Home Grape Cucumber oatmeal mask. Cucumber masks - for a perfect face. Cucumber and potato mask

Cucumber oatmeal mask. Cucumber masks - for a perfect face. Cucumber and potato mask

A cucumber face mask refreshes the skin, helps eliminate oily shine, tones, evens out tone, whitens, and corrects excess pigmentation. The composition is neutral, universal, suitable for different skin types. The vegetable is combined with sour cream, decoctions of medicinal herbs, eggs, olive oil, oatmeal, cottage cheese, lemon juice, and aloe.

The benefits and effectiveness of fresh cucumber masks for facial skin

The use of cucumber in medicinal cosmetics for facial care is due to the beneficial qualities of the product. The vegetable pulp helps moisturize the skin, soothes, tones, and starts rejuvenation processes in cells.

Cucumber mask helps solve the following dermatological problems:

  • Elimination of shine, regulation of the sebaceous glands;
  • reduction of puffiness under the eyes, reduction of dark circles;
  • elimination of severe pigmentation, whitening of freckles;
  • improving blood circulation, evening out tone;
  • giving freshness to an inflamed face, drying out acne;
  • smoothing wrinkles, giving the skin firmness and elasticity.
  • softening dry skin, eliminating peeling, restoring hydrobalance;
  • narrowing pores, cleansing the skin of blackheads and deep impurities.

Using vegetable pulp in the preparation of cosmetics allows you to get results after 2-3 procedures. The components of the masks must be selected according to your skin type. The vegetable does not contain toxic or aggressive components, so the composition is used to care for the skin around the eyes.

Analyzing the composition of cucumber

The vegetable consists of 80% liquid, so the pulp gives the skin a glow and an even tone. 20% accounts for the content of minerals, vitamins, amino and polyunsaturated acids.

Cucumber is used for the face due to the following components contained in the product:

  • antioxidants;
  • vitamins A, C, E, H, PP;
  • B vitamins;
  • organic acids;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • selenium;
  • riboflavin;
  • potassium;
  • thiamine;
  • niacin;
  • phylloquinone.

Vitamin A moisturizes the epidermis layer, promotes cell renewal, and has a rejuvenating, moisturizing, and anti-inflammatory effect.

B1 helps to launch rejuvenating processes in the skin and has protective characteristics. B2 reduces skin aging by saturating cells with oxygen. B5 increases tissue elasticity, smoothes the skin, and helps reduce wrinkles. B6 stabilizes metabolic processes in cells and reduces age-related processes.

Riboflavin increases the rate of oxygen saturation of cells.

Thiamine and tocopherol have a protective, rejuvenating effect and trigger the renewal of cellular structure.

Folic acid helps reduce inflammation on the skin.

Ascorbic acid increases tissue elasticity and prevents wrinkles;

Pyridoxine and tocopherol enhance metabolic processes in cells and tissues.

Panthenolic acid helps smooth out fine wrinkles and evens out deep wrinkles.

Biotin helps restore skin after rashes, acne damage.

Niacin reduces signs of fatigue, nourishes, gives radiance, freshness, and evens out tone.

Phylloquinone helps eliminate redness, reduces swelling, whitens freckles and pigments.

Indications for use

  • signs of fatigue, aging skin;
  • excessive pigmentation and flaking;
  • excessive oiliness of the dermis or tightness, dryness of the skin;
  • dull complexion, pollution;
  • enlarged pores;
  • inflammation;
  • fine and deep wrinkles;
  • swelling, laxity of the dermis;
  • enlarged and contaminated pores.

The acid-neutral composition allows you to use a cucumber mask to care for the skin around the eyes. Delicate dermis needs hydration in the presence of tightness, wrinkles, swelling, lethargy, pallor and dark circles. When deciding the benefits of the product, it is necessary to take into account the following positive effects of the vegetable and cucumber juice on the skin around the eyes:

  • relieving or preventing swelling;
  • eliminating signs of fatigue;
  • smoothing out small wrinkles;
  • increasing tone, refreshing the delicate dermis.

Who are cucumber masks suitable for?

The vegetable mask has a neutral pH composition, similar to the structure of the skin in combinations of alkalis and acids, so the component is not a pronounced allergen. The benefits of cucumber and the versatility of the composition allow the product to be used for dry, oily, and mixed skin types. A cucumber mask can also be used for hair, moisturizing, nourishing, eliminating split ends, and preventing flaking of the scalp.


The use of cucumber on the skin is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • allergy to mask components or vegetable pulp;
  • presence of scratches, cuts;
  • inflammation;
  • colds.

How to properly prepare and use a mask?

For treatment and recovery, you must follow the recommendations for using the vegetable and combining it with other ingredients:

  • it is important to use fresh cucumbers grown in open ground, in a greenhouse without chemicals;
  • a useful composition can be prepared with the addition of natural ingredients (yolk, vegetable oil, etc.);
  • Before use, vegetables are placed in a cool place;
  • After applying cucumber juice to the face, no water procedures are required, the product remains until absorbed;
  • To obtain a mask that nourishes the dermis, vegetables are grated (with medium or small cells);
  • after the mask, wash your face and pat it dry with a towel;
  • substances for the procedure are applied fresh, because vitamins and beneficial components are lost after the composition dries;
  • before using the mixture, it is necessary to cleanse the skin, in some cases it is advisable to steam the face;
  • when performing deep cleansing using cucumber mass, it is necessary to perform scrubbing in advance;
  • You can add grated cucumber to your morning wash water to moisturize; the procedure should be regular.
  • Place cucumbers cut into circles over the eyes for 15 minutes;
  • Cucumber slices and the mask can be left on the skin of the face for up to 20-25 minutes.

The optimal periods for skin restoration with cucumber compositions are summer and early autumn.

When including other products in a mask, it is important to test the components for individual tolerance to prevent allergies. The ingredient is applied to the wrist; if there is no rash or itching, the component is included in the mask.

Fighting rashes

A cucumber mask is used to prevent or dry out pimples and acne. It is useful to wipe your face with cucumber in the morning. In addition to the vegetable pulp, the product includes:

  • protein;
  • different types of clays (white, blue, red);
  • oils (essential or vegetable);
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • vegetable juices;
  • berries, fruits.


For a monocomponent mask, you will need 1 medium cucumber, chop the vegetable on a grater, spread the mixture on the skin, and leave for 15 minutes. The mixture is washed off with clean water, and the face is moisturized with a light cream.


The composition with cottage cheese allows you to even out the tone, deeply moisturize the epidermis, and soften rough areas. For the recipe you will need:

  • cucumber juice from 1 vegetable;
  • low-fat cottage cheese (2 tbsp.).

The components are ground, spread on the skin, washed off after 15-20 minutes, and the skin is moisturized with cream.

Snow White effect

A cucumber mask has whitening properties, so it is recommended for excess pigmentation, uneven tone, and freckles. The brightening qualities of the vegetable are complemented by parsley, lemon juice, and fermented milk products that reduce pigmentation. The whitening effect has a composition of cucumber and honey, the components are mixed in proportions of 2:1 and kept on the face for 15-20 minutes.


Lemon enhances the brightening effect of cucumber and is used in cosmetic procedures for skin with pigmentation, excessive tanning, and freckles. For the recipe you need:

  • 3 medium sized cucumbers;
  • lemon juice (1 tbsp.);

The peeled vegetable is grated and mixed with lemon juice. The composition must be heated and applied warm to the face. Squeeze the juice out of the remaining cucumbers, soak a gauze towel in it and apply it on top of your face for 25 minutes. The mixture is cleaned with water, the skin is softened with cream.

