Home Grape What exercises are right for your body type. Thesis: Study of the strength training of girls and women engaged in fitness.

What exercises are right for your body type. Thesis: Study of the strength training of girls and women engaged in fitness.

The journal "Omsk Scientific Bulletin" published an interesting study on the influence of various means of fitness training on the indicators of physical development and strength abilities of women 25-35 years old. We are sure that many professionals may find it interesting.

The article presents the specificity of influence on the motor sphere and physical development of women aged 25–35 years of such means of fitness training of strength orientation as the Pilates system (exercises performed in a static-dynamic mode) and athletic gymnastics (exercises performed in a dynamic mode). The features in the manifestation of strength abilities and their dynamics in the process of fitness training using various means and modes of work with women of 25–35 years old are shown.

ProblemThe research consists in the lack of data on the influence of various types of fitness training of strength orientation on the indicators of physical development and the manifestation of strength abilities of women of mature age.

Introduction.The analysis of scientific and methodological literature has shown that in recent years various areas of fitness are gaining popularity, such as aqua aerobics, slide aerobics, step aerobics, power aerobics, Pilates system, fitness yoga, body flex, body pump, etc. However, despite the positive impact of exercise on health, it should be borne in mind that fitness unites people of different sex, age, level of physical fitness and health, which requires a deeper theoretical and experimental substantiation of different types of fitness for different contingent of people involved.

The results of our own research showed that when comparing the adaptive effects in the process of practicing various types of fitness (aerobics, step aerobics, fitness yoga, Pilates), the most significant positive changes in strength abilities and the state of the musculoskeletal system were observed in young and mature women according to the Pilates system and athletic gymnastics with a mini-bar.

Despite the fact that today, almost all fitness clubs in our country conduct strength training using the means of the Pilates system and athletic exercises with a mini-barbell, until now in the scientific and methodological literature there is extremely insufficient data on the specifics of the influence of these types of strength fitness for the development of physical qualities and functional state of women of mature age.

Objectresearch is the process of physical training of women 25–35 years old, engaged in various types of fitness training of strength orientation.

Subjectresearch is the dynamics of indicators of physical development and strength abilities of women 25–35 years old under the influence of training with a mini-barbell and the Pilates system.

Purpose of the studyconsists in determining the characteristics of the influence of various means of fitness training (Pilates system and exercises with a mini-barbell) on the indicators of physical development and strength abilities of women 25–35 years old.

Hypothesisresearch: studying the specifics of the influence of various types of fitness training of strength orientation on the indicators of physical development and strength abilities of women 25-35 years old will justify the most effective means, methods, methodological techniques in fitness classes, depending on the individual characteristics of the physical condition, interests and needs of those involved ...

Research objectives:1. To reveal the organizational and methodological peculiarities of conducting fitness trainings according to the Pilates system and exercises with a mini-barbell for women 25–35 years old. 2. Conduct a comparative analysis of the influence of various types of fitness training on the indicators of physical development and strength abilities of women 25–35 years old.

Research methods:testing (to assess the level of development of absolute strength and strength endurance of large muscle groups in exercises of a static and dynamic nature); pedagogical observation; pedagogical experiment; methods of mathematical statistics.

Organization of the study.The study was carried out on the basis of the fitness club "KuKobra" in the city of Omsk for 9 months. The study involved 60 women 25–35 years old. One group consisted of 30 women who trained in the Pilates system, the second group consisted of 30 women who train with a mini-bar.

Research results.To solve the first problem of the study, a comparative analysis of the methods of conducting fitness classes with women using the Pilates system and athletic gymnastics with a mini-bar was carried out. The general characteristics of the techniques are presented in table. 1.

The means of the Pilates system include isotonic exercises performed in a static-dynamic mode of work. The specificity of isotonic exercises is the maintenance of a sufficiently long period of time (until failure or pain in the working muscles) of muscle tension, which helps to reduce the fat component; creation of a general, so-called "anabolic" background to ensure positive rearrangements in the body; reflex and mechanical impact on internal organs in order to normalize their work; training of vascular reactions and improvement of tissue nutrition, trophism of intervertebral discs, reduction of hypertonicity of deep muscles of the spine, creation of a "muscle corset".

During the Pilates exercises, the frontal organization method was used, the trainings were accompanied by musical accompaniment. The tempo of the music was 90–112 bpm. The heart rate load intensity ranged from 90 to 130 beats / min. The classes were aimed at improving the functional state of the musculoskeletal system: increasing the strength of the trunk muscles and increasing the elasticity of the articular-ligamentous apparatus. In a weekly cycle, fitness training means alternated: exercises of the Pilates system, isotonic exercises with fitball, flexibol, rubber shock absorber, which were performed in a static-dynamic mode in a continuous way. In the final part of the lesson, stretching, elements of hatha yoga, relaxation were used.

The main means of fitness training with a mini-barbell were exercises of a dynamic nature, which were performed in overcoming (when lifting the barbell) and yielding (lowering
rods) modes. Working with weights in a dynamic mode in the shortest possible time allows you to fight overweight. Strength training, like no other, leads to significant structural changes in muscles. In the process of training with a mini-bar, muscle mass increases and the fat component decreases, which allows you to improve the parameters of the physique and helps to improve the activity of the cardiorespiratory system of those involved.

