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Cymbidium orchids naturally grow in Southeast Asia, Indonesia, and Japan. Fragrant elegant flowers have long attracted lovers of indoor plants in Russia. With proper care, orchids live for about 7 years, and bloom for several months.

Most of the plants sold in flower shops are hybrids. Among them there are gigantic ones: even one such flower is packed by florists in an elegant box - it can be presented as a gift. There are medium sized flowers, miniature and ultra miniature varieties.

The most beautiful are the oriental cymbidiums. Delicate coloration and fragrant aroma make these flowers irresistible.

Orchids of the following varieties are most often found in stores:

Cymbidium Low

The plant is large, the leaves are 65-70 cm long, the flowers are light green.

Cymbidium aloe leaf

Cascading peduncles, medium-sized flowers, about 4-5 cm, orange.

Cymbidium lanceolate

Also a small plant, the peduncle stands upright, its length is 30-40 cm. The flowers have a greenish-brown tint.

Dwarf cymbidium

The plant is not tall, the peduncle is about 25 cm.The flowers are white,

Cymbidium giant

Large flowers, up to 12 cm in diameter, are greenish-brown in color. The height of the peduncle is about 60 cm.

Cymbidium ebourneo

Large flowers reach 12 cm. The petals are of a beautiful ivory color.

All of these orchid varieties usually bloom from January to June. The question is often asked: with all the variety of colors - are there blue cymbidium orchids? No, to get flowers of this shade, a dye is used.

Features of growing an orchid

Orchids have a long flowering period of up to 12 weeks. By choosing different varieties, you can admire the beauty of their flowers throughout the year. It is recommended to tie up falling peduncles so that they do not break off.

Orchids are demanding on watering, light and air temperature.

Plant care at home

Orchid belongs to plants that need careful care. A grateful plant will reward you with long and abundant flowering.

Ground requirements

The orchid responds well to acidic soil, loves light nutritious soil. Usually, all these requirements are taken into account in special potting mixes for flowers that are sold in stores.

If you decide to compose the soil yourself, you need to take light compost soil. It is advisable to add pieces of moss, tree bark to it.

Lighting, humidity and temperature

The orchid loves light, but the direct rays of the hot summer sun will harm it, especially after watering - burns will appear on the leaves. Therefore, the flower can be kept on the windowsill of the south window only in the cold season. Then it is better to rearrange it to the west or east window. On hot days, the orchid is slightly shaded, but in winter a capricious beauty may need a fluorescent lamp.

The orchid loves moisture. If the air in the room is dry, it is better to keep a small sprayer next to the flower and shower it from time to time. It is also good to periodically wipe the tough orchid leaves with a damp cloth.

As for the climate - the most important condition for the proper development and flowering of a plant - is the difference between day and night air temperatures. In the summer, the orchid loves that the air in the daytime heats up to + 22-25 C, and at night it drops to + 15-16 C. In winter, it can be + 16-18 C, and at night + 12-14 C.

The easiest way to ensure such differences is if the plant is on a loggia or in a garden from spring to autumn.

Watering and feeding orchids

Orchids are watered depending on the season. In winter, this is done less often: 2-4 times a month, in summer more often, up to 2 times a week. It is advisable that the water in the pan does not stagnate - this can lead to decay of the roots. And if the soil is wet all the time, mold is likely to appear on it.

The orchid is fed 1-2 times a month. Special fertilizers are sold in stores. Better to apply them at the same time as watering.

During the flowering period of orchids, feeding is stopped.

How to transplant?

If you brought an orchid from the store and it is doing great, then there is no need to replant it right away. Usually, a flower that is well looked after, in particular, the soil is fertilized, transplanting is required no more than once every 3-4 years. The plant can itself "prompt" you that it is time to do it - roots begin to appear above the ground.

The new pot should only be slightly larger than where the orchid was. When choosing a pot shape, prioritize height over width. Any primer for flowers from those sold in specialized stores will do. If you are composing the soil yourself, remember that it should be light. To achieve this goal, you can, for example, add foam crumbs to the soil mixture.

Drainage is laid at the bottom of the pot - small pebbles, charcoal, bark trimmings.

The orchid is removed from an old pot, being careful not to injure the fleshy roots that break easily. At the same time, the root system is examined, if necessary, decayed parts are removed. After transplanting, the soil in the new pot is slightly compacted. It is better to water the plant after a couple of days.

Reproduction of the Cymbidium orchid

An orchid can be propagated by dividing the plant into parts. To do this, the flower is removed from the pot and the root system is examined. Rotten or dried roots are removed. The plant is then cut into several pieces using a sharp knife. Each part should have roots and a pseudobulb.

After that, the cuts are sprinkled with charcoal and the plants are planted in flower pots. Sufficient watering is essential for rooting to be successful. And it is better to keep orchids in partial shade.

Diseases and pests of plants and methods of control

If spots with a gray color appear on the leaves and stems of the plant, this is rot. You cannot leave a diseased orchid unattended. The damaged areas are cut off, the flower is treated with fungicides.

