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When was Easter in 1978? Similarities and differences between Orthodox and Catholic Easter traditions

Easter is one of the brightest and most revered holidays in the Orthodox Church, which is associated with the return of Jesus Christ to life after his arrest, by order of the Jewish procurator Pontius Pilate, cruel humiliation, crucifixion and death.

The date of the celebration changes annually. It depends on the calculations that are carried out according to the lunar and solar calendar. Previously, these calculations seemed quite complex and were trusted only to one person - the Bishop of Alexandria.

It is noteworthy that the holiday differs significantly between people of the Catholic and Orthodox faiths

It is noteworthy that the holiday differs significantly between people of the Catholic and Orthodox faiths. So what date is Easter in 2019?

The bright celebration is celebrated immediately after the period of Lent has passed. Few people know what date Easter will be in 2019. This is April 28 - for Orthodox believers - and the 21st of the same month - for Catholics.

The bright celebration is celebrated immediately after the period of Lent has passed.

How is the date calculated?

Passover originally evolved from a Jewish celebration called “Pesach.” According to the lunisolar calendar of the Jews, the holiday began on the 14th of the spring month of Nisan (approximately corresponding to modern March-April). The celebration was celebrated for 7 days.

Passover originally evolved from a Jewish holiday called Pesach.

The Orthodox Church is guided by other calculations.

  1. Orthodox believers celebrate Easter only after spring equinox(this year it will be March 20th on Wednesday) when it disappears full moon and the first day of the week will come, according to the Jewish calendar.
  2. The date of Passover does not have to coincide with a Jewish holiday.
  3. As a rule, Orthodox Easter is celebrated 7 days later than Jewish Passover.

There is even a formula by which the date of the celebration is calculated, but it is very difficult to understand. Therefore, it is better to be guided by, which indicates what date Easter will be in 2019, as well as in all subsequent ones.

Preparing for Easter

Main in preparatory stage for every Christian is the observance of Lent. Only he will lead us to Easter.

An important preparatory stage for every Christian is the observance of Lent

However, some do not understand the meaning of the Lenten journey and prefer to follow only the rules regarding food intake. The Church says that the main thing in fasting is not the quality of food, but prayer, repentance, abstinence from carnal pleasures, ignoring entertainment events, avoiding conflicts, quarrels, watching TV, and computer games.

Ends Lent Lazarus Saturday. This day symbolizes an event that occurred before the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. He resurrected a dead man, whose body was already covered with corpse spots. His name was Lazarus.

Lent ends on Lazarus Saturday

Thus, Jesus demonstrated a miracle to the people. He revived a man who died a few days ago from a fatal disease.

Seeing this, people believed that before them was the Messiah, who would protect from injustice and crush their enemies. However, earthly prosperity was not the plan of Jesus and His Father. Their main task was to fight dark forces and hell. The son of God paid for this terrible torture, crucifixion and death.

Especially before Easter, Maundy Thursday is revered - the day when the sacrament of the Eucharist was received - and Good Friday - the day when Jesus Christ was tortured and crucified on the cross. This is followed by Holy Saturday - preparation for the celebration - and Christ's Resurrection - the day when the Son of God came to life and ascended to heaven.

Traditions on Easter Day

Christians do not say hello on Easter Day traditional way, but they say to each other when they meet, “Christ is Risen!”, “Truly He is Risen!” These words symbolize gratitude to the Lord and faith in Him.

The day before the holiday, people bake Easter cakes and decorate eggs.

The day before the holiday, people bake Easter cakes and decorate eggs. Traditionally, baked goods are made from leavened dough. This has a special meaning. The dough begins to sour and come to life in the hands of the baker, just as Jesus Christ came to life.

Eggs are also a symbol of Easter. Legend has it that the first egg was given by Mary Magdalene to Tiberius, the Roman emperor. During the program, she announced that Jesus Christ had risen from the dead.

Legend has it that Mary Magdalene gave the first egg to Tiberius, the Roman emperor.

Tiberius then replied that no one can come to life after death, just as an egg cannot turn red. At that very second, Magdalene’s gift turned red. Therefore, there is a tradition of painting eggs red. Other shades and decorations are also allowed.

But the most important thing on Easter is the divine service. In the morning, people go to church to pay tribute to the Lord and thank Him for dying to atone for our sins.