In the exercises with the mini-bar, the interval method was used, the tempo of the musical accompaniment was from 125 to 135 beats / min (heart rate in the range of 120-150 beats / min). The main focus of the training was the development of strength endurance of large muscle groups. The means were strength exercises, exercises with a mini-bar (weight from 5 to 15 kg), in the final part of the lesson - stretching. Classes on these types of fitness training were held three times a week for 60 minutes for nine months.

To solve the second problem of the study, the anthropometric indicators and power abilities of women who came to the power orientation classes were tested. The average group indicators of the physical development of the tested women corresponded to the age physiological norm, there was an increase in body weight and, accordingly, values the Quetelet index (Table 2).

Indicators of static and dynamic strength endurance are presented in table. 3.

An analysis of the data on the level of development of women's strength endurance showed that, in general, the values ​​are at a low level in all subjects.

At the end of the pedagogical experiment, a repeated assessment of anthropometric indicators and testing of strength abilities of women 25–35 years old, engaged in various types of strength fitness training, were carried out. The women in both groups showed statistically significant positive changes in most of the studied indicators of physical development. A significant reduction in weight and body girth was noted. The most significant changes took place in the group of women doing athletic gymnastics with a mini-barbell. At the same time, when exercising in the Pilates system, the subjects showed a significant increase in chest excursion, probably as a result of the use of specific breathing.

A positive statistically significant change in strength abilities in women of both groups was revealed, which is observed in almost all studied indicators, with the exception of static strength endurance of the back and abdominal muscles in the group of those who train with a mini-bar.

The specificity of the influence of different types of health-improving strength training was manifested in the following: in women who train according to the Pilates system, in contrast to those who train in athletic gymnastics with a mini-barbell, the most significant changes in the indicators of static strength endurance of the abdominal and back muscles were noted; the growth was 58% and 80%, respectively. The dynamic strength endurance of the muscles of the arms, back, and abdomen increased to a greater extent among those who train with the mini-bar (an increase of 43–47%). Significant positive shifts should be noted (P<0,05) в абсолютной и относительной силе спины и кисти (от 42 до 66 %), произошедшие у женщин обеих групп.

Conclusion.The results obtained in the experiment indicate that women of 25–35 years old, engaged in fitness training of strength orientation for nine months, normalized body weight, improved the condition of the musculoskeletal system, increased the level of development of strength qualities to "average" and " above average "in accordance with age characteristics. The revealed features of the dynamics of physical development and strength abilities of women in the process of strength fitness training using different modes of work (isotonic and dynamic) can be used in the construction and organization of classes depending on the level of development of physical abilities, physique characteristics, interests and needs of women of mature age.

Determining the type of a woman's physique is much more difficult than that of a man's. Each girl is unique, has her own characteristics of figure, metabolism, endurance and initial physical fitness. But, despite all this, everyone wants to have a fit body without treacherous folds, appetizing shapes, and just a good general condition.

Of course, the basic body types (ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph) are relevant here too. But, due to the physiological differences between the female body and the male (wider hips with less narrow shoulders), the question of physique in girls requires additional clarification. And here I would immediately like to note that the presence of the figure that is, each girl owes, first of all, to genetic inheritance, and, secondly, to her way of life. And if you can't do anything with the first one, then, for example, it is quite within your power to give up fast food.

Types of female figures

This issue should be paid special attention not only when going shopping. Going to the gym should also be preceded by an answer to the question: "What type of figure is typical for me?" After all, both the recommended training program and the choice of simulators depend on this.

Pear (aka a spoon)

This type of figure is characterized by the presence of a massive lower body (hips, buttocks) with a fairly small size of the bust and waist. In this case, the body resembles the letter "A". Characteristics:

  • rather thin legs and arms;
  • legs are short;
  • wide calves and ankles;
  • fat deposition mainly in the hips, buttocks and sides;
  • cellulite is a constant companion of girls with this type of figure.

But there is also an advantage - this type of figure, the owners of which are 15% of girls, is very attractive to men.

V-shape (or inverted triangle)

In contrast to girls with a "pear-like" body type, the V-shape, on the contrary, is characterized by the presence of narrow hips with wide shoulders. The main features include:

  • the presence of a lush bust;
  • the bottom is quite flat;
  • the waist is thin;
  • fat deposition - mainly in the abdomen and upper body.

The main advantage of girls with this type of figure is slender, beautiful legs.

Rectangle (or H-shaped)

In appearance, girls of this somatotype resemble boys, since:

  • the circumference of the chest, waist and hips is almost the same;
  • the buttocks are flat, as, in principle, and the figure as a whole;
  • fast metabolism leading to problems with weight gain.

Like the girls of the previous body type, slender legs are a clear advantage.

Hourglass (X or figure eight)

Such forms are very attractive for the opposite sex, since this type of figure can be called the most "balanced". Characteristics:

  • ideal ratio of height and body weight;
  • bust girth corresponds to the volume of the hips;
  • the ratio of the waist to the hip is 0.7;
  • rounded buttocks;
  • the curves of the body are soft, graceful;
  • uniform distribution of adipose tissue;
  • the legs are slender, in proportion to the length of the upper body.

Needless to say, the lucky girl who can apply all of the above points to herself.

