Home Trees and shrubs Marilyn Kerro - how to get an appointment. Marilyn Kerro - biography, information, personal life Is it true that Marilyn Kerro

Marilyn Kerro - how to get an appointment. Marilyn Kerro - biography, information, personal life Is it true that Marilyn Kerro

Marilyn Kerro is a participant in three seasons of the show "Battle of Psychics" on TNT. Three times she was close to victory, but each time she became only the second. Despite this, she is rightfully considered one of the brightest and most talented characters in the Battle.

Marilyn Kerro was born in a small village in Estonia on September 18, 1988. Marilyn's parents wanted a boy. As Mary herself tells, in childhood she was deprived of parental affection. The girl's father, whom she does not consider as such, drank heavily and left the family when she was 5 years old.

Mary was introduced to the world of the dead as a child by her aunt Salme. She did not have her own housing, and the only way to earn money was fortune telling to the residents of neighboring houses. How and when the woman died is unknown. One day, Aunt Salme did not appear at home, and since then no one has seen her again. She left behind a Bible in Old Estonian.

The biography of Marilyn Kerro is closely connected with extrasensory perception at an early age. The girl began to see the future when she was 6 years old. Kerro received much knowledge from the spirit of her great-grandmother. Marilyn's childhood was not like all children. She loved nature and fishing, and she had practically no friends. The little girl held séances in an abandoned house on the edge of the village. Marilyn knows her date of death and is sure that she will die in April 2071. This fact does not scare her at all.

Mary went to a simple school and graduated with honors. The family did not have money to enter a higher educational institution, and the girl began to work. The biography of Marilyn Kerro is rich in a variety of professions that had to be mastered. At first, she worked as a salesperson for three months, but was laid off. Then she became a packer based on vegetables. But the future star realized in time that she deserved a more successful career, she did not want to repeat the fate of her mother. And the next step in her career was the modeling business. After graduating from courses at a modeling school, the girl worked as a model in Tallinn for 6 years.

Photos of Marilyn Kerro from the time of her career can become an example and model of beauty, style and self-presentation in front of the camera for aspiring models. The girl chose this path to prove her importance to her father in society. Her mother supported her, because she wanted to distract her daughter from the spiritualistic "fun". At the age of 16, Kerro experienced anorexia, and a year later she faced a more serious illness - bulimia.

The fight of extrasensories

In 2013, Kerro first participated in the "Battle of Psychics" season 14. On the set, the girl managed to impress those present not only with her dazzling beauty, but also with her abilities. The methods by which Mary summons the souls of the dead intimidate even the most staunch skeptics. Her trials begin with the shedding of blood, which the psychic sacrifices to the dead.

Marilyn Kerro in the show "Battle of Psychics"

On the set of the Battle of Psychics, Kerro often changed her image: from cute and angelic to bitchy and scary. The witch essence lies in this, in order to be able to transform in seconds from a beauty into a monster, frightening others. Marilyn Kerro passed some tests without a single mistake, striking observers with the clarity of the information she gave out. Opponents frankly disliked the red-haired beast. The celebrity was very upset by these situations, she often wanted to cry, experiencing her pain. But the psychic turned out to be much stronger and did not give vent to tears. In the final of the Battle of Psychics-14, Kerro became the second.

In September 2015, Mary participated in the show “Psychics are investigating. Season 6. In the program, her rivals were the strongest participants in the history of the show.

On September 19, 2015, the new 16th season of the Battle of Psychics began on the TNT channel. All applicants gathered in the clearing and were delighted with the appearance of Marilyn there, meeting her like a star. But as soon as it became known that the star did not come to support one of the applicants, but to compete for participation, the enthusiasm of the magicians changed to discontent. Throughout the season, Kerro went through one test after another, gaining more and more sympathy from fans, skeptics, and guests of the show. The singer was very impressed by the psychic, could not hold back her tears and wanted to talk to her alone. In the final, Marilyn took second place again, losing the title of winner.

On September 3, 2016, the next, 17th in a row, season of the Battle of Psychics started on the TNT channel. In the second issue, when 12 participants had already been selected, their test was to identify the person who was outside the door in the meantime. There were options that there was a beautiful girl who liked. At the end of the test, Basharov announced the man behind the door as the 13th participant in the battle - Marilyn Kerro.

Unfortunately, this time Kerro failed to become the first. From the very beginning of the battle, despite the brilliant passing of the tests, Mary considered her competitor the master of oriental practices and a student of Osho -. He just won the show. For the third time, Marilyn takes second place. The girl's fans were extremely upset by this, but Kerro learned to look at everything philosophically.

Personal life

Marilyn did not develop relationships with guys before participating in the project. The girl, despite her strength and power in extrasensory perception, is modest and shy in life. Once she admitted that in her life there was even a situation when she was almost raped.

Before filming in the battle, Marilyn was friends with, went on friendly dates with him, but this relationship did not go far. Then Kerro made new acquaintances, and became her new friend. But the guy soon disappeared without explaining to the young witch the meaning of her visions. The girl did not despair, continuing to develop independently, and she did it brilliantly.

In the life of Marilyn Kerro, there were guys with whom she comfortably spent time, but young people could not stand her energy. Everything changed when a participant in the show began to look after Kerro. At first, the couple claimed that there was only professional interest and friendship between them, but time showed the opposite. Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps continued their relationship after the Battle of Psychics. The couple began to live together, they traveled a lot, shared experiences and joined forces with each other.

At the beginning of the 17th Battle of Psychics, Marilyn reported that Alexander had packed his things and left. In one of the following episodes, the girl said that, in spite of everything, there is love between them, and it will not disappear anywhere. But soon after the show, it became known that the guys finally broke up. The fact is that Marilyn has long dreamed of a family and a child. In an interview, the girl joked that soon she would go to the cabbage patch in search of a baby. But Sasha, apparently, was not ready for this.

Marilyn Kerro now

Soon after breaking up with Sheps, photos of Mary and began to appear on the Web. The couple did not give any confirmation of the romance. But fans of Kerro themselves concluded that they were dating, because, judging by the pictures, they spent their vacation together in Greece. And the winter holidays of Kerro and Hansen also became joint.

It is known that he is Norwegian, was married. In marriage, he had a daughter. What a man does in life is unknown. Mark has an extremely bright and attractive appearance, which was immediately noted by the fans of the ex-participant of the Battle of Psychics. His body is covered with tattoos, and there are piercings on his face and ears.

In February 2018, Mary posted to "

Marilyn Kerro comes from a village in northern Estonia, in the suburbs of Rakvere. Date of birth - September 18, 1988. She knows the date of her death and is not afraid. Kerro believes he will die in April 2071.

In the article:

Marilyn Kerro - Biography

In the 14th season of the Battle of Psychics project, Marilyn did not speak Russian well. The accent is noticeable even now, but the audience likes it. During the time between 14-16 seasons of the show, the Estonian witch learned Russian and is almost fluent in it. She doesn't need an interpreter.

Marilyn Cerro.

She is a vegetarian. I am convinced that animal meat contains negative energy, and she does not need it. The witch is calm about sacrifices, this is the need for a craft. But she loves animals.

Childhood Marilyn Kerro can not be called easy. Mother earned a living and was engaged in raising her daughter. Marilyn's biological father does not want to be called dad, he left the family when Mary was 6 years old. And for the better, he beat his wife, Mary's mother, and abused alcohol. She calls her stepfather her father, he died in 2015.

There was not enough money, and the future witch did not have what her peers had. The reputation of a strange child did not add happiness either - Mary's psychic abilities manifested themselves from childhood after a lightning strike. Because of her loneliness, she wanted to commit suicide.

