Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Kill your loved ones erin dark. Daniel Radcliffe bares all for Vanity Fair magazine. Erin Dark now

Kill your loved ones erin dark. Daniel Radcliffe bares all for Vanity Fair magazine. Erin Dark now

British actor Daniel Radcliffe, who most moviegoers associate with the image of the teenage wizard Harry Potter from the serial film saga, has matured. Officially remaining one of the most eligible bachelors in world cinema, he is not alone. Ever since the Potter series, Daniel has been distinguished by his commitment to permanent and traditional relationships. Over the entire period of his fame, his name is associated with only two girls. Read more about them.

Sophisticated Englishwoman

During the filming of Harry Potter, when asked about his personal life, Daniel invariably answered that he left it for later. The crowds of female fans who met him at film premieres could not confuse him either. Lure anyone - and she will do whatever the star wants. Radcltiffe said that this thought did not seem pleasant to him. Before you go to bed with a girl, you need to get to know her, because after that you need to look into her eyes and talk about something.

Those random ones sexual relations, which took place in the actor’s life under the influence of alcohol, caused a feeling of disgust. “In my opinion, this is bestiality,” Radcliffe did not mince words.

The actor began dating English artist Rosie Cocker after three years of dating. She worked on the set of Harry Potter as an assistant director, and was very attentive and caring towards the young star. “When you meet a girl as friendly and patient as mine, you have to grab her with your hands and feet,” Radcliffe recalled.

Being a shy and inexperienced guy, he decided to kiss only on the second date, and then he clumsily kissed the girl on the neck. He later called and apologized, but Rosie reduced it all to a joke. Their relationship lasted about a year. Rosie was not satisfied with Radcliffe's household habits, his complete inability to maintain order in the apartment and cook normal food. She even stated in an ultimatum form that she was giving him two years for Radcliffe to become a civilized person.

The young people introduced each other to their parents, and the Radcliffe and Cocker families were sure that their children would soon announce their engagement. After completing the Potter series, Daniel went to play on Broadway, and Rosie joined him. It was there, in the USA, that Radcliffe met his second girlfriend, Erin Dark.

Crazy American

Daniel met actress Erin Dark on the set of the film Kill Your Darlings in 2012. At the same time, reports appeared in the press about the breakup of the relationship between Daniel Radcliffe and Rosie Coton. Even then, journalists speculated that the reason for the divorce was Erin Dark.

While still in a relationship with Rosie, Daniel began dating Erin secretly. For some time, the actor could not admit to his faithful Rosie that he mistook tender friendship for love. The truth emerged on its own. Daniel began to stay late on set, justifying his absences by saying that he was spending time with friends. “Your friend wears very vulgar lipstick,” Rosie once remarked, and the young man had to explain himself. He couldn't find the right words, and so he simply said that he fell in love with someone else. Rosie silently packed her things and went home.

Erin Dark turned out to be the absolute opposite of a sophisticated Englishwoman from a good family. Her clothes were too bright, her laughter was too loud, she allows artistic chaos in the apartment, can use strong words and is completely ignorant of classical English poetry. Erin knows hockey, and Deaniel finds her comments from the couch while watching NHL games very sexy.

Additionally, Erin never made any attempt to reform Daniel. Being a little more experienced (Erin is five years older than her boyfriend), she understood that re-educating a man was an unsuccessful and thankless task.

Interesting notes:

Nevertheless, The relationship between the young people was not easy. After completing his Broadway contract, Daniel ran away from his girlfriend to England. He was frightened by the speed with which their relationship began to develop. Before leaving, he got drunk at a bar, mixing liquor with energy drinks, dancing with everyone. Daniel forced the DJ to play the same song, and after he refused, he attacked him with his fists. As a result, the prim English gentleman was thrown out of the establishment.

In London, he continued his wild life, and his relatives barely brought him to his senses, threatening him with a drug treatment clinic. The premiere of Kill Your Darlings was approaching, the premiere of the film that introduced Erin and Dan.