Cucumber, yogurt, parsley

Greens and cucumber also lighten the skin. For preparation you will need:

  • cucumber;
  • yogurt without sugar (4 tbsp);
  • fresh parsley (50 g).

It is necessary to chop the vegetable and parsley, then grind the components in a blender. The mass is mixed with yogurt, generously spread on a steamed face, washed off after 20 minutes with mineralized water, and the skin is moisturized with cream.

Recipes for homemade cucumber face masks

A cucumber mask is created using different components and differs in impact and concentration. There are compositions with a lifting effect, cleansing, eliminating acne, with a nourishing, moisturizing, toning effect. It is common to include yolk, honey, curdled milk, herbal infusions, potatoes, avocados, and berries in the mixture. Products must be fresh, clean and used in accordance with the recommended recipe.


Face masks with cucumber with a rejuvenating effect deeply nourish the dermis and even out the tone. Several easy-to-prepare recipes are common:

  1. A product based on potatoes smooths out deep wrinkles. For preparation you need cucumber pulp (1 tbsp.), grated potatoes (1 tbsp.). The ingredients are mixed, placed on the skin for 20 minutes, the mixture is washed off with water, and the face is moisturized with a light cream.
  2. The mixture with natural honey has an intense nourishing effect. To make it you will need 2 finely chopped cucumbers, honey (2 tablespoons), mix the ingredients, grind them, place them on your face for 20 minutes, and clean them.
  3. Fresh herbs effectively rejuvenate the skin. The recipe requires parsley (2 tbsp.), cucumber. Add hot water to the chopped parsley leaves and let it brew for 1 hour. The product is filtered and combined with finely chopped cucumber. The composition must be wiped over pigmented skin for at least a week; the product increases the tone of the dermis and corrects the oval of the face.
  4. Smoothes the dermis and saturates the deep layers with a mask with distilled water from rose buds. The recipe requires cucumber juice (2 tbsp), water (2 tbsp), low-fat cream (1 tbsp). Mix the ingredients and beat with a mixer. The creamy mass is distributed on the skin, left for 15 minutes, and washed off. The rich composition nourishes the skin, so there is no need to apply cream afterwards.

For pimples and acne

Products with cucumber help fight inflammation of the dermis. The list of popular recipes:

  1. The composition with protein relieves redness and treats acne. You will need cucumber, protein, olive or almond oil (3-4 drops). The egg white is beaten, the vegetable is grated, the ingredients are mixed, oil is added, the mixture is distributed over the face, and removed after 20 minutes with water.
  2. The addition of aloe to the mixture enhances the wound-healing and moisturizing properties of the remedy. The recipe includes vegetable pulp (2 tbsp), aloe juice (1 tbsp), liquid honey (1 tsp). The components are mixed, spread on the skin, and areas with rashes are intensively treated. Cleansing is performed after 15 minutes.

Mask for oily skin with avocado and protein

For mixed skin types and those prone to oily skin, the composition of avocado and cucumber is optimal. The following ingredients are required:

  • cucumber (0.5 pcs.);
  • raw protein;
  • avocado (0.5 pcs.);
  • powdered milk (2 tsp).

Cucumber and avocado are peeled, chopped and ground. Powdered milk and protein are added to the mass and kneaded. The product is placed on the balcony (in winter) or in the refrigerator for 0.5 hours. The mask is applied to the face, after 30 minutes it is cleaned with water.

Mask for dry skin with sour cream

The composition of cucumber and sour cream is optimal for skin prone to dryness, because... softens and deeply saturates the skin with moisture, reduces sagging, swelling, evens out the structure and tone. For preparation you will need:

  • cucumber;
  • sour cream (2 tbsp).

The vegetable is ground, excess juice is removed, and the mixture is combined with sour cream. Apply the cucumber and sour cream product to the face for 15-20 minutes and rinse off. Dried dermis can be nourished with a therapeutic mask up to 2-3 times every 7 days for a course of 1 month.

Moisturizing mint-basil

A light face mask made from fresh cucumber with herbs tones, triggers metabolic processes in cells, and evens out the complexion. For the care product you need:

  • cucumber pulp (1 tbsp);
  • mint leaves (1 tbsp);
  • basil (1 tbsp.).

The ingredients are mixed, rubbed, placed on the face, and left for up to 15-20 minutes.

Eye mask for dark circles and puffiness

Cucumber pulp is a moisturizing and nourishing agent for the skin around the eyes; the natural composition of the component helps reduce swelling and gives tone to the delicate dermis.

For the product you need:

  • cucumber (2 thin slices);
  • milk or green tea (1-2 tbsp.).

The skin of the eyelids is cleaned of decorative cosmetics, and slices of cucumber are placed under the eyes. Cotton swabs are dipped in green tea and applied to the eyelids. After 20 minutes, the products are removed; treatment of the eyelids with water is not required.

Cucumber and egg mask

The product for improving tone, smoothing the skin, and reducing wrinkles contains an egg. To prepare, you need a medium-sized cucumber, which is chopped on a grater. Protein is included in the mass and spread on the skin. After 10-15 minutes, the components are washed off with water or cooled green tea. The product is used in a course for 15 days.

Cucumber and honey mask

A cucumber-honey mask, supplemented with fermented milk products, gives the skin an even tone, freshness, radiance, nourishes cells, relieves irritation, redness, and tones. The composition is useful for thin, highly sensitive dermis.

The following ingredients are required for preparation:

  • cucumber juice (2 tbsp.);
  • fresh honey (1 tbsp);
  • low-fat cottage cheese (1 tbsp.).

The cucumber is ground, the juice is expressed, the honey is heated and cooled to room temperature. Medium fat cottage cheese is whipped with a whisk. The ingredients are mixed in glass or ceramic containers. Apply the product to clean, dry skin, leave for 15 minutes, and rinse off. The caring procedure ends with a facial treatment with tonic or water with mineral supplements. Cosmetologists recommend performing treatment in courses of up to 1 month, 2-3 times a week.

Cucumber and potato mask

A face wash made from cucumber and potatoes has a soothing, nourishing effect on the skin, optimal for combination and oily skin types. It is necessary to grate a medium-sized cucumber and potatoes. The products are mixed in a glass container, excess liquid is drained. The creamy mass must be placed on the face, after 15 minutes wipe this area with a swab with mineral or thermal water. The skin becomes soft, velvety, and deeply moisturized.

Cucumber mask for dry skin

To make a nourishing mask you will need:

  • cucumber pulp (2 tbsp);
  • grated apple (2 tbsp);
  • cosmetic cream with 15% fat content (1 tsp).

It is necessary to peel the cucumber and grate the vegetable. The components are mixed in a ceramic bowl, cream is added to the composition, and mixed. The mixture is spread on the skin for 15 minutes and cleaned off. The procedure ends with treating the skin with a tampon with mineralized or thermal water; after the skin has dried, a gentle cream is applied. The product enriches cells with vitamins, smoothes and gives elasticity to the dermis, removes impurities and toxins.

Cucumber mask for oily skin

To prepare a product for oily skin, you will need the following ingredients:

  • chopped cucumber (3 tbsp);
  • fresh honey (1 tbsp);
  • calendula tincture (1 tbsp.).

The vegetable is crushed to a creamy mass, the honey is heated to a liquid state and cooled. The components are mixed with the tincture, ground, spread on the face for 15 minutes, and after the procedure, cleanse with water. The product helps reduce inflammation, cleanses excess sebaceous secretions, and gives the face a fresh look. The dermis is refreshed with thermal water and moisturized with a light cream with antioxidants. The cosmetic product is recommended for use 2-3 times every 7 days.

