Home Mushrooms Teaching preschoolers to run. Methods of teaching children of different age groups to run. Exercises to develop speed of movement

Teaching preschoolers to run. Methods of teaching children of different age groups to run. Exercises to develop speed of movement

: A manual for kindergarten teachers. garden - M.: Education, 1983. - 144 p., ill.

A small child shows a great need for movement. This is physiologically determined. Helping a preschooler master motor skills in a timely manner is an important task of a kindergarten teacher. The author reveals the methods of teaching children basic types of movements: running, jumping, climbing, throwing taking into account the conditions of education in a rural kindergarten. The book pays attention to relay games and competitions with elements of sports entertainment.

Features of running as the main type of movement

The ability to run quickly and deftly is necessary for a child's main activity - play. Running is used more often than other movements in everyday life by all children, regardless of whether they attend a child care center or play on playgrounds in their yards.

Running is included in the content of many types of movements: the ability to perform running correctly depends, for example, on the success of high and long jumps from a running start, and performing sports exercises that include elements of badminton, volleyball, and basketball games. Running forms the basis of the GTO complex. In recent years, recreational running has become widespread among all segments of the population.

Like walking, running is cyclic type exercise, in which repulsion from a support with a foot (right or left) alternates with flight. This is the distinguishing feature of running compared to walking. In running, as in walking, good coordination of the movements of the arms and legs is required, correct posture, placing the foot on a support, depending on the type of running, is appropriate. Repeated repetition of individual cycles (push, flight and landing) allows you to run for a long time without experiencing overexertion , developing endurance.

The external ease of running is associated with the presence of optimal efforts with perfect coordination of movements. One of the main points that ensures good results (high speed or running duration) is the rhythm of running. Running on terrain, associated with uneven ground, sharp turns, ascents and descents, loses its cyclicity and rhythm, characteristic of running in a gym or on a special track. This kind of running requires the ability to quickly and well rearrange the coordination of movements.

Preschool children need to be taught to run quickly, easily and rhythmically, with good coordination of arm and leg movements. Children should be able to use the most appropriate type and technique of running, depending on specific conditions. So, on an uneven surface it is more effective to run at a slow pace while maintaining balance; uphill - with small steps, downhill - with wide steps, in games about catching and dodging - running at a variable pace, with turns, unexpected stops.

In their daily activities and games, children most often use running on slightly bent legs at an average pace with a change of direction. But it is necessary to teach children other types of running (at speed, at a slow pace, running with knees high), which are important for comprehensive physical education and the development of motor qualities such as agility, speed, endurance.

Running as a new type of motor action appears in children in the second year of life after they learn to walk confidently. At first it’s just fast walking with frequent and small steps. At the same time, the torso leans forward strongly, the legs are bent at the knees. It seems as if the child is falling. At the beginning of the third year of a child’s life, this kind of accelerated walking becomes actually running, its characteristic feature appears - flight, although the steps are still mincing, uneven, and the foot is placed heavily on the surface, with the whole foot at once - “slaps”. Hand movements are not always consistent with leg movements.

Over the period from 2 to 7 years, running in children becomes easy, rhythmic, flight is well expressed, and the movements of the arms and legs are coordinated. The foot is placed with an elastic roll from heel to toe. Children are already able to perform different types of running, using different techniques. For example, in a short segment, when asked to run quickly, they perform energetic running on their toes, with active arm movements. When running over a long distance, they run at a calm pace, placing their feet in a heel-to-toe roll, with slightly relaxed arm movements.

In order for children to gradually improve different types of running, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions for them.

Running training method

When teaching young children to run, the example of the teacher is of great importance. Therefore, in exercises and games, the teacher performs the task together with the children, drawing their attention to the ease of running and coordination of movements. He uses a game image, for example, run like mice. When performing such imitative actions, it is not always necessary to show movements, but the teacher must be sure that the children understand and are familiar with the image proposed for imitation. There is no need to give children a lot of sometimes unclear instructions, for example, “raise your legs higher” or “move your arms harder.” This often leads to the opposite result: children begin to stomp, running becomes heavy and abrupt, and the already established coordination of movements of the arms and legs goes wrong. To maintain children’s interest in learning, it is advisable to offer game tasks more often - run to a toy, run up to a tree or stone, play outdoor games with running: “Sparrows and a car”, “Cat and mice”, etc.

In the future, when teaching older children to run, the teacher shows less himself, explains more, pays attention to those who run well (run easily, rhythmically, correctly observing the running technique) and can serve as an example.

In order not to lose interest in running, children of older groups should be offered additional tasks: change the pace or direction of running, quickly stop and continue running again, run around objects, alternate running with other movements - walking, climbing, jumping, etc.

Running with the introduction of additional tasks is most often carried out in such exercises as “Catch the ball”, “On the bridge”, “Behind the high, behind the low”, “Stork, butterfly, frog”, “Run - don’t drop it”. The content of many of them includes running with catching and dodging, which affects the improvement of coordination of movements, running speed, and the development of agility.

Running at a steady, slow pace is useful for building endurance. It is used in working with children of all age groups. For children of the first and second junior groups, the duration of the run is 30-60 s; for children of the older groups, the duration of the run increases to 2-3 minutes. This type of running is used in exercises and games with pronounced continuous motor activity. It is advisable to use long, slow running in the air, including it in the games “Pilots”, “Cosmonauts”, etc., and alternating it with overcoming some obstacles (walk along a log, crawl under a rope, run up a hill and run away from it).

Types of running

Types of running are different. In sports practice, running is divided depending on the length of the distance: sprint(60-100 m), middle distance running(400-1000 m), long distance running(from 2000 m), m marathon running.

In addition, there are run cross-country, steeplechase, hurdles. In recent years, running at a low pace has gained particular popularity ( jogging), used for health purposes.

Taking into account age characteristics, the following types of running are available to preschool children: regular running at a calm pace, speed running, with obstacles and the inclusion of other movements (climbing, jumping), running at a changing pace, slow running. Types of running and running exercises differ in execution technique. The teacher should know these features in order to prevent mistakes, correct them more easily and quickly, and correctly determine the tasks and teaching methods.

Normal running. The correct technique for such running is considered to be: the ability to run freely, easily, with natural arm movements. The arms are bent at the elbows, the fingers are loosely bent (but not clenched into fists). When running, the arms move forward and upward to approximately chest level, slightly inward, then are pulled back with the elbows to the sides. When running in small steps, the leg slightly bent at the knee is placed on the front of the foot. With wider running steps, the foot is placed With heels followed by elastic lowering over the entire foot. When pushing off, you need to straighten your leg at the knee. The toes of the feet do not point to the sides. The torso is slightly tilted forward, the head is in line with it, the chest and shoulders are turned, the shoulders should not be turned after the arm, so as not to cause excessive rotation of the torso.

Regular running at an average pace is widely used to teach some elements of technique and the skills of proper coordinated movement. With this kind of running, children can better control their movements, feel them well, and can make adjustments to their actions.

Regular running can be carried out in various formations: in a column one at a time, in pairs, in a circle, “snake”, etc. The approximate duration of continuous running increases gradually from 10-15 s in younger groups to 35-40 s in older groups (repeated 2 -4 times with breaks). For children 6-7 years old at the end of the school year, the duration of running can be within one minute, since over the course of the year children master the elements of correct running technique and their functional fitness increases.

Running on your toes. The foot should be placed on the front of the foot without the heel touching the floor. The stride is short, the pace is fast. Hand movements are calm, relaxed, in rhythm with the steps, do not raise them high. You can put your hands on your belt.

Running with high knees. Run, raising your leg bent at the knee at a right angle, placing it on the floor with a soft, elastic and at the same time quite energetic movement on the forefoot. The step is short, with little forward movement. The body is straight and slightly tilted back, the head is raised high. You can put your hands on your belt. Alternate with regular running or walking.

Running with long strides. Take long steps, increasing the push and flight time (as if jumping over an imaginary obstacle). Place your foot from the heel with a roll over the entire foot. Try to fully straighten your pushing leg, pushing off energetically. Hand movements are free and sweeping.

Running with the leg bent at the knee. The body is tilted forward slightly more than usual, hands are on the belt. The leg bent at the knee is pulled back after the push (try to reach the buttock with the heel). Alternate with regular running, while relaxing your legs a little more, giving them rest.

Running at a nearby pace. Perform by overlapping almost straight legs: right - to the left, left - to the right. The leg is placed on the foot.

Jumping running. Performed energetically, with a wide sweeping movement. Push forward and upward.

The duration of continuous running on the toes, with the knees raised high, with the leg bent at the knee moving back, is short (10-20 s). As a rule, these types of running are repeated 2-3 times, alternating each type with regular running or walking. Running with a wide step is given at a distance of 10-12 m. For this running, you can use various landmarks - lines, cords, flat hoops, medicine balls.

Running at a fast pace. Performed on the forefoot or on the toes. The step is wide and swift. Hand movements are active, in time with running steps. Do energetic push-offs with your pushing leg, straightening it well. Bring your swing leg forward and upward. The body is tilted forward in the direction of movement, the head is in line with it. Shoulders turned, not tense, look forward.

Fast running is most often used in games with elements of competition. The duration of such a run is short - 5-8 s. However, alternating with natural stops - rest, it can be repeated 4-5 times.

Slow running Recently it has gained great popularity, mainly as a means of developing general endurance and increasing the functional capabilities of the body. In this run, you need to be able to maintain a slow pace, not speed up or slow down, and run rhythmically. Take short steps, place your foot on the forefoot or elastically from heel to toe. The movements of the arms are calm, the arms are bent at the elbows at waist level, the shoulders are slightly relaxed.

Variable pace running used in combination with other movements. The main task when teaching this type of running is to teach children to choose the pace and type of running that most matches the content of the task. So, if the run ends with a hop or a long jump, then there is no need to slow down the pace before the push, but move immediately from the last step of the run to an energetic push up or forward. You must be able to quickly and deftly switch from running to another type of movement. For example, crawl under a hoop or rope, walk along a log, and then continue running without stopping, without changing direction. Different exercises can be offered at a variable pace.

Shuttle run. A wide, rapid stride alternates with sharp braking at the end when moving in a straight line and frequent steps when turning. Before changing direction, the pace is faster, the steps are shorter, and the knees are bent more to maintain balance. Hand movements are natural, helping movement in a straight line and when turning.

Running combined with crawling under sticks, climbing through hoops, jumping over, jumping up. Here you need to be able to slow down and speed up your running pace before overcoming an obstacle.

Running in different natural conditions develops the ability to use the most appropriate type of running, its pace and speed. Running on a winding path is different from running in a straight line, and running on sand requires different technique and effort than running on a dirt path. By changing the conditions familiar to children, selecting different combinations of them, it is necessary to promote the development of a much-needed skill in life - to use the most effective type of running in accordance with the surface conditions (dirt, grass, asphalt path, running on sand, water, uphill and downhill) .

When running uphill, the foot is placed on the toe, the step is short, the torso is tilted forward. When running down, the leg is placed on the entire foot or from heel to toe, the legs are more bent at the knees, and the torso is slightly tilted back.

When running up and down on a board laid at an angle, the stacks are placed close to one another, the toes are not pointed to the sides, and balance is regulated by hand movements.

Contents of exercises for older children (5-6 years old)

1. Running on your toes.

2. Run with wide and small steps.

3. Run with your knees high.

4. Running to complete tasks.

5. Running in combination with other movements.

6. Run at a fast pace for 10 m (repeat 3-4 times).

7. Speed ​​running for a distance of 20-30 m.

8. Shuttle run (3 times 10 m).

9. Alternating walking and running on 2-3 sections of the path, 60-100 m each.

10. Running at an average pace over rough terrain for a distance of up to 150-200 m.

11. Slow jogging for 1.5-2 minutes.

Methodical instructions. Running exercises for older children become more complicated. The teacher seeks from the children the ability to perform different types of running technically correctly: on their toes with short and frequent running steps; running with long strides with long, easy flight and sweeping arm movements. The teacher encourages children who know how to use types of running appropriate to the task, and in all cases positively evaluates easy free running with natural arm movements.

Exercises and games often include various tasks when running at an average pace, for example, without reducing running speed, changing the leader, turning in a circle, changing from a column to pairs. Cross-country running is also performed at an average pace. The distance of this kind of cross-country running for children 6 years old is up to 150-200 m. If possible, obstacles are included that children must overcome while running: crawl up, jump over, run around deftly.

In the senior group, special work is being done to develop the motor qualities of speed and endurance in children, for which the length of running distances is increased. Children compete in a speed run over a distance of 20-30 m or repeat a fast 10 m run 3-4 times.

In order to develop endurance, children are asked to run from 60 to 100 m, then walk part of the way and run the same distance again. Running at a slow pace becomes longer - up to 1.5-2 miles. The teacher first shows how to run at a slow pace, and then one of the children demonstrates their ability evenly and leisurely run. It is more advisable to carry out slow running in natural conditions in the air.

Exercises and games for children 5-6 years old

Burners with scarf(Udmurt game). Children stand in a column of two. In front, facing them, is the driver, with a handkerchief in his hand. He picks it up. The children standing in the last pair run from both sides to the driver.

Rules: the one who ran up first takes a handkerchief and becomes the driver; the latecomer gets paired up with the former driver ahead of the rest of the pairs.