Apple (or circle)

The body of girls with this type of figure may resemble an oval or circle. This type of figure is characterized by:

  • the presence of a lush bust;
  • buttocks are flat;
  • the hips are narrow;
  • average growth;
  • fatty layer is formed in the waist and abdomen;
  • the neck is short;
  • full face.

But my legs did not fail here either. It is their harmony and beauty that is the main advantage of this type of figure.

Of course, in the matter of determining your somatotype, everything may not be as unambiguous as described above. But for ease of determining it, many calculators have been developed that will help you determine the type of figure if you enter your anthropometric data.

What kind of workouts are suitable for girls with different body types?

Regardless of what nature has awarded you, a beginner in the gym should not start working on the body from the "problem areas". To begin with, you need to tone the muscles, drive off fat, and for health, excessive loads for an unprepared body are quite dangerous. Moreover, they are often performed in the wrong mode.

So, for newbies the following training regime is quite suitable:

  • every other day - strength training for all muscle groups in a multi-repetitive mode (20 repetitions per approach);
  • after strength - 20 minutes of cardio.

It is this mode that will allow you to tighten the muscles, tone them. And only when you start to make progress and notice the first positive results, remember that the problem areas for each type of figure are different, and start working on them.

Workout for the "Pear" figure

The main emphasis when doing strength training should be on the upper part. You will not be able to pump it beyond measure, and a certain balance will appear in the figure. Pull-ups, pull-ups with dumbbells to the sides, press dumbbells up, deadlift of the upper block with 6-8 reps per set are perfect.

When training the lower body, working with heavy weights is contraindicated, since the goal is not to pump up, but rather to burn the existing fat. Ideal - lunges, squats, leg extensions in the simulator. The number of repetitions is 10-15.

Cardio training must necessarily include a load on the lower body - an ellipsoid, walking. The stepper is contraindicated, as it is able to add massiveness to the legs.

Workout for "V-figure"

Strength training for girls with this type of figure, first of all, should be aimed at adding volume to the legs. To do this, you can first perform heavy complex exercises (presses, squats, deadlifts on straight legs), and then - grinding with extensions, lunges with a barbell or dumbbells, abductions, jumping up from a deep seat. The set should have 6-8 reps.

The upper body workout should be done in multi-repetition mode (20 reps per set).

Of all the types of cardio workouts, a stepper is perhaps the ideal option. It will help give some volume to your legs and burn calories. A treadmill is contraindicated, and an ellipsoid is strictly prohibited. It dries the legs too much, which will visually only add volume to the upper.

Workout for the "Rectangle" figure

As noted earlier, this type of figure is characterized by the absence of a waist and the deposition of fat in the sides and abdomen. And it is the struggle for the appearance of the waist that becomes the main goal of girls with this type of figure. And here it is worth realizing one simple truth - there was no waist and never will be! Well, this is how nature ordered, nothing can be done about it. In the case of this type of figure, the stomach can only be "dried" by eating right and using a hula-hoop.

The workouts are short, but very intense. Each muscle group should be exercised once a week.

When doing strength training, it is important to avoid stress on the lower back. You should not perform twisting with weight (in particular - bends to the side with dumbbells), deadlift. Squats with large weights will also not help give your buttocks volume. This will only strengthen the muscles in the waist and make it more massive. In this case, shoulder presses, bench presses, squats, and pulls of the upper block will be effective. The number of repetitions is 6-8 per repetition.

But attention to the main trump card - legs - should be paid twice a week. You can build a workout like this:

  • heavy complex exercises (lunges, bench presses);
  • grinding with leads, lunges, extensions.

But here it is important to understand: are you able to accurately feel which part of the body is being loaded. If part of the tension goes to the lower back and you cannot turn it off, then you should give preference to multiple repetitions of simple leg exercises.

Of the whole variety of cardio workouts, give preference to those where the load goes to the middle part (stepper, slope track).

Workout for the "Hourglass" figure

Of course, girls with this type of figure are immensely lucky: both fat is deposited evenly, and the waist is always narrower than the hips and chest. But do not forget that with the wrong attitude to your body, even the most magnificent natural data can be greatly spoiled.

Hourglass allows you to build a beautiful body in the hall. All the rest can only correct what nature has given. The main principle is a variety of workouts, approaches, breaks between them, repetitions. So the body will be in good shape and will not plateau.

The duration of each program should be between 6 and 8 weeks. After that, it is worth starting to change the exercises, the number of repetitions in the approaches.

Workouts for girls with an hourglass figure must contain cardio load ... And the more diverse they are, the better the result. Ellipse, stepper, uphill walking, running, cycling - the choice is great. It is with cardio training that it is worth completing power loads to work out certain muscle groups. After exercising on your legs, go for a run, after training with a load on your arms - remember about an ellipsoid or a rowing machine.

The frequency of the classes is only twice a week, lasting 25-30 minutes.

Workout for the figure "Apple"

Classes for girls with this type of figure are perhaps the most intense and fast. The main recommendation is to perform complex workouts, the intervals between sets (4-5) should be minimal, since their main goal is to burn fat. This kind of strength aerobics (or high intensity strength training) is what you need. Only a quick transition from one simulator to another, a high pace of training will help to overcome excess deposits in the abdomen. For the same purpose, it is effective to use hula-hoop and perform abdominal exercises.