The most important thing on Easter is worship

Beliefs and signs

Exists a large number of signs regarding the Great Holiday, which should not be ignored.

  1. The housewife who is preparing Easter cakes should not be distracted by extraneous sounds. It is advisable that there is complete silence around and no one distracts the baker. Moreover, all kinds of quarrels, conflicts, and squabbles are prohibited during cooking.
  2. If the Easter cake dough is growing rapidly, this indicates that prosperity and wealth await the family.
  3. If, after the blessing of the eggs in the temple, you touch your pets with them, they will multiply well.
  4. If the girl for a long time cannot find a husband, then during morning service you should ask Jesus Christ about it.
  5. If a child is born on Easter day, then his life will be happy.
  6. The remaining cake should not be thrown away. It would be nice to give the leftovers for the birds to eat.
  7. If you hear a cuckoo on Easter, you should expect good luck, and for unmarried ladies - a wedding.
  8. If there is heavy rain on Easter, then spring will be cold, thunderstorms are heard - wait for late autumn.
  9. Summer will not be sunny if the weather is gloomy on Easter.
  10. If the weather for the holiday is warm and sunny, then in the summer you need to expect heat.
  11. If on Easter you can see in the sky great amount stars, then the cold will soon come.

Easter, like Christmas, is the most revered holiday among Christians

Easter, like Christmas, is the most revered holiday among Christians. Therefore, its preparation and celebration should be taken with full responsibility. Thus, we will pay tribute to the Lord for accepting death for human sins.

What date is Catholic Easter celebrated, why are Catholic and Orthodox Easter celebrated on different days how to celebrate Catholic Easter.

Easter is one of the most anticipated holidays of the year for every person. People who are devoted to their religion especially expect her coming. This event dates back to ancient times.

It takes pride of place alongside Christmas. Easter is celebrated on a large scale, so advance preparation for it is recommended. To do this you need to know the exact date celebrations Catholic Easter in 2019.

When is Catholic and Orthodox Easter in 2019? Which one came first?

The Holy Resurrection of Christ is celebrated not only in the Catholic faith, but also in the Orthodox faith. Despite this, the holiday falls every year on different time, only the dates of the celebration differ. So, Catholic Easter in 2019 will come on April 21. This day is the first Monday after the first spring full moon.

The countdown is not from March 1, but after the equinox. Otherwise the date Happy Resurrection will be considered incorrect. As for the Orthodox celebration, in 2019 it will be celebrated on April 28. The Catholic Church will proclaim the holy celebration a week earlier than the Orthodox Church.

Regardless of faith, these two events are preceded by fasting. In the Catholic faith it is not as strict as in the Orthodox faith. Those who are fasting can eat some meat or milk.

Easter in 2019: when do Orthodox and Catholics celebrate the Resurrection of Christ?

Celebration in 2019 Christ's Resurrection falls in April. According to tradition, this holiday ends Lent. IN Orthodox Church it will take place from March 11 to April 27. During fasting, the consumption of many foods is prohibited. Also, people are cleansed of sins and rethink their lives spiritually.

On Easter Sunday, Orthodox Christians attend church. The holiday is accompanied by certain attributes and services. On this day people go to visit each other and christen themselves with the words “Christ is Risen!” - “Truly He is Risen!”

The Catholic Church also celebrates Easter with its own symbols and traditions. However, this celebration takes place a little earlier than in Orthodox world. Catholics calculate the date of the holiday based on Gregorian calendar, and the Orthodox Church - in Julian. It is for this reason that Catholic Easter in 2019 will be on April 21, and Orthodox Easter on April 28.

Catholic Easter in 2019

Catholic Easter is usually celebrated earlier than Orthodox Easter by one to three weeks, but this is not always the case. Every three years, Lent and Easter unite the entire Christian world. This allows many people of different faiths to spend holy days together. (see 2019)

In 2019, this bright holiday will come on different days for Catholics and Christians. You can congratulate your loved ones who profess the Catholic faith on April 21.

Celebration of Catholic Easter

Any holiday requires careful preparation. And here there are a number of traditions, as well as symbols and customs corresponding to this event. Holiday planning begins well in advance. Moreover, it is necessary to start preparing long before the set date.

The main rule in preparing for the celebration is to cleanse the soul from sins. To achieve this goal, believers strictly adhere to the rules prescribed by Lent. They limit themselves to many worldly pleasures and read prayers.