Physical training! Children are located on one side of the site behind the starting line. On the opposite side, 15-20 m away, the finish line is marked. The guys say:

“Sport, guys, is very necessary. We are close friends with sports. Sport is a helper! Sport is health! Sport is a game! Physical training!"

With the end of the words, the children run a race to the finish line.

Rules: Those who are among the first three to cross the finish line win.

Complication: line up the winners 1-2 steps further from the starting line.

Find your place(Italian game). The players form a circle. The driver behind the circle with a handkerchief in his hand. At a signal, he runs after the children standing in a circle, puts a scarf on one of them’s shoulders and continues to run. The one who has the scarf runs towards the driver. At this time, the children standing in a circle move apart, as if filling the vacant space. The driver and the child with the scarf must find this place and stand up.

Rules: the one who takes his place correctly remains in the circle, and the latecomer becomes the driver; If the driver has been in this role 3 times in a row, he is replaced.

Horses. Children are divided into two equal subgroups, one of which is riders, the other is horses. The riders are located on one side of the platform, the horses are in the stable. The teacher is a watchman.

Riders harness their horses using jump ropes or ropes (2 m long) and stand one behind the other. In response to the words “walk”, the riders walk one after another in a normal walk, the horses - raising their legs high. At the signal “run” they run, at the signal “gallop” they jump, at the signal “scatter” they run in different directions around the site. Then they go one after another again. To the words “whoa!” stop. Children change roles. The game repeats itself.

Rules: change movements according to a signal; do not collide when running.

Complication: add walking on a plank or log, uphill and downhill.

Swan geese. At one end of the site there is a house where the geese are located, at the opposite end there is a shepherd. To the side of the house is a wolf's lair. The rest of the site is meadow. A shepherd and a wolf are appointed or chosen, and they take their places. Geese graze in the meadow. P a s t u h. Geese, geese! Geese. Ha, ha, ha! Shepherd. Do you want to eat? Geese. Yes Yes Yes! Shepherd. So fly! Geese. We are not allowed,

The gray wolf under the mountain does not let us go home... Shepherd. So fly as you want, Just take care of your wings!

The geese, with their arms stretched out to the sides, fly home, and the wolf runs out and tries to catch (pick) the geese.

Rules: The one touched by the wolf is considered caught, the caught geese are counted, and a new wolf and shepherd are appointed.

Complication: The wolf must crawl under the arc or into the hoop.

Crucian carp and pike. Half of the children form a circle-pond, the distance between the players is two steps. One - the pike is behind the circle. The rest of the players - crucian carp - run inside the circle. At the signal “pike”, she quickly runs into the circle, trying to catch the crucian carp. They rush to take a place behind one of the players standing in a circle (pebbles).

Rules: the pike catches those who did not have time to stand behind the pebble; after 3-4 repetitions, the caught crucians are counted; children standing in a circle and depicting crucian carp change roles; a new pike is assigned.

Mousetrap. The players are divided into two unequal subgroups: the smaller one (about one third of the players) forms a circle - a mousetrap, the rest - the mice - are outside the circle. The players playing mousetrap hold hands and walk in a circle and say:

“Oh, how tired the mice are, They gnawed everything, ate everything. Beware, you rascals,

We'll get to you. Let’s set up mousetraps and catch everyone now!”

The children stop and raise their clasped hands. Mice run in and out of the mousetrap. At the “clap” signal, the children lower their hands - the mousetrap has slammed shut.

Rules: mice should not stand in or outside the circle; Those who do not have time to run out at the signal are considered caught and stand in a circle - a mousetrap.

Hawk and ducks(Yakut game). Two circles are drawn on the site - lakes, with a distance of 5-10 steps between them. Using a counting rhyme, a hawk is selected and it stands between the lakes. The rest of the children are ducks swimming in their lakes. At the signal, the duck children change places. At this time, the hawk catches ducks.

Rules: the hawk only touches the ducks when they are outside the lake; you cannot catch ducks in the lake: the caught ducks are eliminated from the game and returned to their places after the hawk is counted and replaced.

To select a hawk, you can use the following rhyme: “There lived one burbot in the river, Two ruffs were friends with him. Three ducks flew to them four times a day and taught them to count: One-two-three-four-five!”

Who's the odd one out?(Bashkir game). Clapping their hands and dancing, the children lead a round dance. Inside the circle, a triangle is drawn with sides equal to the length of 4-5 steps, and there are circles at each of its vertices. Three guys stand in circles, and the fourth is the driver in the center of the triangle. From the circles, the guys run into a round dance. Those in front of whom they stand must quickly take the empty circle.

Rules: the driver can occupy any empty circle; the latecomer becomes the driver.

Tags in a circle. A circle with a diameter of 30 m is drawn on the site. Two teams compete. Each one forms a circle, that is, two circles inside a drawn circle. At the first signal, the teams move with side steps in different directions. At the second signal, the players in the outer circle scatter, the guys from the inner circle try to make fun of them. After some time, the game stops, the number of victims is counted, and the teams change roles. The team that manages to defeat the most opponents wins.

Rules: You cannot run outside the drawn circle.

Birdhouses. The players draw circles in different places on the playground or make them from jumping ropes, pine cones, or pebbles - these are birdhouses. Each contains a pair of starlings. The number of players is odd, one is without a home. Children run around the playground in different directions. At the signal “the starlings have arrived,” the starling children run into the birdhouses and place themselves in them two at a time. At the signal “the starlings are flying,” they run around the playground again.

Rules: You can occupy any birdhouse; the latecomer is left without a home.

Change the subject. On one side of the site, 4-5 circles are drawn at a distance of one step from each other, each with a bag of sand. On the opposite side, players line up in 4-5 columns opposite each circle. Everyone first in the column receives a cube (pine cone, pebble). At a signal, children run to the circles, put cubes in them, take bags of sand and return to their places.

Rules: the object must be placed in a circle, not thrown; If the object is not placed exactly in the circle, the player must go back and correct the object.

Contents of exercises for children in the preparatory group for school (6-7 years old)

1. Run with your knees bent back,

2. Run with straight legs raised forward.

3. Jumping.

4. Running in combination with other movements (driving the ball, jumping rope, jumping).

5. Running with wide strides over obstacles 10-15 cm high.

6. Running from different starting positions.

7. Speed ​​running - distance 30 m.

8. Shuttle run (5 times 10 m).

9. Alternating walking and running on 3-4 sections of the path, 100-150 m each.

10. Running at an average pace over rough terrain for a distance of 200-300 m.

11. Slow jogging for 2-3 minutes.

Methodical instructions. In the school preparatory group, the teacher continues to ensure that children's running is natural, easy, rhythmic, with good posture, relaxed position of the arms, head, and torso. For children 6-7 years old, the number of running exercises is increasing, new types are being introduced that require good physical preparation, for example, running with the knees bent back, running with straight legs raised forward, and jumping. The tasks mastered in the older group become more complicated, for example, running in wide strides alternates with overcoming obstacles 10-15 cm high, which requires energetic push-off, high flight, and the ability to perform several jumps in a row without stopping.

Running exercises are more often combined with other complex movements, but only if children master them. Thus, the teacher suggests running under a rotating long rope, developing in children the ability to balance the speed of running with the speed of rotation of the rope, and to sharply accelerate the run at the moment of running under it. The same skill is necessary when dribbling the ball in a straight direction or “snake”. Children 7 years old have a relatively high level of coordination of movements, which makes it possible to perform exercises such as running along an inclined or horizontally raised log of 20-25 cm. Children should be told to run carefully, placing their feet close to one another, keeping their toes straight, placing their arms to the sides to help maintain balance, and looking at the end of the log.

The teacher should not forget about the requirements for running technique when performing jumps. Success in these exercises is largely determined by the ability to increase the pace at the end of the run, ending it with an energetic push-off.

The development of the quality of speed continues. A good exercise in the starting jerk is to run from different starting positions - standing with your back, sitting, kneeling, lying down. Such tasks improve children’s ability to quickly respond to a signal, develop a maximum running pace, at which children develop frequent steps and energetic arm movements.

Opportunities are expanding training endurance. Children are asked to run at an average pace over rough terrain for a distance of 200-300 m. Running, alternating with walking, on sections of 100-150 m is repeated 3-4 times. The ability to run slowly at a low pace for 2-3 minutes is consolidated. If possible, you should often use barefoot running on sand, shallow water, earthen and grassy paths with turns and slopes, making sure that there are no objects that could lead to injury. It is advisable to carry out such running in spring, summer and even late autumn, without fear of light, drizzling rain. In addition to hardening, running in adverse conditions strengthens children’s character, their perseverance, endurance, and creates the habit of doing physical exercise every day.

Games for children 6-7 years old

Trap, take the tape! Children line up in a circle. Everyone receives a strip or colored ribbon and places it in their belt or collar. There is a trap in the center of the circle. At the “run” signal, children scatter around the playground (if it is large, you need to mark the boundaries for the game). The trap runs after the players, trying to pull out the ribbon. At the signal “one, two, three, quickly run into the circle,” the children line up in a circle. The trap counts the number of ribbons taken and returns them to the children. The game resumes with a new trap.

Rules: Do not hold the ribbon with your hands; the one who loses the ribbon is temporarily out of the game.

Corners. The game plays well on a large area with many trees located close to each other. Children stand near them or in circles marked on the ground. One of the players, remaining in the middle, comes up to someone and says: “Mouse, mouse, sell me your corner.” She refuses. The driver goes with the same words to the other. At this time, the rest of the children change places, and the one in the middle tries to take the place of one of those running across. If he succeeds, the one left without a corner stands in the middle. If the driver fails to occupy the corner for a long time, the teacher says: “Cat.” Everyone changes places at the same time, the leader takes someone else’s place.

Rules: before the dash, negotiate with the person with whom you want to change places; You can’t stand in your corner for a long time.

Collect the flags. On the field or court, flags are placed every 8-10 m. In the first row there should be two fewer flags than there are players, in the second row there should be two less. Thus, if 10 children are playing, then there should be 8, 6, 4, 2, 1 flags in each row. At the signal, the children run, each trying to take possession of the flag in the first row. Two who do not have time to do this are eliminated from the game. After the second stage, six participants remain, then four and finally the two strongest. The child who masters the last flag becomes the winner (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Collect flags

Rules: If a child drops a flag on the ground while running, he must first pick it up and only then continue running.

Catch up with your opponent. Two lines of children are located in front of the starting lines at a distance of 5 steps from one another. A house is outlined 15-20 steps from the starting line. At the signal, everyone starts running at the same time: the children behind them try to show off those running in front. After counting the dirty ones, the children change roles.

Rules: You can’t salt beyond the house line.

Running in ranks. The teams line up in lines (at a distance of 15-20 steps), you can give them the names “Rocket”, “Sputnik”. At the signal, the children of one of the teams, holding hands, walk forward, trying to maintain alignment. When there are 2-3 steps left to the other line, the participants of which are sitting on the ground, the teacher gives the command: “Run!” The children of the first rank unclasp their hands and run to their house, and the children of the second rank try to insult them. Those who have been salted are counted. The game is repeated, but this time the teams switch roles.

Rules: each time, the children of both teams must take a certain starting position, for example, those who advance can take each other’s arms, put their hands on their shoulders, clasp them in front; those who are waiting for rivals to approach may stand with their backs or sides to them.

Tulle with a skipping rope. Two children take an ordinary short jump rope by different hands and run around the playground, trying to make fun of the other children running away from them with their free hand. The first one caught stands between the drivers, grabs the middle of the rope with one hand and joins in the catch. In order for the three drivers to be freed from their duties, each of them needs to catch one player.

Rules: do not let go of the jump rope; coordinate actions in threes.

Change of place. Two teams of 8-10 people line up in lines facing each other on opposite sides of the site behind the city lines (distance 10-12 m) and diverge at arm's length. At a signal, they run towards each other, trying to get outside the opposite city as quickly as possible, then turn to face the center of the site and line up. The team that does it faster wins.

Rules: do not collide when running; standing in a line, align yourself.

Burners. The players stand in a column in pairs. A line is drawn in front of the column at a distance of 2-3 steps. Using a counting rhyme, choose a trap:

"Slant, oblique,
Don't go barefoot.
And walk around with shoes on,
Wrap up your paws.
If you're wearing shoes,
The wolves won't find the hare.
The bear won't find you.
Come out, you’ll burn.”

S. Marshak

The trap stands on the line with its back to the rest of the players. Everyone standing in pairs says:

“Burn, burn clearly,
So that it doesn't go out.
Look at the sky - the birds are flying,
The bells are ringing.
One, two, three - run!”

With the end of the words, the children standing in the last pair run along the column (one on the right, the other on the left), trying to grab hands. The trap tries to catch one of the pair and connect hands with him. If the catcher managed to do this, he forms a new pair with the caught one and stands in front of the column, and the one left without a pair becomes a trap. If the trap is not caught, he remains in the same role.

Rules: while pronouncing words, the trap should not look back; You can catch before the players hold hands.

Obstacle course. Various aids can be used as obstacles: benches, arches, barriers, throwing targets. The order of overcoming obstacles can be any, for example, crawl under several arches (slats), walk along a gymnastic bench (or beam), run around medicine balls (four balls placed at a distance of 1 m from each other), jump from a place over two lines, crawl on a gymnastic bench, run with a small ball (or a bag of sand) 6-7 m and throw it at the target. The speed and accuracy of completing the task are assessed.