Strength training should focus on working your legs to create balance with your upper body. It will be effective to perform leg presses, deadlifts, squats with a rep range of 6-8 per set.

When performing cardio loads, literally everything except the ellipsoid can be used.

Dear girls, whatever your figure may be, remember that all its shortcomings can be dealt with with the help of sports, which should become an integral part of the life of any person who cares about their health.

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Why do girls come to the gym? Let's distinguish 3 main groups of tasks:

  • dumping excess body fat;
  • toning the muscle apparatus without weight correction;
  • weight gain and improvement in body shape in general.

All individualization of the training program should begin with the identification of these problems. But you cannot remove excess fat from the buttocks, leaving it in the chest area. You can't just remove fat from your waist and leave it in your thighs. Fat deposits, if you work on getting rid of excess fat, are removed evenly from all parts of the body. First of all, it will reflect on your face. It will begin to lose its roundness. But that shouldn't scare you.

Noticing a change in your appearance, you need to congratulate yourself on the beginning of solving an important task - dumping excess deposits. Take a month, and you will find a clear decrease in the circumference of the waist and pelvis, and subsequently - in the hips. Remember that no amount of strenuous abdominal workout will make your waist slimmer while maintaining other circumferences. Everything will decrease evenly and in proportion to the stock that is already available. Consequently, fat will be removed last from those areas where it is most abundant.

At the same time, there is a clear relationship between the load on a certain part of the body and the degree of increase in its circumference.

If you suffer from underweight, you need to load primarily those areas that need to be rounded (of course, at the expense of the muscles, not the fat layer).

In this regard, the main shaping elements of your figure are the skeleton, the muscles attached to it and the layer of subcutaneous fat covering them.

The most flexible and amenable to correction elements are muscles. But not all muscles, unfortunately (or rather, not all muscle fibers). Only white (rapidly twitching) muscle fibers grow in thickness and change the total shape of the entire muscle, and therefore of a certain part of the body. But these fibers only respond to strength training (bodybuilding). No amount of “steps”, “slides”, “aqua aerobics” and other exotic training systems “in a crowd” are not able to change the shape of your muscles, because it is not those muscle fibers that are able to change shape under the influence of load are working. The conclusion suggests itself easily: conditional bodybuilding.

A layer of fat is another form-building (or rather, a “form-distorting”) element. If there is not much of it, and it lies under the skin in the right places, it pleasantly smooths out the shape of your figure, giving you a feminine look. If there is a lot of it, it will disgrace your figure. It is difficult to disagree with this, and the myth that fat women are liked by most men was invented and allowed to roam the world by fat women themselves. Fat can only be removed by doing aerobic exercise and an appropriate diet. Only aerobic work is able to mobilize fatty acids and burn them in specific, slow-twitch fibers. These fibers practically do not work under power loads. So one gym alone won't solve this problem. An integrated approach will solve your problems!

The most "rigid" and unchangeable is the backbone. All our life we ​​will have to live with what our ancestors endowed us with in this sense. Backbone analysis is the most challenging part in developing an individual training program.

If possible, abstract as much as possible from your layer of fat, regardless of its thickness, as well as from muscle mass, regardless of their shape. Try to visualize your skeleton as if it were on an X-ray. For a person who is not even familiar with the basics of anatomy, such abstraction can be difficult.

But we must try to strain all our imagination, since the content of subsequent trainings will depend on the accuracy of what we can imagine. The best way is to stand naked in front of a large mirror and try to get rid of the blind adoration of your body. Approach yourself critically. Remember that an uncritical person is almost never constructive. And you need a constructive approach to eliminate your shortcomings in addition!

To facilitate the task, we will not operate with complex anatomical concepts, but we will define the structure of the skeleton by how much its outlines resemble the drawing of the printed letters "A", "T", "X" and "H" and in the following we will denote the types of skeleton as follows: “ A, T, X and H. To make things even easier, let's analyze all of these types.

Backbone type "A" characterized by narrow shoulders and a wide pelvis. The difference in the width of the shoulders and pelvis can be quite significant or not very pronounced. But in any case, the figure looks like the letter "A". It seems to expand downward, and this expansion is determined not only by the amount of fat accumulated on different parts of the body, but, to a greater extent, by the structure of the skeleton. This type of bone is characterized by a predominant accumulation of fat on the lower body - on the pelvic region, lower abdomen and thighs. Even extremes are possible: the upper part of the body (up to the waist) can be thin, and the lower part - full. Women and girls with this type of bone usually have difficulty shedding fat from the lower torso, and their training pattern should reflect this.

Typically women with a figure of type "A" They have a thin waist and short stature, and many men like such features of the addition - they find them very feminine. However, often fatty deposits on the lower part of the body increase to an ugly size, which, of course, spoils the figure, because it turns into a kind of giant pear.

If you find yourself in type “A” build, your main goal will be to lose fat in the lower body, give it elasticity, and also build some muscle mass in the upper body. First of all - in the area of ​​the shoulders, chest and back (so that the decreased difference between the circumferences of the chest and pelvis smooths out some of your disproportions).

