Home Grape Rock carvings of aircraft. Gods and ancient UFOs. Rock figures of aliens from the Chhattisgarhe cave

Rock carvings of aircraft. Gods and ancient UFOs. Rock figures of aliens from the Chhattisgarhe cave

Until now, scientists and researchers around the world are struggling with these riddles that have come to us from the past. Did our ancestors see UFOs and could foresee the future? Who knows...

Seal of King Nebuchadnezzar II of Mesopotamia (private collection) Nuclear bomb and war?

Medallion found in a tomb in Ancient Egypt in 2003, discovered by the archaeologist Professor Winwood. It is estimated to be around 13,000 years old. Scientists believe that the reliquary is a map of our galaxy.

The lid of the sarcophagus of the Mayan tribe. Scientists claim that the Mayan civilization knew and communicated with extraterrestrial civilizations

Mayan bike. Amazing, isn't it?

The ancient Egyptians also knew something about the future. Or maybe they saw it all at home, in the present?

The Sumerians are a mysterious people. Scientists say about them that they flew into space and saw aliens
During numerous excavations, many Sumerian seals have been found, which are stone cylinders from 1 to 6 centimeters in height, often with holes for these seals to be worn. The drawings on the working surface of the seals are, in the opinion of scientists, nothing more than instructions for flying into space. All actions of the crew are described, from switching on the landing system and engines, flying over the mountains to the cosmodrome, orienteering by the stars. Interestingly, the flight path lies between the cosmonauts' home planet Mavduk and the Earth passes between Jupiter and Mars. It is also stated that “Landing is controlled by a deity
Ninyi ". The moment of landing, the passage of the atmosphere, the switching on of the brake engines are indicated, cities and mountains are indicated for a landmark and even a cosmodrome where they landed. The information is filled with numbers, which, according to scientists, indicate flight speed, distance, altitude and other flight data.

Ancient deities in spacesuits?

Ancient Greeks and a laptop?

Inside the magnificent Cathedral of Hieronymus, built by Bishop de Salamanca in 1102 AD, amid fascinating carvings of mythical animals and saints, we find ... a NASA astronaut
By the way - this theory was smashed to smithereens. For those who did not know - in 1992 the cathedral was restored and additional modern motives were introduced. The reason for the emergence of these motifs was the tradition of temple builders and restorers, which consists in the free inclusion of modern motives in old decorations. This way of restoring old buildings can, of course, be regarded as a signature of your work. Architect Hieronimo Garcia chose the astronaut as a symbol of the twentieth century.

Almost identical deities of completely different ancient peoples. One deity who came (flew?) To all or such close communication?

The world's first zodiac circle of the Ancient Egyptians. So smart or someone suggested?
Several ancient zodiac charts have been discovered in Egypt. They knew that the life cycle of Sirius is 1460 years, and Mars and Venus have specific phases.

The oldest image of an astronaut was found during excavations in the Rusahinil area near Van and is kept in the Istanbul Archaeological Museum

Featuring a UFO-like disc, this coin was struck in France in 1680. What the author wanted to say with this image, no one can explain

Aircraft on ancient frescoes - image in the Cathedral of Sveti-Tskhoveli in Georgia

The painting hangs over the altar at the Vysokie Decany monastery in Kosovo.

Scientists say that they have no doubt that these are aircraft - after all, a person sits inside.
Note that many scientists and researchers do not agree with the visions of spacecraft, explaining this simply - the humanization of the Sun and the Moon, when celestial bodies were given names and even endowed with a soul.

On the Kamchatka Peninsula, 200 km from the village of Tigil, the University of Archeology of St. Petersburg discovered fossils with metal gear cylinders of an unknown machine
Spectral analysis of geological rocks and the machine into which the mechanism is soldered showed its age -
about 400 million years old. The authenticity of the find has been certified.

The theory of paleocontact, according to which ancient earthly civilizations were in contact with intelligent aliens, is gaining more and more popularity lately. A recent discovery by Indian archaeologists has added fuel to the fire - cave paintings about 10,000 years old, depicting humanoids and something similar to a flying saucer.

The sensational find was made in caves 130 km from the city of Raipur, Chhattiskarh state, close to the villages of Chandeli and Gotitola. The scientists were most interested in three images. The first depicts a group of several small creatures (presumably humanoids) with large heads and fuzzy faces (it is assumed that the creatures are in spacesuits). The second picture shows a man with a stick following a humanoid. This, by the way, practically excludes the possibility that the aliens were simply incorrectly drawn people (incorrect proportions, lack of a face ...). The third, most interesting, drawing depicts something that strongly resembles a flying saucer, which stands on the ground on three legs.