Erin was painfully worried about Daniel's escape to London. She took this to mean that he ran away from her, making him a laughing stock in front of his friends and family. They met at the film premiere, and Daniel should a lot of work explain to the girl. The reconciliation took place, and Erin moved in with Daniel.

The couple has been living together since 2012. and for a long time the lovers kept their relationship a secret. Daniel began talking openly to journalists about his novel only in 2014. In March 2017, the couple announced their engagement, but the wedding celebration has not yet taken place.

In Hollywood they say that Erin is twisting ropes from her less experienced lover, they accuse her of greed and fraud. Evil tongues say that even if the marriage takes place, it will not last long and will end in a quiet divorce with the payment of substantial compensation, as is customary here in Hollywood.

Be that as it may, the couple continues to live happily together. Erin helped Daniel cope with alcohol addiction, which Radcliffe acquired while working on Harry Potter. The couple can often be seen together on walks in the park, at karaoke and in other establishments where drinking alcohol is not provided.

Although Erin Dark is not a star of the first magnitude, her filmography includes about 40 films. Her main achievement is considered to be the fact that she managed to get her hands on one of the most eligible bachelors of modern cinema.

Fans had already stopped believing that someday Daniel Radcliffe would want to tie the knot. His latest girlfriend was Erin Dark, whom he has been dating for five years. This information became known after insiders shared it with British tabloids.

Long preparation and excellent results

According to tipsters, a few weeks ago, the Hollywood actor spent hours searching for the right engagement ring. At the same time, the young man did not care at all about the cost of the symbolic gift, since he tried to pay attention to the preferences of the bride based on his experience. After a long search, Daniel Radcliffe chose a thin wedding ring from white gold framed with diamonds. The proposal was made in an informal home atmosphere over a glass of wine and a delicious dinner. Erin Dark did not at all expect that her lover would already decide to take such a step, but she could not refuse him. According to sources close to the leading actor in a series of cinematic works about a boy wizard, the famous sweet couple plans to hold a wedding ceremony in August, and then go on a honeymoon. What will be the destination of Daniel Deadcliffe and Erin Dark is still unknown.

Changes in role – changes in personal life

Behind Lately The nature of the Hollywood actor's collection of works is undergoing some changes. The young man said that he would like to move away from the clichéd image of Harry Potter. The famous artist is capable of playing roles not only in children's fairy tales, but also in more serious projects. One of them was the film “Kill Your Darlings,” on the set of which Daniel Radcliffe met Erin Dark. At first, the communication between the young people did not imply any romantic overtones, but in the process of working on the film, love ties began between the actors. Since then, the sweet couple has not parted.

Most of the reasons are “for” and not a single “against”

Sources say that the lovers feel incredibly happy. Erin Dark is not jealous of her future husband for his popularity and relevance, trying in every possible way to develop acting. Daniel Radcliffe is also not complaining: over the past few years, his career has been on the rise, and at home the aroma from the kitchen and warm hugs await him. Despite accusations from the public regarding the difference in age and centimeters, this circumstance did not bother the other halves at all. Ill-wishers predicted a quick separation for the sweet couple, but Daniel Radcliffe and Erin Darke continue to fiercely prove the opposite to the world.

The young man also managed to “light up” in the film “The Woman in Black,” and his work “Absolute Power,” in which he portrayed an undercover FBI agent on the screen, collected a large number of positive feedback.

Erin Dark - talented American actress, whose biography itself is worthy of film adaptation: from early childhood, the girl dreamed of fame and high-profile roles and, thanks to determination and perseverance, achieved success. Most famous work Erin became the film “Kill Your Darlings”, but in Dark’s filmography there are still many bright, characteristic heroines.

Childhood and youth

The future screen star was born on September 10, 1984 in Michigan. As the actress later admitted in an interview, she developed a craving for the stage in early childhood: little Erin did not miss a single school performance and soon won fame as the best actress among the students.

After graduating from school, the girl entered the university fine arts in his native Michigan, choosing the acting department. Having become a certified actress, Erin followed the classic path: she began to hone her skills on the stage of the local theater. This work did not bring Dark much fame, but it became an invaluable experience that would come in handy more than once later.

