Home Grape The theory of the origin of people from aliens. Evidence of the alien origin of man. The aliens left the earth, leaving their children on it

The theory of the origin of people from aliens. Evidence of the alien origin of man. The aliens left the earth, leaving their children on it

Disputes about the origin of man are incessant and are constantly supplemented by new arguments in favor of one theory or another. For generations of researchers, humans have been considered non-native creatures whose ancestors originated outside the planet.

Earth is a prison planet, and people are prisoners, restless researchers add to the idea of ​​the appearance of man. All this, of course, contradicts the generally accepted theory related to the evolutionary factor of development. Nevertheless, some reflections on the origin of man, including the versions of exile, are very interesting.

The exile theory claims that our ancestors are aliens from another world. Humans were supposedly deliberately placed on this planet. In a sense, this explains the missing links of the Darwinists in the theory of human origin on Earth. Also, it explains why aliens go on huge space trips to visit us.

There is no doubt that the origin of man includes some degree of evolution, creation by God, and the theory of panspermia. True, none of the proposals can provide decisive and undeniable scientific proof that the claim of human origin on Earth is correct.

The exile theory is perhaps the only theory capable of providing absolute proof and justification for the claim of human origins. In it we find the best explanation of the proposed theories of human origin:

Theory of Exile.

The exile theory dictates the extraterrestrial origin of man. So, our species (homo sapiens) was not on Earth at the dawn of time, and people are actually the last event in the world history of life. Fossils of humanoids on Earth are often found in archeology, but none of the Cro-Magnons has been found older than 60,000 years.

Human genealogy is 100% extraterrestrial, fans of human alien origin boldly claim. The Earth has never given such a significant development as to man. In addition, we have some very dangerous traits that are not inherent in other inhabitants of the planet.

Is the Earth a place of exile for man? The answer from the theory says: Yes! Are humans of extraterrestrial origin? Answer: Yes. What is the true origin of man? The true origin of man from other worlds. That is why we have been visited by tens of hundreds of UFOs over the past thousand years. Observers (relatives by kinship) assess our development by some important criteria.

evolutionary hypothesis.

The theory of evolution is fully supported by mainstream science. According to conventional wisdom, human origins are the result of natural selection among the humanoid species.

However, despite the serious efforts of evolutionists, the theory is increasingly presented as a delusion, since there is no conclusive evidence that the Cro-Magnon originated on this planet.

To date, the theory of evolutionists is being challenged and ridiculed lavishly. It is even presented as a deliberate betrayal of a lie, or correlated with an unfounded opinion. As you know, the camp of adherents of this theory still cannot imagine a transitional form to modern man.

The theory of creation from God.

The theory of creation from God states that man is a divine creation, deliberately settled here. Believers in divine origin rely entirely on unseen, unheard, and untested deities. In general, the explanation boils down to one thing: It was God's will.

Like evolution, the theory of divine origin lacks significant evidence that the beginning of intelligent life came from a single pair of people. Religions such as Islam, Christianity and Judaism attribute the origin of man on earth to a deity/deities.

But again, we are haunted by the question, who should be considered a god? - well, of course, a creature from heaven, because it is there that the gods live. Feel the intrigue (?) the link leads to .

The theory of panspermia.

The panspermia theory modestly states that life did not begin on Earth at all. Biological material was “inflicted” here from other places in space, most likely on board a meteorite. For example, a number of Martian meteorites found on Earth have given researchers reason to believe the objects are carriers of microbes.

Potentially, according to the theory of panspermia, life on Earth is of extraterrestrial origin. However, even if this notion is plausible, the question of how life on Earth began would only change slightly, and begs another question: how did life begin elsewhere in space?

People are excommunication from the stars.

Many people born on Earth experience a strange connection with the stars, and feel like they are part of the universe. Everyone is familiar with the unconscious pull of the night constellations, and the feeling of kinship with distant worlds. Some people (according to polls) even yearn for the stars as if the Earth is a foreign land for them, why is that?

The reason is that humans are not born on Earth. Our origin is in another world, which one day we will be able to visit. Despite all the evolutionary wonders, we are all the same, although this is now our home.

