Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Modern problems of speech development of a preschooler. Speech development of a modern preschooler child. The topic of the problem of speech development of children

Modern problems of speech development of a preschooler. Speech development of a modern preschooler child. The topic of the problem of speech development of children

  • Frolova Polina Ivanovna, Candidate of Science, Associate Professor
  • Siberian State Automobile and Highway University

The article reveals the problem of correctional work with preschool children with speech disorders. The game techniques of speech formation in children with disabilities are considered.

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The main psychological indicator of the development of a preschool child is the level of speech development. The most important period in language acquisition is the age period from one to five years. By the time the child starts school, the formation of his speech should basically have already been practically completed. The leading role in the formation of the development of a child's speech is played by his social environment, which includes parents, grandparents, close relatives, pedagogical workers of a preschool institution, etc.

It is during the preschool age that most of the speech problems in children are revealed. The main task of parents, pedagogical workers and the district pediatrician is to closely monitor the child's speech development and timely detection of speech disorders. Speech therapists believe that speech defects should be identified as early as possible in order to start corrective work on time. The position of many parents is erroneous, who believe that speech defects can disappear by themselves, that the child will "outgrow" them as he grows up.

Let us consider the main psychological indicators (based on the existing average standards) of the development of the speech of a child of early and preschool age.

  • 3 months - humming, gurgling, crying;
  • up to 6 months - turns his head to the sound, pronounces vowels;
  • year - pronounces doubled syllables, the first words;
  • , 5 years - pronounces separate words and sentences from one word;
  • years - pronounces sentences of two or three words, vocabulary up to 50 words;
  • , 5 years - pronounces short sentences with the pronoun "I";
  • up to 3 years old - barks questions, the use of the simplest grammar, often incorrect articulation;
  • up to 4 years - possible hesitation, passing with age, the use of grammar, although often incorrect, pronounces complex sentences;
  • from 6 years old - knows the basics of grammar, pronounces all sounds correctly.

If you do not correlate in time the correspondence of the child's age and the level of his speech development, then it is very likely to miss the first signs of difficulties with speech, which later can lead to serious consequences.

Lagging in speech development or the presence of speech defects becomes the primary problem of problems with the mastery of reading and writing, which are detected initially at the stage of preparation for school. In the future, speech problems can affect school performance, since in the learning process the child must learn to clearly and correctly express his thoughts, be able to formulate questions and answers in accordance with the teacher's assignment. Language and thinking are very closely related, therefore, a child experiencing speech difficulties will experience difficulties at the stage of transition from visual-figurative thinking to verbal-logical thinking.

Let's take a look at the most common speech problems.

Dislalia is an incorrect articulation, which is expressed in the fact that a child can skip or replace certain sounds that are difficult for him to pronounce (for example, "flower" - "aunt", "kitchen" - "hunya"). The consonants can be rearranged inside the word, and individual syllables are omitted in speech: for example, instead of "candy", the child pronounces "fetka", "cookie" - "cap", "rest" - "kakha", instead of "vacuum cleaner" - "pysyos", instead of "parrot" - "buy", "kangaroo" - "kekuru", etc.

As one of the types of dyslalia, lisp of speech can be considered when a child pronounces the sound "s" with incorrect articulation, sticking out the tip of the tongue between the teeth.

Incorrect use of grammatical forms, omission of individual words or parts of a sentence, and violation of the order of words in a sentence are very common. For example: “I play the ball carefully”, “I will draw the car myself”, “The buttons pressed themselves”, “I don’t want to drink milk”.

Small vocabulary in children who do not meet the age norm is also a common problem.

In some cases, alalia occurs - a severe speech disorder, which consists in the inability to speak due to the pathology of the muscles of the speech apparatus, as a result of which the development of the child's speech may stop at the stage of the appearance of the first sounds.

Very often, problems with speech arise in a child due to reasons of an organic or emotional nature, for example, hearing impairment in a child, which until a certain time relatives may not know, leads to the fact that the growing child cannot fully perceive and understand the speech of adults, as a result of which and the child himself does not have the opportunity to learn to speak correctly. This problem is often faced by parents of premature babies or children who have undergone a serious infectious disease and long-term antibiotic treatment. Very often, the only way to solve this problem is to select the hearing aid on time.

The presence of certain cerebral dysfunction can also cause delayed speech development. In this case, timely prescribed drug therapy and the help of speech therapists will help solve the problem in time.

Problems with speech can also arise in a child due to emotional experiences associated with an unhealthy environment in the family (parental divorce, emotional stress, severe fear, etc.), or due to insufficient communication with parents. In order for a child to develop correctly, he must always have an example to follow before his eyes. In this case, it is live communication with close relatives that becomes a certain model that growing children are guided by. Speech develops only in live dialogue. However, in our time we observe that a lively dialogue with parents is often replaced in a child by communication with modern gadgets (games and cartoons on a tablet computer, smartphone, computer games, hours of uncontrolled watching of television programs and cartoons). In the conditions of the child's involvement in such a virtual environment of communication, the need for real communication correspondingly decreases, which subsequently leads to speech problems.

In order to overcome and correct the speech development of a preschooler, parents and pedagogical workers can use play methods and techniques for the development of speech, since it is play activity, being the leading activity at this stage of development, that is fully suitable for solving this problem. It is necessary to purposefully talk with children on various topics about the world around them.

It is important to correct the child in time if he mispronounces a certain word, but at the same time it is impossible to force him to repeat the same word many times so as not to cause internal resistance.

In order to stimulate the replenishment of vocabulary, it is useful to engage in joint literary work (to compose a fairy tale together, to come up with a continuation for an already well-known fairy tale or for a child's favorite fairy tale, to fantasize with parents on a certain topic, etc.).

It is necessary to limit the viewing of television programs and computer games in order to increase the time for live communication with the child. It will be very useful to have a joint discussion of the cartoons that were watched with the parents.

As an auxiliary therapy for the development of articulation, a system for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers is often used (working with mosaics, small objects, applications, art therapy, etc.).

If necessary, it is necessary to provide timely speech therapy assistance to the child, which can be provided periodically in the form of visiting a speech therapist or classes in a special correctional speech therapy group of a kindergarten, to which the child is sent by specialists after passing the psychological and pedagogical commission.

Thus, the problem of the development of a child's speech is one of the most important problems in the development of a preschooler and a key aspect of timely preparation for schooling.


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Problems of speech development of preschool children in the modern world.

Recently, there has been an active reform of the preschool education system. A lot of new programs are being published aimed at the upbringing and education of children. But at the same time, very little time is devoted to speech education. In many institutions, speech therapy groups began to close, but, nevertheless, according to statistics, the number of speech disorders in recent years has a tendency to increase. The most numerous category among all preschoolers with developmental disabilities are children with speech defects (from 45 to 60%). The upbringing of correct and clean speech in a child is one of the important tasks in the general system of work of a preschool educational institution. The development of speech, including the ability to clearly pronounce sounds and distinguish them, correctly construct a sentence, etc., is one of the pressing problems facing the modern world. Indeed, it is the correct speech that is one of the indicators of a child's readiness to study at school, the key to successful mastering of literacy and reading: written speech is formed on the basis of oral speech, and children suffering from its underdevelopment are potential dysgraphics and dyslexics (children with writing and reading disorders). If violations of sound pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, phonemic processes are not eliminated in time, preschool children will have difficulties in communicating with others, and in the future, certain personality changes on the path of development "child - adolescent - adult" and to fully reveal their natural abilities and intellectual capabilities. The system of education and upbringing of preschool children with speech disorders was given great attention by: G.A. Kashe, T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina, V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko and many others.

Speech is a social phenomenon and serves as a means of communication between people. Timely and correct speech development is a necessary condition for the formation of a personality. Thanks to speech, the child learns the world, accumulates knowledge, masters the norms of behavior. Pure correct speech is one of the most important conditions for the normal mental development of a person. With the help of speech, communication, the child easily and imperceptibly for himself enters the world around him, learns a lot of new, interesting, can express his feelings in words. EI Tikheeva believed that speech is the basis of mental development and the treasury of all knowledge. Caring for the content of speech should go hand in hand, with caring for the structure of speech.

An adult must create special conditions for the development of understanding of speech, activation of the speech apparatus, teach the child to use words, cause the need to speak, and speak correctly and clearly; in addition, the speech of an adult is an object of imitation, and therefore he must watch how he speaks.

Analysis of the current situation in the system of education and training of preschool children has shown that the number of children with deviations in speech development is steadily growing. These children constitute the main risk group for school failure, especially in the acquisition of writing and reading. The main reason is the insufficient development of the processes of sound-letter analysis and synthesis. The process of mastering the sound composition of a word is closely related to the formation of auditory-motor interaction, which is expressed in the correct articulation of sounds and their subtle differentiation by ear.

The prerequisites for successful learning to write and read are formed during preschool age. It has been established that the age of the fifth year of life is optimal for the upbringing of a special, higher form of phonemic hearing - phonemic perception and orienting activity of a child in speech activity. The underdevelopment of the phonetic side in children is the most difficult in overcoming speech disorders, including defective sound pronunciation, it does not decrease from year to year, but only increases.

It has been established that in order to master the sound side of the language, it is necessary not only for children to have preserved hearing and a sufficiently prepared articulatory apparatus, but also the ability to listen well, hear and distinguish between correct and incorrect pronunciation of sounds in someone else's and own speech, as well as control their own pronunciation. In the process of perceiving someone else's speech, the child must comprehend the content of what is being said to him. By pronouncing the words himself, the child not only speaks, but also listens. Children with well-developed speech in the process of communication do not fix attention on what sounds, in what sequence they pronounce.

Any deficiencies in speech limit the child's communication with peers and adults and negatively affect the formation of his emotional and intellectual sphere, and can also lead schoolchildren to academic failure in many disciplines.

The upbringing of "pure" speech in children with speech disorders is a task of social importance, and everyone should be aware of its seriousness: speech therapists, parents, educators.

