Home Grape Sugar makes dogs go away. Diabetes mellitus in dogs - signs, causes and treatment. For adult miniature breed dogs

Sugar makes dogs go away. Diabetes mellitus in dogs - signs, causes and treatment. For adult miniature breed dogs

Often dog owners believe that their pets are not characterized by “human diseases” and are surprised to hear a diagnosis of “diabetes mellitus” from a veterinarian. Unfortunately, hormonal imbalance, in which the body cannot absorb glucose, also occurs in pets.

Poor heredity is the most common cause of diabetes, especially in terriers, Samoyeds, pugs and toy poodles. Also at risk:

  • unsterilized females not involved in breeding;
  • obese pets;
  • adult dogs over seven years old.

Diabetes mellitus in a dog requires constant maintenance therapy, which will depend on the type of disease:

  • The third type is diagnosed when there is a history of any chronic disease leading to pathological changes in the pancreas or metabolism.
  • The second type occurs in 70% of dogs diagnosed with diabetes; the pancreas continues to produce small amounts of insulin, but it is not enough or is not absorbed by the cells.
  • Type 1 diabetes is insulin dependent. The pancreas of animals cannot produce insulin, because the cells responsible for this type of activity in the body have died completely.

Symptoms and diagnosis

The following symptoms indicate the development of diabetes:

  • strong thirst;
  • frequent urination;
  • increased appetite;
  • sudden weight loss or gain;
  • blurred vision;
  • hair loss;
  • weakness;
  • enlarged liver, which can be noticed even upon palpation;
  • poor wound healing.

These symptoms cannot be ignored. The sooner you contact a veterinarian, the higher the chance of providing your pet with timely help.

To prescribe the correct treatment, the doctor will prescribe the necessary tests: blood and urine tests, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, ECG.

To confirm or refute the diagnosis, you need to take a blood test every day for five days.


Diabetes in a dog cannot be completely cured, but constant monitoring by a veterinarian will make it easier and prolong the pet’s life.

If necessary, the doctor can prescribe insulin for your dog. The dosage is calculated individually taking into account the dog’s weight, age, diet and lifestyle.

Insulin should be stored in the refrigerator, out of the reach of children and animals. Before giving an injection to an animal, you need to hold the bottle of medicine in your hands for some time so that the drug warms up. The digital values ​​on the syringe body will help you draw the required dose of the drug into the syringe.

Insulin must be injected at the same time either into the withers or into the chest of the pet. Selection of the required dose of the drug sometimes takes up to several months.

The first dose of insulin must be given at a veterinary clinic.

What to feed a dog with diabetes

In most cases, treatment for diabetes in dogs involves following a strict diet.

The simplest solution would be to switch your pet to a special medicated food for dogs with diabetes. This food is developed taking into account all the needs of the animal; it cannot be bought in a regular store. The veterinarian selects medicinal food based on a blood test and the course of the disease.

Any treats and feeding “from the table” will have to be excluded.

The main thing a dog owner can do is to monitor the amount of calories and control the pet’s weight. The caloric intake of carbohydrates in sick dogs is higher than in healthy ones - approximately 40% of the diet.

You need to feed your dog small portions at least 6 times a day. Small meals will avoid sudden changes in insulin levels in the blood and will improve metabolism.

Pet monitoring

Regular examination at a veterinary clinic will show the effectiveness of diet and treatment.

A diary of observations of the pet is very important for the doctor, where the owner must record: the exact time of administration and dose of insulin, feeding time and volume of portions, and the pet’s daily weight.

You can monitor your dog's blood sugar at home using a glucometer. The normal blood glucose level in dogs is 4–7 mmol per liter.

If the amount of sugar in the blood has dropped to a reading of 3 mmol or less, it is necessary to urgently give the animal sugar syrup.

A condition when glucose levels drop to low levels is called hypoglycemia. This glucose level is too low for the body to function properly. The main symptoms of this condition: weakness, convulsions, loss of consciousness.


Diabetes cannot be cured, but it can be prevented. The basis of prevention is a properly composed diet:

  • a minimum of carbohydrates and a complete ban on sweets and flour products;
  • portion size control;
  • exclusion of any products from the table.

When buying a dog, check the reputation of the breeder and the pedigree of the pet.

Provide your pet with active walks and regular exercise.

Never self-medicate or neglect visiting a veterinarian. Regular examination at the clinic will prevent the development of not only diabetes, but also other serious diseases.