Be careful. On one side of the court there are 5-6 players, on the opposite side (distance 8-10 m) opposite each of them there are three objects (for example, a cube, a rattle, a flag). At the “Run” signal, the players rush to the objects. Approximately halfway along the path there is a signal indicating which of the three objects you need to take, for example a cube. Children take the named object and run with it to the starting line.

Rules: The one who comes running first with the item wins; If you take the wrong item, you need to go back and replace it.

Kite and hen. 8-10 children participate in the game. One of the players is chosen as a kite, the other as a hen. The rest of the children are chickens; they stand behind the hen, forming a column. Everyone is holding on to each other. To the side is a kite's nest. At a signal, he flies out of the nest and tries to catch the last chicken in the column. The hen, stretching her arms out to the sides, prevents the kite from grabbing the chick. All the chicks follow the movements of the kite and quickly move after the hen.

Rules: do not break the coupling in the column; you cannot hold the kite with your hands; the one caught goes to the kite's nest,

Salki - don't fall into the swamp. On the site, sticks, cones, and pebbles indicate a place where you cannot run - a swamp (anthill, vegetable garden). Choose a trap. At a signal, he catches up with the children, trying to make them dirty.

Rules: one caught in a trap or caught in a swamp is considered caught and is eliminated from the game until those caught are counted.

Vavilova E. N. Teach to run, jump, climb, throw: A manual for kindergarten teachers. garden - M.: Education, 1983. P. 32-54.

Prikhodko Natalya Alekseevna

In the period from three to seven years, the child grows and develops intensively, movement becomes his need, therefore physical education is especially important during this age period(Zh.E. Firilyova, E.G. Saikina, 2000).

All famous teachers from ancient times to the present day note: movement is an important means of education (V.A. Shishkina, 1992). By moving, the child learnsthe world around him, learns to love it and purposefully act in it. Movements are the first sources of courage, endurance, determination of a small child, and in older children - a form of manifestation of these most important human qualities. If we turn to the literature, we can note that all outstanding teachers have always directly or indirectly considered motor activity to be the most important condition and means of comprehensive development. Also the father of Russian physiology I.M. Sechenov (1990) said that the work of muscles is the work of the brain, and thereby determined the relationship between muscle work and the nervous system. The child has a great need for movements, which are a source of joy for him, therefore, the role of all types of movements in maintaining a positive emotional tone is clear.

Approximately 75% of adult diseases are acquired during childhood (V.I. Trubnikov, 1994). Recently, interest in the physical education of young children has increased significantly. The close attention of scientists to preschool age is explained by the desire not to miss the most favorable time for the mental and physical development of the individual (V.K. Balsevich, 1988).

The modern sociocultural situation in Russia, humanistic transformations in society, have created the prerequisites for the development of such an education system, which is based on the task of expanding the opportunities for each individual to competently choose his or her life path (A.P. Tryapitsyna, 1995; L.M. Denyakina, 1997; L O.G. Gorkova, 1998; O.A. Solomennikova, 1999). In the light of this task, education is understood as a process aimed at expanding the possibilities for making this choice and the mechanisms of personal self-realization (E.D. Dneprov, 1994; Concept of preschool education 1996; R.B. Sterkina, O.L. Knyazeva, E.I. Yudina, 1998; T.A. Ovechkina, 2003). However, implementing the social order, educational institutions have sharply intensified the process of preparing children for school. A significant increase in intellectual and psycho-emotional stress leads not only to a decrease in children’s interest in learning, but also to a sharp deterioration in their health.

This makes it meaningless to intensify educational activities, since a child with health problems cannot fully realize his intellectual and creative abilities (T.L. Bogina, N.T. Terekhova, 1980; N.A. Notkina, 1987 ; Yu.A. Smirnov, 1994; L.V. Mikhailova, 1996).

The possibility of constantly searching for effective ways to improve the health of children convinces us that we have not yet fully realized the health-improving effect of various environmental conditions on the child’s body. Practice also suggests that teachers often lack the knowledge and ability to use environmental conditions when teaching children movements and motor actions in order to develop their motor qualities, familiarize themselves with the rules for performing physical exercises and familiarize them with these rules through game situations.

One of the most basic and important movements that a childlearns in preschool age is running.

The ancient Greek sages said:

If you want to be healthy, run!

If you want to be beautiful, run!

If you want to be smart, run!

With these words, they emphasized the enormous importance of running for improving health, achieving a harmonious physique, and developing mental abilities (E.N. Vavilova, 1986).

Running is one of the most important movements for a child’s health, allowing for good load regulation, strengthening the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, various muscle groups, joints and ligaments. Running is a natural movement familiar to children from an early age. The ability to run quickly and deftly helps a child to successfully participate in outdoor games, relay races, and sports exercises (E.N. Vavilova, 1986).

But can a child easily perform running exercises without mastering basic running technique? Mistakes during movement lead to rapid fatigue, as a result of which the child loses interest.to play or any other motor activity. This affects the well-being and mood of children.But at school it’s even more difficult for him, because there he has to pass standards, most of which involve running.

Obviously, in order to runwas a recreational one, it is necessary to teach its technique from the senior preschool age. This determined the relevance of my research.

Teaching healthy running techniques is not included in the physical education curriculum in kindergarten. I noticed that most children of senior preschool age make mistakes in movement while running. The most significant of them can be identified:

1. Incorrect foot placement

2. Weak hip extension

3. Insufficient coverage of the shin,

4. Lack of flight phase (running in a half-squat),

5. Incorrect hand function (hands down or working in front of you)

To develop the correct running technique, I conducted an experiment in children's educational institution No. 44 in the Central District from September 10, 2012 to May 20, 2013.

The experiment was conducted in two older kindergarten groups. The groups were divided into control and experimental. I developed a methodology for developing a healthy running technique, which was applied to the experimental group during the school year.

Having studied the health sheet for children in the senior group, I came to the conclusion that errors in running technique can be caused not only by a lack of training in healthy running techniques, but also by insufficient physical training, as well as the presence of diseases. The more common ones are flat feet and scoliosis, which prevent children from learning proper running technique.

To eliminate the cause of incorrect performance of the health-improving running technique, a methodology was developed, which included the following exercises used in physical education classes in the experimental group during the school year:

1. For the prevention and correction of flat feet:

Walking on various prickly mats,

Exercise "Caterpillar"

Picking up small objects with your toes while sitting,

Standing calf raise.

2. To form correct posture:

outdoor switchgear with gymnastic sticks,

Exercise "Fish" lying down,

Walking with bags on your head.

3. To develop leg muscle strength:


Walking with a high hip lift

Jumping up from a half squat.

During the prevention and correction of diseases in physical education classes, a method of developing a healthy running technique was used, which included the following exercises:

1. Running to rhythmic musical accompaniment,

2. Running exercises:

Running with shin lashing,

Running with high hips,

Jumping from heel to toe,

Multi-jump through a step on the left leg,

Multi-jump through a step onto the right leg.

3. Raising your hips, resting your hands on the wall bars,

4. Often work with your hands while standing still,

5. Flexibility exercises (to avoid stiffness while running),

6. Learning to relax.

Hypothesis. I assume that the effectiveness of the technique will be high provided that special physical exercises are used in classes, and the use of Polar heart rate monitors will make it possible to reliably determine the normal heart rate during a recreational run. Monitorsheart ratePOLARS625 X- a means of assessing the body's response to stress.

Purpose of the study. Formation of the correct technique of recreational running with the help of physical exercises in children of senior preschool age.

Research objectives:

1. Analyze scientific and methodological literature on the topic under consideration.

2. Determine the normal heart rate during a recreational run using Polar heart rate monitors.

3. Develop a methodology for developing the technique of recreational running in children of senior preschool age.

4. Evaluate the effectiveness of the developed methodology.

Theoretical foundations of the study are based on the characteristics of recreational running for children of senior preschool age (E.N. Vavilova), the organization of physical education and recreational work in a preschool institution (A.V. Kineman, D.V. Khukhlaeva, A.D. Glazyrina), anatomical and physiological features of development children of senior preschool age (P.K. Anokhin, V.K. Balsevich, V.Yu. Davydov), features of the introduction of new technologies in diagnosing the heart rate of preschoolers (M.A. Pravdov, T.V. Volosnikova).

Theoretical significance The conducted research is that the methodology for developing healthy running techniques for children of senior preschool age will complement the previously developed methodology for teaching track and field running techniques.

The results obtained complement the system:

The possibility of taking into account the individual characteristics of older preschool children when using physical exercises to form the correct technique for healthy running in physical education classes.

Scientific novelty The conducted research is to develop a methodology for developing a technique for healthy running in children of senior preschool age, as well as the use of the “Polar” heart rate to identify the heart rate norm during healthy running in physical education classes.

In work:

- the individual characteristics of children of senior preschool age were determined (physical condition, level of physical activity, concomitant diseases);

- Pulse ranges characteristic of children of senior preschool age during recreational running have been determined.

Practical significance. The results of the study can be used by the head of physical education to improve the effectiveness of health improvement in physical education classes.

The effectiveness of teaching running technique

The pedagogical effectiveness of teaching running techniques to children depends on the extent to which the morphofunctional characteristics of children are taken into account during periods of development, which are characterized by the greatest susceptibility to the influence of certain factors, as well as reduced body resistance. Knowledge of anatomy, physiology, age and individual characteristics of a child is necessary to develop a methodology for developing a healthy running technique, preventing diseases and identifying the heart rate rate using the “Polar” heart rate (N.A. Baeva, 2003).

Taking into account the characteristics of older preschool age and the physical fitness of the child, specific tasks are set for him. The child’s gradual completion of these tasks qualitatively changes the nature of the correct running technique. What was characteristic of the movement at the beginning of a given age stage, by the end of it, seems to be curtailed and the movements transform into a new quality.

Preschool age is an important stage in a person’s life (D.V. Khukhlaeva, 1976, L.D. Glazyrina, 1999).

The period of development of a child of 5-7 years is a qualitatively new age stage associated with significant changes in the body. Qualitative changes are characterized by the formation of special specific properties of individual body functions that provide the possibility of life and systems that control the development and behavior of the child.

A characteristic feature of children 5-7 years old is that they have well-developed large muscles of the trunk and limbs, while the small muscles of the back, which play an important role in maintaining the correct position of the spine, are poorly developed. Also the body becomes proportional. Expressiveness and precision appear. Children notice errors when performing individual exercises and can conduct basic analysis. With an increase in the range of motor skills and abilities, the development of motor qualities, it becomes possible to more successfully master both exercises in their entirety and individual elements of movement technique (N.A. Notkina, 1990).

Therefore, teaching running technique at this age is more appropriate. But when learning the technique of recreational running, do not forgetabout the individual characteristics of children and about diseases (scoleosis, flat feet) that impede the development of movements.

Diagnosis of the physical condition of preschool children involves assessment according to four indicators: health group, physical development, functional state, physical fitness.

The first three indicators in a preschool institution are assessed by medical workers. The child’s physical fitness is determined by a physical education specialist and teacher.

According to T.S. Gryadkina (2004), in order to successfully solve the problems of physical education in preschool institutions, the necessary conditions must be created. The selection and placement of furniture, physical education equipment and inventory should be carried out taking into account pedagogical, hygienic and aesthetic requirements.

In recent years, the possibilities of conducting research on the problems of physical education of preschool children have significantly expanded. One of the most promising areas is the use of heart rate monitors to detectnormal heart rate during recreational running.

This was the next stage of the experiment. Children of the experimental groupIt was suggested to wear Polar heart rate monitors and run for 2 minutes. One after another in a circle at a pace that is comfortable for them. The study took place on the playground of a kindergarten. 10 people took part in the experiment.

According to the results of the study, it was revealed that the optimal heart rate of the correct health-improving running technique is 140-150 beats/min, which should be taken into account when developing the methodology.

Methodology for developing the technique of recreational running for children of senior preschool age


1. Promote the development of major muscle groups;

2. Promote the development of the ankle joint;

3. Teach how to use your hands while standing still;

4. Promote the development of flexibility.








1. Standing calf raise

2. Squats

3. Flexibility exercises:

Tilts of the torso to the side;

Lunges forward;

Lunges to the side;

Bend forward;

2 for 5 rub.

2 for 5 rub.

Keep your body straight

Do not lift your heels off the floor;

Your knees should not go beyond your toes.

Do not tilt the body;

Keep your leg straight at the back;

Tilt the body slightly forward;

Reach your hands to the floor


1. Standing calf raise

3. Squats

5. Bend over while lying on your stomach

6. Flexibility exercises

2 for 10 rub.

2 for 10 rub.

5 rub.

5 rub.

Keep your body straight

Commit as high as possible

Do not lift your heels off the floor;

Do not lift your shoulder blades off the floor;

Keep your arms and legs straight


1. Standing calf raise

2. Jumping from heel to toe in a circle

3. Squats

4. Raising straight legs while lying on your back

5. Bend over while lying on your stomach

6. Push leg in front, body slightly tilted forward, arms bent at the elbow joints. At the leader’s command, begin moving your arms in opposite directions (from the shoulder to the pocket), gradually increasing the pace.

2 for 15 rub.

2 for 15 rub.

10 rub.

10 rub.

Keep your body straight

Commit as high as possible

Do not lift your heels off the floor;

The knees should not extend beyond the toes;

Do not lift your shoulder blades away fromgender;

Keep your arms and legs straight

The arms move along and slightly across the body.