In the event of the appearance of pests such as aphids or spider mites, the orchid is separated from other plants, placed "in quarantine". The leaves are wiped with wet wipes and then treated with insecticides.

Another disease is called "mosaic". Leaves and flowers in this case become smaller and deformed. Such a plant can no longer be helped, it is destroyed.

What to do if Cymbidium does not bloom, dries or turns yellow?

Your capricious beauty does not want to please you with flowers. What could be the reason and what to do in this case?

  • often you just need to wait for flowering - the flower bulbs are not yet ripe. The time will come - and flowers will appear on the orchid;
  • you can help the plant to "gain color" by increasing the acidity of the soil, with the help of fertilizers such as "Kislinka".
  • you also need to provide the orchid with more contrasting temperature drops.

Cymbidium orchid is one of the most beautiful indoor flowers. With proper care, its fragrant delicate flowers will delight you for several months a year.

Cymbidium orchid (Cymbidium) is a beautiful plant that does not require special knowledge of care and special conditions of maintenance. Unlike other species of the orchid family, the cymbidium thrives in a wide variety of climatic zones and blooms on ordinary home windowsills, if the owners of this plant properly care for it.

The origin and appearance of the cymbidium orchid

Back in 1800, a Swedish botanist discovered a new species of orchid - cymbidium. In nature, this surprisingly unpretentious plant can be found in Thailand, Burma, Australia. I can't even believe that such a wonderful flower grows on rocks, sand and just on trees. There are more than fifty varieties of orchids, some grow in the tropics, and there are those that are not afraid of the harsh climate of the Himalayan mountains.

Cymbidium is a genus of evergreen epiphytic plants of the Orchid family. The appearance is familiar to everyone now, you will not confuse this flower with any other. The color range of petals can be very diverse - from pure white to various shades of lilac. Pseudobulbs are located tightly to each other, on their base there are flower stalks. The number of buds varies from 1 to 5-7. There are specimens with more than 10 flowers on their peduncles. Their diameter reaches 12-13 cm.

Is it difficult to keep at home?


There are a great many varieties of cymbidium orchids, but the maintenance and care of them is the same. What types are most common among amateur flower growers and are well studied by specialists?

  1. An orchid that grows in China, Thailand, Vietnam. The oblong, elongated leaves are deep green, the flowers are not very large, the maximum size rarely exceeds 8 cm.The color of the petals is light pink, with small scarlet spots. The flowering period lasts from February to May.
  2. Giant cymbidium. Found in India. It got its name because of the rather long leaves, the size of which exceeds half a meter, and the large inflorescence, bearing from 10 to 15 flowers. The color of the petals is greenish-yellow with purple-red stripes. Blooms from November to April. Does not require special care, very unpretentious.
  3. This type of orchid is common in Burma. The leaves of the plant reach 60 cm, and the flowers are very large, about 15 cm in diameter. The color of the petals is light yellow with small red spots. Blooms from September to January. Requires high humidity and frequent spraying.
  4. ... This name speaks for itself. A small orchid that can win the heart of a grower. Gracefully hanging bunches of small (about 2 cm) flowers give the impression of lightness and transparency. A rare orchid lover will be able to pass by this splendor. It also grows at a wide range of temperatures: from moderately cold to warm. It begins to bloom in August.
  5. Lanceolate cymbidium. It grows in Asia. This species has small flowers of light green color with a red stripe in the center, reaching a diameter of 5 cm. This orchid has wide and long leaves, glossy, rich green.

Amazing varieties of cymbidium - photo gallery

Wonderful cymbidium - an unpretentious orchid with beautiful peduncles Magnificent flowers of a giant cymbidium reach a diameter of 15 cm Delicate clusters of small flowers of a miniature cymbidium Original flowers of Tracy cymbidium cannot be confused with any species of Cymbidium lanceolate - an inhabitant of rocky terrain

What you need to know when choosing a cymbidium

Going to a flower shop, you must definitely know how to choose a healthy plant, which in the future will only delight with its beauty. Of course, you need to pay attention to the beauty of flowers. But this is not important. The main thing is to distinguish a healthy specimen from a sick one, and also take into account several aspects:

Seasonal conditions of detention: temperature, humidity, lighting - table

The conditions for the seasonal content of cymbidium are different and largely depend on the temperature and humidity of the air. Low winter temperatures are very important for this type of orchid. Therefore, it is quite difficult to keep them in rooms with central heating. In private houses, it is easier to find a place with suitable conditions.

