Home Grape Online reading of the book sailing across the three seas. What did Afanasy Nikitin discover? "Walking over the Three Seas" Afanasy Nikitin Walking over the Three Seas Afanasy Nikitin excerpt

Online reading of the book sailing across the three seas. What did Afanasy Nikitin discover? "Walking over the Three Seas" Afanasy Nikitin Walking over the Three Seas Afanasy Nikitin excerpt

From the publisher

AND the name of the Tver merchant Afanasy Nikitin (c. 1433-1472) is on everyone's lips. Everyone knows that he went to India and left "Walking the Three Seas", and if you look at the map, you might even guess that the three seas are the Black, Caspian and Arabian. But how many have had the pleasure of enjoying this wonderful story?

The trip across the three seas was not the first for Athanasius. Most likely, by his 33 years, when he went to Persia with the embassy of Ivan III, this enterprising man managed to wander around the world a lot. I knew a lot, seen a lot. Maybe in those days the West and the East were not so far from each other? Maybe in the Middle Ages there was not such a gap between Europe and Asia, between Western and Eastern beliefs and customs? Maybe we fenced ourselves off from each other later?

However that may be, it can be safely asserted that it was merchants, and not scientists, conquerors and adventurers, who so persistently expanded the boundaries of the known world, searched and found new lands, established contacts with new peoples. And this cannot be achieved by courage and recklessness alone, one cannot do without the ability to compromise, respect for new things and friendliness. It’s a pity that hordes of ruthless nomads and greedy rulers followed, along the paths laid by traffickers, burning out the timid sprouts of mutual understanding and tolerance with a hot iron. The merchant, on the other hand, seeks benefits, not quarrels: war is the shroud of trade.

Among the thousands of merchants who embarked on travels full of dangers in a desperate determination to sell more expensively, buy cheaper, you can count on one hand those who left their travel records. And Afanasy Nikitin is among them. Moreover, he managed to visit a country where, it seems, a European has never set foot before him - amazing, longed-for India. His laconic "Travel beyond the Three Seas of Afonasya Mikitin" contains a whole scattering of precious information about King's Indian life, which has not lost its value until now. What is the mere description of the solemn departure of the Indian Sultan, surrounded by 12 viziers and accompanied by 300 elephants, 1000 horsemen, 100 camels, 600 trumpeters and dancers and 300 concubines!

It is very instructive to learn about the difficulties that Christian Athanasius faced in a foreign country. Of course, he was not the first to painfully search for a way to preserve his faith among the Gentiles. But it is his narration that is the most valuable European document, which exemplifies not only spiritual perseverance, but also religious tolerance and the ability to defend one's views without false heroism and empty insults. And you can argue to the point of hoarseness whether Afanasy Nikitin accepted Islam. But does the very fact that he was striving with all his might to return to his homeland, does not prove that he remained a Christian? ..

The intelligible and measured, devoid of any literary excesses and at the same time a very personal story of Afanasy Nikitin is read in one spirit, but ... it poses many questions for the reader.

How did this man, having lost all his property, get to Persia, and from there to India? Did he know the foreign languages ​​in advance, or did he learn them on the way (after all, he so accurately conveys the Tatar, Persian and Arabic speech in Russian letters)? Was it common among Russian merchants to be able to navigate by the stars? How did he get his food? How did you collect the money to return to Russia?

The narratives of other travelers - merchants and ambassadors, which compiled the appendix to this book, will help you to understand all this. Get acquainted with the notes of the Franciscan Guillaume de Rubruck (c. 1220 - c. 1293), struggling to fulfill his mission and constantly complaining about the negligence of the interpreters; the Russian merchant Fedot Kotov, who went to Persia around 1623 and for whom trade benefits and the state of trade routes are in first, second and third place; and the Venetians Ambrogio Contarini and Josaphat Barbaro, ambassador and merchant, who visited Russia on the way to the Eastern countries in 1436-1479. Compare their experiences. See how the world has changed in four centuries. And maybe the truth will be revealed to you ...


Old Russian text Trinity list of the 16th century.

Z and the prayer of the saints, our fathers, Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, your servant, son Afonasya Mikitin. I have written my sinister wanderings for three seas: the right sea of ​​Derbenskoye, the road of Khvalitskaa; the second sea is Ind? yskoe, road Hondustanjskaa; the third Black Sea, Stembolska road. Poidokh from the Holy Savior of the Golden-Domed with his mercy, from the Grand Duke Mikhail Borisovich and from Vladyka Gennady Tv? Rsk, went to the bottom of the Volga and came to the monastery to the holy life-giving Trinity and the holy martyr Boris and Glab; and blessing the brothers from the abbot with Makariya; and from Kolyazin went to Uglech, from Uglech to Kostroma to Prince Alexander, with the son of Gramoto. And the great prince let me go of all Russia voluntarily. And on Yeleso, in Novgorod Nizhnaya, to Mikhail Kiselev, they voluntarily admitted to our place and to the duty officer Ivan Saraev. And Vasiley Papin drove into the city, and the language was waiting for the new city? dv? weeks of the Tatar ambassador Shirvashin Asambig, and he was driving from the krechata from the great prince Ivan, and he had ninety krechata. And you went with him to the bottom of the Volga. And Kazan I am, and the Horde, and Uslan, and Sarai, and Verekezans passed I voluntarily. And I drove into Vuzan r? Ku.

And that three nasty Tatars drove us over and told us a lie: Kaisym soltan guards the guests in Buzan, and with him three thousand totars. And the ambassador of Shirvashin Asanb gave them one row at a time and along the canvas, so that they would lead them past Aztarkhan. And they took odnoryatki one by one, but gave it to the king in Khaztorohani. And I left my ship and went to the ship for a word and with comrades. Aztarkhan on the month of the night with a sail, the king of us, the sight of the Tatars? we clicked: "Kachma, don’t b? gai!" And the king sent his entire horde after us. And according to our gr? Khom they overtook us on Bugun ?, they shot a man at our place, and we shot two of them; and our smaller ship was on the move, and they took it for an hour and plundered it, and my junk is all in the smaller ship ?. And with a large ship we reached the sea, but it was at the mouth of the Volga aground, and they took us there, but they pulled the ship back to the ride. And then they took our bigger ship, and the Russians took 4 heads, and they let us go bareheaded across the sea, but they didn’t let us through the door. And I went to Derbenti two courts: in one ship? Ambassador Asamb? r, yes teziks, and Rusakov with 10 heads; and in another vessel? 6 Muscovites and 6 tverich.

And the furstovina got up on the sea ?, but the smaller ship was smashed on the shore, and the Kaitaks came and the people hunted all of them. And send me to Derben. And that Vasily came to good health, and we were robbed. And I beat Vasily Papin with my brow and the ambassador Shirvanshin Asanbeg that I came with him to grieve about the people who were caught under Tarkhy kaitaki. And Osanb? G grieved and went up the mountain to Bultab? Gu. And Bulatb? G sent soon yes to shirvansh? B? Gu: that the Russian ship had crashed under Tarkhi, and the kaytaks who came to capture people, and their goods were robbed. And Shirvanshab at that hour sent an ambassador to his brother-in-law Alilbeg, the kaitic prince, that my ship was smashed near Tarkhy, and your people came, they took people, and their goods were robbed; and you would me d? la people to me? sent and collected the goods, besides? people are sent to my name; and what to you? will be needed b? from me, and you came to me, and what would you say ?, to your brother, for that I don’t stand and you would have let them go voluntarily for me. And Alilb at that hour sent all the people to Derbent voluntarily, and from Derbent they sent them to the shirvanshi in-rdu his coitul. And we went to the shir'vansha vo and koitul and beat him with the forehead so that he would grant us a chance to milk to Russia. And he did not give us anything, but there are many of us. And we wept and went koi kuda: whoever has something in Russia, and he went to Russia; and who should, and he went where his eyes carried, and some remained in Shamakh? e, and others went to work for Bak ?.

And yaz went to Derbenty, and from Derbent to Buck? the fire is burning unquenchable; And from Baki I went across the sea to Chebokar, but did you live in Chebokar? 6 m? Syats, yes in Sar? he lived in the Mazdran land. And from there to Amily, and here I live. And from there to Dimovant, and from Dimovant to Ray. And that they killed Shausen Aleev's children and the grandchildren of the Makhmetevs, and he cursed them, and in other 70 cities fell apart. And from Dr? I went to Kasheni, and then I was m? Sats. And from Kasheni to Nain, and from Nain to Ezd? And, and here I lived. And from Diez to Syrchan, and from Syrchan to Tarom, and the funiki feed the beast, batman 4 altyns each. And from Torom to Lara, and from Lara to Bendery. And here there is the Gurmyzskoe refuge, and here there is the Indian Sea, and in the Parsean language there is also the Hondustani road; and from there it is by sea to Gurmyz 4 miles. Is there Gurmyz on the island? And then you took 1 Great Day, and you came to Gurmyz four weeks before the Great Day. And then you are not all cities? I wrote, many great cities. And in Gurmyz? there is a cooked sun, to burn a man. And in Gurmyz? I was m? syats, and from Gurmyz I went across the Indian Sea, along Velitsa days to Fomin week, to Tava, with horses.

And they went by sea for 4 days; from D? ga Kuzryatu; and from Kuzryat Konbatu, and then give birth to paint and lek. And from Kanbat to Chivil, and from Chivil I went this week along Velitz? days, but did you go to Tav? 6 weeks by sea to Chivil. And here there is an Ind? Yskaa country, and people walk around naked all the time, but the head is not covered, and the chest is bare, and the hair is braided in one braid, and all? bellies walk around, give birth to every year, but they have many children, but husbands and wives all? black; I go wherever, but there are a lot of people behind me, they marvel at the great man. And their prince - a photo on the heads ?, and a friend, on the hips; and the boyars walk with them - a picture on the splash? and the servants of the princess and the boyar - the picture on the hips is rounded, and the shield and the sword in hand, and the other with sulitsa, and the other with knives, and the other with sabers, and the other with bows and arrows; and sun? naked, and barefoot, and bolkats; and the women walk their heads uncovered, and their breasts are bare; and paropks and girls walk naked up to 7 years old, but they are not covered with litter. And from Chyuvila we went dry until Pali 8 days before the Indian mountains. And from Pali to Die 10 days, that is, an Indian city. And from Die to Chyuneir 6 days, and there is Asatkhan Chyunersky Indian, and the servant Meliktuchyarov, and keep, say, seven dark from Meliktuchar.

And Meliktuchar s? Dit on 20 tmah; and he beats from a kafar 20 years old, that is, he beats him, then he beats them many times. Khan, go to the people, and he has many good elephants and horses, and he has many Horozans; but to bring them from the Khorosan land, and the other from the Oraban land, and the other from the Tukrmes land, and the other from the Chegotan land, and bring everything by sea to the Tavakh, the Indus land, ships. And the ugly one brought the stallion to the Yndyy land, God came to Chyuner, and gave all the hello, and became a hundred rubles. Their winter became days after Troicin. And I spent the winter in Chun? Er?, Lived for two months; every day and night 4 months, and everywhere there is water and mud. In t? but their days are screaming and eating wheat, and tuturgan, yes, and everything they eat. Wine is to be repaired with them in the great op? Sekh kozi gundustanskaa; and they repair the mash in tatna, feed the horses with nohoot, and boil kichiris with sugar, and feed the horses, and with butter, but I will hurt them. In the Indian land, the horses will not give birth to them, oxen and bulls will be born in their land, on the other hand, to carry other goods, to bail everything. Chyuner, however, has a city on an island on a stone, not for anything, God is done; but walking up the mountain day on a single person, the road to sleep, not drinking.

In the Indian land, guests should be placed in the courtyard, and you should cook the ladies for the guests, and make the bed, and sleep with the guests, you sik ileres' for a resident of bersen, go to an awrat chektur and sikish mufut to love big people. Zim? do they have people walking around on their hips, and a friend on a splash, and a third on their heads?; and then the princes and the boyars will put on their trousers, and the shirt, and the kavtan, and the photo on the shoulder, and gird it with another, and wrap the chapter around the third photo; a se olo, olo, abr olo ak, olo kerim, olo ragym. And in Tom Chyuner? Khan took a stallion from me, but uv? gave that Yaz is not a non-German, Rusin, and he says: “And I will give a stallion to a thousand golden ladies, and stand in our war in Mahmit Deni; but you will not stand in our v? ru in Mahmet Denis, and I will repulse the stallion and a thousand gold for the heads? your disagreement. " And I set the deadline for 4 days, in shitty time on Spasov day. And the Lord God took mercy on his honest holiday, do not leave me the mercy of his sinner and did not lead? go to Chyuner? with the wicked; on the eve of Spasov's days, the hostess Mahmet the Khorosan came to me, bil you chelove him, so that you can talk about me? sad; and he went to the khan in the city, but he asked me not to be put in the prison, and he took my stupid from him.

Such is the gentleman's chyudo on Spasov Day! Ino, brothers Russian Christians, who wants to drink in the Ynd? Y land, and you leave your v? Ru in Russia, and I’ll see Makhmet, and go to the Gustan land. The dogs of the desermen lied to me, and told a lot of our goods, but nothing on our land; all the goods were on the land of Besserm, pepper and paint, it was cheap; Others are transported by sea, they do not give other duties. And some people will not let us carry out duties, and there are many duties, but there are many robbers at sea. And they break all the coffees, neither the peasants, nor the rabble; but they pray with a stone blockhead, but they don't know Christ. And Is Chyunerya came out to the Dormition of the Most Pure Ones to Beder, to their greater hail. And I went m? Syats; and from Beder to Kulonkerya 5 days; and from Kulonger to Kelberg, 5 days. There are many cities in between the great cities; for every day for three hails, and for another day and 4 hails; Kolko kovv, only hail. And from Chyuvila to Chyuneir 20 kovs, and from Chyuner to Beder 40 kovs, and from Beder to Kolungor 9 kovs, and from Beder to Koluberg 9 kovs. In Beder, there is a bargaining on horses, and on goods, and on kamkas, on silk and on any other goods, and black people can buy in it; and other in it buy n? t. Yes, all their goods from Gundostan, and all vegetables, and on the Russian land there are no goods.

And they are all black, and all are villains? All Khorosantsi reign in the Indus land, and all Khorosantsi rule by boyars; and the gundustantsi are all p? shikhody, but the greyhounds are walking, and all are naked and barefoot, and a shield in the ruts ?, and in the other a sword, and other servants with great straight bows and arrows. And all the elephants can fight them, and let them go ahead, Horosantsi on horseback and in armor, and the horses themselves; and to knit an elephant to the snout and to the tooth of the great swords are forged according to the kendar, but they will be sheathed in armor? 12 men each in armor, all with cannons and arrows. They have one thing, shikhb Aludin pyr atyr bozar aladinand, for a year one bozar, the whole country of the Indian trade is being eaten, and trading for 10 days; from Beder 12 kovov, bring horses up to 20 thousand sell, carry all goods; in the Hondustani land that bargaining is the best, every commodity is sold, bought, in memory of Shikh Aladin, on a Russian holiday on the Protection of the Holy Mother of God. There is also a gukuk bird in that Alyanda, the nights flies, and they call "gukuk".

And on which horomin? s? dit, then there is a man to die; and whoever wants to kill her, ino she has a fire out of her mouth. And mammon walks at night and imayut chickens, but live in the mountains? or in stone. What about monkeys? live in the forest, but they have a monkey prince, but go to their army, but whoever borrows them and they sympathize with their prince, and he send his army to that one, and they, coming to the city, dismiss the courtyards and beat people. And their rati, I say, are many, and their tongues are their own, and to give birth to many children; but which will not be born into a father, not into a mother, they are marching along the roads; Some of the Hondurationists want to teach them all kinds of handicrafts, and sell others for nights so that they don't know the prizes back, while others are taught the bases of mikanet. Spring with them became the Holy Mother of God from the Intercession; and celebrate Shikha Aladina and spring? dv? week? for Pokrov ?, and celebrate 8 days; and keep the spring 3 months, and then 3 months, and the winter 3 months, and autumn 3 months. In Bedery, their table is for Gundustan the desermen. And there is hail in the face, and there are many people in velmiya; and the Saltan is great for 20 years, and the boyars keep it, and the princes are Farasantsi, and all the Horosantsi fight. There is a Khorosanets Meliktuchar boyar, otherwise he has two hundred thousand, and Melik Khan has 100 thousand, and Kharat Khan has 20 thousand; and there are many of those khans, 10 thousand armies each.

And with the saltan, 300 thousand of their rats come out. And the land is crowded with velmi, and the rural people are naked, and the boyars are strong and kind? and magnificent velmi; and carry all of them on their beds on silver coins, and before them the horses lead the tackle of gold up to 20; and on horseback there are 300 people behind them, and 500 people on horseback, 10 trubnikov, 10 nagarnikov, and 10 swirlnikov people. The Sultan, on the other hand, roars out for a sweat with his mother and wife, otherwise there are 10 thousand people on horseback with him, and 50 thousand people on horseback, and elephants are led by 200 dressed up in armor with gilded men, and in front of him there are 100 pipe workers. Yes, there are 100 people dancing, and 300 ordinary horses in gold gear, and 100 monkeys after him, and 100 whores, and all the gauryks. In the sultans' yard there are 7 gates, and in the gates? X s? There are 100 guardians and 100 scribes kofarov; who to sit, and write down, and who goes out, and write down; and garipov do not let go into the city. And his yard is chyuden velmi, all for the neckline? Yes, for gold ?, and the last stone was dug out with gold and described by Velmi nicely; yes to the yard? he has different courts. The city of Beder is guarded in the night by a thousand people, kutovalovs, and they should be mounted on horseback and in armor. And he sold his stallion's identity in Bedery, and I imposed 60 and 8 futuns with him, and I fed him for a year.

In Bedery, however, snakes walk the streets, and its length is two? fathoms. Did you come to Beder about the conspiracies about Filipov? Is Kulong? rya and sold his stallion about Christmas?, and then went to the great constellation in Bedery and got to know with many Indians and told him that I am not a non-German and a Christian, but the name of Ophonasei, but a non-German the name of the owner is Isuf Khorosani. And they did not learn to reveal me about anything, or about? St?, Not about trade, or about manaz, or about other substances, or they didn’t learn to cover. Yes oh v? R? but about their crucifixion, they say: we are in Adam, but Booty, it seems, that is, Adam and his entire family. And in? Rv in Ind? And all? X 80 and 4? Ry, and everything is in Buta; and you will not drink or eat or marry, but other boran, and chickens, and fish, and eggs, and do not eat oxen. In Bedery, it was 4 months and was holy with the Indians to drink to Pervoti, then their Yerusalim, and according to the desermen Myagkat, d? their butkhan. In the same place, I’ll go to see the Indians and they will be haunted, and I’ve been trading at Butkhana for 5 days. And butkhan velmi is great from half a TV? Ri, a stone, but Butovy's works are built along it, around it all 12 are given in? Ntsev, how did But chydesa created, how did he show many images: first appeared in a human way; another man, but the nose of elephants; the third man, and the vision is monkey; into the fourth man, and the image of a lutago beast, he was all with his tail, and carved on a stone, and the tail through him was a fathom.

The whole country of Indyyskaa on Chyudo Butovo congregates to the bukhan; Yes, old women and girls shave at Butkhan, but shave on their own? sun? hair, and beards, and heads, but go to butkhan; yes from every head emit two? Sheksheni taxes on Buta, and on horses for four feet; and is eaten to the bukhan of all people byst azar lek vakht bashet sat azare lek. The loaf? But But vyr? zan is the stone, velmi is great, but his tail is through him, and his right hand raised high and stretched out, like Ustyan is the king of Tsaryagrad, and in the l? voy ruts? he has a copy, but on it there is n? t nothing, but his gusky owes a fly, and the vision of a monkey, and other Buty naga, n? t nothing, cat Achyuk, and the girls of Butava naga are carved with trash and children, and But there is a great velmi will with Booth, and the stone is cut out from black, and everything is gilded, and they put flowers on him, and flowers are sprinkled on But.

