Home Mushrooms Do husbands change after cheating? After betrayal, there is no such reverent feeling as there was before. How to learn to trust your husband and cope with depression

Do husbands change after cheating? After betrayal, there is no such reverent feeling as there was before. How to learn to trust your husband and cope with depression

I've been dating a guy for almost two years. He served in the army and immediately went to work. Closer to summer, I quit my job and just started hanging out. Disappears at night. He hardly spends time with me.

Now he works part-time as a camp counselor. After the first shift, he stayed with me for a couple of hours and went for a walk with friends who were in the camp. It really hit me hard, I thought that was all. We talked about this topic the next day.

He says he loves me, but hasn't had enough. In the sense that he wants to drink with guys and go to clubs. He is not interested in other girls. I offered him the option of a “break,” but he refused, saying he was afraid of losing me. In the end, we came to nothing. He says he doesn't know what to do. I do not know either.
I understand that he needs to go for a walk. And I would be ready to wait for him, because I know that he doesn’t want anyone else and he only needs time with friends. But I just don’t know how long everything can drag on. But my patience is not ironclad.

Now he is leaving again and I can’t really talk to him anymore - talking to him on the phone is useless.

What can be done in this situation? What compromise can be found? Walking with him is not an option, because he cannot relax with me. And to break up too, after all, that he, that I have some feelings. But I just feel that if everything continues like this, then everything will burn out for me, a lot of nerves will go away. I really miss his attention. Conversations on this topic lead nowhere.

The guy hasn't had enough fun and constantly wants to drink with guys and go to clubs

Hello Maria.
I see that your patience is already approaching the limit, and I am glad that you decided not to delay this issue until a complete collapse in the relationship. Unfortunately, many couples seek help when there is little that can be changed.
You have already accepted that your boyfriend needs freedom, that he needs to have some fun. Now I would recommend that you decide how much time together you need for your own mental comfort. So that in a conversation with your boyfriend you can indicate not just some abstract desire to be together, but concretely. For example: “I understand that you need time to walk around. At the same time, I will be comfortable if I see that I am also important to you. Two evenings with me a week will be enough for me. So that in these two evenings we can walk together and talk. If I know that you are allocating these two days to me, I will be calm, I will know that I am important to you, that you love me. After all, for me, a manifestation of love is not only words, but also an opportunity to spend time together."
In this way, you will set specifics for your partner and show that you do not claim his freedom and independence. You will show that your desire is quite feasible, and you will be able to see how ready he is to listen to your desires.
If you want to more fully explore this issue or, in general, better understand the psychology of the relationship between a man and a woman, contact us for a consultation.
Sincerely, Svetlana Osipova.

From time to time, men come to me who are seriously thinking about getting married, but are hesitant because “I haven’t had enough of it yet”

The man didn't have enough time

From time to time, men come to me who are seriously thinking about getting married, but are hesitant because “I haven’t had enough of it yet.”

I would like to note that they really want to get married, but this villainous “I haven’t had enough time” pins the man down and doesn’t allow him to move forward to the wedding. One might say - it paralyzes, like a pipe, at the sound of which an elephant loses its will. That's why they ask for help.

Why is this happening?

Black box head

Contrary to everyday views, a person is not a passive receiver of information. It does not happen that we simply receive information and immediately give an appropriate reaction.

In fact, we, firstly, sort of select what to see and what not. We pay attention not to everything in a row, but to what is important and significant to us. An elementary example is a driver and a passenger. The driver will see and remember, first of all, the signs and the condition of the asphalt, and the passenger will pay attention and remember, first of all, the buildings or landscape. This is because different things are important to them (details).

Second, we don't just actively manage our perceptions. We also process information depending on our views, beliefs and other attitudes.

A classic example here is the halo effect, also known as the halo effect. Its essence is simple - we see one feature of a person and believe that the whole person is like that. For example, if a person is outwardly attractive, we begin to believe that he is more respectable, more conscientious, more good-natured, and so on (details).

Why? Because in the black box of the head there is an attitude “Beautiful is good.” And this attitude instantly reports: “if a person has a beautiful appearance, therefore everything else is the same.”