Stepfather, Mary, mother, sister.

However, she is grateful to her mother. She calls her upbringing free - she was allowed to make mistakes and learn from personal experience. The witch has three sisters, the eldest of whom appeared when her mother was 18 years old. Mary has this to say about her in an interview:

Mom, next to the children, managed to do everything, she went through a lot, and therefore she is strong. I have learned a lot from her. I hope that with my children I will behave the same way.

At first she worked as a salesperson, but she held this position for three months. She liked the work of the salesman, but the downsizing forced the witch to look for a new job. Marilyn worked as a packer at a vegetable base, but she realized that her life would be no different from her mother's. She decided to change everything and enrolled in modeling courses. After graduating, she established a financial position and achieved success by shooting for fashion magazines.

At the age of 17, the girl left school and went to the UK. . The mother took it easy. Mary was not understood at school, conflicts with teachers were common. They became one of the reasons for leaving. The witch doesn't have a good opinion of the education system:

University is life. I myself choose areas of interest to me in education. The school does not teach a person. The school system needs to be changed, grades need to be abolished, because because of them it turns out that this one is an excellent student, and that one is a loser. And they look at the losers: “This is a bad boy, nothing will come of him.” Whether such a person will be able to free himself from uncertainty depends on the person. In fact, a decent person can turn out of him, and a drunkard from an excellent student.

Mary went to the UK with a friend a year younger than her. For two days they had to sit at the station with 20 pounds in their pocket. Then they began to go around shops and coffee houses in search of work. In one of the establishments, a friend found a position of waiters and housing. After a while, Mary came to her homeland.

Marilyn returned to school and graduated with honors. She dreamed of getting a higher medical education, but failed. She could not stop working, there were times when there was no food in the house. The girl did not have enough time to get an education; from school age she did not miss the chance to earn extra money. But she did not leave her plans:

I want to study as a family doctor, because I feel a person energetically and see diseases, I could prevent a lot, and people will benefit. But everything will happen when I'm ready for it.

After graduation, Mary continued her modeling career in her homeland. She has been in this business for about six years. It is difficult to doubt that she has achieved success, Marilyn's appearance attracts the attention of men who watch the Battle of Psychics. But she did not consider her career as a model a vocation. According to Mary, she succumbed to the influence of her mother:

Her dream did not come true, and she tried to make it through me. It was a modeling business. But I have a strong inner self, and I was able to express that this is not mine. Mom understood what she was imposing on me ... But this is also a life experience.

Despite her bright appearance, Marilyn Kerro had no personal life. At the beginning of the 14th season of the Battle of the Psychics, she claimed that she had neither a husband nor a boyfriend, and had no relationship. Marilyn ate loneliness with junk food.

There are many reasons for him and distrust of men. The witch's social circle was small - her best friend from Estonia, her mother, sisters and their husbands, as well as her stepfather. There was a friend named Michael, he died a few years ago. Mary has no friends in Moscow. She is picky in communication.

They tried to rape Marilyn Kerro (photo from the official VK group).

An unsuccessful attempt at rape is another cause of problems in personal life. After the incident, she left a bruise under her eye and marks on her neck after strangulation, the main and severe one being psychological trauma, she did not allow Marilyn to start a relationship with a man.

Posted to the public with photos taken after the terrible incident, Kerro decided to support the victims of violence and declare that it is impossible to remain silent about this. A similar situation can happen to anyone, and victims of violence need support. Marilyn believes that most girls who grew up without a father have problems with the opposite sex in adulthood.

Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps.

There were rumors of a romance. In the show of the 14th season, a psychic from Estonia met love. Mary says that the competition in the "Battle of the Psychics" did not interfere with her personal life. Relations began a month and a half after they met.

In 2016, viewers of the show were upset by the confession of a difficult relationship with Sheps. The reason for this is Mary's desire to have children and a family, but what Alexander wants is a mystery. She is ripe for a relationship and is sure that she knows about the problems of the family after the birth of children:

A woman in a relationship loses herself after having children. She devotes herself 100% to children, does not develop and forgets her husband. A man thinks why he is needed if nothing is shared with him. He has nothing to talk about with such a woman, and he leaves. In a relationship, the woman and her interests come first, then the husband, then the children. When there is harmony between them and a woman feels her own dignity, children do not need special attention, they will grow up happy.

“Men hold back their emotions, they work hard. A man is not necessarily the head of the family, both are equal in it. But it’s not like that - I earn money, it’s up to me to decide. ”

Now Mary speaks like this about people who close themselves from love:

These are frightened people. They are afraid that they will be hurt, but then it is better to go to the cemetery, because you are afraid to live. There are both joys and sorrows in life, they go hand in hand, there are no other options.

In a similar way, the girl spoke about relationships that do not develop. It's about the uncertainty and fear of people, they are afraid to take a step and experience pain. Recommends getting rid of fears, life with them will not lead to good.

Witch voodoo dolls.

Marilyn advises to move away from the ego and listen to the voice of the heart. You feel bad together - leave. Okay, but there are problems that need to be addressed. She is sure that every person is given signs, they need to be able to recognize and distinguish from manifestations of their own ego.

Marilyn tattoos

Tattoo Kerro.

The witch has tattoos on her body. On the left hand, a tattoo in the shape of a butterfly and with a name Michael. This is the name of a friend who died six years ago. She calls him a ray of light, in memory of this man the girl wears a tattoo. What happens between friends, she calls spiritual kinship, it occurs when people have known each other for several incarnations:

Spiritual kinship means that you are there for other lifetimes. It feels like you've known the person for a long time. And they are right, because they met him in past lives. That's where awareness comes from. But in the spiritual world there is no concept of “friendship”… This is the memory of lives lived together, because we live more than once.

Many of the photos do not have this tattoo, it was removed by a photo editor. Viewers of the "Battle of Psychics" considered the images on Mary's body a fake. But the tattoos are real, except for the runes on her stomach and chest, which she showed in the test with the trunk in the 16th season.

On Mary's neck is a tattoo with the inscription Believe, which translates from English as "believe." There is also an inscription under the chest - Verus Amor, which means "true love" in Latin.

What type of magic does a witch practice?

Marilyn Kerro is angry.

Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro positions herself as a voodoo magician. She uses animal entrails, blood, knives, candles, and wax dolls during her magic. Mary works with egregore voodoo and with the world of the dead. She also uses blood, and the depth of the cuts she inflicts on herself shocked the audience of the show. But Mary takes this calmly and does not believe that the cuts will negatively affect her well-being. He practices blood magic, and considers cuts a necessary measure, it cannot be abandoned when you need to get a result in witchcraft.

An aunt introduced Kerro to magic, she was a witch and earned fortune-telling. Education began in early childhood. At the age of six, Marilyn survived a lightning strike, after which the abilities manifested themselves in full force. Voodoo magic and the help of the dead, visions of the future became available to her. In adulthood, Marilyn found the book of her great-grandmother, she was also a witch. The study of magic and a career as a clairvoyant became the main reason for the end of her modeling career.

The witch calls her favorite entertainment in childhood, they came to her seances and moved objects. She then learned to see spirits without spiritualism. The first time this happened, the aspiring young witch was frightened. It happened while playing with my sister in an old abandoned house. She saw a woman who lived in it until death. Later, the abandoned house became the place where she performed rituals.

During one of the séances held by Marilyn after she found her great-grandmother's book, her owner appeared to her. And she said that magic is the life path of her great-granddaughter, she takes over and becomes the next witch in the dynasty. Ghosts can't scare Marilyn. She knows how to lure creatures from another world with the help of blood.