Season Temperature Humidity Lighting
Spring Preferred
in the daytime 20-26 ° C, at night from
13 to 15 ° C.
Normal humidity
- 60% and more. V
the hottest days
it is necessary to carry out
daily 3 times
spraying the leaves.
Also follows
take care of
air humidification -
wet pallet
indoor fountain
and etc.
Bright diffused light, but
not the direct rays of the sun.
Eastern or Western
window shaded in
noon hours.
Autumn Most cymbidiums
prefer cool
room 16–20 ° C.
The night temperature is 10–12 ° C.
Should be put
away from batteries
heating. To raise
air humidity
all available
October to March
more light is required.
So put
plant on the south window.
During the winter months
be sure to include

Planting and transplanting

It is advisable to transplant the cymbidium orchid every 3 years. The transplant is done after flowering. If the plant is healthy, blooming well, and is properly cared for, then each green bulb produces 1-2 babies per season. The main point of reproduction is just good care. If it is, then there will be no difficulties with division.

Which soil to choose

The ideal soil for an orchid of the genus Cymbidium is coniferous bark. Why conifers? Because this type of orchid loves acidic soil, and it is this that gives the crushed bark of conifers.

If you decide to make the substrate yourself, then the ratio of the constituent parts is as follows:

  • 3 parts pine bark,
  • 2 parts sphagnum moss,
  • 1 part sand
  • 1 part perlite
  • 1 part charcoal.

There is no urgent need to make this planting mixture yourself. Now in any flower shops they sell ready-made soil for orchids. You can safely use them.

The pot should not be large in volume, otherwise the plant will "fatten", increasing a large mass of leaves, but not bloom. The size of the planting pot should be slightly larger than the orchid's root system.

When is it time to replant?

How do you know if it's time to transplant an orchid into a new pot or not yet? Everything is very simple. Look at the center of the plant pot. If the greenery is very thick at the edges, and the roots have filled the container so that it is impossible to insert a pencil, then the time has come for transplanting a flower.

Step-by-step transplant

Care secrets

The health of the orchid depends on proper care.

How to water properly

This process has its own characteristics. They practice 2 types of watering - watering and dipping.

How do you know if your orchid needs watering? Since this flower is usually planted in transparent pots, it is easy to determine when the plant needs watering. As soon as the condensation on the inner walls of the pot disappears, the roots lose their greenish color, become light and, as it were, silvery, this is a signal that it is time to water the plant.

It is very important to properly water the cymbidium orchid, since the health of the plant depends on this and whether it will delight its owners with flowering. In summer and winter, the frequency of humidification is different. In winter, there is usually little light and plant development slows down. Accordingly, watering is carried out less frequently.

When watering, it is very important to ensure that water does not enter the axils of the leaves covering the pseudobulb. If even a drop of moisture gets there, you need to remove it with a paper towel that absorbs the liquid, or just tilt the plant and the water will drain.

Seasonal watering table

Top dressing

Orchid feeding is simple. Special fertilizers are sold in flower shops. It is preferable to use Ideal, Rainbow, Kemiru luxury. These are proven and high-quality feeding. Fertilization must be combined with every 3rd watering. This applies to the spring period. In June and July, it is necessary to reduce the application of nitrogen fertilizers. Examine the orchid and you will definitely see what the plant lacks. For example, if you notice yellowing leaves, then there may be a lack of potassium in the soil. If the plant grows slowly, is in a sort of inhibited state, most likely, it lacks nitrogen. When the leaf is weakly colored, loses its elasticity, this signals a lack of magnesium.

The solution to these problems will be the use of dressings with a high content of the element missing to the plant.

When the first peduncles appear on the cymbidium, feeding is stopped until the flowering stops completely.


The duration of flowering is different for different varieties of cymbidium. But all varieties and species of this orchid have one thing in common - they will never bloom if the air temperature exceeds + 22ºC.

How to make cymbidium bloom?

In order for the cymbidium to bloom, it is necessary to create suitable conditions for it, as close as possible to those mountainous regions that were its original habitat. What are these conditions?

  1. First of all, the difference between day and night temperatures is not less than 4–5ºC. It is the drop that stimulates the formation of buds. If the orchid grows in a garden or greenhouse and its flowering occurs in spring and summer, then there is no need to specially adjust the temperature regime. But in winter, heating is turned on in houses and it is more difficult to achieve temperature fluctuations here. If you have a warmed loggia, then you can put the plant there at night. Cymbidium orchid tolerates temperatures down to 5–6ºC without any problems. And in this case, you will definitely achieve flowering.
  2. You also need a bright light, but with shading from the direct rays of the sun.

The largest flowers appear in a plant at 3 years of age. At this time, up to 25-30 flowers can bloom on the cymbidium peduncle! And this spectacle can be enjoyed for more than 2 months.

Once the orchid stops blooming, know that the plant is preparing for a dormant period. To provide him with comfortable conditions for the rest, it is necessary to trim. If this is not done, then after a while the cymbidium will gather strength and bloom again. But this greatly weakens the flower, it can get sick and even die.

What to do with a peduncle after flowering?

Yellowing leaves indicate improper care

A novice florist has many questions, the answers to which do not always come on time. And the owner of the wonderful plant makes mistakes. If yesterday the orchid was still healthy, and today you noticed yellowing or starting to turn black leaves, do not rush to panic. It doesn't have to be a disease or some kind of pest that is killing your plant. Most likely, these are symptoms of improper care. What mistakes do the owners of these flowers make? Let's take a look at some of them.