When the date of the celebration approaches, preparations move into a different direction. So, in every home the preparation of symbolic dishes begins. The owners begin to clean the home for the proper reception of guests. On the eve of the holiday, people buy groceries, in particular meat, dairy products and eggs.

All major holidays have one thing in common: the presence of traditions and symbols. As for Catholic Easter, there are many such customs. Particular attention should be paid to the following symbols:

  • Easter wreath;
  • Image or figurine of a rabbit;
  • Painted eggs.

An Easter wreath on the door is a very beautiful and noble symbol. Every person who is waiting for the arrival of the Bright Holiday decorates it with front door your home. Such products can be purchased in stores shortly before the holiday or made independently. As a rule, such a wreath consists of willow branches, green grass and ribbons.

A baked Easter wreath is the main decoration of the holiday table. It serves a decorative function and is used as a stand filled with colored eggs.

Eggs are one of the most ancient symbols of Easter, both in the Catholic and Orthodox churches. Catholics decorate them with their own hands. For this purpose they actively use various materials for decoration. Particularly popular are beads, ribbons, and napkins. When is Maslenitsa in 2019? What funny names do the days of the week of the holiday have? You will learn the answers to these and other questions from our article.

It is worth noting that in the Catholic faith eggs are treated with special attention. They are presented on a baked Easter wreath or in a special basket. They are allowed to be placed on sprouted grains such as wheat or oats.

Customs of Catholic Easter

There are no particular differences in customs between Catholics and Orthodox Christians. Catholics also prepare carefully for Easter, but during Lent they follow much fewer rules. So, in certain days, they are allowed to eat meat and dairy products. The celebration also has a lot of differences.

Thus, the British call Holy Thursday, which is familiar to Orthodox Christians, Alms Thursday. On this day they help those in need and also devote themselves to charity. All this ends with a ceremonial meal, which includes baked fish, lamb, and an abundance of fruits and vegetables.

On the day of celebration, Catholics also attend church. They come with baskets full of colored eggs and also take part in the ceremonial service. It is accompanied by organ music and reading prayers. It is interesting that the church uses water and fire lighting. Therefore, parishioners go home with holy water and a candle lit from the holy fire. It is generally accepted that blessed fire and water will rid the inhabitants of the house of negativity and give peace.

As mentioned above, chronology in Orthodox and catholic churches occurs taking into account different calendars. In the first case, this is Julian calendar, and in the second - Gregorian. This is the reason for the discrepancy in the dates of the holiday between the two churches. In 2019, Catholic Easter will come a week earlier than Orthodox Easter. Catholics will celebrate the Resurrection of Christ on April 21, and Orthodox Christians on April 28.

In European countries, the celebration is devoted to Special attention. The French are planning on this day fun game for children with a search for eggs that are hidden in advance by adults in different places. With the help of such simple entertainment, another main symbol Catholic Easter - Easter bunny.

Guests are offered a variety of treats such as fried chicken and a variety of chocolate desserts. In 2019, Easter for French Catholics will be marked by the ringing of bells across the country. This tradition dates back to ancient times and is still relevant today. (see for 2019)

Easter in Italy

Undoubtedly, the most grandiose celebration of the occasion Happy Easter in the Catholic world takes place in Italy. On this holy day, Italians gather in the main square or in front of televisions to listen to the Pope's speech. After the ceremonial part is over, residents begin the actual celebration.

On festive table Italian families must have the following dishes:

  • cheese pies with eggs;
  • lamb and artichoke dishes;
  • Colomba.

Otherwise, the celebration in Italy is no different from other European countries.

In Germany, residents will celebrate Easter on April 21, like other representatives of the Catholic world. The Germans have their own certain traditions that distinguish this event from the rest. So, in Germany it is customary to light a fire not only in churches, but also simply on the streets. In this way, residents say goodbye to winter and invite spring.

It is worth noting that the entertainment for children with the search for colored eggs, as well as the Easter bunny, owe their origin to the people of Germany. So the Germans will definitely celebrate with this game. German tables on this day are decorated with an abundance of egg dishes, as well as bacon and delicious sausages.

What does a rabbit mean for Easter?

It is believed that the Easter bunny dyes eggs on the night before the Resurrection of Christ and hides them around the world. The idea of ​​creating this symbol belongs to the Germans. They decided to choose this character, despite the fact that the eggs are laid by a chicken and not a rabbit. This tradition appealed to Catholics, who annually organize fun competitions for your children. How to remember everything Orthodox events the coming year? No matter how long you have been a believer, without Orthodox calendar not enough.