There is another life in the universe, and we are living proof of that. UFOs are being exploited by our relatives, who have kept in touch with us and closely watched humanity for thousands of years.

Why do incoming UFOs seem so interested in our activities, but do not take steps towards rapprochement? This is because the behavior of the great-ancestors was the cause of departure to Earth.

Passengers in UFOs continue to visit and study people to determine a person's fate. It all probably started with the fact that the exiles acted in a criminal way, becoming an interstellar threat, as a result of which they were deprived of their freedom on Earth.


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    On realized and realizable non-Cantor

    Assumption of the final COMPLETE ELEMENTAL DEVELOPMENT (Tsl ER-i) - Adam is not an angel - supposes POSITIONAL VARIOUS (Pzts-o rVd-s) divisions:
    1. to the MAXIMUM POSSIBLE (MksV-th) GROUPABILITY (GRp-b) No. 1 Tsl ER-s - angels - by assuming the MINIMUM POSSIBLE (MnmV-th) Grp-s No. 1 Tsl ER-s - not angels - Adam
    with a non-angel preceding him in the row of CL ER - Satan - in terms of REPRESENTATION (PRDS-i) by them of the cores of Objects /Earth and Paradise/;

    2. Adam himself to the MksV-th and MnmV-th PARTIALLY (Chs) ER-and / to Adam-husband and Eve-wife/
    MnmV-th Grp-b No. 2 of which in terms of Prds-and them the core of Paradise
    requires the assumption of MksV-oh Grp-i No. 2 Chs ER-she - children of Adam and Eve - with angels in terms of Prds-and their surfaces / Paradise - Chs ER-righteous; Earth - angels /
    from among the children of Adam and Eve, supposed outside the Paradise divisions of Adam and Eve, MksV-th Grp-yu No. 3 with angels in the plan of Prds-and them of the surface of the Earth;

    Chs ER-and-sinners - MksV-th Grp-b No. 4 children of Adam and Eve with Satan in terms of Prds-and them the core of the Earth.

    Satan from the level of the beginnings of Grp-i No. 1 directly and indirectly activates the belief of the final Chs ER-i in his team!

    30. Behold, your Lord said to the angels: "I will establish a governor on the earth." They said, "Will You place there one who spreads wickedness and sheds blood, while we glorify You with praise and sanctify You?" He said, "Verily, I know that which you do not know."
    34. Behold, We said to the angels: "Prostrate yourself before Adam." They fell on their faces, and only Iblis refused, became proud and became one of the unbelievers.
    35. We said: “O Adam! Settle in Paradise with your wife. Eat there as much as you like, but do not approach this tree, otherwise you will be one of the lawless.”
    36. The devil made them stumble over him and brought them out from where they were. And then We said: “Throw down and be enemies to one another! The earth will be your abode and subject to use until a certain time.
    37. Adam received words from his Lord, and He accepted his repentance. Verily, He is the Accepting of Repentance, the Merciful.
    38. We said: "Throw down from here all!". If guidance comes to you from Me, then those who follow My guidance will not know fear and will not be sad.
    39. And those who disbelieve and consider Our signs false will be the dwellers of the Fire. They will be there forever.


Found irrefutable confirmation of the truth, which was hidden from us for many years! Mankind was created by aliens...

Despite the fact that Darwin's theory of evolution is considered the main hypothesis about the origin of man, not a single scientist in the world has dared to call it absolutely accurate yet. To be firmly convinced of it is at least strange: Darwinism could not answer many questions about the sudden transformation of apes into humans. After weighing all the scientific facts and evidence, the theory of an alien creation of mankind seems much more practical and real.

1 The Old Gods Were Aliens

The start of the emergence of the cosmological theory of the origin of man was given by the myths of Mesopotamia, Ancient Greece, Roman and Scandinavian tribes. The pagan religious systems of most peoples told that the gods had traits of character and appearance that united them with people. Beings with superpowers were able to sympathize, experience rage and love. The Sumerians claimed that the gods would later leave the earth, but only when they left the people with all the knowledge necessary for survival. Other nationalities can also find myths that the aliens populated the planet with people who began to worship them as gods.