Error Cause Elimination
Shriveled yellowing
leaves with pinpoint
  • Increased air temperature;
  • the root system may be damaged.
  1. Move the plant out of direct sunlight.
  2. Move away from working batteries.
  3. Spray the leaves frequently.
  4. If the roots are rotten, remove the cymbidium from the pot, remove the damage, sprinkle the wounds with crushed coal and transplant into a fresh substrate. Do not water for several days.
Yellowing and rotting
  • Improper watering;
  • moisture penetration into the base of the leaves.
  1. Remove the rotten area with a sharp knife, sprinkle with cinnamon or crushed coal and dry.
  2. Do not water for a week.
  3. After watering, it is imperative to remove water from the axils of the leaves covering the pseudobulb.
Yellowing of leaves
  • Insufficient watering;
  • excessive watering;
  • lack of micronutrients or their excess;
  • natural process.
  1. Adjust watering according to the rules.
  2. During the growing period, be sure to feed the orchid, observing the proportions.
  3. If this is a natural process, do not worry.
Blackening of the tips
  • Waterlogging of the substrate;
  • sunburn.
  1. Dry the substrate and water according to the rules.
  2. Shade the plant from direct sun, especially if you just sprayed the leaves.
Rolling the leaves
  • A sharp drop in temperature;
  • lack of trace elements.
  1. Do not move the cymbidium out of a very warm room into the cold.
  2. Buy the plant during the warm season.
  3. Feed with potassium and magnesium fertilizers.

Diseases and pests

Unfortunately, there are quite a few diseases in orchids. It is affected by fungal and bacterial rot. It is very important to know the signs of the disease, this will help you choose the right treatment. Pests rarely visit cymbidium, but they can still bring a lot of problems.

Causes of appearance, control measures and prevention - table

How to recognize diseases and pests - photo

Resuscitation of an orchid without roots

If suddenly an orchid with rotten roots or without them falls into your hands, do not rush to throw the plant away, it can be saved.

There is another method that can be used to grow roots from a damaged plant. You need to hang the orchid with the leaves down in a closed vessel so that the root formation site is at the top. The vessel must be closed, in the form of a greenhouse. Spraying is carried out 2-3 times a week with warm water with the addition of root growth stimulants. With this method, water does not fall into the leaf axils and does not cause decay. In this suspended position, the orchid is kept until the roots appear.


Cymbidium reproduces in two ways - by dividing the bush and by seeds.

Dividing the bush

This is the easiest way to reproduce. It is combined with a plant transplant so as not to disturb the root system once again.

  1. Remove the cymbidium from the pot.
  2. After cleaning, divide the plant into several parts, while leaving on each divided plant several green bulbs and one brown, old one. It is in old bulbs that the cymbidium orchid retains useful substances, which it then uses in case of unfavorable conditions.
  3. Remove rotten and dry roots, sprinkle with charcoal and dry.
  4. Plant the delenki in a suitable substrate. Spray, water sparingly, and keep in a warm place.
  5. The emerging young leaves will signal a successful rooting.

How to germinate a seed?

You can try to propagate the cymbidium orchid using seeds. Although it will take quite a long time.

  1. Orchid seeds are placed in pre-prepared soil, consisting of crushed moss and leafy soil. The soil must be moist.
  2. It is now very important to set a constant temperature between 22-25ºC and high humidity. You can get these conditions in small greenhouses.
  3. As soon as shoots appear, we dive and continue to grow until 4 leaves appear.
  4. Then you can safely plant seedlings in pots for permanent residence.

The process is complex, time consuming, lengthy, but interesting.

The cymbidium orchid is one of the most beautiful orchid species on earth. For its maintenance, special conditions are needed, but it is quite possible to create them in any city apartment or country house. A little knowledge, proper care - and this queen of flowers will delight you with her magnificent flowers from year to year.

Reading time: 3 minutes

Cymbidium - this is a special kind of Orchid which grows in the tropical regions of India, China, Japan, Southeast Asia and northern Australia. It is one of the most popular Orchids in the world as it is hardy and can withstand cold temperatures and its beautiful colorful bloom lasts quite a long time.

Cymbidium bloom in winter, and ideally about 15 buds bloom on each plant. For this to happen, you need to take care of adequate lighting, proper watering, good substrate and moderate fertilization. But in some cases this is not enough - Cymbidiums stop blooming and at the same time look absolutely healthy. Below are some options to help your Orchids bloom again.


Light plays a very important role in the flowering of Orchids. That's why Cymbidiums require good lighting, especially if they are grown at home. Make sure the plant receives at least 12 hours of indirect sunlight or ultraviolet rays daily. This condition is more acute in the spring, summer and fall months and will ensure that you see vibrant flower buds in the winter.