Speech impairment remains one of the most common forms of pathology in preschool children. Only correct speech allows the child to study successfully at school. The organization of specialized care for children with speech disorders is one of the important tasks of modern speech therapy, since the number of children with this type of defect is growing steadily every year. The task of a speech therapist is to teach a child to speak correctly and cleanly, to help master speech, and to use it correctly. A child's full speech is a prerequisite for his successful schooling. Therefore, it is very important to eliminate all the disadvantages of sound pronunciation even at preschool age, before they turn into a persistent complex defect. In addition, it is important to remember that it is during the preschool period that the child's speech develops most intensively, and most importantly, it is the most flexible and malleable. After all, the ability to use speech is a serious science and no small art.


1. Bogomolova A.I. Violation of pronunciation in children. - M. Education, 1979.- 208s.

2. Gerasimova A.S. Popular speech therapy. Activities with preschoolers. - M. Ayris-press, 2009 .-- 224p.

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5. Maksakov A.I. Is your child speaking correctly. - M. Enlightenment 1988. - 159s.

6. Stepanova O.A. Preschool speech therapy service. - M. Creative Center Sphere, 2008. - 124p.

7. Tikheeva E.I. Development of children's speech. - M. Education, 1972 .-- 173p.

8. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V., Tumanova T.V. The program "Correction of speech disorders". - M. Education, 2010 .-- 272s.

9. Filicheva T.B., Tumanova T.V. Children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment. - M. Gnome-Press, 1999. - 78s.

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Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the development of coherent speech in preschool children

1.1 Consider the linguistic foundations of the formation of the word-formation side of speech in preschoolers, the concept of coherent speech

1.2 Analyze the problems of speech development in modern preschoolers

Chapter 2. The essence of theatrical play and its significance in the speech development of preschool children

2.1 The value of theatrical activities for the development of speech

2.2 Theatrical activity - as a means of speech development

2.3 Classification of theatrical games





The development of coherent speech is the central task of speech education for children. This is due, first of all, to its social significance and role in the formation of the personality. It is in coherent speech that the main, communicative, function of language and speech is realized. Coherent speech is the highest form of speech of mental activity, which determines the level of speech and mental development of the child (T.V. Akhutina, L.S.Vygotsky, N.I. Zhinkin, A.A. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein, F. A. Sokhin and others).

The mastery of coherent oral speech is the most important condition for successful preparation for school. The psychological nature of coherent speech, its mechanisms and features of development in children are revealed in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, A.A. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein and others. All researchers note the complex organization of coherent speech and point to the need for special speech education (AA Leontiev, LV Shcherba).

In the Federal State Educational Standard, the speech development of preschool children is defined as a separate educational area, where it is considered:

1. Possession of speech as a means of communication and culture.

2. Enrichment of the active vocabulary.

3. Development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologic speech.

4. Acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature.

5. Formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for teaching literacy.

The teaching of coherent speech of children in the domestic methodology has rich traditions laid down in the works of K.D. Ushinsky, L.N. Tolstoy. The foundations of the methodology for the development of coherent speech of preschoolers are determined in the works of M.M. Konina, A.M. Leushina, L.A. Penievskaya, O. I. Solovieva, E.I. Tikheeva, A.P. Usova, E.A. Fleerina. The problems of the content and methods of teaching monologue speech in kindergarten were fruitfully developed by A.M. Borodich, N.F. Vinogradova, L.V. Voroshnina, V.V. Gerbovoy, E.P. Korotkova, N.A. Orlanova, E.A. Smirnova, N.G. Smolnikova, O.S. Ushakova, L.G. Shadrina and others.

Most of the pedagogical research is devoted to the problems of the development of coherent speech in older preschool children. Further development is required by the issues of the formation of speech coherence in the middle group, taking into account the age and individual differences of older preschool children. The fifth year of life is a period of high speech activity of children, intensive development of all aspects of their speech (M.M. Alekseeva, A.N. Gvozdev, M.M. Koltsova, G.M. Lyamina, O.S. Ushakova, K.I. Chukovsky, D.B. Elkonin, V.I. Yadeshko and others). At this age, there is a transition from situational to contextual speech (A.M. Leushina, A.M. Lyublinskaya, S.L. Rubinstein, D.B. Elkonin).

The aim of the study is to reveal the pedagogical conditions for the development of coherent speech in older preschool children in the process of theatrical play.

Object of research: the process of developing coherent speech in older preschool children.

Subject of research: the conditions for the development of coherent speech in older preschool children in the process of theatrical play.

Research objectives:

1. Describe the features of speech. To characterize the speech development of older preschool children.

2. To reveal the tasks of speech development in the senior group of the kindergarten.

3. Describe the conditions for the development of speech in older preschool children.

4. Consider the essence of theatrical play and its development in the speech development of children.

5. Determine the importance of theatrical activity in the development of coherent speech.

The relevance of the research: a child's speech is formed under the influence of the speech of adults and depends to a large extent on sufficient speech practice, a normal speech environment and on upbringing and education, which begins from the first days of his life. Speech is not an innate ability, but develops in the process of ontogenesis (the individual development of the organism from the moment of its inception to the end of life), in parallel with the physical and mental development of the child and serves as an indicator of his general development. A child's assimilation of his native language takes place with a strict regularity and is characterized by a number of features common to all children. In order to understand the pathology of speech, it is necessary to clearly imagine the entire path of consistent speech development of children in the norm, to know the patterns of this process and the conditions on which its successful course depends.

Research hypothesis: the level of development of coherent speech in preschool children increases if: the methodology for the development of speech is based on artistic illustrations, pictures.

To solve the set tasks, the following research methods were used: theoretical analysis of philosophical, linguistic, psychological and pedagogical literature in the aspect of the problem under study; observation, conversation, analysis of plans for the educational work of educators; pedagogical experiment; method of analysis of products of activity; statistical methods of data processing.

In the course of the work, the following tasks were solved:

To study the features of coherent monological statements of older preschool children; - to determine the pedagogical conditions for the development of coherent narrative speech in older preschool children and the accumulation of speech content;

The theoretical basis of the work carried out, the provisions on the leading role of activity and communication in the development of personality, the theory of speech activity, formulated in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinshtein, A.A. Leontiev, the concept of speech development of preschoolers, developed by F.A. Sokhin and O.S. Ushakova, based on the formation of linguistic generalizations and elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech in children. In the system of teaching the native language, the formation of coherent speech appears in conjunction with the development of the sound side of the language, the vocabulary, the grammatical structure of the language, a special place is occupied by work on the semantic component of speech. The central concept for our work was the concept of "text", which is considered in modern scientific literature as the main unit of verbal communication. Researchers of the text (I.R.Galperin, S.I. Gindin, L.P. Doblaev, T.M.Dridze, G.A.Zolotova, L.A. , L.M. Loseva, N.S.Pospelov, E.A.Referovskaya, I.P. Sevbo, Z.Ya. Turaeva, I.A. system of language or speech, isolate the proper-textual categories inherent only in this unit. The main characteristics of the text are integrity and coherence. Connectivity as one of the most significant categorical features of a text is characterized by the interaction of several factors: the content of the text, its meaning, the logic of presentation, the special organization of linguistic means; communicative orientation; compositional structure.

Linguistic studies show that the construction of a coherent and coherent text requires a child to master a number of linguistic skills: to build a statement in accordance with the topic and the main idea; observe the structure of the text; connect sentences and parts of a statement using various types of connections and various means; select adequate lexical and grammatical means.

Fundamentally important for our work were the conclusions obtained during the analysis of psychological and linguistic literature that children first of all switch to a coherent presentation in stories of a calm nature (A.M. Leushina and others). Pedagogical research has also proven that cohesion is primarily formed in narrative and contaminated texts (L.G. Shadrina et al.)

Since the scientific and methodological literature sets out conflicting points of view on the role of different methods and means in the development of coherent speech of preschoolers, we considered it expedient to conduct a search and experimental work in which children from 4 to 5 years old (20 people) took part.

speech preschooler theatrical game

Chapter1 ... Theoretical foundations of the problem of the development of coherent speech in preschool children

1.1 Linguistic foundations of the formation of the word-formation side of speech in preschoolers

“Not only the intellectual development of the child, but also the formation of his character, emotions in the individual as a whole, is directly dependent on speech” (L. S. Vygotsky) (19, p. 23).

That is why, among the many important tasks of education and training in preschool institutions, the task of teaching the native language, the development of speech, verbal communication is one of the main ones. This general task consists of a number of special, particular tasks:

Education of sound speech;

Consolidation, enrichment and activation of the dictionary;

Development and improvement of the grammatical structure of speech.

The concept of the grammatical structure of speech includes knowledge of grammar and word formation.

Grammar is a section of the science of language containing the doctrine of the forms of inflection, the structure of words, the types of phrases and types of sentences. It includes two parts - morphology and syntax. If syntax studies phrases and sentences, then morphology is the grammatical study of a word. This includes teaching about the structure of a word, forms of inflection, ways of expressing grammatical meaning, as well as teaching about parts of speech and their inherent ways of word formation. (3, p. 157).

A peculiar mastery of the grammatical structure of the language is an important condition for the full-fledged speech development of a child. Modern researchers of children's speech believe: the child masters the grammatical structure of the language in an indissoluble connection with the entire course of his mental development, in unity with the development of practical activity, generalization of thinking. Scientists characterize the formation of the syntactic component of linguistic ability as a spontaneous process in the child's relationship with the outside world. An adult's speech for a child is the main source of mastering the grammatical structure of a language. This is especially true for children with intellectual disabilities.

In the pre-revolutionary period, information about word formation was usually included in the description of the grammatical structure of speech in the Russian language. The works of teachers of the Kazan linguistic school, primarily I. A. Baudouin de Courtenay, are of the greatest value in the theoretical coverage of the problem. The merit of these teachers is the thesis of the need to distinguish between synchronous (linguistic connections of this stage) and dischronous (the way words were formed in the past), approaches to word formation.

Krushevsky N.V. also carries out the idea that word formation is a system (a word containing a common morpheme, connections of morphemes within a word).

FF Fortunatov made a significant contribution to the theory of word formation. In the lectures of 1901-1902. he clearly delineates approaches to word formation, creates a doctrine of the form of a word, his ability is divided into a stem and suffixes (11, p. 34).