Experience and the inclusion of other parts of the brain, of course, will help you think soberly, but this does not always happen. Moreover, with an attractive appearance, everything is simple. But with other installations the situation can be much more difficult.

Look to the root

What is hidden behind “I haven’t had enough time”? At least three settings, three views (in this case they are one and the same).

First performance- the opportunity to “walk around” exists in principle, and you just need to “walk” a lot to get enough.

Second performance- in marriage, sex becomes worse than with people who are just “dating”, therefore, a married man is deprived of many pleasures.

Third performance- since marriage presupposes fidelity, I will forever lose other women, because of this my status will fall.

Let's see how realistic this all is.

1. Let's start with the fact that there is not and cannot be any opportunity to “work up.” You can’t get enough sleep, you can’t eat enough for the future, you can’t gain strength for the future. You can sleep well and therefore last several days even without sleep at all. But then it will cut you down.

You can eat without moderation for many years, accumulate abundant fat reserves, but if you stop eating, hunger will still kill you. You can have a good rest and feel exceptionally energetic, but if you work too hard, your strength will soon run out.

It’s the same with “walking around”. If your body is healthy, if your value system is the same, you will want to take a walk. It’s another matter if there are problems at the hormonal level, if your back hurts, if your ideas have changed - then yes, you no longer want to go for a walk. But please note that this did not happen because you “walked up.” The volume of “feeding” did not play any role here.

2. Does sex get worse in marriage? Yes and no. If there is a bad relationship in a marriage, then the sex in the marriage becomes lackluster. If the relationship is good (which means that people are invested and work hard), then the sex is great (details).

Moreover, my experience working with couples says that the more experience a happy couple has (truly happy ones, not for social networks), the better their sex. And, what’s important, as soon as they stop pursuing relationships, both sex and the relationship themselves suddenly turn pale.

Fortunately, as soon as you put effort into relationships again, sex gets better too. In general, it’s like riding a bicycle - as long as the pedals are spinning, everything is fine, the ride is pleasant, the breeze blows on your face. We finished pedaling - the bike rolled a little due to inertia and fell. However, you can pick it up, jump into the saddle and press the pedals again.

So everything is fine, in a happy marriage the pleasure from sex is not less, but more.

3. The third presentation is the most difficult. It's not just about loyalty, it's about status. Moreover, both are subject to attack. The fact is that male fidelity is not particularly welcome in our Palestinians.

And all because even adult men often have teenage criteria in their heads.- whoever has more victories on the bed front is the coolest. And whoever is faithful to his wife is henpecked (today’s youth have begun to say “heel”) and generally not a man at all.

Since this position is quite common, many men do not want to face such condemnations. And they begin to beat themselves up, saying that they haven’t had enough fun.

Think differently

The ideas that live in the black box of our heads are very strong, but they are also vulnerable - they can be blocked, as it were, overshadow others, more sane than before.

According to my subjective calculations, to develop a new idea you need about five hundred meaningful repetitions (writing by hand, speaking out loud, and so on).

Accordingly, a man who has “not had enough time” needs to find all the ideas that bother him and grow new ideas to replace them.

Here's what you can do.

Instead of the idea “the opportunity to “walk” exists in principle, and you just need to “walk” a lot to get enough,” you should tell yourself something like this: “it’s impossible to work up in principle, it doesn’t work like that, so there’s nothing to be sad about.”

Instead of the idea that “married sex makes sex worse than people who are just ‘dating’, I will be deprived of pleasure.” It’s worth cultivating the idea that “in a good marriage, sex gets better every year.”.

Instead of the idea of ​​“since marriage requires fidelity, I will forever be deprived of other women, because of this my status will decline.” It’s worth making the idea “my status does not depend on the number of women I have”.

Of course, this is all just the tip of the iceberg, there will be a lot of work, but we need to start from there.

Total. A man’s thoughts about his “lack of work” arise due to certain ideas living in the head of the same man. If you select these views and replace them with others, the problem will disappear. published.

