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Sample menu for 6 petals. Diet “6 petals”: ​​sample menu for every day, reviews and results. What is a “mono-diet”

Lobsters are fairly large decapods that live in the warm waters of the World Ocean.

In total, about 100 species of lobsters are known.

All lobsters live in warm waters at depths not exceeding 200 meters. They settle between bottom stones, crevices or in thickets of bottom vegetation.

The lobster can grow up to 60 centimeters and weigh up to 6 kilograms. The largest lobster caught weighed 11 kilograms and was about a meter long.

Externally, lobsters are similar to lobsters, but the claws of lobsters, unlike lobsters, are small and thin. The body of the lobster is covered with powerful protective spines.

A special feature of lobsters are the bristles located at the base of the whiskers. The lobster moves these bristles along special processes on its head, producing a sound similar to a bow and a violin. There are two versions of what this sound is used for. The first version is to scare away potential predators. The second version is that the sounds are addressed to other lobsters.

Lobsters reach sexual maturity in the fifth year of life. Females lay eggs in a pouch-like organ located on the chest. The males fertilize the eggs and after a few months small larvae emerge.

Lobster larvae are scientifically called phyllosomes (literally leaf-body). They have very microscopic sizes and swim in the water column using processes on their bodies. They look like flattened glass spiders floating underwater. Only the short tail indicates the origin of the lobster larva. During this period of life, spiny lobsters feed on zooplankton and gain weight quite quickly. Gradually they form into small lobsters and begin to lead a bottom-dwelling lifestyle.

The first year of life brings lobsters a lot of trouble: they molt about ten times. The new shell becomes strong in 2-3 weeks. When a lobster matures, its normal shell replacement cycle is once a year.

Adult lobsters are loners. They lead a secluded life and do not communicate with their relatives. The exception to this behavior is during the breeding season.

It is not known exactly how long the lobster lives, but do not forget that there are 100 species of these ocean crayfish.

Despite the impressive size of crayfish, they feed on lobsters large predators. Sharks, giant groupers and marine mammals happily eat the caught lobster.

Lobster meat is a delicacy. Lobsters are hunted using fixed nets and special basket traps.

Basket traps use the reflex of lobsters to hide securely in secluded corners. These baskets are designed in such a way that the lobster hides in it on its own, but cannot get out on its own. Nets, which are also used to catch lobsters, are installed on the bottom along the paths of movement of lobsters from one shelter to another.

It is impossible to accurately determine the size of the lobster population, but there is every reason to fear its decline. Although these crayfish are very prolific, they also have a lot of enemies. Most The larvae are eaten by whales, who eat tons of plankton. Adults become victims not only of humans, but also of fish and other predators. Only a few lobsters survive to old age.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


The meat of sea creatures is an incredibly tasty delicacy, characterized by low calorie content, high protein content and delicate taste. There are many ways to cook seafood (shrimp, lobster, crab, crayfish, squid, mussels, etc.). Crustaceans are considered a common species: they live in almost all warm waters, especially in the Caribbean and Mediterranean seas, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, therefore they are not uncommon on store shelves.

What does lobster look like?

Crustaceans big size(in adult individuals, the body length is 60 cm, and can reach 3-4 kg in weight) belong to the armored family. These sea creatures look almost like lobsters, but the latter have large claws. True spiny lobsters (pictured) are characterized by long antennae, which, like the body, are covered with spines. Females have small claws, but males do not have them. They reproduce by laying eggs by the female, from which small larvae hatch. The lifespan of these animals is unknown.

Benefits of lobster

  • prevents the development of diseases of the oral cavity and teeth;
  • activates brain activity;
  • improves blood clotting;
  • stimulates the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • normalizes the digestion process due to the release of enzymes;
  • strengthens bone tissue, increases skeletal strength;
  • normalizes sleep, eliminates insomnia;
  • calms the nervous system.

The nutritional value

In cooking, brown (real) is used, as well as regular (looks like a crayfish), green, Atlantic (pink), Florida and Breton lobster (lobster). Cooks cook only the belly and tail of the crustacean, sometimes the legs. The delicacy consists of 74% water (74 g/100 g), contains a large number of protein (20.5 g/100 g), low – fat (2 g/100 g) and carbohydrates (1 g/100 g). The calorie content of seafood is low - 104 kcal/100 g, but it contains many essential to the human body microelements.

Harm and contraindications

Arthropods themselves are healthy products, however, it is worth considering that they can be caught in dirty waters or improperly processed, which is why their meat contains harmful substances. Contraindications to the consumption of crustaceans:

  • Chronic diseases of cardio-vascular system. If they are present, you should not eat the head of the crustacean, as it contains cholesterol.
  • Allergy to seafood. In rare cases, they can cause allergies, symptoms of which include itching, swelling and rash.
  • Chronic kidney diseases. Excessive consumption of the delicacy can cause complications of diseases.

How to choose lobsters

After catching sea ​​creature lives no more than 36 hours. In supermarkets you can find fresh, only caught arthropods, frozen, boiled, canned and even live ones, which, when caught from the aquarium, must beat their tails. Fresh cancer has the following symptoms:

  1. Absence fishy smell on the bend of the tail and shell.
  2. The tail is curled inward, not unfolded.
  3. The shell is painted a rich red color (pictured).
  4. Bright black eyes with sparkle.
  5. Salty-bitter aroma from the carcass.

How to cook lobsters

Lobster tail is fried, stewed, baked, added to salads, soups, and grilled. Very popular spicy recipes, emphasizing the taste of the delicacy. Cooking time depends on the amount of meat, for example, cooking takes 12 minutes if the cleaned seafood weighs 0.5 kg, with a larger weight add 5 minutes for every 0.5 kg. Before direct cooking, the lobster is scalded for 30 seconds, after which the meat is cleaned. It is important not to keep it in hot water while scalding, otherwise it will become rubbery. Broths and sauces are prepared from the claws and heads.

Braised lobster

  • Time: 35 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 138 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: appetizer, main course, festive table.
  • Cuisine: Mexican.

Cook lobsters, different tender meat, loved all over the world, many of them have been invented gourmet dishes. Stewed crayfish is a universal recipe with photographs, classified as a spicy dish. Cooking lobsters does not take much time. You can use brown, Breton or regular crustaceans, since they have virtually no difference in the taste of meat. If the seafood delicacy is purchased frozen, you need to carefully monitor the degree of its freshness.


  • real lobster (meat) – 1 kg;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • chili pepper – 4 pods;
  • olive oil – 4 tablespoons;
  • butter– 4 tablespoons;
  • dry white wine – 300 ml;
  • parsley – 3 bunches;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the garlic and chop it with a knife or press.
  2. Fry the chili pepper in a frying pan without oil, remove seeds and membranes. Pour in a small amount hot water with added salt, soak in the salty solution for several minutes, then drain it and finely chop the pepper.
  3. Wash, dry and chop the greens.
  4. Rinse the meat, fry in a frying pan greased with olive oil, add butter. The readiness of the lobster is indicated by its pink color.
  5. Salt the seafood, add herbs and wine.
  6. Simmer until the liquid has completely evaporated over medium heat, stirring occasionally.
  7. On the remaining olive oil fry garlic and chili.
  8. Place the prepared meat on them.

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