Marilyn was unable to decipher her great-grandmother's notes. An Estonian specialist in old books helped in this. With his help, she managed to understand the knowledge left by the previous witch in the family. When Mary took up the purposeful study of magic, her friends noticed how she had changed. Views on life became more serious, high spirits evaporated. Marilyn began to take the choice of friends seriously, and the gift of clairvoyance helped to know the intentions of others. During this period, Mary decided to become a psychic.

Despite being wary of men, Marilyn Kerro loves to attract attention and arouse admiration. She feeds on the energy of male attention and considers attractiveness and femininity to be important qualities for a witch.

Marilyn Kerro in the "Battle of Psychics"

Marilyn Kerro appeared in the Battle of Psychics project in the 14th season. She took second place and lost first to Alexander Sheps. During the show, Marilyn received more than one white envelope, and this is a well-deserved reward for the ability of an Estonian witch. She impressed the audience as a strong witch from the first episodes of the 14th season.

In the early days of filming, Kerro admitted that she felt uncomfortable under the guns of photo and television cameras. She grew up in the countryside and wasn't used to having so many eyes on her. And taking into account the modeling past, shooting was difficult for the witch. She decided to participate in the show when she saw herself at the "Battle of Psychics" in a dream.

During her participation in the 14th season of the Battle of Psychics, Marilyn believed that victory was gaining valuable experience. In an interview, she said that the shooting made her stronger and gave her self-confidence. According to Mary, numbers and places are just numbers and places. It doesn't matter to her.

Marilyn Kerro at the Battle of Psychics.

In the 16th season of the show, Marilyn Kerro came with fans. On the Internet resources dedicated to the project, they argue that Marilyn Kerro came in the 16th season for the first place. She had the second, and the third and lower is not in the status of a powerful witch and can hit her reputation. Kerro had considerable experience, a magical gift, as well as perseverance and willpower. However, Mary came in second.

She returned in the "Battle of the Psychics" in the 17th season. The reason was problems in relations with Sheps. Before the start of the 16th season, she spoke in an interview about her attitude to the second place in the project:

For me, the victory in the "Battle of Psychics" did not matter, and Alexander said the same. More importantly, I found a kindred spirit. When we reached the final, we laughed among ourselves that it doesn’t matter at all which of us wins.

Kerro has a special attitude towards fans. She regularly holds meetings, answers questions from subscribers and leads fan groups on social networks. Communication with admirers is an important part of a witch's life.

Write your wish on paper. It's important to get it right. For happiness, buying an apartment is not enough, so write - “new apartment”. When writing, imagine that the wish has come true. Try to feel the joy of having what you dreamed of.

Place the wish leaf in the bottom of the pot and cover with soil, then plant. Pour with these words:

Grow, my desire, I will look after you, groom you and cherish. You will grow up strong, healthy and beautiful. I will admire you, and you will give me joy.

The spell is said at every watering. The potty should be in the bedroom. You have to take care of the plant, it grows - the desire is preparing for implementation in real life. If it dies, it will not be fulfilled. It will be fulfilled when the plant gets stronger.

How to get an appointment with Kerro

Photo Kerro in Instagram.

Like Marilyn, she accepts people who need magical help. Receptions are held in Moscow, where the clairvoyant lives. You can sign up on its official website. Marilyn Kerro is on Instagram, Vkontakte and other social networks, where phone numbers are indicated for making an appointment.

She started helping people at the age of 17-18, but she considers such a definition selfish, as she said in an interview:

I wouldn't call it help, it sounds selfish. Rather, people come to me for advice or direction.

In 2015, Marilyn received people in a four-room apartment rented in Moscow, where she lived with Alexander Sheps. It is located near the city center. However, the energy of the clients began to interfere with the witch, and she rented an apartment specifically for receptions. In an interview, Mary said that buying real estate in Moscow is expensive for her. The appointment schedule is different from the usual, and there are no days off:

I am a night person, my day starts at twelve o'clock. I tried to take it at an early time, but I can’t, because I can’t work energetically in the morning. Every day with people, and if I miss one, there is a feeling that this is not enough.

From an interview for EESTI PAEVALEHT, it became known why the queue for Marilyn is scheduled ahead:

I took three to four people a day, I realized it was a lot. Now there are two. Mister says that this is a lot, but I feel that two is what you need. When they come to me with the theme of death, I cancel the next appointment, because there is no energy.

Before receptions, the witch does not eat, she drinks herbal tea. She is used to having breakfast in the evening, and considers it harmful to eat before practicing magic. Mary and Alexander's refrigerator is almost empty - the couple eats in a cafe or orders food at home.

Marilyn conducts training seminars in Moscow. They make it possible to learn a lot personally from the clairvoyant and discover the abilities dormant in each person.

  • Along with this article read:

Marilyn Kerro offers to purchase products with magical properties. These are voodoo dolls, they will become a personal assistant in any business. Each is unique, just like people. The voodoo doll set contains Kerro-charged stones and signed instructions for use. She also publishes books on practical magic.

The beginning of the biography of Marilyn Kerro

So, as previously mentioned, Marilyn Kerro was born in 1988 on September 18, in Estonia. "Life" itself presented many trials for Marilyn. Therefore, the girl’s childhood and youth passed in difficult conditions, her father drank deeply, her mother worked and was engaged in raising her daughter alone. Marilyn Kerro did not have much that other children of her age had, there were times when there was not even food in the house, but, despite all the difficulties and difficult life trials, Marilyn graduated from a regular school with honors, which is very commendable, but because due to the constant lack of money, Marilyn could not enter and, therefore, get a higher education.

All that remained was to work to help her mother and somehow provide for herself. Marilyn went to work as a salesperson, she liked the job and suited her, but even here life gave her an unpleasant surprise - after working for about three months, Marilyn Kerro fell under a layoff and again she had to look for a new job. This time she became a packer at a vegetable warehouse, but she understood that this was not a way out, and if she did not change her life soon, then life would break her, as it had broken the life of her mother and many other people. Realizing and understanding this, Marilyn sets herself the goal of changing her life and everything that surrounds her.

Continuation of the biography of Marilyn Kerro

She enters and successfully completes modeling courses. From this moment of awareness, doors of opportunity began to open before her - Marilyn began to earn good money by working as a fashion model and, accordingly, being photographed for various magazines. However, Marilyn also leaves this job, because she comes across old books that belonged to her great-grandmother, who was a witch and had no small power and great knowledge in the field of voodoo magic and much more. These are the books that the current participant in the battle of psychics of the 14th season, Marilyn Kerro, began to carefully study. Having learned a lot of knowledge from them, possessing a strong will and vital hardening, the newly made witch began to experiment.

At one of the seances, the soul of her great-grandmother appeared to her, which gave Marilyn not only faith in her abilities, but also said that this was her life path, which she should continue, taking the baton and becoming the next witch in their family. Since then, a completely different life has begun for the psychic Marilyn Kerro, the human soul is no longer a secret for her, and her life path too. According to her, she will leave for another world at the age of 72 years.

As for the battle of psychics, she decided to come and reach victory after she saw a prophetic dream in which she participates in this already world-famous reality show. In addition, Marilyn was well aware that, with her knowledge and experience, it would not be difficult to reach the final, and she would not have to apply to win.

At the end of the article, we note that the Magic Constellation website does not provide any false information, does not provide any services on behalf of well-known psychics, for example, Alexander Sheps, Marilyn Kerro, Frau Rotter, Ekaterina Ryzhikova and other participants in the battle of psychics season 14.