Pavel Zygmantovich

Any questions left - ask them

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Family, especially one built on love and trust, for most people is the main moral value, psychological protection and, in general, that “safe haven” in which you can take refuge even when the rest of the external world has taken up arms and become hostile. And therefore it is difficult to imagine a stronger blow than the one dealt right here, in the most dear and, as it seemed, safe place. Meanwhile, sad as it may be, even the most tender couples and unions, built on strong mutual feelings, do not always pass the test of strength. And then a piercing cold wind bursts into your paradise harbor, squally waves rise and disrupt the recent carefree calm with thunderous news: betrayal. A person whom you believed as much as yourself, and maybe sometimes even stronger. A man with whom you always felt warm and safe. Husband, support and support in all your common life plans and affairs. He changed. He betrayed everything that you gave to him, your love, your tenderness, you yourself. How to live after your husband's betrayal?

Reasons for male infidelity. Why did your husband cheat?
The answer to this question has tormented deceived wives (as well as brides, lovers and girls simply in love) for many centuries. And each of them feels deeply unhappy and offended, sincerely believing that no one has ever experienced such experiences. However, the emotions that all victims of betrayal experience are quite similar and have long been studied by both psychological specialists and simply wise people. And the answer to the question “why did he do this?” as it was not, so it is not. As well as the only common reason for cheating. All people are different - and the reasons that push them to deceive a loved one are also different. Moreover, some are not even inclined to consider their own betrayal as deception or something fundamentally dishonest. There are few such originals, and we will also talk about them. But first things first. In the meantime, let's try to at least clarify for ourselves a little why men cheat on their wives. The most common reasons for male infidelity are:
  1. Sexual dissatisfaction, which can relate to both the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the intimate life of spouses. If the problem is not voiced, is not solved and gets worse, sooner or later it will most likely turn into betrayal.
  2. Psychological discomfort that accumulates due to the difficult psychological atmosphere in the family. People often cheat not on gentle and attentive wives, but on rude, indifferent and cold wives who often find fault and constantly nag their husbands.
  3. Search for new sensations. It’s sad, but some men really tend to put strong emotions in priority over family values. Even if you have not noticed such inclinations in your husband, the appearance of a new attractive colleague in the work team, suitable circumstances on vacation or on a business trip may one day reveal them.
  4. The unattractiveness of a wife who, years (and sometimes just months) after the wedding, stops taking care of her appearance, looks unkempt at home, and does not try to please her husband. Romance disappears in such a family, and the man looks for it outside the family.
  5. Accident. That is, for his wife he is unhappy, but for his husband he is quite happy - one that he then explains with formulations like “the devil got me into trouble”, “everything happened by chance”, “I don’t love her, it’s only sex” and “it’s just one once".
In addition, according to statistics, men who are not confident in themselves cheat on their wives more often than others. This may seem paradoxical, but the logic is this: those who are inclined to doubt their strengths and capabilities consciously or subconsciously strive to prove their worth to themselves and others. And, of course, we cannot exclude from the overall picture those cases when a married man suddenly meets a woman who turns out to be closer, more pleasant and generally more suitable to him than his wife. This is a difficult life situation that usually arises in the place of forced marriages and families not created out of sincere mutual love. Perhaps someone will wonder why we pay so much attention to the psychology of scoundrels. But the fact is that for many women, understanding the reasons for male infidelity helps them internally gather and systematize their thoughts and experiences. But, if betrayal is already an accomplished fact, realized and even analyzed for causes and consequences, then it’s time to think about your own life.