2. The aliens left the earth, leaving their children on it

The history of the relationship between aliens-"gods" and ordinary people is interesting not only to cosmologists and ufologists, but also to the creators of comics. The authors of films about Thor and Wonder Woman just exploit this theory, showing the love feelings that aliens, called deities, experience for their creations. Not a cinematic, but a real hypothesis about the fruits of such love, was created by the British scientist John Pope. After conducting a series of studies, he came to the conclusion that about half of the earthlings are the direct heirs of the gods from another planet. Such people have blue or gray eyes, which contradicts the brown or green eyes of ordinary people of antiquity. They have a fragile physique, long fingers and developed creative abilities. Pope considers all scientific geniuses, outstanding musicians, actors, healers and psychics to be descendants of the gods.

3. Some of these kids show truly extraordinary abilities.

Child prodigies have existed at all times, but today it is easier to find out about them thanks to the media. For example, in the Volgograd region, the teenager Borya lives, who from infancy was distinguished by accelerated development, uncharacteristic for a child. At six months he spoke fluently, at one and a half he read books, and at the age of three he began to learn English. From the age of two, Borya often sat in the lotus position and told his parents that he lived on Mars, shared with them the history of ancient civilizations, which he could not hear from anyone. Trying to communicate with Boreas, the scientists were shocked. He claimed that after a nuclear explosion on the surface of Mars, its inhabitants went underground and learned to breathe carbon dioxide. Borya promises that many children like him will soon appear on Earth.

4. Aliens left people with many organs, the purpose of which is still unknown

There are 90 organs of different sizes in the human body, the functional features of which are still practically incomprehensible. If the appendix used to serve as a filter for natural roughage and is now a rudiment, then the palmar, plantar and subclavian muscles have never been used for their intended purpose by either humans or monkeys. Perhaps with the development of the human body, which does not stop even for a minute, they will acquire their functions. Their very presence proves that the beings who created man knew the course of history in advance and took it into account when creating man.

5. Man quickly adapts to weightlessness, contrary to the laws of physics

Living organisms are extremely difficult to endure life in conditions of constant weightlessness. Everything except humans: scientists have long noticed that homo sapiens have enough days for the digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems to normalize and adapt to new conditions. The removal of excess fluid from the body is accelerated and the vestibular apparatus is rebuilt - the body behaves as if it had spent its entire life in space. No animal has this skill.

Theories of the origin of man

The hypothesis of creation can neither be proved nor disproved and will always exist together with scientific hypotheses of the origin of life. Creationism is thought of as God's Creation. However, at present, some consider it as the result of the activities of a highly developed civilization that creates various forms of life and monitors their development.

External interference theory

This theory is gaining more and more supporters every day. According to this theory, the appearance of people on Earth, one way or another, is connected with the activities of other civilizations. In the simplest version of the alien theory of the origin of man, people are direct descendants of aliens who landed on Earth in prehistoric times (images of Mars are offered as evidence of this theory, on which you can see the remains of buildings similar to the Egyptian pyramids). But there are also more complex options. Such as the interbreeding of aliens with the ancestors of people; generation of Homo sapiens by genetic engineering methods; management of the evolutionary development of earthly life by the forces of an extraterrestrial superintelligence and the evolutionary development of earthly life and mind according to the program originally laid down by the extraterrestrial superintelligence. By the way, the last two versions differ little in their concept from the theory of divine intervention. In addition, there are other, to varying degrees, fantastic hypotheses of anthropogenesis associated with the theory of external interference. The most common is the hypothesis of spatial anomalies.