After some time, it became clear to the girl: in order to achieve more, she must continue to study and improve professionally. So the actress ended up in New York, where she enrolled in theater courses by the well-known Bob Krakover. IN big city Erin's talent did not go unnoticed, the girl was immediately invited to join the troupe of one of the local theaters, and also began to be offered small roles in films.


As often happens, Erin Dark's screen career began with unnoticeable cameo roles. However, already in 2011, she was offered four enviable contracts at once. The first film - “Something is wrong with Kevin” - won the favor of the Cannes Film Festival and the interest of the audience. The main role in this drama went to the actress, while Erin played one of the minor characters.

That same year, Dark agreed to star in Jason Reitman's film Poor Rich Girl. Dramatic moments, shaded with high-quality humor, make viewers watch this picture again and again. Here Erin Dark's partners on the set were the inimitable and. Erin herself again appeared in a cameo role, but the girl’s talent was remembered by the audience, giving the actress new fans.

Erin Dark's next notable work was the film Kill Your Darlings. This biographical drama about the life of writers and poet and Lucien Carr, the founder of the beat generation in literature, received a number of nominations for prestigious film awards and even won a prize at the Venice Film Festival. Here Erin appeared in a frame with the actors.

Erin’s equally striking work was the film “The Quilter,” which was released in 2014. The plot, which at first seems simple, gradually captivates the audience, forcing them to worry about the fate of the main characters, laugh and be sad with them. The film stars Neil Jain, Dan Grimaldi, Joshua Rivera.

But another film in which Erin Dark played, “Running from Reality,” did not meet with understanding from either critics or viewers. Many called this drama drawn out and uninteresting. On the set of the film, Erin's company was: Running from Reality premiered in 2016.

Erin Dark also appeared in TV series, although she has not yet received the coveted main role. So, in 2014, the actress could be seen in an episode of the Black Box project with and, and a year later, Erin’s professional portfolio was replenished with a minor role in the serial crime film Battle Creek, where her filming partners were Dean Winters, Janet McTeer . But 2016 brought the actress a more prominent role in the drama series “Riot” good girls».

Personal life

Erin Dark's personal life made almost more noise in gossip columns than a girl's career. The fact is that the actress’s chosen one was her colleague Daniel Radcliffe, who was remembered by the audience for his role as a young wizard. This romance literally turned out to be a work affair: the young people met on the set of the film “Kill Your Darlings.”

Initially, there were many obstacles to the feeling that flared up. Firstly, Daniel was at that time dating a girl named Rosie Coker. There was even talk about the actor's imminent wedding, but he preferred a new acquaintance. Radcliffe later admitted in an interview that the relationship with Rosie had already exhausted itself by that time, and separation was, one way or another, a matter of time.

Another obstacle that could theoretically prevent Daniel and Erin’s romance was age - the fact is that Dark is five years older than the chosen one. In addition, the girl is noticeably taller young man(according to information on the Internet, Erin Dark’s height is 170 cm, while Radcliffe’s height is only 165 cm).

These relationships did not immediately develop smoothly: there was even a moment when the young people parted ways, deciding to take a break in communication. However, they soon realized that they couldn’t imagine life without each other, and they got back together. Photos of a happy couple and speculation about an imminent wedding periodically appear in the press, but the exact date young people have not yet named.

Erin Dark now

Now Erin Dark continues to expand her filmography with new films. Thus, in 2018, viewers already saw Jordan Spiro’s film “Night Comes” with the participation of Erin. In addition, the film “Summer “03” is being prepared for release, where the actress got one of the main roles.

And another premiere with the participation of Erin Dark is the series “Dietland”, which also started in 2018. This tragicomedy, reflecting people's modern obsession with losing weight, has already received rave reviews from critics and has every chance of becoming a new TV hit.