The pancreas is beautiful and calm, like a sleeping panther. She lay down imposingly, resting her head on the solar plexus, abdominal aorta and vena cava. A horseshoe of the duodenum was carefully wrapped around my head...

The panther placed its tail in the gate of the spleen, and covered it with the stomach and greater omentum. But wake her up and she won't behave calmly.

Academician A.I. Abrikosov.

Keywords: diabetes mellitus, endocrine disorder, pancreas, insulin dependent, insulin dependent, non-insulin dependent, hypoglycemia, Somogyi syndrome.

Abbreviations: DM - diabetes mellitus, IDDM - insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.


Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine disorder of the pancreas, comparable to the state of an awakened panther (if we follow the poetic statement of the famous Russian pathologist Academician Abrikosov), which leads to discord in many organs and systems of the body.

An increase in sugar in a dog’s tests is an alarming symptom. It is likely that there is a danger behind it: diabetes. It occurs almost the same in mammals (cats, dogs) and humans. Experienced owners know that even a seemingly harmless sweet treat leads to high blood sugar in a dog.

Diagnosis of the disease

How to describe diabetes? This is a typical metabolic failure when the pancreas produces too little insulin. The role that the hormone plays for the entire body is very important. This is the transport of sugar from the blood to all cells. When there is not enough hormone, the dog's blood sugar levels rise sharply, but the cells do not receive it and begin to starve. Such a carbohydrate head has a very detrimental effect on health.

Signs of diabetes in dogs

Excessively high sugar levels in a dog are perhaps the main sign of diabetes. Therefore, the owner should monitor the results of the pet’s analysis if the following phenomena are observed.

  1. The dog has constant unbearable thirst and frequent urination.
  2. The dog is losing weight, despite the fact that his appetite is increasing. This occurs as a result of sugar not entering the cells.
  3. The severe stage - ketoacidosis - is accompanied by an acetone “aroma” from the mouth. This is a late stage in the development of the disease, when the functions of the kidneys and liver are severely impaired, and the body produces acetone. At the same time, the mucous membranes become blue and the temperature of the extremities decreases. The main sign of ketoacidosis is the presence of ketone bodies in urine.

Attention! The risk group includes dogs older than 6 years, as well as individuals who have had cases of this disease in their family.

Diagnostic methods

When, based on external signs, the veterinarian is inclined to diagnose “diabetes mellitus,” he prescribes a series of laboratory tests and other diagnostic measures to clarify.

  • Urinalysis and blood biochemistry (insulin resistance is one of the most characteristic indicators).
  • Blood test for hormones.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (including pancreas).
  • Study of the dynamics of blood glucose levels.

What is the normal level of sugar in dogs?

The ideal indicator of sugar levels in humans, as well as in dogs, is 5.5 mol/l. Approximately the same indicators apply to humans. A variant of the norm is considered to be a decrease of 0.5 points and an equally insignificant increase. But with diabetes, the numbers jump up. The disease develops starting at around 30.

How to take blood sugar from a dog?

While at home, you can do an analysis using a glucometer and test strips. Tips for choosing a device: it is better if it requires only a drop of blood; It measures more accurately the device that requires blood from a network of capillaries.

In a professional veterinary clinic setting, dogs' blood sugar is measured using a vein sample, usually from the very tips of the ears. It would seem that blood can be taken from the paw pads, but the vessels in them are located too deep.

Then, if the diagnosis is confirmed, a sugar test should be carried out daily and monitor the dynamics of the indicator.

Important! The most reliable result can be obtained if the dog is at home and in a good mood. After all, a state of excitement and stress can lead to an increase in sugar levels and a false positive diagnosis.

What to do if you are diagnosed with diabetes?

This disease, alas, is chronic; you will have to put up with it for the rest of your life and carry out drug insulin therapy. The doctor prescribes a suitable treatment regimen individually, and also gives recommendations on nutrition and lifestyle.

The problem of drinking regime is acute. The dog is very thirsty and needs constant access to water. To better quench your thirst, it is recommended to add a little lemon juice to your dog’s water. In some cases, the doctor prescribes special medications to normalize the water balance. To restore normal levels of nutrients, special vitamins are prescribed.