The followers of this hypothesis interpret anthropogenesis as an element of the development of a stable spatial anomaly - the humanoid triad Matter - Energy - Aura, which is characteristic of many planets of the Earth Universe and its analogues in parallel spaces. The concept of the hypothesis of spatial anomalies is as follows: in humanoid universes on most habitable planets, the biosphere develops along the same path, programmed at the level of the Aura - informational substance. In the presence of favorable conditions, this path leads to the emergence of a humanoid mind of the earth type. If the conditions are not favorable, then the planet remains barren. In principle, this hypothesis is a kind of hybrid between Darwin's theory and divine intervention. On the one hand, it does not exclude development through evolution, and on the other hand, it recognizes the existence of a higher power, which, along with random factors, controls the evolutionary process. And it is quite possible that it is the hypothesis of spatial anomalies, as one of the branches of the theory of external interference, that will be closest to the truth. In any case, now many representatives of various scientific fields agree that the reason for the origin of man must be sought not only on Earth, but also in higher spheres, for example, in space.
The origin of man is the subject of study of several sciences (anthropology, theology, philosophy, history, paleontology, etc.). In accordance with this, there are many theories of the origin of man, in particular, as a social individual, a biological being, a product of the activity of extraterrestrial civilizations, etc. None of the existing theories of the origin of man is rigorously proven. Ultimately, the selection criterion for each individual is belief in a particular theory, everyone has the right to represent their ancestors in their own way.

Adam and Eve - the fruit of genetic engineering?

One of the greatest mysteries of mankind is the question of where, in fact, humanity itself came from. Religion and science have been arguing about this for a very long time, but perhaps the truth is somewhere in between...
Why does a person need virginity?
The Bible says that God created the earth, animals and man - from the dust of the earth in the image of God. Darwin's theory, which we passed at school as an indisputable truth, states that man descended from apes. But even during the lifetime of Darwin, his theory was subjected to strong criticism, and since its appearance it has been considered only a theory, but not the ultimate truth.
There are too many obscure places in Darwin's theory: why does a person who has the same set of biological features as monkeys - feeding their young with milk, the similarity of internal organs, etc. - still have a higher mind and the ability to speak? Why is it that only humans have a hymen, while in the animal world females have nothing of the kind? And most importantly - in Darwin's theory there is no intermediate link between Homo erectus - upright man and Homo sapiens - rational man.
At the same time, the Bible version also does not quite fit into scientific research. Man is created in the image and likeness of God, but why does he still have so much in common with the same monkeys?
All these questions and riddles have not yet found a clear answer and cause a lot of conjectures and versions.
It is interesting that in the USSR, where Darwin's theory was considered immutable as Marxism, there were its overthrowers - however, still within the framework of science fiction. The most popular science fiction writer Alexander Kazantsev in his novel "Faetes" put forward an interesting version of the appearance of man on Earth, while using scientific facts.
For many years, astronomers have been haunted by the mystery of the planet Phaeton, from which only fragments remain. Scientists say that only a nuclear war could destroy the planet. And Kazantsev in his novel combined both the mystery of Phaethon and the riddle of the origin of man. According to him, there was a reasonable civilization on Phaethon, which developed to the manufacture of nuclear weapons and space flights. Shortly before the deadly "luggage" of the Faetians destroyed their planet, several people managed to fly on a spaceship to Earth. They founded a small settlement here and began to equip life. Interestingly, one of the heroes of this book, an outstanding scientist, came to the conclusion that the Faetians would not be able to survive, raise children and preserve their species in the future if there was no influx of "fresh blood". Therefore, he decided to leave for a tribe of monkeys, where he became the leader and acquired offspring. Gradually, these monkeys and the feral Faetians, who lost their memories of their homeland, mixed into one reasonable tribe, which, although it had lost its original knowledge, was able to think, communicate and develop. It must be admitted that it was a rather bold and interesting version for Soviet times ...
