Home Grape Spaghetti carbonara recipe with mushrooms. Spaghetti carbonara with cream, bacon and mushrooms. Classic recipe for carbonara with mushrooms

Spaghetti carbonara recipe with mushrooms. Spaghetti carbonara with cream, bacon and mushrooms. Classic recipe for carbonara with mushrooms

Anna Krachek |

01/21/2015 | 1188

  • Anna Krachek 01/21/2015 1188

  • 10 minutes

  • 20 minutes

    final time:
  • 30 minutes


number of servings: Learning to cook a dish Italian cuisine

- Spaghetti Carbonara.

It is impossible to imagine Italian cuisine without a wide variety of pasta. In our country, pasta is undeservedly considered an ordinary and not particularly interesting side dish. In Italy, pasta is practically elevated to a cult. There are the most various recipes

preparing this dish. Meat, fish and seafood are used as a complement to pasta. There is even a vegetarian pasta made with vegetables.

But in order for the pasta to be delicious in Italian, you need to follow some rules.

How to choose pasta for pasta? The most important thing is to choose the right pasta base - pasta. They must be made from durum varieties

wheat: such pasta does not overcook and does not cause any particular harm to the figure.

Most often, spaghetti or penne (we used to call them “feathers”) are used to prepare pasta, but theoretically it can be any high-quality pasta.

How to cook pasta?

We usually cook pasta until it is completely cooked, but Italians do things differently. For most dishes, they cook the pasta until al dente, which translates to “to the tooth.” This degree of doneness occurs when the pasta is almost ready, but inside it retains its elasticity. It is pasta cooked al dente that is considered the healthiest: it has a lower glycemic index

than fully prepared ones. The lower the glycemic index, the less products

foods affect blood glucose levels. Today we will learn how to cook one of the traditional types Italian cuisine

Italian pasta

Spaghetti Carbonara with mushrooms

  • Ingredients:
  • 200 grams spaghetti
  • 1 medium onion
  • 100 grams of champignons
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 40 grams of Parmesan cheese
  • 120 ml cream 10% fat
  • 20 ml vegetable oil
  • greens, salt, pepper - to taste


1. Boil spaghetti in salted water until al dente.

2. Cut the champignons, brisket (bacon) and onion into strips and fry on vegetable oil until golden brown.

3. Add cream and herbs to the mushrooms, meat and onions, simmer over low heat for 2 minutes.

4. Add boiled spaghetti to the sauce and mix gently.

5. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.

6. Place the finished spaghetti in sauce on plates, sprinkle with grated cheese and garnish with herbs.

Bon appetit!

Tired of regular dishes? Want to try something tasty but easy to prepare? Then you have come to the right place. with mushrooms and bacon - this is tender, original dish, which can be easily and quickly prepared at home. You don't have to be a culinary genius to do this. Enough to have on hand necessary products. So, let's begin.

Preparing spaghetti

It's hard to imagine carbonara with mushrooms and pasta stuck together. To prevent this from happening, you need to properly boil the spaghetti for this dish. After all, this is the basis. On many packages, the manufacturer indicates the recipe for making pasta. If it is not there, then you will need:

  • spaghetti (pasta) - 100 g;
  • non-chlorinated water - 1 l;
  • salt - 10 g.

These are the optimal proportions. How long should you cook this pasta? As a rule, this process takes no more than 7 minutes. If necessary, you can try the paste. According to experienced chefs, spaghetti should be slightly undercooked when you turn off the stove.

Classic recipe for carbonara with mushrooms

To prepare 4 servings of this dish, you will need:

  • 500 g spaghetti;
  • 250 g champignons (fresh);
  • 150 g bacon, preferably smoked;
  • 200 ml cream 25% fat;
  • 25 g unsweetened butter;
  • pepper mixture;
  • favorite spices and salt.

Let's start cooking

How is pasta carbonara with mushrooms and bacon prepared? The whole process boils down to the following steps:

  1. Wash the champignons and chop into slices.
  2. Peel the onion, chop and place in a frying pan with oil. Place mushrooms here too. Blanch the food until all the liquid has evaporated.
  3. Chop the bacon into slices.
  4. Pour cream into a saucepan, add mushrooms and onions, add your favorite spices, salt and a mixture of peppers. Cook the ingredients at low temperature, heat for 7 minutes, stirring regularly.
  5. While the sauce is ready, cook the spaghetti as described above.
  6. Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry the bacon in it.