2. Improve hand technique on the spot;

3. Teach running techniques with high hip lifts;

4. Teach running techniques with shin overlapping;

5. Develop a sense of rhythm.









1. Standing calf raise

2. Jumping from heel to toe in a circle

3. Squats

4. Raising straight legs while lying on your back

5. Bend over while lying on your stomach

6. Hand work in place

about the wall bars

10. Lapped shin in place

14. Flexibility exercises

2 for 10 rub.

2 for 10 rub.

10 rub.

10 rub.

Keep your body straight

Commit as high as possible

Do not lift your heels off the floor;

The knees should not extend beyond the toes;

Do not lift your shoulder blades off the floor;

Keep your arms and legs straight

Gradually increase the pace

Raise your knees high

Gradually increase the pace

Reach your heels to your buttocks

Arms straight, body slightly tilted forward

Gradually increase the pace

Walk to the sound of a tambourine


1. Standing calf raise

2. Jumping from heel to toe in a circle

3. Squats

4. Raising straight legs while lying on your back

5. Bend over while lying on your stomach

6. Hand work in place

7. Raising your knees in place, increasing the pace

8. Raising the knees in place while standingabout the wall bars

9. Raising knees in place in combination with arm work

10. Lapped shin in place

11. Overlapping of the shin while resting on the wall bars

12. Latching the shin in place in combination with hand work

13. Rhythmic walking to music

14. Running with high hips in a circle

15. Running in a circle with the shin wrapped around

16. Relay races:

Divided into two teams

2 for 10 rub.

2 for 10 rub.

10 rub.

10 rub.

Keep your body straight

Commit as high as possible

Do not lift your heels off the floor;

The knees should not extend beyond the toes;

Do not lift your shoulder blades off the floor;

Keep your arms and legs straight

Gradually increase the pace

Raise your knees high

Arms straight, body slightly tilted forward

Gradually increase the pace

Reach your heels to your buttocks

Arms straight, body slightly tilted forward

Gradually increase the pace

Walk to the sound of a tambourine

Combine with hand work

Combine with hand work

Do not start running;

Touch your buttocks with your heels;


1. Help maintain muscle tone;

2. Teach how to coordinate the work of arms and legs while running;

3. Learn to relax muscles while running;

4. Develop a sense of rhythm;

5. Improve running technique in outdoor games and relay races.








1. Standing calf raise

2. Jumping from heel to toe in a circle

3. Squats

4. Raising straight legs while lying on your back

5. Bend over while lying on your stomach

6. Hand work in place

7. Raising your knees in place, increasing the pace

8. Raising the knees in place while standing about the wall bars

9. Raising knees in place in combination with arm work

12. Rhythmic running in a circle

13. Flexibility exercises

2 for 10 rub.


2 for 10 rub.

10 rub.

10 rub.









Keep your body straight

Commit as high as possible

Do not lift your heels off the floor;

The knees should not extend beyond the toes;

Do not lift your shoulder blades off the floor;

Keep your arms and legs straight

Gradually increase the pace

Raise your knees high

Arms straight, body slightly tilted forward

Gradually increase the pace

Arms straight, body slightly tilted forward

Walk at an average pace

Keep your distance


1. Standing calf raise

2. Jumping from heel to toe in a circle

3. Squats

4. Raising straight legs while lying on your back

5. Bend over while lying on your stomach

6. Hand work in place

7. Raising your knees in place, increasing the pace

8. Raising the knees in place while standing about the wall bars

9. Raising knees in place in combination with arm work

10. Walking in a circle with alternating hands, imitating race walking

11. Running in circles without using your hands

12. Rhythmic running in a circle

13. Relay races:

Divided into two teams

- run around the chip with a high hip lift;

- run around the chip with an overlap of the shin;

- run around three chips with a snake back and forth.

14. Game "Third Man"

Stand in a circle in pairs in columns of two. One driver and one runner are selected. At the command of the water director. catches up with the runner, and the latter must have time to stand in front of any pair. After this, the third person runs away from the driver. If the driver manages to stain the runner, they change places.

2 for 10 rub.


2 for 10 rub.

10 rub.

10 rub.










Keep your body straight

Commit as high as possible

Do not lift your heels off the floor;

The knees should not extend beyond the toes;

Do not lift your shoulder blades off the floor;

Keep your arms and legs straight

Gradually increase the pace

Raise your knees high

Arms straight, body slightly tilted forward

Gradually increase the pace

Reach your heels to your buttocks

Arms straight, body slightly tilted forward

Walk at an average pace

Hands are relaxed, hanging below

Keep your distance

- do not start running;

- touch your buttocks with your heels;

- start running around from the right side of the chip.

- Run in one direction only;

- Stand in front of the couple in the direction of movement.

At the end of the school year, I noticed that my work was effective; in the control group, where no special technique was introduced, many children made significant mistakes while running, and in the experimental group almost all mistakes were eliminated. Preschoolers who mastered the technique ran easily and freely, without hindering their movements. Also, with the help of additional tests, it was revealed that after learning the running technique, children became more resilient and could easily cover long distances. When watching a physical education lesson, I noticed that the children in the experimental group also increased their running speed, which is so necessary during relay races and outdoor games.

Mastering the correct technique for health-improving running will allow children to instill a love for this movement, and, consequently, improve their health for a long life.


1. An analysis of the literature showed that the formation of health-improving techniques running of children of senior preschool age is one of the difficult tasks in the activities of a physical education specialist, and there is no special methodology in a preschool institution. To determine the heart rate during running of children 5-7 years old, the construction of a pulse curve and indicators of external fatigue are traditionally used.

2. The results of the test using the Polar heart rate monitor made it possible to determine the normal heart rate during recreational running for children of senior preschool age, which was observed in the majority of children. It was 150-160 beats/min.

3. I have developed a methodology for developing a healthy running technique for children of senior preschool age. The methodology included exercises to strengthen general muscle groups, special running exercises, running and walking to music, games and relay races with running, and flexibility exercises.

4. The results of the study turned out to be reliable. The majority of children in the experimental group did not make mistakes in their recreational running technique. They also became more resilient during games and relay races, and also began to perform exercises and running standards more correctly. Consequently, the developed methodology is effective, and it is advisable to implement it in preschool institutions to work with children.


1. Avatinyan G. A. The wisdom of health-improving running / G. A. Avatinyan. - Moscow: Editus, 2013. - 263, p.

2. Balsevich V.K. Physical education for everyone and for everyone. - Moscow: Physical culture and sport, 1988. 207, p.

3. Vavilova E.N. Strengthen children's health: A manual for children's educators. garden - Moscow: Education, 1986. - 125, p.

4. Volosnikova T.V. Relationship between microelementosis and the physical condition of preschool children // Adaptive physical culture. -No. 4, 2005.- P. 4-5

5. Kineman A.V. Thorium and methods of physical education of preschool children / A.V. Kineman, D.V. Khukhlaeva. - Moscow: Education, 1978.- 63 p.

6. Osokina T.I. Physical education in kindergarten / T.I. Osokina.- M.: Education, 1986.- 226 p.

7. Pravdov M. A. Integration of motor and cognitive activities of children during physical education classes in preschool educational institutions. Author's abstract. dis. for the job application scientist step. - St. Petersburg, 2003. - 38 p.

8. Runova M.A. Motor activity of a child in kindergarten: A manual for preschool teachers. institutions, teachers and students of pedagogical universities and colleges / Runova M.A.; Center "Doshk. Childhood" named after. A.V. Zaporozhets. - Moscow: Mosaic-Sintez, 2000. - 255 p.

9. Saykina E. G. On the issue of training specialists in the field of health-improving physical culture // Current issues of physical culture of preschool children: Sat. scientific method. tr. - St. Petersburg: Bell, 2004.- pp. 67-72.

10. Firilyova Zh. E. “Sa-Fi-Dance”: dance and play gymnastics for children, educational method. manual for teachers of preschool and school institutions / Zh. E. Firileva E. G. Saykina. - St. Petersburg: Childhood-Press, 2006. - 321, p.

11. Shebeko V. N. Physical education holidays in kindergarten: Creativity in the engine. preschooler activities Book. for kindergarten teachers garden /V. N. Shebeko, N. N. Ermak. - 2nd ed. - Moscow: Education, 2001. - 92, p.

12. Shishkina V.A. Movement + movements: Book. for a kindergarten teacher garden - Moscow: Education, 1992. - 93, p.

13. Yushkevich T.P. Health running. - Minsk: Polymya, 1985. - 111 p.


There are different types of running. In sports practice, running is divided depending on the length of the distance: sprint (60-100 m), middle-distance running (400-1000 m), long-distance running (from 2000 m), marathon running. In addition, there are cross-country running, steeplechase running, and hurdling running. In recent years, running at a low pace (jogging), used for health purposes, has gained particular popularity.
Taking into account age characteristics, the following types of running are available to preschool children: regular running at a calm pace, speed running, with obstacles and the inclusion of other movements (climbing, jumping), running at a changing pace, slow running. Types of running and running exercises differ in execution technique. The teacher should know these features in order to prevent mistakes, correct them more easily and quickly, and correctly determine the tasks and teaching methods.
Normal running. The correct technique for such running is considered to be: the ability to run freely, easily, with natural arm movements. The arms are bent at the elbows, the fingers are loosely bent (but not clenched into fists). When running, the arms move forward and upward to approximately chest level, slightly inward, then are pulled back with the elbows to the sides. When running in small steps, the leg slightly bent at the knee is placed on the front of the foot. With wider running steps, the foot is placed from the heel, followed by an elastic lowering to the entire foot. When pushing off, you need to straighten your leg at the knee. The toes of the feet do not point to the sides. The torso is slightly tilted forward, the head is in line with it, the chest and shoulders are turned, the shoulders should not be turned after the arm, so as not to cause excessive rotation of the torso.
Regular running at an average pace is widely used to teach some elements of technique and the skills of proper coordinated movement. With this kind of running, children can better control their movements, feel them well, and can make adjustments to their actions.
Regular running can be carried out in various formations: in a column one at a time, in pairs, in a circle, “snake”, etc. The approximate duration of continuous running increases gradually from 10-15 s in younger groups to 35-40 s in older groups (repeated 2 -4 times with breaks). For children 6-7 years old at the end of the school year, the duration of running can be within one minute, since over the course of the year children master the elements of correct running technique and their functional fitness increases.
Running on your toes. The foot should be placed on the front of the foot without the heel touching the floor. The stride is short, the pace is fast. The movements of the hands are calm, relaxed, in rhythm with the steps, do not raise them high, you can put your hands on your belt.
Running with high knees. Run, raising your leg bent at the knee at a right angle, placing it on the floor with a soft, elastic and at the same time quite energetic movement on the forefoot. The step is short, with little forward movement. The body is straight and slightly tilted back, the head is raised high. You can put your hands on your belt. Alternate with regular running or walking.
Running with long strides. Take long steps, increasing the push and flight time (as if jumping over an imaginary obstacle). Place your foot from the heel with a roll over the entire foot. Try to fully straighten your pushing leg, pushing off energetically. Hand movements are free and sweeping.
Running with the leg bent at the knee. The body is tilted forward slightly more than usual, hands are on the belt. The leg bent at the knee is pulled back after the push (try to reach the buttock with the heel). Alternate with regular running, while relaxing your legs a little more, giving them rest. Running with a cross step. Perform by overlapping almost straight legs: right - to the left, left - to the right. The leg is placed on the foot.
Jumping running. Performed energetically, with a wide sweeping movement. Push forward and upward.
The duration of continuous running on the toes, with the knees raised high, with the leg bent at the knee moving back, is short (10-20 s). As a rule, these types of running are repeated 2-3 times, alternating each type with regular running or walking. Running with a wide step is given at a distance of 10-12 m. For this running, you can use various landmarks - lines, cords, flat hoops, medicine balls.
Running at a fast pace. Performed on the forefoot or on the toes. The step is wide and swift. Hand movements are active, in time with running steps. Do energetic push-offs with your pushing leg, straightening it well. Bring your swing leg forward and upward. The body is tilted forward in the direction of movement, the head is in line with it. Shoulders turned, not tense, look forward. Fast running is most often used in games with elements of competition. The duration of such a run is short - 5-8 s. However, alternating with natural stops - rest, it can be repeated 4-5 times.
Slow running has recently gained great popularity, mainly as a means of developing general endurance and increasing the functionality of the body. In this run, you need to be able to maintain a slow pace, not speed up or slow down, and run rhythmically. Take short steps, place your foot on the forefoot or elastically from heel to toe. The movements of the arms are calm, the arms are bent at the elbows at waist level, the shoulders are slightly relaxed.
Variable tempo running is used in combination with other movements. The main task when teaching this type of running is to teach children to choose the pace and type of running that most matches the content of the task. So, if the run ends with a hop or a long jump, then there is no need to slow down the pace before the push, but move immediately from the last step of the run to an energetic push up or forward. You must be able to quickly and deftly switch from running to another type of movement. For example, crawl under a hoop or rope, walk along a log, and then continue running without stopping, without changing direction. Different exercises can be offered at a variable pace.
Shuttle run. A wide, rapid stride alternates with sharp braking at the end when moving in a straight line and frequent steps when turning. Before changing direction, the pace is faster, the steps are shorter, and the knees are bent more to maintain balance. Hand movements are natural, helping movement in a straight line and when turning.
Running combined with crawling under sticks, climbing through hoops, jumping over, jumping up. Here you need to be able to slow down and speed up your running pace before overcoming an obstacle.
Running in different natural conditions develops the ability to use the type of running that is most appropriate to these conditions, its pace and speed. Running on a winding path is different from running in a straight line, and running on sand requires different technique and effort than running on a dirt path. By changing the conditions familiar to children, selecting different combinations of them, it is necessary to promote the development of a much-needed skill in life - to use the most effective type of running in accordance with the surface conditions (dirt, grass, asphalt path, running on sand, water, uphill and downhill) .
When running uphill, the foot is placed on the toe, the step is short, the torso is tilted forward. When running down, the leg is placed on the entire foot or from heel to toe, the legs are more bent at the knees, and the torso is slightly tilted back.
When running up and down on a board placed at an angle, the feet are placed close to one another, the toes are not pointed out to the sides, and the balance is regulated by hand movements.