Smoothing out wrinkles

Face masks with cucumber are used to smooth the skin, smooth out fine wrinkles, and deeply saturate the cells. It is necessary to chop a small cucumber, add liquid honey (1 tsp) to the mass, mix, spread on the face, remove after 10-15 minutes. It is important to cleanse the skin with purified water or with mineral supplements. The dermis is leveled, acquires tone, a toned appearance, and is smoothed out.

Cucumber juice

Cucumber juice for the face reduces swelling, refreshes tired dermis, tones, rejuvenates, and renews cellular structure. Before preparing the composition, the cucumber is placed in the refrigerator, then cut into slices and applied to the skin, removed after 15 minutes. The dermis acquires an even tone and blush.

For regular use of natural skin care cosmetics, you can freeze cucumber juice. The product is poured into plastic or glass molds and placed in the refrigerator. The product allows you to moisturize your skin all year round.

Oatmeal mask

The inclusion of oatmeal in skin care products helps relieve irritation, reduces inflammation, deeply moisturizes the epidermis layer, and gives a fresh color. For the mask, you will need to chop a cucumber, mix it in a container with low-fat yogurt, oatmeal until smooth and creamy. Before use, cleanse the face with water and wipe with lotion. The product is applied for 15-20 minutes.

Cucumber-honey whitening with lemon

To prepare a mask that eliminates peeling and whitens, you will need:

  • peeled cucumber;
  • honey (1 tsp);
  • lemon juice (1 tsp).

The vegetable is chopped and the juice is squeezed out. Add honey and lemon juice to the mixture and mix the ingredients thoroughly until smooth. Keep the product on the face for at least 20 minutes, then wash it off, and treat the skin with a gentle cream.

Rejuvenating mask with dairy products and herbs

You can refresh skin with signs of aging, pale, and loss of tone using a therapeutic mask with milk and fresh herbs. For preparation you will need:

  • cucumber;
  • sunflower oil (1 tbsp.);
  • milk (1 tbsp);
  • cottage cheese (1 tbsp.).

The vegetable is peeled, grated, and the low-fat cottage cheese is mixed with a whisk until it has the texture of a delicate mousse. Vegetable oil is added to the cucumber mass, then milk and cottage cheese. The ingredients are mixed and placed on the face for 20 minutes. Remove the remaining mass with a paper towel, rinse your face with mineral water. Cosmetologists recommend performing the procedure for aging skin every other day, for a course of 1 month. The composition deeply nourishes cells, gives a healthy appearance and radiance to the skin.

Mask with protein against acne and inflamed tubercles

The product with protein is used for combination skin with redness, inflammation, and acne. Recipe includes:

  • cucumber juice (2 tbsp.);
  • protein.

The juice is squeezed out of the vegetable, the protein is whipped with a whisk until foamy, and the components are mixed. The product is placed on the skin for 15 minutes and washed off with water. After the procedure, the skin is treated with a gentle cream. If there are rashes, the composition is used up to 3 times every 7 days for deep restoration and nutrition of the dermis.

Alcohol tonic mask for oily skin

It is recommended to treat skin with excessive shine and acne with a mask in the form of a tonic. For the product you will need a grated cucumber, from which the juice is squeezed. Cucumber mixture (4 tablespoons) is mixed with vodka (1 tablespoon) and applied to the face with a cotton swab in the evening. For redness, the procedure can be daily, then you will need to wipe the skin 1-2 times a week.

Salad mask for comprehensive daily care and hydration

The salad mask will provide comprehensive hydration. The recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • medium sized tomato;
  • cucumber;
  • vegetable oil (1 tbsp.).

Vegetables are shredded or chopped, grated, and mixed in a glass container. Oil is added to the product, placed on the face, and washed off after 15 minutes. The procedure is recommended for weakened, dry skin.

Oatmeal and carrot mask

For dry skin with flaking and the first wrinkles, a carrot and cucumber mask rich in nutrients and vitamins is recommended. For manufacturing you will need the following products:

  • chopped cucumber (3 tbsp);
  • chopped carrots (3 tbsp);
  • sour milk or kefir (1 tbsp.);
  • oatmeal (1 tsp).

The cucumber is chopped and ground into a creamy mass. The carrots are grated and combined with cucumber puree, milk, and oatmeal. The ingredients are mixed until smooth. The product is spread on cleansed skin in a thick layer for 20 minutes, then cleansed with water. The face is wiped with cotton wool soaked in water with mineral components or thermal water. The dermis is moisturized with cream. The mask is used 2 times every 7-8 days, the product gives the skin radiance, deeply nourishes it with vitamins, and exfoliates dead cells.

Mask with white clay and cucumber

The inclusion of white clay allows you to create a mask for deep cleansing of the epidermis and restoration of cellular structure. For the recipe you need:

  • medium sized cucumber;
  • clay (0.5 tbsp.);
  • water.

The cucumber is chopped, mixed with clay, water is included in the composition, kneaded until creamy, and spread on the face in a thick layer. After drying, wash off with water.

Mask with milk

To prepare a caring composition, it is necessary to include dairy products in the vegetable components. The product helps reduce the severity of wrinkles, lighten excess pigmentation, and add radiance to the skin.

To make a therapeutic mask, the following products are needed:

  • fresh cucumber;
  • milk (1 tbsp);
  • olive oil (0.5 tsp);
  • greens (1 tsp);
  • cottage cheese (1 tsp).

The vegetable is chopped, cottage cheese, fresh herbs, and milk are added to the mixture. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, placed on the face for 20 minutes, and cleansed with water.

Aloe and cucumber mask

Masks with the addition of aloe and vegetables have a regenerating and renewing effect. For the recipe you need:

  • chopped cucumber (2 tbsp);
  • aloe juice (1 tbsp.);
  • potato or garlic juice (1 tbsp);
  • honey (1 tsp).

Cucumber and aloe are ground in a blender to a paste, potato juice and honey are included. The product is applied to the skin for 15-20 minutes and washed off with water.

Herbal mask

A mask based on decoctions of medicinal herbs has a softening, soothing effect and is suitable for hypersensitive skin prone to dryness. The recipe requires the following products:

  • cucumber;
  • tincture of chamomile;
  • mint leaves.

You can prepare a chamomile decoction or use a ready-made pharmaceutical solution. The cucumber is crushed, the mint leaves are chopped, the components are mixed in a ceramic or glass container, and a chamomile decoction is included in the composition. The product is spread on the face in a thick layer for 20 minutes, then wiped off with a moistened paper towel. The face is rinsed with thermal water. It is recommended to perform cosmetic care 2-3 times every 7-9 days.

Mask with lanolin and cucumber

Lanolin and cucumber in the mask have brightening and moisturizing effects. Cosmetologists recommend this product if there is flaking, excessive pigmentation, or redness. For preparation you will need:

  • pureed cucumber (3 tbsp);
  • lanolin (1 tsp).

The cucumber is peeled and ground to a paste. In a ceramic container, the vegetable is mixed with lanolin, the excess liquid is drained. The mixture is spread on the skin for 15 minutes, then washed off. The face is wiped with water with mineral additives.

Cucumber lotion

For the face, cucumbers can be used to prepare homemade long-term care cosmetics with an antioxidant effect, a tonic effect, which relieves irritation and inflammation on the skin.

To make the lotion you will need the following components:

  • cucumbers (5 pcs.);
  • vodka (200 ml).

