: sylvine, sylvinite, carnallite, aluminosilicates, etc. Seawater contains about 0.04% potassium. Potassium oxidizes quickly in air and easily enters into chemical reactions. It is an important element in the development of plants, with a lack of it, they turn yellow, and the seeds lose their germination ...

(1.9% in the Earth's crust)

Magnesium is not found in nature in its pure form, but it is a part of many minerals: silicates, carbonates, sulfates, aluminosilicates, etc. In addition, there is a lot of magnesium in seawater, groundwater, plants and natural brines ...

(0.9% in the Earth's crust)

Hydrogen is part of the atmosphere, all organic matter and living cells. Its share in living cells by the number of atoms is 63%. Hydrogen is a part of oil, volcanic and natural combustible gases; green plants emit a little hydrogen. It is formed during the decomposition of organic substances and during the coking of coal ...

(0.6% in the Earth's crust)

It is not found in nature in free form, often in the form of TiO2 dioxide or its compounds (titanates). It is contained in the soil, in animals and plant organisms and is a part of more than 60 minerals. In the biosphere, Titanium is ressected, in seawater its 10-7%. Titanium is also found in grains, fruits, plant stems, in animal tissues, milk, chicken eggs and in the human body ...

The rarest chemical elements on Earth

  • Lutetium(0.00008% in the Earth's crust by mass)... To obtain it, it is isolated from minerals together with other heavy rare elements.
  • Ytterbium(3.310-5% in the Earth's crust by mass)... Contained in bastenzite, monazite, gadolinite, thalenite and other minerals.
  • Thulium(2.7 .10−5 mass.% In the Earth's crust by mass)... As well as other rare earth elements, it is contained in minerals: xenotime, monazite, euxenite, loparite, etc.
  • Erbium(3.3 g / t in the Earth's crust by mass)... It is extracted from monazite and bastenizite, as well as some rare chemical elements.
  • Holmium(1.3.10−4% in the Earth's crust by mass)... Together with other rare earth elements, it is contained in the minerals monazite, euxenite, bastenizite, apatite and gadolinite.

Very rare chemical elements are used in radio electronics, nuclear technology, mechanical engineering, metallurgy and chemical industry, etc.

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