Wild blooming orchid

If your Cymbidium has stopped blooming, see if you put your flower in a too shady place. During the summer months, it makes sense to move the plant outdoors, such as a balcony. Sunlight in partial shade will promote better flowering.

In the same time too much light can harm the Orchid as long-term exposure to bright sunlight can burn the leaves, and strong artificial light can suppress flowering. The fact is that a decrease in the length of daylight hours with the onset of autumn gives a signal to the plant that winter will come soon, and it is time for flowering.

If you forget to reduce your exposure to artificial light towards the end of fall, Cymbidium won't know it's time to bloom. It is a good idea to lower the night temperature.(at 5-10 ° C). This is another trick to make the plant bloom. Since a drop in temperature will inform the flower that winter is approaching, the natural time of year for Cymbidium to bloom.

Watch the shade of the leaves of the plant. If the leaves are bright green or too dark, this means they are not getting the right amount of light. The ideal leaf shade for a healthy plant that will bloom is a greenish yellow, similar to the color of a green apple.

In addition to lighting, there are also conditions that you, as a florist, should be aware of. This is a must if you want your Orchids to bloom every year. For example, how do you water and feed the flowers?


With frequent watering, the roots of the plant begin to rot, this not only affects the overall health of the plant, but also inhibits the entire flowering cycle... Check if you changed the watering schedule or increased the amount of fertilizer applied. If so, make adjustments as moderate, regular watering and using the correct amount of fertilizer is essential to start flowering.

Bouquet of flower buds

On hot summer days, more frequent watering may be required (1-3 times a week depending on air temperature, humidity, type of substrate and pot), but this frequency should be reduced in winter. But don't forget: with a lack of moisture, the flower can lose buds and discard buds. Use a humidifier, a tray of water under a pot, or spray water over Orchids to increase humidity and reproduce the flower's natural habitat.

You can analyze the salt content in the water, this will help to find out how much this level is increased. When watering with tap water with a high salt content, the tips of the leaves can turn black and dry. This ultimately interferes with the flowering process.

Top dressing

It is important to understand the composition of the fertilizer with which you feed the flower. Usually for Cymbidium fertilizers are used 10-10-10... This means that they each contain 10% nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. A weak concentration of such fertilizer is applied 1-2 times a month along with watering.

If you are using a bark-based substrate, use a high nitrogen fertilizer.

And the last ...

Be patient and don't jump to conclusions, especially if you've recently transplanted a flower. Some Cymbidiums do not bloom for 1 year after transplanting, because they do not like to be disturbed. By following these tips, you you can keep your Orchids healthy Cymbidium and they will delight you with flowering again.

Cymbidium is an excellent representative of orchids. It is very often found in flower shops to create unforgettable bouquets. Recently, more and more new cymbidium hybrids have appeared, which are intended for home cultivation. As for leaving, it is not as simple as it seems at first glance, but if you find an approach to the flower, it will be able to please with its flowering and active growth. Cymbidium is widespread in subtropical forests.

General information about the flower

Cymbidium, like most orchids, is an epiphyte. Its habitat is the crowns and trunks of trees in tropical forests. In rare cases, you can find representatives of the cymbidium that grow on the ground, on rocky soil. The type of growth is sympoidal - the development of the plant does not occur due to the trunk, which the cymbidium simply does not have, but due to the formation of new rosettes of leaves, from which a peduncle appears in the future. Over time, pseudobulbs appear in the center, which are essentially the growth points of the orchid. The peduncle can be either straight or curved, directed downward - spectacular flowers are located on the peduncle itself. Cymbidium blooms for several months. Cut stalks will delight you with their beauty for a long time.

In order for the cymbidium at home to delight you all the time with its charming flowers, it is necessary to create acceptable conditions for the plant for development and flowering.


As for the light, the cymbidium is very picky about it. Most orchids require constant lighting throughout the year. Therefore, when buying a flower, you should take this into account. In winter, even more light is required than in summer. It is also worth understanding that the plant will not last long in the strong scorching sun either. Hybrids are certainly not as demanding, but that doesn't mean you should ignore the right lighting.

Watering and humidity

Cymbidium is a lover of high humidity, especially during the period of its active growth. Moisture cannot harm the plant, as this is its natural habitat. Watering should be abundant. When the cymbidium has a dormant period, then watering can be replaced by regular spraying and humidification of the air.


Most cymbidiums and their hybrids prefer cool conditions. It is very important that there are temperature differences during the day. It is necessary to ensure the temperature difference between day and night in the range of 8-10 degrees. Thanks to such differences, the cymbidium begins to bloom.

Due to the difficulty in maintaining a low temperature, many growers for a very long time refused to grow this type of orchid at home. However, over time, new cymbidium hybrids were bred, which became less whimsical to care for. But you still need to adhere to the correct temperature regime so that the orchid can bloom. During the dormant period, before or after flowering, the temperature should not exceed 10-13 degrees Celsius.