Indians, however, do not eat any meat, neither yalovych, nor boranines, nor chicken, nor fish or pork, but they have a lot of pigs; but they eat twice during the day, but do not eat at night, and do not drink wine, nor do they eat; and from the desermen do not drink or eat. But their food is bad, and one eats one day, neither eat food, nor with a wife; but they eat brynets, and kichiri with butter, and they eat herbs, all with the right hand, but with the left it will not be accepted for anything; but do not hold a knife, and I don’t know a lie; and on the road? who is so? cooks porridge, but everyone has a bitter. And they will hide from the besermen, so that they do not look either in the forge or in the food; but he looked at non-Germanism, and he does not eat, but eat others, they are covered with a plate so that no one sees him. And namaz them to the east along the Russian side, raise both hands high, and put them on the ground, and lie down on the ground, and drag everything down on the ground, then their bows. And the yasti sit down, wash their hands and feet, and rinse their mouth. And the butukhans are without doors, but are placed to the east, and the buty are to the east. And who they have to die, and they burn and sprinkle the ashes on the water. And the wife will give birth to a child, otherwise the husband will give birth, and the father will give the name to the son and the mother to the daughter; but voluntarily they have n? t, but I don’t know the trash. Or he came, in other words, bowing in Chernechski, both hands reaching the ground, and not saying a word.

To Pervot? but nag about the Great conspiracy, to their own, that is their Jerusalem, and in the non-Germanic Myakka, and in the Russian is Jerusalim, and in the Indian Parvat. And do all the congregate? nagas, only pay at the guzne; and zhonki sun? naga, only on the guzne of the fota, and others in photos, and wearing pearls, a lot of yachts, and on the hands of hoops and gold rings, ollo oak, and inside to the bootkhan to bite at will, but at the ox the horns are bound with m? dyu, yes our kolokoltsev 300, but the hooves are shod; and t? oxen call acche. Indus call the ox father, and the cow mother, and they bake their feces to cook their own bread, and then they can smear their banner on the face, and on the forehead, and all over their body. On the week and on Monday, eat once in the afternoon. In Ynd? E same as pack-tur, and uchuze-crap: sikish ilarsen iki shitel; akechany ila atyrsenatle take zhetel; bulara dostor: and kul karavash uchuz char funa hub bem funa hubesiya; kapkara am chyuk kichi you want. From Pervati, however, you came to Beder, 15 days before the desermen's ulubagr. And I don’t give you the Great days of the Resurrection of Christ, but, according to the note, I’m guessing - it’s a great day to be the first beastly khrestyanskiy rabbit in 9 days or 10 days.


In the year 6983 (1475) "...". In the same year, he received the notes of Athanasius, a merchant of Tver, he was in India for four years, and writes that he set out on a journey with Vasily Papin. I asked when Vasily Papin was sent with gyrfalcones as an ambassador from the Grand Duke, and they told me that he returned from the Horde a year before the Kazan campaign, and died near Kazan, shot through by an arrow, when Prince Yuri went to Kazan. In the records, he did not find in what year Athanasius went or in what year he returned from India and died, but they say that he died before reaching Smolensk. And he wrote notes with his own hand, and those notebooks with his notes were brought by merchants to Moscow to Vasily Mamyrev, the clerk of the Grand Duke.

For the prayer of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, your sinful servant Athanasius Nikitin's son.

I wrote here about my sinful voyage across three seas: the first sea - Derbent, Daria Khvalisskaya, the second sea - Indian, Daria Gundustanskaya, the third sea - Black, Daria Stambulskaya.

I went from the Savior of the Holy Golden-Domed with his mercy, from his sovereign Grand Duke Mikhail Borisovich of Tverskoy, from Vladyka Gennady of Tverskoy and from Boris Zakharyich.

I swam down the Volga. And he came to the Kalyazinsky monastery to the life-giving Holy Trinity and the holy martyrs Boris and Gleb. Both hegumen Macarius and the holy brethren received a blessing. From Kalyazin I sailed to Uglich, and from Uglich they let me go without hindrance. And, having sailed from Uglich, he arrived in Kostroma and came to Prince Alexander with another letter of the Grand Duke. And they let me go without hindrance. And I came to Ples without obstacles.

And I came to Nizhny Novgorod to see Mikhail Kiselev, the governor, and to the vulgar Ivan Saraev, and they let me go without hindrance. But Vasily Papin, however, had already passed the city, and I waited in Nizhny Novgorod for two weeks for Hasan-bek, the Tatar Shirvanshah's ambassador. And he rode with gyrfalcons from Grand Duke Ivan, and he had ninety gyrfalcons. I swam with them down the Volga. Kazan passed without obstacles, did not see anyone, and the Horde, and Uslan, and Saray, and Berekezan sailed and entered Buzan. And then three infidel Tatars greeted us and gave us a false message: "Sultan Kasim lies in wait for merchants on Buzan, and with him three thousand Tatars." Shirvanshah's ambassador Khasan-bek gave them a one-row caftan and a piece of linen to take us past Astrakhan. And they, the unfaithful Tatars, took it one by one, and they gave the news to the Tsar in Astrakhan. And I left my ship with my comrades, went to the embassy ship.

We are sailing past Astrakhan, and the moon is shining, and the tsar saw us, and the Tatars shouted to us: "Kachma - don't run!" But we have not heard anything of this and we are running under our sail. For our sins the king sent all his people for us. They overtook us on Bohun and started shooting at us. A man was shot at our place, and we shot two Tatars at their place. And our smaller ship got stuck in the ship, and they immediately took it and plundered it, and all my luggage was on that ship.

We reached the sea in a large ship, but it became aground at the mouth of the Volga, and then they overtook us and ordered the ship to be pulled up the river to the river. And our big ship was robbed here and four Russian people were taken prisoner, and we were released with our bare heads across the sea, and back, up the river, they did not let us through, so that the news would not be given.

And we went, crying, on two ships to Derbent: in one ship the ambassador Khasan-bek, and the Teziks, and we, Russians, ten people; and in the other ship - six Muscovites, and six Tverichi, and cows, and our food. And a storm arose on the sea, and the smaller ship smashed on the shore. And here is the town of Tarki, and people came ashore, but the kaytaks came and took everyone prisoner.

And we came to Derbent, and Vasily arrived there safely, and we were robbed. And I beat Vasily Papin and the ambassador of the shirvanshah Hasan-bek, with whom we came, with my forehead, so that I would bother about the people whom the kaytaks captured near Tarki. And Hasan-bek went to the mountain to ask Bulat-bek. And Bulat-bek sent a runner to the Shirvanshah to tell him: “Master! The Russian ship crashed near Tarki, and the kaytaks, having come, took people prisoner, and their goods were plundered. "

And the shirvanshah immediately sent an ambassador to his brother-in-law, the prince of the kaitaks, Khalil-bek: “My ship crashed near Tarki, and your people, having come, captured the people from it, and plundered their goods; and you, for my sake, people came to me and collect their goods, because those people were sent to me. And what you need from me, and you send to me, and I will not contradict you, my brother, in anything. And those people came to me, and you, for my sake, let them go to me without obstacles. " And Khalil-bek sent all the people to Derbent immediately without obstacles, and from Derbent they sent them to the Shirvanshah at his headquarters - koitul.

We went to see the Shirvanshah at his headquarters and beat him with our foreheads, so that he would welcome us, than get to Russia. And he did not give us anything: they say, there are many of us. And we parted, crying, who was where: someone who had something left in Russia, he went to Russia, and who had to, he went wherever his eyes would look. Others stayed in Shemakha, while others went to work in Baku.

And I went to Derbent, and from Derbent to Baku, where the fire burns inextinguishable; and from Baku he went across the sea - to Chapakur.

And I lived in Chapakura for six months, and I lived in Sari for a month, in the Mazandaran land. And from there he went to Amol and lived here for a month. And from there he went to Demavend, and from Demavend to Ray. Here they killed Shah Hussein, one of the children of Ali, the grandsons of Muhammad, and the curse of Muhammad fell on the murderers - seventy cities were destroyed.

From Rhey I went to Kashan and lived here for a month, and from Kashan to Nain, and from Nain to Ezd and lived here for a month. And from Yazd I went to Sirjan, and from Sirjan to Tarom, livestock are fed here with dates, and a batman of dates is sold for four altyns. And from Tarom I went to Lara, and from Lara - to Bender - that pier of Hormuz. And here is the Indian Sea, in Persian Daria Gundustanskaya; to Hormuz-grad from here it is four miles to go.

And Hormuz is on the island, and the sea comes on him twice every day. Here I spent my first Easter, and came to Hormuz four weeks before Easter. And that is why I did not name all the cities, that there are still many big cities. The heat of the sun is great in Hormuz, it will burn a man. I was in Hormuz for a month, and from Hormuz after Easter on the day of Radunitsa I went in Tava with horses across the Indian Sea.

And we went by sea to Muscat for ten days, and from Muscat to Degas for four days, and from Degas to Gujarat, and from Gujarat to Cambay. Here paint and varnish will be born. From Cambay they sailed to Chaul, and from Chaul they sailed in the seventh week after Easter, and sailed by sea for six weeks in Tava to Chaul. And here is an Indian country, and people walk naked, but their heads are not covered, and their breasts are bare, and their hair is braided in one braid, everyone walks around with bellies, and children are born every year, and they have many children. Both men and women are all naked and all black. Wherever I go, many people follow me - they marvel at the white man. The local prince has a veil on his head, and another on his hips, and the boyars there have a veil over his shoulder, and another on his hips, and the princesses walk - a veil thrown over his shoulder, another veil on his hips. And the servants of the princely and boyars have one veil wrapped around their hips, and a shield, and a sword in their hands, some with darts, others with daggers, and others with sabers, and others with bows and arrows; Yes, everyone is naked, yes, barefoot, yes, strong, and they don’t shave their hair. And women walk - their heads are not covered, and their breasts are bare, and boys and girls are naked until the age of seven, the shame is not covered.

From Chaul we went dry, walked to Pali for eight days, to the Indian mountains. And from Pali it was ten days until Die, then an Indian city. And from Die seven days' journey to Junnar.

The Indian khan, Assad-khan of the Junnars, rules here, and he serves the melik-at-tujar. The troops were given to him from the melik-at-tujar, they say, seventy thousand. And the melik-at-tujar is under the command of two hundred thousand troops, and he has been at war with the kafars for twenty years: they defeated him more than once, and he defeated them many times. Asad Khan travels in public. And he has many elephants, and he has many good horses, and he has many warriors, Khorasanians. And horses are brought from the Khorasan land, some from the Arab land, some from the Turkmen land, some from the Chagotay land, and they all bring them by sea in tavas - Indian ships.

And I, a sinner, brought the stallion to the Indian land, and went with him to Junnar, with God's help, healthy, and he became me a hundred rubles. Their winter began on Trinity Day. I spent the winter in Junnar, lived here for two months. Every day and night - for four whole months - water and mud are everywhere. These days they plow and sow wheat, and rice, and peas, and everything edible. Their wine is made from large nuts, the Gundustan kozi are called, and the braga is from tatna. Here they feed the horses with peas, boil khichri with sugar and butter, and feed the horses with them, and give sheshni in the morning. In the Indian land, horses are not found, in their land bulls and buffaloes will be born - they ride and carry goods and other things, they do everything.

Old Russian text Trinity list of the 16th century.

Z and the prayer of the saints, our fathers, Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, your servant, your sinister Afonasya Mikitin's son. I have written my sinister wanderings for three seas: the right sea of ​​Derbenskoye, the road of Khvalitskaa; the second sea is Induyskoe, the road of Hondustanjskaa; the third Black Sea, Stembolska road. Poidokh from the Holy Savior of the Golden-Domed with his mercy, from the Grand Duke Mikhail Borisovich and from Vladyka Gennady Tvurskiy, went to the bottom of the Volga and came to the monastery to the holy life-giving Trinity and the holy martyr Boris and Glubu; and blessing the brothers from the abbot with Makariya; and from Kolyazin went to Uglech, from Uglech to Kostroma to Prince Alexander, with the son of Gramoto. And the great prince let me go of all Russia voluntarily. And on Yeleso, in Novgorod Nizhnaya, to Mikhail to Kiselev, to the namnik and to the official Ivan Saraev, they voluntarily admitted. And Vasiley Papin drove into the city, and waited in the city for two weeks for the Tatar ambassador Shirvashin Asambug, and rode from the krechata from the great prince Ivan, and he had ninety krechata. And you went with him to the bottom of the Volga. And Kazan I am, and the Horde, and Uslan, and Sarai, and Verekezans passed I voluntarily. And I drove into the Vuzan river.

And that three nasty Tatars drove us over and told us false news: Kaisym soltan guards the guests in Buzan, and with him three thousand totars. And the ambassador of the shirvashin Asanbѣg gave them one row at a time and along the canvas, so that they would lead them past Aztarkhan. And they took odnoryatki one by one, and gave it to the king in Khaztorohani. And I left my ship and crawl onto the ship for a word and with comrades. Aztarkhan on a month of the night with a sail, the tsar saw us and the Tatars called us: "Kachma, do not run!" And the king sent his entire horde after us. And according to our sin, they overtook us on Bugun, they shot a man at our place, and we shot two of them; and our smaller ship was on the move, and they took it for an hour and plundered it, and my junk is all in the smaller ship. And with a large ship we reached the sea, but it was at the mouth of the Volga aground, and they took us there, but they pulled the ship back to the ride. And then they took our bigger ship, and the Russians took 4 heads, and they let us go bareheaded across the sea, but they didn’t let us through the sea. And I went to Derbenti two courts: in one ship the ambassador Asambig, yes teziks, and Rusakov with 10 heads; and in another ship 6 Muscovites and 6 tverich.

And the furstovina rose to the sea, but the smaller ship was smashed on the shore, and the Kaitaks came and the people took everyone. And send me to Derben. And that Vasily came to good health, and we were robbed. And I beat Vasily Papin with my brow and the ambassador Shirvanshin Asanbeg that I came with him to grieve about the people who were caught under Tarkhy kaitaki. And Osanbѣg grieved and went up the mountain to Bultabg. And Bulatbѣg soon sent yes to shirvanshѣbѣgu: that the Russian ship had been smashed at Tarkhi, and the kaytaks had come to capture people, and their goods had been robbed. And the shirvanshab of that hour sent an ambassador to his brother-in-law, Alilbeg, the kaitic prince, that my ship was smashed near Tarkhy, and your people came, they took people, and their goods were robbed; and you would send me less for people and collect their goods, then these people were sent to my name; but what would you need from me, and you came to me, and you, your brother, would not stand for that, and you would have let them go voluntarily for me. And Alilbug of that hour sent all the people to Derbent voluntarily, and from Derbent they sent them to shirvanshi in-rdu his coitul. And we went to the shirvansha vo and koitul and beat him with our foreheads so that they would grant us, rather than milking to Russia. And he did not give us anything, but there are many of us. And we wept and went koi kuda: whoever has something in Russia, and he went to Russia; but who should, and he went where his eyes carried, and some remained in Shamakhi, and others went to work to Bakѣ.

And yaz went to Derbenty, and from Derbent to Bakѣ, where the fire burns are inextinguishable; and from Baki I went across the sea to Chebokar, but here I lived in Chebokar for 6 months, and in Sarѣ lived a month in the Mazdran land. And from there to Amily, and here I lived for a month. And from there to Dimovant, and from Dimovant to Ray. And that they killed Shausen Aleev's children and the grandchildren of the Makhmetevs, and he cursed them, and in other 70 cities fell apart. And from Drya to Kasheni, and then I was a month. And from Kasheni to Nain, and from Nain to Ride, and here I lived for a month. And from Diez to Syrchan, and from Syrchan to Tarom, and the funiki feed the beast, batman 4 altyns each. And from Torom to Lara, and from Lara to Bendery. And here there is the Gurmyzskoe refuge, and here there is the Indian Sea, and in the Parsean language there is also the Hondustani road; and from there it is by sea to Gurmyz 4 miles. And Gurmyz is on the island, and every day the sea takes him twice a day. And then you took 1 Great Day, and you came to Gurmyz four weeks before the Great Day. Otherwise, I didn’t write all the cities, there are many great cities. And in Gurmyz there is a cooked sun, to burn a man. And in Gurmyz I was a month, and from Gurmyz I went across the Indian Sea, along Velitsa days to Fomin, to Tava, with horses.

And the Eme went by the sea Dugu 4 days; from Dѣga Kuzryatu; and from Kuzryat Konbatu, and then give birth to paint and lek. And from Kanbat to Chivil, and from Chivil I went to this week along Velitsa days, and I went to Tav 6 weeks by sea to Chivil. And here there is an Indian country, and people walk around naked all the time, but the head is not covered, and the breasts are bare, and the hair is braided in one braid, and all the bellies are walking around, giving birth to children for every year, and they have many children, and husbands and wives are all black; I go wherever, but there are a lot of people behind me, they are amazed at the little man. And their prince - fota on their headsѣ, and a friend, on their hips; and the boyars walk with them - a photo on the splashѣ, and the other on the hips, and the princesses walk - the photo on the shoulder is rounded, and the other on the hips; and the servants of the princess and the boyar - the picture on the hips is rounded, and the shield and the sword in hand, and the other with sulitsa, and the other with knives, and the other with sabers, and the other with bows and arrows; but all are naked, and barefoot, and boggy; and the women walk their heads uncovered, and their breasts are bare; and paropky and girls walk naked until 7 years old, and are not covered with litter. And from Chyuvila we went dry until Pali 8 days before the Indian mountains. And from Pali to Die 10 days, that is, an Indian city. And from Die to Chyuneir 6 days, and there is Asatkhan Chyunersky Indian, and the servant Meliktuchyarov, and keep, say, seven dark from Meliktuchar.

And Meliktuchar sits on 20 tmah; and beats from the kafar for 20 years, then he beats him, then he beats them many times. Khan, go to the people, and he has many good elephants and horses, and he has many Horozans; but to bring them from the Khorosan land, and the other from the Orabansk land, and the other from the Tukrmes land, and the other from the Chegotan land, and bring everything by sea to the Tavah, the Indian land, ships. And the awful yaz brought the stallion to the Ynduy land, God came to Chyuner, and he gave everything to the Chyuner, and became a hundred rubles. Their winter became days after Troicin. And I spent the winter in Chunѣirѣ, lived for two months; every day and night 4 months, and everywhere there is water and mud. In the same days, they have wheat and wheat, and tuturgan, and nails, and everything edible. Wine is repaired with them in the great oreseh kozi gundustanskaa; and they repair the mash in tatna, feed the horses with nohoot, and boil kichiris with sugar, and feed the horses, and with butter, but I will hurt them. In the Indian land, the horses will not give birth to them, oxen and bulls will be born in their land, and on the same go and carry other goods, do everything. Chyuner, however, has a city on an island on a stone, not given to anything, God is ready; but to walk up the mountain day on a single person, the road is dull, there is no way to drink.