Clone of Adam
Meanwhile, the minds of inquisitive researchers have always been occupied with the question: why in any religion (in Christianity, Islam, or even in the pagan beliefs of long-gone tribes) there is something in common - a certain higher being or several creatures that live in heaven. He or they created people, giving them the basic concepts of how to live, both everyday and moral.
Until recently, it didn’t occur to anyone that a person could actually be created, but now that genetic engineering has become quite commonplace, religious stories have been looked at from a new angle. What if a person was really created by some powerful beings from another planet ?
And, interestingly, modern science is already very close to proving this. According to the latest data, the human genome consists of 30-35 thousand genes. At the same time, these genes coincide by 9S% with the genes of chimpanzees.
In addition, there are genes that make humans related not only to mammals, but also to invertebrates and even plants, which nevertheless proves some validity of Darwin's theory of evolution and relatedness of different biological forms.
But the most unexpected result of research is that modern man has 223 genes that no living creature on our planet has. And it is these genes that distinguish humans from monkeys - they are responsible for the mind, language, etc.
"Superfluous" genes
Based on these data, US scientist Zecharia Sitchin published an article entitled "The Case of Adam's Alien Genes", in which he claims that man was created by genetic engineering.
According to Sitchin, aliens from the planet Nibiru once flew to Earth - there is an indication of it in ancient Sumerian sources, Nibiru appears near the Sun once every four thousand years, and about 300 thousand years ago the Nibirian ship landed on Earth, on the African continent. Sitchin suggests that the inhabitants of this planet possessed sufficiently high technology, and flew to Earth in search of minerals. There were too few aliens, and they needed a living labor force. And then they caught a monkey, which, with the help of genetic engineering, added a few "extra" genes, after which it had a mind. So the first man appeared - Adam, and then Eve was created - as a clone of Adam, but with a different set of chromosomes.
Interestingly, according to the Bible, these people lived for several hundred years.
By the way, the hymen, most likely, was "made" to Eve for a reason: the aliens suspected what the nature of a person created from a wild beast and possessing its signs could be - mating indiscriminately and lack of responsibility for offspring. And the aliens, probably, still wanted a human society, not an animal society, to exist on Earth. And they "established" virginity as a kind of restriction on sexual relations, and inspired people that a woman should belong to one man.
The creators left these and other rules of life to their offspring, and humanity began its long journey forward, guided by the precepts of the forefathers...
bible about aliens
Aliens at the same time continued their exploration work and contacted their home planet. Sitchin claims that there was a space airport on the territory of Mesopotamia - with a landing field in Sippar and a control tower in Nippur. It is interesting that if you draw a straight line through these cities, then it will be 45 degrees to the meridian passing through Ararat, which could serve as a guide for landing.
The aliens continued their work, people were fruitful and multiplied and, probably, did not quite correspond to the aliens' ideas about a righteous life, which upset the "owners" a lot. However, in the Bible there is a mention that the sons of God had relations with the daughters of men, which upset God - probably among the aliens themselves there were discords and conflicts about this. And, most likely, the aliens had a certain commander, flight leader, who was responsible for the team and its morality.
And then the Flood happened - probably for some astronomical reasons that caused a natural cataclysm. The aliens knew about it in advance and warned only the righteous Noah (not forgetting to suggest that the flood is a punishment for sins, so that Noah's tribe began to build life according to more righteous principles), who was saved on his Ark.
However, the aliens themselves also remained alive, restored their spaceports and continued to build new ones - for example, in Egypt. But one day they nevertheless left the Earth - for one reason or another, leaving on it the creation of their own hands - a reasonable person who is forced to constantly fight with his bestial essence ...
But all this does not provide an answer to the biggest mystery of the universe. Even if people were created by aliens - who created the aliens themselves, where did the mind come from in the cold abyss of space? ..