News about next works Erin and also about future plans and details of your personal life can be tracked on the fan page on Instagram,

Daniel Radcliffe is known primarily for his role as the wizard Harry Potter in the saga of the same name, however, as it turned out, the actor is able to transform into not only heroes literary works, but also in real characters. Daniel was recently spotted with his girlfriend, actress Erin Dark, at Cameron's Pub karaoke in Half Moon Bay, California, where he performed Eminem's famous rap song Real Slim Shady in front of an astonished audience. Erin did not began to limit herself to support from the audience - the girl danced next to Daniel on stage and performed choruses with him. Having finished the performance, the actor kissed his beloved, and they left the stage together.

It is unknown when the video with Daniel and Erin’s recitative was filmed, however, having appeared online just a couple of days ago, it has already managed to blow up the Internet. However, like another funny video in which Daniel played the editorial office of a famous magazine.

Daniel Radcliffe and Erin Dark met in 2012 on the set of Kill Your Darlings and made their first public appearance as a couple last year at the Tony Awards.

Erin Dark is a fairly popular American actress, whom many film fans know well for her role as Cindy in the television series “Good Girls Revolt” (2015). Her participation in this series was well remembered, because the actress played one of the main roles. And it was thanks to this project that Erin received a good share of fame.

Also, the popularity of the red-haired beauty simply skyrocketed when the public learned about the actress’s engagement to Daniel Radcliffe, who probably doesn’t need to be introduced. But first things first.

Dark's early years

Baby Erin was born in Michigan, in the city of Flint, on September 10, 1984. The parents named their beloved daughter Erin Constance-Maya Dark. Unfortunately, almost nothing is known about the Dark family, since the girl does not like to talk about this topic.

WITH youth Erin was drawn to acting. And at the age of 13, she performed one of the roles in the Christmas production Visions of Sugarplums.

After graduation, Erin Dark entered the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Michigan. And after graduation, for a long time, young Dark was a member of the theater troupe of the Flint City Theater.

Then Erin realized that she needed to move forward and moved to New York. Here, without any particular difficulties, the young actress completed training in Bob Krakover’s courses and immediately began performing at theater stage and appear in various episodes of film projects. It’s interesting that Dark is so energetic that, in addition to acting, she also managed to work behind the scenes.


Erin Dark is truly a workaholic and never seems to get tired. But this is evidenced by the actress’s rather capacious film portfolio. There are both significant and episodic roles:

  • "Mercy" - the role of Anne.
  • "Obelisk Road" - the role of Emily.
  • "Something's Wrong with Kevin" - the role of Rose's young assistant.
  • "Pan American" - Mimi Narducci.
  • "Better than nothing" - Cass.
  • "Poor Rich Girl" - Teen Employi.
  • “No connection” - Lauren.
  • "Girls" - Stacy.
  • "Two days in New York" - Cynthia's voice.
  • "Kill Your Darlings" - Gwendolyn.
  • "Sidewalk Traffic" - Dalia.
  • Beside Still Waters - Abby.
  • "Black Box" - Claire Timoshuk.
  • "The most long week" - barmaid.
  • "Obshchak" - cocktail waitress.
  • "Irreversible" - Ellie.
  • "Love and Mercy" - Marilyn Wilson.
  • "Draft Day" - Seahawks fan.
  • "Still Alice" - Jenny.
  • "Discussion thread" - Chloe.
  • "Seven Lovers" - Laura.
  • Hunter&Game - Audrey.
  • "Public Morals" - Susie.
  • "Good Girls Revolt" - Cindy Reston.
  • "Running from reality" - Portland girl.
  • "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" - Mary.
  • "Thank you for your service" - Tracy.

And when is the wedding

In 2012, Erin Dark began filming the film Kill Your Darlings. On one set she met her current fiancé, Harry Potter. It is noteworthy that at that time Daniel was dating a well-mannered and reserved Englishwoman, Rosie Cocker. However, their union has already shown a significant crack, so the appearance of the eccentric red-haired beast only dotted all the i’s.

Below is a photo of Erin Dark with her fiancé Daniel Radcliffe.

While Dark and Daniel were dating, there were many rumors about their separation and marriage. But it was only in 2017 that the guys got engaged. But there was no news about the wedding yet. By the way, there was a period when the lovers took a break from the relationship, but it was short and only strengthened their union.

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