E.N. Vavilova, “Teach to run, jump, climb, throw,” M., 1983.

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If you had some kind of bad dream, then almost everyone remembers it and does not get it out of their heads for a long time. Often a person is frightened not so much by the content of the dream itself, but by its consequences, because most of us believe that we see dreams not in vain. As scientists have found out, a person most often has a bad dream in the early morning...

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 75 of a general developmental type"

city ​​of Magnitogorsk

Literature 47

This manual presents the experience of working as a physical education instructor at the municipal preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 75 of a general developmental type,” Tatyana Aleksandrovna Kartashova.

The material presented in the manual reflects new approaches to teaching basic movements to children of preschool and primary school age: running, jumping, throwing.

The collection is intended for physical education instructors in preschool educational institutions and physical education teachers in primary classes.


The most pressing problem today is the problem of maintaining health.

Research by domestic and foreign scientists has long established that human health is only 7-8% dependent on the success of healthcare and 50% on lifestyle.

To be healthy, you need to master the art of maintaining and strengthening it. This art should be given as much attention as possible in a preschool institution. For the development of preschoolers, it is important to timely master a variety of movements, primarily their main types - running, walking, jumping, throwing, climbing, without which it is impossible to actively participate in outdoor games, and in the future to successfully engage in sports.

The manual we have proposed is an attempt to show in practice the system of work on teaching basic movements to preschool children. The manual will help develop a set of athletics activities for preschool children.

The manual uses abbreviations generally accepted in physical education methods:

I. p. – starting position.

O. s. – main stand.

Athletics is rightly called the “Queen of Sports”.

Athletics is a sport that combines exercises:

· Jumping

· In throwing

· All-around.

Athletics exercises have a very diverse effect on the human body. They develop speed, agility, strength, endurance, and improve joint mobility.

Running is a natural way of moving and is included in many sports, such as football, basketball, etc.

Running types are divided into:

· Smooth running:

Short distances: 30 m, 50 m, 100 m, 200 m, 300 m, 400 m.

Middle distances: 500 m, 600 m, 800 m, 1000 m, 2000 m.

Long distances: 3000 m, 5000 m, 10000 m, 25000 m.

· running in natural conditions:

Cross 500 m, 1 km, 2 km, 5 km, 8 km, 10 km, 12 km.

Marathon 42 km 185 m.

· Running with obstacles:

Hurdling 50, 60, 80, 100, 200, 300, 400 m

· relay race:

Short distances: 4 people x 60 m

Middle distance: 4x400 m

By changing the distance length and running speed, you can dose the load, influence the development of endurance, speed, and develop other physical qualities and coordination of movements.

Long running at low speed (in a forest, park) has hygienic significance and is one of the best means of healing.

Running at high speed places increased demands on the exerciser, especially on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and serves as an excellent means for developing endurance.

Running at higher speeds is included in training to develop speed strength. Without good skills, it is difficult to count on high results in jumping.

Jumping as a way to overcome obstacles.

· Jumping over a vertical obstacle, where the goal is to jump higher - high jumps from a running start.

· Jumping over a horizontal obstacle. The goal is to jump as far as possible - running long jump.

· Jumps that have training value:

Standing long jump

Multiple jumps

Jumping from a height

Jumping out

In any type of jump, the level of results depends on the strength of the push. This means that the main attention should be paid to the development of the leg muscles.

Running at high speed send your body up or forward, it is important to be fast

You need to be able to control your body in flight when it is deprived of support

Be able to maintain stable balance, trying to land as far as possible.

Throwing – the main goal is the projectile’s flight range:

Overhead throws (spear, grenade, ball)

Throws with turns (discus, hammer)

Throws with push (core)

The main task: to give the projectile greater speed and make it fly as far as possible.

To do this you must have:

With the strength of a weightlifter

The speed of a sprinter

With the agility of an acrobat

High strong-willed qualities

Versatile physical fitness.

The ability to run quickly and deftly is necessary for a child’s main activity – play. Running is used more often than other movements in everyday life by all children, regardless of whether they are in kindergarten or on the playground.

Exercises to master running technique

1 Running segments of 60-80 m in a straight line. The feet are placed on the line and parallel to it. 4-6 times.

2 Running with a high hip lift. First performed on the spot, then with slight advancement (10-12 m) 3-6 times.

We make sure that the shoulders do not lean back or tense - you can keep your hands on your belt. The thigh rises horizontally, the supporting leg is fully straightened.

3 Running through objects (balls, gymnastic benches, etc.), changing the distance between objects and their height. You can change the height of the hip rise, the length and frequency of the step, and therefore the rhythm and speed of running. 3-5 times.

4 Jumping from foot to foot. When pushing off, the pushing leg is completely straightened in all joints, and the fly leg, bent at the knee joint, is energetically sent forward with the knee, the arms are bent at the elbow joints, and vigorously move back and forth 10-20 m 4-6 times.

5 Multi-jump on one leg, pulling the pushing leg forward and up, as when running, and landing on it. 3-5 times.

6 Running with a high hip lift and throwing the shin back (“wheel”) 10-20 m 3-4 times. Make sure that the supporting leg is fully straightened at the moment of movement, and that the pelvis moves forward.

7 I. p. - o. With. Shift the weight of your body onto your toes without lifting your heels. Run a segment of 15-20 m, maintaining the resulting torso tilt 4-5 times.

8 I. p. – o. With. Movements with arms bent at the elbows, as if running. Performed slowly at first, then with acceleration. Make sure that your elbows move back to failure and that there is no tension in the neck and shoulders. The exercise can be performed with a skipping rope.

9 Run a segment of 20-30 m at the entrance to the turn 3-5 times. Make sure you enter the turn smoothly. Behind the tilt of the torso forward and to the left and the abduction of the elbow of the right hand to the right when moving it back.

10 The same, but running around the turn.

11 Running a segment of 30-50 m when exiting a turn. 3-5 times. Make sure there is a smooth transition from running around a turn to running in a straight line. Pay special attention to tilting your torso forward and to the left.

12 Run from a high start for 20-30 m 3-5 times. Pay attention to starting from the start in a bent position and running fast, which is achieved by actively raising and lowering the hips, as well as powerful push-off.

13 Running downhill 4-5 degrees. 4-5 times.

14 Run up a slightly steep hill 4-5 times.

15 Accelerated running along a straight track, turning into turns 2-3 times

Sequence of learning to run.

You need to start learning to run by finding mistakes.

Task 1: run several times at an average speed of 30-50 m, fixing shortcomings.

Task 2: repeated running with acceleration at different distance segments.

I.P. – one leg is slightly pushed forward, rise on your toes and start running at low speed, taking small steps. Gradually increase the length of steps and increase their frequency. A high hip lift promotes better take-off, providing better conditions for positioning the foot for the next take-off. Running speed increases as long as freedom of movement and its correct structure are maintained.

In running with acceleration, thanks to the straightened and. and slowly increasing running speed, it is easier to achieve correct posture and movements when running at high speed. A good way to achieve proper free running is to run with a rapid increase in speed and then move forward by inertia.


· the hip does not rise enough

· the leg straightens early at the knee

· foot extended far forward /shin whipping/

vertical position of the body

Excessive backward bending of the body

· keeping elbows away from the body

· insufficient amplitude of hand work

movement of the arms across the body

Excessive straightening of the arms when moving them back

· incomplete push-off with the foot

· lateral rocking of the body

· enslavement in running

Error correction methods:

running with high hips

· folding the leg at the knee joint with a gradual increase in speed as you move forward

· accelerated hip extension, running in small leaps, running at close range

· various multi-jumps

· running with high hip lifts with a gradual increase in steps and transition to running with acceleration

· running along the line

· springy swings in a wide lunge, changing legs with a jump in a lunge, walking in a lunge for mobility of the hip joint

· imitation of hand work on the spot and while running

· running with arms raised

Errors in high start on the “Start” command

· the starting leg is close to the starting line

· large lean forward, shoulders go beyond the starting line

· legs are excessively bent at the knees

· the runner leans back

Error correction:

· move your foot away from the starting line, lean your torso forward less

· straighten up, do not transfer your body weight forward

Straighten your legs, raise your head and arms higher

· bring your shoulders forward, lower your chin

Errors in high start on the “March” command

· the leg rises too high in the first step

The head rises sharply and quickly

Error correction:

· Send your foot forward, parallel to the ground. Move your feet forward, not up

· lower your chin to your chest

Relax your shoulders, lower your hands below your waist

Relay race

The difficulty of relay racing lies in passing the baton at high speed in a limited transmission area. Distance running is no different from regular “smooth” running, since holding a relay baton weighing 50 g in your hands does not affect your running technique and requires almost no additional effort.

Sequence of training:

Problem 1– create an understanding of the relay running technique among those involved. Talk about the types of relay races, the common features of all relay races and the features of each of them.

Problem 2– teach students the technique of passing the baton.

When training students in groups, build in two open ranks 1-1.5 steps from one another, with a shift of 0.5 steps to the left. Participants standing in the second rank hold the lower end of the relay baton in their right hand. On command, those in the first rank move their straightened left arm back to accept the relay baton, and those standing in the second rank, with some pause after the command or on a new command, pass the relay baton in such a way that the back of the hand touches the recipient’s palm. After the transfer, the students turn in a circle and perform the transfer, exchanging roles.

After the participants have mastered passing the baton under the conditions stated above, the pass can be made with a preliminary imitation of running “work” with the hands, but the receiver moves his hand back to receive the baton in advance, and the passer, with a pause, after the receiver is ready, places the baton in his hand . First, the command to pass is given by the instructor, and then by the person passing the baton.

Then the baton is passed on during the movement of everyone involved in the step, first at the command of the instructor, then at the signal of the transmitter. The participants change roles after each program. It would not be a mistake if roles were changed after several transfers. Initial mastery of passing the baton while walking allows you to move on to passing during slow running and running at medium speed.

Problem 3– to ensure that the participants pass the baton at maximum speed in a 20-meter zone.

Coherence in passing the baton at maximum speed plays a decisive role in achieving high athletic results in relay racing. Therefore, when preparing a team, you need to devote enough time to improving the technique of passing the baton in the passing zone at high running speed.

The main means to solve this problem is to run the entire team the full distance. However, running the full distance multiple times is tiring, and to achieve clear transmission you need to repeat this element of the technique many times.

Therefore, along with running the entire distance, it is necessary to improve the passing technique over short periods, but at the same running speed as over the full distance.

Objectives and means of teaching relay running.


Fixed assets

Additional tools for improving technology and correcting deficiencies

1. Give students an idea of ​​the relay running technique.

A story about the types of relay running.

Demonstration and explanation of running technique.

Examination of photographs, films, film loops.

2. Teach those involved in the technique of passing the baton.

1. Holding the baton

2. Transferring the baton from the right hand to the prepared left hand, standing still.

3. The same from the left hand to the right

4. Transfer of the baton, standing still, to the hand given at the signal

5. Transfer from right hand to left and from left to right while walking. The hand for receiving is first given in advance, and then on a signal.

6. Passing while running slowly.

Re-execution after preliminary explanation.

3. Ensure that the participants pass the baton at maximum speed in the 20-meter zone.

1. Repeated runs with passing in a 20-meter zone at different speeds.

2. Running the entire distance at a competitive pace

3. Participation in competitions

Consistently focusing on individual elements of running technique and passing the baton.

Mistakes during initial training and means of eliminating them.



1. Non-springy “low” running in the first part of the run worsens all subsequent actions

1.1 Explanation and verification of the method of holding the projectile

1.2 Repeat the run with the ball, running on the front of the foot.

2. Deflection of the body in the direction opposite to the throw during the first “throw” steps causes a slowdown in running speed.

3. A high jump in a “crossing” step and a pronounced placing of the right foot on the heel significantly reduces the horizontal speed during the transition from the run-up to the throw and the accuracy of applying forces along the axis of the projectile.

2. Repeated runs with the ball withdrawn, running with the ball withdrawn, recording the time of running segments.

3. Imitation and execution of a “cross” step when walking and running. Selection for each student of the best combination of running speed and reaching the final position.

4. Premature straightening of the right leg in the “throwing” step reduces the effectiveness of its action in a two-support position when throwing the ball and shortens the length of the working path.

4. Imitation of placing the left foot in the last “throwing” step, being on a bent leg. Running throw from a two-support position.

5. Flexion at the hip joint and tilt of the torso to the left at the beginning of the final effort causes a violation of the entire throwing pattern.