In the Indian land, guests should be set up in the courtyard, and cook for the ladies 'guests, and make the bed, and sleep with the guests, sikish ileres' for a resident of bersen, get the awrath chektur and sikish mufut to love white people. In winter, they have people walking around on their hips, and the other on the splash, and the third on their heads; and then the princes and the boyars will put on their trousers, and the shirt, and the kavtan, and the photo on the shoulder, and gird it with another, and wrap the chapter around the third photo; a se olo, olo, abr olo ak, olo kerim, olo ragym. And in the tom Chyuner khan he took a stallion from me, and found out that the yaz is not non-German, Rusin, and he says: “And I will give a stallion and a thousand golden ladies, and stand in our lie in Mahmet Deni; but you will not stand in our lie in Mahmet Deni, and I will take away the stallion and a thousand gold pieces for your head. " And he set the deadline for 4 days, in shitty time on Spasov day. And the Lord God took mercy on his honest holiday, do not leave me the mercy of his sinner and did not command me to go to Chyuner with the wicked; on the eve of Spasov's days, the hostess Mahmet the Khorosan came to me with a head to him to grieve about me; and he went to the khan in the city, but he asked me not to be put in the wrong, and he took my stallion from him.

Such is the gentleman's chyudo on Spasov Day! Ino, brothers, Russian Christians, who wants to drink in the Ynduy land, and you leave your lies in Russia, and I will see Makhmet, and go to the Gustan land. The dogs of the desermen lied to me, and they said a lot of our goods, but nothing on our land; all the goods were on the land of Besserm, pepper and paint, it was cheap; Others are transported by sea, they do not give other duties. And some people will not let us carry out duties, and there are many duties, but there are many robbers at sea. And they break all the coffees, neither the peasants, nor the rabble; but they pray with a stone blockhead, but they don't know Christ. And Is Chyunerya came out to the Dormition of the Most Pure Ones to Beder, to their greater hail. And it was a month; and from Beder to Kulonkerya 5 days; and from Kulonger to Kelberg, 5 days. There are many cities between tѣkh great cities; for every day for three hails, and for another day and 4 hails; Kolko kovv, only hail. And from Chyuvila to Chyuneir 20 kovs, and from Chyuner to Beder 40 kovs, and from Beder to Kolungor 9 kovs, and from Beder to Koluberg 9 kovs. In Beder, there is a bargaining on horses, and on goods, and on kamkas, on silk and on any other goods, and black people can buy in it; and other in it buy nѣt. Yes, all their goods are from Gundostan, and all vegetables are soyastny, and there are no goods on the Russian land.

And they are all black, and all are villains, and the girls are all whores, yes, yes, yes, yes, lies, yes, potions, master. All the Khorosantsi reign in the Indian land, and all the boyars are Khorosantsi; and the gundustantsi are all pshihod, and the greyhounds are walking, and all are naked and barefoot, and a shield in a ruts, and a sword in the other, and other servants with great straight bows and arrows. And all the elephants fight them, and let them go ahead, Horosantsi on horseback and in armor, and the horses themselves; and knit an elephant to the snout and to the tooth of the great swords are forged according to the kendar, and they will be sheathed in damask armor, and towns have been made on them, and in the city, 12 men each in armor, all with cannons and arrows. They have one place, shikhb Aludin pyr atyr bozar alyadinand, for a year one bozar, the whole country of Indian trade is being assembled, and trading for 10 days; from Beder 12 kovov, bring horses up to 20 thousand sell, carry all goods; in the Hondustani land that bargaining is the best, every commodity is sold, bought, in memory of Shikh Aladin, on a Russian holiday on the Protection of the Holy Mother of God. There is also a gukuk bird in that Alyanda, the nights flies, and they call "gukuk".

And on which the horominѣ sit, then the man will die; and whoever wants to kill her, ino she has a fire out of her mouth. And mammon walks at night and has chickens, and lives in a mountain or in a stone. And monkeys then live in the forest, but they have a monkey prince, but go to their army, but whoever borrows them and they sympathize with their prince, and he send his army to that one, and they, having come to the city, dismiss the courtyards and beat people. And their rati, I say, are many, and their tongues are their own, and to give birth to many children; but who will not be born into a father, not into a mother, they are marching along the roads; Some gondustantsi tѣh imayut and teach them all kinds of handicrafts, and some sell nights so that they don’t know how to get back, while others are taught the bases of mikanet. Spring with them became the Holy Mother of God from the Intercession; and to celebrate Shikha Aladina and spring two weeks after the Intercession, and to celebrate 8 days; and keep spring for 3 months, and then for 3 months, and for winter 3 months, and autumn for 3 months. In Bedery, their table is for Gundustan the desermen. And the city is vѣlik, and there are many people velmiya; and the Saltan is great for 20 years, and the boyars keep it, and the princes are Farasantsi, and all the Horosantsi fight. There is a Khorosanets Meliktuchar boyar, otherwise he has a host of two hundred thousand, and Melik Khan has 100 thousand, and Kharat Khan has 20 thousand; and there are many of those khans, 10 thousand armies each.

And with the saltan, 300 thousand of their rats come out. And the land is crowded with velmi, and the rural people are naked, and the boyars are strong, kind and magnificent velmi; and carry all of them on their beds on silver coins, and before them the horses lead the tackle of gold up to 20; and on horseback there are 300 people, and 500 men, and 10 trubnikov, and 10 people with nagarnikov, and 10 people with svirѣlnikov. The sultan, on the other hand, goes out with his mother and his wife, sometimes with him there are 10 thousand people on horseback, and 50 thousand people on horseback, and 200 dressed-up gilded elephants are led by him, and in front of him there are 100 pipe workers, and there are 100 ordinary 300 dancers, and 300 ordinary horses. gold gear, and 100 monkeys, and 100 whores, and all gauryks. In the sultans' yard there are 7 gates, and at the gates there are 100 guardians and 100 scribes kofars; who to sit, and write down, and who goes out, and write down; and garipov do not let go into the city. And his courtyard is chyuden velmi, everything is cut out and in gold, and the last stone is cut out and described in gold velmi nicely; and in the courtyard he has separate courts. The city of Beder is guarded in the night by a thousand men of kutovalovs, and to ride a horse and in armor, and at all by a bell. And he sold his stallion's identity in Bedery, and I imposed 60 and 8 futuns with him, and I fed him for a year.

In Bedery, however, snakes walk the streets, and its length is two fathoms. He came to Beder about a conspiracy about Filipov and Kulongurya and sold his stallion about Christmas, and then went to the great conspiracy in Beder and got to know with many Indians and told him that I was not a non-Christian Ophis, I am the name of Christianity. the non-Sermen name of the owner is Isuf Khorosani. And they did not learn to reveal me about anything, not about stvѣ, not about trade, or about manaz, or about other substances, nor did they teach me to cover. Yes, about everything about their crucifixion, and they say: we put into Adam, and Booty, it seems, that is, Adam and his entire family. And vѣr vъ Indѣi all 80 and 4 vѣry, and all will be in Buta; and vѣra with lies neither drink nor eat, nor marry, but other boranina, and chickens, and fish, and eggs, and do not eat oxen. In Beder, however, it lasted 4 months and prayed to the Indians to drink to Pervoti, then their Yerusalim, and, according to the desermen Myagkat, for their buthana. There will also go to the Indians for a month, and the bargaining at the Butkhana for 5 days. But Butkhana Velmi is great from half a Tvѣri, a stone, but the actions of Butovy are laid out along it, around it all 12 are written, how But chudesa created, how he showed many images: the first appeared in a human way; another man, and the nose of elephants; the third is a man, and the vision is monkey; into the fourth man, and the image of a lutago beast, he was all with his tail, and carved on a stone, and the tail through him was a fathom.

The whole country of Induiskaa congregates to the bukhan on Chyudo Butovo; Yes, old women and girls shave at Butkhan, and shave all their hair, beards, and heads on their own, and go to Butkhan; yes, from every head emit two sheksheni duties on Buta, and from horses, four feet; and it is shrunk to the bukhan of all people byst azar lek vakht bashet sat azare lek. But in the bukhan, But cut out stones, velmi is great, but his tail is through him, and he raised his right hand high and stretched out his right hand, like Ustyan is the Tsar of Tsaryagrad, and in his left hand he has a copy, and on it there is nothing, but he owes wide, and the vision is like a monkey, and the other Buta is naked, it’s nothing, the cat is Achyuk, and the women of Butava’s naga are carved with sorom and children, and Booth is overwhelmed by the great velmi, and carved from stones and black, and the whole is gilded, and kiss him in the hoof, and they pour flowers on him, and they pour flowers on Buta.

The Indians, however, do not eat any meat, neither barley, nor boran, nor chicken, nor fish, nor pork, but they have a lot of pigs; but they eat twice during the day, but do not eat at night, and do not drink wine, nor do they eat; and from the desermen do not drink or eat. And their nature is bad, and alone they eat during the day, neither food nor with a wife; but they eat brynets, and kichiri with butter, and they eat herbs, all with the right hand, but with the left it will not be accepted for anything; but do not hold a knife, and I don’t know a lie; but at the end of the day, who cooks porridge, and everyone's for a saddle. And they will hide from the besermen, so that they do not look either in the forge or in the food; but he looked at non-Germanism at the nation, and he did not eat, but eat others, they are covered with a plate so that no one would see him. And namaz them to the east along the Russian side, raise both hands high, and put them in the dark, and lie down on the ground, and drag everything down on the ground, then their bows. And the yasti sit down, wash their hands and feet, and rinse their mouth. And the butukhans are without doors, but are placed to the east, and the buty are to the east. And whoever they have to die, and they are burning and pouring ashes on the water. And the wife will give birth to a child, otherwise the husband will give birth, and the father will give the name to the son and the mother to the daughter; but voluntarily they have nѣt, but I don’t know the trash. Or he came, in other words, bowing in Chernechski, both hands reaching the ground, and not saying a word.

To the First, to the same zazdat about the Great zagovyne, to their own butu, their Jerusalem, and in the non-Germanic Myakka, and in the Russian Jerusalim, and in the Indian Parvat. And all nagas congregate, only at the guzne of the dress; and the girls are all naked, only in the fotah, and others are in photos, and there are pearls on, there are a lot of yachons, and there are hoops and gold rings on their hands, ollo oak, and inside to the butkhan, they’re going to be wicked, but the ox's horns are bound with brass, yes there are 300 bells, but the hooves are shod; and the oxen call acce. The Indians call the ox the father, and the cow the mother, and they bake bread and boil their own feces, and smear their banner on the face, and on the forehead, and all over their body. On weekends and on Monday, eat once in the afternoon. In Yndѣe, it’s like pack-tur, and uchuze – dir: sikish ilarsen iki shitel; akechany ila atyrsenatle take zhetel; bulara dostor: and kul karavash uchuz char funa hub bem funa hubesiya; kapkara am chyuk kichi you want. From Pervati, however, you came to Beder, 15 days before the desermen's ulubagr. And I don’t see the Great days of the Resurrection of Christ, but by primtam I guess - it’s a great day to be the first Christian devilish scarlet in 9 days or 10 days.

And with me it’s nothing, no books, but I have taken books with them from Russia; otherwise, since they robbed me, they took them, and I forgot the days of all Christian holidays and the holidays of Christianity, neither Great days, nor the Nativity of Christ, I do not see, neither Wednesday, nor Friday I do not know; and in between you are vѣr tangrydan istremen ol'saklasyn; ollo bad, ollo ak, ollo you, ollo akber, ollo ragym, ollo kerim, ollo ragymello, ollo kari mello, tan tangrysen, thin autumn. God alone is the king of glory, creator of heaven and earth. And I am going to Russia, ketmyshtyr ime and uruch here tym. The month of March has passed, and since the month of meat I was not yal, I spoke from the desermen in the week, but I said nothing very quickly, no yastia of the devil, and if I had all the water twice during the day, I smoked the water; Yes, you prayed to God the Almighty, who created heaven and earth, but you did not call Nikotor's name otherwise, god ollo, god kerim, god ragym, god bad, god ak ber, god king of glory, ollo boiled, ollo ragymello sensen ollo you.

And from Gurmyz it by sea to Golat 10 days, and from Kalata to Dѣgu 6 days, and from Dѣga to Moshkat to Kuchzryat to Kombat 4 days, from Kambat to Chivel 12 days, and from Chivil to Dabyl - 6. But there is a haven in Gundustani is the last ruthlessness. And from Dabyl to Kolekot it is 25 days, and from Selekot to Silyan 15 days, and from Silyan to Shibait it takes a month, and from Sibat to Pevgu it takes 20 days, and from Pevgu to Chini and to Machin it takes a month to go by sea. And from Chini to Kytaa it is dry for 6 months, and by the sea it is four days, arosto khodom. Gurmyz is a great refuge, all the people of the world are in it, and there are all goods in it, that is born in the whole world, then in Gurmyz there is everything; the tamga is great, the tenth of everything is there. And Kamblyat is the shelter of the Indian Sea for everything, and the goods in it are all alachi, and variegated, and kandaki, and they repair the paint nil, and be born in it a lek and ahyk and a long. So that there is a haven for Velmi, it is great, and to bring horses from Misurya, from Rabast, from Khorosani, from Turkustan, from Negostani, and walk dry for a month to Bedery and to Kelberg. And Kelekot is the haven of the entire Indian sea, and God forbid that Nikakov's kestyak can use it. And whoever sees him will not be good at sailing by the sea.

And pepper and zenzebil will be born in it, yes color, yes moskat, yes calafur, yes cinnamon, yes cloves, and spicy root, yes adryak, and a lot of all kinds of roots will be born in it. Yes, everything in it is cheap, yes, yes, yes, a round of pisyar, hub this. And Silyan is a haven of the Indian Sea, and in it Baba Adam is on the mountain, on the heights, and around him will be born a dragoe stone, yes worms, yes fatises, yes baboguri, yes binchais, yes crystal and sumbad, yes elephants will be born, yes sell in elbow, yes, sell in vѣs. And the Shabait refuge of the Indian Sea, Velmi is great. And the Horosants give alaf for tenkѣ for a day, both great and small; and whoever marries a Khorosan in him and the prince of Shabat give thousands of teneki for a sacrifice, and for olafa, and for every month for ten days; may silk, sandalwood, pearls be born in Shabot, but everything is cheap. And in Pegu there is a lot of shelter, but all the derbyshes in it live Indian, may dear stones be born in it, manik, yes yachut, yes kyrpuk; and sell the same stone derbyshi. And the Chin and Machin refuge velmi is great, yes, you can fix it in it, and sell it all at once, but it's cheap.

And their wives and their husbands sleep in the daytime, and at night their wives go to the garipa and sleep from the garipa, give them olaf, and bring sugar food and sugar wine with them, and feed and drink the guests so that they love her, and love the guests people are white, but their people are black velmi; and for those who have wives from a guest, a child will be conceived, and the husband gives to Alaf; but it will be born white, and to the guest the duties are 18 tenek; but he will be born black, otherwise he is not happy, that he drank yes ѣl, then he was halal. Shaibat from Beder 3 months, and from Dabyl to Shaibat 2 months by sea, Machim da Chim from Beder 4 months by sea, and in the same place it is cheap and everything is cheap; and to Silyan it is 2 months by sea. In Shabait, silk, da inchi, and pearls, and sandal will be born; elephants are sold to the elbow. Ammon and Chrvtsi and Fatis will be born in Silyan. In Lekot, peppers, and mosquitoes, and cloves, and fufal, and flowers will be born. In Kuzryat, paint and a hatch will be born. Ahik will be born in Kambat. In Rachyur, a birkona diamond and a new diamond will be born; sell a kidney for five rubles, and a good one for ten rubles, but a new kidney for a diamond is given to chekeni, and this is charsheshkeni, and to drink it is tenka. Diamond will be born in a stone mountain, and sell the same stone mountain for two thousand pounds of gold to a new diamond, and sell a horse to a diamond per cubit for 10 thousand pounds of gold. And the land is that of Melikkhanov, and the servant is Saltanov, and from Beder there are 30 kovov.

And the Jews are fed up with calling Shabbat their Jews, otherwise they lie; and the Shabaitena is neither a Jew, nor a desermen, nor Christians, inaa vѣra Indianskaa, neither from the worst, nor the desermen, nor to drink nor to eat, and to eat no meat. Yes, on Shabbat everything is cheap, but silk and sugar velmi are born cheap; yes, they have mammon and monkeys in the forest, and they fight people along the roads; but they have no night on the roads to drive monkeys for da momon for. And from Shaibat it is 10 months dry, and by sea 4 months of aukikov. And the deer who are nursed will laugh their navels, and the navel will be born in it; and wild reindeer pupky should be dropped across the field and through the forest, otherwise the stink will come out, but that is not fresh. The Great Day took the month of May in Beder besermensky and in Hondustan; and in desermen, the bogram was taken on Wednesday of the month of Maa; and the spelling of the month of April is 1 day.

About good Christians! Whoever swims a lot in many lands, falls into many grains and lies and deprives Christians. Az, the servant of God Athos, and took pity on the contrary; I’ve already gone through four great shit and 4 great days, but I don’t know that there is a great day, or shit, I don’t see the Nativity of Christ, I don’t see any other holidays, I don’t see Wednesday or Friday; and books from me nѣt, since they robbed me, they took from me, and they took from me, and from many troubles went to Indѣi, then to Russia to drink nѣ with chѣm, there was nothing left for the goods. The first Great day I took to Cain, another Great day to Chebukara in the Mazdran land, the third Great day in Gurmyz, the fourth Great day in India from bessermen to Beder; and the same plakah many times according to Khrestyan.

Besermenin same Melik, that one should push me a lot into the wrong besermen article. Az rekokh to him: “Lord! You namar kylaresen menda namaz kilarmen, you beat namaz kilarsizmenda 3 kalaremenmen garip asen inchai "; He said: "You do not seem to be non-German, but you do not know Christianity." But I entered many thoughts and fell into my mind: “Woe to the one who has been lost, as I have gone astray from the true path and I don’t know the way, I will go myself. Lord God Almighty, creator of heaven and earth! Turn not your face away from your bondage, for I am near sorrow. God! Look at me and have mercy on me, as yours am a creation; do not turn me away, Lord, from the true path and instruct me, Lord, on your right path, as if you didn’t make any virtue in need, my Lord, as your days are bad all in evil, my Lord, ollo first gamer, ollo you, karim ollo, ragym ollo, karim ollo, ragymello; ahalim dulimo ". proidosh 4 Great days in the land of the desermen, but Christianity did not leave; God has given him knowledge of what will happen. Oh my God, hope for you, save me, my God!

In India, the desermen, in the great Bederi, I watched the Great Night on the Great Day - Hair and Cola went into the dawn, and the Elk stood with its head to the east. The Sultan went to the Bagram on Besermenskaya for teferich, otherwise with him 20 great vizyrev, and three hundred elephants dressed in damask armor in armor and from the town, and the towns were shackled, and in the towns there were 6 men in armor and all with food and cannons; and on the great elephantѣ 12 people, on each elephantѣ two great swords, and the great swords are tied to the teeth, and the great zealous gyrs are tied to the snout, and the man to sit in the room between the ears, and the hook in his hands, the yellow тѣмъ to edit it; Yes, there are a thousand simple horses in gold gear, and a hundred camels with soot, and 300 trubniks, 300 dancers, and 300 carpet. Yes, all yachts are fathoms for the sultan, and the olmaz are great for the chichak hats, and the gold sagadaks are great for the sagadak. they are bound with gold, and the saddle is gold, and the coffer gallops in front of it, and you play with a tower, and there are many pshikh after it, and a good elephant to follow, and all dressed up in kamka, but people are upholstered, and there is a great desire in his mouth. let the horses and people knock down, so that someone does not step on the sultan blissfully. And brother sultanov, he sits on a bed on a gold one, and above him there is an oxamiten, and a poppy of gold from a yacht, and there are 20 people carrying it. And the makhtum sits on a bed on a gold one, and above him there is a shidyan with a gold poppy, and they take him on 4 horses in gold gear; and there are a lot of him around his people, but in front of him there are pѣvtsi, and there are many dances, but all with bare swords, and with sabers, and with shields, and with sulitsy, and with spears, and with bows with straight lines with great ones, and all horses are in armor , yes sagadaki on them, yes inya nagas all, one pay for guzn, rubbish overwhelmed.