Vegetables are chopped and poured with vodka. The container is closed and placed in a cool place (pantry, cellar) for 10-12 days, the mixture must be stirred periodically. The tincture is filtered through a sieve, sealed tightly, and stored in the refrigerator.

The product is used to treat different skin types, especially useful in the presence of inflammation and acne. The composition is included in cleansing masks or used after cosmetic procedures. The lotion retains vitamins, enzymes, and microelements for 6 months when placed in a cold place.

How often can you make cucumber masks?

Experts recommend applying cucumber masks regularly, observing the permissible number of applications. The standard schedule involves using the cucumber composition once a week; if there are problem areas on the skin, pimples, acne, you can increase the number of procedures up to 3 times every 7 days. The medicinal composition must be abandoned in case of infections, allergic reactions to the components of the mask (honey, decoctions, yolk).

Hello dear readers. Today I want to talk to you about fresh cucumber face masks. Do you know how to make a cucumber mask for acne? I’ll devote some time to beauty today, especially since cucumber season is just around the corner. Personally, I don’t visit beauty salons. Of course, I do manicures at the salon, but I like homemade masks, various ones, for the face. My aunt just loves cucumber masks. I remember this as a child, when my parents and I visited her, she always set the table.

In the summer, she often prepared vegetable salads, and so, when she chopped cucumbers onto the salad, she cut off a slice of cucumber and wiped her face with it. She said that cucumber nourishes and refreshes the face. I remember as a child I often copied it, and during the season when cucumbers appeared in our garden, I often smeared a piece of cucumber on my face. After this there was a feeling of freshness and cleanliness of the face.

On my blog, I recently wrote about face masks, but only about aloe masks. You can read recipes for masks in my article ““. I really love this medicinal plant, it is useful for both beauty and health.

Cucumbers are a really cheap and affordable product that will help maintain the health and beauty of our skin. In addition, many of us grow cucumbers in our dacha, vegetable garden, or garden plot. Our own fresh homemade cucumbers are much better than imported ones. Our favorite summer dish is a vegetable salad made from fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and fresh herbs. My daughter really loves fresh cucumbers, she can eat them all day long.

What are the benefits of a fresh cucumber face mask?

  • Masks made with fresh cucumber give an immediate effect. Masks refresh and tone the facial skin.
  • Cucumber is rich in vitamin C, B1, B2, B6, B9, sodium, silicon, iron, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, fluorine.
  • Cucumber masks are good for oily skin and remove excess shine.
  • It is useful to apply cucumber masks to your face for sagging and redness of the skin.
  • One of the beneficial properties of fresh cucumber masks is that they help get rid of acne.
  • Cucumber masks help remove pigmentation on the skin of the face, as well as freckles.
  • Smoothes out small wrinkles.
  • Cucumber is rich in silicon dioxide, whose function is skin rejuvenation.
  • With constant use of cucumber masks, the skin becomes soft, smooth, and elastic.
  • Cucumber masks whiten the skin, moisturize and nourish.

Fresh cucumber masks really have a good effect on our skin. But, each of us has a different type of facial skin. Usually women know their skin type, I consulted a cosmetologist. I have a combination skin type. My skin is dry, but my T-zone is oily.

You can consult a cosmetologist about your skin type. You can do the test at home. Usually they take a napkin and rub it over their face. If the napkin is oily, your skin is oily. If it is dry, then the skin on your face is dry. And if the T-zone is oily, then it is combination skin.

How to make a mask from cucumbers?

In fact, there are a lot of recipes for making cucumber masks. But, you need to be attentive to the components of the mask, since the components included in the mask can cause allergies. But I won’t say that it’s the case for everyone. Before applying the prepared cucumber mask to your face, just apply a little mask to your hand. Wait until it is absorbed, then rinse with water. If there is no redness or irritation on the skin, then this mask can be applied to the face.

My aunt, just after she washed her face, wiped her face dry with a towel and rubbed it with a circle of fresh cucumber. Sometimes she would simply put slices of fresh cucumber on her face. This is actually her favorite mask.

But, there are many other masks made from fresh cucumber, which we will talk about now.

Fresh cucumber face masks.

To prepare cucumber masks, fresh juice and pulp of cucumbers are used. Cucumber masks refresh, smooth, and whiten our skin. In addition, cucumber masks tighten pores. It gives softness and elasticity to the skin, nourishes the skin, and also helps to significantly fade freckles.

For freckles and age spots on the face, wipe the face with slices of fresh cucumber. Let the cucumber juice absorb into the skin, leave for 10 minutes, then wash off with lukewarm water.

The simplest face mask that will give your face a fresh and healthy look using cucumber slices. Fresh cucumber should be cut into thin slices without skin. These slices are applied to a previously washed face. Leave the mask on for half an hour. Then remove the cucumber slices.

If you have dark circles under your eyes, then apply the inside of a cucumber peel to your eyelids for about half an hour. It’s very good to put the cucumber peel in the refrigerator for at least 5-7 minutes before doing this, so that the peel is cool. Then remove the cucumber peel; no need to wash. I have already written in more detail about how to remove dark circles under the eyes on my blog. You can read the recipes in my article ““.

Cucumber masks for dry and normal skin types.

  • sour cream
  • fresh cucumber

To prepare the mask, take a small cucumber. You need to grate it on a fine grater and strain off the excess liquid, add a couple of spoons of sour cream, and mix everything. Apply the mask to a clean face for 15 minutes, rinse the mask with warm water. This cucumber mask can be made several times a week.

  • cucumber
  • lemon

Also prepare a face mask of cucumber with honey only if you are not allergic to honey. If you are allergic to honey, you can replace it with one small yolk. To prepare the mask, we need one medium cucumber, without skin, a spoonful of lemon juice, a teaspoon of honey. First, you need to grate the cucumber and drain off the excess liquid. Add honey and lemon to the grated cucumber. Apply the mask to clean facial skin for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Face masks for oily and combination skin.

  • yogurt
  • fresh cucumber

Take a small fresh cucumber, grate it, add a few spoons of yogurt, but without any additives, mix everything and apply it to your face. Rinse off after 15 minutes with warm water.

  • protein
  • cucumber

Take egg white, beat lightly and mix with fresh cucumber juice in a 1:2 ratio. Apply to face for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water. This mask will help cleanse pores and also reduce the work of the sebaceous glands.

Fresh cucumber face masks for acne.

  • cucumber
  • protein
  • olive oil

For the mask you will need one small cucumber. It must be grated and combined with one whipped egg white. You also need to add a few drops of olive oil to the mask. Apply the mask to your face for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

Now you can buy cucumbers at the market, but they are imported, I don’t buy them, I’m waiting for my own, homemade ones. I hope that when cucumbers appear en masse, you will make yourself a face mask from a fresh cucumber. Moreover, you know how to make a mask.

And if you still have questions about the mask, watch the video, which explains in detail and shows how to prepare a cucumber mask. Always remain young and attractive.

We can talk endlessly about the benefits of a cucumber face mask. But one of the most important benefits of the product is that it brings lightning-fast results. Literally after the first use of the vegetable for cosmetic purposes, you can see how the skin becomes fresher and more velvety. Moreover, this result will happen even if your mask, apart from just fresh cucumber, contains no additional components.

Also, cucumbers, coming into contact with the epidermis, stimulate collagen production. Namely, this protein is responsible for youthful skin. As we age, our body loses the ability to produce collagen in the required quantity and this provokes the aging process. The crunchy green vegetable gives strength to replenish collagen deficiency.

Cucumber effect

Silicon dioxide, which is part of its composition, also helps cucumber solve age-related skin problems. This substance helps reduce the depth of the grooves. Why else is it useful to use cucumber for cosmetic purposes?