Life after betrayal
Psychologists unanimously reassure: there is life after betrayal. Another question is what this life is like... Oddly enough, the answer to this question is already ready. And even laid out on shelves. Figuratively of course. Because soul scientists tend to view the life of women who have experienced their husband’s betrayal as a complex, but fairly typical and therefore predictable process. And they even divide it into a clear number of successive stages. On the one hand, there is something dry and pragmatic about this. But, on the other hand, recognizing this very fact can help you recognize that your situation is not unique. This means that you are not alone, and, following the example and in the company of many friends in misfortune, you will have to go through the same stages of rebirth as they did. At the very least, you are not groping your way and can count on your immediate psychological future to line up like this:
How to forgive your husband after cheating
Only those women who were able to forgive the traitor can stay with their husband after his betrayal. Moreover, we are talking about real, sincere forgiveness, and not just a depiction of condescension. You won’t be able to deceive yourself, and you won’t be able to live with a disgusted person through force either. Therefore, if you really firmly decided to preserve both your family and your inner closeness with this person, you will have to go through a rather long, deep and complex process of forgiveness. That's right: forgiveness as an act, not just a result. This may take time, perhaps even time spent apart. This is exactly what happens in families that come back together after a breakup. And unification - mind you! - this action is mutual, that is, the husband must help you accept it again and want it himself. He will need patience, expressions of love for you and, of course, honesty in relationships. For your part, you must promise both him, and mainly yourself, not to stir up the past and not to bring back past grievances, either in the heat of quarrels or in your own soul-searching.

To forgive or not to forgive is only your will and your decision. And you must focus primarily on your own inner voice. On the one hand, there are almost no offenses that cannot be forgiven after the culprit has sincerely repented. Public morality, religious traditions, and common sense speak about this. On the other hand, what is common sense worth if next to what was once the closest and most beloved person you still feel cold and uncomfortable, and you cannot return the former unity of souls. Then the only way out is to let go and not torment him or yourself. And the banal, old, but strong in its simplicity idea that everything in life strives for its place in the world and for harmony can help in this. What is ours will not leave us, and what leaves is not ours. And if two people are destined to be together, then they will definitely be, and if not, then no amount of common sense and wisdom will restore a broken family. Moreover, who can guarantee that the person you are destined to be with is the cheating husband. Perhaps betrayal and breakup were needed just so that you, having freed yourself, would meet your true destiny. No matter what or who it is. Therefore, look boldly into the future and believe that all the best, bright, kind and joyful is ahead. And it’s waiting for you.

Family life destroys romantic relationships. Women stop taking care of their appearance, and men begin to look for a new lover in other representatives of the fair sex. Adultery always hurts a loved one very deeply. Often women are simply unable to believe this fact. For them, a loved one, after committing betrayal, becomes distant and alien.

What types of betrayals are there?

Conventionally, psychologists divide adultery into several types, each of which, from a psychological point of view, has a different degree of severity:

What to do if your husband cheated? Betrayal by a loved one always causes deep depression, but sometimes longing for a past relationship drags on for a year - this is already a pathology. How to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences and nervous breakdowns?

The best solution is to contact a specialist. It is the advice of psychologists that can help set the right direction in a “new” life.

Divorce or forgiveness?

According to statistics, up to 80% of married couples divorce after the first year of marriage. Divorce is a very painful process. Most families, on a wave of emotion and anger, make such a drastic decision, which may well turn out to be wrong if everything is carefully thought through. First of all, you need to look at the behavior of your spouse. What does he want? Does he feel remorse? Divorce is the easiest way, but this will not help you quickly cope with emotions.

Forgiveness takes patience and time. If there is a desire to save the family, a married couple can cope with any test. After her husband’s betrayal, a woman needs to try to see in him everything sweet, pleasant and dear that has happened throughout her entire family life. You need to understand that ideal people do not exist, the spouse simply made a mistake. At the end of the day, everyone deserves a second chance. However, it will take time to restore trust with your spouse.

How to learn to trust your husband and cope with depression?

The advice of psychologists is clear - first of all, you need to calm down emotionally. Experts give the following recommendations:

  1. Exhale. Self-flagellation will not bring any consolation. Understanding what happened is the first step to a calm life.
  2. Control your emotional outbursts. You can break a couple of plates, scream and calm down. There is no need to constantly make trouble, wasting your energy and nerves. Everything has already happened. Now you need to decide how to live after your husband’s betrayal?
  3. Discuss with your husband the circumstances and reasons for the betrayal. Find out what he plans to do next. Does he want to sleep with someone else or does he want to stay in the family?
  4. Say “No!” to pity. You can’t feel sorry for yourself or your husband. Adults should be able to take responsibility for their actions. The husband must understand the severity of his offense and realize that forgiveness must be earned.
  5. Temporary separation. It's good to be bored. It’s worth separating for a while, if only to decide: is this relationship necessary? There is a chance that while searching for an exact answer, you yourself will notice how much you miss your husband.
  6. New hobby. A hobby will become a kind of therapy. You can choose anything: music, dancing, embroidery. Painstaking work makes you think about a lot. There is no point in hasty conclusions in such a situation.
  7. Take time for yourself, your loved one. Look in the mirror. How long has it been since you styled your hair or went to a beauty salon? Despite the ambiguity of the situation, this is the best time to change, and the husband realized that he was losing a confident and beautiful woman.
  8. Ask friends to help. Friends with experience in dealing with such situations come in handy - they can give important advice to protect you from unnecessary problems.
  9. Children. A child's smile will melt the strongest ice. You can spend a fun weekend with your baby and relive your childhood.
  10. Think about the positive qualities of your spouse. Remember the wonderful and warm moments with him.

What's better not to do?

Women mistakenly begin to go through all the possible solutions. A cluttered mind leads to wrong decisions. There are a number of specific mistakes that destroy any hopes of restoring harmonious relationships in the family:

  1. Revenge. To take revenge, a woman can go to a club in search of a random partner. Such behavior will only lead her into the corner of self-flagellation and it will not get any easier. Life doesn't end after your husband's betrayal.
  2. Binge eating. It is unlikely that, having recovered, the wife will become attractive to her husband. This will only be another reason for depression.
  3. Alcohol. Bad habits spoil your appearance and health. You need to move on with your life and not kill yourself.
  4. Aggression. Excessive anger never leads to good. Hang in there, everything will be fine.

Before committing rash acts, you need to think carefully about everything: is it worth your nerves, money and health? During a difficult period, the main thing is not to be alone.

You can invite a friend so that she can mentally help you get through this difficult time.

According to the Bible, the only reason for divorce can be adultery committed by one of the spouses. This means the church is not against divorce. This option is considered acceptable if the spouses are between 20 and 30 years old. If the husband or wife is already over 50, it is better for the married couple to decide on restoring the marriage. In cases of betrayal, clergy advise working on yourself and sensibly assessing the current situation:

  1. Understand that the marriage was flawed. The end of a relationship is the logical conclusion of problems that began long ago.
  2. Mourn this fact, as one mourns deceased loved ones. Under no circumstances should this condition be confused with depression. Longing for a relationship should not last more than a month.
  3. Choose a new direction in life. You definitely need to live on, develop and love.
  4. Try to find understanding from your partner, understand the reasons for the offense, and analyze your behavior.
  5. Seek help from a psychologist, talk to your priest. Prayer or science will help you get out of the impasse.
  6. Wait for a clear answer from your partner about continuing the relationship. The desire to live together must be mutual.
  7. Forgive each other and gradually renew the union.
  8. Contain jealousy. Women often look for a catch and worry too much. You need to forget what happened and be confident in the future.
  9. Don't stop working on yourself and be honest with yourself. Repentance is the path to redemption.

In general, the church accommodates those couples who wish to preserve their union. Everyone can sin, but those who believe and try will receive forgiveness.

Cheating is an unpleasant situation that can happen in every couple. Ideal people only exist in films. Forgiveness is not a privilege, but an additional chance. Only one side cannot work to restore the relationship - both spouses must strive to make family life truly happy, and the relationship harmonious and interesting. Letting go of the past and starting over is the only way you can learn to trust your husband and return love to the family.

Family life is complicated because people create marriages with a sincere desire to love, fully trust and be protected by their loved ones. However, when cheating happens, it greatly hits and hurts those who have not yet cooled down in their feelings and have not hated their partners. Women endure betrayal very hard, despite the fact that many have already taught them that this is normal.

What is treason? Cheating is a person’s physical intercourse with someone who is not considered an official soul mate. Such sexual partners are called lovers (for women) or mistresses (for men).

Why does a person cheat? Many psychologists refer to some dissatisfaction of a person in his family life.

  • Someone is trying to diversify their sex life.
  • Someone is trying to solve their deep complexes.
  • Some people simply cannot settle on one partner.
  • Someone chose a partner they don't really love.