The components of the dish are ready. To serve, place spaghetti on a plate, then a layer of bacon and top with mushroom and onion sauce. This dish should be eaten hot. Cooled carbonara pasta with mushrooms, cream and bacon will not be so tasty.

For cheese lovers

If you love cheese, then this recipe for pasta carbonara with mushrooms and cheese will definitely come in handy. To create delicious and aromatic dish prepare:

  • spaghetti (pasta) - 200 g;
  • champignons (fresh) - 200 g;
  • natural cream 15% fat - 200 g;
  • bacon - 100 g;
  • parmesan - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt;
  • ground pepper (black).

How to cook?

The process of preparing such a dish comes down to the following steps:

  1. Boil pasta as described above.
  2. Place the butter and melt in a frying pan. Fry bacon and mushrooms, previously chopped, on it.
  3. Using a mixer, beat the cream and yolks. Add cheese, a little salt and pepper to the mixture. Mix the ingredients and add the mushrooms and bacon.
  4. Pour the resulting sauce into the prepared spaghetti and stir. Leave for a few minutes to soak the pasta in the sauce.

Serve pasta carbonara with mushrooms in a large, preheated bowl. For decoration you can use cheese shavings and green leaves.

Carbonara pasta without meat

If you are not a fan of ham or bacon, you can try the following recipe for spaghetti with sauce and mushrooms. To do this, prepare:

  • mushrooms (oyster mushrooms/champignons) - 300 g;
  • spaghetti (pasta) - 300 g;
  • eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • parmesan - approximately 100 g;
  • spices, salt;
  • oil.

Let's start creating:

  1. Finely chop the mushrooms and fry them in oil, adding a little salt.
  2. Boil the spaghetti as described above.
  3. Grind the cheese using a grater, mix with spices and yolks.
  4. Add the pasta to the container with the dressing and fry everything in a frying pan for a few minutes, after adding the grated cheese.

What are the difficulties?

To understand whether you have prepared a dish correctly, look at it carefully. If the pasta carbonara is successful, then the pasta should shine, reminiscent of real silk. At the same time, the spaghetti should not stick together, and the sauce should not flow to the very bottom of the plate. You can achieve the desired result by knowing the subtleties of preparation.

There are only a few problems that can overshadow a meal:

  1. The spaghetti is too dry and the sauce is sticky.
  2. The sauce is too thin. It does not linger on the pasta, but flows to the bottom of the plate.

How to fix them? After cooking spaghetti, Italian chefs do not pour out all the liquid in which the pasta was cooked. Part of it is poured into a separate container. If the spaghetti turns out dry and the sauce is too thick, add liquid to the dressing.

If the sauce, on the contrary, turns out to be too liquid, then cheese will help correct the situation. That's all the tricks of this dish.

If you are in a special mood and desire, you can experiment in your kitchen. For example, not everyone likes champignons. You can replace this component with oyster mushrooms or porcini mushrooms. The latter give the dish more richness mushroom aroma. As for bacon, you don’t have to add it at all. But if you are unable to give up meat, then this component can be replaced with ham. In order to better understand the intricacies of preparing the dish, you can refer to the video presented above.

Carbonara is considered to be an Italian classic, and although the homeland of the dish is indeed the province of Lazio, the dish was invented by American soldiers. At the heart of authentic carbonara, in addition to the pasta itself, is a sauce based egg yolks and fried cheek, but like any classic, over time even alla carbonara has been transformed and acquired many variations. One of the latter is the one that is prepared on the basis of cream, and it is this that will be discussed in the recipes below.

Carbonara - recipe with bacon, mushrooms and cream

This recipe is far from a classic, but no less tasty. Mushrooms, not typical for the classic recipe, make excellent additions to bacon and cream sauce, and dry white wine adds versatility to the taste.

  • spaghetti - 240 g;
  • bacon - 6 slices;
  • champignons - 235 g;
  • cream - 255 ml;
  • wine (dry white) - 115 ml;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • onion— 65 g;
  • a handful of grated parmesan.