  • Returns a healthy look. Thus, together with vitamin B2, skin cells absorb oxygen better and more easily. Folic acid is an excellent remedy against acne. Vitamin B6 normalizes cellular metabolism. Biotin accelerates the healing process of damaged areas. And vitamin K is an excellent anti-puffiness remedy, removes age spots, and evens out color. Therefore, a whitening face mask with cucumber is considered one of the most effective among natural remedies.
  • Rejuvenates. Vitamin A, contained in cucumber, is at the forefront here. It is this that has a rejuvenating effect by stimulating the production of collagen in the body. In addition, it helps against acne and inflammation. Thiamine and pantothenic acid work together with vitamin A to combat the problems of aging skin.
  • Protects. Ascorbic acid helps cucumber cope with this task. As a powerful natural antioxidant, it blocks the action of free radicals, protecting the skin from premature aging and disease. Plus also stimulates collagen synthesis. And nicotinic acid reduces the risk of chronic diseases of the epidermis.

Who are cucumber masks suitable for and how to prepare them

How to make a cucumber mask and how long to keep it on? Natural and moisturizing cucumber cosmetics are gentle care that is suitable for all skin types and is recommended even for swelling and eye fatigue. But you need to take into account that such vegetable masks can only be used during the season and it is better that the product comes from your own garden. Otherwise, there is a risk of running into goods grown using chemicals. Stuffed vegetables are dangerous.

A cucumber face mask at home is easy to prepare. You don’t need to have any specific skills or have a special cosmetology tool. Elementary: if you sat at the computer for a long time, cut two cucumber circles and place them on your closed eyelids. The only point: before multi-component face masks made from cucumber for wrinkles and acne, it is better to steam the skin.

Popular recipes: daily care and solutions to global problems

How to make a face mask from cucumbers? You need to wash the vegetable well and then cool it. Next, depending on the instructions, the pulp is ground or the juice is squeezed out. Frequency of use - from several times a week to comprehensive daily care. But let's move on to the recipes.

Cucumber in sour cream - express hydration

  1. Add a tablespoon of full-fat sour cream to the puree and mix the ingredients.
  2. Mask time is 15 minutes.

Cucumber-honey whitening with lemon

  1. Peel one medium-sized cucumber.
  2. Using a grater, prepare cucumber puree and squeeze out the “water” from it.
  3. Add a teaspoon of honey to the puree.
  4. Squeeze lemon juice, teaspoon.
  5. Add lemon juice to the main ingredients and mix.
  6. Mask time is 20 minutes.
  7. Wash with warm purified water.
  8. Apply your usual daily care cream.

Rejuvenating mask with dairy products and herbs

  1. Using a grater, prepare cucumber puree from one medium-sized vegetable.
  2. Add a tablespoon of full-fat homemade milk to the puree and mix.
  3. Add a tablespoon of cottage cheese and stir.
  4. Add a teaspoon of olive oil and stir.
  5. Finely chop the parsley, add to the main ingredients, stir.
  6. Mask time is 20 minutes.
  7. Wash with warm purified water.
  8. Apply your usual daily care cream.

Mask with protein against acne and inflamed tubercles

  1. Using a grater, prepare cucumber puree from one medium-sized vegetable.
  2. Squeeze the juice out of the puree.
  3. Take one medium-sized chicken egg and separate the white.
  4. Beat the egg whites.
  5. Mix cucumber juice and whipped egg white.
  6. Mask time is 15 minutes.
  7. Wash with warm purified water.
  8. Apply your usual daily care cream.

Alcohol tonic mask for oily skin

  1. Using a grater, prepare cucumber puree.
  2. Squeeze the juice out of the puree.
  3. Add vodka to the juice. Proportion: a tablespoon of vodka to four tablespoons of juice.
  4. Do not rinse off.
  5. Wipe your face daily before going to bed.

Salad mask for comprehensive daily care and hydration

  1. Using a grater, prepare cucumber puree from one medium-sized vegetable.
  2. Using a grater, puree one medium-sized tomato.
  3. Mix tomato and cucumber “porridge”.
  4. Add a tablespoon of sunflower oil to the main ingredients.
  5. Mask time is 15 minutes.
  6. Wash with chilled purified water.
  7. Apply your usual daily care cream.

According to reviews, cucumber care products are a panacea for girls struggling with freckles. “Sun kisses” disappear if you regularly use a mixture of cucumber and lemon juice. The combination of cucumber and sauerkraut will also help whiten your face.

If you like the cucumber face mask for wrinkles, you need to think in advance about how to carry out the procedures all year round. Some girls dry cucumber peels. But an easier option is to freeze the grated vegetable or make ice cubes from cucumber juice. At low temperatures, the product loses some of its properties, but still brings tangible benefits.

Our grandmothers considered the cucumber to be useless, an empty vegetable - just water. Indeed, there is little vitamin C in it, not like in a tomato; in terms of vitamin A content it is easily surpassed by carrots. But the green pimply fresh cucumber is not so simple. It contains other substances that bring a lot of benefits to the human body.

Cucumber is 95% water enriched with the following biologically active substances:

This incomplete list makes it clear that cucumber “water” is simply a storehouse of benefits for the skin. We will find many of the listed elements in various thermal waters, which have extremely beneficial effects on the skin.

Mechanism of action on the skin

A cucumber slice is a kind of natural refreshing patch, rich in minerals, acids, vitamins, and antioxidants. A certain set of chemical compounds gives it a lot of useful properties:



    soothing due to minerals and antioxidants,

    whitening thanks to fruit acids and vitamin C,

    decongestant - thanks to vitamin K,

    improving complexion due to the whitening effect and stimulation of microcirculation (vitamin K, antioxidants and other components).

These talents are also successfully used by cosmetics manufacturers. Of course, in modern formulas the properties of cucumber are enhanced and complemented by the capabilities of other components.

What to prefer: a homemade mask or a cosmetic product

Convinced supporters of homemade cosmetics prepare their own masks at home, but advanced beauty users prefer to entrust beauty care to professionals. We are on the side of the latter.

What is the power of homemade masks and how do cosmetics manufacturers use “folk” ingredients?

“A cosmetics manufacturer tests a product and proves, for example, that pores will become 37% cleaner and wrinkles will be smoothed by 15%. And each of these figures is confirmed by an entire study, and sometimes more than one. Who has proven the effectiveness of a homemade cucumber mask? In addition to the strictest production control and purified, proven components, there is another important point - ease of use. You can apply the finished mask or cream in a couple of minutes and go about your business. A homemade one will take at least an hour, and the medicinal mixtures peeling off from the face forced unscheduled cleaning of kilometers of floors.”

Natural, clear composition

Undoubtedly. But who can say exactly how many valuable microelements are in a greenhouse cucumber?

Whereas the benefits of the finished cosmetic product are carefully calculated and tested.

Safety and hypoallergenic

Cucumber is truly a hypoallergenic product and, as a cosmetic ingredient, is suitable even for sensitive skin. However, the skin of a natural cucumber, especially if it is bought in a store in winter, may contain, for example, pesticides.

The composition of finished cosmetics does not depend in any way on the changing seasons, and natural ingredients, like all others, undergo serious purification and safety testing.

No preservatives

This is a serious misconception. Most often, we do not know on what soil and with what fertilizers the vegetables bought in the store were grown. Therefore, it is unsafe to use them to prepare a mask.