The soil

If you are not very versed in the composition of the soil, then it is best to purchase ready-made soil for the plant in specialized stores. When buying, it is necessary to clarify which plant the purchase is for, since the acidity and content of nutrients in each soil complex is different.

Suitable substrate for cymbidium:

  1. Pine bark mix
  2. Dried fern roots
  3. Live sphagnum moss

If you decide to use ordinary soil, then the roots of the flower will begin to rot. This is due to insufficient aeration of the cymbidium root system. The more air flows to the roots, the less chance of waterlogging of the roots. With good aeration, the risk of the occurrence and development of pathogenic fungi is reduced to almost zero. Adequate oxygen supply ensures proper nutrition of the plant, thanks to the nitrogen contained in the air.

Top dressing and fertilization

Cymbidium is a flower that loves high-quality feeding. The plant is fed at least once or twice during the growing season. Top dressing is required at the beginning of the period, and then at the end. Orchid fertilizer can also be purchased at specialty stores. If this is not possible, then you need to dilute the universal fertilizer in a concentration that is twice the recommended dose.

Watering with fertilizers should be done only on wet soil. Nitrogen fertilizers should be as little as possible, especially before winter, flowering and dormancy. In winter, it is generally better not to feed the cymbidium.

If the plant is sick, then in no case should fertilizing be carried out, as this will only aggravate the situation and can lead to the death of the flower.

Orchid transplant cymbidium

If you create the necessary conditions for the growth and full development of the cymbidium: choose the right soil, provide a high-quality temperature regime, watering, then very soon the orchid will begin to grow rapidly. Therefore, over time, it will need to be transplanted so that the rooting of new pseudobulbs continues. The new flower pot should be two or even three times wider than the old one. The depth of the pot is not so important for the cymbidium.

When transplanting, you must adhere to the following steps, the observance of which is mandatory:

  1. The plant is removed from the pot with gentle movements so as not to damage anything.
  2. The removal of the old bark is mandatory.
  3. Empty, damaged, rotten roots are removed - only healthy ones remain.
  4. If there are wounds on the roots, you need to treat them with activated charcoal, brilliant green or ground cinnamon.
  5. After the performed procedures, the flower is placed in a new soil.
  6. It is not necessary to deepen the pseudobulbs below the previous level. If this is ignored, then the green part of the plant will begin to rot.

Reproduction of cymbidium

Reproduction of the cymbidium is mainly carried out by dividing the bush. This is recommended when transplanting a plant. The process is carried out with gentle movements so as not to damage the mother bush. It is advisable to separate at least three young pseudobulbs. This is because two shoots already have root shoots that will be able to feed the plant until the third has its own root system. Over time, new young shoots will appear on the mother plant.

Cymbidium can reproduce in other ways, but this requires specially created conditions. It is almost impossible to reproduce such conditions at home. Therefore, if you are offered to purchase cymbidium orchid seeds, then this is a fake.

If you love to observe beautiful flowering, then you should give preference to modern cymbidium hybrids, of which, by the way, there are a lot. The spectacular flowers can last up to several months on the plant.

Types of hybrids:

  • Standard hybrid. The height of the plant reaches 150 cm. The diameter of the flower with abundant flowering is 7.5-15 cm. Standard hybrids require a mandatory cool content.
  • Miniature hybrid. The height of the plant reaches from 30 to 60 cm. The diameter of the flower during flowering is 2.5-7.5 cm. Special conditions are not required for cultivation, they can develop well at room temperature.

The color of this flower can surprise everyone, as it is very diverse. Only the blue spectrum cannot be found in nature.

Popular types of cymbidium

No matter how popular this flower is at the present time, it cannot be purchased at any flower shop. The display cases always show hybrids, but not the natural species of cymbidium.

Cymbidium Eberneum- is represented by a yellowish-white color of flowers. The peduncle is erect, which appears in winter. Requires cool conditions for its development. The flowers have a pleasant scent and are decorated with yellow spots on the lips. The diameter of the flower is up to 7.5 cm. There are no more than two flowers on the peduncle.

Cymbidium Tracy- this flower is not wide, has reddish-brown stripes on the petals. The flowers are fragrant, there is a creamy lip with small red spots. Flowering usually occurs in early autumn.

Cymbidium aloe leaf- requires a moderate room temperature. Leaves are hard, belt-like. Flowering peduncles, no more than 50 cm in length. Flowers have variegated lips that are loosely arranged. The flowers themselves are brownish, with a light border. Flowering occurs from spring to autumn. It prefers to grow on a snag or a piece of bark.

Dwarf cymbidium- a rather rare species, although very effective. The peduncle is small - 12 cm. Flowers are 10 cm in diameter. The color is red-brown, the edges are yellow, the lip is cream. Flowering occurs in winter.

If the air in the room is dry, then the cymbidium can become infected with spider mites. When infected with a tick, the leaves become dull in color. It is imperative to spray the plant, wipe the leaves with real beer.