An approximate set of exercises for women and girls with addition type "A"(hire a personal trainer to practice movement techniques)

  1. Warm up - 5-15 minutes.
  2. V-shaped crunches while sitting on the edge of the bench (raising the knees to the chest) - 3 × 20-25.
  3. Raises of the torso on an inclined board (legs must be bent, and the back is rounded) - 3 × 15-25.
  4. Bench press lying on an incline bench - 1 × 12, 1 × 10, 1 × 8, 1 × 6.
  5. Raising hands with dumbbells lying down - 3 × 8-10.
  6. Pulls for the head on a high block - 1 × 12, 1 × 10, 1 × 8, 1 × 6.
  7. Dumbbell bent over 3 × 8.
  8. Raises of the knees to the chest in the hanging on the crossbar - 2xMax.
  9. Squats with a bar or light bar in a wide stance - 3 × 20-25.
  10. Lying Leg Curl 3 × 12.
  11. Raises the pelvis lying on the back with a back arch - 3 × 35-50.
  12. Lunge forward on one leg - 3 × 15-25.
  13. work on the simulator for the oblique abdominal muscles 2 × 30-50.
  14. cardio - 15-25 min.

Recording an exercise dosage of 15-25, 50-70 means that you need to start with 15 repetitions, and gradually, over several weeks, get to the upper limit. Exercises 4 and 6 should be performed using the "pyramid" technique, that is, from the second to the last approach in each of them, increase the burden. The word "Max" means that you should strive for the maximum number of repetitions in this exercise.

Backbone type "T" characterized by wider shoulders in comparison with the pelvis, pronounced taper of the torso. This is the very sporty style of the figure that many are trying to approach due to overhead hangers. Type "T" is characterized by the predominance of the accumulation of excess fat in the upper body - from the navel and above. At the same time, a rather voluminous chest can sit on a narrow pelvis and elongated thin legs. Waist with this type of addition can become unexpressed, sometimes it is hidden by excess layers of fat.

With high growth, such imbalances can be slightly smoothed out, with small growth, they greatly spoil the impression of the figure. Your task, if you find you have a "T" type skeleton, is the maximum release of fat deposits from the upper body and the construction of the muscles of the gluteal, femoral region (so that their increased circumferences smooth out the existing imbalance).

A set of exercises for women and girls with addition type "T" can be, for example, like this:

(ask your personal trainer to hone your exercise technique)

  1. Warm up - 5-15 minutes.

work on the simulator for the oblique abdominal muscles - 2 × 30-50.

  1. Wide stance barbell squats or machine leg presses 1 x 12, 1 x 10, 1 x 8, 1 x 6. 5.
  2. Lying Leg Curl - 4 × 10.
  3. Hyperextension (lifting the torso from a prone position with the hips across a high bench with fixed feet) 3 × 15-20.
  4. Bench press, lying - 3 × 12-15.
  5. Bringing the elbows forward on a peck-dec machine - 2 × 12.
  6. Row to chest with medium grip on a high block - 3 × 12-15.
  7. Ups of the torso with turns on an inclined board - 2 × 15-25.
  8. Hanging leg raises on the bar - 2xMax.

Methodological instructions for this complex are the same as for the previous one.

Type "X" backbone characterized by the same width of the shoulders and pelvis, pronounced waist and overall proportionality. This is, of course, the most feminine type of build, but when neglected, it often takes shape when excess fat deposits on the buttocks, hips, chest and shoulders turn the body into a kind of huge guitar.

The task of women and girls with this type of addition is to maintain the tone of all muscle groups and prevent excess body fat.

type "X":

(a personal trainer will teach you how to do the exercises correctly)

  1. Warm up - 5-15 minutes.
  2. Raises of the torso on an incline board - 3 × 15-25.
  3. Bench press - 2 × 10-12.
  4. Breeding hands with dumbbells lying down - 2 × 10-12.
  5. "Pullover" lying across the bench (abduction of straightened arms with a dumbbell back-down) 2 × 12-15.
  6. Row to the chest with a parallel grip on a high block - 2 × 12-15.
  7. Row to the stomach on a low block - 2 × 12-15.
  8. V-crunches while sitting on the edge of the bench - 2 × 25-30.
  9. Lying Leg Press - 2 × 15-20.
  10. Curl of the legs lying on the simulator - 2 × 10-12.
  11. Pelvic hyperextension - 2 × 15-20.
  12. Abduction of the leg (right or left) on the low block - 2 × 15-20.
  13. Calf Raises, standing - 2 × 12-15.
  14. Incline Leg Raises - 2 × 12-15

Backbone type "H" concludes our anatomical and methodological excursion. This type of addition is characterized by an approximately equal width of the shoulders and pelvis, an unexpressed (and more often - wide) waist. That said, if you suffer from excess body fat, your waist circumference may even exceed your pelvic circumference (in extreme cases, this makes your figure look like a barrel).

The main tasks of women and girls with this type of build are to maximize the release of excess fat and to build up some muscle mass in the shoulders, chest, pelvis and hips (so that their increased circumferences emphasize the waistline and give the figure a more feminine look).