The work of G.O. Vinokur and V.V. Vinogradov was of great importance in the study of word formation. Vinokur, in his Notes on Russian Word Formation, formulated the principles of synchronous word-formation analysis. In Vinogradov's works, word formation is formed as an independent discipline. In articles 1951 - 1952. the connection of word formation with vocabulary and grammar is formulated, a classification of the methods of word formation in the Russian language is given.

Since the mid-1950s, numerous works have appeared on various issues of word formation: B.N.Blovina, V.P. Grigorieva, E.A. Zemskoy, N.M.Shapsky, V.M. Maksimov. The section "word formation" is included in the "Grammar of the Russian language" (1970), "Russian grammar" (1980).

Over the past decades, there has been an active process of word formation in the Russian language. This process directly reflects constant changes in the vocabulary of the language due to various changes in the life of our society.

The term "word formation" in linguistics is used in two meanings: as the name of the process of the formation of new words in the language and as the name of the branch of linguistics that studies the word-formation system of the language.

Word formation, as a special section of the science of language, includes two components - morphemics and word formation itself. Morphemics is the science of the significant parts of the word - morphemes, that is, the doctrine of the structure, structure of the word.

The subject of word formation is the word, the ways of its formation.

The word-formation system of the language is closely related to its other aspects (levels) - vocabulary and grammar. The connection with vocabulary is manifested in the fact that new words replenish the vocabulary of the language. The connection with grammar, in particular with morphology, is manifested in the fact that new words are formed in accordance with the laws of the grammatical structure of the Russian language.

So, new words formed in the language are always formalized as certain parts of speech (nouns, adjectives, verbs) with all the grammatical features of this part of speech.

The double contact of word formation - with vocabulary and grammatical structure - finds its expression in a variety of ways of word formation. These methods can be in the schematic record below (22, p. 19).


1. Affixation:

Prefix way,

Suffix way,

Prefix-suffix method.

2. Non-affix way;

3. Composition;

4. Abbreviation;

Morphological and syntactic;



These methods have a different role in the process of word formation. The most important is the morphological method by which different parts of speech are replenished, albeit with different productivity: nouns are rare (super-profit), adjectives are often (premium, super-powerful).

The formation of speech, namely monological and dialogical, depends on how the child masters word formation and grammatical structure. If the child makes mistakes in word formation, the teacher should fix his attention on them in order to correct them later in a suitable setting.

Speech is a form of communication that has developed in the process of human historical evolution, mediated by language. There are three main functions of speech (7, p. 36):

1) Speech is the most perfect capacious, accurate and fast-acting means of communication between people. This is its interindividual function;

2) Speech serves as a tool for the implementation of many mental functions, raising them to the level of clear awareness and opening up the possibility of voluntarily regulating and controlling mental processes. This is the intraindividual function of speech;

3) Speech provides an individual as a communication channel for obtaining information from common human socio-historical experience. This is the general human function of speech.

The functions of speech reflect the stages of the real process of speech development in ontogenesis. Speech arises initially as a means of communication in its interindividual function and immediately has an intraindividual effect. Even the first early verbalizations of the child rebuild his sensory experience. But all the same, the intraindividual function of speech is formed somewhat later than the interindividual one: dialogical speech precedes monologue. The universal human function (the use of writing and reading) is actually formed in children during school years. It is preceded by the mastery of oral speech by the child in the 2nd year of his life.

Each of the three functions of speech, in turn, is divided into a number of functions. So, within the framework of the communicative interindividual function, the functions of message and motivation, indications (indicative) and judgments (predicative), as well as emotional and expressive ones, are distinguished. In the universal human function, written and oral speech are distinguished.

The communicative function of speech is the original and fundamental. Speech as a means of communication arises at a certain stage of communication, for the purposes of communication and in the context of communication. Its occurrence and development are conditioned, with other things being equal and favorable (normal brain, organs of hearing and larynx), by the needs of communication and general life of the child. Speech arises as a necessary and sufficient means for solving those communication problems that confront the child at a certain stage of his development.

Autonomous speech for children. One of the early stages in the development of a child's speech, transitional to mastering the speech of adults. In its form, its “words” are the result of children distorting the words of adults or their parts, repeated twice (for example, “coco” instead of “milk”, “kika” instead of “pussy”, etc.). Typical features are (7, p. 39):

1) situationalism, entailing the instability of the meanings of words, their ambiguity and ambiguity;

2) a peculiar way of “generalization” based on subjective sensory impressions, and not on objective signs or functions of the object (for example, one word “kika” can denote all soft and fluffy things - fur coat, hair, teddy bear, cat);

3) the absence of inflections and syntactic relations between words.

Autonomous children's speech can take more or less expanded forms and persist for a long time. This undesirable phenomenon delays not only the formation of speech (all its aspects), but also mental development in general. Special speech work with children, correct speech of surrounding adults, excluding "adjustment" to the child's imperfect speech, serve as a means of prevention and correction of autonomous children's speech. Autonomous children's speech can take especially developed and protracted forms in twins or in closed children's groups. In these cases, temporary separation of the children is recommended.

Internal speech. Silent speech, latent verbalization that occurs in the process of thinking to oneself. It is a derived form of external (sound) speech. It is presented in the most distinct form when solving various tasks in the mind, during mental planning, memorization, etc. Through it, a logical processing of the experience gained, its awareness and understanding occurs, self-instruction is given when performing arbitrary actions, self-analysis and self-assessment of their actions and experiences are carried out.

Inner speech is an important and universal mechanism of human mental activity. According to its genesis, it arises from egocentric speech - a preschooler's conversation with himself aloud during a game or other activities. Gradually, this conversation becomes deafened, syntactically reduced, becomes more and more abbreviated, idiomatic, with a predominance of verb forms. On the threshold of school age, egocentric speech turns into inner speech - speech for oneself and to oneself.

Egocentric speech. It consists in the fact that a child of early and especially preschool age, being engaged in any activity, accompanies his actions with speech, regardless of the presence of the interlocutor.

J. Piaget characterized it as (14, p. 29):

a) Speech in the absence of the interlocutor (not aimed at communication);

b) Speech from your own point of view, without taking into account the position of the interlocutor.

Currently, there is a relatively well-established separation of egocentric speech from "Speech for oneself" (privatespeech) as another phenomenon of the child's speech development. The concept of egocentric speech is associated with the egocentric nature of the child's intellectual position, unable to take into account the point of view of the listener. “Speech for oneself” is formed by statements that do not have an intentional communicative orientation, are not addressed to anyone and do not imply signs of understanding on the part of the listener. “Speech for oneself” is multifunctional: in some cases it can serve as a means of indirectly addressing an adult in order to attract his attention; its main function is related to the regulation of the child's own activities - the creation of a plan for displaying his own actions in speech, planning his own actions. The role of “Speech for Oneself” in the mental development of a child consists in correlating the emerging meanings of words with the objective content of actions.

The development of speech goes through three stages (21, p. 17).

1. Pre-verbal - falls on the first year of life. During this period, in the course of pre-verbal communication with others, the prerequisites for the development of speech are formed. The child cannot speak. But there are conditions that ensure the child's mastery of speech in the future. Such conditions are the formation of selective susceptibility to the speech of others - the preferable selection of it among other sounds, as well as a more subtle differentiation of speech influences in comparison with other sounds. There is a sensitivity to the phonemic characteristics of the sounding speech. The pre-verbal stage of speech development ends with the child's understanding of the simplest statements of an adult, the emergence of passive speech.

2. The transition of the child to active speech. It usually occurs at 2 years of age. The child begins to pronounce the first words and the simplest phrases, phonemic hearing develops. Of great importance for the timely mastery of speech by a child and for the normal pace of its development in the first and second stages are the conditions for communication with an adult: emotional contact between an adult and a child, business cooperation between them and the saturation of communication with speech elements.

3. Improving speech as a leading means of communication. It more and more accurately reflects the intentions of the speaker, more and more accurately conveys the content and general context of the reflected events. The vocabulary expands, grammatical structures become more complex, pronunciation becomes clearer. But the lexical and grammatical richness of speech in children depends on the conditions of their communication with the people around them. They learn from the speech they hear only what is necessary and sufficient for the communicative tasks facing them.

So, in the 2-3 year of life, an intensive accumulation of vocabulary takes place, the meanings of words become more and more definite. By the age of 2, children have mastered singular and plural and some case endings. By the end of 3 years, the child has mastered a set of about 1000 words, by the age of 6-7 years - from 3000-4000 words.

By the beginning of 3 years, the grammatical structure of speech is formed in children. By the end of preschool age, children practically own almost all the laws of word formation and inflection. The situational nature of speech (fragmentary and intelligible only in specific conditions, attachment to the current situation) is becoming less and less pronounced. Coherent contextual speech appears - expanded and grammatically formed. However, elements of situational awareness are still present in the child's speech for a long time: it is replete with demonstrative pronouns, there are many violations of coherence. During school years, the child passes to the conscious mastery of speech in the learning process. Writing and reading are mastered. This opens up additional opportunities for the further development of the lexical, grammatical and stylistic aspects of speech - both oral and written.

1.2 Problems of speech development inmodern preschoolers

Nowadays, no one has any doubts that modern children are not the same as their peers were several decades ago. The reasons for this are changes in the surrounding world, both objective and social, in the methods of upbringing in the family, in the attitudes of the parents, etc. All these social changes have led to psychological changes. The number of children with weakened health, hyperactive children, children with disorders of the emotional and volitional sphere is rapidly increasing, many preschoolers have a delay in speech and mental development.

What is the reason for these changes? First, the generation gap between parents and children. The increased employment of parents at work is one of the features of the upbringing of modern children. Observations and surveys of parents have shown that most of them have little idea of ​​what can and should be done with their child, what games their children play, what they think about, how they perceive the world around them. At the same time, all parents believe that their children should be introduced to the achievements of technical progress as early as possible. Only a few parents know that scientists and numerous life facts have proven that the development of a small child, the formation of his inner world occurs only in joint activities with adults. It is a close adult who enters into a dialogue with the baby, it is with him that the child opens and learns the world, it is with the support and help of an adult that the baby begins to try himself in various activities and feel his interests and capabilities. And not a single technical means, not a single media outlet is capable of replacing a living person.