Thrips - can be transmitted from other infected plants. In this state, the flower finishes flowering faster. To eliminate thrips, it is worth spraying the plant with any insecticide after shaking the cymbidium slightly.

Decay of the root system - observed if the cymbidium is in a cool room, watering is immoderate or the substrate for the flower is chosen incorrectly. In this case, the plant is taken out of the soil, dried, the rotten rhizomes are cut off, then dipped in activated carbon or cinnamon. Then it is dried and placed in a fresh substrate. Watering is carried out only after the appearance of the first roots. Prior to that, it is recommended to replace watering with spraying the leaves.

If the tips of the leaves turn brown or yellow, then there are problems with the roots. It is necessary to carefully examine the entire root system. If there are dark streaks on the leaves (but not on the tips), then this indicates a viral infection. In such a situation, the plant cannot be saved.

Cymbidium is a spectacular flower that, with proper care, will actively grow and delight you with its beauty for many years.

Video - proper care of the cymbidium

Have you decided to start floriculture or has it become your hobby for a long time?

Do you like exotic plants, but the very thought of their capricious "disposition" frightens off and it seems that the very word "orchid" contains an intricate care?

In this article, you will find out that everything is much simpler, because there is an unusually beautiful cymbidium orchid, pleasing to the eye, both for professional flower growers and amateurs.

The appearance of these orchids is incredibly diverse. Magnificent flowers of various shades from pastel to rich surround a tall flower-bearer and can be either completely miniature or truly gigantic. Cymbidium giant flowers are sold in gift boxes. The leaves of these plants reach a length of two meters.

Types of cymbidium

It is the leaves that are the determining factor for the identification of a particular type of cymbidium.

Cymbidium lanceolate- a terrestrial orchid with wide oval leaves of a fairly large size - 50 cm in length and 5-6 cm in width, reaches 30-40 cm in height. It blooms with eight to ten flowers at once. The petals are pale green with a purple streak in the middle.

Dwarf cymbidium- pointed curved leaves 20 cm in length. Large flowers, grouped in lush inflorescences, are often warm red-brown shades with yellow edging, with a white lip and a bright yellow disc.

Cymbidium Low- a plant with large linear-lanceolate leaves (about 70 cm in length) reaches a height of one meter and has a multi-flowered inflorescence. The number of yellowish-green flowers with brown stripes on it can reach 35. They are quite large - the diameter is 10 cm.

Cymbidium "ivory"- a straight peduncle about 30 cm high, surrounded by white flowers. An interesting feature is the scent of lilac they exude.

Multi-flowered inflorescence (5 - 15 pieces) of this orchid of a very beautiful milky-creamy shade with a purple central vein.

Sword-leaved cymbidium- a terrestrial orchid with large leathery leaves from thirty centimeters to almost one meter. During flowering, low (30 cm) peduncles are decorated with three to five flowers with a diameter of about 3.5 cm.The petals are green or yellowish with a noticeable central stripe and bright purple spots at the base.

A fairly large plant, whose linear-belt-like leaves reach 60 cm in length and two in width. Inflorescences of 15 - 20 flowers with yellowish-green petals with reddish spots along the veins.

- this plant also has linear-belt-like leathery leaves 30 cm in length, and small bright flowers form a bunch up to 40 cm long. As a rule, the petals are yellow, with a purple spot.

Cymbidium giant- Biseriate linear-lanceolate pointed leaves of this orchid reach 60 cm in length and 3 cm in width. Flowers 10-12 cm in diameter make up a loose, hanging inflorescence. Petals of a yellow-green dull shade with frequent red-purple stripes.

Cymbidium noticeable- The oblong leaves of this terrestrial orchid are quite large - 70 cm in length, as well as the peduncle, reaching a height of 80 cm. Flowers with a diameter of 7-9 cm form a cluster of ten or fifteen pieces. Their petals are pale pink or white with red spots.

It is worth noting that all the variety of species pleases us with their flowers at different times of the year, and the period of their flowering is equally long - about 9-10 weeks.

This beautiful flower was first mentioned in the writings of Confucius more than two and a half thousand years ago. Even then, he was very much appreciated in his homeland for his wonderful rich aroma. It was for him that these orchids were bred in China, India and Japan. Today, various types of cybidium are also found in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia and in the lowlands, and at an altitude of up to three kilometers above sea level.

The first European to classify and study cybidium in the 18th century was the Swedish botanist Karl Linnaeus. And, it should be noted, this type of orchid was not immediately spread and recognized in the Old World. However, due to its exceptional hybridization ability, durability and unpretentiousness, the flower took root in a new place in an already modified and supplemented form.

European experts focused on the selection not of fragrant plants (as, for example, in ancient China), but of ornamental ones. Thus, to one distinctive feature of cybidium - a rich aroma, another was added - a huge number of decorative species of this plant that are different from each other in flowers and leaves.

Cymbidium care

If now you have already definitely decided to purchase this wonderful flower, it will be useful to learn how to properly care for an orchid.