An approximate set of exercises for addition type "H":

(consult a specialist to learn the exercises)

  1. Warm up - 5-15 minutes.
  2. Hanging knee lift on the bar –3 x Max.
  3. Raising the torso (hands behind the head) to the knees while lying on the bench, the feet are laid, for example, on the bar, which is on the barbell racks - ZxMax.
  4. Bench press, lying - 2 × 8-10.
  5. Raising hands with dumbbells on an incline bench - 2 × 8-10.
  6. Crossing arms on blocks, standing in an inclination 2 × 8-10.
  7. Deadlift on a high block - 3 × 10-12.
  8. Row to the stomach on a low block - 2 × 8-10.
  9. V-crunches while sitting on the edge of the bench - 2 × 25-30.
  10. Bench press or squats with a bar in a wide stance - 1 × 12, 1 × 10, 1 × 8, 1 × 6.
  11. Lying leg curls on the simulator - 4 × 8-10.
  12. Standing Calf Raises - 3 × 12.
  13. Lying on your back with a dumbbell or a disc from a barbell on your stomach - 3 × 12-15.
  14. Hyperextension with a dumbbell at the chest 3 × 12-15.
  15. Rotation on the abdominal oblique muscle trainer - 2 × 50-100.

Of course, programs that are by no means individualized for you are described here. These can be adjusted by your personal trainer to more closely match your individual needs. But if you train on your own, then the proposed programs will begin to correct your constitution within 1.5-2 months. These programs really work!

It is very important to understand that the types of skeleton that we analyzed are not very common in their pure form. Most likely, you will find in yourself some combination of two types of traits. Do not be confused by this: after carefully reading the article, you will grasp the logic of building complexes, and you will be able to choose those exercises that will solve your specific problems.

Remember also that there is no clear ideal of a woman's constitution that meets the tastes of all people without exception. Your task is not at all to please everyone in a row, but to make yourself worthy of the admiration and love of the person whose favor you are trying to win. Believe me, if you do not just use what nature has given you, but improve your physique to the limit, your self-respect will grow immeasurably. You are quite capable of making yourself even more attractive than you imagine yourself. And the main means of achieving this is an individualized training program.

Based on the book "Fitness training"

Body types in women are variants of the norm of the human constitution. This means that the constitution determines the features of the appearance and state of health of its owner. Basically, the structural features of the female body are hereditary, but initially knowing your body type, you can make timely adjustments from an early age.

Female figure variations

There are several grading systems for the appearance of the female body. The most common is a very simple and straightforward way to determine the shape of the body:

  • asthenic (or hyposthenic);
  • normosthenic;
  • hypersthenic.

If it seems to you that knowing your body type is not very important, we bet. Certain types of figure differ in different problem areas, over which you can sweat in the gym, change your diet, the rhythm of life and choose the best clothes.

Wrist size - a measure of body type

Sometimes you don't want to bother or it is difficult to decide on your own silhouette, but there is a simple way to determine the type of physique in women, just by measuring the wrist. The Solovyov index is a parameter that will help determine the type. It is equal to the circumference of the wrist in centimeters.

Calculation of the indicator:

  • Less than 15 - asthenic;
  • In the zone 15-17 - normosthenic;
  • More than 17 - hypersthenic.

Asthenic body type in women - ectomorphs

  • According to the generally accepted opinion, these are the very happy owners of slender and slender figures. According to other ladies, these women are witches who eat a lot and practically do not get fat. Note that there are two sides of the same coin. In youth, asthenic ladies are slender, but with age, fat is still deposited in the most unattractive places: on the back and waist, which forms a sloppy and disproportionate image.
  • It is easier for such women to maintain good physical shape, because their lipids accumulate slowly. Of the minuses, we note that although these girls are wiry, thin and energetic, untrained young ladies have the lowest level of endurance and strength indicators.

  • The development of muscles turns into sheer torture for ectomorphs. Since the growth processes are slowed down not only in fat, but also in muscles. That is why it is very difficult to give a sporty, pumped look to a silhouette.
  • The appearance of such ladies is not particularly popular among men, because they are angular, devoid of pleasant roundness and look like adolescents. Any model on display is a vivid example of this body type.
  • The shortened "upper" part of the body and long limbs create the illusion of "legs from the ears". Poorly developed lipid tissue often affects the size of the bust, and sometimes causes its absence.
  • Narrow shoulders and chest, narrow feet and hands, and narrow waist! The Solovyov index, which helps to determine the body type by the wrist, is less than 15.
  • As for training, it is easier for such ladies, since they almost never have to deal with excess weight. A female ectomorph can immediately start strength training in a split, avoiding aerobic counterparts.
  • After achieving the desired results, you should definitely go through an unpleasant but effective "drying" procedure.
  • With possible weight loss, these young ladies first start to "leave" their muscles, so calorie restriction will not help with body shaping. The panacea is special diet and strength training.

Normosthenic body type - mesomorphs

  • No matter how the changeable youth fashion dictates the demand for skinny young ladies, the figure of a mesomorphic woman (normostenic) is considered the classic ideal of beauty. They don't seem gaunt or female compasses. Their body is proportional, with well-developed muscle tissue and a minimum of body fat. These girls are naturally athletic and bold.
  • Mesomorph instantly, if desired, part with fat reserves and gains muscle mass at lightning speed. By nature, the level of their metabolism is high, but with age, in the absence of adequate physical activity, metabolic processes slow down significantly, and the weight rapidly creeps up.