Every cheater knows the reasons for his betrayal. But be that as it may, the one who was cheated on will suffer, unless he is indifferent to his soulmate.

How to live after your husband's betrayal?

Many women ask this question about how to live after their husband’s betrayal. Unfortunately, men cheat even after they are married. Why they do it sometimes doesn't matter. Betrayal is treason, and it always hits very hard, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence.

For some reason, men are constantly implanted in their heads with the idea that they should be polygamous. And they constantly try to teach women to have a normal reaction to the fact that their husbands cheat. However, the human soul cannot be deceived: no matter what people train themselves to do, if the soul hurts, then it really hurts.

Treason is akin to betrayal, the loss of a roof over your head, of something very valuable and important. By creating a marriage, a woman believes that she is gaining a reliable rear, protection, and a faithful partner. But when a spouse cheats, the entire fortress collapses like a house of cards. It turns out that the worst enemy has always been the husband, whom the woman cared for, loved and appreciated.

After a woman finds out about her husband's infidelity, her world collapses. There is a feeling of emptiness, confusion, and uncertainty. Just a minute ago she had everything, but now, it turns out, she has nothing. In the physical world, she continues to remain a wife to her husband. And in her soul there is a feeling that everything that is most valuable and important has been taken away from her - love, protection, support.

How to live after this? This condition is natural for any person who trusted his partner, but just found out that he was cheated on. It is quite normal that in the first minutes and even hours a woman will be in a stupor. She won’t know what to think, what to do, where to go. Having asked her the question of what she will do with her husband - whether she will separate or forgive, the woman will answer: “I don’t know.”

It is quite natural to be lost at first and not know what to do next. But gradually the woman will come to her senses, after which she will inevitably face questions:

  1. What to do with a relationship where she is dating a cheater?
  2. How to live after your husband's betrayal?

How to live after your husband’s betrayal - psychology

Let's turn to psychology to understand how to live after your husband's betrayal. What is important here is what decisions the woman will make for herself and what actions she will take as a result. After all, after your husband’s betrayal, you can either start a new life or introduce yourself into one from which even an experienced psychologist cannot pull you out.

After you found out that your husband cheated on you, and were in a stupor for some time, and then came to your senses, answer the following questions:

  • Do you want to forgive your husband and stay with him, or are you getting a divorce to forget about what happened forever?
  • Are you ready for the life that will come after your decision?

Since a woman answers these questions to herself, she should be extremely honest. Whatever you decide, any option will be correct. The most important thing is that you really want it and that your decision gives you more happiness than other options.

Whatever decision you make, follow these guidelines:

  1. Don't blame yourself under any circumstances. Only the husband is to blame for his husband's betrayal. It was his decision to find a mistress and cheat on you, and not to solve the problem that caused him to go “to the left.” You didn’t ask him for anything and didn’t put him under anyone. It’s definitely not your fault!
  2. Take care of yourself. Love yourself. Value yourself more than your husband. Even if you decide to stay with him, remember that you are the most precious thing you have. At least don’t deceive yourself, don’t betray or offend yourself.

Once you've made the decision to leave or stay, get ready to live your new life:

  1. If you decide to stay with your husband, then you should understand the reasons for his betrayal. If you want him to not cheat on you again, then eliminate these reasons with him. Here you definitely need to forgive your husband - sincerely and honestly. If you don't forgive, you will do stupid things, which will cause him to cheat on you again. If you forgive, but pretend, then you will again begin to do stupid things, not trusting, controlling his every step, checking.

It is important here that both work to change the situation. Not only the woman must correct the shortcomings of their marriage, but the man must sincerely repent of his actions. If only the woman tries, and the man does not repent and does not see his guilt in what he has done, then the betrayals will repeat. Here another question arises, which a woman must sincerely answer for herself: is she ready to survive another betrayal of her husband if she stays with him and forgives him, maintains the relationship?

If a woman cannot survive her husband’s new betrayal, then it is better to break up with him now (especially if he does not repent and does nothing to save the relationship). It should be understood that people rarely change. A man must understand for himself, and not hear from the outside about what he has done wrong. Otherwise, he will cheat again when the woman calms down, the passions subside and everything gets better. Is a woman ready not to suffer and calmly bear the news that the husband whom she has forgiven has cheated on her again?