First, a few words about the structure:

At the base of the cymbidium there is a rhizome - rhizome, with shoots extending from it ( growths). It is from them that new roots grow in the spring. Also, cybidium is distinguished pseudobulbs- thickening at the base of the shoots, accumulating nutrients and moisture and giving growth to flower arrows.

As they grow back, they need to be tied to supports in order to avoid curved irregular growth. Leaves and pseudobulbs are perennial parts of the plant. They are removed only after final drying.

Location of the cymbidium in the house

This is a very light-loving plant - a lack of lighting during the period of growth of peduncles will lead to their drying out. However, it cannot stand direct sunlight, especially in the middle of the day. At this time, it is better to shade it or choose a place away from the window.

If you still want to see this flower on the windowsill, pay attention to the east, west or southwest. Too high temperatures of the southern and southwestern window sills are categorically contraindicated for him in the summer, and the poorly lit northern and northeastern ones will not allow the flower to develop correctly in the autumn-winter period.

It is worth remembering that an ordinary cymbidium takes up quite a lot of space, therefore, for "life" on the windowsill, it is better to choose its miniature varieties.

Temperature regime

For normal growth and flowering, cybidium needs daily temperature fluctuations. We are talking about a decrease of 3-4 degrees at night. In summer, the temperature can reach 27 ° C, in winter it should not exceed 17 - 18 ° C in the daytime.

It is noteworthy that the cybidium does not hibernate. Modern species can bloom all year round, therefore the optimal temperature is still 16 - 20 ° C. So these plants will delight you with confident growth and frequent long flowering.

Watering and humidity

It is best if the humidity in the room with orchids is 50 - 60%. The fact is that these are moisture-loving plants that require watering at least 3-4 times a week. For this, ordinary settled water at room temperature is suitable.

Care must be taken to ensure that the pallet is not too damp. The abundance of moisture in it will lead to decay of the roots and death of the flower. Just drain the excess in a timely manner. Water the cybidium from time to time with warm water (30 - 35 ° C) - this has a beneficial effect on its growth rate.

If you cannot create the necessary humidity in the whole room, spray the flower every day, install a decorative fountain next to it, or simply put a damp towel on the battery during the heating season.

Liquid nitrogenous fertilizers are added to the soil at least once a month. It is worth watering the cybidium with top dressing regardless of the season, but focusing on the cycle of the plant itself - the orchid especially needs feeding at the moment of development of young shoots. During the dormant period and during flowering, it does not need to be fertilized.

Root and leaf care

The size of the roots of the cymbidium suggests a large, upright pot. They are always directed into the soil and grow deeper. At least once a month, the plant should be rinsed under running water to clean the substrate and roots.

In approximately the same mode, it is necessary to wipe the leaves from dust. They are quite large and long and often become a household “dust collector”.


It is better not to perform this manipulation unless absolutely necessary. Cymbidium does not like this kind of intervention, therefore, only in an emergency, when, for example, a plant no longer fits in an old pot or has grown roots to a pot, is it worth the risk. Sometimes the intervention can be from the relatives to the rescue of the drowning.

If you still had to do this, remember:

  • The best time to "change the place of residence" of the cymbidium is the period after flowering and until the moment when new shoots grow more than 15 cm and acquire their own roots.
  • In no case should pseudobulbs be buried so that they do not start to rot.
  • For transplanting, choose the beginning of spring. At this time, the chances of keeping the flower are highest.


Or, as it is also called substrate. For orchids of this species, it consists of fine and medium bark, peat, sand and gravel. The bottom line is that by creating good drainage, the soil still retains moisture. Place gravel at the bottom of the pot, and mix all the other components.


Cymbidium reproduces successfully by division - in the simplest and fastest way. It belongs to the sympodially growing flowers, which are characterized by the presence of several growth points.

After a certain time (preferably from three years or more), the sprouts thicken, turning into pseudobulbs, which can be easily separated during transplantation and placed in a separate flowerpot.

An adult donor plant should have a sufficient number of shoots at the time of reproduction. Only in this case it will be possible to divide it in such a way that 2-3 pseudobulbs remain on all parts of the flower.

The pot is chosen with the expectation that the extensive root system in the future will have enough space in it for several years. Although it is not worth buying a pot too "for growth". Like large clothes on a person, a large pot with a baby will look ridiculous.

Just as firms offer tailoring of uniforms in St. Petersburg, flower shops delight us with new models, colors and fashionable floral trends in the production of pots. You can take a chance and order at least a uniform, at least a flower pot on the Internet in such popular stores now.

Mixed soil is preferable for transplanting - coarse sand, leaf and coniferous soil, coal. As we remember, the orchid does not tolerate dampness, which means that you need to take care of proper drainage. To do this, it is enough to fill a third of the pot with expanded clay or pebbles.

So, as we can see, the wonderful cymbidium does not require any super-complicated care and manipulation! Try it, friends! The beauty and scent of these flowers is worth it!

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