This is a serious diagnosis, and if you do not follow the instructions of veterinarians, you can very quickly lose your dog. But following the rules will significantly prolong the dog’s life. The animal needs food with a high fiber content and a balanced composition of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Measuring your blood sugar levels daily is necessary to adjust your insulin dose. It is also necessary to control the dog's weight. Obesity is an aggravating factor in this diagnosis.

How to inject insulin into a dog?

The owner will have to be vigilant so as not to forget to inject insulin into the pet every day for life. Insulin therapy is divided into 2 stages:

  1. first you need to bring glucose back to normal;
  2. and then maintain this level in the blood.

Insulin injections are given in the morning and evening. There are short-acting drugs (to immediately lower glucose) and long-acting ones. It is the second option that needs to be used on an ongoing basis. The individual dosage is prescribed by the doctor based on the weight of the animal, the severity of the condition and other factors.

Insulin for injection is isolated from the blood of pigs, bovines or humans. The drug based on bovine blood is quickly addictive, so it is not considered as a permanent option. The most suitable option is a drug made from pig blood. It is well accepted by the body.

Blood glucose levels in dogs are an important indicator to test if diabetes is suspected. If the disease is confirmed, this analysis should be carried out on a regular basis.

about the author

My name is Andrey, I have been a diabetic for over 35 years. Thank you for visiting my site Diabay about helping people with diabetes.

I write articles about various diseases and personally advise people in Moscow who need help, because over the decades of my life I have seen many things from personal experience, tried many remedies and medicines. In the current 2020, technology is developing very much, people do not know about many things that have been invented at the moment for a comfortable life for diabetics, so I found my goal and help, to the best of my ability, people suffering from diabetes to live easier and happier.

The dog is one of the first domesticated animals. Since ancient times, they have accompanied man on the hunt.

Faithful, devoted creatures are in great need of care, affection and timely treatment. Diseases associated with impaired sugar levels in the body are especially dangerous for pets.

The normal glucose level in a healthy dog's body should be the same as that of a human or cat. On average, this ranges from 3.4 to 7 mmol/l. If the readings are higher than normal, this indicates diabetes. At lower levels, hypoglycemia is indicated.

How to measure with a glucometer?

To measure a dog's blood sugar level, a regular "human" glucometer will do. The fence should be made from fingertips or ear flaps.

Do not use disinfectants before analysis. You can shave the hair off your ear or coat it with Vaseline to prevent blood from spreading.

  1. Turn on the glucometer, insert a strip into it and wait for the drop sign on the screen.
  2. If blood is taken from the ear, massage it. Step back from the tip along the edge of the ear about a centimeter.
  3. Then, from the inside of the sink, go down to the center by five millimeters. There is a large concentration of blood vessels in this place.
  4. Prick your ear with a sharp thin needle. You should act as carefully as possible so as not to pierce your ear right through.
  5. When blood appears, apply the test strip to the puncture site.
  6. Wait until the blood is absorbed into it.
  7. Insert the test into the device and wait for the result.



Hypoglycemia is a sharp decrease in blood sugar to a critical level.

The disease has characteristic symptoms:

  • Sugar levels are 1.5-2 times lower than normal.
  • Severe malaise and drowsiness of the dog.
  • High salivation.
  • Tremor of the facial muscles or limbs.
  • Loss of coordination.
  • Deterioration of vision.
  • Inactivity. Or, on the contrary, activity that is uncharacteristic for a pet.
  • Complete refusal of food or insatiable hunger.
  • Sudden disturbance of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Chills.
  • Cardiopalmus.
  • A sharp drop in body temperature.
  • Paralysis of limbs.
  • Coma (in extreme cases).

Why might it be low?

Insufficient sugar levels can occur for several reasons:

  • sedentary or, on the contrary, too active lifestyle of the pet;
  • dog hypothermia;
  • fear or stress of the pet;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • change of feed;
  • frequent drop in temperature;
  • infectious disease;
  • prolonged hunger;
  • long journey or flight;

If you fell sharply

Too rapid absorption of glucose often occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Excessive amount of insulin in the body.
  2. Excessive consumption of sugar-containing foods.
  3. Prolonged malnutrition of the animal.
  4. A sharp drop in glucose levels in the body in diabetes.
  5. Hypopituitarism. Decreased secretion of pituitary regulatory hormones.
  6. Insulinoma. Neoplasm in the pancreas.

How to increase?