5. Imitation of the final movement by elements. Perform a throw on elastic legs, accelerating the placement of the left. Throwing a ball over specified distances.

6. Lowering the throwing hand below the axis of the shoulders

6. Retracting the ball in place and in motion, controlling the position of the hand and the ball.

7. Abduction of the arm to the side.

7. Imitation of arm abduction

8. There is no “whip” with the brush on the final force

8. Throwing the brush into the ground, a guideline through a stretched cord, leaving the brush with the fingers pointing down.

9. Lack of acceleration in “throwing” steps.

9. First, throw in easier conditions with 2-4 steps, then from running up.

Exercises to improve running technique and develop speed.

1. Starts from various and. etc. (lying on your back, standing with your back in the direction of running, etc.)

2. Jumping up from a half-squat on command and reaching for an object.

3. Running in place while moving forward, raising your knees high. Combine with optimal torso tilt and proper hand work and breathing.

4. Running in place, moving forward, overlapping the shin with the hip lowered. Combine with relaxation of non-working muscles.

5. Jumping from foot to foot. Quickly straighten your pushing leg.

6. Running with straight legs. Push off with your foot only.

7. Run uphill.

Exercises to develop speed of movement.

1. Running for a while on the move 30-60 m

2. Running with acceleration

3. Participation in estimations and competitions at 30,60,100 m.

4. Training in passing the baton.

5. Imitation of hand work at maximum speed for 10-20 seconds.

6. Running at a maximum frequency of 10-20 seconds.

7. From a low start with a partner under the team 30-60 m.

Exercises for the development of speed and strength qualities.

Complex No. 1

1. i. p.-stand on one leg, bend the other at the knee. Jumping on one leg over objects a) in place

b) with promotion on the spot

pushing off primarily with the foot. Perform at an average pace.

2. i. n. - deep squat, emphasis on toes, dumbbells in hands. Jumping up. Don't tilt your shoulders forward. The body is straight. Emphasis on completing the final part of the push-off.

3. i. n. - stand on two legs, slightly bent at the knees. Jumps overcoming 4-8 barriers in turn, located at a distance of 70-80 ms from one another. Two-legged push-off. Keep your torso straight. Perform at an average pace.

4. i. p. – stand on an elevated position. Swing leg in front, pushing leg behind. Jumping onto the push leg followed by a long jump. Emphasis on the coordination of the work of the pushing and swing legs.

Complex No. 2

1. i. p. – stand on one leg, bend the other at the knee. Quick foot push through medicine balls. 2-3 times. Don't tilt your shoulders forward. Vary the distance between the balls.

2. I. p. – lunge forward. After 3-4 springy swings, change legs with a jump. Hold your hands freely.

3. I. p.-o. With. Jumping up and forward on two legs 8-10 times. Pay attention to the straight position of the body and the coordination of the work of the arms and legs.

4. I. p. - push leg in front, swing leg behind on the toe. With 4-6 running steps, quickly push off from foot to foot in the sequence: half-bridge - pedestal - reaching for a suspended object 3-4 times. Don't slump your shoulders.

5. I. p. - the same. From 2-6 running steps, high jumps with a straight run-up, 2-3 jumps on each leg. When crossing the bar, bend your legs at the knees. Don't lean your shoulders forward. Perform at a fast pace.

6. I. p. - stand facing the gymnastic wall, lean your hands at head level. Push up with two legs. Focus on extension of the ankle joint.

Complex No. 3

1. I. p.-o. With. Quintuple jump from foot to foot

2. I. p.-o. With. Jumping on one leg. Repeat on each leg 2-4 times.

3. I. p. - one leg is bent at the knee on a bench, the other is straightened on the ground. Jumping up with extension of the bent leg (changing the position of the legs). Pay attention to the coordination of movements of the arms and legs. Perform at an average pace.

4. I. p.-half squat. Jump up by straightening your legs and swinging your arms.

5. I. p. - half squat, arms down, holding a medicine ball. Throw the ball as high as possible, catch it, return to and. n. Keep your back straight.

6. I. p. - right leg in front on the heel. Alternating change of legs with moving forward and rolling onto the toe. Pay attention to effective push-off with your foot.

Key running tasks.

1. Teaching the basics of running technique

2. Training in the peculiarities of slow running

3. Improving the technique of slow running, with a gradual increase in its duration, increasing the requirements for endurance.

4. Learning to alternate between slow running and walking, slow walking and running, observing the pace and length of the segment.

5. Training in the characteristics of fast running

6. Improving the technique of fast running, gradually increasing the speed requirements and promoting the development of speed as a motor quality.

Particular tasks and the sequence of their implementation.

1. Teach how to maintain correct posture while running.

2. Teach free and rhythmic breathing while running

3. Teach rational hand movements when running

4. Teach fast running up to 30 m, with the transition to running by inertia.

5. Teach to run at a uniform pace for a duration of 1 minute.

Learning the assigned tasks begins with running in a column one at a time:

1. Teach running in a straight line with wide strides

2. Teach running with wide strides on your toes, i.e. high on your feet

3. Teach how to develop maximum speed in a 30 m sprint.

4. Teach running at a slow and steady pace of 1.5 m or more.

Training begins:

From checking the running exercises previously learned. Depending on mastery, they repeat certain exercises to a greater extent, while simultaneously learning new ones for better mastery of running techniques.

Running technique training

Task No. 1 To familiarize children with the features of running, identify individual shortcomings and ways to eliminate them.

Fixed assets:

1. repeated runs at an average speed of 50-100 m

2. conversation with children to find out their understanding of running technique

Problem No. 2 Teaching children the technique of running in a straight line

Fixed assets:

1. demonstration and explanation of running with acceleration

2. repeated running with acceleration at different distance segments

3. running with a high hip lift, bending the leg at the knee joint and placing the foot on the track in extension

4. repeated running with a rapid increase in speed and running by inertia for the rest of the distance.

Additional tools for improving technique and eliminating deficiencies:

1. mincing run with a raking foot position

2. running in small jumps forward and up

3. high-distance multi-jumps

4. running with the shin thrown back and the hip abducted

5. multi-jump take-offs at the smallest possible angle to the track (straight body)

6. various exercises to increase mobility in the hip joints

7. various exercises to develop strength and speed of contraction of different muscle groups

Problem No. 3 Teach children the technique of running along a turning track

Fixed assets:

1. demonstration and explanation

2. repeated running with acceleration along the turn of the track, starting from the sixth, followed by a transition to running along the track with a smaller turning radius

3. repeated running around the turn and onto the straight track

4. repeated running in a straight line with access to a turn in the track.

Problem No. 4 Teach children high start techniques and starting acceleration

Fixed assets:

1. demonstration and explanation

4. starting the run from a high starting position without a signal

5. execution of the “attention” command with your hand resting on the track

6. starting to run from a position with your hand resting on the track at maximum speed

Task No. 5 Teach children to have a low start

Fixed assets:

1. demonstration and explanation

2. execution of the “start” command

3. execution of the “attention” command

4. start running without a signal, on your own

Additional tools for improving technology and eliminating deficiencies:

1. the start of the run with the lifting of the body limited by the hand held under the starter’s back, or by a gate above the track, with the head reaching the starter’s palm

2. overcoming resistance to moving forward

3. pushing out with two legs without performing a step

4. start running from and. p. with a horizontal position of the body and a leg set far back

5. run from the start along the marks for the first 3-4 steps

Task No. 6 Teach children the transition from starting acceleration to running along a distance

Fixed assets:

1. explanation of the essence and meaning of “free running” for maintaining running speed at a sufficiently high level for a longer period of time

2. running by inertia after running a short distance

3. increasing running speed after coasting

4. gradual reduction of the segment covered by inertia (free running) to 2-3 steps

5. running by inertia after starting acceleration

6. increasing speed after running by inertia, performed following the starting acceleration

7. running 30-100 m with repeated changes of intense running at different intervals

Task No. 7 Teach children how to run correctly when exiting a turn onto a straight part of the track

Fixed assets:

1. explanation of the meaning of “free play” when exiting a turn onto a straight line

2. running by inertia after exiting the turn onto the straight

3. increasing speed after coasting

4. gradual decrease in the distance covered by inertia, up to 3-4 steps

5. making the transition from running around a turn to running in a straight line with “free running” after running the entire turn of the track at high speed

Task No. 8: teach children to start low when turning

Fixed assets

1. demonstration and explanation of the features of starting on a turn

2. installation of pads /supports/

3. starting accelerations along the second track (to increase the distance covered in a straight line before entering the turn) with an exit tangential to the edge of the first track

4. starting accelerations with the installation of blocks (supports) on your own track with a gradual increase in running speed from attempt to attempt

Task No. 9 Teach the finishing throw to the ribbon

Fixed assets:

1. demonstration and explanation of the meaning and technique of throwing on the tape

2. bending forward with arms moving back while standing still

3. bending forward with arms moving back when walking and running

4. – bending forward while running slow and fast.

Objective No. 10 Improvement in running technique in general and in individual elements, taking into account the individual characteristics of children.

After mastering running technique, runners must systematically work to refine the details of the technique and consolidate the correct skills. As runners move on to learning new details of the technique, they continue to improve in previously mastered elements. Along with improving skills, it is necessary to systematically work on developing the physical qualities necessary to achieve high sports results, since there is a close connection between the condition for the development of physical qualities and the form of movement of the runner.

Running training method

The development of a teaching method for any motor action begins with clarifying the tasks. Their setting is determined by the requirements stipulated by the program, the corresponding educational material and the logic of mastering the technique of a specific action.

1. teaching the general basics of running technique

2. training in the peculiarities of slow running

3. improvement in the technique of slow running, gradually increasing its duration and increasing the requirements for endurance

4. learning to alternate between slow walking and running, observing the given conditions (pace, length of the segment)

5. training in the peculiarities of fast running techniques

6. improvement in fast running technique, gradually increasing friction to speed and promoting the development of speed as a motor quality

7. learning how to start running from a standing, sitting, lying position, promoting the development of speed of movement and motor reaction

8. training in the appropriate use of developed running skills, the formation of running skills, the ability to distinguish between spatial and temporal parameters (which contributes to mastering the ability to control one’s movements)

From the formulation of general tasks follow specific tasks that are consistently solved in the preschool educational institution.

Stage 1 of the task:

1. teach how to maintain correct posture while running

2. teach free and rhythmic breathing while running

3. teach rational hand movements when running

4. teach fast running up to 30 m

5. teach slow running for up to 1 minute.

Running in a column one at a time

This is an organizing exercise. By mastering it, children learn to move around the playground in a certain order, without overtaking or pushing each other, but also without lagging behind those running in front by more than two steps. Link by link, the group walks in a column, one at a time, around the site. 1st link starts running. Having run around the circle, it positions itself behind the 3rd link and continues moving at a walk. The 2nd link starts running, then the 3rd.

It is important to ensure that children keep their distance from the very beginning. At the same time, they learn to run at a slow pace. The exercise is repeated 2-4 times for 20-50 m.

After 2-3 lessons, running in a column becomes more difficult:

1. environment:

· run in zigzags

· running around flags, medicine balls, towns, etc.

· run along the board of a gymnastic bench

· run under a tight rope, etc.

2. pace of movement following the teacher:

· running in circles

· counterpropulsion


· in a spiral

In parallel with the repetition of tasks in column running, elements of the correct running technique are taught at a slow pace (100-200 steps per minute). First, they get the children to run with their elbows bent at right angles.

To master the elements of proper running technique, it is useful to include running with jumps and running along “wide stairs” in your classes. The need to overcome obstacles forces the runner to swing the hip of the swing leg high and energetically. Correct execution of this movement develops a wide running stride with increased upward push-off, which contributes to more successful mastery of the running technique in general.

First, you run and jump over a medicine ball (or another obstacle 25-30 cm high). During the first execution, children’s attention is focused on the energetic and high forward-upward extension of the hip of the swing leg at the moment of repulsion.

After repeating the jump over a stuffed ball 4-5 times, children in the same lesson practice running along the “wide stairs” - they run, “walking” through splinters the size of a school ruler, placed at a distance of 80-90 cm from one another (6- 8 splinters). Directions for running: Run by lifting the hip of your swing leg high and lowering it to the ground from your toes, as if jumping over a medicine ball.

In the next 4-5 lessons, these same exercises are repeated with modifications. Along with strengthening the technique of correct running, one learns how to run under a long rotating rope.

First, the teacher himself rotates the rope with one of the children. The runner stands 2 steps away from the rope and begins running the moment it falls towards him. In the future, the line from which the running begins is moved further 4-8 steps.

First, students run under the rope obliquely, then straight ahead.

Consolidation of the learned exercises is combined with tasks in a fast (170-180 steps per minute) 30 m run.

It is performed in pairs and groups. I. p. various:

1. running from a sitting, standing, lying position

2. fast running alternates with slow running

Stage 2 of the task.

1. teach running with long strides along a narrow corridor

2. teach running with long strides on your toes

the same along the narrow corridor

3. teach 30 m speed running

4. teach running at a slow pace for up to 1.5 minutes.

Training begins with checking the execution of running exercises learned in stage 1.

Running along a narrow corridor

A corridor 20-30 cm wide is marked with two cords 6-10 m long laid on the ground.

Children take turns running down the corridor 4-8 times.