In Bedery, a month is full for 3 days. In Bedery, the sweet vegetable is nѣt. In Gundustanѣ the same silnago vara nѣt; Silno var in Gurmyz and in Katobagryaim, where to give birth to pearls, and in Zhid, and in Bak, and in Misyur, and in Ostani, and in Lara; but in the Khorosan land it is varno, but not like that; and in Chegotan velmi varno; and in Shiryaz, yes, in Ezdi, in Kashini it is varied and it happens, and in Gilyan it is stifling velmi and it is dashing, but in Shamakhi it is dashing; yes in Babylon it is varno, yes Humite yes in Shamu it is varno, but in Lyap it is not so varno. And in Sevastѣi lipsѣ and in the Gurzyn land, good is abundant in everything; yes Torskaa land is abundant with velmies; yes in the Voloskoy land everything edible is abundant and cheap; yes Podolsk land is abundant in everything; and urus er tangry saklaeyn; ollo sakla, badly sakla, budonyada munukybit er ectur; nechik ursu eri beglyari akai tusil; urus er abadan bolsyn; grow kam fight. Ollo, badly, god, god of dangry. Oh my God! Hope for thee, God save me! I don’t know the way, like a camo I’ll go from Gundustan: to Gurmyz to drink, and from Gurmyz to Khorosan, the path is nѣt, neither to Chegotay, the path is nѣt, nor to Katobagryaim, the path is nѣtu, nor to Ezd the path is nѣtu. Then the omnipresent bulgak became; the princes left everywhere, Yaishu Murza was killed by Uzuosanbek, and Soltamusait was fed, and Uzuasanbek on Shiryazi sѣl and the land did not reclaim, but Ediger Mahmet, and he did not dѣt to him, is watched; there is no other way to go anywhere.

And on Myakka to drink, otherwise it’s in a non-German way, but Christians do not go to Myakka for what they put in the wrong. And living in Gundustan, otherwise the whole sobina is harried, take everything dear from them: I am a man alone, and I’m going to go for half a third of the altyn for a day, but I didn’t drink wine, nor sondy. Meliktuchar took two cities from the Indian, which they slaughtered on the Indian sea, and the princes took 7 and took the treasury, yuk yakhontov, and yuk olmaz and kirpukov, and 100 yuk goods were expensive, and the army took countless other goods; and stood by the city for two years, and rati with him two hundred thousand, and elephants 100, and 300 camels. Meliktuchar came with his party to Beder at kurbant scarlet, and in Russian on Peter's day. And the sultan sent 10 to blast him for ten kovov, and in kov to 10 versts, and with each pick of 10 thousand armies and 10 elephants in armor.

And at Meliktuchar's every day, 5 hundred people sit down at the sufrey, and with him 3 bubbles sit behind his tablecloth, and with him we pick up fifty people, and his 100 people are boyars. Meliktuchar has 2 thousand horses in the stable, and a thousand saddled and day and night they stand ready, and 100 elephants in the stable; Yes, for every night, his yard is guarded by 100 men in armor, and 20 pipe workers, and 10 soot, and 10 great tambourines, two men each. Myzamlylk, yes Mekkhan, yes Faratkhan, and then they took 3 great cities, and with them they took their raids 100 thousand and 50 elephants, and there were many precious stones of all kinds; and all that stone and yachts and olmaz were bought for Meliktuchar, he told him that he would not be sold as a guest, and those days came from Ospozhin to Beder's city.

The Sultan leaves for pothuy on Thursday and Tuesday, but he’s going out with him three times; and the brother drives out the sultans on Monday, with his mother and sister; and 2 thousand zhonk ride out on horses and beds on gold and horses in front of her a hundred simple gold gear, and there are a lot of velmi with her, and two vipers, and 10 vipers, and 50 elephants in cloth blankets, and 4 people per elephant will ride naked, one dressing gown in the guzne, and the zhonki pѣshie naga, and then carry water after them and wash away, but one does not drink water near one. Meliktuchar left the city of Beder in memory of Shikh Iladin, and in Russian to the Protection of the Holy Mother of God, and the rats with him came out 50 thousand; and the sultan sent his army of 50 thousand and 3 vizyrs went with him, and with them 30 thousand, and 100 elephants with them went out of the town and into armor, and for each elephant, 4 people with squeakers.

Meliktuchar went to fight Chunedar the great reign of Indy. And the Binedar prince had 300 elephants and a hundred thousand armies, and he had 50 thousand horses. The Sultan left the city of Beder in the 8th month after Velitsa, and with him 20 and 6 vzyrev, 20 vzyrev bezermenskiy, and 6 vzyrev Indian ones. And with the Sultan of his court, 100 thousand troops of their horse men departed, and 200 thousand horses and 300 elephants from the town and in armor, and 100 fierce animals about two chepѣh. And with his brother and the Sultanov came out to his yard 100 thousand horsemen, and 100 thousand pshi people, and 100 elephants dressed up in armor.

And after Malhan came out his court 20 thousand horse people, and sixty thousand, and 20 dressed up elephants. And Bederkhanom came out 30 thousand horse people, and with a brother, yes 100 thousand, and 25 elephants dressed up from the city. And with the Sultan, 10 thousand horsemen went out to his court, and twenty thousand of them, and 10 elephants from the town. And from Vozyrkhan there were 15 thousand equestrian people, and 30 thousand pshih, and 15 dressed up elephants. And with Kutarkhan, 15 thousand equestrian people went out to his court, and 40 thousand, and 10 elephants. And with every vzyrym, 10 thousand, and with the yn, 15 thousand horses, and the dead 20 thousand. And with the Yndѣi avdonomom came out the army of 40 thousand horse men, and the fallen people 100 thousand, and 40 elephants dressed up in armor, and 4 people per elephant with pishchal. And with the sultan, it came out to lift 26, and with each lift, 10 thousand, and with the viz, 15 thousand equestrian people, and the dead 30 thousand. And the Indian 4 great vizy, and with them his armies of 40 thousand equestrian people, and the last 100 thousand. And the sultan took up arms against the Indyan, which little happened to him, and he added 20 thousand more people, two hundred thousand equestrian people, and 20 elephants. Such is the strength of the Sultan of the Indian desermen Mamet deni іаrіа, and the growth of deni informs badly. And the right faith is God to accept, and the right is the faith of the god of one nobility, invoke his name in every place I am clean.

On the fifth Great Day, I thought about Russia. Izydokh from Bedery grad a month before the Ulubagram of Bedermen's Mamet was growing, and Great are the days of Christianity I do not see Christ's resurrection, but their shitty gossip from Bedermen, and having talked with them, I took a great day from Bederyberkh to the carpet. The Sultan came to Meliktuchar with his rostrum for the 15th day in the Ulubagryam, and all to Kelberg; and the war did not escape him, one city was taken by the Indian, and many people were driven out, and the treasury wasted a lot. And the Indian sultan kadam velmi is strong, and he has a lot of rati, but he is sitting in the mountain in Bichenagir. And his city is great, there are three ditches about him, and flow through his river; and from one side his zhengѣl is evil, and from the other side came a dol, a chyudna place velmi and is pleasing to everything, on the same side of the nkuda, the road is through the hail, and the city is to take nѣkuda, a great mountain came and a jungle of evil ticken. Under the city, the army stood for a month, and the people died from the lack of water, but a lot of velmi were driven out of hunger and from the waterlessness; and look at the water, and take nѣkuda. The city took the Indian Melikchan while walking, and took it by force, day and night fought against the city for 20 days, the army neither drank nor yala, stood under the city with cannons; and his army drove out 5 thousand good people, and took the city, and we drove out 20 thousand male and female livestock, and took 20 thousand full of both the great and the small, and sold a full head for 10 teneks, and another for 5 teneks, and the robots for 2 shade, but the treasury was nothing, and he did not take a large city. And from Kelberg go to Kuruli; and in Kuruli the Ahik will be born; and they give him that one, and they transport him to the whole world; and in Kuryl there are three hundred almazniks, promises of mikunѣt.

And that was 5 months, and from there came Kaliki, and the same Bozar Velmi is great; and from there Konaberg's children; and from Kanaberga poidokh shikh Aladin; and leave Aladin to go to Amindriye; and from Kamendrya to Naryas; and from Kynaryas to Suri; and from Suri go to Dabili, the abode of the great Indian sea. For there is a great city of Velmi, and besides, Dabili shrinks all the seaside of India and Ethiopia. And that akanny and yaz, the slavery of Afanasie, the god of the highest creator of heaven and earth, pondered along the Christian way, and after the baptism of Christ, and according to the holy fathers arranged according to the commandments of the apostles, and rushed to go to Russia; entered the tava and talked about taxing the ship, and from my head 2 gold coins to Gurmyz hail of dati. And entered the ship from Dabylya hail to Velik days in 3 months, devilish shit; but idoh in tavѣ by the sea is a month and not species of nothing; the next month I saw the mountains of Ephesus. And all those people said "ollo bervogydir, ollo konkar, bizim bashi mudna nasip chatter" and in Russian they say: "God, sovereign, God, God above, king of heaven! Where did you judge us to kill? "

And in the same land of Ethiopia, it took 5 days, by the grace of God, it did not commit evil, distributing a lot of brynets, and pepper, and Ethiopian bread, and they did not rob the ship. And from there we went 12 days to Moshkat, and in Moshkat we took the sixth Great Day, and we went to Gurmyz for 9 days, and in Gurmyz there were 20 days. And z Gurmyza went to Lari, and it was 3 days. From Lari it took 12 days to go to Shiryazi, and 7 days from Shiryazi. And from Shiryaz I went to the Top 15, and in Verga it took 10 days. And from Vergu we went to travel 9 days, and to Travel took 8 days. And from Ezdi go to Spagani for 5 days, and in Spagani 6 days. And Is Spagani poidokh Kashani, and in Kashan it would take 5 days. And Is Koshani went to see Qom. And Is Kuma went to Sava. And from Sava went to Sultania. And the Sultania went to see Terviz. And Is Terviz poidokh to the horde of Asanba, in the horde there were 10 days, but the way is nowhere. And to Turskav he sent his army 40 thousand, and they took Sevast, and Tohan took it and burned it, they took Amasya, and robbed many villages, and went to Karaman to fight. And the yaz from the horde went to Artsin; and from Ratsan I went to Trepizon.

And at Trepizon the Holy Mother of God and the ever-present Mary came to the Protection of the Holy Virgin and the ever-present Mary, and there were 5 days in Tripizon, and came to the ship and conspired to donate gold from your head to Kafa, and you took the gold for grub, and dati in the Cafe. And in Trepizoni, they shubash and pasha a lot of evil and uchinisha all my trash they carried to the city up the mountain, but they searched everything, and they searched the letter that I came from the horde of Asanbeg. By the grace of God, I came to the third sea to Chermnago, and in the Pars language, Doria Stimbolskaa. Idoh on the sea tomorrow for five days, and up to Vonada; and that we were struck down by the great midnight, and bring us back to Tripizon; And I stood in the Platan for 15 days, the next day I was great and evil. Is the Platanians I went to the sea twice, and evil meets us against us, do not let us walk on the sea; ollo ak ollo is a bad leader, unless we know another god. And the sea didn’t let us bring us to the Balykaye, and from there Tk'rzofu, and that stood for 5 days. By the grace of God, I came to the Cafe 9 days before Filipov's plot, ollo first game.

By the mercy of God, the three seas were flown; digir badly dono, ollo pervodigir dono, amen; smilna rahmam ragym, ollo akber, akshi badly ilello akshi hodo, isa ruhollo aaliksolom; ollo akber ailyagya_lya іllello, ollo pervodіger ahamdu lillo shukur hudo afatad; bismilna girakhmam rragym: huvomugulezi lailaga illyaguya alimul giaibi washagaditi; huarahmanu ragymu huvomogulyazi la ilyaga illyahuya almeliku alakudosu Asal almuminu almugaminu alazizu alchebaru almutakan Biru alhaliku albarіyuu almusaviryu alkafaru alkaharu alvahadu alryazaku alfatagu alalіmu alkabіzu albasutu alhafizu alrrafіyu almavіfu almuzilyu alsemіyu alvasiryu alakamu aladyulyu allyatufu.

N. S. Chaev. Translation of the Old Russian text

Z and the prayer of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, your sinful servant Athanasius Nikitin's son.

I wrote about my sinful voyage across three seas: the first Derbent Sea - the Khvalynskoe Sea, the second Indian Sea - the Hindustan Sea, the third Black Sea - the Istanbul Sea. I went from the Holy Savior, the Golden-Domed, with his mercy, from the Grand Duke Mikhail Borisovich and from Vladyka Gennady of Tverskoy and from Boris Zakharyich down to the Volga.

Arriving in Kalyazin and blessing at the abbot of the monastery of the holy life-giving Trinity and the holy martyrs Boris and Gleb Macarius with his brothers, he went to Uglich, and from Uglich to Kostroma, to Prince Alexander with another letter of gratitude from the Grand Duke (Tverskoy), and released me freely. They also freely let me through to Pleso in Nizhny Novgorod, to the governor Mikhail Kiselev and to the duty officer Ivan Saraev.

Vasily Papin had already passed by then, and I was still waiting in Novgorod for two weeks for the Tatar, Shirvanshah ambassador, Khasan-bek. He rode from Grand Duke Ivan with gyrfalcons, and he had ninety of them. And I went with him to the bottom of the Volga. We passed freely Kazan, Horde, Uslan, Saray, Berekezan.

And we drove into the Vuzan River. Then we met 3 filthy Tatars and reported false news that Khan Kasim and 3 thousand Tatars were guarding merchants in Vuzan. Shirvanshakhov Ambassador Khasan-bek then gave them one row and a piece of linen so that they would lead us past Astrakhan. The Tatars took it one by one, and gave the news to the Astrakhan king. I left my ship and went with my comrades on the ship to the ambassador. We drove past Astrakhan, and the month is shining. The tsar saw us, and the Tatars shouted to us: "Don't run!" And we didn’t hear anything. And we sailed on sails. And the king then sent his entire horde after us, and for our sins they overtook us on Vugun, they shot a man at us, and we at them two. Our little ship stopped at a ride, they took it and immediately plundered it; and my whole load was on a small craft.

By the big ship we reached the sea and stood at the mouth of the Volga, running aground. The Tatars took us here and pulled the ship back to Yez. Here they took our big ship, taking also four Russians, and they let us go robbed across the sea. They did not let us go upstairs so that we would not submit news. And we went to Derbent in two ships: in one ship, Ambassador Khasan-bek with the Iranians and us, Russians, only 10 people, and in the other ship there are 6 Muscovites, and 6 Tverichi, and cows, and our food. At sea we were seized by a storm. A small ship crashed on the shore, and here there is a town of Tarki, and people came ashore, and kaytaks came and the people from it caught everyone.

When we arrived in Derbent, it turned out that Vasily arrived safely, and we were robbed. And I beat Vasily Papin and Shirvanshakhov's ambassador Khasanbek with my forehead, with whom they came to ask about the people caught by kaytaks near Tarki. And Hasan-bek was busy; he went up the mountain to Bulat-bek, who sent a speed-walker to Shirvansha-bek with the news that the Russian ship had crashed near Tarki and that the kaytaks had caught people from him and plundered their goods. And Shirvansha-bek immediately sent an ambassador to his brother-in-law Khalil-bek, the prince of Kaitak: that my ship was smashed near Tarki, and your people, having come, they caught people, and their goods were robbed, and you, for my sake, people to me sent and collected them, because those people were sent to me; and what you need from me, and you came to me, and I will not stand for you, my brother, if only you would let them go freely for my sake. And Khalil-bek immediately sent all the people freely to Derbent, and from there they sent them to Shirvan Shah in his horde of Koitul.

We also went to Shirvan Shah in Koytul and beat him with our foreheads so that he would grant us how we could get to Rus. And he did not give us anything, since there were many of us. And we, weeping, dispersed in all directions: whoever had something in Russia, and he went to Russia; and who was supposed to be there, he went where the eyes were looking; others remained in Shemakha, while others went to work in Baku.

And I went to Derbent; and from Derbent to Baku, where the fire burns inextinguishable; and from Baku he went across the sea to Chapakur, and here he lived, in Chapakur, for 6 months, and in Sari, in the Mazandaran land, he lived for a month. And from there he went to Amul and lived there for a month; and from there - to Demavend, and from Demavend - to Ray, here they killed Shah Hussein, the Aleev children and the grandchildren of the Muhammadovs, and he cursed them so that 70 cities collapsed. And from Rhey I went to Kashan and there was a month; and from Kashan to Nayin, and from Nayin to Yazd, he also lived here for a month. And from Yazd to Sirjan, and from Sirjan to Tarum, where dates are fed to livestock, batman 4 altyn each. And from Tarum he went to Lara, and from Lara to Vendor.

And here there is a refuge of Hormuz; there is also the Indian Sea, in Persian the Indian Sea. And from there go by sea to Hormuz 4 miles. And Hormuz is on the island, and the sea floods twice every day. Then I met the first Great Day, and I came to Hormuz 4 weeks before the Great Day. Above, I have not named all the cities - there are many great cities. The sun in Hormuz is scorching, it can burn a person. And in Hormuz there was a month and went from there after the Great Day, to Fomin for a week, across the Indian Sea in tava with horses.

And we went by sea to Muscat for 10 days; and from Muscat to Degas 4 days; and from Degas to Gujerat; and from Gujerat to Kambay, indigo and lakh will be born here; and from Kambay to Chaul. From Chaul we went in the seventh week after the Great Day, and went to Chaul in Tava for 6 weeks by sea.

And there is an Indian country here, and people are all naked: the head is not covered, the chest is bare, the hair is braided in one braid. Everyone walks around with bellies, they give birth to children every year, and they have many children. Husbands and wives are all black. Wherever I go, there are many people behind me - they marvel at the white man.

And their prince has a veil on his head, and the other on his hips; boyars walk with them - a veil on the shoulder, and the other - on the hips; the princesses walk around - the shoulders are wrapped with a veil, and the other - the hips. The servants of the princes and boyars - the veil on the hips is rounded, a shield and a sword in their hands, and others with spears, or with knives, or with sabers, or with bows and arrows. And all naked, barefoot and strong. And wives walk with bare heads and bare breasts; boys and girls go naked until they are 7 years old, and their shame is not covered.

From Chaula we went by dry road to Pali 8 days, then Indian cities; and from Pali to Umru 10 days - this is an Indian city; and from Die to Junir 6 days. And here lives the Dzhunir, Indian Assad Khan, Meliktucharov slave; they say that he keeps 7 topics from Meliktuchar. And Meliktuchar has 20 topics; for 20 years he has been fighting with kafirs - sometimes he will be beaten, sometimes he will often beat them. Khan rides on people; he has many elephants and good horses. He also has many people - Khorasanians, and they are brought from the Khorasan land, or from the Arabian, or from the Turkmen and Chagatai; all of them are brought by sea, in tavas - Indian ships.

And I, sinner, brought a stallion to the Indian land; I reached Junir, thanks to God, healthy - it cost me a hundred rubles. Their winter began on Trinity Day, and we spent the winter in Dzhunir, lived for 2 months; for 4 months, day and night, there was water and mud everywhere. Then they plow and sow wheat, rice, peas and everything edible. Their wine is prepared in large nuts of a coconut tree, and mash - in tatna. The horses are fed with peas and rice with sugar and butter is cooked for them; early in the morning they give them more rice cakes. Horses will not be born in Indian land; here oxen and buffaloes will be born. They go and sometimes carry goods - everyone does it.