At one time, the great Leonardo da Vinci, an excellent connoisseur of the anatomy of homo sapiens, recognized the human body as a perfect invention of nature, in which "there is nothing insufficient and nothing superfluous." However, nowadays doctors have come to the conclusion that the genius was wrong: a person has extra organs, and not just one or two, but as many as 90!


So, what is superfluous, unnecessary in our body? What can you get rid of without regret? Perhaps we should start with the appendix, about which we learned from the school anatomy course that it is a rudiment. Once upon a time, the appendix of the caecum was a reservoir for the accumulation of cellulose and even participated in hematopoiesis, producing white blood cells - leukocytes. With the transition of homo sapiens to less coarse food, it has lost its meaning. And now it often turns into a nest of infection leading to surgery.

It is not clear why nature left us non-working muscles. So, the subclavian muscle, which runs from the first rib to the collarbone, does not carry any function. The palmar, which connects the elbow with the wrist, has lost the ability to support a person in weight: because of this, we now do not know how to move, clinging to branches. Rudimentary plantar muscles are not needed in the present life either. Rather, they can only be useful for grabbing objects with your toes.

Finally, the external ear muscles, designed to control the movement of the auricles, are completely useless to modern people. A person had the ability to move his ears in ancient times: it was easier for him to catch disturbing sounds among the many sounds and, in case of danger, flee in time.


The cervical ribs are completely useless today - the transverse processes of the 7th cervical vertebra, which in certain positions, as well as under loads, put pressure on the neurovascular bundle.

As a result, there are pains of varying intensity, which can only be eliminated with the help of surgical treatment. And the extra cervical vertebra itself, although it makes the neck longer and more elegant, is functionally completely useless. In addition, it can also become a source of pain.

The coccyx is a vestigial tail that allows most mammals to maintain balance when moving quickly and defend themselves from blood-sucking insects. But in the human body, it is absolutely superfluous. Moreover, coccyx injuries are so painful that one has to resort to medicinal blockades.


If we talk about atavisms, then these are, first of all, eyebrows, a beard, mustaches - secondary sexual characteristics in men, as well as chest, back and limbs overgrown with hair. Sometimes inappropriate thickets cause concern to women.

With chills and in stressful situations, we feel goosebumps crawling through the body. This is also a greeting from the past: this is how our bristling ancestors met uninvited guests. Goosebumps are an autonomic reaction of the muscles that raise the hair follicles. The more hair on the body, the more noticeable the "crawl".

It is completely incomprehensible why nature left to some men a semblance of a female uterus and nipples, and to women - masculine vas deferens, placing them next to the ovaries. For the time being, they do not affect the health of the owners, but, having become inflamed, they require the closest attention.


Wisdom teeth grow late in modern people. And the fact of their appearance does not mean at all that their owner has become smarter. Once upon a time, these teeth participated in the grinding of rough food, and now they are only suitable for being a breeding ground for caries.

They do not add charm, especially to girls, and low superciliary arches, various anomalies of the jaws, pronounced fangs inherited from our smaller brothers. By the way, according to scientists, the bones of the nose are also nothing more than a vestige. If they were smaller, like primates, homo sapiens would have fewer diseases of the ear, throat, nose. And the relatively large nasal cavity has long lost its functional significance, since the receptors located in it cannot recognize many subtle odors.


Why is there so much useless rubbish in our body?

Science has an explanation for all these "surpluses". She calls half of the extra organs rudimentary, that is, undeveloped, having lost their original functions. And the other half are atavistic, inherited from human ancestors in the process of evolution. However, not everything is as smooth in this theory as we would like. It is worth starting to understand it in detail - and immediately doubts arise.

It is believed that our ancestors were higher primates, which include gorillas, orangutans and chimpanzees. The very first hominids, called Australopithecus (from Latin australis - "southern" and other Greek pitekos - "monkey"), were born 3-4 million years ago in Africa. It was the Australopithecus who managed to get on their feet and left the tropical forests for the savannah, where bipedalism was very useful: it turned out that it was more convenient to run after prey on two legs for a long time.

Then, 2 million years ago, Homo erectus, Homo erectus, appeared in Africa. It was the hominids that gave rise to Neanderthals and modern humans. Consequently, higher primates must have all the main features of the anatomical structure, and even more so the extra organs inherent in homo sapiens.


In reality, everything is not so. Take, for example, the digestive tract. In an omnivore, it is 10-13 times the length of the body, as in herbivores, while the breakdown of plant fiber occurs in the developed large intestine.

In chimpanzees, who are happy to eat meat - various insects and their larvae, lizards, mice - and even collectively hunt small ungulates and other monkeys, the length of the intestine is much smaller. And our even more distant ancestors, predatory mammals, do not have an appendix at all. By the way, primates do not have ear muscles, and the “locators” themselves are small, although they really need both of them in life.

It turns out that in the process of evolution, a reasonable person never got rid of unnecessary organs that his ancestors, primates, did not have! It turns out illogical.


Doctors who monitor the health of cosmonauts have long noticed one significant physiological feature in the "crown of creation": the human body very quickly adapts to weightlessness conditions. Literally in a day or two in space, the human digestive system begins to work normally, excess fluid is removed from the blood, and the vestibular apparatus, which once arose under the influence of constant gravity on our planet, also adapts.