  • The part of the body at the top is slightly smaller than the one below, i.e. legs are not "from the ears", but not short ones either. In this case, the average size of the chest, hands and feet.
  • Solovyov's index for wrist size 15-17.
  • Often, the figure resembles the notorious hourglass, and with extra pounds, a pear or an apple.
  • Young ladies with similar parameters can achieve records in sports in the shortest possible time.
  • The problem of the "wasp waist" is quite acute in this case, because for the coveted forms, curvy ladies will have to sweat in the hall. From sports disciplines it is worth paying attention to game types: basketball, volleyball, aerobics and tennis.

Hypersthenic trunk constitution - endomorphs

  • Endomorphs (people with a hypersthenic type) are precisely those persons whom sculptors and painters have glorified with love in their works. "Venus de Milo" by Botticelli, "Danae" by Titian, modern icons of beauty Sophia Loren, Marilyn Monroe, Beyonce and other ladies "in the body" are a vivid personification of this type of "body arrangement". Curvy young ladies are famous for their femininity and sensuality.

  • Such girls justify their excess weight by heredity, by the fact that there should be a lot of a good person and by the fact that men do not throw themselves on the dice, but there is a fundamental difference. From birth, endomorphs have more adipose tissue than muscle, but this does not mean that such ladies are doomed to eternal obesity. Such variations of the fair sex should only be given more time and effort to bring the figure back to normal. Only laziness does not allow such girls to be pumped up and elastic.
  • Transverse dimensions prevail over longitudinal ones (legs and arms are short). The chest is wide, the same waist, massive hips, large joints, feet and hands.
  • Soloviev's index is more than 17th position.

  • Fat mass prevails over muscle.
  • The combination of feminine roundness and good muscle tone will give trained endomorph ladies a seductive and exciting image.
  • But if such a young lady suddenly decides to lose weight and turn into a withered vobla, she will have to make titanic efforts that are unlikely to be crowned with success.
  • Even if weight loss succeeds, the girl's appearance will be painful and disproportionate. In such individuals, muscles grow perfectly, but they are difficult to see under a dense layer of fat, which must be burned first. The latter is problematic, since metabolic processes in this form are significantly inferior in speed to the previous two.
  • Stored fat is difficult to leave, and for training, we advise you to choose intense cardio workouts with an average load and change your diet to a low-carb one. Remember that breakdowns and relaxation will lead to an instant return of lost pounds.

You have learned the main female body types, we have described their features, advantages and disadvantages. As you can see, there is no "bad" or "good" physique, each has its own flavor. But we note that there is a common feature for all - beauty and women's health directly depends on the regularity of her visits to the gym.

Remember, whatever the type of your silhouette, only proper nutrition and increased physical activity will allow you to maintain female attractiveness for a long time.

Video: Typology of the female physique

If you talk to new girls who have just come to the gym, it turns out that most of them consider themselves fat and want to lose weight. Therefore, to the delight of the instructor, they obediently carry out most of the training on the treadmill. A month later, having lost a couple of kilos, the girls begin to think about how, now, legs, round shoulders and arms. Yes, and it would be nice and!

Therefore, a few more, the most comfortable exercises with weights are added to aerobic loads. As a result, the program for girls in the gym turns into a half-hour cardio session and a set of 5-6 exercises performed in 3-4 approaches, 10-12 repetitions each.

Such a scheme becomes a permanent, familiar and very convenient type of load. And for the girl and for her instructor. At first, it really gives effect. But only for a short time. Then the body adapts to such a load, and the body stops responding to it.

Male beginners progress faster in the gym than women and benefit from their workouts for longer. Professing the progression of working weights, they constantly put their muscles under stress, hanging more weight on the barbell and machines each time. Sometimes to the detriment of the technique of performing the exercise and common sense. They do this because:

  • It boosts their self-esteem.
  • Initially, muscle growth is directly related to increased strength.
  • It's a great way to grab the attention of those around you in the gym.

For women who have recently come to a sports club, such a path of progress and improvement of their forms seems completely impossible, and for the following reasons:

  • The nail can be broken
  • The wrist straps leave marks on the wrists
  • They need a perfect figure, not rough muscle mass.

Girls in the gym are often held captive by all kinds of complexes, cliches and stereotypes. When the initial stage of training is left behind for them, a stalemate arises: they do not want to go along the male path of building muscle mass, but they do not know how to shape the muscles that do not want to grow from fashionable exercises.

At this stage, the training program for women turns into a set of incredibly complex and cunning movements performed with "funny" weights and not giving any effect. Muscles respond to stress, and if not, they don't grow. It would seem a dead end - there is no way out. But, it only seems. There are not a few options for solving the problem, and most of them lie in the characteristics of the female body.

Most women believe that their women's workout in the gym differs from men's only in the set of exercises. Say, there are coarse male exercises, and refined female ones. But this is not the case. All the hard exercises done by sweaty men, squats, deadlifts, and presses, are great for raising your butt, rounding your shoulders, and helping women.

I already talked about exercises for girls and about the technique for performing them in my article. Today I want to tell you about training methods that can help a girl in the gym to achieve the desired result much faster.

Output: there are no female and male exercises, just girls in the gym should train differently than men

Supersets for girls

When at the beginning of the article I wrote that women are more resilient than men, I was absolutely impartial. According to scientific studies, the muscles of most women are predominant. They are not very strong, but they have low fatigue. This means that it makes no sense to blindly copy male training schemes, you need to create your own.