Junir city is located on a stone island, which is not designed by anyone, but created by God; one person climbs the mountain all day, the road is narrow, two cannot walk. In Indian land, guests stay at the farmsteads, and the gentlemen cook food for them; they make a bed for guests and sleep with them. If you want to have a close connection with one or another of them, you will give two shetels; if you do not want to have a close connection, you will give one shetel; after all, this is a wife, a friend, and a close connection for nothing - they love white people. In winter, they have people walking: a veil on the hips, and the other on the shoulders, the third on the head. And then the princes and boyars put on trousers, a shirt and a caftan, and they have a veil over their shoulders, they gird themselves with the other, and wrap their heads around the third. God, great God, true God, good God, merciful God.

And in that Junir, the khan took a stallion from me. When he learned that I was not a Busurman, but a Russian, he said: “And I will give the stallion and a thousand golden ladies, just accept our faith, Muhammadov; if you do not accept our Mohammedan faith, then I will take a stallion and a thousand gold pieces on your head. " And he gave me a term, 4 days, on Spas Day, in the fast of the Most Holy Theotokos. And the Lord God had mercy on his honest holiday, did not deprive me, a sinner, of his mercy and did not command me to perish in Junir with the wicked. On the eve of Spasov's Day, the Khorasan Khoja Mohammed arrived, and I beat him with my forehead to ask for me. And he went to the khan in the city and persuaded him not to convert me to faith; he also took my stallion from him. Such is the Lord's miracle on Spas Day. So, Russian Christian brothers, who among you wants to go to the Indian land, then you leave your faith in Russia and, having called on Muhammad, go to the Indian subcontinent.

The busurmane dogs deceived me: they talked about a lot of goods, but it turned out that there was nothing for our land. All goods are white only for the Busurmansky land. Pepper and paint are cheap. Some transport goods by sea, while others do not pay duties for it. But they won't let us carry it without duty. And the duty is high, and there are many robbers at sea. And all the infidels, not Christians and not Busurmans, destroy; they pray to stone fools, but they do not know Christ.

And from Junir they went on the day of the Dormition of the Most Pure One to Bidar, their great city, and they walked for a month; and from Bidar to Kulungir 5 days, and from Kulungir to Kulbarga also 5 days. Between these big cities there are many other cities, every day there were 3 cities, and in the other and 4; as many coves, as many cities. From Chaul to Junir there are 20 kovs, and from Junir to Bidar 40 kovs, and from Bidar to Kulungir 9 kovs, and from Bidar to Kulbarg also 9 kovs.

In Bidar there is a bargaining for horses and goods: for damask, for silk and for any other goods; you can also buy black people on it. There is no other purchase here. And their goods are all Hindustan. All vegetables are edible. There are no goods on the Russian land. People are all black and all villains, and women are all shameless; quackery, theft, lies and the potion with which the rulers are poisoned are everywhere.

The princes in the Indian land are all Khorasans, and all the boyars as well. And the Hindustans are all on foot, they walk quickly, and all are naked and barefoot, in one hand they have a shield, in the other - a sword. And some servants walk with large and straight bows and arrows. And their battles are all on elephants, and on foot they are allowed to go forward; the Khorasans, on horseback and in armor, and the horses themselves. Elephants are tied to the trunk and to the fangs of large forged swords, weighing a centar, dress them in damask armor and make towns on them; and in each town there are 12 people in armor, with cannons and arrows.

They have one place - the tomb of Sheikh Alaeddin in Alyanda, where once a year a bazaar is set up, where the whole Indian country comes to trade, and they trade there for 10 days. There are 12 coves from Bidar. And they bring horses, sell up to 20 thousand, and bring any other goods. This is the best bargaining in the Indian subcontinent; every product is sold here and bought in memory of Sheikh Alaeddin, on the Russian holiday of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God. There is an owl bird on that Alyanda, it flies at night and shouts "gukuk"; on which horomina she sits, then a person will die; and whoever wants to kill her, then fire will come out of her mouth. And mammon go around at night and grab chickens; they live in grief or stones. Monkeys live in the forest, and they have a monkey prince, walks with his army. And if someone offends them, then they complain to their prince, and he sends his army against him. And the monkeys, having attacked the city, destroy yards and beat people. They say that their army is very large and they have their own language; They will give birth to many children, but who are not born into a father or a mother, they are thrown along the roads. Then the Hindustans pick them up and teach them all kinds of needlework, some are sold, but at night so that they cannot run back, and some are taught to imitate the actors.

Spring has come here from the Protection of the Holy Mother of God; in the spring, two weeks after the Intercession, Sheikh Alaeddin is celebrated for eight days. Spring lasts 3 months, and summer 3 months, and winter 3 months, and autumn 3 months. In Bidar there is the throne of the Busurman Hindustan. This city is great, and there are many people in it. Their sultan is young, only 20 years old, and the princes and boyars - the Khorasan people - are in charge, and all the Khorasan people are also fighting.

There is a Khorasan here, Meliktuchar, a boyar - so he has a rati of 200 thousand. And Melik Khan has 100 thousand, and Kharat Khan has 20 thousand. And many khans have ratios of 10 thousand each. With the sultan rati comes out 300 thousand. The land is very crowded; rural people are very poor, and boyars are rich and luxurious; they carry them on a silver stretcher and lead in front of them up to 20 horses in gold harnesses; and on horses behind them 300 people, and 500 people on foot, and 10 pipe-makers, and 10 timpani-men, and 10 pipe-workers. The Sultan goes out for fun with his mother and wife, and with him on horseback 10 thousand people, and 50 thousand on foot. And elephants are led by 200 people dressed in gilded armor. Yes, in front of the Sultan there are 100 pipe-makers, and 100 dancers, and 300 ordinary horses in gold harnesses, and 100 monkeys behind him, and 100 concubines, and all the young maidens.

There are seven gates leading to the Sultan's palace, and at the gates there are a hundred watchmen and a hundred scribes-infidels: some write down who will enter, others who will leave; strangers are not allowed into the palace. And his palace is very beautiful, everywhere there is carving and gold, and the last stone is carved and very beautifully painted with gold; but in the palace there are different vessels.

The city of Bidart is guarded at night by a thousand people, appointed by the mayor, and they all ride on horses, in armor and with torches. I sold my stallion at Bidar, and spent 68 feet on him, fed him for a year. In Bidar, snakes two fathoms long crawl along the streets. And in Bidar he came to Filippov's spell from Kulungir, and sold his stallion for Christmas. And I stayed in Bidar until the great spell. Then I got to know many Indians and announced to them that I was a Christian, not a Busurman, and my name was Afanasy, in Busurmish the same is Khoja Isuf Khorasani. They did not hide from me in anything - not in food, not in trade, not in prayer, not in other things; They did not hide their wives either.

I asked everything about their faith, and they said: we believe in Adam, and Booths, they say, is Adam and all his family. There are 84 faiths in India, and everyone believes in Buta. Faith with faith does not drink, does not eat, does not marry; some eat mutton, chicken, fish and eggs, but no faith eats oxen.

I stayed in Bidar for 4 months and conspired with the Indians to go to Parvat - their Jerusalem, and in Busurmansky Mecca, where their main idol temple (butkhana) is. I went there with the Indians for a month before butkhan. Bargaining at Butkhan for 5 days. Butkhan is very large, half-Tver, made of stone, and Buto's deeds are carved on it, 12 crowns are carved in total, how Booth performed miracles, as he appeared to the Indians in many images: the first - in the image of a man; the second - in the form of a man, but with the trunk of an elephant; the third - by a man in the form of a monkey; the fourth - by a man in the form of a fierce beast. He always appeared with a tail, and the tail was carved on a stone from a fathom. The whole Indian country comes to Butkhan, to Butovy miracles.

Near buthana old women and girls shave and shave off all their hair; beards and heads are also shaved. Then they go to butkhan; from each head they take a duty on Buta - 2 sheksheni, and from horses - 4 feet. And 20 thousand of all people come to the Butkhan, and there are times when even 100 thousand. Booth in butkhan is carved from stone and is very large, his tail is thrown over his shoulder, and his right hand raised high and stretched out like Tsar Justinian in Constantinople, in his left hand he has a spear; and there is nothing on him, only his butt is tied with a fly, the appearance of a monkey. And the other Booths are completely naked, there is nothing, with an open bottom; and Booth's wives are cut naked and with shame and with children. And in front of Booth there is a huge ox, and it is carved from black stone and all gilded. They kiss him on the hoof and throw flowers on him; flowers are also thrown on Buta.

Indians do not eat meat at all: neither barnyard meat, nor lamb, nor chicken, nor fish, nor pork, although they have a lot of pigs. They eat 2 times a day, and do not eat at night; they drink neither wine nor full. They don't drink or eat with busurmans. And their food is bad, and they don't drink or eat with each other, even with their wife. They eat rice and kichiri with butter, and different herbs, but they boil them with butter and milk. And they eat everything with their right hand, but they will never take it with their left; they don't hold a knife, and they don't know the spoon. On the way, everyone has a forge, and they cook their own porridge. And they hide from the busurman so that they don't look either at the forge or at the food. If the busurman looked at the food, and the Indian no longer eats. And when they eat, some are covered with a board so that no one can see.

And their prayer to the east, in Russian, raise both hands high and put them on the crown of the head, and lie down on the ground and stretch out on it - then their bows. And when they sit down to eat, some wash their hands and feet, and rinse their mouths. And their butkhans are without doors and are set to the east; Buty is also to the east. And whoever dies with them, they burn, and the ashes are poured onto the water. And when a child is born to the wife, the husband accepts; the name of the son is given by the father, and the daughter is given by the mother. They have no good morals and know no shame. Coming or leaving, they bow like a monk, both hands poke to the ground and say nothing.

They go to Parvat for a great spell, to their Booth, here is their Jerusalem, and in Busurmans - Mecca, in Russian - Jerusalem, in Indian - Parvat. And all come together naked, only on the back of the boards; and the wives are all naked, only a veil on the bottom, and others in veils, and pearls on their necks and a lot of yachons, on their hands there are gold hoops and rings, by God. And inside, to Butkhan, they ride oxen, and each ox has its horns bound with copper, and there are about 300 bells around its neck, and its hooves are shod. And those oxen are called "fathers." The Indians call the ox "father" and the cow "mother"; on their feces they bake bread and cook their own food, and smear with ashes on the face, forehead and all over the body. This is their sign. On Sunday and Monday they eat once in the afternoon. In India, wives are considered to be of little value and cheap: if you want to meet a woman, two shetels; if you want to give up money for nothing, give me six sheteli. This is their custom. Slaves and female slaves are cheap: 4 pounds is good, 5 pounds is good and black.

From Parvat, I came to Bidar, 15 days before the great Busurman holiday. But I don’t know the Great Day of the Resurrection of Christ, and I am guessing by signs: Christians have a Great Day before Busurman Bayram by 9 or 10 days. There is nothing with me, no book; and we took the books with us from Russia, but when they robbed me, we captured them too. And I have forgotten all the Christian faith and Christian holidays: I know neither the Great Day, nor the Nativity of Christ, nor Wednesday, nor Friday. And in the midst of faiths, I pray to God to keep me: “God, Lord, true God, God, you are a merciful God, a creator god, you are God. God is one, then the king of glory, the creator of heaven and earth. " And I return to Russia with a thought: my faith has perished, I fasted at the Busurman fast. The month of March passed, and I did not eat meat for a month, started talking a week with the busurmans and did not eat anything slow, no busurman food, but ate 2 times a day, all bread and water, and had no connection with my wife. And I prayed to God the Almighty, who created heaven and earth, and did not call on any other name: God is our creator, God is merciful, God, you are God the Most High.

And from Hormuz to go by sea to Galat 10 days, and from Galata to Degas - 6 days, and from Degas to Muscat - 6 days, and from Muscat to Gujarat - 10 days, and from Gujarat to Kambay - 4 days, and from Kambay to Chaula - 12 days, and from Chaul to Dabul - 6 days. Dabul is a pier in Hindustan, the last of the Busurmans. And from Dabul to Calicut - 25 days, and from Calicut to Ceylon - 15 days, and from Ceylon to Shabbat it takes a month, and from Shabbat to Pegu - 20 days, and from Pegu to Chin and to Machin it takes a month. And then all the way by the sea. And from Chin to China it is 6 months to go dry, and 4 days to go by sea. May God adorn my veil.

Hormuz is a great marina. People from all over the world are in it, there is also every commodity. Everything that is born in the world is in Hormuz. The duty is great, they take tithes from everything. And Kambay is a pier for the entire Indian Sea, and the goods are in it, everyone makes alachi, and specks, and coarse woolen fabric, and they make indigo paint; in it will be born lakh, carnelian and carnation. Dabul is a very great pier, and horses are brought here from Egypt, Arabia, Khorasan, Turkestan and Old Hormuz; and walk on dry land for a month to Bidar and to Kulbarg.

And Calicut is a landing stage for the entire Indian Sea, and God forbid any ship to pass it; whoever passes it will not pass the sea in a healthy way. And pepper, ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, cinnamon, cloves, spicy root, adryak and a lot of all kinds of roots will be born in it. And everything about it is cheap; yes, slaves and slaves are very good, black.

And Ceylon has a considerable pier in the Indian Sea, and in it, on a high mountain, Father Adam. Yes, precious stones, rubies, crystals, agates, resin, crystal, emery will be born near him. Elephants are also born, and they are sold by the elbow, and ostriches are sold by weight.

And the Shabbat pier of the Indian Sea is very large. Here the Khorasanians are given a salary, for a day's money, great and small. And who among the Khorasanians marries here, and the Shabbat prince gives them a thousand money for a sacrifice, and gives them a salary, and 10 money for food every month. But silk, sandalwood, pearls will be born on Shabbat - and everything is cheap.

In Pegu, the pier is large, and all Indian dervishes live in it. And precious stones, ruby, yacht will be born in it. These stones are sold by dervishes.

And Chinskaya and Machinskaya - the piers are very great, and they make porcelain here, but they sell it by weight and cheap.

And their wives with their husbands sleep during the day, and at night they go to strangers and sleep with them; they (the wives) give them (guests) a salary and bring sweets and sugar wine with them, feed and water the guests with them so that they will be loved. Wives love guests - white people, as their people are very black. And to whose wife a child is conceived from a guest, then her husband gives a salary, and if a white person is born, then the guest duties are 18 money, and if a black person is born, then he has nothing; and what he drank and ate was what was lawful for him.

Shabbat from Bidar is 3 months, and from Dabul to Shabbat 2 months, go by sea. Machin and Chin from Bidar for 4 months, go by sea. And they make pearls of the highest quality, and everything is cheap. And to Ceylon to go by sea for 2 months. On Shabbat, silk, porcelain, pearls, sandalwood will be born, elephants are sold for an elbow.

Monkeys, rubies and crystals will be born in Ceylon. Pepper, nutmeg, cloves, fufal and color will be born in Calicut. Indigo and varnish will be born in Gujarat, and carnelian in Wambai. A diamond will be born in Raichur, an old and a new mine; a kidney of a diamond is sold for 5 rubles, and a very good one - for 10 rubles; the bud of a new diamond is only 5 ken, blackish - from 4 to 6 ken, and a white diamond - 1 money.

A diamond will be born in a stone mountain; and they sell that stone mountain, if the diamond is from a new mine, then 2 thousand gold pounds, if the diamond from the old mine, then they sell 10 thousand gold pounds per cubit. And the land is Sultan's servant Melik-khan, and from Bidar 30 kovs.

And that the Jews consider Shabbat their own, the Jewish one, they lie. The Shabaites are not Jews, not Busurmans, not Christians - they have a different faith, Indian. They do not drink or eat with either the Jews or the Busurmans, and they do not eat any meat. Yes, on Shabbat everything is cheap, but silk and sugar will be born there - very cheap. And in the forest they have wild cats and monkeys and attack people on the roads, so that because of the monkeys and wild cats at night they do not dare to ride on the roads.

And from Shabbat to go dry 10 months, and by sea 4 months on large ships. The navels of fattened deer are cut because they contain musk. And wild deer themselves drop their navels in the field and in the forest, and a fragrance comes out of them, but not so fragrant, since they are not fresh.

In the month of May, I met the Great Day in the Busurmansky Bidar in Hindustan. Busurmane, however, met the bayram on Wednesday of the month of May, and I started the month of April on the first day. About faithful Christians, who swims a lot in many lands, he falls into many sins and deprives himself of the Christian faith. But I, the slave of God Athanasius, suffered through faith: 4 great incantations and 4 Great days have already passed, and I, a sinner, do not know when the Great Day or Conviction is, I don’t know when Christmas and other holidays, I don’t know Wednesday, not Friday. And I have no books, when they robbed me, they took the books from me. And from many troubles I went to India, since I had nothing to go to Russia with, no goods were left. I met the first Great day in Cain, another Great day in Chepakura in the Mazandaran land, the third day in Hormuz, and the fourth Great day in Bidar, in India, together with the busurmans. And then I wept a lot for the Christian faith.

Busurmanin Medic forced me a lot to convert to the Busurmanian faith. I answered him: “Sir, you pray, and I also do; you read 5 prayers, I read 3 prayers; I am a foreigner, and you are from here. " He told me: "Indeed, although you do not appear to be a Busurman, you do not know Christianity either." And then I fell into many reflections and said to myself: “Woe to me, the accursed one, because I have lost my way from the true path and I don’t know anything else, I myself will go. Lord God, the Almighty, creator of heaven and earth, do not turn your face away from your bondage, which is in sorrow. Lord, look at me and have mercy on me, for I am your creation; do not turn me away, Lord, from the true path and instruct me, Lord, on your right path, because I have not done anything virtuous in that need, my Lord, because I have lived all my days for evil. My Lord, patron god, god of the highest, merciful god, merciful god. Praise be to God! Already 4 Great days have passed in the land of Busurmans, but I have not left Christianity; and then God knows what will happen. Lord, my God, I put my trust in you, save me, Lord, my God! "

In Busurman India, in Great Bidar, I looked at the great night: on the Great Day, the Pleiades and Orion entered the dawn, and the Big Dipper stood with its head to the east. On the Busurmansky Bayram, the Sultan went for a walk, and with him 20 great viziers and 300 elephants, dressed in damask armor with small towns, and the towns were fettered. In the towns there are 6 people in armor, with cannons and squeaks, and on the great elephant there are 12 people. On each elephant there are 2 large banners, and large swords are tied to the fangs, one kentar, heavy iron weights are tied to their trunks; yes, between the ears sits a man in armor, and in his hands he has a large iron hook, which he rules. Yes, a thousand simple horses rode out in gold harness, and 100 camels with timpani, and 300 pipe-makers, and 300 dancers, and 300 slaves.

And the sultan is wearing a caftan, all adorned with yachts, and on the cap is a shishak - a huge diamond, and a golden sideak with yachts, and on it there are 3 sabers, bound in gold, and a gold saddle. A kafir runs in front of him and plays with an umbrella, followed by many pedestrians. After him, the learned elephant follows, dressed all in damask, with a large iron chain in his mouth, and he beats off people and horses with it so that they do not come close to the Sultan. And the sultan's brother sits on a golden stretcher, and above him is a velvet canopy, with a golden top with yachts. And 20 people carry it. And the sovereign sits on a golden stretcher, and the canopy above him is silk, with a golden top. And they carry him on 4 horses in gold harnesses. Yes, there are a great many people around him, and in front of him are singers and many dancers. And all with drawn swords and sabers, with shields, with spears and with bows, straight and large; and the horses are all in armor, and on them sideaks. Others go all naked, only pay on the bottom, shame is veiled.