1. running along the corridor in the shape of an arc or zigzag

2. running along a straight corridor with splinters laid transversely inside it, 80-90 cm apart from one another.

3. Running along a corridor made of gymnastic clubs, chocks 40-50 cm long.

Running around the rings.

At a distance of 80-100 cm, 6-8 rings with a diameter of 28-32 cm are laid in a straight line from one another. Run, hitting each ring with your toe and raising your knees high.


1. the rings are laid out so that when running, long steps alternate with short ones

2. two steps of the same length, the third is longer

After overcoming several rings, a jump is performed over a medicine ball (barrier).

Training to run at a speed of 30 m.

1. running at a pace of 170-180 steps per minute. From different and... P.

2. run 30 m in a certain time.

3. Run at full speed

4. Fast run - slow run 30 sec

5. Slow run 30 sec, fast run 20 sec

6. Slow running for 40 seconds, at an average pace for 30 seconds

7. Slow run for 30 seconds, at an average pace for 20 seconds.

8. Slow run 1.5 min.

9. Running fast in games

Stage 3.

1. teach straight running with correct foot placement and active hand work

2. teach slow running up to 300 m

3. Teach running and overcoming obstacles

4. Teach running from a high start.

Training begins with running in a column, one at a time, at different paces according to tasks:

1. running at a medium to slow pace while clapping

2. running – 8 steps counting. 8-no count

3. run for 10 seconds with clapping, 10 seconds without sound signals

4. slow run for 1.5 minutes, the same up to 500 m.

5. figure running along the markings - circle, zigzag, spiral at a slow pace. Up to 500 m – without markings.

6. Running with obstacles


Run along the side of a strip of hurdles or balls, jumping every 2 steps against the next obstacle

Run along the path without obstacles, jumping 2 steps

When running, jump 2 steps from the left foot, then from the right.

Running with a stick behind your back.

2. technique training

1. showing and explaining the methods of pushing movement

2. placing the leg on the push and moving the body onto the elastically bending push leg.

3. The same, but quickly bringing the pelvis forward, overtaking the shoulders and torso

4. The same, but emphasizing the lag of the swing leg from behind in a wide step, moving it forward from the hip, fully straightening it at the knee and bending the foot towards you.

5. In a free jump, quickly lower the swing leg down and along the body, pull up and bend the pushing leg at the knee, directing the foot under the buttock of the swing leg.

6. Do the same thing by performing a “take-off” jump over the bar from walking and running in 3-5 running steps

7. Exercises for mastering repulsion:

Stretching 2-3 running steps and performing them on the entire foot

Advancement in a squat on the swing leg at the moment of completion of the penultimate step of the run-up

8. exercises for mastering the final push-off movements

In walking, a fast and large-amplitude movement of the swing leg and bent arms upward

The same, but complementing the movement with a quick and complete straightening of the torso and the pushing leg, raising the body high on the front of the foot of the pushing leg.

Perform exercises by running on a treadmill and ending with a slight push-off.

Reaching suspended objects while jumping: foot, hand, head.

Jumping on high implements (objects) on the push and swing leg.

3. Teach preparation for take-off, the rhythm of the last steps and other elements of running technique.

1. demonstration and explanation of rhythm options and elements of run-up technique.

2. Mastering one of the running rhythm options (2-4 running running steps)

3. Mastering one of the options for starting the takeoff

4. Gradual mastery of the run-up length and selection of the most advantageous take-off distance.

5. Mastering the ability to smoothly increase running speed and increase it in the last running steps

4. teach the technique of crossing the bar

1. demonstration and explanation of the movements being learned

2. imitation of the movements of stepping over the bar without jumping

3. the same movements when jumping over the bar

4. in a jump, an accentuated lowering with straightening the swing leg down beyond the bar, while turning the foot inward and simultaneously lifting the pushing leg and pelvis up.

5. While jumping over the bar, tilt your torso towards the pushing leg.

Objectives and means of teaching long jump


Fixed assets

Additional funds

1. create an idea of ​​the jumping technique using the “bent legs” method

Show and explain

Viewing films, film loops and posters

2. test your ability to perform a jump

1. running jumps in 4-6 steps with take-off from the ground

2. the same with repulsion from a block

3. finding and refining a small run-up and jumping from this run-up

3. training in push-off technique

1. demonstration and explanation

2. jumping with 4-6 running steps

3. jumping over the bar at a height of 50-60 cm at a distance of half the length of the jump

1. jumping from a place with a push of one leg, with 1-2 steps

3. combined jump through the anthem. horse and bar

4. jumping on a treadmill in series of 3-5 steps

4. landing technique training

1. demonstration and explanation

2. long jump with 6-8 running steps over an obstacle 20-30 cm high, 1 m from the landing site

1. standing long jump

2. jumping from 4-6 steps to the anthem. horse, table, etc. with bent legs, torso vertical

3. jumping with a push of 1-2 legs, raising the legs to body level while standing still, while walking and running slowly.

5. training in the flight phase of the jump

1.show and explanation

2. finding and clarifying the average run-up of 10-14 running steps

3. jumping “with legs bent” from a medium and full run-up

Jumping over 2 obstacles:

1) height - 50-60 cm at a distance of 1/3 or ½ of the entire length of the jump

2) height - 20-30 cm 1 m before landing

Exercises for mastering the push-off technique.

1. i. By. With. with weights on the shoulders. Heel-to-toe walking

2. i. By. With. push leg in front, swing leg behind. From 4-6 running steps, jumping onto the mat and landing on the swing leg. Pay attention to the release of the pelvis in the forward push. Perform at a fast pace.

3. With 6-7 running steps, long jump from a straight run over a bar 20-30 cm high. Take off at a distance of 60-70 cm from the bar.

4. I. p. stand on a gymnastic bench, feet shoulder-width apart. Stepping forward, straighten your supporting leg while simultaneously moving your swing leg toward the wall.

Exercises for mastering the technique of movements in flight.

1. i. p. – pushing leg in front, swing leg behind. From 4-6 steps, jump in step over obstacles located one from the other at a distance of 50-60 cm and from the point of push to 1 obstacle 60-80 cm.

2. i. same thing With 6-8 running steps, long jump, landing on 2 legs

3. i. p. – one leg in front. The other one is behind. Hold the rope with your hands at head level, push off with your pushing leg, and then step onto the rope.

4. I. p. the same. With 2-4 running steps, reach the rope step position, easily lower the swing leg and bring the push leg forward, pull the swing leg towards the push leg, bend over, jump from the rope on both legs

5. I. p. the same. Do the same, only on rings.

6. I. p.-S 4-6 running steps, pushing off from the support. perform a long jump in a “step”

Exercises for mastering the long jump technique.

1. running 1 part of the run in 6 running steps. 2-3 times.

2. the same on an inclined path, the second part - on a flat path.

3. Jogging with and without weights.

4. Running on grassy ground

5. Running a full run-up with a push-off at the end

Development of physical qualities in athletics classes.

Development of speed.

1. running with high hip lifts, maximum frequency of movements 4-5 times, 10-12 m.

2. running with the shin sweeping backwards, maximum frequency of movements 4-5 times, 10-12 m.

3. acceleration from the start 5-6 times, 9-10 m.

To develop speed, outdoor games and relay races are used:

Running for the ball

An arc is laid out with white tape 5 m from the wall - the start. Behind her, to the left and right of the center, there are 2 teams of 5-6 people. Players for running - behind the arc. The interval is 1.5-2 m. There are 2 children near the wall, the ball is in 1’s hands. At a signal, 1 passes the ball to 2, rolling it along the floor. Players from both teams run after the ball, trying to be the first to touch it and bring their team a point. The team with the most points wins.

Hares and rabbits

The group is divided into 2 teams: hares and rabbits. Everyone is built through one in a column along the longitudinal axis facing the leader. To the left and right of the teams along lines A and B there are various objects (the number is half as many as the participants in the game); at a pre-agreed signal, the participants of both teams run to the line and try to be the first to grab the objects and bring the team 1 point for each object. The team with the most points wins.

Running with obstacles

The game involves 2 teams, which each line up at their own starting line. The lines are 3-4 m apart from each other. The finish line is 9-11 m. At the “Attention” signal, players accept and. p. - crouching position, lying position, sitting position, etc. at the signal “March” the teams run, and each of the runners of one team tries to catch up with the opponent and beat him to the finish line. For the one who is greasy - 1 point. In the next race, the teams switch roles.

Counter running

Two teams line up in columns, taking places behind the start lines A and B. Finish line C is located at a distance of 9 m from lines A and B. At the signal, the team numbers simultaneously take the start and run to the finish line C. The winner earns 1 point for the team.

Speed ​​relay

3 teams participate in the relay race. Everyone is standing at the starting line. At the signal, the first numbers run to the opposite side of the hall. Having gone around the 1st rack, they return back, having gone around the 2nd rack, they pass the baton to the next one.

Exercises to develop speed

1. running segments of 20-30 m 4-5 times. Performed both in a straight line and on a turn. First slowly, then with acceleration.

2. The same, at an angle of 3-5 degrees.

3. Running a segment of 20-30 m from a high start. 5-7 times.

4. “Mincing run.” Performed in small steps, but with great frequency. Performed from a place, with acceleration.

5. Running with high hip lifts 20-40 m 4-6 times.

6. Running with jumping. 20-30 m. 4-6 times.

7. Running with shin sprains. 20-30 m. 2-4 times.

8. Running with high hips. 4-6 times.

9. Exercise “Bicycle” (lying on your back)

Complex No. 1

1. i. p.-high start. Run 30 m 4-6 times.

2. Jump on one leg 10 m, on the other 10 m.

3. Running on an inclined track.

4. Walk with a fast and high hip lift. 10-15 times on each leg.

5. I. p. – legs slightly bent at the knees, one arm extended forward, the other backward. Quick movements of the arms, as if running. 2 times for 15 sec.

6. I. p. - o. With. Run in place. 2 times for 15 sec.

7. I. p. - on 1 leg facing the gymnastic ladder, grip at chest level. The swing leg is pulled back and held by the partner’s foot. Move the thigh of the swing leg and the pelvis forward.

Complex No. 2

1. run 4-5 hurdles (15 cm) in 7 steps, the distance between them is 50-60 cm.

2. i. p.-face to the gymnastics wall. One leg in front at a distance of 1 m from the wall, the other 1.5 m. Quickly move your pelvis forward and touch the bar located at shoulder level with your fly leg.

3. I. p. is the same, but the distance is 3-5 m. One leg is in front, the other is behind on the toe. On command, children begin to run and jump onto the bar with their swing leg located at shoulder level.

4. I. p. - standing on 1 leg (2 legs). Jumping over a rope rotating in a circle.

Development of speed and strength qualities.

1. jumping rope - 1 minute

2. jumping forward from foot to foot, starting with 2 legs 3-4 times for 10-12 m.

3. repeated jumping up from a full squat from an emphasis, squatting 4 times 5-6 jumps.

4. Jump alternately on the left and right leg 4 times 5-8 jumps

5. Jumping over elastic bands stretched across the hall - height 30 cm 2-3 times, 6-8 jumps each

6. High jumps through an elastic band. Height – 40-60 cm, right and left, combining swing and push.

Agility development

Agility is the ability to quickly master new movements and their combinations, as well as the ability to act quickly and resourcefully in changing conditions. A high level of dexterity development is evidenced by children’s performance of movements included in outdoor play with changing conditions or complicated by additional tasks. A child who spends the minimum amount of time completing a task can be called dexterous.

There are two ways to develop dexterity.

Firstly, dexterity increases with mastering new and varied movements. Throughout preschool age, children continually acquire motor skills. For example, children 2-3 years old jump on the spot, then master standing jumps, and from the age of 5 they learn to run high and long jumps.

Secondly, dexterity increases if a complication is given, a new combination of familiar movements, and the usual conditions for performing the movement change.

Ways to develop dexterity

1. use of unusual starting positions (running from a kneeling position, sitting; jumping from a standing position with your back to the direction of movement), rapid change of different positions (sit down, lie down, stand up)

2. changing the speed or tempo of movements, introducing different rhythmic combinations, different sequences of elements.

3. Changing methods of performing exercises: throwing from above, from below, from the side; jumping on one or two legs, with a turn.

4. The use of objects of various shapes, masses, volumes, and textures in exercises contributes to the development of the ability to distribute movements in space and time, combining them with body movements that require versatile coordination and subtle muscle sensations.

5. Performing coordinated actions by several participants (together, holding hands, sit down and stand up, perform turns, bends, jumps; 3-4 children each, holding one hoop or long pole, lift it up, lower it, squat, bend over, put it down on the floor, take; the whole group, holding on to a long rope)

6. More complex combinations of basic movements. You can use snake running, running around cubes, trees, jumping over a narrow groove while jumping, reaching a ball or branch in a jump; walking on a gymnastic bench with climbing through hoops or under a rope, turning, stepping over objects placed on it; complicated jumping rope, with various hand movements.

7. Complicating the game conditions. For example, in the game “Traps with a Ribbon,” the players have ribbons of two colors and the traps pull out ribbons of a certain color: one is blue, the other is yellow. In the game “Bear in the Bear's Forest,” a child in the role of a bear must crawl under the arc before catching it.

Exercises to develop dexterity in children 3-4 years old

1. i. p.-standing, legs apart, object in right hand. Raise both hands up and transfer the object to the other hand.

2. I. p. the same. Raise both arms forward, transfer the object to your left hand, and lower your hands behind your back.