The paleocontact theory is not new. It should also be noted that it is not taken seriously by many scientists and has a huge number of skeptics. However, with the help of paleocontact, one can quite simply explain the presence of high technologies in ancient earthly civilizations, which allowed them to build such majestic buildings as the Egyptian pyramids and the Lebanese Baalbek, and exact knowledge, such as the Mayan Indians about the structure of the world and astronomy.

It is also interesting that the inhabitants of the villages of Chandeli and Gotitola have an ancient legend that has been passed down from generation to generation for centuries. According to her, in ancient times, "heavenly people" descended to earth, they took with them selected villagers and never returned them back.

Of course, rock paintings cannot be considered irrefutable proof that aliens visited our planet in ancient times. These drawings can be anything, for example, a manifestation of someone's violent imagination ... On the other hand, such evidence cannot be completely neglected either. So far, we can only state a fact - the find of Indian archaeologists has become another argument "for" the theory of paleocontact.

In the Indian state of Chhattisgarh, ancient rock paintings have been found that are at least 10 thousand years old. Moreover, the drawings are so unusual that the Indian Department of Archeology and Culture is going to ask NASA and Isro (Indian Space Research Agency) for help in studying them.

Drawings that look like flying vehicles and strange creatures have been found in the Charama region, Kanker region, in caves about 130 kilometers from the city of Raipur.

According to archaeologist Jay Er Bhagat(JR Bhagat), the drawings depict realistically observed or based on descriptions of alien creatures that were encountered by humans in prehistoric times. Accurate data requires careful additional research from an expert who is not currently on the staff.

Intrigues are added by legends that circulate in nearby villages and that tell about some "rohela people"- small people who moved between earth and sky on rounded vehicles and took several people from the village with them, who did not return afterwards. Some residents still worship the images on the rocks.

Despite the past years, the paintings made with natural paints are still fresh and have not faded, which is quite unusual, - continues the story of Jay Er Bhagat, - In the drawings you can see patterns that look like numbers, and the creatures do not have mouths and noses. Some of the images show what looks like space suits. We cannot give an accurate assessment of the imagination of ancient people, but these are undoubtedly rather unusual things.

Also, according to the archaeologist, all these images of creatures and devices are very similar to those that we see in films about aliens. On the rock carvings, you can see antennae on the heads of creatures.

Let's imagine a scene from the distant past, where thousands of years ago, ancient man witnessed something incredible. For example, it was the appearance of astronauts who arrived on Earth in spaceships.

Undoubtedly, these were fantastic scenes of the landing of “heavenly people”, an event that ancient mankind in the person of eyewitnesses could never forget, and was forced to somehow interpret and record them.

According to fans of the ideas of ufology, such scenes of the arrival of people from heaven are displayed in the art of cave chronicles, confirming in the drawings the contact of earthlings with people from other worlds. Thanks to devices for flying in the sky, the ability to create fire and demonstrating other technologies, "heavenly people" began to be revered by ancient people as gods - but people also sketched these significant events.

Although many adherents of mainstream science are categorically against even the slightest chance of ancient astronauts participating in the life of the Earth, speaking of the tricks of fantasy, the documents in the form of drawings tell a completely different story.

There is a defiant splendor of images on the walls of caves around the world, where ancient man captured the appearance of aliens from heaven, complementing the rock chronicle with mysterious objects in the sky. Undoubtedly, people painted history itself on the walls of caves - alien spaceships and humanoid figures that are different from any species that live on Earth.

Rock figures of aliens from the Chhattisgarhe cave.

One of the amazing descriptions of what is now being discussed, and we are talking about alien beings, can be observed in the caves of India. The discovery of 10,000-year-old rock carvings reveals amazing figurines that remind us of extraterrestrial beings and the disc-shaped apparatus of our planet's guests.

Many experts are amazed at the extreme similarity between the cave paintings and the images of aliens from feature films, where unknown visitors and mysterious alien ships are usually portrayed in this way.

According to Indian experts, everything looks as if people who lived 10,000 years ago made these pictures after watching sci-fi films. According to the explanation of the archaeologist J.R. Bhagat, this may mean that people, from time immemorial, have seen creatures coming to Earth from other planets - and on this basis, we have already built the modern image of aliens.

The rock paintings are made in natural colors, having survived almost without losing color despite the past centuries. Some figurines are believed to be holding weapons, although there are imperceptibly distinct features for an unambiguous conclusion.