When there is a sharp drop in sugar in a dog, it is necessary:

  1. Force feed the animal water with the addition of 10 percent glucose, sugar or honey every 4-6 hours.
  2. Inject a solution of 10-20 percent glucose subcutaneously. 5 milliliters every 6-8 hours.
  3. Inject intramuscularly a solution of cocarboxylase. This is necessary to maintain cardiac activity.
  4. Inject 40% glucose solution intravenously. If it is not possible to give an injection, you can pour the contents of the ampoule into the dog’s mouth.
  5. Add B1 vitamins to your food.

What to feed?

When blood glucose is low, the dog needs to be fed at least 3 times a day. The menu must be strictly balanced. Food should contain high amounts of protein and sugar.

To do this, you can add to your diet:

  • boiled chicken breast;
  • chicken bouillon;
  • special food with a high sugar content;
  • a small amount of sweet cookies or candy.

Important! You can add a little sugar to the drinker.



The main symptom of diabetes is too high a glucose level in the pet’s body. The following symptoms are also characteristic:

  1. Lethargic behavior.
  2. Increased thirst.
  3. Large volume of urine.
  4. Underweight or obesity.
  5. Numbness in the limbs (the dog begins to limp).
  6. Poor skin and coat condition.
  7. Development of cataracts.
  8. Viscous saliva.
  9. Unpleasant odor from the mouth.
  10. Weakness of the hind limbs.

Reasons for high

An increase in blood glucose occurs due to disruption of the pancreas, which produces insulin. In turn, the hormone feeds the body's cells with the necessary glucose.

Failure may occur due to factors such as:

  • excess weight;
  • pancreatitis;
  • estrus or pregnancy of a female (detected within several months);
  • any hormonal disorders;
  • past infectious diseases;
  • long-term stress.

What to do?

Diabetes mellitus is an incurable chronic disease in which glucose levels will steadily rise. First you need to create a menu that will not allow sudden spikes in sugar.

This may be special food or other products:

  1. Lean meat, fish and broths.
  2. low in carbohydrates.
  3. Greenery.
  4. Porridge and cereals.
  5. Cinnamon powder (sprinkle on food 2 times a day).
  6. Fenugreek seeds. Add a teaspoon to your morning feeding.
  7. Baking soda. Stir 1/3 teaspoon in 250 ml water.

What drugs can be used to reduce it?

You can give your dog medications that increase the sensitivity of tissue cells to insulin. For example:

  • troglitazone;
  • metformin;
  • acarbose.

Important! All kinds of sweets and foods high in sugar are strictly prohibited. If there is a sharp increase in glucose in the animal’s blood, it is necessary to immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

In urine

The average amount of sugar in a dog's urine is 4-6 mmol/l. Increased levels are typical for some diseases:

  • stress;
  • pancreatitis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • cystitis.

A decrease occurs with such pathologies as:

  • insulinoma;
  • excessive insulin production;

Average level in puppies

The average blood glucose levels of a puppy are the same as those of an adult dog. Hypoglycemia can be detected in puppies up to 4 months after birth. This happens for several reasons:

  1. There is not enough glucose in mother's milk.
  2. Litter too big.
  3. Prematurity or low birth weight of the baby.
  4. Congenital liver dysfunction.
  5. Hypothermia.
  6. Frequent diarrhea, which leads to dehydration.
  7. Fear of extraneous noises. Thunderstorms, thunder, fireworks and a large number of people can greatly frighten a puppy.
  8. Long breaks between meals. The baby can sometimes get too busy and forget to eat.
  9. Infectious diseases.

Vivid signs of low sugar in the body are:

  • weakness;
  • chills;
  • drowsiness;
  • lethargy;
  • refusal of food;
  • convulsions and fainting. This happens in acute forms of the disease.

To help your baby, it is enough to give him a small amount of sweet water every 5 hours. Add a teaspoon of honey or sugar to the water. You can also give an injection of 5 percent glucose. Food for the tailed baby and its mother should be rich in protein and sugars.

Important! If the puppy refuses the food offered to him, be sure to replace the dish. Prolonged fasting should not be allowed. After six months, the problem with low sugar should disappear. Otherwise, you need to consult a doctor.

When a baby begins to develop diabetes, the following signs are typical:

  1. The puppy drinks a lot and becomes lethargic and inactive.
  2. A large amount of saliva is released.
  3. Urination becomes more frequent.