3. I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, object in the right hand. Bend down and transfer the object to the other hand.

4. I. p. - the same. Raise your leg bent at the knee and transfer the object underneath it to your other hand.

5. I. p. - standing with a handkerchief in hand. Whirling.


· “Don’t get your feet wet ”. Walk along a winding path 2-3, then 5-6 m long.

· “Don’t touch me.” Walk by stepping over obstacles placed on the floor (cubes, bars, etc.)

· “Through the swamp.” There are small circles on the floor at a distance of 40 cm from one another. Children step from circle to circle.

· “Don’t ring the bell.” Climb under the stretched cord so as not to touch the bell.

· “A clever driver.” On the floor there is a zigzag cord 10–12 m long. Children drive cars along the line without stepping.

Exercises to develop flexibility.

1. i. p.-stand sideways to the anthem. wall swing your free leg.

2. I. p.-o. With. bending forward with the help of a partner.

3. I. p.-stand on the shoulder blades. Alternately lowering your legs behind your head.

4. I. p. - the same. Changing the position of the legs.

5. I. p. - stand on the supporting leg. Quick movements of the pelvis and swing leg forward and upward to a landmark hanging at head level.

Development of speed endurance

1. Relay races using gymnastic benches . The group is divided into 2 teams, each sits on its own bench. At the signal, all teams stand up and, one after another, run around the bench and quickly take their seats. The winner is determined by the last participant.

2. Relay race in circles . The group is divided into 2 teams, which stand diagonally in columns, one at a time. At the signal, the first numbers of the teams begin to run in a circle and, having run around the posts, pass the baton to the second numbers.

Exercises to develop strength

1. i. p. - stand sideways to the gymnastic wall on a slightly bent leg, push - from behind. The torso is tilted forward. Place the pushing leg with the heel forward on the ground with the lower part of the body moving forward. The free hand is pulled back.

2. I. p. - stand with your pushing leg on the gymnastic wall sideways, hand on the wall. Lift weights with swing leg

A) straight leg swing forward

B) pulling the leg up, bent at the knee and hip joint.

3. i. p. - sideways to the gymnastic wall in the pre-push step position, holding the pole with an outstretched hand

4. i. p. - standing on one leg, the other with the heel on the gymnastic wall, height at waist level. Jump in place. 10-15 times.

Exercises with weights

1. i. p. - the same as in exercise 1, but the take-off angle is reduced to 30 degrees relative to the plane of the bar. The end of the strap is at waist level. Half squats. 2x10.

2. I. p. - the same. With a vertical bounce in place 2x10.

3. I. p. - the same. Jump on 2 legs with a slight forward movement. 10-15 m.

4. I. p. - wide step position (lunge). Jump to change the position of your legs.

5. I. p. - stand with weights on your shoulders in front of a gymnastic bench. Stepping on the bench with your pushing foot, quickly straighten it. At the same time, perform swing movements with your free leg, knee forward and up, gently lowering into the i. P.

6. I. p. - legs apart, weights on shoulders. Side bends. 8-10 times in each direction.

Exercises to develop strength

Complex No. 1.

1. i. By. With. with weights on the shoulders. Walking with weights...

a) in an extended step of 10-15 m.

b) in a half-squat barefoot

2. i. same thing. 1-3 body tilts forward and down.

3. I. p.-o. With. a) walking in a half-squat for 10 m.

b) jumping 10 m.

4. i. p.-burden on the shoulders. Lunges forward.

5. I. p.-o. With. on the bench. Feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent. Long jump on soft surface. When landing, keep your knees straight and stretch your arms forward.

Complex No. 2

1. i. n. - burden on the shoulders. Squats.

2. I. p. - stand on the edge of a gymnastic bench, support at chest level, weights on the shoulders. Get up on your toes. P.

3. Standing long jump with weights in hands.

Complex No. 3

1. jumping on one leg up the stairs.

2. I. p.-sitting on a bench, support behind. A) lifting legs with weights

B) hold your legs in this position for 15 seconds.

3. i. n. - lunge with weights on the thigh of the front leg. Springy swaying up and down.

Exercises to develop strength

1. running uphill. 10-15 m. 4-6 times.

2. Running against the gymnastic wall at close range. 8-10 sec.

3. I. p. - stand on the 6-7th rail of the gymnastic ladder, hands on the rail at the waist. One leg, together with the body, goes down, the other, remaining on the rail, bends at the joints. Vigorously straighten the supporting leg, change the position of the legs, repeat the emphasis.

4. Jumping on one leg, then on the other. 5-6 times.

5. Standing long jump.

6. I. p. - crouching emphasis. Jumping up in a bent position. 5-6 times.

7. Standing triple jump. Pushing off with both legs, landing on the fly leg, then on the push leg, after pushing off the push leg, landing on both legs.

8. Multi-jump on two legs (“frog”). Performed on sections of 10-15 m

9. Running from and. p. - crouching emphasis, acceleration with weights (in resistance). The partner rests on the shoulders of the runner. Or with the help of reins.

10. I. p. - lying on the stomach. Bending the legs at the knee joint with resistance from a partner. 3-5 times.

11. I. p.-o. with bending the leg at the knee joint with a load attached to it until the heel touches the buttock. For each leg 2-3 times.

12. I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Grab the medicine ball with your feet and lift it up, touching it to the ground behind your head, return to i. P.

13. I. p. - lying on your back. Hands with medicine ball behind head. Lean forward until the ball touches your feet without bending your knees.

14. I. p. - standing on two gymnastic benches. Squats with weights in hands.

15. I. p. - standing with weights on the shoulders. Bend forward and down without bending your knees.

1. Block planning of physical education activities for preschoolers. Magnitogorsk, 2004.

2. A storm of children to school. M., "Enlightenment", 1987.

3. Vavilov’s children run, jump, throw. M., "Enlightenment", 1983.

4. Glazyrina culture - for preschoolers: Program and program requirements. M., 1999.

5. Children's athletics. Terra sport Olympia press, 2002.

6. , Golubeva healthy. M., 2002.

7. Leskova T, Notkina N. General guidelines for organizing work on the physical preparedness of children for school.

8. , Nazarov physical qualities of children. M., Iris press, 2004.

9. Sedge culture in kindergarten. M., "Enlightenment", 1986.

10. Penzulaeva classes with children of different ages. M., "Enlightenment", 1988.

11. Make friends with the “queen of sports.” M., "Enlightenment", 1987.

12. Stepanenkova and methods of physical education. M., 2001.

13. Tarasova for the physical condition of preschool children. Chelyabinsk, 2004.

14. Khukhlaeva and methods of physical education of preschool children. M., "Enlightenment", 1976.

15. Cyclis of motor qualities of preschoolers. M., 2008.




Methods of teaching children of different age groups to run.

RUN - cyclical, locomotor movement, which has a strict repeatability of the cycle of motor actions.

Running has a significant physiological effect on the child’s body, activating its organs and systems, increasing metabolic processes, promoting overall physical development, and improving the activity of the central nervous system.


Running on toes;

Running with high hip lifts, which trains the abdominal, back and foot muscles;

Running with various tasks performed on a signal;

Running between objects, with objects - a hoop, a jump rope, etc.;

Running in a limited area;

Shuttle running, which develops coordination of movements and spatial orientation;

Race running; scattered;

With dodging and catching.

Various types of running develop agility and a quick reaction to changing situations. Running promotes the development of speed and strength qualities, develops endurance, and forms moral and volitional qualities.



Features of children performing movements

Software Requirements

Pedagogical requirements for teaching movement

Junior preschool age

Babies still cannot push off well from the ground or floor; they run hard, their steps are small, and not everyone has well-developed coordination of movements. Group running is difficult for children

Teach children to use the entire space of the room or playground;

Practice running, stopping at the teacher’s signal, and turning

Pay attention to children’s posture while running;

The running duration in younger groups is 30–40 s;

Running should be alternated with other movements, as children get tired quickly;

Pay attention to the ease of running, coordination of movements;

It is advisable to teach running in small groups;

Combine running with rest;

Each child runs at his own pace, trying not to bump into others - when running in a flock in the indicated direction

Middle preschool age

Difficulty running in a group.

Some children still step on their entire foot

To teach children to run easily, naturally swinging their arms;

Teach children to run in a certain direction;

- Teach children to use the entire space of the room or playground;

- Practice running, stopping at the teacher’s signal, and turning

Pay special attention to the naturalness, ease of running, energetic push-off, elastic foot placement, and the ability to perform different types of running;

As you master running, the requirements for your technique increase.

Senior preschool age

Relatively high level of coordination of movements, which makes it possible to perform complex exercises

Develop endurance, agility, attention;

Create a habit of daily exercise

Additional tasks are offered: change the pace or direction of running, quickly stop and continue running again, run around objects, alternate running with other types of movements - walking, jumping, etc.;

Achieve correct running technique. The duration of the run is 2 – 3 minutes;

The running distance increases;

Children compete in speed running (20–30 m);

Running at a slow pace becomes longer (1.5 - 2 minutes)

So that children of JUNIOR GROUPS got used to the team better, learned to use free space,It is advisable to start learning running in small groups. At first, they run the way they want, they are especially interested in running with ribbons, carrying cars, wheelchairs, and strollers behind them. This running alternates with stops. The kids, on their own initiative, squat, walk, and run again. It turns out to be natural breaks for rest while running. The teacher watches the children and, as necessary, offers, for example, a sedentary child to run to a tree with a bright handkerchief in his hands, and a child who has been running for a long time with the car to load it with sand, small pebbles, and leaves.

The simplest task- run in a flock in the indicated direction, behind the teacher, to a toy, a chair. The running of one child in this case has little connection with the running of other children. Everyone runs at their own pace, maintaining the direction of their run, trying not to bump into each other.

Running in a column, in a circle, in pairsrequires from everyone the ability to balance their movements with the running of other children, and not to overtake the person running in front. These types of running are mastered gradually, starting with small subgroups. The teacher himself actively acts, runs ahead of the children, drawing them along with him. Offers interesting game tasks such as: “Run to a tree”, “Run around a stump”, etc. Running in a column is more often used in morning exercises and physical education classes. Running in a flock, running in a circle constitute the content of many outdoor and round dance games: “Sparrows and a Car”, “Cat and Mice”, etc.

When teaching young children to run, it is of great importanceexample of a teacher. Therefore, in exercises and gamesthe teacher performstask with children, drawing their attention toease of running, coordination of movements. It uses game image , for example, run like mice. When performing such imitative actions, it is not always necessary to show movements, but the teacher must be sure that the children understand and are familiar with the image proposed for imitation.

There is no need to give children a lot of sometimes unclear instructions, for example, “raise your legs higher” or “move your arms harder.” This often leads to the opposite result: children begin to stomp, running becomes heavy and abrupt, and the already established coordination of movements of the arms and legs goes wrong.

IN THE MIDDLE GROUPas you master running they increaserequirements for his technology. The teacher should pay special attentionfor naturalness and ease of running, energetic push-off, elastic foot placement, ability to perform different types of running. For example, when accelerating the pace, take more frequent steps, work more energetically with your hands; when moving to a slow pace, the steps are less frequent and the hand movements are calmer.

Speed ​​runningchildren should quickly start moving at the signal, run energetically, purposefully, and look ahead without being distracted. The teacher makes sure that when running, children place their feet closer to one another and do not spread their toes to the sides. For this purpose, he suggests running along a narrow path, a board 30-20 cm wide.

While running in a columnThe tasks also become more complicated: run around objects placed in a row by turning to the right and left, without running far to the sides from the objects. It should be recalled that in this run the knees are slightly bent, the foot is placed on the front of the table, and the hands help maintain balance.

When running in pairs the requirement is set to balance your movements with the movements of your partner, to maintain the required distance from the running couple in front.

Increases running speed and duration, are improvingagility, speed, endurance. Running with a long stride already requires great muscle effort for energetic push-off, good flight and active arm movements. Provided that running is used frequently in all forms of work, running is used in segments of 40-60 m, alternating it with calm walking.

Running is widely used in outdoor games.

Running exercises for children SENIOR GROUP become more complicated. The teacher seeks from the children the ability todo different types of runningtechnically correct: on toes with short and frequent running steps; running with long strides with long, easy flight and sweeping arm movements. Teacherencourages children who can use task-appropriate running patterns, and in all casesappreciates easy free running with natural arm movements.

For that so that interest in running does not decrease, children of older groups should be offeredadditional tasks when running at an average pace:change the pace or direction of running, quickly stop and continue running again, run around objects, change the leader, turn in a circle, change from a column to pairs, alternate running with other movements - walking, climbing, jumping, etc.

Also performed at an average pacecross country running. The distance of this kind of cross-country running for children 6 years old is up to 150-200 m. If possible, obstacles are included that children must overcome while running: crawl up, jump over, run around deftly.

In the senior group there isspecial work on the development of motor qualities of speed and endurance in children, for which the length of running distances increases. Children compete in a speed run at a distance of 20-30 m or repeat a fast run of 10 m 3-4 times.

In order to develop endurance, children are asked to run from 0 to 100 m, then walk part of the way and run the same distance again. Running at a slow pace becomes longer - up to 1.5-2 minutes. The teacher first shows how to run at a slow pace, and then one of the children demonstrates his ability to run evenly and leisurely. It is more advisable to carry out slow running in natural conditions in the air.

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