It is curious, but some of the figures do not have a delineated nose and mouth, they seem to be drawn by a child's hand, where only the outline of the body is indicated. At the same time, several paintings show visitors to Earth wearing spacesuits. “Of course, we cannot refute the possibility of the fantasy of prehistoric people, but this is a very unlikely assumption,” archaeologists say.

Cave paintings of Wandjina, Australia

The Wandjina rock carvings are a collection of extraordinarily mysterious paintings drawn by ancient people thousands of years ago. In fact, according to a new study, the rock carvings located at Kimberly may be more than 50,000 years old.

Some researchers have adhered to the theory for many years that the rock carvings in Kimberly, which supposedly depict the aliens now known to us as Wandjina, may be about 100 thousand years old! Kimberley Cave Art has hundreds of paintings scattered over a huge area of ​​400,000 sq / km.

Locals in the region refer to these strange figures as "Wandjina", referring to the heavenly beings who brought civilization and prosperity to the people. Note, like many other ancient civilizations around the world, the Wandjina symbol is intertwined with the legend of the feathered serpent.

The rock art shows creatures wearing sandals, which undoubtedly attracted the attention of researchers, since the indigenous population of the region was barefoot. Meanwhile, other oddities are noticeable here: creatures with a certain anomaly are visible in the drawings, at least in our understanding - their limbs number from three to seven fingers. What can this mean, a mistake of an ancient artist, or did the aliens look like this?

Aliens on the walls of the Tassilin-Adjer cave.

We see incredible rock paintings of the same theme on the Tassili plateau. In southern Algeria, the arid Sahara Desert is believed by some to contain evidence of alien visits to Earth. As with many other caves around the globe, the drawings found in the Tassilin-Adjer area probably depict planets in the distant past.

Researchers assure that the Tassili rock paintings occupy an important part of the ancient collection of rock art among those known today. True, only about 20% of them remain visible, as most of these incredible images have been destroyed by erosion. Experts believe that the rock carvings are from 10,000 to 15,000 years old and, of course, according to the assurances of ufologists, they speak of the arrival of aliens on Earth.

Strange and mysterious images have caused heated debate among researchers. Look at these ancient paintings: rivers and jungles, animals that have lived in the region in the past, and that's okay. However, there is something in the neighborhood that they could not see (according to the main version of archeology, the visit to Earth by aliens is denied): strange humanoid figures in helmets and spacesuits.

The ancient people in Tassili painted everyday life and their experiences, and could not imagine humanoid figures in spacesuits, which in some cases were even depicted with antennas on their helmets. Is the ancient alien theory that the cave dwellers actually portrayed ancient astronauts who visited civilization about 10,000 years ago?

The opinion of many people is unshakable - it is possible that the drawings contain the memory of the arrival of heavenly people and documentary evidence of "Contact" from our ancestors. Of course, it is possible that the ancient inhabitants had great imagination - says J. R. Bhagat, but the likelihood of this is negligible.

October 13, 2014, 13:31

Rock carvings of Horse Horseshoe Canyon, Utah, USA.

Such ancient historical monuments are not concentrated anywhere in one place, but are scattered all over the planet. The petroglyphs were not found at the same time, sometimes the discoveries of different drawings are separated by significant periods of time.

From time to time on the same rocks scientists find drawings from different millennia. There are traces of similarities between the most diverse cave paintings, so that it seems that in ancient times there was a single praculture and universal knowledge associated with it. So, many figures in the drawings have the same features, although their authors did not know anything about each other - they were separated by an enormous distance and time. However, the similarity in the images is systematic: in particular, the heads of the gods always emit light. Despite the fact that rock paintings have been studied for about 200 years, they still remain a mystery.

It is believed that the first images of mysterious creatures were cave paintings on Mount Hunan, China (picture above). They are about 47,000 years old. These drawings supposedly depict early contact with unknown beings, possibly guests from extraterrestrial civilizations.

These drawings were found in the Sera Da Capivara National Park in Brazil. Experts claim that the paintings were created about twenty-nine thousand years ago:

Interesting cave paintings, over 10,000 years old, were recently discovered in the state of Chhattisgarh, India:

This cave painting dates from around 10,000 BC and is located in the Val Camonica, Italy. The drawn figures look like two creatures wearing protective suits and their heads emitting light. They hold strange devices in their hands:

As the next example, we can cite the rock image of a glowing man, which is located 18 km west of the city of Navoi (Uzbekistan). At the same time, a shining figure sits on a throne, and the figures standing near her wear something similar to protective masks on their faces. A kneeling person does not have such a device in the lower part of the drawing - he is at a considerable distance from the luminous figure and, apparently, does not need such protection.