The next problem of the modern preschooler is the growth of "screen" addiction. More and more often, and in some families even always, computers and TVs are replacing reading fairy tales, talking with parents, walking and playing together. A survey of parents showed that their children spend several hours a day in front of the screen, which is much more than the time they spend with adults. And, most interestingly, this suits many parents, especially dads. They do not very often think about the fact that this "safe" activity is fraught with various dangers not only for the physical health of children (visual impairment, lack of movement, poor posture, etc.), but also for their mental development. Television and computer games shape the soul and mind of a modern child, his tastes, views of the world, that is, they take away the educational function of the parents. But little children watch everything. As a result, a generation of "screen" children is growing up.

The result of this is one of the main features of modern children - a lag in the development of speech. Children speak little and bad, their speech is poor. Scientists have found that over the past two decades, the number of speech disorders has increased more than six times. But since speech is not only a means of communication, but also a means of thinking, imagination, awareness of one's behavior, one's experiences (the so-called inner speech, its absence leads to the fact that the child becomes unstable and dependent on external influences, with an inner emptiness ).

Another feature of modern children is their often noted inability to concentrate on any activity, lack of interest in business, which is characterized by hyperactivity, increased absent-mindedness, etc.

It was also noticed that many children now find it difficult to perceive information by ear, that is, it is difficult for them to keep the previous phrase and connect individual sentences. As a result, such children are not interested in listening to even the best children's books, because they are not able to understand the text as a whole.

Another important fact noted by preschool teachers is a decrease in curiosity and imagination in preschoolers, their imagination and creative activity. Such children do not come up with new games, do not compose fairy tales, they are bored with drawing, constructing something. Usually they are not interested or attracted by anything. The consequence of this is the limitation of communication with peers, because they are not interested in communicating with each other.

This is also facilitated by the fact that for the modern child, the children's “yard” community has practically disappeared, in which children could freely play and communicate with each other.

Observations of children also show some of them insufficient formation of fine motor skills and graphic skills, and this, in turn, indicates the underdevelopment of the corresponding brain structures.

Almost all teachers note an increase in anxiety and aggression in modern children. Observations show that most often aggression is manifested with a lack of communication. In children, aggression often becomes a defense mechanism due to emotional instability. An aggressive child often feels rejected, unnecessary. Therefore, he is looking for ways to attract attention that are not always clear to parents and teachers, but for a given child this is the only known means. Aggressive children are very often suspicious and wary, like to shift the blame for the quarrel they have started on others. Such children are often unable to assess their own aggressiveness. They do not notice that they offend others. It seems to them that the whole world wants to offend them. And, besides, children cannot look at themselves from the outside and adequately assess their behavior.

I would like to say about one more problem in the upbringing of a modern preschooler. These are modern toys. Many of them do not contribute to the development of play activities at all. But it is the game that is the leading activity of the child in preschool age. Nowadays toys are aimed at the mechanical use of the manufacturer's predetermined operations, rather than fostering creative play.

Thus, we see that in the preschool age, although there are huge reserves for the development of the child and the formation of his personality, recently they are not always used correctly. It is necessary to realize these reserves in the specific forms of the child's activity, which are most consistent with the needs and capabilities of the preschooler. These are different types of games, construction, visual activity, communication with adults and peers, etc.

That is why the main task of educating modern preschoolers is to create conditions in which the child has the opportunity to play with peers, solve cognitive tasks with them, satisfy their own curiosity, develop imagination, creativity, build relationships with people, empathize, feel care of themselves and take care of themselves. about others. Today, more than ever, it is important to provide each child with attention and care for his mental and physical health, and for this, through the joint efforts of the preschool institution and the family, it is necessary to form in modern preschoolers a sense of emotional well-being and psychological comfort so that they can fully live the most important and responsible period of their life - childhood, in which the foundations of a person's personality are laid.

At present, there is no need to prove that the development of speech is closely related to the development of consciousness, cognition of the surrounding world, and the development of the individual as a whole. The central link, with the help of which the teacher can solve a variety of cognitive and creative tasks, are figurative means, more precisely, model representations. Proof of this is the long-term research conducted under the leadership of L.A. Wenger, A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Elkonin, N.N. Poddyakov. An effective way to solve the problem of the development of the intellect and speech of a child is the method of modeling. Through modeling, children learn to represent in a generalized way the essential features of objects, connections and relationships in reality. A person who has ideas about connections and relations in reality, who owns the means of determining and reproducing these connections and relations, is necessary today for society, in whose consciousness significant changes are taking place. Society is trying to comprehend and rethink reality, which requires certain skills and certain means, including the ability to model reality.

It is advisable to start teaching modeling at preschool age, since, according to L.S.Vygotsky, F.A. Sokhin, O.S. Ushakova, preschool age is the period of the most intensive formation and development of personality. While developing, the child actively learns the basics of his native language and speech, his speech activity increases. Children use words in a wide variety of meanings, express their thoughts not only in simple, but also in complex sentences: they learn to compare, generalize and begin to understand the meaning of the abstract, abstract meaning of the word (20, p. 65).

The assimilation of the abstract meaning of linguistic units, due to the mastery of logical operations of generalization, comparison, juxtaposition, abstraction, allows the use of modeling not only to solve problems of the development of logical thinking of a preschooler, but also to solve problems of speech development, primarily coherent speech. The degree of elaboration of the problem and the theoretical basis of the study. The peculiarities of children's mastery of language and speech in various aspects: the connection between language and thinking, the connection between language and objective reality, the semantics of linguistic units and the nature of their conditioning - have been the subject of study by many researchers (N.I. Zhinkin, A.N. Gvozdev, L. V. Shcherba). At the same time, the researchers call the mastery of the text as the main result in the process of mastering speech. Features of the development of coherent speech were studied by L.S.Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinstein, A.M. Leushina, F.A. Sokhin and other specialists in the field of psychology and methods of speech development.

According to the definition of S.L. Rubinstein, a coherent name is a speech that can be understood on the basis of its own objective content. In mastering speech, Vygotsky believes, a child goes from part to whole: from a word to a combination of two or three words, then to a simple phrase, and even later to complex sentences. The final stage is coherent speech, consisting of a number of detailed sentences. Grammatical connections in a sentence and connections of sentences in the text are a reflection of the connections and relationships that exist in reality. By creating a text, the child models this reality by grammatical means.

The regularities of the development of coherent speech of children from the moment of its inception are revealed in the studies of A.M. Leushina. She showed that the development of coherent speech goes from mastering situational speech to mastering contextual, then the process of improving these forms proceeds in parallel, the formation of coherent speech, the change in its functions depends on the content, conditions, forms of communication of the child with others, is determined by the level of his intellectual development. The formation of coherent speech in preschool children and the factors of its development were also studied by E.A. Flerina, E.I. Radina, E.P. Korotkova, V.I. Loginova, N.M. Krylova, V.V. Gerbova, G. .M. Lyamina.

The research of N.G. Smolnikova on the development of the structure of a coherent utterance in older preschoolers, research by E.P. Korotkova about the peculiarities of mastering various functional types of texts by preschoolers are refined and supplemented. Methods and techniques for teaching preschoolers to speak are also comprehensively studied: E.A. Smirnova and O.S. Ushakova reveal the possibility of using a series of plot pictures in the development of coherent speech, V.V. Gerbova writes quite a lot about the possibility of using a picture in the process of teaching preschoolers to tell a story. , L.V. Voroshnina reveals the potential of coherent speech in terms of the development of children's creativity.

But the proposed methods and techniques for the development of coherent speech are more focused on presenting factual material for children's stories, intellectual processes that are significant for constructing a text are less reflected in them. The approaches to the study of coherent speech of a preschooler were influenced by studies carried out under the guidance of F.A. Sokhin and O.S. Ushakova (G.A. Kudrina, L.V. Voroshnina, A.A. Zrozhevskaya, N.G. Smolnikova, E.A. Smirnova, L.G. Shadrina). The focus of these studies is the search for criteria for assessing the coherence of speech, and as the main indicator they highlighted the ability to structure the text and use various methods of connections between phrases and parts of different types of coherent statements, see the structure of the text, its main compositional parts, their interconnection and interdependence. ...

Thus, the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature allowed us to find a contradiction between the peculiarities of the speech development of a senior preschool child and the theoretical justification for the use of modeling, when teaching senior preschoolers to speak coherently, between the needs of practice in using modeling in work on the development of coherent speech and the lack of pedagogical technologies. focused on modeling in the work on the formation of preschoolers' skills in the field of text.

At the first stage of the study, the following tasks were solved:

1. To enrich the life experience of children; teach to see and name the characteristic signs, qualities and actions of objects.

2. To give children ideas about the sequence of actions of the characters in the literary work, shown in the picture, in play situations; about the structure of a coherent narrative utterance.

3. Teach children to arrange pictures in a certain logical sequence, in accordance with the development of actions.

These tasks were solved mainly in the process of subgroup and individual lessons, in which conditions were created for high speech activity of children, interest in teaching was formed.

In order to enrich the content of the speech, observations were made of the surrounding reality, examination of pictures, conversations on topics of interest to children, during which conditions were created that induce the child to a coherent statement.

A large place was occupied by reading fiction, during which the children's attention was drawn to the composition of the work (how it begins, what the story or fairy tale is about, how and how it ends), to its linguistic features. We used the methods of selecting synonyms for the characteristics of the heroes of fairy tales (the bunny in the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut" is a coward, small, pitiful, oblique, grayish, weak; a fox is a cunning, deceiving, cheating, feisty; rooster - brave, daring, vociferous), individual objects (in the same tale, the bast hut is wooden, made of boards, logs, warm, durable, will not melt; ice is cold, not strong, snowy, for winter, transparent, will quickly melt in spring).

At the same time, the children's dictionary was enriched. Games such as "What's gone?", "What does the toy tell about itself?" So, in the games "What's gone?", "Guess the toy" children learned to select adjectives characterizing the corresponding toy (bear - clumsy, big, kind, shaggy, clubfoot; bun - round, ruddy, fragrant, fresh, cheerful, etc.), nouns corresponding to the location of the toy-characters (hare - mink, hut, forest, teremok; bun - house, stove, etc.).