Pleasure from the process

Yes, homemade cosmetics made from fruits and vegetables are pleasant to apply and smell delicious. But you must admit, when we choose a cream or face mask, texture and smell play an important role. Knowing this, manufacturers pamper us with a variety of textures and delicate aromas.

Cucumber for the face: choosing alternative remedies

Toning moisturizing cucumber mask

Result: Suitable for all skin types, works as a moisturizing tonic and express product for moisturizing “tired skin.”


a small fresh cucumber - ideally, only from the garden.

How to cook:

cut the cucumber into slices 1–2 mm thick.

How to use:

  1. 1

    clean the skin, it should be dry;

  2. 2

    Place cucumber slices on your face, trying to cover it entirely;

  3. 3

    leave for 2-5 minutes until the cucumber slices become limp and dehydrated. By the way, the faster this happens, the more dehydrated the skin becomes.

You can, while chopping the salad, put aside a piece of cucumber to thoroughly wipe your cleansed face.

Still, a cucumber will bring more benefits in a salad. © Getty Images

Editorial opinion. It’s better to just crunch on a fresh cucumber and complete your beauty ritual in the morning with a ready-made tonic with alcohol-free cucumber extract. This way you will maximize the full health potential of the cucumber.

Tonic with cucumber extract for all skin types Cucumber Herbal Alcohol-Free Toner, Kiehl’s refreshing. Also contains camphor, which has a cooling effect. Allantoin in the composition soothes the skin.

Cucumber masks for oily and combination skin

Option 1. Cucumber with grated apple

Result: elimination of oily shine, moisturizing, light exfoliating and whitening effect.


  1. 2

    sour apple.

How to cook:

  1. 1

    grate both fruits with peel;

  2. 2

    to stir thoroughly.

How to use:

  1. 1

    Apply the fruit and vegetable mixture to your face, avoiding the skin around the eyes and lips;

  2. 2

    leave for 10 minutes;

  3. 3

    carefully remove with a napkin.

Option 2. Protein mask with cucumber

Result: mattifying skin, soothing and moisturizing effect.


  1. 1

    egg white;

  2. 2

    small fresh cucumber;

  3. 3

    2-3 drops of any vegetable oil.

How to cook:

  1. 1

    grate the cucumber;

  2. 2

    beat the egg white;

  3. 3

    mix grated cucumber with whipped egg white;

  4. 4

    add a few drops of oil;

  5. 5

    mix again.

How to use:

  1. 1

    Apply to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips;

  2. 2

    leave for 15–20 minutes;

  3. 3

    rinse with water;

  4. 4

    apply moisturizing treatment.

Option 3. Cucumber and turmeric mask

Result: elimination of oily shine, narrowing of pores, exfoliating, antimicrobial and antioxidant effect.


  1. 2

    a pinch of turmeric;

  2. 3

    3-4 drops of lemon juice.

How to cook:

  1. 1

    grate cucumber;

  2. 2

    mix grated cucumber with turmeric and lemon juice.

How to use:

  1. 1

    Apply to skin, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips;

  2. 2

    leave for 15 minutes;

  3. 3

    rinse thoroughly with water.

Turmeric is one of the most powerful antiseptics and antioxidants, but it can leave a bright yellow mark on the skin.

Editorial opinion. Still, a strong apple will bring more benefits if you eat it. And for oily skin, there is a ready-made moisturizing tonic that will definitely not leave stains on the face or hands, like turmeric. In the finished formula, the antioxidant resources of citrus and blueberries are added to the capabilities of cucumber.

This tonic will have a more intense effect on the skin than just a cucumber, even if it’s fresh from the garden. And it will save time. Even the issue of price, in which homemade cosmetics usually win, is not so clear-cut. Bottle of tonic - 250 ml. This volume is enough for at least a hundred applications. How many cucumbers will be needed for a hundred masks?

Light triple action cream for normal to oily skin with signs of aging Face Cream, SkinCeuticals, in addition to cucumber, it contains a whole bunch of antioxidants, including vitamin E, grape seed extract, as well as soy proteins, essential oils, geranium, chamomile, and basic balancing oils. An integrated approach is more effective for skin care.

Moisturizing soothing mask made of cucumber and kefir

Result: moisturizing and soothing effect, as well as recovery after sunburn. Suitable for all skin types.


  1. 1

    half a medium cucumber (or a whole small one);

  2. 2

    a tablespoon of kefir or yogurt (for dry skin - sour cream).

How to cook:

  1. 1

    squeeze the juice out of the cucumber (either using a juicer, or grate and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth);

  2. 2

    mix cucumber juice with fermented milk product.

How to use:

  1. 1

    Apply to cleansed face, avoiding the area around the eyes;

  2. 2

    leave for 10–15 minutes;

  3. 3

    rinse with cool water.

Editorial opinion. We can safely say that even in extreme situations, ready-made cosmetics are safer and more effective, since they undergo mandatory preliminary inspection and testing. And besides, they don't need to be cooked.

Moisturizing soothing facial gel Phyto Corrective, SkinCeuticals relieves irritation and is suitable for sensitive skin. The composition includes cucumber extract, as well as moisturizing hyaluronic acid, extracts of thyme, mulberry.

It is recommended to do any masks in the evening, an hour and a half before bedtime. The gel is used morning and evening as a serum. In both cases - both after the gel and after the mask, which is washed off with water - you will need a moisturizer, and in the daytime you will also need sun protection.

For the skin around the eyes

Compress on the eyes

Result: relieves swelling, moisturizes, refreshes, slightly brightens the skin.


2 slices of cucumber.

How to use:

  1. 1

    close eyes;

  2. 2

    cover them with cucumber slices;

  3. 3

    leave for 2–5 minutes.

An eye compress made from two cucumber circles is perhaps even more popular than a compress made from tea bags. Instead of cucumber slices, you can use cotton pads soaked in cucumber juice.

Editorial opinion. This eye mask relieves fatigue, removes puffiness and dark circles. It can be classified as an SOS tool. But you are unlikely to carry a fresh cucumber in your cosmetic bag or keep it on your night table. There must be cosmetics with proven effectiveness.

Midnight Recovery Eye, Kiehl’s contains cucumber extract. The formula, rich in plant extracts, works against puffiness and dark circles, smoothes out fine wrinkles in the corners of the eyes. Contains oils of rose, lavender, primrose, rosemary, geranium, butcher's broom extract, . Night cream, of course, cannot be classified as a quick-acting product, but its effect is more extensive.

Cleansing with cucumber water

In addition to using cucumber as a makeshift sponge, you can make cucumber water. And here opinions differ. There are a great many popular recommendations.

For many, a slice of cucumber is a ready-made cosmetic product, containing antioxidants, minerals and other beneficial substances. © Getty Images

Options for preparing cucumber water

  1. 1

    Pour clean water over the vegetable pieces, for example, mineral water (note that this solution will quickly deteriorate without refrigeration).

  2. 2

    Use only the cucumber peel in this way (do not forget about the pesticides that accumulate in it).

  3. 3

    Rub the skin directly with cucumber juice.

    Result: nutrition and hydration of hair and scalp.


    1. 1

      half a medium cucumber;

    2. 3

      a tablespoon of olive oil.

    How to cook:

    1. 1

      grate half a medium cucumber;

    2. 2

      mix with egg and a tablespoon of olive oil.

    How to use:

    1. 1

      apply the mask to the scalp and hair along the entire length;

    2. 2

      leave for 10 minutes;

    3. 3

      wash off with mild shampoo.

    Editorial opinion. Even fans of homemade natural recipes are unlikely to enjoy washing tiny pieces of cucumber out of their hair. This is inconvenient, no matter how healthy and fortified the vegetable mask is. In addition, it will still have to be washed off with shampoo. So why not choose it right away?