The moon in Bidar is full for 3 days. There are no sweet vegetables in Bidar. There is no great heat in Hindustan; intense heat in Hormuz and in Bahrain, where pearls will be born, in Jiddo, in Baku, in Egypt, in Arabstan, and in Lara. It is sultry in the Khorasan land, but not so. And in Chagatai it is very sultry. In Shiraz and in Yazd and Kashan it is sultry, but there is wind. And in Gilan it is very stuffy and soars strongly, and in Shamakhi there is a strong steam. It is sultry in Babylon (Baghdad), also in Hums and Damascus. It's not so hot in Aleppo. And in the Sevastei Guba and in the Georgian land there is an ever greater abundance. And the Turkish land is very abundant. In Voloshskaya land, everything edible is also abundant and cheap. The Podolsk land is abundant for everyone. May the Russian land be protected by God! God forbid! God forbid! There is no country in this world like it, although the nobles (boyars) of the Russian land are unjust (not kind). May the Russian land become comfortable, and may there be justice in it. Oh god, god, god, god, god.

Lord my God, I put my trust in you, save me, Lord! I don't know the way. And where will I go from Hindustan: go to Hormuz, and from Hormuz to Khorasan - there is no way, and there is no way to Chagatay, and there is no way to Bahrain, and there is no way to Yazd. There is mutiny everywhere. The princes were driven everywhere. Mirza Jehanshah was killed by Uzun-Hasan-bek, Sultan Abu-Said was poisoned; Uzun-Hasan-bek sat down on Shiraz, but this land did not recognize him. And Yadigar Muhammad does not go to him - he is afraid. And there is no other way anywhere. And to go to Mecca means to convert to the Busurmanian faith; For the sake of faith, Christians do not go to Mecca, since there they are converted into busurmanship. To live in Hindustan means to use up everything that you have, since everything is dear to them: I am the only person, but for a day the grub goes for 2 and a half altyn. And I did not drink wine and were full.

Meliktuchar took 2 Indian cities, which were plundering in the Indian Sea. And he captured 7 princes and their treasury: a pack of yachts, and a pack of diamonds and rubies, and 100 packs of expensive goods. And his army seized the other goods without number. And he stood under the city for 2 years, and rati with him was 200 thousand, and 100 elephants and 300 camels. And Meliktuchar came with his army to Vidar on Kurbanbayram, in Russian, on Peter's day. And to meet him, the Sultan sent 10 viziers, for 10 kovs, and in kovs 10 versts each. And with each vizier, 10 thousand of his troops, and 10 elephants in armor.

And at Meliktuchar's, 500 people sit at the table every day. And with him, at his meal, 3 viziers sit down, and with the vizier 50 people each, and 100 sworn boyars. Meliktuchar has 2 thousand horses in his stable; Yes, a thousand saddled stand ready day and night, and there are 100 elephants in the stable. Every night his yard is guarded by 100 people in armor, 20 pipe-makers and 10 kettledrists, and 2 people each beat 10 big tambourines.

And Nizam-al-mulk, yes Melik-khan, and Farhad-khan took 3 large cities, and rati with them had their own 100 thousand and 50 elephants. Yes, they took a huge amount of precious stones, and all that stone, yes yachts, and diamonds were bought for Meliktuchar; he forbade the craftsmen to sell them to merchants who came to the city of Bidar on the day of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The Sultan leaves for fun on Thursday and Tuesday, and 3 viziers leave with him. And the brother of the sultans leaves on Monday with his mother and sister. Yes, 2 thousand wives ride out on horses and on a golden stretcher. Yes, there are just 100 horses in front of them in gold harnesses, and there are a lot of footmen with them, and 2 viziers and 10 viziers, and 50 elephants in cloth blankets. And on the elephant are sitting on 4 naked people, only on the backside. Yes, naked walking women, and they carry water after them, drink and wash, but one does not drink water from the other.

Meliktuchar went to conquer the Indians with his army from the city of Bidar on the day of the memory of Sheikh Alaeddin, and in Russian to the Protection of the Holy Mother of God, and 50 thousand soldiers came with him. And the sultan sent his army 50 thousand, and with him 3 viziers went, and with them 30 thousand; let them go with them 100 elephants in armor and with towns, and on each elephant 4 people with squeaks. Meliktuchar went to conquer the great Indian reign of Vijayanagara.

And the Vijayanagar prince has 300 elephants, and 100 thousand of his army, and he has 50 thousand horses. The Sultan left the city of Bidar in the eighth month after the Great Day, and 26 Busurmans and 6 Indian viziers left with him. And with the Sultan of his court they departed: 100 thousand armies - horse men, and 200 thousand on foot, and 300 elephants in armor and with small towns, and 100 evil animals, each with two chains. And with his brother Sultanov they went out to his court: 100 thousand horsemen, and 100 thousand foot people, and 100 elephants dressed in armor. And after Mal-Khan came his courtyard: 20 thousand horse men, and 60 thousand footmen, and 20 dressed up elephants. And with Beder Khan and his brother came 30 thousand horse men, and 100 thousand footmen, and 25 dressed up elephants, with towns. And with Sul Khan they went out to his court: 10 thousand horsemen, and 20 thousand footmen, and 10 elephants with towns. And with Vezir Khan came 15 thousand horse men, and 30 thousand footmen, and 15 dressed up elephants. And with Kutar Khan they went out to his court: 15 thousand horse men, and 40 thousand footmen, and 10 elephants. Yes, with each vizier came out 10 thousand, and with another and 15 thousand horsemen, and 20 thousand on foot.

And with the Indian Avdon came out their armies 40 thousand equestrian people, and 100 thousand foot people, and 40 elephants dressed up, in armor, and on an elephant, 4 people with squeaks. And with the Sultan, 26 viziers went out, and with each vizier, 10 thousand of his army, and 20 thousand on foot; and with another vizier 15 thousand mounted men, and 30 thousand on foot. And the four great Indian viziers have 40 thousand equestrian men and 100 thousand footmen each. And the Sultan was angry with the Indians that little happened to him; and he added 20,000 foot men, 2,000 horsemen and 20 elephants. Such is the strength of the Indian Sultan, Busurmansky; Muhammad's faith is still good. And God knows the right faith, and the right faith knows the only God, call his name in purity in every clean place.

On the fifth Great Day, I decided to go to Russia. Bidar left the city a month before the Busurman ulu-bairam, according to the faith of Muhammad, the prophet of God. And I don't know the great Christian day - Christ's Resurrection, but I fasted with the Busurmans in their spell and broke the fast with them. I met a great day in Kulbarga, 20 kovs from Bidar.

The Sultan reached Meliktuchar with his army on the 15th day after Ulu-Bayram, and everyone was in Kulbarga. And they did not succeed in the war, they took one Indian city, and many people died, and they spent a lot of the treasury. And the Indian governor is very strong, and he has a lot of rati, and he sits on a mountain in Vijayanagar. And his city is very large, there are 3 moats near it, and a river flows through it; and on one side of the city an evil forest jungle, on the other side came a valley, very wonderful in places and suitable for anything. There is nowhere to come to the other side, the road through the city, and there is nowhere to take the city, a great mountain and an evil jungle approached, thickets of thorny bushes. Under the city stood an army for a month, and people died of waterlessness, and many people died of hunger and waterlessness; but they look at the water, but there is nowhere to take it. The Indian city was taken by Khoja Meliktuchar, and took it by force, day and night fought with the city, for 20 days the army did not drink, did not eat, stood under the city with cannons. And his rati killed 5 thousand selected people. And when the city was taken, they killed 20 thousand men and women, and 20 thousand people, adults and children, were taken prisoner. And they sold prisoners at 10 money per head, and for another at 5 money, and the guys at 2 money. There was nothing in the treasury. But the big city was not taken.

And from Kulbarg he went to Kulur; and in Kulur, a carnelian will be born, and here it is trimmed, and then transported from there to the whole world. In Kulur, 300 diamond workers live, they decorate weapons. And I stayed here for five months and went from here to Koilkonda, and here is a very large bazaar. And from there he went to Gulbarga, and from Gulbarga he went to Sheikh Alaeddin, and from Sheikh Alaeddin to Kamendriya, and from Kamendriya to Kynaryas, and from Kynaryas to Suri, and from Suri went to Dabul, the pier of the great Indian Sea.

Dabul is a very large city, and all the seaside, Indian and Ethiopian, come to him. And then I, the accursed slavery of the god above, the creator of heaven and earth, Athanasius, reflected on the Christian faith, on the baptism of Christ, on the spells arranged by the holy fathers and on the apostolic commandments, and rushed with my mind to go to Russia. And, sitting in tava and agreeing on the ship's payment, he gave 2 gold pieces from his head to Hormuz.

And I boarded a ship in Dabula 3 months before the Great Day, the Busurmansky spell. And I sailed in Tava on the sea for a month and did not see anything, only the next month I saw the Ethiopian mountains. And then people all exclaimed: "ollo konkar bizim bashi mudna nasip talk", which in Russian means: "God to the sovereign, God to heaven, to the king of heaven, here you have judged us to perish."

And in that Ethiopian land there were 5 days. By God's grace, evil did not happen, we distributed a lot of rice, pepper, bread to the Ethiopians - and they did not rob the court. And from there he sailed for 12 days to Muscat and in Muscat he met the sixth Great Day. And he sailed to Hormuz for 9 days and in Hormuz was 20 days. From Hormuz I went to Lara and stayed in Lara for 3 days. From Lara I went to Shiraz, 12 days, and in Shiraz I was 7 days. And from Shiraz I went to Aberkuh, 15 days, and in Aberkuh I was 10 days. And from Aberkuh I went to Yazd, 9 days, and in Yazd was 8 days. And from Yazd I went to Ispagani, 5 days, and in Ispagan was 6 days. And from Ispagan I went to Kashan, and in Kashan I was 5 days. And from Kashan he went to Kum, and from Kuma he went to Sava. And from Sava he went to Sultania. And from Sultania I went to Tabriz. And from Tabriz he went to the horde to Hasan-bek, stayed in the horde for 10 days, since there was no way anywhere. And on the Turkish [Sultan] Hasan-bek sent his army 40 thousand, and they took Sivas; and Tokat was taken and set on fire, Amasya was taken and plundered many villages there. And they went fighting against Karaman. And I went from the horde to Arzinjan, and from Arzinjan I went to Trebizond.

And he came to Trebizond for the Protection of the Holy Theotokos and the ever-virgin Mary and stayed in Trebizond for 5 days. And, having come to the ship, he conspired about the payment - to give gold from his head to Kafa; and I took the gold for a duty, and give it to the Cafe. In Trebizond, the Subysh and Pasha did me a lot of harm: they took all my trash to their city, up the mountain, and they searched everything; that the trifle was good - they stole everything, and they were looking for letters, since I came from the horde of Hasan-bek.

By the grace of God, I swam to the third sea, to the Black, and in Persian, the Sea of ​​Istanbul. He sailed by the sea in the wind for 5 days and reached Vonada, but then we were met by a strong wind from the north and brought us back to Trebizond. And we stood in Platan for 15 days because of the strong and evil wind. From Platania they twice went out to sea, but the evil wind that met us prevented us from going on the sea; god true, god patron! - because, besides him, we do not know any other god. And the sea, it was, swam, but brought us to Balaklava, and from there to Gurzuf, and we stood here for 5 days.

By the grace of God, I sailed to Kafa, 9 days before Philip's spell. God, the creator! I passed by the grace of God three seas. God knows the rest, God knows the patron. In the name of a merciful and merciful God. God is great! Good God, good Lord, Jesus is the spirit of God! Peace to you! God is great; there is no god but Allah, the creator. Thank God, thank God! In the name of God, merciful and gracious! He is a god who has no other like him, knowing everything secret and obvious; he is merciful and gracious; he is a god who has no other like him; he is a king, light, peace, savior, guardian, glorious, powerful, great, creator, creator, depictor. He is the resolver of sins, he is also the punisher; giving, nourishing, ending all difficulties; knowing, receiving our souls; stretching out heaven and earth, keeping everything; Almighty, exalting, overthrowing, hearing everything, seeing everywhere. He is a right judge, good.

In the year 6983 (1475) "...". In the same year, he received the notes of Athanasius, a merchant of Tver, he was in India for four years, and writes that he set out on a journey with Vasily Papin. I asked when Vasily Papin was sent with gyrfalcones as an ambassador from the Grand Duke, and they told me that he returned from the Horde a year before the Kazan campaign, and died near Kazan, shot through by an arrow, when Prince Yuri went to Kazan. In the records, he did not find in what year Athanasius went or in what year he returned from India and died, but they say that he died before reaching Smolensk. And he wrote notes with his own hand, and those notebooks with his notes were brought by merchants to Moscow to Vasily Mamyrev, the clerk of the Grand Duke.

For the prayer of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, your sinful servant Athanasius Nikitin's son.

I wrote here about my sinful voyage across three seas: the first sea - Derbent, Daria Khvalisskaya, the second sea - Indian, Daria Gundustanskaya, the third sea - Black, Daria Stambulskaya.

I went from the Savior of the Holy Golden-Domed with his mercy, from his sovereign Grand Duke Mikhail Borisovich of Tverskoy, from Vladyka Gennady of Tverskoy and from Boris Zakharyich.

I swam down the Volga. And he came to the Kalyazinsky monastery to the life-giving Holy Trinity and the holy martyrs Boris and Gleb. Both hegumen Macarius and the holy brethren received a blessing. From Kalyazin I sailed to Uglich, and from Uglich they let me go without hindrance. And, having sailed from Uglich, he arrived in Kostroma and came to Prince Alexander with another letter of the Grand Duke. And they let me go without hindrance. And I came to Ples without obstacles.

And I came to Nizhny Novgorod to see Mikhail Kiselev, the governor, and to the vulgar Ivan Saraev, and they let me go without hindrance. But Vasily Papin, however, had already passed the city, and I waited in Nizhny Novgorod for two weeks for Hasan-bek, the Tatar Shirvanshah's ambassador. And he rode with gyrfalcons from Grand Duke Ivan, and he had ninety gyrfalcons. I swam with them down the Volga. Kazan passed without obstacles, did not see anyone, and the Horde, and Uslan, and Saray, and Berekezan sailed and entered Buzan. And then three infidel Tatars greeted us and gave us a false message: "Sultan Kasim lies in wait for merchants on Buzan, and with him three thousand Tatars." Shirvanshah's ambassador Khasan-bek gave them a one-row caftan and a piece of linen to take us past Astrakhan. And they, the unfaithful Tatars, took it one by one, and they gave the news to the Tsar in Astrakhan. And I left my ship with my comrades, went to the embassy ship.

We are sailing past Astrakhan, and the moon is shining, and the tsar saw us, and the Tatars shouted to us: "Kachma - don't run!" But we have not heard anything of this and we are running under our sail. For our sins the king sent all his people for us. They overtook us on Bohun and started shooting at us. A man was shot at our place, and we shot two Tatars at their place. And our smaller ship got stuck in the ship, and they immediately took it and plundered it, and all my luggage was on that ship.

We reached the sea in a large ship, but it became aground at the mouth of the Volga, and then they overtook us and ordered the ship to be pulled up the river to the river. And our big ship was robbed here and four Russian people were taken prisoner, and we were released with our bare heads across the sea, and back, up the river, they did not let us through, so that the news would not be given.

And we went, crying, on two ships to Derbent: in one ship the ambassador Khasan-bek, and the Teziks, and we, Russians, ten people; and in the other ship - six Muscovites, and six Tverichi, and cows, and our food. And a storm arose on the sea, and the smaller ship smashed on the shore. And here is the town of Tarki, and people came ashore, but the kaytaks came and took everyone prisoner.

And we came to Derbent, and Vasily arrived there safely, and we were robbed. And I beat Vasily Papin and the ambassador of the shirvanshah Hasan-bek, with whom we came, with my forehead, so that I would bother about the people whom the kaytaks captured near Tarki. And Hasan-bek went to the mountain to ask Bulat-bek. And Bulat-bek sent a runner to the Shirvanshah to tell him: “Master! The Russian ship crashed near Tarki, and the kaytaks, having come, took people prisoner, and their goods were plundered. "

And the shirvanshah immediately sent an ambassador to his brother-in-law, the prince of the kaitaks, Khalil-bek: “My ship crashed near Tarki, and your people, having come, captured the people from it, and plundered their goods; and you, for my sake, people came to me and collect their goods, because those people were sent to me. And what you need from me, and you send to me, and I will not contradict you, my brother, in anything. And those people came to me, and you, for my sake, let them go to me without obstacles. " And Khalil-bek sent all the people to Derbent immediately without obstacles, and from Derbent they sent them to the Shirvanshah at his headquarters - koitul.

We went to see the Shirvanshah at his headquarters and beat him with our foreheads, so that he would welcome us, than get to Russia. And he did not give us anything: they say, there are many of us. And we parted, crying, who was where: someone who had something left in Russia, he went to Russia, and who had to, he went wherever his eyes would look. Others stayed in Shemakha, while others went to work in Baku.

And I went to Derbent, and from Derbent to Baku, where the fire burns inextinguishable; and from Baku he went across the sea - to Chapakur.

And I lived in Chapakura for six months, and I lived in Sari for a month, in the Mazandaran land. And from there he went to Amol and lived here for a month. And from there he went to Demavend, and from Demavend to Ray. Here they killed Shah Hussein, one of the children of Ali, the grandsons of Muhammad, and the curse of Muhammad fell on the murderers - seventy cities were destroyed.

From Rhey I went to Kashan and lived here for a month, and from Kashan to Nain, and from Nain to Ezd and lived here for a month. And from Yazd I went to Sirjan, and from Sirjan to Tarom, livestock are fed here with dates, and a batman of dates is sold for four altyns. And from Tarom I went to Lara, and from Lara - to Bender - that pier of Hormuz. And here is the Indian Sea, in Persian Daria Gundustanskaya; to Hormuz-grad from here it is four miles to go.

And Hormuz is on the island, and the sea comes on him twice every day. Here I spent my first Easter, and came to Hormuz four weeks before Easter. And that is why I did not name all the cities, that there are still many big cities. The heat of the sun is great in Hormuz, it will burn a man. I was in Hormuz for a month, and from Hormuz after Easter on the day of Radunitsa I went in Tava with horses across the Indian Sea.

And we went by sea to Muscat for ten days, and from Muscat to Degas for four days, and from Degas to Gujarat, and from Gujarat to Cambay. Here paint and varnish will be born. From Cambay they sailed to Chaul, and from Chaul they sailed in the seventh week after Easter, and sailed by sea for six weeks in Tava to Chaul. And here is an Indian country, and people walk naked, but their heads are not covered, and their breasts are bare, and their hair is braided in one braid, everyone walks around with bellies, and children are born every year, and they have many children. Both men and women are all naked and all black. Wherever I go, many people follow me - they marvel at the white man. The local prince has a veil on his head, and another on his hips, and the boyars there have a veil over his shoulder, and another on his hips, and the princesses walk - a veil thrown over his shoulder, another veil on his hips. And the servants of the princely and boyars have one veil wrapped around their hips, and a shield, and a sword in their hands, some with darts, others with daggers, and others with sabers, and others with bows and arrows; Yes, everyone is naked, yes, barefoot, yes, strong, and they don’t shave their hair. And women walk - their heads are not covered, and their breasts are bare, and boys and girls are naked until the age of seven, the shame is not covered.

From Chaul we went dry, walked to Pali for eight days, to the Indian mountains. And from Pali it was ten days until Die, then an Indian city. And from Die seven days' journey to Junnar.