Well, on my own behalf, I would like to say that the psychic Marilyn Kerro is a young, strong participant, but I would not underestimate the other participants in the battle. In particular, these are: Alexander Sheps, Frau Rotter, Ekaterina Ryzhikova.

The worst thing in the life of any person is illness or death. How hard it can be for a patient or his relatives to realize that doctors cannot (or do not want to) help - this happens, and not so rarely! And death is almost impossible to come to terms with, and the relatives of the deceased after his death are often tormented by doubts: have they done everything to prevent the inevitable, who is really to blame for the misfortune? If the attending physicians and practicing psychologists are powerless to help the living and calm the loved ones of the dead, then people seek help from healers, fortune tellers, wizards and sorcerers. But how to distinguish a clever swindler from someone who really has a gift?

In our time, when any business is put on a commercial basis, those who are thirsty for healing or those who are in search of truth are ready to pay the highest price, if only there was a result. A young woman named Marilyn Kerro from Estonia proved that she really knows how to see the past, look into the future, help the living and tell what really happened to the dead. A participant in several seasons of the show “The Battle of Psychics” and “Psychics Are Investigating”, a finalist of three of them, she attracted the attention of millions of viewers: Marilyn demonstrated that she can contact powerful otherworldly forces, but she uses these forces only for good.

How did she become a witch: Kerro was born like this, or did her gift wake up as a result of some kind of incident? What is known about her life before the "Battle of Psychics", did she establish herself as a sorceress in her youth? During her participation in the mystical show, millions of Marilyn's fans were happy for the girl when she began to openly show her sympathy for Alexander Sheps - why did they break up, because it seemed that they were now together forever? It is known that the Estonian found her happiness, gave birth to a boy, moving away from participating in the show - she practices helping people, but no longer participates in television projects. What is she doing now, is it true that she and her common-law husband are expecting a second baby?

Official biography data

  • Name and surname: Marilyn Kerro (Marilyn Kerro);
  • Place of birth: Rakvere (Rakvere in Estonian), Estonian SSR (now the Republic of Estonia);
  • Date of birth: 1988, September 18;
  • Zodiac sign: Virgo; according to the eastern calendar - the Dragon (element of the year earth); patron planet Mercury;
  • Height and weight: 176 cm, about 50 kg;
  • Occupation: self-proclaimed witch, medium, voodoo magician, soothsayer, healer;
  • Participation in the show: “The Battle of Psychics” and “Psychics are Investigating” on the TNT channel, finalist of three seasons;
  • Marital status: in a civil marriage with Mark Alexander Hansen;
  • Children: son Kawis-William (born July 22, 2018).

about her childhood

The future famous female magician was born in the Estonian city of Rakvere. The country has always been known for people with psychic and other magical abilities, and the city of Rakvere has such a mystical history that it is not at all surprising that a woman with great magical powers appeared in it. According to an ancient legend, in Estonia, in the vicinity of Rakvere, there lived a huge bull, endowed not only with terrible physical strength - it was said that the spirit of a sorcerer had inhabited it. When this bull died, its head fell on the place where the city of Rakvere is now located, and the body ended up on the territory of present-day Tartu.

Marilyn has three more sisters - the eldest of them was born when the girl's mother was eighteen. The parents really wanted the boy: they really needed an assistant, and besides, both dad and mom believed that the girl was a weak creature, it would be easier for the heir-son to survive in life. In many of her biographies, they write that the girl’s “strange” abilities were fully opened when she was struck by lightning, but she herself said in the program “Once” on the NTV channel that the weak prerequisites for the gift appeared long before that. Marilyn in the program showed an old abandoned house, where as a little girl she saw strange shadows, as if someone was walking around the rooms, but in fact no one had lived in the building for many years and had not gone there - it was whispered that evil spirits had settled in the house .

The second vivid memory with the manifestation of a mysterious gift was preserved from the period when she began her studies at school. Before that, the little girl already knew: the relationship between her father and mother was not very good, in some articles about her it was mentioned that Marilyn's dad drank, raised his hand to his wife, was not too affectionate with his daughters. Here is how a young woman told in 2017 on the NTV channel: “I saw mom and dad walking towards me, and suddenly I felt a strange thing: they seemed to be near, but not together. And then I realized that they were about to part. And so it happened - very soon her dad left the family, leaving his wife and daughters to their fate. Marilyn, like her sisters, was raised by her stepfather: the sorceress retained pleasant memories of him, the man, unfortunately, died in 2015.

According to her, the magical gift in their family was inherited, and a relative who was known in the district as a female magician was her aunt Salme. Aunt Marilyn made a living by reading cards and coffee grounds, but there were rumors in town that the elderly woman could not only predict the future or look into the past: it was whispered that she could descend into the world of the dead and turn to them for help. It is still unknown how and where Salme died - one day she left home and did not return. After her death, Marilyn found an old Bible written in Old Estonian, and the clairvoyant Kerro claims that the tome has magical powers, and that part of the mysterious energy of the late aunt "flowed" into her through this book.

Youth and life before the "Battle of psychics"

Marilyn's mother worked all her life in a hairdresser: it was difficult for a woman to raise her four daughters after her husband left, although the appearance of a new man in her life helped her cope with the main difficulties. But all the same, the future witch Kerro perfectly saw how hard it was for her mother and stepfather to provide her and her sisters with at least a minimum existence. The sorceress told about her mother: “The upbringing in our family was almost free - it was allowed to do everything and learn from our own mistakes. Our mother is an unusually strong woman, she had to go through a lot, but in spite of everything she managed to work and pay a lot of attention to us. I really want to be the same with my children - strong, fair, wise.

Already at school, classmates and teachers began to notice that something was wrong with a student named Kerro: the girl did not demonstrate her abilities, but all the same, noticeably “strange” forces wafted from her. Because of this, she sometimes had conflicts at school, classmates were in no hurry to include her among their close friends. The future witch, however, studied well, although she does not consider the school system ideal for the formation of excellent knowledge and correct life principles. “A school is not a university of life at all, and grades don’t show at all whether a person is good or not, smart or stupid: grades, if you ask me, should be canceled altogether. Proof of the bias of assessments: a drunkard or a criminal can easily grow out of an excellent student, and a three-grader will become a respected and wise person, ”her words retold by the Grimuar portal.

At the age of seventeen, without finishing school, she and her only closest friend decided to run away from home - there is such information. According to unverified reports, two girls illegally crossed the UK border and got to London. With a friend who was a year younger than her, Marilyn wandered the streets of the British capital in search of work and housing - they looked into coffee houses and small shops. In a small cafe they got jobs as waitresses, rented cheap accommodation nearby, but they did not work in England for very long. It is not known for certain why they had to return to Estonia - most likely, underage girlfriends were deported for violating the visa regime.

Seeing how her mother and stepfather worked hard, trying to feed a large family, Marilyn, upon returning from England, tried to constantly find a job. But first, she graduated from school with a gold medal - even a large number of passes did not prevent her from getting excellent grades in her final exams. She got a job as a salesperson in a local store: she liked the job, the salary was quite satisfactory, but the girl got laid off and ended up on the street. Her next job was a vegetable base - there Kerro worked as a sorter of vegetables. The girl did not like this work: she dreamed of getting a higher medical education and, by combining knowledge and her gift, to help people.