If your puppy has high sugar levels, the following should be excluded from the diet:

  • carrots, beets and;
  • any
    1. Pet obesity.
    2. Use of hormonal drugs.

    Most often, unsterilized females from 7-9 years old suffer from diabetes.

    The following breeds also have a predisposition:

    • Keeshonds;
    • miniature pinschers;
    • poodles;
    • dachshunds;
    • pugs;
    • beagles;
    • Samoyed husky;
    • miniature schnauzers;
    • all types of terriers.

    A drop in sugar in adult dogs may be due to:

    1. . Complex pathology with quite complex diagnostics.
    2. Disorders of the liver or endocrine system.
    3. Blood circulation abnormalities in the liver.

    Hypoglycemia is especially common in small, toy dogs. Basically, the disease is observed in these breeds:

    • Pomeranian and Pomeranian Spitz;
    • chihuahua;
    • Rottweiler;
    • bearded collie;
    • Portuguese Water Dog;
    • beaver;
    • Toy, Yorkshire, Wheaten and West Highland White Terriers.


    To detect diseases in the early stages of development, you should visit the veterinary clinic as often as possible. This will help avoid serious consequences. It is also necessary to reduce the number of stressful situations.

    In contact with

    Pets, just like people, often suffer from various ailments and more serious pathologies. If your pet is no longer young or is not eating properly, then you should not be surprised that he has health problems.

    Sugar is not as common as in humans. But this does not mean that animal owners do not face a similar problem. Therefore, it is important that the owner of the four-legged dog knows the normal blood sugar levels in dogs, as well as the symptoms of possible pathology. This will help avoid numerous problems. Therefore, let's look at this topic in more detail.

    general information

    A decrease or increase in blood sugar can occur for several reasons. For example, the animal may have been under severe stress, has not been eating properly for a long time, or is suffering from an infectious disease. However, most often pet owners are faced with diabetes.

    Just like humans, dogs often develop symptoms of this disease. It is quite difficult to treat. But this does not mean that the pet cannot carry out normal life activities.

    Blood sugar levels in dogs: normal

    Eating large amounts of sweet foods has a negative impact not only on glucose levels, but also on the animal’s digestive health. Therefore, veterinarians repeatedly warn that feeding dogs chocolate can lead to the most dire consequences.

    If you treat your pet with sweets for a long time, the blood sugar level in dogs may increase too much. This will lead to poor appetite and deterioration of dental health. Against this background, digestive problems will begin. As a result, your four-legged pet will be diagnosed with diabetes.

    If we talk about what is normal sugar in a dog, then the average is 5.5 mmol per liter of blood. It can be increased or decreased by 0.5 units. However, there is no need to panic prematurely. Sometimes the indicators fluctuate, as the result may be inaccurate due to the stress of the pet. Therefore, doctors usually conduct several studies at once.

    When the normal sugar level in dogs is greatly exceeded, most often we are talking about diabetes mellitus. However, in this case we are talking about indicators that can reach up to 30 mmol/l.

    Predisposition to disease

    As a rule, animals over 7 years old suffer from the disease. Also, blood sugar levels in dogs are more often diagnosed in females than in cables. In 95% of cases, this occurs in unsterilized four-legged animals. In this case, the animal is more susceptible to pancreatitis and excess weight.

    If we talk about which breeds are most susceptible to diabetes, Spitz, Dachshund and miniature poodles are at risk. Also in recent years, doctors have begun to note the appearance of this disease in Scotch terriers.

    Causes of diabetes mellitus

    In this case, problems usually arise in the same way as in humans. Therefore, most often there is an increased level of blood sugar in dogs due to disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system. Food contains a certain amount of glucose, which, when broken down in the gastrointestinal tract, saturates the body with the necessary energy.

    However, this component is not able to be absorbed by all cells. Therefore, insulin necessarily takes part in the process. It is produced by the pancreas and helps the body absorb glucose.

    Sometimes it happens that not enough insulin is produced. This causes some cells to starve without glucose. Partial death of cellular material occurs. The animal's health gradually begins to deteriorate. As glucose is no longer delivered to the cells (which need insulin) as needed, more harm is done to the dog.

    From here it is a completely logical conclusion - the pancreas does not work to the extent that is required of it. This causes cellular atrophy.


    If a dog's sugar level is exceeded, this can be determined by characteristic signs. First of all, the animal becomes very lethargic. The dog shows no interest in toys, behaves too calmly during walks, constantly sleeps and prefers to be in a lying position.