The Indian khan, Assad-khan of the Junnars, rules here, and he serves the melik-at-tujar. The troops were given to him from the melik-at-tujar, they say, seventy thousand. And the melik-at-tujar is under the command of two hundred thousand troops, and he has been at war with the kafars for twenty years: they defeated him more than once, and he defeated them many times. Asad Khan travels in public. And he has many elephants, and he has many good horses, and he has many warriors, Khorasanians. And horses are brought from the Khorasan land, some from the Arab land, some from the Turkmen land, some from the Chagotay land, and they all bring them by sea in tavas - Indian ships.

And I, a sinner, brought the stallion to the Indian land, and went with him to Junnar, with God's help, healthy, and he became me a hundred rubles. Their winter began on Trinity Day. I spent the winter in Junnar, lived here for two months. Every day and night - for four whole months - water and mud are everywhere. These days they plow and sow wheat, and rice, and peas, and everything edible. Their wine is made from large nuts, the Gundustan kozi are called, and the braga is from tatna. Here they feed the horses with peas, boil khichri with sugar and butter, and feed the horses with them, and give sheshni in the morning. In the Indian land, horses are not found, in their land bulls and buffaloes will be born - they ride and carry goods and other things, they do everything.

Junnar-grad stands on a stone cliff, not fortified by anything, fenced off by God. And the way to that mountain day, walk by one person: the road is narrow, it is impossible for two to walk.

In the Indian land, merchants are settled in farmsteads. The hostesses cook the guests, and the hostesses make the bed, and sleep with the guests. (If you have a close relationship with her, give two residents, if you do not have a close relationship, give one inhabitant. There are many wives here according to the rule of temporary marriage, and then a close relationship is free); but love white people.

In winter, ordinary people walk with them - a veil on the hips, another on the shoulders, and the third on the head; and then princes and boyars put on ports, a shirt, a caftan, and a veil on their shoulders, they will gird themselves with another veil, and wrap their head with a third veil. (Oh God, great God, true Lord, magnanimous god, merciful God!)

And in that Junnar, the khan took the stallion away from me when he learned that I was not a non-German, but a Rusyn. And he said: “And I will return the stallion, and I will give a thousand gold coins in addition, just transfer to our faith - to Muhammaddini. But if you don’t convert to our faith, to Muhammaddini, I will take a stallion, and I will take a thousand gold pieces from your head ”. And he appointed the term - four days, on Spas day, on the Assumption post. Yes, the Lord God took pity on his honest holiday, did not leave me, a sinner, by his mercy, did not allow me to perish in Junnar among the infidels. On the eve of Spasov's day, the treasurer Mohammed, a Khorasan resident, came and I beat him with my forehead so that he would work for me. And he went to the city to see Assad Khan and asked about me not to be converted to their faith, and he took my stallion back from the khan. Such is the Lord's miracle on Spas Day. And so, brothers, Russian Christians, who wants to go to the Indian land - leave your faith in Russia, yes, calling on Muhammad, go to Gundustan land.

The dogs of the non-German lied to me, they said that there is a lot of our goods, but for our land there is nothing: all the goods are white for the non-German land, pepper and paint, it is cheap. Those who carry oxen across the sea do not pay duties. And we will not be allowed to transport the goods without duty. But there are many duties, and there are many robbers on the sea. Kafars are robbing, they are not Christians and they are not desermen: they pray to stone fools and they do not know either Christ or Muhammad.

And from Junnar we went to the Assumption and went to Bidar, their main city. We walked to Bidar for a month, and from Bidar to Kulongiri — five days and from Kulongiri to Gulbarga — five days. Between these large cities there are many other cities, every day three cities passed, and on another day four cities: how many kovs - so many cities. There are twenty kovs from Chaul to Junnar, and forty kovs from Junnar to Bidar, nine kovs from Bidar to Kulongiri, and nine kovs from Bidar to Gulbarga.

In Bidar, horses, damask, silk and any other goods and black slaves are sold for sale, but there is no other goods here. The goods are all Gundustansky, and only vegetables are edible, but for the Russian land there are no goods. And here people are all black, all villains, and wives are all walking, and sorcerers, yes tati, yes deceit, yes poison, they poison gentlemen with poison.

All Khorasans reign in the Indian land, and all Khorasans are the boyars. And the Gundustans are all on foot and walk in front of the Khorasanians, who are on horses; and the rest are all on foot, they walk quickly, all naked and barefoot, a shield in one hand, a sword in the other, and some with large straight bows and arrows. The battle is being conducted more and more on elephants. In front are the foot soldiers, behind them are the Khorasans in armor on horses, themselves in armor and horses. The elephants are tied to their heads and tusks with large forged swords, weighing a centar, and they dress the elephants in damask armor, and turrets are made on the elephants, and in those turrets there are twelve people in armor, all with cannons and arrows.

There is one place here - Aland, where Sheikh Alaeddin (saint, there is also a fair). Once a year, the whole Indian country comes to that fair to trade, they trade here for ten days; there are twelve kovs from Bidar. Horses are brought here - up to twenty thousand horses - to be sold, and every kind of product is brought. In Gundustan land, this fair is the best, every product is sold and bought in the days of the memory of Sheikh Alaeddin, and in our opinion, on the Protection of the Holy Mother of God. And there is also a gukuk bird in that Alanda, it flies at night, shouts: "kuk-kuk"; and on whose house he sits, there the person will die, and whoever wants to kill her, she lets fire from his mouth on that person. Mamons walk at night and grab chickens, and they live on hills or among rocks. And monkeys, they live in the forest. They have a monkey prince who walks with his army. If someone offends the monkeys, they complain to their prince, and he sends his army to the offender, and they, having come to the city, destroy houses and kill people. And the host of monkeys, they say, is very large, and they have their own language. They will give birth to many cubs, and if one of them is born either to the mother or to the father, they are abandoned on the roads. Some Gundustans pick them up and teach them all kinds of crafts; and if they sell it, then at night, so that they cannot find their way back, while others are taught (to amuse people).

Their spring began with the Protection of the Holy Mother of God. And they celebrate the memory of Sheikh Alaeddin and the beginning of spring two weeks after the Intercession; the holiday lasts eight days. And they have spring for three months, and summer for three months, and winter for three months, and autumn for three months.

Bidar is the capital city of Gundustan bessermensky. The city is big, and there are a lot of people in it. The sultan is young, twenty years old - the boyars rule, and the princes are Khorasans, and all the Khorasans are fighting.

The boyar-Khorasan, melik-at-tujar, lives here, so he has two hundred thousand of his army, and Melik-khan has one hundred thousand, and Farat-khan has twenty thousand, and many khans have ten thousand troops. And with the Sultan came out three hundred thousand of his troops.

The land is populous, but the rural people are very poor, and the boyars have great power and are very rich. Boyars are carried on a silver stretcher, in front of the horses are led in gold harness, up to twenty horses are led, followed by three hundred horsemen, and five hundred soldiers on foot, and ten trumpeters, and ten people with drums, and ten fools.

And when the sultan goes for a walk with his mother and wife, then ten thousand horsemen follow him and fifty thousand on foot, and two hundred elephants are led out, and all in gilded armor, and in front of him are a hundred trumpeters, and a hundred dancers, and three hundred riding horses in gold harness, and a hundred monkeys, and a hundred concubines, gauryks are called.

There are seven gates leading to the Sultan's palace, and at the gates there are a hundred guards and a hundred scribes-kafars. Some write down who goes to the palace, others - who goes out. And strangers are not allowed into the palace. And the Sultan's palace is very beautiful, the walls are carved and gold, the last stone - and that one in carving and gold is painted very beautifully. Yes, in the palace of the Sultan, the vessels are different.

At night, the city of Bidar is guarded by a thousand guards under the command of a kuttawala, on horses and in armor, and each has a torch in his hands.

I sold my stallion in Bidar. Spent sixty-eight feet on him, fed him a year. In Bidar, snakes crawl along the streets, two fathoms long. I returned to Bidar from Kulongiri at Philippi post, and sold my stallion for Christmas.

And I lived here in Bidar before Great Lent and met many Indians. I opened my faith to them, said that I was not a non-German, but a (of Jesus' faith) Christian, and my name is Athanasius, and my non-German name is Khoja Yusuf Khorasani. And the Indians did not hide anything from me, neither about their food, nor about trade, nor about prayers, nor about other things, and they did not hide their wives in the house. I asked them about faith, and they said to me: we believe in Adam, and the buty, they say, is Adam and all his generation. And all the faiths in India are eighty and four faiths, and all believe in buta. And people of different faiths do not drink with each other, do not eat, do not marry. Some of them eat mutton, chickens, fish, and eggs, but no one eats beef.

I stayed in Bidar for four months and conspired with the Hindus to go to Parvat, where they have Butkhana - that is their Jerusalem, the same as Mecca is for the besermen. I walked with the Indians for a month before butkhan. And that butkhan's fair lasts five days. Great buthana, from half of Tver, is made of stone, and the deeds of buta are carved in stone. Twelve crowns are carved around butkhana - how the boot performed miracles, how it appeared in different images: the first - in the form of a man, the second - a man, but with an elephant's trunk, the third man, and the face of monkeys, the fourth - a half-man, half-fierce beast, all appeared with tail. And it is carved in stone, and the tail is a fathom, thrown over it.

For the feast of buta, the whole Indian country comes to that buthana. Yes, buthana shaves old and young, women and girls. And they shave off all their hair, shave their beards and heads. And they go to butkhan. From each head they take two seshkenis for a buta, and from horses - four feet. And all the people come to the Butkhana (twenty thousand lakhs, and sometimes a hundred thousand lakhs).

In Butkhan, the butt is carved out of black stone, huge, and its tail is thrown over it, and he raised his right hand high and stretched out like Justinian, the Tsar of Constantinople, and in his left hand the buta had a spear. He is not wearing anything, only his thighs are wrapped in a bandage, and the face of monkeys. And some boots are completely naked, nothing is worn on them (the shame is not covered), and the rubble's wives are carved naked, with shame and with children. And in front of the butom - a huge bull, carved from black stone and all gilded. And they kiss him on the hoof, and throw flowers on him. And flowers are poured onto the buta.

Hindus do not eat any meat, no beef, no lamb, no chicken, no fish, no pork, although they have a lot of pigs. They eat twice during the day, but at night they do not eat, and they do not drink either wine or full. And they don't drink or eat with the desermen. And their food is bad. And they don't drink with each other, don't eat, even with my wife. And they eat rice, and khichri with butter, and they eat various herbs, and they boil them with butter and milk, and they eat everything with their right hand, but they do not take anything with their left. They don't know a knife or a spoon. And on the way to cook porridge, everyone wears a pot. And they turn away from the bessermen: one of them would not look at the pot or at the food. And if he looks at a non-German, they don't eat that food. Therefore, they eat, covered with a handkerchief, so that no one can see.

And they pray to the east, like the Russians. Both hands are raised high and placed on the crown of the head, and prostrate on the ground, all stretched out on the ground - then their bows. And they sit down - they wash their hands, and their legs, and they rinse their mouths. Their boothans are without doors, facing east, and their boots are facing east. And whoever dies with them, those are burned and the ashes are poured into the river. And when the child is born, the husband accepts, and the father gives the name to the son, and the mother to the daughter. They have no kindness, and they do not know shame. And when someone comes or leaves, bows like a monk, touches the ground with both hands, and everything is silent. In Parvat, to their bout, they go to Great Lent. Here is their Jerusalem; what is Mecca for the besermen, Jerusalem for the Russians, Parvat for the Hindus. And they all come together naked, only the bandage on the thighs, and the women are all naked, only the veil on the thighs, and the others are all in veils, and there are many pearls around the neck, and yachons, and gold bracelets and rings on their hands. (By God!) And inside, to Butkhan, they ride bulls, the horns of each bull are shackled with copper, and three hundred bells and hooves are shod with copper on the neck. And they call the bulls acche.

The Hindus call the bull the father and the cow the mother. On a hindrance, they bake bread and cook food, and make marks on the face, on the forehead and all over the body with that ash. On Sunday and Monday they eat once a day. In India (there are a lot of women walking, and therefore they are cheap: if you have a close relationship with her, give two residents; if you want to waste your money, give six residents. This is how it is in these places. good, 6 pounds - good and black, black-very black amchyuk is small, good).

From Parvat I arrived in Bidar in fifteen days of the pre-Sermen Ulu Bayram. And when is Easter, the feast of the resurrection of Christ, I do not know; according to signs, I am guessing, Easter comes before Besermen Bayram by nine or ten days. And with me there is nothing, not a single book; I took books with me in Russia, but when I was robbed, the books disappeared, and I did not observe the Christian faith by ritualizing. I do not observe Christian holidays - neither Easter, nor the Nativity of Christ; I do not fast on Wednesdays and Fridays. And living among the non-believers (I pray to God, may he save me: “Lord God, true God, you are God, great God, merciful God, merciful God, all-merciful and all-merciful you, Lord God). God is one, then the king of glory, the creator of heaven and earth. "

And I am going to Russia (with a thought: my faith has perished, I fasted with a non-German fast). The month of March passed, I began fasting with the desermen on Sunday, fasted for a month, did not eat meat, did not take anything modest, did not take any besermen food, but ate bread and water twice a day (I did not go to bed with a woman). And I prayed to Christ the Almighty, who created heaven and earth, and did not call on another god by name. (Lord God, merciful God, merciful god, god god, great god), god is the king of glory (god is the creator, god all-merciful, - it's all you, oh Lord).

From Hormuz by sea to go to Kalhat ten days, and from Kalhat to Degas six days and from Degas to Muscat six days, and from Muscat to Gujarat ten days, from Gujarat to Cambay four days, and from Cambay to Chaul twelve days, and from Chaul to Dabhol six days. Dabhol, in Hindustan, is the last non-Sermen pier. And from Dabhol to Kozhikode twenty-five days' journey, and from Kozhikode to Ceylon fifteen days, and from Ceylon to Shabbat one month to go, and from Shabbat to Pegu twenty days, and from Pegu to South China one month to go - by sea all that way. And from South China to North China to go by dry route for six months, and by sea for four days. (May God give me a roof over my head.)

Hormuz is a big pier, people from all over the world come here, there are all kinds of goods here; what is born in the whole world, then everything is in Hormuz. The duty is large: they take a tenth of every commodity for it.

Cambay is the marina of the entire Indian Sea. They make alachi and speckles for sale here, and kindyaks, and make blue paint here, so that varnish, and carnelian, and salt will be born here. Dabhol is also a very large pier, they bring horses here from Egypt, Arabia, Khorasan, Turkestan, Ben der Hormuz; from here they go by dry route to Bidar and to Gul-barga for a month.

And Kozhikode is the marina of the entire Indian Sea. God forbid any ship to pass by it: whoever passes it will not pass safely further along the sea. And there will be pepper, and ginger, and nutmeg flowers, and nutmeg, and kalanfur, cinnamon, and cloves, spicy roots, and adryak, and a lot of all kinds of roots will be born there. And everything is cheap. (And slaves and female slaves are numerous, good and black.)

And Ceylon is a large pier on the Indian Sea, and there on a high mountain lies the forefather Adam. And near the mountain, precious stones are mined: rubies, and fatis, and agates, and binchais, and crystal, and sumbadu. Elephants will be born there, and they are given a price according to their height, and a carnation is sold by weight. And the Shabbat pier on the Indian Sea is quite large. The Khorasans are paid there a salary of tenk per day, both large and small. And a Khorasan man marries, the Shabbat prince gives him a thousand shabbat for a sacrifice and a salary every month for fifty teneks. On Shabbat silk, sandalwood and pearls will be born - and everything is cheap.

And Pegu is also a big dock. Indian dervishes live there, and precious stones will be born there: manik, yakhont, and kirpuk, and these stones are sold to dervishes. The Chinese pier is very large. They make porcelain there and sell it by weight, cheap. And their wives and their husbands sleep during the day, and at night they go to visiting strangers and sleep with them, and they give foreigners money for maintenance, and bring sweet food with them, and sweet wine, and feed and drink merchants so that they will be loved, and they love merchants, white people, because the people of their country are very black. And the wife conceives a child from the merchant, the husband gives the merchant money for the maintenance. And a white child is born, then the merchant is paid three hundred shades, and a black child is born, then the merchant is not paid anything, and what he drank and ate, then (for nothing, according to their custom). Shabbat is three months' journey from Bidar; and from Dabhol to Shabbat - two months to go by sea, and to South China from Bidar four months to go by sea, they make porcelain there, but everything is cheap.

And to Ceylon to go by sea for two months, and to Kozhikode a month to go.

On Shabbat, silk will be born, da inchi - pitched pearls, and sandalwood; elephants are given a price according to their height. Ammon, rubies, fatis, crystal and agates will be born in Ceylon. Pepper, nutmeg, cloves, fufal fruit, and nutmeg flowers will be born in Kozhikode. In Gujarat, paint and varnish will be born, and in Cambay - carnelian. In Raichur, diamonds will be born (of the old mine and the new mine). A diamond is sold for five rubles a kidney, and a very good one - for ten rubles. A bud of a diamond from a new mine (five keni each, black - four - six keni, and a white diamond - one tenka). Diamonds are born in a mountain of stone, and they pay for a cubit of that mountain of stone: a new mine - two thousand pounds of gold, and an old mine - ten thousand pounds. And that land is owned by Melik-khan, he serves the sultan. And from Bidar thirty kovs.

And what the Jews say that the inhabitants of Shabbat are of their faith is not true: they are not Jews, not desermen, not Christians, they have a different faith, Indian, they do not drink with Jews or with desermen, do not eat and do not eat any meat. Everything on Shabbat is cheap. Silk and sugar will be born there, and everything is very cheap. They have mamons and monkeys walking in the forest, and attacking people on the roads, so because of mamons and monkeys, they do not dare to go on the roads at night.

From Shabbat on dry land ten months go, and by sea - four months "nrzb." Domestic deer cut their navels - musk will be born in them, and wild deer drop navels across the field and through the forest, but they lose the smell, and that musk is not fresh.

On the first day of May, I celebrated Easter in Hindustan, in Bidar bessermensky, and the bessermen celebrated bairam in the middle of the month; and I began fasting in the month of April on the first day. About faithful Russian Christians! Whoever swims in many lands gets into many troubles and loses the Christian faith. I, the slave of God Athanasius, have suffered for the Christian faith. Already four Great Lent and four Easter have passed, but I, a sinner, do not know when I do not observe Easter or fasting, nor the Nativity of Christ, I do not observe other holidays, nor Wednesday, nor Fridays: I have no books. When I was robbed, the books were taken from me. And from many troubles I went to India, because I had nothing to go to Russia with, I had no goods left. I celebrated the first Passover in Cain, and the other Passover in Chapakura in the Mazandaran land, the third Passover in Hormuz, the fourth Passover in India, among the Besermen, in Bidar, and here I was a lot grieved for the Christian faith.