At some point, her mother drew attention to her daughter's hesitation, and the woman decided to help Mary in choosing a future path in life. The fact is that in her youth she wanted to make a career as a model, she dreamed of shining on the catwalk and in famous magazines. But the career of a fashion model (then the word was used in the USSR), as they say, “covered itself with a copper basin”: early marriage, the birth of four daughters one after another, a husband, a despot and a drunkard ... Time was lost, but a daughter, a rare beauty, was growing up, and now in her mother Marilyn set out to make her dream come true - to see her girl in chic outfits on the covers of fashionable glossy publications.


At first, the girl did not succumb to her mother's persuasion: “I want to study as a doctor, become a family doctor! I am sure that I can help sick people, because I see what almost everyone cannot see. And people will benefit, and my gift will receive a noble use, ”she said. It is not known for certain what arguments Mrs. Kerro managed to convince her daughter of the benefits of the modeling business - she probably appealed not so much to future fame and glory, but to material wealth. For several years, the girl devoted herself to the career of a model, and she had some success, which is not surprising - all viewers, visitors to her social networks and a huge army of fans know what an incredible beauty she is.

Yielding to her mother's persuasion and starting acting as a model, Mary still felt discomfort - she felt the growth of mysterious forces that should not have manifested themselves on the podium at all. In her interview, there were mentions of a deceased relative - not an aunt, but a great-grandmother, who was also not an ordinary woman, but conjured and fortune-telled. As if this ancestor woman appeared to her great-granddaughter in a dream and told her that the girl was simply obliged to do witchcraft, only necessarily “bright”. Do not induce damage, do not do lapels and love spells, God forbid - it was the great-grandmother who urged her to do good deeds in a dream, and she should have started immediately.

And the girl had already surprised her loved ones many times by that time that she could predict an unpleasant event in someone's life, even death. There is no evidence that she predicted the death of a person before the “Battle of Psychics”, but there were such cases with animals. For example - with a guinea pig, Marilyn's mother and her sisters still remember this incident. The future “bright” witch suddenly said that the guinea pig was about to die, and the animal was running around as if nothing had happened, healthy and cheerful. And the next day, the girl's relatives saw how Mary, with a shovel and a bundle under her arm, went to the garden to bury the pig - she really died.

The appearance of Marilyn Kerro on the show "Battle of Psychics"

Skeptics who do not believe in unusual human abilities argue: “The Battle of Psychics” and a close “cousin” of the project called “Psychics Investigate” are programs completely “staged” by competent directors. Yes, both in the first and in the second show there are many elements of the production, because the programs are primarily spectacular. In 2017 (the last year of Marilyn Kerro's participation in these shows), the project even received an anti-award "for the popularization of pseudo-sciences" from the Russian Ministry of Education - people of an exceptionally realistic mindset are so skeptical of these programs. But the award "for the popularization of pseudo-sciences" does not mean that these phenomena do not exist in nature! Let's remember: once in the Soviet Union, psychology was also driven out of science with a huge broom, and now it is probably the most popular in the "applied" sense.

So, the first time Marilyn appeared on the TNT channel in 2013, and the rest of the project participants did not immediately like her too much. Let's put it this way: almost everyone almost hated her, because the young woman openly declared herself a witch using the voodoo technique - perhaps the most "dark" and mysterious area of ​​​​witchcraft. As Danis Glinstein, one of the participants in that fourteenth season, said, no one even wanted to move into the same apartment with her (the participants in the show were divided into apartments so that they lived there in twos or threes during the show). But he agreed to live with her in the same apartment, he was not afraid: “The rest told her nasty things, threw earth and salt at her (like they defended themselves from her witchcraft), and no one dared to go live with her in the same room. But I agreed, and as you can see, I’m alive and well, ”his words from an interview with the Heers resource.

He also said about the fear of the sorceress Kerro of the rest of the program participants: “You need to be afraid of small dark people who stealthily do dirty tricks, and not strong and open to everyone around Marilyn - she did not hide her abilities, but she did not plot intrigues behind anyone's back " . The Estonian witch did not come there for money at all - she appeared on the show to prove to the world that the truth is capable of great things, that in fact she has a mysterious gift that she inherited from her female ancestors. It is no secret that many so-called "psychics" come to the project for money and fame, so that later, against the background of their possible victory, they can successfully "cut coupons" from future customers.

Marilyn definitely didn’t come to the “Battle of Psychics” for this - she stated many times later that she was the least interested in money.

The project is very exhausting for those who pass the casting and begin to fight each other for the coveted prize. As a result, those who proclaim themselves to be magicians, sorcerers, healers, and so on, begin to pour out negative things on others, or (if they really have the ability) are taken by a darkened aura to harm others. A bit of a rip-off: in fact, a lot more happens on the show than the audience sees - filming takes six months, and only twelve episodes of each season air.

There are both unsuccessful sessions and shocking ones - there are rumors that sometimes things happen that absolutely cannot be shown to a wide range of viewers in order to avoid general horror. Often, project participants sit for a long time and wait until the next “client” arrives - a person who expects help from them. This whole situation is very stressful, and it is not surprising that the situation in terms of emotions during filming often "rolls over" and almost escalates into quarrels.

How did she perform on the show?

Her methods immediately caught up with fear both on the participants of the show and on the hosts, and on the audience, who saw, it should be noted, a very “smoothed” version - the program, although spectacular, does not aim to cause a collective heart attack from horror in its fans what is happening. The Estonian sorceress declared herself as a voodoo witch, using the insides of animals, her own and others' blood, knives, candles, charmed wax human figures during her work. She also obtains information from the world of the dead and draws energy from egregor - this especially frightened all those involved in the filming. A little background: an egregore is a bunch of energy that forms in crowded places. There was something to be afraid of - the young woman almost openly admitted that she was an energy vampire!

During the sessions, Kerro actively used blood, and often red "material" was used not only from animals, but also from her own - the sorceress without hesitation inflicted cuts on herself, sometimes quite deep. Mary took this calmly, she sacrificed her skin and blood without a single shudder, if necessary - the girl said that there are moments in witchcraft that cannot be dispensed with, and certain methods must be applied, even if they are harmful to the sorcerer. The series, where Marilyn was looking for a doll in a densely populated hostel, amazed both the presenters and the audience to the point of trembling. While she was walking along the corridor, she scared the skeptical inhabitants of the floor to death: she predicted an imminent illness to someone, an injury to someone, and even declared to the married couple that she saw the betrayal of one of the spouses.

In the first episodes, the girl admitted that she felt very uncomfortable: she grew up in the village, there were always only relatives and a couple of close friends nearby, and even working in the modeling business did not adapt her to free communication with people. In the fourteenth season, the girl met Alexander Sheps, relations with whom later developed into something more than cooperation or rivalry (about Kerro's personal affairs - a little later). He, perhaps, was the only one, except for Danis Glinstein, who treated the girl calmly - the rest of her rivals openly disliked the red-haired witch and almost openly told her about it.

It is necessary to make a digression specifically from the description of the display of Kerro's abilities in order to understand what kind of person she is, and not a sorceress. This will help the memories of Glinstein, with whom they became very friends in the fourteenth season. And it all started, as already mentioned, with their settlement in one apartment - no one, except Danis, agreed to live next to the voodoo witch. At one time, they tried to attribute to Danis and Marilyn more than a close relationship, which, as a matter of course, they supposedly developed because of living in the same apartment. A magician from Yekaterinburg categorically denied this: “She works like a witch, but in everyday life she is an unusually bright and pure person, and we immediately became like brother and sister, we didn’t even think about sexual matters.”