But the reverse process of adaptation to earthly life is delayed for weeks. Although, it would seem, everything should be the other way around.

An original hypothesis explaining these contradictions was proposed by the famous explorer of the unknown, an American of Russian origin Zakharia Sitchin. His hypothesis of the appearance of homo sapiens sounds like science fiction. Nevertheless, it is developed on the basis of ancient documents of the Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations. Sitchin found in them convincing evidence that in ancient times the Earth was visited by aliens from outer space: they created the human race in their own image and likeness through genetic engineering.


Briefly, the content of Sitchin's hypothesis can be stated as follows. In addition to the 9 known ones, there is another planet in our solar system - Nibiru, or planet X, which approaches the Earth once every 36 centuries. Its inhabitants (in the Bible - the Nephilim, in the Sumerian epic - the Anunnaki) first landed on our planet, presumably 445,000 years ago. Even then, their civilization was far ahead of our current one. However, they had to pay for the fantastic technological progress on Nibiru with the depletion of natural resources.

The Anunnaki looked to Earth as their source. To develop its natural reserves, a party of settlers was landed on Earth. Southern Mesopotamia became the center of the space colony, where the Sumerian state arose much later.


Time passed, and hard labor in the mines on Earth got tired of the Anunnaki: they began to grumble and even raised a rebellion.

Then the rulers of Nibiru decided to literally bring out a replacement for them. And the semi-monkey Homo erectus, Homo erectus, was chosen as the source material, although, frankly, there was little human in it. The process of breeding a new creature with the help of genetic engineering took a long time, but in the end the Nephilim got what they wanted: modern man - a hybrid of a half-ape and anunnaki. This, according to Sitchin, explains why homo erectus, which had not tried to get out of the Stone Age for 2 million years, suddenly changed overnight and took up not only hunting and gathering, but also agriculture, and then metallurgy.

But the aliens from the planet Nibiru were in for an unpleasant surprise. People began to multiply rapidly and, which was absolutely unacceptable for the Anunnaki, began to settle in vast regions remote from the centers of alien control, moreover, they were absolutely uncontrollable and aggressive. So their further use as slaves for the development of the earth's interior became impossible.


Then the Nephilim decided to destroy their failed creation, and at the same time all evidence of their activities on Earth. They acted on the planet with a powerful energy impulse, which raised a huge wave that flooded the entire land. However, among the aliens involved in the project of creating man, there were those who secretly sympathized with their creation.

They not only warned people about the coming flood, but also helped to hastily build a large ship. The most intelligent of the then people, the biblical Noah, ascended it, prudently taking a pair of each creature. The Nephilim waited out the flood in their spaceships, remaining in the skies above the Earth.

To begin with, the Nephilim taught Homo sapiens how to farm, choosing for this the Sumerian tribes in Mesopotamia (now the territory of Iraq). After 500 years, they repeated their mission in Egypt, and after another thousand years - in the Indus Valley.


Here is such an unusual story, according to Sitchin's hypothesis, happened to a person. All the extra organs that are only in our body appeared thanks to a “cocktail” of alien and homo erectus genes. By the way, indirect confirmation of this hypothesis is the lack of an unequivocal answer to the question: why does the human genome contain 223 genes that do not have predecessors at the lower stages of evolution? This reliable scientific fact still does not fit into any modern evolutionary theory.

On the other hand, the recent discovery of Japanese scientists speaks about the possibility of the existence of the planet Nibiru. They calculated that the mysterious planet X wanders around the outskirts of the solar system. It moves in an elliptical orbit with a radius of 15-26 billion kilometers, turning around the sun in more than 1,000 years.


Various extraterrestrial civilizations conducted genetic experiments on Earth many thousands of years ago. Since then, various races have lived on our planet ...

Now many scientists quite reasonably believe that many centuries ago our ancestors directly communicated with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. According to these researchers, the "astronauts" repeatedly visited the Earth for various purposes, leaving numerous traces of their stay on it. This is evidenced by archaeological discoveries, which we will talk about today.