Bssermenin Melik strongly forced me to accept the non-Sermenian faith. I told him: “Master! You do a prayer (you do it and I also do it. You do it five times, I do it three times. I am a stranger, and you are a local). " He says to me: "It is truly clear that you are not non-German, but you do not observe Christian customs either." And I thought hard, and said to myself: “Woe to me, accursed one, I have gone astray from the true path and I don’t know which way I will go. Lord God Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth! Turn not your face away from your bondage, for I am in sorrow. God! Look at me and have mercy on me, for I am your creation; O Lord, do not let me turn from the true path, instruct me, O Lord, on the right path, for in need I was not virtuous before you, O Lord my God, I lived all my days in evil. My Lord (patron god, you, God, merciful Lord, merciful Lord, merciful and merciful. Praise be to God). Already four Easter have passed since I was in the land of the non-Sermen, but I have not left Christianity. Further, God knows what will happen. Lord my God, I trusted in you, save me, Lord my God. "

In Bidar the Great, in non-Sermen India, on the Great Night of the Great Day, I watched as the Pleiades and Orion entered the dawn, and the Big Dipper stood with its head to the east. The sultan made a solemn departure to the besermen bayram: with him twenty great viziers departed and three hundred elephants, dressed in damask armor, with turrets, and the turrets are shackled. The turrets have six people each in armor with cannons and squeaks, and the large elephants have twelve people each. And on each elephant there are two large banners, and large swords weighing a centar are tied to the tusks, and huge iron weights around the neck. And between the ears sits a man in armor with a large iron hook - he guides the elephant with it. Yes, a thousand riding horses in gold harness, and a hundred camels with drums, and three hundred trumpeters, and three hundred dancers, and three hundred concubines. On the sultan, the caftan is all decorated with yachons, and a shishak hat with a huge diamond, and a golden saadak with yahonts, and three sabers on it, all in gold, and a gold saddle, and a gold harness, all in gold. In front of him, the kafir skips, leads the tower, and behind him there are many pedestrians. Behind there is an evil elephant, all dressed up in damask, he drives people away, a large iron chain in his trunk, drives away horses and people with it, so that they do not come close to the Sultan. And the Sultan's brother sits on a golden stretcher, above him a velvet canopy, and a golden cupola with yachons, and twenty people carry him.

And the Makhdum sits on a golden stretcher, and the canopy above it is silk with a golden dome, and is being carried by four horses in a golden harness. Yes, there are a great many people around him, but in front of him there are singers and many dancers; and all with drawn swords and sabers, with shields, darts and spears, with large straight bows. And the horses are all in armor, with Saadaks. And the rest of the people are all naked, only the bandage on the hips, the shame is covered.

In Bidar, the full moon stands for three days. There is no sweet vegetable in Bidar. There is no great heat in Hindustan. It is very hot in Hormuz and Bahrain, where pearls will be born, yes in Jeddah, yes in Baku, yes in Egypt, yes in Arabia, yes in Lara. And in the Khorasan land it is hot, but not so. It's very hot in Chagotay. It is hot in Shiraz, yes in Yazd, and in Kashan, but there is wind there. And in Gilan it is very stuffy and soars strongly, but in Shamakhi it soars strongly; it's hot in Baghdad, but it's hot in Hums and Damascus, and it's not so hot in Aleppo.

Everything is in abundance in the Sivas district and in the Georgian land. And the Turkish land is abundant for everyone. And the Moldavian land is abundant, and everything edible is cheap there. And the Podolsk land is abundant for everyone. And Russia (God preserve it! God, preserve it! Lord, preserve it! There is no country like it in this world, although the emirs of the Russian land are unjust. !). Oh my God! I trusted in you, save me, Lord! I do not know the way - where to go from Hindustan: to Hormuz to go - there is no way from Hormuz to Khorasan, and there is no way to Chagotay, there is no way to Baghdad, there is no way to Bahrain, there is no way to Yazd, and there is no way to Arabia ... Everywhere the strife of the princes was knocked out. Mirza Jehan Shah was killed by Uzun Hasan-bek, and Sultan Abu-Said was poisoned, Uzun Hasan-bey Shiraz subdued, but that land did not recognize him, and Muhammad Yadigar does not go to him: he is afraid. And there is no other way. To go to Mecca means to accept the non-Sermen faith. Therefore, for the sake of faith, Christians do not go to Mecca: there they are converted to the non-German faith. And to live in Hindustan means to spend at all, because here everything is expensive for them: I am a single person, and I go to grub for two and a half altyns a day, although I didn’t drink wine or were full. Melik-at-tujar took two Indian cities that were plundering on the Indian Sea. Seven princes seized and took their treasury: a pack of yachts, a pack of diamonds, and rubies, and a hundred packs of expensive goods, and his army took other goods without number. He stood under the city for two years, and rati with him were two hundred thousand, and a hundred elephants, and three hundred camels. Melik-at-tujar returned to Bidar with his army on Eid al-Adha, and in our opinion, on Peter's day. And the sultan sent ten viziers to meet him for ten kovs, and in kovs - ten versts, and with each vizier he sent ten thousand of his army and ten elephants in armor,

At the melik-at-tujar, five hundred people sit down for a meal every day. With him, three viziers sit down at the meal, and with each vizier there are fifty people, and even one hundred of his fellow boyars. In the stable near the melik-at-tujar, two thousand horses and a thousand saddled horses are kept at the ready day and night, and a hundred elephants in the stable. And every night his palace is guarded by a hundred people in armor, and twenty trumpeters, and ten people with drums, and ten large tambourines - two people beat each one. Nizam-al-mulk, Melik-khan and Fatkhulla-khan took three big cities. And rati with them was a hundred thousand men and fifty elephants. And they captured innumerable yachons, and many other precious stones. And all those stones, yes yakhons, and diamonds were bought on behalf of the melik-at-tujar, and he forbade the craftsmen to sell them to the merchants who came to Bidar on the Assumption.

The Sultan goes for a walk on Thursday and Tuesday, and three viziers go with him. The Sultan's brother leaves on Monday with his mother and his sister. And two thousand wives ride out on horses and on gilded stretchers, and a hundred riding horses in golden armor are leading in front of them. Yes, there were a lot of footmen, and two viziers and ten vaziryne, and fifty elephants in cloth blankets. And on the elephants there are four naked people, only a bandage on the hips. And the walking women are naked, they carry water after them - to drink and wash, but one does not drink water from the other.

Melik-at-tujar with his army set out from the city of Bidar against the Hindus on the day of remembrance of Sheikh Alaeddin, and in our opinion - on the Protection of the Holy Mother of God, and a host of fifty thousand came out with him, but the Sultan sent his host fifty thousand, and go with them three viziers and thirty thousand more soldiers with them. And went with them a hundred elephants in armor and with turrets, and on each elephant four men with squeaks. Melik-at-tujar went to conquer Vijayanagar - the great Indian principality. And the Vijayanagar prince has three hundred elephants and one hundred thousand rati, and he has fifty thousand horses.

The Sultan set out from the city of Bidar in the eighth month after Easter. Twenty-six viziers rode out with him - twenty non-Sermen viziers and six Indian viziers. One hundred thousand horse men, two hundred thousand foot men, three hundred elephants in armor and with turrets and one hundred cruel beasts on double chains set out with the Sultan of the court of his army. And with the Sultan's brother went out to his court one hundred thousand horsemen, and one hundred thousand footmen, and one hundred elephants in armor.

And with Mal-Khan came out to his court twenty thousand horsemen, sixty thousand footmen, and twenty elephants in armor. And with Beder Khan and his brother came thirty thousand cavalry, and one hundred thousand on foot, and twenty-five elephants, in armor and with turrets. And with Sul Khan came out ten thousand horsemen, and twenty thousand footmen, and ten elephants with turrets. And with Vezir Khan came fifteen thousand horse men, and thirty thousand footmen, and fifteen elephants in armor. And with Kutuval Khan went out to his court fifteen thousand horsemen, and forty thousand footmen, and ten elephants. And with each vizier came ten thousand, and with some fifteen thousand horsemen, and twenty thousand on foot.

With the Vijayanagar prince came out his army of forty thousand horsemen, and one hundred thousand and forty foot elephants, dressed in armor, and on them four people each with food.

And with the Sultan came twenty-six viziers, and with each vizier ten thousand horse troops, and twenty thousand foot soldiers, and with another vizier fifteen thousand horse men and thirty thousand foot men. And there were four great Indian viziers, and with them came forty thousand and one hundred thousand foot soldiers. And the Sultan was angry with the Hindus that few people had gone with them, and added another twenty thousand footmen, and two thousand horsemen, and twenty elephants. Such is the strength of the Indian Sultan, the non-Sermen. (Muhammad's faith is good.) And the plants are badly donot - but God knows the right faith. And the right faith is to know the one God and call his name in every clean place in purity.

On the fifth Easter I decided to go to Russia. He left Bidar a month before the Besermen ulu bayram (according to the faith of Muhammad, the messenger of God). And when Easter, the Resurrection of Christ, I don't know, I fasted with the desermen during their fast, I broke the fast with them, and I celebrated Easter in Gulbarga, from Bidar in ten kovs.

The Sultan came to Gulbarga with a melik-at-tujar and his army on the fifteenth day after ulu bayram. The war they failed - one city was taken by the Indian, and many people died and the treasury wasted a lot.

And the Indian Grand Duke is powerful and he has a lot of rati. His fortress is on a mountain, and his capital city Vijayanagar is very great. Three ditches near the city, but the river flows through it. On one side of the city there is dense jungle, and on the other side the valley is suitable - an amazing place, suitable for everything. That side is not passable - the path goes through the city; you can't take the city from any side: the mountain is huge there, and the thicket is evil, thorny. The army stood under the city for a month, and people died of thirst, and a lot of people died of hunger and thirst. We looked at the water, but do not go to it.

Khoja melik-at-tujar took another Indian city, took it by force, fought the city day and night, the army neither drank nor ate for twenty days, stood under the city with cannons. And his army killed five thousand of the best warriors. And he took the city - they cut out twenty thousand male and female, and twenty thousand - both adults and small ones - were taken prisoner. The prisoners were sold for ten shades per head, and others for five, and children for two tenks. They did not take the treasury at all. And he did not take the capital city.

From Gulbarga I went to Kallur. In Kallura, carnelian will be born, and here it is processed, and from here it is transported all over the world. In Kallura, three hundred diamond workers live (they decorate weapons). I stayed here for five months and went from there to Koilkonda. The bazaar there is very large. And from there he went to Gulbarga, and from Gulbarga to Aland. And from Aland he went to Amendriye, and from Amendriye - to Naryas, and from Naryas - to Suri, and from Suri he went to Dabhol - the pier of the Indian Sea.

The big city of Dabhol - people come here from both the Indian and Ethiopian seas. Here I, the accursed Athanasius, the slave of the highest god, the creator of heaven and earth, pondered about the Christian faith, and about Christ's baptism, about the fasts arranged by the holy fathers, about the apostolic commandments, and rushed with thought to Russia. He went up to the tava and arranged to pay the ship's fee - from his head to Hormuz-grad two gold gave. I sailed on a ship from Dabhol-grad to the bessermen post, three months before Easter.

I swam in tava on the sea for a month, not seeing anything. And the next month I saw the Ethiopian mountains, and all the people cried out: "Ollo first-person, ollo konkar, bizim bashi mudna nasin bolmyshti", and in Russian it means: "God, Lord, God, God above, the king of heaven, here we were judged you perish! "

We were in that Ethiopian land for five days. By God's grace, evil did not happen. Much was given out to the Ethiopians of rice and pepper and bread. And they did not rob the ship.

And from there we went twelve days to Muscat. I met the sixth Easter in Muscat. I sailed for nine days before Hormuz, but I spent twenty days in Hormuz. And from Hormuz he went to Lar, and was in Lara for three days. It took twelve days from Lara to Shiraz, and it was seven days in Shiraz. From Shiraz I went to Eberka, I walked fifteen days, and I went to Eberka ten days. It took nine days from Eberku to Yazd, and there were eight days in Yazd. And from Yazd he went to Isfahan, walked for five days, and was in Isfahan for six days. And from Isfahan I went to Kashan, but I was in Kashan for five days. And from Kashan he went to Qom, and from Qum to Save. And from Save he went to Soltanie, and from Soltanie he went to Tabriz, and from Tabriz he went to the headquarters of Uzun Hasan-bek. At his headquarters there were ten days, because there was no way anywhere. Uzun Hasan-bek sent forty thousand rati to his court against the Turkish Sultan. They took Sivas. And Tokat was taken and burned, and Amasya was taken, and many villages were plundered, and they went to war against the Karaman ruler.

And from the headquarters of Uzun Hasan-bek I went to Erzinjan, and from Erzinjan I went to Trabzon.

In Trabzon, he came to the Protection of the Holy Mother of God and the ever-virgin Mary and was in Trabzon for five days. I came to the ship and agreed to pay - from my head to give gold to Kafa, and I borrowed gold for grub - to give it to Cafe.

And in that Trabzon, the subashis and pasha caused me a lot of harm. They ordered everyone to bring my good to their fortress, to the mountain, but they searched everything. And what was a good little thing - they ransacked everything. And they were looking for certificates, because I was coming from the headquarters of Uzup Hasan-bek.

By the grace of God, I reached the third sea - the Black Sea, which in Persian is Daria Istanbul. With a favorable wind, we went by sea for ten days and reached Bona, and then a strong north wind met us and drove the ship back to Trabzon. Because of the strong, oncoming wind, we stood for fifteen days in Platan. We went out to sea from Platan twice, but the wind blew evil towards us, did not allow us to go on the sea. (True God, patron god!) I don't know any other god besides him.

We crossed the sea, but it brought us to Balaklava, and from there we went to Gurzuf, and we stood there for five days. By the grace of God, I came to Kafa nine days before Filippov's fast. (God is the creator!)

By the grace of God, I passed three seas. (God knows the rest, God knows the patron.) Amen! (In the name of the Lord, the merciful, the merciful. The Lord is great, the good God, the good Lord. Jesus is the spirit of God, peace be upon you. God is great. There is no god but the Lord. The Lord is providential. Praise to the Lord, thanks to the all-conquering God. In the name of God, the merciful, merciful. He is a god, besides whom there is no God, who knows everything secret and obvious. He is merciful, merciful. He has no similar ones. There is no God but the Lord. He is a king, holiness, peace, a keeper, evaluating good and evil, almighty, healing, exalting , creator, creator, depictor, he is a resolver of sins, a punisher, resolving all difficulties, nourishing, victorious, omniscient, punishing, correcting, preserving, uplifting, forgiving, overthrowing, all-hearing, all-seeing, right, just, good.)

Afanasy Nikitin. Walking across the three seas.

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Nikitin Afanasy Nikitich was born around 1474, a traveler, a Tver merchant, the first European to visit India for scientific purposes, twenty-five years before the opening of the trade route by the Spaniard Vasco De Gammo. Information about the real purposes of Afanasy Nikitin's travel in the 1960s towards the three seas: the Caspian, Arabian and Black seas, far to the east, where no European has ever reached, is extremely scanty.

The exact date of the start of the trip is also not known. In the 19th century. II Sreznevsky dated it 1466-1472, modern Russian historians (VB Perkhavko, LS Semenov) believe the exact date is 1468-1474. According to their data, a caravan of several ships, which united Russian merchants, set out from Tver along the Volga in the summer of 1468. The experienced merchant Nikitin had previously visited distant countries - Byzantium, Moldavia, Lithuania, Crimea - and returned home safely with overseas goods.

This journey also began smoothly: Athanasius received a letter from the Grand Duke of Tver Mikhail Borisovich, intending to develop wide trade in the area of ​​modern Astrakhan (for some historians, this message gave reason to see the Tver merchant as a secret diplomat, an infiltrator of the Tver prince, but there is no documentary evidence of this).

In Nizhny Novgorod, Nikitin was supposed to join the Russian embassy of Vasily Papin for security reasons, but he had already gone south, and the trade caravan did not find him.

Waiting for the Tatar ambassador Shirvan Khasan-bek to return from Moscow, Nikitin set off with him and other merchants two weeks later than planned. Near Astrakhan, a caravan from the ambassadorial and merchant ships was robbed by local robbers - the Astrakhan Tatars, not counting the fact that one of the ships sailed "his own" and, moreover, the ambassador. They took away from the merchants all the goods purchased on credit, returning to Russia without goods and without money threatened with a debt pit.

Comrades Athanasius and he himself, according to him,

“Having wept, let the koi kudas go: whoever has what in Russia, and he went to Russia; but who should, and he went, where his eyes have borne. "

The desire to improve matters with the help of intermediary trade drove Nikitin further south. Through Derbent and Baku, he got to Persia, crossed it from Chapakur on the southern coast of the Caspian Sea to Hormuz on the Persian Gulf and sailed across the Indian Ocean to India by 1471. There he spent three whole years, visiting Bidar, Dzhunkar, Chaul, Dabhol and other cities. He made no money, but he was enriched with indelible impressions.

On the way back in 1474 Nikitin had a chance to visit the coast of East Africa, in the "land of Ethiopia", to reach Trebizond, then to be in Arabia. Through Iran and Turkey, he reached the Black Sea. Arriving in Kaffa (Feodosia, Crimea) in November, Nikitin did not dare to go further to his native Tver, deciding to wait for the spring merchant caravan. His health was undermined by a long journey. Perhaps in India he acquired some kind of chronic illness.

In Kaffa, Afanasy Nikitin, apparently, met and became close friends with rich Moscow "guests" (merchants): Stepan Vasiliev and Grigory Zhuk.

When their combined caravan set off (most likely in March 1475), it was warm in the Crimea, but the weather became colder and colder as they moved north. The undermined health of A. Nikitin made itself felt, and he suddenly died.

The place of his burial is conventionally considered Smolensk.
Wishing to tell others what he had seen himself, A. Nikitin kept travel notes, which he gave a literary form and gave the title Walking over the Three Seas.

Judging by them, he carefully studied the life, life and occupations of the peoples of Persia and India, drew attention to the political system, government, religion (described the worship of Buddha in the sacred city of Parvat), talked about diamond mines, trade, weapons, mentioned exotic animals - snakes and monkeys, the mysterious bird "Gukuk", supposedly foreshadowing death, etc. His notes testify to the breadth of the author's horizons, friendly attitude towards foreign peoples and the customs of the countries he visited. The businesslike, energetic merchant and traveler not only searched for goods needed by the Russian land, but also carefully observed and accurately described the way of life and customs.

He vividly and interestingly described the nature of exotic India.

However, as a merchant, Nikitin was disappointed with the results of the trip: “The Basurmane dogs deceived me: they talked about a lot of goods, but it turned out that there was nothing for our land ... Cheap pepper and paint. Some carry goods by sea, while others do not pay duties for it, but they will not give us [anything] to transport without duty. And the duty is high, and there are many robbers at sea. "

Missing his native land, feeling uncomfortable in foreign lands, A. Nikitin sincerely urged people to admire the “Russian land”: “God preserve the Russian land!

There is no country in this world like it. And although the nobles of the Russian land are not just, let the Russian land settle down and let there be [enough] justice in it! "

Unlike a number of European travelers of that time (Nicola de Conti and others), who adopted Mohammedanism in the East, Nikitin was faithful to Christianity to the end (“he did not leave his faith in Russia”), he gave all moral assessments of morals and customs based on the categories Orthodox morality, while remaining religiously tolerant.

A. Nikitin's walk testifies to the well-read of the author, his command of business Russian and at the same time is very sensitive to foreign languages. He cited in his notes many local - Persian, Arabic and Turkic - words and expressions, gave them a Russian interpretation.

The passages, delivered by someone in 1478 to Moscow to the clerk of the Grand Duke Vasily Mamyrev after the death of their author, were soon included in the annalistic collection of 1488, which in turn entered the Sofia Second and Lvov Chronicles. The walk has been translated into many languages ​​of the world. In 1955, a monument was erected to its author in Tver on the banks of the Volga, in the place from which he went “across the three seas”.

The monument was erected on a round platform in the form of a boat, the bow of which is decorated with the head of a horse.
In 2003, the monument was opened in Western India as well. A seven-meter stele faced with black granite, on four sides of which inscriptions in Russian, Hindi, Marathi and English are engraved in gold, was designed by a young Indian architect Sudip Matra and built with local donations with the financial participation of the administrations of the Tver region and the city of Tver.

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