Danis said that the girl immediately put things in order in the apartment provided to him, the dwelling became cozy and truly “homely”: “She carefully cleaned every day, made sure that everything was in its place, arranged everything beautifully, placed her amulets and candles everywhere ", - his words. Mary stated that she is a vegan - that is, she does not eat meat and meat products, and prepared her own food, mainly salads and diet soups. Danis wanted to make her happy one day, and baked pies according to his mother's recipe. From his story later: “She walked around the tray with pies for a long time, moved her nose, asked why I baked them. She looked confused and even dissatisfied. Then suddenly one pie disappeared into nowhere, followed by the second - could not stand it and ate! Another young man recalled that when he fell ill, the girl looked after him, bought the necessary medicines.

At the end of the fourteenth season, all the spectators waited with bated breath: who will win - Marilyn Kerro or Alexander Sheps? These two participants eventually fought for the coveted "hand", the prize of the project. The sorcerer Sheps won, but Kerro, judging by her reaction, was not very upset. She stated that her first participation is something like a touchstone, and the experience gained during the competition is much more valuable than the reward. Leaving, she added that she would definitely return to the competition in the future, because she wants to prove to everyone that she is the strongest of the female sorcerers. The audience, having said goodbye to the participants of the 2013 season, began to look forward to the return of the red-haired Estonian sorceress.

She came to the project not the next year, but three years later - for the sixteenth season, in 2015. And again, she amazed her already numerous fans with the gift of clairvoyance, unrealistically plausible predictions, and she also simply drove her into a trance with her unexpected reincarnations, like a real witch. Here she is friendly, smiling, kindness and sweetness itself, and suddenly, in a second, in front of people, almost a fury with a face distorted by anger, formidable and terrible. Unfortunately, this season Marilyn Kerro did not take first place, she lost the victory to the clairvoyant occultist Victoria Rydos.

Her participation in the seventeenth season was not planned at all - she was not even on the list of those who were supposed to pass the casting in 2016. Everyone was sure that the girl was busy arranging her personal life with might and main - in the previous two seasons, a romantic relationship arose between her and Alexander Sheps, which later developed into a civil marriage. And again, you need to turn to the memories of her close friend Danis Glinstein, he later said: “Mary did not tell anyone that she wanted to participate in the seventeenth season, even her mother did not know anything about it. But a week before the start of the season, I had a dream: Marilyn came to me in a dream with her hair combed back (which we saw her during an unexpected appearance on the project) with a baby in her arms - this symbolized something new and unexpected.

They wrote off, and the girl sent a message to a friend: "Tell me something encouraging, kind, I need support now." Danis was not at all surprised when he saw his girlfriend in the program: “She is a real warrior, and not only as a sorceress, but simply as a person. Mary is stronger than any man, very purposeful and strong, and besides, she does not like to lose, no matter what she says. Her appearance at the competition was arranged very effectively: the presenter Basharov invited everyone to guess who would appear on the battlefield now, and what suggestions were not made! Someone saw a woman behind the screen (and it was right), others said that they clearly guessed crimson long clothes (mistake), there were also those who predicted that ... a crocodile was hiding behind the curtain! What a surprise it was when the Estonian witch appeared before the clear eyes of all those present!

Even before that, she was not too favored at the “Battle of Psychics” (participants, not spectators), but here they were frankly disliked in general. How sarcastically everyone took her loss at first glance, when Marilyn could not find the person hidden in the trunk, but indicated a neighboring car. What was everyone's surprise when she stated that she read the information from the head of the leading issue, and he admitted that he forgot in which car the person was hidden! He stated that he actually forgot a specific car, remembered about the place - it turns out that she really dug into his head and from there she was able to “pull out” an approximate place, that is, she almost guessed it! And again, failure: in 2016, Marilyn failed to pick up the prize, she was bypassed by Peter Smirnov, a Russian medium and magician who performed in the seventeenth season of the battle under the pseudonym of Swami Dashi.

What is Marilyn doing now?

She no longer returned to the project - as her friend Danis Glinshtein said again: “I felt that the 2016 season would be her last, or she would win, or the Battle would defeat her, and she would not come there again” . But it was not at all because of this that the Estonian sorceress decided not to participate in the “Battle of Psychics” anymore, most likely she decided to really take care of her personal affairs. She and Alexander Sheps already lived together, and the happy woman made a statement: “I will soon go through the cabbage beds to look for the baby.” In terms of creating a family with Alexander, nothing came of it - about their relationship and further details of Marilyn's personal life will be told very soon. True, the young woman no longer appeared either on the “Battle of Psychics” or on other similar programs, but this does not mean that she has completely retired.

In her hometown, Mrs. Kerro opened a store selling amulets, necklaces, bracelets and other magical attributes, the purpose of which is to bring good luck, to help those who wear them overcome ailments. The sorceress collects all jewelry by hand, feeding them with her energy while working. She has demonstrated many times on her Instagram and other social networks that the truth is doing it herself. The Estonian witch warns: some of the shops she opened in other cities are either fake, or she stopped working with them, so you need to check messages in her groups about where her gizmos are sold, and in which fake ones.

For example, she recently announced in her VK that the Chemodan store in Perm has not had an agreement with her on the supply of goods from her since July. She also urges her fans to very carefully accept invitations allegedly from Marilyn Kerro in order to provide assistance. There are especially many of her fake accounts on Instagram - the main sign that these pages are fake is a very high price. The sorceress wrote that if they ask for 25 thousand rubles or more for a service, this is clearly not her, because her prices are several times lower, and sometimes she helps those in need for free.


In October, the salon-studio "Marilyn Kerro" in Moscow will open its doors again for those who wish to receive help from the sorceress in the form of specially charged artifacts. The studio is located in the Simonov Plaza business center: in addition to jewelry, you can buy scented candles with a magical effect, herbal teas of various compositions. A young woman conducts multi-stage healing sessions of the soul and body in her social networks, this happens completely free of charge: for several days she gives instructions that those who want to heal physically and spiritually must strictly follow, then a noticeable effect will come. Marilyn's mother and sisters help Marilyn in her business: it is known that they are the ones who do all the work in her Tallinn stores, but all the same, their sister and daughter control everything that happens very strictly.

About her personal life

Mary was unlucky in this regard in her youth - young people shunned the girl, from whom they were afraid to “pick up” the evil eye or get a “return”, inadvertently offending her. The story with a mysterious youth friend named Michael (he died under mysterious circumstances) has no sexual connotations - Marilyn claimed many times that they were the closest friends, like brother and sister. The sorceress came to the "Battle of Psychics" without any experience of close relationships with men - she, very embarrassed, admitted this to the public.

During her first season on the "Battle", the girl began to meet with the esoteric Vitaly Gibert, but these were purely friendly meetings, young people did not think about anything more. Rumors about a “everyday” romance with Danis had no basis and quickly “blown away”: the man stated many times that Marilyn was a very close spiritual friend to him, and both did not even have a thought of closer contacts. By the way, Danis later met the witch's mother and her stepfather and was very sad when his stepfather died - he sincerely sympathized with his girlfriend.

The stormy romance that played out in front of everyone between Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps delighted the fans of the girl and the guy unspeakably: they were sure that their favorite had finally found her happiness, and soon the couple would announce the wedding. In the fourteenth season, where Mary took part, they almost always did everything together, and if the girl was late, Alexander immediately became nervous and asked those around him: “Where is Mary?”

With their feelings, they not only made each other happy: two very strong sorcerers seemed to be fueled by double energy, they performed all tasks with ease. The message of the happy woman about her intentions to “look for the baby in the cabbage” was met with stormy joy from her fans: did they really think that Mary was pregnant?