During the games, preschoolers were taught to answer the teacher's questions not with one word, but with a phrase, sentence, several sentences. During the games, it was noted that some children easily cope with tasks, therefore, in order to complicate things, games like “What's extra?”, “Learn by description”, competition games developed by E.I. Tikheeva were proposed: “Who will see more will say about the bear "," Tell me what you know about the doll Masha. " In them, children learned to independently highlight the object, its signs, name them, tell them in two or three sentences.

For each correct answer, the child received a figurine of a toy he was talking about (a figurine for a flannelegraph), which increased the speech activity of children and made it possible to subsequently use this material in games on flannelegraph when composing plots for subsequent stories (fairy tales).

The role of the adult in play has changed. So, in the beginning, the adult took on the leading role and gave examples of describing toys (objects), and then the children were given independence and the adult only controlled, directed the course of the game, monitored the correct coordination of nouns and adjectives in gender, number and case. Particular attention was paid to the verb, since in the narrative, as linguists emphasize, it acts as the main means of plot development. The ability to identify and name the various actions of the object will be a prerequisite for creating stories of a narrative type.

To this end, children were offered didactic games, which were conducted as part of the speech development classes, as well as outside of them. As an example, let's give a description of some games: "What can you do with this?"

Purpose: activation in the speech of children of verbs denoting characteristic actions that can be performed with the help of certain objects.

The course of the game: the teacher brings the children a package. The box contains various items (car, doll, bear, pencil, paintbrush, pipe, etc.), which may be different each time. “Consider the subjects,” the teacher suggests, “they will remain with us if you not only name them, but also answer the question:“ What can you do with this? ”. Children take turns choosing objects, calling them, answering a question. If everything is done correctly, then the object remains with the children. The desire to get an object prompted the child to search for the right word (a car - to drive, ride friends, ride, carry a load; a bear - to play, put to bed; a brush - to draw, etc.). The teacher with the rest of the children supervises the implementation of the assignments. In the game, natural objects can be replaced with toys, pictures.

After the children learned to quickly determine the name of the object and its purpose, the following game was offered: "Who knows how to do what?"

Purpose: to activate verbs in the speech of children denoting the characteristic actions of animals (people of different professions, etc.).

The course of the game: the game begins with a short conversation about animals (about different types of work, etc.), during which children remember about different animals, professions, etc. The educator then recalls her rules. Each player has a picture: “kittens are playing”, “chickens are pecking grains”, “children are playing”, etc. (“The hen-woman feeds the chickens,” “the children ride the train,” “the children are building a house,” “the children meet the new one,” etc.). Fragments of paired pictures are on the table in front of everyone. Children are encouraged to assemble a similar picture from fragments as quickly as possible. The winner is the one who first folded it and named what animals (people, children, etc.) do.

Purpose of the game: “We will not say where we were, but we will show what we did” - to teach how to call an action a word, to use verbs correctly (tense, person).

The course of the game: the teacher, referring to the children, says:

Today we will play like this: the one we choose to drive will leave the room, and we will agree on what we will do. When the driver returns, he will ask: “Where have you been? What did you do?" We will answer him: "We will not tell where we were, but we will show what we did."

They choose the driver, he goes out. The teacher pretends that he is drawing.

What am I doing? - he asks the children.


Let's all paint.

They invite the driver. Having guessed, they choose a new driver. Game continues. The teacher suggested that the children themselves come up with an action (as a clue, plot pictures were used that depicted the actions of adults, children, animals, etc.). In this game, we teach not only to come up with and show different situations, but also to select the appropriate words, build a phrase, a sentence.

Work on the semantics of the word was carried out in free activities with children. They were told that the same words can have different meanings depending on the communication situation, context. For example: a pen - by a doll, cabinet, etc .; prickly - cactus, hedgehog, bush, etc. Exercises were carried out: "How can you say otherwise?", "Say the other way around." During the first exercise, children got the opportunity to practice choosing synonyms (bear - big, huge, huge; hare - small, tiny; sun - bright, radiant, warm, hot, hot, etc.). In the second exercise, preschoolers selected antonyms (big - small, kind - evil, shaggy - smooth, warm - cold, brave - cowardly, etc.).

Considering a coherent text as a set of sentences, we paid great attention to working on a sentence, taking into account its role in the text.

In addition to the subgroup classes, frontal classes were held, which introduced children to different options for the beginning and end of fairy tales, stories based on finished literary works and a series of illustrations to them. Children told stories and some parts of them.

In the first lesson, children were taught to build sentences for the beginning and end of a fairy tale. The teacher asked the children to remember the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear” (fig. E. Rachev) and answer the questions: “What is this fairy tale about? How does it start? How does it end? " After the children answered, the adult, in a certain sequence, laid out illustrations for the fairy tale (three) in front of them and asked them to say, using the text of the fairy tale, what is shown in the pictures. Particular attention was paid to the first and last pictures, children were led to an accurate reproduction of the beginning and end of the tale. In case of difficulty, the teacher provided assistance, which consisted in the fact that he began a sentence, and the children needed to add the right word.

In their free time, familiar fairy tales and pictures were offered to them ("Zayushkina's hut", "Three bears", etc.). Some children found it difficult to independently come up with a picture proposal and to determine the sequence of illustrations. Therefore, an adult, depending on the situation, either laid out the pictures himself, or did it with him. In these situations, children learned to make sentences, find illustrations that match the text of fairy tales and arrange them in a given sequence.

In order to consolidate the ability to build a sentence that determines the main content of what is shown in the picture, as well as to determine the sequence of actions, the exercise "Recognize and name" was carried out.

The children were offered sets of pictures with the sequential development of the action on the theme "From morning to evening" (developed by the author). The teacher asked: “Look carefully and tell me who is drawn in the pictures? What is he doing in the first picture? What do you think he will do next? Find a picture (the child must find the required picture). How will it end? (The child again found the picture and named what was drawn on it). " The assignments were checked by visual comparison with the correct arrangement of the pictures. Comparing, the child conveyed the content of the pictures in speech.

In the course of completing this task, many children experienced difficulty in determining the sequence of actions and laying out the pictures, therefore they very often turned to the help of the teacher.

In parallel with a series of pictures, dramatizations with toys were used, in which the main characters performed a series of actions (a bear and a bunny swing on a swing; a doll Masha and a hedgehog are building a house; a fox is riding a horse, etc.). Then they offered ready-made play situations created by adults using toys and figurines on a flannelgraph.

Let's give an example of such a situation: "Guests come to the doll Masha." On the table there are toys arranged in the form of a room: a table, cups on the table, a sugar bowl, a kettle; the doll Masha stands next to the table; a bunny and a bear are sitting at the table.

The teacher says: “Today guests have come to Masha. She decided to give them tea. What did Masha do? "

Children: "Put the cups and the kettle on."

Then the teacher performs actions that the children call: “Masha sat down at the table; pours tea; treats guests with sweets; gives a cup to the bear. " In conclusion, the teacher suggested that they figure out what Masha and the guests would do when they had tea. Children came up with a situation, and the teacher staged it with toys ("Birthday", "We are going to visit", "Building a house", etc.).

An important role was played by the questions: “What do you think the toys want to tell us about? (a picture on a flannelgraph?) "(" ... about how Masha met guests; about the puppy's birthday, etc. "). These kinds of questions helped define the topic of the statement.

Playful actions increased the mental activity of children, put them in such circumstances that required the desired statement. The repetition of the game actions contributed to the repeated pronunciation of words, phrases, sentences, fragments of the story and their transfer into an independent statement.

Play situations allowed children to master the skills necessary to build a coherent monologue statement: select lexical material in accordance with the topic and situation of the statement, use a variety of syntactic constructions. They aroused great interest in children and were transferred by them to independent games, accompanied by high speech activity.

At the same time, it was still difficult for some children to compose sentences on the situation on their own, they only finished off individual words and phrases after the teacher.

In order to consolidate the ability to determine the sequence of statements, to see and correct inaccuracies in the text when using pictures, a second lesson was held.

On it, Toropyzhka came to the children from the fairy tale and reported that all their books were "sick." Everything in them is confused: instead of the beginning, the end, and vice versa; in the fairy tale about "Little Red Riding Hood" a Kolobok appears, and so on. Fairy tale characters ask children for help. If they determine where in the story (fairy tale) is the beginning and where is the end; find inaccuracies in the text and correct them themselves, then all the books in the fairy tale will be healthy. Roropyzhka expressed concern about whether the children would cope with the task or not. The teacher calmed him down and said: “Don't worry, Toropyzhka! In order to learn to notice inconsistencies, inaccuracies in a story or a fairy tale, we have wonderful pictures and interesting games that will help children. " Children, with the participation of Toropyzhka, again laid out pictures of the "From morning till evening" series in a logical sequence. The task was carried out in subgroups. Each of them received two pictures: the bunny was sleeping, doing exercises, washing, having lunch, studying, playing. It was necessary to name first the first action and show the first picture, then the second and name the action. If at the beginning of learning these pictures were used to teach preschoolers to build sentences, and an adult provided assistance in determining the sequence, then in this situation each child acted independently. After completing the assignment, the children could control themselves. The manual was made in such a way that on the reverse side each picture had a window, inside which there was an arrow indicating the direction of action. In the course of completing this task, all the children were able to name the actions depicted in the pictures, many told in two or three sentences, but there was a violation of the sequence in the presentation of events, which was indicated by the incorrect location of the cards (8 people out of 20 people).