  1. If you decide to separate from your husband, then you should be decisive. He probably doesn’t want to divorce you, otherwise he would have already submitted an application to the registry office. It is convenient for him that he has both a wife and a mistress. Quite often, husbands who cheat try to win their wives back with promises, gifts, and beautiful words.

But let's return to the fact that people rarely repent of what they have done. Their actions are aimed at returning what they did not value, and not at correcting their own mistakes. When time passes, the wife returns, everything calms down and gets better, the husband will cheat again. He did not correct his mistakes, but simply tried to regain what he could have lost. And since he returned his wife, it means that the goal has been achieved. The mistakes are not corrected, which means he will make them again.

If you have decided to get a divorce, be decisive, final in your opinion, persistent. Whatever your ex does, leave him. He may not keep his promises. Gifts are just a way to win you over. Beautiful words can turn out to be just manipulation. Do not trust a husband who has already betrayed and deceived you.

How to live after your husband cheated?

Whatever decision you make (forgive or leave), do the work with yourself. This should be done in order to cultivate self-love, calm down, and understand that everything is fine with you. My husband cheated - that's his problem. Your task is to get out of this situation with dignity and live well after this, even if you decide to forgive your husband or divorce him.

  • First, get some privacy. Leave the house for a few days. You can go to the sea to relax. You can go home to your parents. You can stay with friends for a few days. The most important thing is to go somewhere where your husband will not look for you, so that you can take time for yourself.
  • Second, calm down. In the first days after the news that you are being cheated on, you will probably cry, suffer, grieve, get angry, etc. Allow yourself all these emotions. You need to let them out. In the first few days after unpleasant news, this is permissible.
  • Third, take a sober look at the situation. You must clearly understand what happened. Despite all the unpleasant aspects of what your husband did, you must take a clear look at the real state of affairs. My husband cheated. This could have been preceded by some troubles in the family. You didn’t notice something, somewhere you even provoked something. Your husband, instead of solving the problem with you, found a mistress behind your back and slept with her. Try, as an outsider, to look at the situation with a sober look.
  • Fourth – stabilization of self-esteem. Don't blame anyone for anything. Just see where you went wrong and what your husband did on his part. Don't try to blame anyone. Just indicate with facts where you were blind, deaf to your husband, and even how you could push him to cheat. However, you are not to blame for what he did. He is an adult who himself made the decision to go to bed with another woman. Let him answer and correct his mistakes. You are responsible only for your actions.
  • Fifth, make a decision. Do you stay with your husband or leave him? Make the decision for yourself. It is you who do yourself good or bad by the decisions you make. Therefore, let it be based on your personal desires.
  • Sixth, don’t remember the past. Whether you stay with your husband or leave him, stop remembering the past. Just remember what this person is capable of. But there is no need to dredge up the past. It’s better to live in the future, even if you want to stay with your husband.

Good looks help you move on with your life

Cheating on your husband is mean and very unpleasant. But soon time will pass, and the woman will calm down. Whatever decision she makes, psychologists recommend distracting yourself from the unpleasant situation. For example, you can take care of your own appearance to become even more beautiful. This will help you move on and not grieve.

Go on a diet if you want to lose weight. Play sports if you feel low on energy. Eat right. Update your wardrobe to look at yourself with a new look. Remember that you are a woman who is only beautiful when she smiles. And women all know that a smile appears on their face when they are satisfied with their appearance and see for themselves that they are beautiful.

Bottom line

After her husband's betrayal, the world continues to exist the same as before. It is only a woman in her soul who feels unpleasant emotions that make her life gray and ruined. Please note that it was the husband who committed the treacherous act, and for some reason you are suffering. If he doesn’t know how to value his own family, then why are you suffering?

It is advisable to decide whether to forgive your husband or not after his betrayal when the woman stabilizes her self-esteem, stops blaming herself and understands that she should not suffer. Be aware of your own desires and make exactly the decision that will make you happy.

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