Alas, later it turned out that Alexander was not ready for the appearance of an heir. True, in 2015, rumors began to spread that they were allegedly secretly married, several amateur videos appeared on youtube about how they live gloriously together. Marilyn talked happily all the time about children, about how she wants a baby, and her companion only remained silent and smiled awkwardly - it was clear that he did not like this idea. At the beginning of 2017, the sorceress told her followers on Instagram that Sasha packed up and left - her fans for a long time did not want to believe that such a wonderful couple broke up. After the break, Alexander's fans already claimed that their idol still continues to love the Estonian witch, and there must have been some truth in this: his new girlfriend was so similar to Mary that everyone decided that the couple reunited again.

The meeting with the “simple Scandinavian carpenter” (as Marilyn speaks of him) Mark Hansen turned her whole life upside down, finally she found what she had dreamed of for so long - a family and a child. The sorceress said that as soon as she saw him, the thought immediately flashed through her head: “Here he will be the father of my children!” In July 2018, the happy mother told her admirers and followers that they had a boy, a wonderful baby named Cauis-William.

a happy family

A beautiful Estonian and a Norwegian guy (part-time musician) in the spring of 2019 announced that they would soon have an addition - yes, it was already so clear, because the “pregnant” changes in the figure have long been visible on Marilyn's Instagram photos. The couple hides, as for the first time, the gender of the child, but all the fans of the sorceress hope that her dream will come true and she will give birth to a girl.

  1. Danis Glinstein compared Mary Kerro with Joan of Arc: “Only she will not end her life at the stake, but on the contrary, she will burn all the bad, negative around her, and through the ashes of the burnt she will come to her dream.”
  2. In her first (fourteenth for the project) season, the girl did not know Russian well, they even attached an interpreter to her. She caused laughter with her statement that she did not know much Russian, but she well remembered the words “cat”, “voshka”, “dog”, and another indecent word.
  3. But Marilyn is fluent in English - it was not without reason that she once found a job in London without difficulty. Now the bright witch speaks Russian with virtually no errors and is fluent in Russian writing.
  4. There is an opinion that "bad" sorcerers are not tolerated by animals, especially cats do not like dark witches and witchers. After all, cats live, according to psychics, at the "crossroads" of the world of the living and the dead and guard the otherworldly gates from the exit of dark forces from there. If this is true, then Mary is like a light witch: she has a Maltese dog and a Sphynx cat in her house.
  5. The woman has several tattoos, and they are real, despite the fact that many viewers of the "Battle" believed them to be fake. On her neck, under her hair, she has a tattoo in the form of the English word "Believe", on her stomach - ancient protective runes, above her chest - the words "Verus Amor" ("true love" in Latin). A tattoo with a bird and the name of a deceased friend, whose name was Michael, is clearly visible on the arm from the outside.
  6. Having met the father of the unborn child, she made herself another tattoo - on her wrist, where she had a scar after a suicide attempt. Now in this place is the image of the heart, from which the electrocardiogram line comes out.
  7. Marilyn made a suicide attempt when she arrived in Moscow: “I was in a terrible state then - an unfamiliar city, there was no housing, no work, failures haunted me all the time. I was saved by a friend who accidentally came to visit.
  8. When she was asked in an interview how death smells, Kerro replied: “This swing cannot be confused with anything, it comes from a living being three days before death.” And about love, she said: “Love does not smell of anything, it is pure!”
  9. Now she has complete harmony and happiness in her soul, and she says: “How much time I lost in search of happiness on the side, but it was always in me, I just had to consider it! Everyone thinks that the neighbor’s grass is greener, and they envy, and try to tear a piece of happiness from others, but in fact you need to find it in yourself.”

This woman was remembered by many viewers of the popular show "The Battle of Psychics". Who is Marilyn Kerro, the biography of the Estonian witch is interesting to many of her fans. The girl was born in a small village, which is located in the north of the Republic of Estonia. It happened on September 18, 1988. Marilyn knows when her death will come, but it does not upset her. She thinks she will die in 2071 in the month of April.

Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro participated in three seasons of the Battle of Psychics.

Brought all-Russian fame Marilyn Kerro "Battle of psychics." In season 14, the girl spoke Russian very poorly. She still has an accent, but for many it is pleasant. Between seasons 14 and 16, a witch from Estonia learned Russian, and at the moment she speaks it almost fluently. She no longer needs translators.

Marilyn is a vegetarian. Her confidence helps in this, because the meat of dead animals carries only negative energy. But sacrifices do not frighten her, they are needed for practicing witchcraft, but she loves animals. This is how it happens in our life.

Early childhood

Marilyn's childhood was difficult. Mom raised her daughter and at the same time earned a living. Biological father abandoned them when she was 6 years old. So everyone was better. He committed atrocities, beat his daughter and mother. The real father for her is her stepfather, who died in 2015.

There was no money in the family, and Marilyn could not have what every teenager of her age has. It didn't add to the joy that her abilities were unusual. They manifested from childhood, after she was struck by lightning. But such a life is a life of a loner, in adolescence, Marilyn wanted to commit suicide.

But despite all the difficulties, Marilyn is very grateful to her mother. Education was free, the girl learned from her mistakes and her experience. The girl has three sisters, the oldest of whom was born when her mother was only 18 years old.

“My mother is a strong personality, I learned a lot from her, I think I will behave the same way with my children.”That's what Marilyn says about her mother.

Independent life

For three months Marilyn worked selling goods. But the downsizing forced him to look for another place to work. Then she worked as a packer, packing vegetables. But soon she realized that such a life would be similar to the life of her mother. She enters modeling courses, finishes them and improves her financial situation, showing off on the covers of magazines.

At the age of 17, Marilyn leaves school and leaves for the UK. The mother calmly releases her. Frequent conflicts with teachers were the reason for her departure. The witch had a bad opinion about the education system in Estonia.

“Next was the university. There I choose what I'm really interested in. After all, the school does not teach, the education system must be changed radically. Ratings are evil. After all, a poor person can turn out to be a great person, and vice versa. Or maybe it is the punishment for bad grades that will leave an indelible mark on the child's psyche.

The witch went to the UK with a friend who was a little younger than her. £20 in her pocket and 2 days at the train station, she'll never forget. Bypassing the cafe, they found a job as a waitress. They were given housing. After a while, Marilyn returned to her homeland.

Psychic Marilyn Kerro would like to be a doctor.

Education and career

She again sat down at the desk and graduated from high school with excellent marks. I really dreamed of a medical education, but did not get it. She simply did not have enough time for education, she constantly worked, there were days when there was nothing to eat in the house. But she did not throw her plans for education out of her head.

“I want to be a family doctor, because I feel the energy of a person. I could do a lot of good for people. But that will only happen when I'm ready for it."

After graduating from school, Marilyn continued her modeling career. She looks very attractive, and doubts about success disappear by themselves. But the modeling business is not hers, she just went there under the influence of her mother's words.

“Her dream of becoming a model did not come true, and my mother wanted to realize it through me. My inner self was against it.

Despite the fact that Marilyn Kerro is a psychic and beauty, her personal life was practically absent. In season 14, she said that she had neither children nor a boyfriend. Loneliness Marilyn often just ate junk food.

Marilyn had many reasons for distrust of men. And the circle of men surrounding her is not large. Her friend died a few years ago. Marilyn is quite picky in communication. And most importantly, they tried to rape her, after which there were torn clothes, bruises, strangulation marks on her neck and psychological trauma. All this made it difficult to start a relationship with a man.