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    The specificity of the development of coherent speech in preschoolers. The use of fiction as a means of developing coherent speech in preschoolers. Description of work experience and methodological support for the formation of coherent speech of children of the senior and middle groups of preschool educational institutions.

    term paper, added 09/08/2011

    Characteristics of general speech underdevelopment (OHP). Levels of speech development ONR, its etiology. The development of coherent speech in ontogenesis. Study of the level of development of coherent speech in preschool children. Correction of speech of preschool children with OHP.

    term paper, added 09/24/2014

    The problem of the formation of coherent speech in preschoolers with OHP. The concept of general speech underdevelopment. Features of the development of coherent speech in children in normal conditions and with OHP. Development of a methodology for corrective work with older preschool children with OHP level III.

    term paper, added 05/03/2019

    The problem of the development of coherent speech. Features of the development of coherent speech in senior preschool age. The influence of fine motor skills on the development of coherent speech. Diagnostics and comparative analysis of the development of fine motor skills and the development of coherent speech in older preschoolers.

    term paper, added 10/27/2011

    Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of the development of coherent speech in older preschool children. The content of the experimental work on the development of coherent speech in older preschool children with mental retardation.

    thesis, added 10/30/2017

    Theoretical substantiation in the linguistic literature of the problem of the formation of coherent speech in preschoolers. Evaluation of the effectiveness of correctional speech therapy work on the formation of coherent speech in older preschool children with speech underdevelopment.

    thesis, added 10/15/2013

    Features of speech in older preschool children. Diagnostics of the development of coherent speech in preschoolers. Methodological recommendations on the use of the visual modeling system in the classroom for the development of speech with older preschool children.

Interest in children's speech has not waned for many years. One of the great teachers of the past, Jan Amos Komensky, spoke about the benefits of the exact use of the words "about the naming of things completely and quite thoughtfully, about the ability to express everything we think about successfully, clearly and distinctly." ... Comenius was one of the first to write about the development of speech, the problems of studying grammar (its initial stages), rhetoric and poetics. ... Comenius was one of the first to emphasize the connection between thinking and speech, the interdependence of their development and the need for the purposeful formation of these mental processes. “Two features decisively distinguish man from animals: mind and speech; man needs reason for himself, and speech for his neighbor. Therefore, it is necessary to apply the same care to both, so that both the mind and the language in a person are as developed and improved as possible. " ...

The Swiss Democrat educator Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi emphasizing that speech must be developed, starting with sounds, their combinations in syllables, then he proposed “teaching words, or a means of acquaintance with individual subjects” and teaching speech - “... we know about everything that we are able to learn about them. " In his opinion, social conditions and speech environment play a huge role. Adults should talk as much and often as possible with a small child and among themselves about objects and phenomena of the world around them, using many names. Due to frequent pronunciation, the words of adults are unconsciously absorbed by the child, speaking in modern language, a passive vocabulary is accumulated. ...

The development of children's speech, mastering the wealth of their native language is one of the main elements of personality formation and is closely related to moral, aesthetic and mental development, is a priority in language education and training of preschoolers. The development of speech goes in several directions: its practical use in communication with other people is being improved, at the same time, speech becomes the basis for the restructuring of mental processes, an instrument of thinking.

The development of speech in preschool age, as L.S. Vygotsky, goes along the line of combining speech with thinking and its intellectualization. This is the formation of concepts, logic, judgments, semantic enrichment of the word, differentiation and enrichment of verbal meanings. Speech at preschool age gradually turns into the most important tool of the child's thinking. It is known that in the development of speech, in mastering the most important aspect of speech, the child moves from a simple phrase to a complex phrase, to a combination of phrases and sentences. It was just as clear and just as long ago that it was discovered that in mastering the semic (semantic) side of speech, the child goes the opposite way.

In mastering the external side of speech, the child first pronounces words, then sentences of two words, then of three or four, a complex phrase gradually develops from a simple phrase, and only after a few years the child masters a complex sentence, the main and subordinate parts of these sentences, which make up more or less coherent story.

The child goes, thus, seemingly confirming the basic provisions of associative psychology, from part to whole.

When the dogma prevailed in child psychology that the semantic side of speech was a cast from the outside, psychologists drew a number of erroneous conclusions. In particular, this includes the position that appears in many textbooks, which, according to L.S. Vygotsky, now more relevant than any other proposition, is precisely the proposition that in the development of ideas about external reality the child follows the same path as he goes in the development of speech. As a child's speech begins with individual words, nouns denoting individual objects, so, some researchers, for example V. Stern, believed, and the perception of reality begins with the perception of individual objects. This famous substantial or objective stage was noted by Stern and other authors.

In parallel with how a two-word sentence appears in the outer side of the child's speech, the predicate is introduced and the child masters the verb, an action appears in perception, followed by a quality, an attitude, in other words, there is a complete parallelism between the development of the child's rational understanding of the surrounding reality and the mastery of the external side of speech.

When Stern formulated this idea, he knew that chronological parallelism does not exist here, i.e. All these stages in the development of children's ideas, as Stern says, do not coincide with the corresponding stages in the development of the external aspect of children's speech, for example, when a child is at the stage of isolated words, he is at the object stage and in perception. The same applies to the action stage, when the child begins to utter two-word sentences. And here there is a chronological gap in the outer side of the child's speech and semantic activity. However, Stern and a number of other psychologists believed: with a chronological gap, there is a logical complete correspondence, as he puts it, between the child's progress in mastering the logical structure of speech and in the child's mastery of the outer side of speech.

J. Piaget used this position, showing what is revealed in the problem of speech and thinking. After all, speech as a source of the basic socialization of thought is for Piaget the main factor through which logical laws are introduced into our thought, properties that allow the child to communicate with others.

According to L.S. Vygotsky, verbal thinking is a complex formation of a heterogeneous nature. All meaningful speech in a functionally developed form has two sides. This is what is commonly called in modern research the physical side of speech, meaning its verbal side, that which is connected with the outer side of speech, and the semantic side of speech, which consists in filling the meaning of what we say, in extracting meaning from what is what we see, we hear.

The attitude of these parties was usually formulated in a negative way. Psychologists have established and confirmed that the phasic and semic aspects of speech do not appear immediately in a finished form and in development they do not run parallel to the other, they are not a cast of one another.

It is difficult, Piaget says, to find more striking evidence of the fact that it is speech that introduces logical categories into a child's thinking. Without speech, the child would never have come to logic. According to Piaget, the child's complete closure within himself would never have punched the smallest gap in the wall that surrounds the child's thinking.

The semantic side of the first children's word is not a noun, but a one-word sentence. It is already clear from this that a child who utters individual words, in fact, does not put cognition of an object into the semantic side of a word, but a whole, usually a very complex sentence or chain of sentences. If a child's one-word sentence is translated into our language, then we need a whole phrase.

Psychologists approached the problem experimentally and began to find out what is hidden behind the meaning of the first children's word. This is how the first conclusion was drawn, which is the starting point and which L.S. Vygotsky formulated this: while in mastering the outer side of speech, the child goes from one word to a phrase and from a simple phrase to isolating a phrase to a combination of phrases, in mastering the meaning he goes to isolating a single phrase and from a single phrase to isolating combinations of words, and only in the end - to the selection of individual words. It turned out that the paths of development of the semic and phasic aspects of children's speech, not only do not represent a mirror cast, but in a certain respect are opposite to each other.

The old idea that the development of children's speech, or, as Stern puts it, the main work on the development of children's speech ends at the age of 5, when the child has mastered the vocabulary, grammar and syntax of his native language, is wrong: it turns out that not the main, but only preliminary work ends by the age of 5. Age, which was considered in relation to speech development as a period that did not introduce anything new, - the first school age, which was considered as a period only of further quantitative growth of children's ideas and further clarification of elements and their connections within a given representation, this age is now being promoted to first place in the richness and complexity of the processes occurring in the development of children's words.

S.L. Rubenstein noted that the development of speech in a child is mediated by learning: the child learns to speak. However, this in no way means that mastery of speech, one's own language, is, in general, the result of social learning activity, the purpose of which would be the study of speech for the child. Such learning activity is then included in the study of grammar, i.e. systems of language norms, which the child already owns in practice. Only in this way is a true understanding of speech as speech achieved. The child normally masters speech - using speech in the process of communication, and not studying it in the learning process.

The method of mastering speech is organically connected with the nature of speech: speech, full-fledged speech of a person is not a system of signs, the meaning and use of which can be arbitrarily established and learned. The original word of living speech, in contrast to the sign, has its own history, during which it acquires its independent meaning. To master a true word, it is necessary that it not only be learned, but in the process of use, satisfying the real needs of the speaker, should be included in his life and activity. The mastery of speech, the ability to use it for communication itself is preceded by the understanding of the speech of others, which is nascent at first. It is essential in the speech development of the child, representing the initial stage of the main function of communication for him.

A.A. Leontyev notes that speech can occupy a different place in the system of activity. It can act as a tool for not planning speech or non-speech actions, and the nature of planning here will be completely different. In the first case, this is the programming of a speech utterance, in the second case, it is the formulation of an action plan in speech form. These two functions should not be confused in activity planning. Speech can perform the function of control, comparing the result obtained with the intended goal.

Development of speech, teaching the native language Tikheeva E.I. considered in connection with the development of the child's personality. “The ability to articulate speech is one of the most significant and characteristic manifestations of the human personality. Developing speech contributes to the development of the personality as a whole, and any aspect of personality development contributes to the development of language. " Hence, in her opinion, the systematic teaching of speech should underlie the entire system of upbringing in kindergarten. Language is the background on which the pedagogical process as a whole unfolds. There is no part of it that could be isolated from the language, and which, because of this, could not be used in the interests of its development. According to E.I. Tikheeva, language develops in a visual way and in communication with people. Only among the material world can a word become the property of a child in connection with a concrete and clear idea. "The word and the thing should be offered to the human mind at the same time, however, the thing is in the first place, as an object of knowledge and speech." The elementary consciousness of linguistic phenomena not only enriches the mental development of children, acquainting them with a certain, new for them sphere of objective phenomena, but above all, increases the efficiency of mastering the means of their native language. Familiarization with the semantic relationships between words allows preschoolers to more accurately express a thought, select the most appropriate words. The speech of children develops, first of all, on the basis of imitation of the speech of adults, borrowing and reproduction of speech images. From life, practical activity and communication with others, the child draws knowledge that constitutes the foundation of speech development. And at the same time, mastery of speech itself becomes a condition for the success of the child's practical cognitive activity, a means of communication, thinking, and self-organization.

E.I. Tikheeva classifies the deficiencies in the speech of children into three categories: the first - physiologically conditioned speech disorders; the second - speech disorders caused by "shortcomings of an anatomical psychophysical nature" (rhinolalia, stuttering, speech disorders in case of hearing impairment); the third - speech disorders due to the influence of the speech of others. EI Tikheeva emphasizes the need for early diagnosis and specially organized education of children with speech impairments, including "oral and written exercises, influencing the consciousness of children in the same direction, to contribute to the gradual elimination of these errors." ...