    The animal may also suffer from:

    • Increased thirst. This causes the dog to urinate constantly.
    • Increased appetite. One gets the feeling that no matter how much food you give the dog, it won’t have enough.
    • Sudden weight gain. It can even lead to obesity.
    • Numbness of paws. Suddenly the animal may begin to limp.
    • Cataracts. It is easily identified by the whitening lens in the eye.
    • Deterioration in the quality of wool and skin.

    In addition, high sugar in dogs can manifest itself in a rather strong odor from the animal’s mouth. This occurs against the background of ketoacidosis. Such a pathology can gradually develop due to a failure of metabolic processes. Instead of glucose, the animal’s body begins to actively process fats. They undergo a process of breakdown and are converted into organic components called ketones. In fact, you can say that it is acetone. Ketones provoke oxidative processes. This causes an upset stomach and an unpleasant odor from the mouth.

    Diagnosis and features of symptoms

    It is worth noting that elevated blood sugar levels in a dog, in addition to standard signs, can also be determined by less rare symptoms. If the above-described features of the manifestation of the disease are only partially encountered, then you still need to visit a specialist. He must also check the animal's blood and urine, including for the presence of acetone.

    If blood sugar levels exceed 6 mmol/l, then there is a high probability that the pet suffers from diabetes. However, it is additionally recommended to take an ECG and an x-ray. Veterinarians also often take hormonal tests and perform ultrasounds.

    This number of procedures is not explained by the fact that doctors are trying to extract a lot of money from dog owners. The thing is that some of the symptoms described above can also occur with a number of other pathologies and age-related ailments.

    For example, if an animal begins to drink too much, then it may have kidney problems. An increased appetite may indicate that the dog is suffering from worms. Cataracts also do not always develop only against the background of diabetes. Often such problems occur in older animals, as well as in those who have suffered from an injury to the visual organ or an infectious disease.

    Numbness of the limbs is often associated with problems of the central nervous system. Sugar often rises sharply if the animal is under extreme stress.

    Development of the disease

    If you do not pay attention to alarming symptoms in a timely manner, there is a risk that diabetes mellitus (if you have one) will begin to progress. At first, the dog’s organs will compensate for components that they do not fully receive. But if treatment is not started, the liver will no longer cope with processing blood, which contains an increased volume of ketone bodies. This can lead to the death of the pet.


    You should not look for ways to lower your dog’s blood sugar on your own. Such treatment can only cause more harm. Diabetes mellitus takes the form of a chronic disease, and the main goal of treatment should be to control negative symptoms. It is also important to prevent the subsequent development of pathology.

    Reducing blood sugar correctly is also important for the animal to feel better. However, most glucose-lowering drugs, if dosed incorrectly, lead to a strong decrease in glucose levels. This is no less dangerous for the animal. Therefore, the course of treatment must be developed individually. Additionally, the doctor develops a diet. A balanced diet has additional beneficial effects, so the owner of the animal should closely monitor what is in his pet's bowl.

    It is also important not to get angry at your dog if he constantly asks to go to the toilet. This is not a whim, but a need that must be fulfilled. It is very important to ensure that your dog always has enough water to drink.


    To restore the water balance of cells, experts usually prescribe the following drugs:

    • "Pituirin." It is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. The dosage is prescribed only by a doctor.
    • "Adiurecrin." It is administered through the animal's nose.
    • Vitamin and mineral complexes. Necessary for general strengthening of the body.

    If the situation is very difficult, the animal may be hospitalized. Treatment is often carried out in a hospital setting.

    Insulin use

    Since this is the component that is lacking in the pet’s body, it is quite logical if the doctor prescribes it. However, insulin must be used very carefully. This treatment is divided into several stages. First of all, the condition of the four-legged patient is stabilized. After this, it is important to maintain normal sugar levels. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that the dog will need insulin for the rest of its life. Nevertheless, this drug is able to maintain the normal functioning of the pet.

    In some situations, it may be necessary to stabilize the acid-base balance in the animal's body. Insulin has also been successfully used for this. Usually the course of treatment is short.

    Since the dog will need to periodically inject insulin on his own, the pet owner must learn how to administer the injections. The doctor should also familiarize him with the rules for storing drugs. If you follow all the recommendations, you can forget about such a problem as diabetes and give your beloved dog many years of a happy life.

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