Relationships and personal life

There were a lot of rumors: Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps, together or not. In the 14th season of the battle, the girl found her love. Their relationship began a month and a half after they met. In 2016, relations with begin to deteriorate, this upsets the audience. Marilyn wants to have a family, children. She is ready for a long relationship, but the partner is mysterious, what he wants is not clear.

Here is what Marilyn herself says about family and relationships:

  • When a child is born, the man goes to the 2nd plan. He begins to think that he is not needed, and he has nothing to do here. He has nothing to say and just leaves.
  • Children should not be put first. If there is harmony between a man and a woman, children will grow up happy.
  • A man usually works hard, hide his emotions. Equality is needed in the family, and not that I am in charge and my decision is important.
  • We must live hand in hand, then all joys and sorrows will be much easier and easier to endure. After all, all the problems lie in the uncertainty and fear of people. You need to get rid of this. Otherwise it's a dead end. It won't lead anywhere.
  • We must step back from our own listening to ourselves, if together it’s bad, then it would be better to leave. If it’s good, but there are problems, then they just need to be solved. Each person is given signs, they must be seen and able to understand.

Marilyn Kerro tattoos

Name Michael and butterfly is the name of her deceased friend. He was a ray of light for her, so she got a tattoo in memory of him. This is a spiritual relationship that does not arise immediately, but gradually, flowing from all lives. And there is a feeling that you know a person for a long time. And it's true, past lives and encounters are not just words. There is no friendship, there is a memory that passes through the millennia and binds you. Because you are not together in the first life.

Marilyn also has on her body the word "Belive"- "Believe" in English. under breast tattoo "Verus Amor" meaning true love. In the 16th season of the Battle of Psychics, viewers could notice new tattoos - runes on the girl's body. Often Marilyn Kerro puts other temporary henna tattoos on her body.

What kind of magic does she practice?

  • Estonian witch Marilyn is a voodoo magician. She uses animal entrails, blood, wax, wax dolls. She works with the world of the dead. She also uses her own blood, the cuts she inflicts on herself are very shocking. But Mary takes it calmly. She does not believe that these cuts will harm her health. This is a necessary measure in her witchcraft activities.
  • She was introduced to magic by her aunt, who was a witch and earned her living from this. She began teaching at an early age. At the age of 6, Marilyn was struck by lightning, and her abilities appeared. After that, voodoo magic, the help of the dead and a vision of the future became available to her. I read Marilyn and my great-grandmother's book, she was also a witch.
  • Witches' favorite pastime is summoning spirits. They come to séances and move objects. The first time she was scared, it happened when they played with her sister in an abandoned house. She saw a woman who used to live in this house, after its demolition, Marilyn held spiritualistic rites in this place for some time.
  • Soon the witch found the book of her late great-grandmother, and a little later she talked with her spirit. The great-grandmother said that magic is the life path of Marilyn, and passed on the baton of witches in the dynasty to her. Now the ghosts are not terrible for the witch, she can lure them with blood.
  • The notes of her great-grandmother were not immediately clear to her. She was assisted by an Estonian specialist in old books, who sorted out everything that was written. After that, the study of magic became more focused. The duvushka has changed, friends have noticed it. Views on life have become more serious, it has become less fun. And that's when Marilyn leaves the modeling business and becomes a famous psychic.

Participation in the "Battle of Psychics"

For the first time in the project, she appeared in the 14th season, where she took second place, Alexander Sheps became the first. Marilyn received several white envelopes, and this is a well-deserved reward for her abilities. The audience liked her very much, attracted them with her appearance and charisma.

In the early days of filming, cameras were embarrassing for Marilyn. She is a country girl and it is not easy for her, even considering her modeling background. She decided to participate in the show after she saw herself at the “Battle of Psychics” at night in a dream. She was also interested in the work of other people, their invaluable experience.

Shooting helped her become stronger. Place and number in the show did not matter to her. In season 16, Marilyn already had a bunch of fans. Many believed that she would take 1st place. She had rich experience, a magical gift, willpower and the ability to be persistent in everything. But again she takes 2nd place. And again returns to the battle in the 17th season, maybe Alexander Sheps became the reason.

Marilyn Kerro is one of the most emotional participants in the Battle of Psychics. She often cries during filming. As the clairvoyant herself says, her method of reading information is such that she has to pass through herself everything that another person feels. When it comes to serious losses, it is difficult for a witch to contain her emotions.

Anyone can get an appointment with Psychic Marilyn Kerro if desired.

Marilyn's Wish Fulfillment Ritual

If you want your wish to come true, then the ritual of the witch will help you! It's not difficult, but it's very good. You need a small plant, a pen and a sheet of paper. We do it on the growing moon.

We write what we want on paper. We express our thoughts correctly and clearly. For example "new car". Rejoice at this moment! We put a leaf with a desire in a pot, sprinkle it with earth and plant a plant. We water and say “Grow, my desire, I will look after you, care for you and cherish. You will grow up strong, healthy and beautiful. I will admire you, and you will give me joy"

You should say this every time you water the plant. The potty should be in the bedroom. Care carefully as it grows, your desire is preparing to come true. If the plant dies, then the wish will not come true. If the plant gets stronger, the wish will come true.

How to get an appointment with a witch

How to get an appointment with Marilyn Kerro: the official website of the psychic was created for this very purpose. The witch meets people all the time, answers their questions, leads groups on social networks. Communicating with people and helping them is an integral part of her life.

She currently lives in Moscow. You can get to it through the registration on the official website. She has accounts on Instagram, VKontakte and other social networks. Phone numbers can be found there. Marilyn has been helping people since the age of 17, but this is not that help, but rather advice in finding the right direction in a person's life.

In 2015, she received people right in the apartment in Moscow, where she lived with Sheps. However, tired of the energy of people, she rented another apartment, in which she only held receptions. In an interview, she said that she could not afford to buy real estate in Moscow. The witch's schedule of appointments is very tight, and there are practically no days off.

“My day starts at 12 o’clock, I am a man of the night. I tried to get up earlier, but I don’t have enough energy to work early.”

There is a queue for several weeks at the witch's appointments: 3-4 people a day are a lot for her, she accepts a maximum of two. The problems with the death of a loved one that people deal with are very difficult. If this happens, the next move is postponed, as the energy ends. The witch does not eat before the reception, she drinks a special herbal tea. Eats towards evening. She considers it wrong to eat before magic. She does not cook herself, goes to a cafe or orders food to take home.

There is the Marilyn Kerro Center, she holds meetings and seminars in Moscow. The witch offers many products with magical properties, voodoo dolls, they can become helpers in any business. Each doll is unique, as any person is unique. The set with the doll contains charged stones, as well as instructions for use and an autograph. The witch publishes books on the magic of her own author.


People leave reviews about Marilyn Kerro mostly positive. Getting to know her is a life-changing experience. People are not always ready to hear what they are not in the mood for, but Marilyn says that she will tell them everything, since they came to her. People love to ask about wealth. But this question cannot be answered unambiguously. Life can turn around in different ways, one follows from the other, and you can’t deceive fate.

The witch cooperates with law enforcement. She does this not often, as it is energetically difficult and exhausting. She has an esoteric store in Tallinn. She loves her native Estonia, where she communicates with the inhabitants on the topic of magic and sorcery.

“I love Estonia, my family is my life there. My memories are there too. The energy industry in Russia and Estonia is different, I can relax there.”

Marilyn is a powerful witch. She received a lot of positive feedback from people who visited her at the reception. And despite the fact that she performs cruel rituals, she is a sweet pretty girl.

Video "The first video of a pregnant Marilyn Kerro"

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