A.A. Reformed says that it is impossible to replace the concept of "speech" with the concept of "language", speaking about the development and enrichment of the speech of children, since it means the psychophysiological process. Speech is “different forms of using language in different situations of communication,” language is a means of communication, and speech is the very process of communication. So, in children it is speech that is impaired, and to one degree or another. The language is taught from birth, the child learns to understand speech, learns the language of gestures and facial expressions, intonation. We are not dealing with language correction, but speech, which determines the peculiarities of the work methodology.

The diary, and then the analysis of the speech of the son of the scientist-linguist A.N. Gvozdev.

In this work, the process of assimilation by a child of the phonemic system and the grammatical structure of the language was analyzed. A.N. Gvozdev identified periods in the formation of the grammatical structure of the Russian language, characterized by specific features:

1. The period of sentences consisting of amorphous words-roots, which are used in one unchanged form in all cases where they are used.

2. The period of assimilation of the grammatical structure of the sentence, associated with the formation of grammatical categories and their external expression ...

3. The period of assimilation of the morphological system of the Russian language, characterized by the assimilation of types of declension and conjugation ...

Such scientists-speech therapists as A.V. Yastrebova with a number of works on speech correction. T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkin not only showed how to deal with children with general speech underdevelopment in practice, prepare them for school, but also gave a lot of factual material, as well as methodological developments. A very large contribution to the theory and practice of working with children with general speech underdevelopment was made by R. Lalaeva.

N.V. Novotvottseva provides a large didactic material on different sections of speech development in preschoolers and primary schoolchildren with normally developed speech. ... Provides material for early detection of speech disorders, gives a good theoretical chapter on what you need to know about speech development, as well as interesting exercises on word formation.

In the work of E. Lyakso, both theory and practice, and symptoms of speech impairment are set forth, which should serve as an alarming signal for parents.

L. Volkova and S. Shakhovskaya also dealt with this problem. The chapter on general speech underdevelopment provides a detailed step-by-step description of speech disorders and methods of working with children. Unfortunately, all these works characterize the general underdevelopment of speech, in general, but children with alalia and upbringing neglected children require different methods of work, although both of them have a general underdevelopment of speech.

L.N. Efimenkov.

S.A. Mironova argues that children with general speech underdevelopment go through the same stages of speech development as children with normal speech development, only much more slowly. ... This position is very important to us. The author is a supporter of the theory developed by A.A. Leontiev that speech is an activity. Defining speech as an activity, it is necessary to single out its components: goals, motives, speech actions and means. One of the features of speech activity inherent in preschool children is the fusion of goals and motives of verbal communication, as well as the use of a speech motive, and some other activity, for example, in play. The use of a variety of activities forms a child's need for mastering speech. The presence of a motive (and needs act as a motive for activity) is an important condition, both for the perception of speech and for the active use of it in communication. As a result, speech quickly becomes the object of the child's observation.

In the system of special education of children, the peculiarities of speech communication of preschoolers are taken into account, play and productive activities are used in order to form the need for mastering speech means.

In this case, the system of special education should be based not only on the patterns of formation of speech in the norm, but also on the originality of speech activity in its pathology. It is also important that the tasks of mastering speech are solved in unity with the tasks of the all-round development of the individual. Thus, play acts both as a means of developing speech and as a means of developing a child. A psychological and pedagogical approach to the process of mastering speech is needed.

The works of L. Spirova and A. Yastrebova describe work with children with mild general speech underdevelopment. ... This species is one of the most dangerous because it is difficult to identify, and, therefore, much easier to start. The authors conclude that the entire speech system must be corrected. The implementation of the corrective action is carried out in a very specific way. The essence of this specificity lies in the fact that while working simultaneously on the development and improvement of all components of the speech system, the teacher at the same time (at different stages) focuses on one of them.

In his work I.T. Vlasenko shows the mechanism of speech thinking disorders in aphasia and alalia, provides an interesting theoretical basis, based on the works of the classics of psychology D. Elkonin, L. Vygotsky, S. Ruyenshtein and A. Luria. Provides a deep analysis of the existing literature on speech anomalies and the development of thinking. The author rightly believes that "the term" general speech underdevelopment "used in Russian speech therapy does not reflect the clinical and etiological picture of a particular speech disorder." The author himself examines those studies that have differential diagnostic value in terms of differentiating the features of mental activity inherent in children with primary speech impairment and children with primary mental retardation.

Experimental materials have a strictly directed differential diagnostic task. The book attempts to outline a new approach to the differentiated study of the mental activity of children with speech underdevelopment and mentally retarded. This approach is associated with the application of the method of structural-psychological qualitative analysis of the mental and, in general, the cognitive capabilities of children of one category or another. This approach is important both in theoretical and practical terms, since, firstly, it opens up the prospect of a deeper psychological study of the specifics of abnormal manifestations arising from the primary defect of children, and secondly, it is aimed at further improving adequate research methods and all systems for the selection of children in special school and preschool institutions.

In addition to the fact that employees of special children's institutions are engaged in the development of speech, they must carry out work, usual for a children's institution, deal with the problems of socialization of the child, even, maybe more actively than with healthy children. Thus, it is necessary to know well the peculiarities of preschool age, what crises lie in wait for the child, how to resolve them. It is also necessary to create a team so that the children feel comfortable, otherwise the classes will not be able to be fruitfully conducted. Therefore, in addition to special literature on the development of speech, it is important to study research on developmental psychology. ...

The studies show the psychological and pedagogical features of preschool age, describe age crises, how they manifest themselves, what can be done to help the child move to a new stage of development. Children with general speech underdevelopment also go through all the stages of development, but it is even more difficult for them, since the main communication through speech is difficult.

The fundamental works on the problem of age characteristics, speech development, play as the main activity of a preschooler are the works of D.B. Elkonin.

Elkonin in his works not only gives a detailed psychological description of each age, but also reveals the main type of activity, based on which, the child develops especially fruitfully. This type of activity for preschoolers is play. The author not only gives a classification of games, but also what each game can give a child. Thus, play, which occupies a special place in the life of a preschooler, can help in the work of a speech therapist, and for personality development, and in the process of socialization. It is the imaginary situation that arises in the game that allows the child to look at the situation from a different point of view, to unload psychologically, to become, as it were, a different hero, which makes it possible to better assimilate the material. Role-playing game is of particular importance for socialization and learning. In the game, the child communicates directly, learns the system of human-human relations, which is especially important for children with severe speech impairments, when communication is very difficult. The game is used according to the Elkonin system both for the development of speech and for teaching reading. ...

In modern speech therapy, play is widely used in the process of learning and correcting speech. ...

Thus, classes in special children's institutions should be built in several directions, both in terms of socialization and development of the child's personality, and in the development of speech, and the degree of speech impairment should be taken into account. So, word formation is already a fairly high degree of preparedness of children, a well-developed linguistic ear, certain knowledge of grammar, word structure. Considering all this, word formation should be dealt with already with children with general speech underdevelopment of the third level (according to the classification of LS Volkova, SN Shakhovskoy). For word formation, games and techniques should be used, not only specialized for children with speech impairments, but also techniques used in working with normally speaking children.

Knowledge of symptomatic speech disorders, their causes, mechanisms, the ratio of speech and non-speech symptoms in the structure of the defect will make it possible to successfully and effectively organize a system of classes for the development of speech with children with speech disorders. This amount of knowledge has by now been accumulated by speech therapy - the science of speech disorders, methods of preventing them, identifying and eliminating them by means of special education and upbringing. In order to clearly draw up a plan for working with children with speech disorders, it is necessary to know what is the cause of this disorder and what is its degree.

Speech impairments in children with normal hearing and initially preserved intelligence have various forms, which are characterized by a violation of the formation of all components of the speech system, related to both the sound and semantic aspects of speech. The originality of the pathogenesis and clinical symptoms is noted. A certain unity of clinical manifestations is distinguished: late onset of speech development, poor vocabulary, agrammatism, pronunciation and phoneme defects. On the basis of the unity of these manifestations, a certain category of children with general speech underdevelopment is distinguished.

The clinical, psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with general speech underdevelopment allow us to single out some of the main causes of the defect. This includes the lack of formation of acoustic-gnostic processes, when there is a reduced ability to perceive speech sounds (with normal perception of non-speech acoustic stimuli). Insufficient difference in acoustic features characteristic of each phoneme leads to primary impairment of auditory perception. The consequence of this is a secondary violation of sound pronunciation and syllabic structure of the word.

Often, speech and motor disorders caused by organic damage to the central nervous system become the cause of general speech underdevelopment. Violation of the interaction between the auditory and speech-motor analyzers leads to difficulties in mastering the sound composition of the word, which, in turn, affects the accumulation of vocabulary, the formation of grammatical structure and, ultimately, the mastery of writing and reading.

In the diversity of speech underdevelopment, three levels are conventionally distinguished. The first two levels characterize the deep degrees of speech impairment, with the third, there are separate gaps in the development of the sound side of speech, vocabulary and grammatical structure. The transition from one level to another is accompanied by the emergence of new speech capabilities and depends on the severity of the violation, compensatory capabilities and the time of corrective action.

School-preschool speech therapy achieves certain success in overcoming speech underdevelopment. So, in general, pronunciation defects can be overcome, an active and passive vocabulary is formed, the grammatical side of everyday speech is developed, writing and reading skills are formed, active colloquial and descriptive speech is sufficiently developed. Nevertheless, high school students show defects in complex speech, inadequacy of verbal and logical thinking, arbitrary forms of speech memory, imagination, and inaccuracy of abstract representations. Vygotsky wrote that in a normal child at different age stages of his life, individual mental functions or systems of functions have their own optimal development opportunities. Forming and interacting with each other, under the influence of the increasingly complex influences of the social environment, they in different age periods of the child's life seem to change places, alternately performing either an auxiliary or a leading role in the process of a single integral development of his consciousness and all higher mental functions. So, initially, perception plays in the development of the psyche, then immediate memory, then general ideas, and only by the end of primary school age does abstract thinking begin to develop. Teachers need to know all this in order to continue working with students in the future.