Tassilin-Adjer (Plateau of Rivers) is the largest monument of rock art in the Sahara. The plateau is located in the southeastern part of Algeria. The most ancient petroglyphs of Tassilin-Adjer date back to the 7th millennium BC. And the latest - the 7th century AD. For the first time, drawings on the plateau were seen in 1909:

Image dating from about 600 BC, from Tassilin-Adjer. The figure shows a creature with different eyes, a strange petal hairdo and a shapeless figure. More than a hundred similar "gods" were found in the caves:

Found in the Sahara Desert, these murals depict a humanoid creature in a spacesuit. The frescoes are 5 thousand years old:

Australia is isolated from the rest of the continents. However, on the Kimberley Plateau (northwest Australia) there are entire galleries of petroglyphs. And here all the same motives are present: gods with similar faces and with a halo of rays around their heads. The drawings were first discovered in 1891:

These are images of Vandina, the goddess of the sky, in a halo of shining rays.

Rock art in Puerta del Canyon, Argentina:

Sego Canyon, Utah, USA. The oldest petroglyphs appeared here more than 8,000 years ago:

"Skala-newspaper" in the same place, in Utah:

Alien, Arizona, USA:

California, USA:

The image of the "alien". Kalbak-Tash, Altai, Russia:

"Sun Man" from the Karakol Valley, Altai:

Another of the many petroglyphs of the Italian Val Camonica in the Southern Alps:

Rock paintings of Gobustan, Azerbaijan. Scientists attribute the most ancient drawings to the Mesolithic era (about 10 thousand years ago:

Ancient rock paintings in Niger:

Onega petroglyphs at Cape Besov Nos, Russia. The most famous of the Onega petroglyphs is Bes, its length is two and a half meters. A deep crack crosses the image, dividing it exactly in two halves. A "crack" into another, other world. In a kilometer radius from Bes, satellite navigation often fails. The clock also behaves unpredictably: it can run forward, it can stop. What is the reason for such an anomaly, scientists only speculate. The ancient figure is cut with an Orthodox cross. Most likely, it was hollowed out over the demonic image by the monks of the Murom monastery in the 15th – 16th centuries. To neutralize the devilish power:

Petroglyphs of Tamgaly, Kazakhstan. Rock carvings abound in a variety of subjects, and the most common of them depict divine sun-headed creatures:

White Shaman Rock in Lower Canyon, Texas. According to experts, this seven-meter image is more than four thousand years old. It is believed that the White Shaman hides the secrets of an ancient extinct cult:

Rock carvings of giant people from South Africa:

Mexico. Veracruz, Las Palmas: rock carvings depicting creatures in spacesuits:

Rock paintings in the Pegtymel river valley, Chukotka, Russia:

The twin gods fight with battle axes. One of the petroglyphs found in Tanumshead, western Sweden (the drawings are painted red already in the modern period):

Among the petroglyphs on the Litslebu rock massif, a giant (2.3 m tall) image of a god with a spear (possibly Odin) dominates:

Sarmysh-say gorge, Uzbekistan. Numerous ancient rock paintings of people in strange clothes were found in the gorge, some of which can be interpreted as images of "ancient astronauts":

Rock carvings of the Hopi Indians in the state of Arizona, USA, depicting some creatures - kachina. The Hopi considered these mysterious kachinas their heavenly teachers:

In addition, there are many ancient rock paintings, either solar symbols, or some objects resembling aircraft.

Cave paintings of San Antonio, Texas, USA.

This ancient cave painting, discovered in Australia, depicts something very similar to a space alien ship. At the same time, the image may well mean something quite understandable.

Something that looks like a rocket taking off. Kalbysh Tash, Altai.

Petroglyph depicting a UFO. Bolivia.

UFO from a cave in Chhattisgarh, India

The petroglyphs of Lake Onega depict cosmic, solar and lunar signs: circles and semicircles with outgoing ray lines, in which a modern person can clearly see both a radar and a spacesuit. Moreover, there is a TV set.

Rock Painting, Arizona, USA

Petroglyphs of Panama

California, USA

Guanche rock carvings, Canary Islands

Ancient depictions of the mystical symbol of the spiral are found throughout the world. These rock paintings were once created by Indians in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, USA.

Rock Painting, Nevada, USA

One of the drawings found in a cave on the island of Yunosti, off the coast of Cuba. In it you can find a great similarity with the structure of the solar system, where there is an image of eight planets with their largest satellites.

These petroglyphs are found in Pakistan, in the Indus Valley:

A highly developed Indian civilization once existed in these places. It is from her that these ancient images carved on stones remained. Take a closer look - don't you think that these are mysterious vimanas - flying chariots from ancient Indian myths?

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