    Strengthening shampoo Fructis “Cucumber Freshness” for oily hair, Garnier, as the name suggests, it also contains cucumber extract and is enriched with vitamins B3 and B5. Allows you to wash your hair less often, makes strands stronger and shinier.

    Cosmetics manufacturers began to carefully study homemade beauty recipes and use the experience of generations along with the latest technologies. This powerful trend gives us the opportunity to use products familiar from childhood in products developed according to the latest science - safe and hassle-free to use.

For a long time, girls have been looking for simple and affordable means to maintain their natural beauty. At the moment, the beauties have accumulated a huge number of recipes, the benefits and variety of which are amazing. However, a real classic of the genre has always been, is and will be a cucumber face mask.

The juicy, perky green fruit can solve various cosmetic problems. Today we will tell you all about the benefits of cucumber, its advantages and methods of use.

Beneficial properties of green healer

Cucumber is almost 95% water, so how can it be useful? Nature did a very good job and concentrated such wonderful substances in the remaining part of this vegetable that one can only be amazed.

  • Cucumber is a concentrate of B vitamins (thiamine, pyridoxine, folic, nicotinic and pantothenic acids), retinol and tocopherol (vitamins A and E).
  • The huge content of ascorbic acid in the green vegetable is simply stunning.
  • Cucumber is a record holder for the content of micro- and macroelements, including: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, iodine, zinc, chromium and selenium.

Due to the fact that cucumber has absorbed all of the above substances, we can confidently say that a cucumber face mask will be useful for solving the following cosmetic problems.

  1. Whitening facial skin, getting rid of age spots.
  2. Tightens pores and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  3. Getting rid of pimples, blackheads and boils.
  4. Relieving various skin inflammations.
  5. Smoothing out small wrinkles.
  6. Returning vitality to flabby and aging facial skin.
  7. Elimination of swelling of the skin around the eyes.
  8. Restoring normal skin acidity levels.

Since the juice, skin and pulp of this wonderful vegetable can solve the noted problems, cucumber for the face can be used by girls with any skin type. There are hardly any contraindications for the use of fresh cucumber masks: unless a purely individual intolerance to this product may occur, which is extremely rare.

Face mask with cucumber at home

Before starting cosmetic procedures, remember a few simple recommendations that are very important to follow.

  • A cucumber mask consisting of juices is first absorbed into a cloth and then applied to the face for 25-30 minutes.
  • A cucumber mask, consisting of pulp and denser ingredients, is applied to the face for 20 minutes and then washed off with warm running water.
  • Before using a cucumber mask for unfortunate acne, we recommend steaming your face - this way the effect will be more pronounced.
  • The mask for age spots and freckles should be done in courses: 10 daily procedures after a 10-day break.

Effective methods to combat age spots

Options for preparing whitening elixirs for age spots:

  1. Cucumber juice – 10 ml, lemon juice – 10 ml. Mix the liquids vigorously. The whitening ability of cucumber will be complemented by the active lightening effect of citrus, which will have a positive effect on reducing the severity of age spots.
  2. Cucumber juice – 10 ml, parsley – a couple of stems with leaves. Prepare a paste from the greens (can be crushed in a mortar) and mix with vegetable juice. The whitening power of parsley will help reduce the appearance of age spots.
  3. Cucumber juice – 10 ml, kefir – 10 ml. Mix the dairy product and vegetable juice vigorously with each other. Kefir, like cucumber juice, can lighten the tone of age spots.
  4. Cucumber juice – 10 ml, water – 10 ml, white cosmetic clay – 10 g. Dilute the clay powder in water and juice to a paste. White clay helps even with old age spots.

Remember that any cucumber whitening mask can be supplemented according to your skin type. Girls suffering from a feeling of dryness and tightness in their face will benefit from a cucumber face mask with the addition of cosmetic oils of sea buckthorn, peach or almond. 10-15 ml will be enough. For those with overactive sebaceous glands, we suggest adding a couple of drops of refreshing essential oils of tea tree, mint or bergamot. The benefits for facial skin from formulations enriched in this way will be even more pronounced.

Recipes for effective acne treatment

Options for preparing acne masks:

  1. Cucumber pulp – 10 g, white of one egg. Mix the ingredients to a strong foam; for this you need to make active whisking movements with a whisk. This acne mask is very effective if you let it dry completely on your face and only then wash it off.
  2. Mix cucumber pulp (10 g) and cognac (10 ml) thoroughly with each other. Cognac is beneficial due to its tannins, which have an antibacterial effect and get rid of acne in a short time. This mask can be done no more than once a week.
  3. Grind cucumber pulp (10 g) and oatmeal in the same volume into a paste. Flour absorbs sebum, excess of which can lead to acne. This mask is very gentle, you can do it as often as you want.

A compress for subcutaneous acne stands out. Mix a strong saline solution (20 g of salt per 200 ml of hot water) with cucumber juice, soak a towel with the resulting liquid and place on your face for a quarter of an hour. You can do this compress once a week. We hope that each cucumber face mask mentioned will help you get rid of acne in no time. Keep in mind that the benefits of anti-acne treatments increase significantly if you add essential oils of citrus plants to the mask.

High-quality care for the delicate skin around the eyes

Options for preparing masks for the skin around the eyes:

  1. The classic cucumber mask for dark circles around the eyes is very simple: just put circles of this vegetable on your eyelids and leave it there for 10 minutes. If you do this mask every morning, those around you will very soon notice your fresh look.
  2. Cucumber pulp – 10 g, cold mashed potatoes without additives – 10 g. Mix the ingredients, apply the resulting mass to the skin around the eyes for 10 minutes. Potatoes are great for relieving swelling.
  3. Cucumber pulp – 10 g, green tea leaves swollen in boiling water and cooled – 10 g. Mix the ingredients, apply the resulting mass to the skin around the eyes for 10 minutes. A mask with green tea perfectly tones and tightens the skin.

The incredible benefits of cucumber for the skin around the eyes will also manifest themselves in the form of a frozen toner: just make ice cubes from vegetable juice. Use this invigorating elixir in the morning and you are guaranteed a fresh look.

The best cucumber face masks

A cucumber face mask can be used at any age without restrictions. Moreover, any time you make a vegetable salad, you can simply wipe your face with cucumber - and just this simple procedure will noticeably refresh you.

Rules and indications for use

  • A mask made from fresh cucumbers is recommended for all skin types, especially tired, dehydrated, with clogged pores, after sunbathing, to remove blemishes, heal acne, and eliminate wrinkles.
  • A cucumber mask is especially helpful for dry skin that needs to restore its moisture level.
  • A cucumber mask is very helpful for cleansing the face of blackheads, and thanks to its astringent effect, it perfectly tightens enlarged pores.
  • Cucumber for the face has no contraindications for use and can be used as often as you need.

In what form is it used?

Fresh cucumbers for the face can be used either in the form of grated pulp or in the form of thinly sliced ​​circles that are applied to the face. A cucumber mask at home is made from fresh juice and pulp, seed oil, and frozen juice (in the form of ice cubes). For greater effect, it is recommended to make a mask of fresh cucumbers for the face in a course - 2-3 times a week, 10-15 procedures.

We offer you recipes for the best cucumber face masks for different skin types.

Refreshing, toning rub

To refresh your face in the hot summer, make a mask of cucumber juice infused with lemon. Place a piece of peeled vegetable in a container, pour in lemon juice, and leave to brew for an hour.