Similarities and differences between Orthodox and Catholic Easter traditions

Based on the above, Catholic Easter has few differences from Orthodox Easter. Both faiths have similar customs and symbols. Thus, Catholics and Orthodox Christians carefully prepare for the upcoming celebration, prepare baked goods, paint eggs and engage in spiritual cleansing. There are days off that allow you to fully celebrate the Great Holiday, as well as the blessing of products in churches.

If we talk about differences, then it is worth mentioning the significant indulgences during Lent in relation to Catholic Christians. There are also some discrepancies in the dishes, the presence of which is necessary on the festive table. For Orthodox faith symbols such as the Easter bunny or wreath are not typical.

Every housewife who honors traditions and follows the rules of preparation for this important day, knows all the important dishes for this day by heart. Of course, the most important things on the table are eggs and Easter cakes. At the end of Lent, the consumption of foods prohibited during this period is allowed. That is why the tables are overflowing with dishes made from meat, fish and eggs. Dairy products are also very popular.

Catholic Easter in 2019 will come on April 21, but you can plan some events for this Holy Day today. To do this, it is enough to know about the traditions and symbols of this celebration. The key to a successful holiday is careful and rational preparation. This is the only way to make a proper impression on the guests and receive only positive emotions from the Bright Resurrection of Christ.

Christ is Risen!

Your Eminence, dear and venerable Lord! According to established custom, on this joyful first day of Holy Easter, the academic family, represented by representatives of its corporation and students, visits your home, your cell, here to once again proclaim the great truth about the Resurrection of Christ and to share with you the common Easter joy. According to tradition, every time on this day the person who heads the Academy addresses you with greetings. I have the opportunity to fulfill this honorable duty for the fourth time. And always, when people address you on behalf of the Academy on this day, they usually rightly talk about your great personal contribution to the life of our Theological schools. You, indeed, dear Vladyka, being the hierarch of our local Leningrad Church, have provided and continue to provide great attention Theological schools. I remember well the time when I myself was still a student and when you, despite the difficult and responsible service of the Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations, which required your stay in Moscow throughout working week, coming to Leningrad on Saturday, Sunday and holidays, they gave all of themselves, all their strength to the Leningrad diocese and to a large extent, I would say, to a very significant extent, to the Leningrad Theological schools. And since then, all of us, the teachers and students of this school, have felt your creative influence, which is extremely useful for the school.

However, the Lord was pleased some time ago to take from you part of the powerful health that you had. You now visit Leningrad more and your lifestyle has changed somewhat, because a serious and very dangerous illness often confines you to bed for a long time. In this regard, dear Master, I would like to say now about what I thought about during the Holy Days that we experienced before the holiday of Holy Easter. Now, often on your sick bed, you may be doing more for our school and for each of us than you did when you devoted yourself to your service with full force. Now your example is vital for all of us, I emphasize, vitally important. Few of those standing here know that not everyone in your position would risk performing a divine service tonight. Very few, I think, would have done what you did. None of your loved ones were sure whether you would return alive from the temple today. Your situation was very dangerous, as the doctor told me last night, when you put on your formal clothes and headed to the temple. For many who surround you, this sacrificial service of yours is amazing. As for me personally, in my still short life I have not seen such an example of service to the Church, and this example is extremely important for all of us, especially for those young people who study here and who will long haul church service. I think that we are all happy that in your person we have such an amazing and, I would say, such a great example of service to the Lord Savior and His Holy Church in its sacrifice. And therefore, today, having gathered here, we all wish you, dear Lord, health and strength, which are needed not only by you, according to your human nature and your human weakness, but which are needed for all of us, so that for many years you will remain our father , our inspirer and leader of our church life here in Leningrad. I think that everyone, especially Leningraders who remember the history of the post-war years, will agree with me if I say that during your holy reign the church life in the Leningrad Metropolitanate. And therefore, Vladyka, together with our ardent filial wishes, we bring you today our love, deep respect and express our joy that in you we have a saint and primate of prayer before the face of God. We wish you, dear Lord, good health, we wish you physical and mental strength for many, many, good and prosperous years! Many years to come, Your Eminence and dear Master!

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