I propose to modify the standard training program for girls, consisting of several exercises performed one after another, by combining them into groups called supersets, where two or more exercises are performed without rest. And there are several types of such groups:


Number of exercises

Muscle group

A bunch of exercises

Superset for one muscle groupTwoBreastBench press + lying dumbbells
Superset for different muscle groupsTwoBiceps, tricepsStanding Biceps Curl + Close Grip Bench Press
TrisetsThreeBackRow of the upper block + pull of the bar to the belt in the slope + pull of the lower block
Nested setsThreeTricepsBench press with a narrow grip + extension of the arms on the block + bench press with a narrow grip (but with less weight)
Giant seriesFourLegsBarbell Squat + Barbell Leg Straighten + Leg Press + Hack Squat

Despite the seeming complexity, such a training program for girls suits them perfectly in terms of physiology and has undeniable advantages:

  • The time that the muscles spend under load increases by 2-4 times. This is stressful for them and they have to respond with growth. The muscles of the legs and buttocks respond especially well to such a load. - this is very correct.
  • Supersets increase calorie burn. By training in a similar vein, a girl can simultaneously increase the density of her muscle mass and lose weight.
  • Women's brains are better at multitasking than men's. A girl who performs several exercises at once maintains a high level of mental concentration in each of them longer.
  • Women's workout, built in this style, allows you to do more work in less time, and thereby reduce the stay in the gym.

Note: for a women's workout, consisting of supersets, to be truly effective, the exercises must be selected taking into account the location of the simulators. The time to move from one to another should not exceed 8-10 seconds.

Output: Women's Superset Workout is the perfect workout program for a girl in the gym

Workout for a girl with a delayed lowering of weight

This is another effective variation of the gym training program for girls. Although women are more resilient than men, their process of increasing explosive strength is worse. Therefore, all sorts of male tricks when lifting weights will not give them anything. I'm talking about cheating.

This technique is most often used when performing a barbell lift for biceps. When the weight turns out to be too large, men do not lift the barbell with the effort of their biceps, but throw it to the top point with their whole body, and then slowly lower it. Many people love this technique so much that they use it in almost every exercise to gain muscle mass. This gives them the opportunity to train with more weight, but at the same time, it greatly increases the risk of injury.

A workout for a girl with a delayed lowering of weights is always effective.

But for a girl in the gym, this training style is not suitable. To make the most of my endurance, I suggest artificially changing the pace of any exercise. Raise the weight at the usual pace, and lower it, slowing down the movement of the barbell or dumbbells by 2 times. Due to the peculiarities of her physiology, a woman in the gym can perform more repetitions in an exercise if she works slowly.

Output: training for a girl with a slow lowering of the projectile will make the muscles work in a stressful manner. The weight of the burden will have to be reduced, but the result will be worth it.

Workout for women in volumetric style

According to all the same studies, women are easier to handle a large amount of work. I have often noticed girls in the gym who train for 2-3 hours and look great and feel great. In this case, in addition to slow muscle fibers, another feature of female physiology is included in the work - estrogen. By its nature, it is anti-catabolic (prevents the breakdown of muscle mass), acting in the female body as a master at repairing damaged muscle fibers.


In addition, comparisons of the physical performance of the Chinese men's and women's weightlifting teams have shown that women, unlike men, get more effect from three sets of exercises performed than from one. Based on this, I propose two high volume workout programs for girls in the gym.

Option 1. German volumetric training for girls

The essence of this program is outrageously simple. For each muscle group, the main, most effective exercise is selected, which gives the greatest return and one auxiliary, easier one. For example, for the legs - squats with a barbell and straightening the legs in the machine. And the entire workout consists of 10 sets of barbell squats performed in 10 reps and 3-4 sets of straightenings performed after the squat is completed.

Option 2. Women's training according to the "twenty" method

This variation also does not shine with particular complexity and consists in performing the usual set of exercises, but only the number of repetitions in each approach should be exactly 20.

Both of these options do an excellent job, but from my own experience, the German vision of volume training is more conducive to increasing muscle mass, and working in 20 repetitions gives the muscles a more refined shape.

Output: training for women in a volumetric style is another option for creating a training program taking into account the increased endurance of the female body

Static exercises for girls

This type of exercise has become very popular lately in gyms, especially for women. And this is not surprising, since their blood pressure level is lower than that of men. Accordingly, less blood rushes to the muscles strained during the exercise. Less burning sensation in the muscles, lower pain threshold, which means that the exercise can be performed longer. Static exercise is more effective for women than for men.

The benefits of static exercises for girls are as follows:

  • There is an increase in strength, without an increase in muscle volume
  • The density of muscles increases, their relief improves
  • Ligaments and joints are strengthened
  • Strong and prolonged muscle contraction causes high calorie expenditure

I suggest including some static exercises at the end of your gym workout. And in order to get a more specific idea of ​​performing exercises in a static mode, I suggest watching a video.

Static exercises for a girl

I have described three options for a workout program for girls. But to include them all at once in the framework of one lesson is not worth it. Rotating them weekly is a good option. If after some time the body begins to get used to them, they can be carefully combined in one workout, since they are all stressful and energy-intensive types of load.


I hope that the variations of the training program for a girl in the gym described by me will allow you to train more varied, interesting and with greater benefit. Be healthy and graceful.

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