The infused piece can be crushed, applied to the face for 5 minutes, or you can simply wipe your face with it and rinse off after 15 minutes. In this recipe, a mixture of cucumber and lemon has high antioxidant properties, cools, and tones.

Excessive oiliness, sweating, large pores

The simplest cucumber mask for oily skin with blackheads and large pores. Grate the fruit on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. Wipe your face with it first. Add lemon (half a teaspoon), apply a second layer when the juice dries.

A face mask made of cucumber and lemon regulates sebum production, reduces sweating, and is an excellent astringent for tightening pores.

For porous, wrinkled with protein

For oily, wrinkled skin with wide pores, we can recommend a cucumber and protein mask. Mix a tablespoon of whipped egg white with the grated pulp.

This procedure prevents aging and smoothes wrinkles.

For whiteness, lightening freckles

A cucumber whitening mask is designed to quickly get rid of freckles, helps even out your complexion, and make your skin healthy and glowing.

A mask of cucumber and parsley brightens very well: mix the gruel of the mashed vegetable without juice with chopped fresh parsley (1 tbsp), add sour cream (1 tsp), and a few drops of lemon juice. This makes an effective whitening cucumber mask (recipe for any skin type).

Vitamin mixture with apple

The cucumber-apple mixture maintains health, helps retain moisture in cells, saturates with vitamins, and prevents aging. Finely grate the fruits and squeeze out the juice from the mixture.

A refreshing cucumber and apple face mask suitable for all skin types. If you have oily, porous skin, lubricate it with juice first. Stir the mixture, add honey (1 tsp), a few drops of lemon. The procedure gives the face amazing softness.

The perfect face mask with cucumber

What are the benefits of a fresh cucumber mask?

Cosmetic properties

  1. Powerful moisturizing effect. What makes cucumber especially useful for the face is that it prevents the loss of moisture from cells, maintains natural water balance, and helps with dehydration. These properties of a cucumber mask make it an emergency solution if you need quick hydration. For example, if you have unsuccessfully completed the procedure and have dried out your skin, then first of all make a moisturizing mask from cucumber pulp and a couple of drops of base oil.
  2. Conditions, softens. The benefits of a cucumber face mask are especially evident in the fact that it noticeably softens the face after the first procedure. Particularly good for soothing the face after active sun exposure.
  3. Relieves inflammation and redness. Cucumber-based masks are known to perfectly soothe sensitive skin prone to redness.
  4. Whitens, lightens freckles, acne marks. Even just rubbing your face with cucumber noticeably whitens it.
  5. Cucumber juice for the face relieves the feeling of fatigue and gives maximum elasticity.

For all skin types with sour cream

A mask made of cucumber and sour cream improves complexion, softens, whitens, smooths out wrinkles. Grate the vegetable, separate the pulp from the juice, mix it with sour cream (2 tsp).

A mask with sour cream and cucumber has a universal effect: it lightens freckles, nourishes the face, makes it very soft, and soothes after a long stay in the sun.

An effective whitening cucumber face mask is prepared according to the same principle, but you must first dilute 2 drops of lemon essential oil in sour cream.

For dry with cottage cheese

If you have dry, flaky skin, a nourishing mixture will help soften it. The grated fruit should be mixed with cottage cheese, add milk (1 tsp).

This cucumber curd mask for dry skin can even be applied to crow’s feet, as well as the neck and décolleté area.

Nourishing with clay

A nourishing mixture for the face made from cucumber, sour cream, and clay is extremely beneficial for any skin type. If you need to soften and tone your face, take pink clay: dilute it with cucumber juice, add pulp (about a tablespoon), sour cream (1-2 tsp).

If you have oily skin quickly, a cucumber and clay mask will also help you. Dilute 2-3 tablespoons of kaolin (white clay) or green clay with cucumber juice and gruel. Add lemon juice (half a teaspoon is enough).

Moisturizing with base oil and honey

A cucumber moisturizing mask is most often prepared with oil and honey. Grate the vegetable, separate the pulp from the juice. Mix the pulp with honey (a teaspoon is enough), stir in a few drops of vegetable oil that suits you.

This is a very powerful cucumber mask for dry skin that helps immediately after the first treatment.

If your skin is excessively oily and sweats, then a mask of cucumber and honey without oil is suitable for you: just mix the pulp and two teaspoons of honey. If necessary, you can stir a few drops of essential oil into honey.

Anti-aging with starch

Cucumber itself has anti-aging properties, but with supplements its effectiveness is maximized.

A rejuvenating cucumber mask is prepared according to the following recipe: pour 2-3 tablespoons of starch into cucumber juice, mix thoroughly to form a thick mass. Add vegetable pulp (1 tbsp), a teaspoon of honey, 2-3 drops of ylang-ylang (essential oil) to it.

A starch mask with cucumber perfectly smooths out wrinkles, tightens, and makes the face velvety.

The effect of the cucumber mask will appear after the first procedure, and when used as a course, the skin becomes well-groomed and full of strength.

Face mask with cucumber recipes

While spending your vacation at the dacha, you have an excellent opportunity to use the beauty recipes at hand. For example, frozen luda cubes with parsley for morning washing, fresh strawberries for a face mask, softening foot baths with raspberry leaves, and you never know what else nature and your work, of course, gives us.

Let's take a cucumber! It is an excellent base for face masks. Ideal for oily skin.

Cucumber has moisturizing, whitening and firming properties, and making masks from it is easy. We offer you several recipes.

Recipe 1 – Whitening cucumber face mask - cucumber + sour milk (kefir) + lemon juice.

Combine grated cucumber with a small amount of sour milk or kefir. Add 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Leave the mask on your face for 10-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Tip: for dry skin, it is better to combine grated cucumber with sour cream.

Recipe 2. Face mask made from cucumber peels or cucumber slices.

This cucumber mask has a whitening effect.

Apply cucumber peel or slices to your face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with a cotton swab dipped in milk.

Recipe 3. Homemade cucumber face mask – cottage cheese + cucumber.

It has a tonic effect and relieves fatigue from the facial skin.

Grate the cucumber and mix with 1 teaspoon of soft cottage cheese. Apply the mask to the face and neck for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Recipe 4. Whitening face mask (lotion) made from cucumbers - vodka (alcohol - cognac) + cucumber.

Cucumber lotion is easy to make at home and is ideal for oily skin.

Finely chopped cucumber is poured with vodka in equal proportions for a week. Then filter and use daily. Gauze wipes moistened with lotion are lightly wrung out and applied to the face three times for 5 minutes until the desired effect is obtained.

Recipe 5. Whitening cucumber face mask at home – cucumber + nourishing cream.

Great for dry skin.

Cucumber pulp is mixed with nourishing cream in a 2:1 ratio and the mixture is applied to the face daily for 30-40 minutes, then removed with a cotton swab.

Recipe 6. Homemade cucumber face mask – cucumber + yogurt

Suitable for oily and problem skin.

Mix 2 tablespoons of cucumber juice and 4 tablespoons of natural yogurt. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Recipe 7 - Classic cucumber face mask made from cucumbers.

Perfectly refreshes and tones tired skin. Suitable for any skin type.

Grate the cucumber and apply the resulting puree to your face and neck for 20 minutes, then remove the mask with a paper napkin.

Recipe 8 - Cucumber face mask – milk + cucumber.

Makes facial skin especially soft. Perfectly smoothes the skin of the face.

Grate the cucumber and mix with a little milk. Apply the mask to your face with light massage movements, lightly rubbing it into the skin. Leave for 15-20 minutes, then wipe with a cotton swab dipped in milk.

Video: Cucumber face mask

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