Before preparing carbonara with cream and bacon, let the pasta itself cook. Use a dry and well-heated frying pan to fry bacon slices. As soon as the bacon fat has rendered, drain off the excess and place the fried pieces on napkins. Sauté onions and mushrooms in the remaining fat. Add garlic to the frying as soon as all the excess mushroom moisture has completely evaporated. When you hear a pleasant garlic aroma, return the bacon to the pan, increase the heat and add the pasta. Then pour in the cream, add the wine, and when the liquids boil, turn off the heat and add egg yolks. Give the pasta a quick stir, add grated Parmesan and serve immediately.

Spaghetti carbonara with cream and bacon

  • spaghetti - 450 g;
  • onions - 55 g;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • bacon - 95 g;
  • milk - 195 ml;
  • cream - 240 ml;
  • grated parmesan - 35 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • nutmeg - a pinch.

While the pasta is cooking, sauté the onions and garlic in a saucepan. Add the resulting frying with slices of bacon and continue frying everything together, waiting for the moment when the bacon gets brown. Pour milk over everything and let it come to a boil. Next, pour in the cream, add grated Parmesan and leave the sauce to simmer until thickened. Beat the eggs and add a couple of tablespoons of the hot sauce, stirring quickly until the eggs begin to cook. Pour the eggs into the sauce, then add the pasta, a pinch of nutmeg and quickly mix everything again. A little cheese on top and the dish is ready. You should try the dish immediately after cooking.

Pasta carbonara with bacon, chicken and cream

Pasta carbonara with bacon and cream according to this recipe is considered a lightweight alternative to the classic recipe, since it is prepared with a minimum of fat, and most of cream is replaced with low-fat cream cheese.

  • spaghetti - 375 g;
  • bacon - 240 g;
  • chicken fillet - 680 g;
  • onions - 65 g;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • low-fat cream cheese - 240 g;
  • cream - 65 ml;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • grated parmesan - 35 g.

After letting the pasta cook, start preparing a simple mixture of eggs, cream cheese and grated Parmesan - it will become the final chord in our sauce. Use a dry and well-heated frying pan to fry bacon slices and onions. Drain off excess fat, then add the chicken, let the meat set and add garlic. Reduce the heat, pour the cheese-egg mixture over the ingredients in the frying pan, add cream and half a glass of water in which the spaghetti was cooked. When the sauce comes to a boil, add the pasta itself to it, mix thoroughly and start tasting.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Spaghetti carbonara, a classic recipe with cream, bacon, and mushrooms, will amaze anyone who cannot imagine their life without pasta. The recipe for making carbonara is simple, the most important thing is to choose tasty and fresh ingredients, for example, chicken eggs It’s better to use homemade ones, choose excellent bacon, champignons are suitable for mushrooms, the spaghetti itself is better to take durum wheat. Serve carbonara for lunch, complementing the spaghetti with ripe, juicy tomatoes or herbs. Think. you'll like this too.

Spaghetti Carbonara with mushrooms

- spaghetti – 150 gr.;
- bacon – 60 gr.;
- champignons – 160 gr.;
- onions – 0.5 pcs.;
- cream – 130 ml;
- chicken yolks – 2 pcs.;
- parmesan – 20 gr.;
- butter – 1 tbsp;
- salt, pepper - to taste;
- olive oil – 1 tbsp;
- garlic – 1 clove;
- greens - optional.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Prepare everything necessary ingredients according to the list, then you need to put a saucepan with clean water, let it come to a boil. At the same time, peel half a large onion, rinse and dry, chop the onion into small cubes, and also finely chop the clove of garlic. Cut the bacon into oblong pieces.

Wash and dry the champignons, then cut the mushrooms into small pieces.

When the water boils, throw a pinch of salt into it, add a spoon olive oil, throw in the spaghetti and cook according to package instructions. Cook the spaghetti until it's just bite-sized, then drain the water.

Prepare a small bowl - carefully break the chicken eggs, place the yolks in a bowl, and use the whites for other dishes.

Pour the prepared cream into the yolks; you can choose any fat content, depending on your preferences; in my version the cream was 10%.

Afterwards, you need to grate the Parmesan on the finest grater, throw the shavings into a bowl with eggs and cream, and also throw in a handful of chopped herbs. Mix all ingredients well.

Fry bacon, mushrooms and onions on butter until ready.

Immediately add the hot ones into the pan, pour in the egg-cream mixture, add salt and pepper to taste.

Mix everything thoroughly and let it sit for a couple of minutes, then put the spaghetti on plates and serve.

Bon appetit!

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