Figurative speech rich in synonyms, additions and descriptions in preschool children is a very rare phenomenon. Meanwhile, mastering speech at the age of 3 to 7 years is of key importance, because this period is the most sensitive to its assimilation.

Children learn their native language by imitating the spoken language of others. Unfortunately, eternally busy parents nowadays often forget about this and let the process of developing crumbs of speech take their course. The child spends little time in the company of adults (more and more at the computer, watching the TV or with his toys), rarely listens to stories and fairy tales from the lips of mom and dad, and systematic developmental classes for mastering speech are generally a rarity. So it turns out that a lot of problems arise with the child's speech by the time he enters school. As they say, in order to cope with the enemy, you need to "know him by sight", therefore, setting the task of developing the speech of your preschooler, let us consider what problems in this area parents and teachers most often face.

Typical speech development problems of a preschooler:

  1. Monosyllabic speech, consisting only of simple sentences (the so-called "situational" speech). Failure to grammatically construct a common sentence.
  2. Poor speech. Insufficient vocabulary.
  3. Littering speech with slang words (the result of watching television programs), the use of non-literary words and expressions.
  4. Poor dialogical speech: inability to formulate a question competently and in an accessible way, build a short or detailed answer, if necessary and appropriate.
  5. Failure to construct a monologue: for example, a narrative or descriptive story on a proposed topic, retelling the text in your own words. (But it is simply necessary to acquire this skill by school!)
  6. Lack of logical justification for their statements and conclusions.
  7. Lack of speech culture skills: inability to use intonation, adjust voice volume and speech rate, etc.
  8. Bad diction.

How to develop?

Many parents rely on kindergarten for solving speech development problems. It is believed that systematic group activities will help the child in this difficult task. Very often these hopes are not justified: in many kindergartens, speech development is not given sufficient attention. But even if you are lucky with the kindergarten, and a worthy place is assigned to native speech in the classroom, it still makes sense to track: does the baby develop enough diction, vocabulary, the ability to use intonation, build a dialogue, detailed answers containing justification (proof). If not, you will have to think about how to diversify the speech practice of a preschool child at home.

Let's see what exercises we can do with the child ourselves. To do this, of course, we need to know when and what stages of speech development a preschooler goes through. Therefore, we have accompanied each exercise game with a detailed commentary.

Exercises for the development of speech in a preschooler:

1. Picture Conversation Exercise

This exercise is suitable for children 3-6 years old and is aimed at developing coherent speech. To build a conversation, any beautiful, best storyline, picture is suitable. It is most convenient to do this exercise while reading. books, putting together a puzzle or some other entertaining game so that the kid does not feel like a "boring lesson". Try to engage your child in a question-and-answer game. Ask different questions using all the different question words: What? Where? Where to? Where? How? When? What for? Why? and others. To "talk" the child, use introductory phrases ("What do you think (think)?", "Have you met something like that ...") or assumptions ("And if ...", "Maybe there is mind ... "," How would you act ... "). If the kid is at a loss with the answer, help him build a sentence, demonstrate how and what you can tell. Children need a model to learn, and we must keep this in mind in our studies. Pay attention to generalizing words and the construction of subordinate clauses, reward the child when he uses them. It helps children learn to think abstractly without relying on specific material or situations.

The Picture Conversation exercise is aimed at developing the so-called "contextual" speech. Initially, the child's speech is directly related to the action and naming of objects. "Dad, give me", "Mom, let's go", "I want a doll (car, etc.)" - the first sentences that we hear from the lips of the baby. This so-called "situational" speech is quite normal before the age of three. However, after three, the child should begin to master abstract speech that is not directly related to the object or situation.

During this period, with proper education, children begin to realize the grammatical structure of speech and consciously "build" sentences. After three, kids learn the bulk of complex conjunctions, adverbs and interrogative words and actively use them in speech, building complex sentences. In speech appear "if then", "because", "because of", "which", "because", "where", "to whom", "whom", "how much", "why", "why" , "how", "to", "what", "though", etc.

If this does not happen, then our preschooler begins to suffer from a pronounced inarticulateness and vagueness of speech. To build a coherent story, a meaningful question, he needs new speech means and forms, and he can only learn them from the speech of others. To help the child, it is necessary not only to talk to him often and a lot, but also to ask him to tell, ask questions and answer them.

2. Exercise "Big - small"

This exercise can be done with a 2.5-5 year old child. For the lesson, you can use a picture book or baby toys. Consider the pictures with the baby, ask him to name what he sees. For example:

See who is in the picture?

Girl and boy.

Which girl?

Yes, the girl is younger than the boy, and the boy is her older brother. The boy is tall, and the girl is shorter.

What kind of braid does the girl have?


Yes, the girl has a long braid. There is even a saying like "Long braid is a girl's beauty." Why do you think a long braid was considered prettier than a short one?

Now on sale there are also special games and books aimed at developing this side of speech. In them, specially selected texts and tasks will teach the child to find words close in meaning to frequently used concepts, memorize new meanings of words, and deal with subtle definitions and clarifications.

This exercise is aimed at enriching the child's vocabulary. After all, the poverty of vocabulary is not only ignorance of the names of objects, phenomena and concepts. This problem concerns the entire structure of speech: the presence in it of a rich range of adjectives, verbs, adverbs, conjunctions, participles. So, for example, if a baby uses the ubiquitous “big” instead of the adjectives “long”, “senior”, “tall”, “wide”, “fat”, “huge”, “roomy”, “great”, you should think about the use of synonyms ...

3. Reading (and singing) lullabies and nursery rhymes

Starting from the very birth, read to the baby traditional nursery rhymes, lullabies, jokes, fairy tales (especially poetic ones) every day. It is very useful to read at night. When reading, make sure that pronunciation is clear and clear, correctly emotionally colored.

Lullabies and nursery rhymes are invaluable material that allows a child to "feel" the language, feel its melody and rhythm, imbued with tradition, cleanse his language of endless slang words. Lullabies and nursery rhymes enrich the children's vocabulary due to the fact that they contain a lot of information about objects and the world around them, they teach children to form cognate words (for example, "kitty", "kitten", "cat"), they allow them to memorize words and forms of words and phrases , and a positive emotional coloring makes mastering more successful. Repetitive sound combinations, phrases, onomatopoeia develop phonemic hearing, help to memorize words and expressions.

4. Interview

This exercise is for children from 4 years old. Invite your child to do the interview like a real journalist. You will be a famous scientist or doctor, and the kid needs to prepare an article about you. The list of questions can be prepared together. Do not forget to prepare detailed answers! You will not only have a great time with your child, but also instill in him social skills, as well as develop the child's dialogical speech.

A very important technique is used in the interview: the child must ask the question correctly in order to get the answer he needs. He will have to use all his language skills in order to competently build a dialogue with the interviewee - that is, with you. On the other hand, the child will have to remember your answer so as not to be repeated in the questions. The game can be varied: interviewing on a variety of topics. This will enrich the child's vocabulary, teach him to build questions. You can also switch roles - then the child will be able to master (according to your model) the behavior of the other side and learn to competently construct detailed answers.

5. "Guess the riddle"

The game is suitable for children from 3 to 7 years old. Guessing riddles diversifies the speech of children. In riddles, the most striking signs of objects or phenomena are given in a concise form. Therefore, guessing riddles forms in children the ability to analyze, generalize, and the ability to highlight the characteristic features of an object and draw conclusions. Some riddles enrich children's vocabulary due to the polysemy of words, help to see secondary, figurative meanings of words. And, of course, they teach children figurative thinking.

To stimulate the child's interest in the proof, point out to the child that a different answer can be offered without proof. For example, the well-known riddle "The red maiden is sitting in a dungeon, scythe into the street." We ask what it is. If the child guessed the answer and shouts "carrot", we ask why. "Because it is red." Well, strawberries are also red - so this is also the correct answer?

You need to try to draw the child's attention to the other signs indicated in the riddle. If the baby has realized and asserts that "sitting in a dungeon" means "growing in the ground", then one can ask a question, is it not a radish - after all, it also grows in the ground and is also red? Now pay attention to the kid and to the fact that it is "she" who is sitting in the dungeon, so that male objects (onions, garlic, radishes) immediately disappear.

The child must learn that even little things sometimes play a very significant role in the proof. Then remember what else is growing in the garden. Why couldn't the author of the riddle have in mind the beets, because they are also kind of red when you cut them? Let the kid tell you his assumptions. Suggest your version: beets are actually not red, but dark brown. Try to come up with your own riddles about vegetables of a different color: for example, "The yellow maiden is sitting in a dungeon" (turnip). Explain that the beauty of the carrot riddle is also that the phrase "red maiden" has a double meaning. the author may not mean the color at all, but the beauty of the object.

The same leading questions can be used if the child did not guess the answer. Thus, the baby will learn to think and express his thoughts, build reasoning.

6. "What would that mean?"Exercise for children 5 to 7 years old

The intonation and emotional coloring of speech have the same meaning as the words we say, because it is by tone that we often determine the speaker's mood and the meaning of what he is trying to convey to us. To show children the importance of this aspect of speech, it is best to use proverbs, sayings, phraseological units of the Russian language. In the phraseological units of the folk language, not only ideas and thoughts themselves are laconically and accurately expressed, but also their emotional coloring (condemnation, encouragement, joy, sadness, affection, anger, etc.). Tell your child a series of phraseological units or proverbs. Think with him what they might mean.

For example, what does it mean to "beat your thumbs", "hang your nose", "ask a headwash", "easier than a steamed turnip." Acquaintance with phraseological units improves the skills of oral speech, develops thinking, imagination.

7. Sayings and tongue twisters

Pronouncing sayings and tongue twisters is useful for all children, even if at first glance everything is in order with the baby's diction. In preschoolers, the speech apparatus is not yet sufficiently coordinated and clearly working. Some children do not pronounce words clearly, are in a hurry, swallow endings, while others, on the contrary, speak slowly and unnecessarily draw out words. It must be remembered that diction is developed with the help of special classes, no one by nature has an ideal pronunciation. Therefore, use the good old tongue twisters, and your baby will have fewer speech problems.

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