Human skulls with horns have recently been found in the Gobi Desert. They were unearthed by the Belgian scientist Friedrich Meisner. Based on this, he suggested that aliens conducted genetic experiments on our planet in the distant past.

No less sensational discovery, confirming the version of the genetic experiments of extraterrestrial civilizations on Earth, was made just a few months ago by Egyptian scientists. In the secret room of one of the pyramids, they found the well-preserved mummy of a 16-year-old Egyptian girl, who, according to careful instrumental studies, died more than 5,000 years ago. She was pregnant. The fetus in the mummy was found using an x-ray machine. But here's the problem! After all, the Egyptians mastered the technique of mummification only 1000 years later. Moreover, the unborn child is a completely unknown form of life on our planet. Based on this fact, many scientists now conclude that representatives of various extraterrestrial civilizations took part in the creation of people on Earth.

They, according to our current researchers, mixed their own DNA and the primates that existed at that time on our planet. This is where all the earthly races supposedly originated from. In addition, some scientists believe that the Japanese nation, unlike all others, was created by the geneticists of such an extraterrestrial civilization, which was characterized by spiritual unity within the people and physical sameness. That is why the Japanese are exceptionally spiritually united and physically very similar to each other.

Over the past five years, Egyptologists have established that the arrangement of the three pyramids at Giza mirrors the arrangement of the three stars in the constellation Orion. This means that this complex, including the sphinx, carries some semantic cosmic load. The ancient Egyptians themselves clearly did not need this. And who then had an urgent need for this? It turns out that the aliens. At least the oldest Egyptian papyri claim that before the dynasty of the pharaohs, gods, that is, aliens, ruled Egypt for thousands of years.

At the beginning of the new century, near the small Italian town of Val Camonica, in a place called the Valley of the Gods, numerous drawings were found depicting humanoid creatures with halos around their heads that resemble the helmets of "astronauts" or halos of saints. Scientists say that thanks to these drawings, the place got its name. More than 20,000 rock paintings have been found here to date. According to researchers, they were inscribed on the rocks about 10 thousand years ago. One of the images clearly depicts a procession, reminiscent of a meeting or farewell. 20 people lined up in a row and hold each other's hands. Opposite them are depicted humanoid creatures with “helmets”. Such drawings of "astronauts" are found on all the walls of the caves of the Valley of the Gods. Who made these drawings? Ancient earthlings or aliens? The question is still open! But scientists no longer doubt that they depict aliens from other worlds of the Universe.

In 1963, a vast underground city was discovered in Turkey quite by accident. Since then, thousands of tourists have been there to admire the most unique architectural structure of ancient times.

The city has 13 floors. According to scientists, it was built in the IX-VIII centuries BC. Numerous cells, passages and galleries were hollowed out at a considerable depth. The air in the dungeon is surprisingly fresh thanks to the large abundance of ventilation shafts. To date, researchers know more than 1,150 small and 25 large air shafts, extending to a depth of 80 meters. All underground dwellings are interconnected by passages with a total length of more than 10 km. Since there are not even any signs of dumps of soil extracted from the ground around the city, scientists tend to believe that the underground structure is the work of the mind of extraterrestrial beings, but it was worked out for people in case of some kind of global cataclysm.

In the early 1990s, an extremely well-preserved human mummy was discovered in the thickness of the ice of the Alpine mountains. Its age, according to experts, is at least 5300 years. Until September 2000, it was stored in a special room at a constantly low temperature. But researchers of various modern professions got down to business. They raised the temperature in the vault to two degrees above zero. The mummy's body became soft. Then the forensic experts decided to take tissue and bone marrow samples.

The work was carried out with the greatest care. But when the surgeons opened the chest, everyone in the study was dumbfounded to see something shiny under the cold white light of the operating room where it all happened. When the researchers parted the ribs of the Iceman, they saw something amazing - an implanted artificial heart, much more advanced than those used by modern medicine. It follows that the mummy is most likely an alien of physical and biological origin left on Earth. But it may be that this is a man taken by the aliens, whom they cured of a heart disease, and only then he died of old age.

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