Home Mushrooms Access mode on a vehicle. Access control at the enterprise - organization of security work and instructions. Electronic passes for employees

Access mode on a vehicle. Access control at the enterprise - organization of security work and instructions. Electronic passes for employees

Russian poetry rightfully occupies a special place in literary art. Poems of the classics are an excellent example of conveying the thoughts and feelings of poets. In them the human world is depicted with all its passions and contradictions, bitterness and happiness.

We present a list of the TOP 10 Russian classical poets, whose poetic works inspire figures in various fields of culture and art to create film adaptations, theatrical and choreographic productions, performances, and works of painting.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

The brilliant poet is a national treasure of Russia. With his work he laid the foundations for the creation of the modern Russian literary language. His poetic works are intended for any age category. All over the world, children are read “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish,” “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights,” and “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel.” As people get older, they become acquainted with the magnificent poems “Ruslan and Lyudmila” and “Prisoner of the Caucasus”. One of the grandiose works of Russian literature - the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" - has been translated into many languages ​​of the world. The great poet left hundreds of poems as a legacy to his descendants, in which he reflected his social, political, philosophical or lyrical attitude towards life, towards people, their experiences, feelings and actions.

Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov

The greatest Russian poet, appointed by time itself to continue the achievements of world poetry. Lermontov, shocked by the tragic death of Pushkin, decisively charged the public in his poem “The Death of a Poet.” Such a literary attack predetermined his subsequent work. Romanticism, philosophical reasoning, bold expression of civic position, uncontrollable love of freedom, affirmation of personal dignity - everything that disturbs the mind, amazes the soul, inspires action can be found in Lermontov’s poetry. Poems and poems are full of emotions, life ideas, love for the homeland, and lyrical revelations. His “Sail”, “Mtsyri”, “Demon”, “Borodino”, like many other works, disturb the innermost strings of the Russian soul.

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov

Truly a people's poet. “To love the people, the homeland, to serve them with heart and soul” - this is the obligation that Nekrasov once defined for himself and carried through his entire life. For him, the simple Russian people served as a source of inspiration for creativity. He enriched Russian poetry with elements of folklore and folk language. His poem “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares” amazes from the first reading and leaves good, warm memories for a lifetime. His epic poems “Russian Women” and “Who Lives Well in Rus'” are well known about the life of the common people, their hard work and patience, the inevitability of the struggle for happiness and freedom.

Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont

Russian poet of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He is a prominent representative of symbolism in literature. Its characteristic feature is the expression of ideas of eternity and beauty, good and evil, emotional experiences, doubts through symbols. These conventional signs, hints, mysterious understatement and mystery filled the poems with new, expressive images. It so happened that Balmont had both happy years and hardships. He did not accept the October Revolution. He spent the last 20 years of his life in France. But he always loved Russia, yearned for it, and dedicated a huge number of poems to his homeland.

Boris Leonidovich Pasternak

One of the greatest Russian poets of the 20th century. The heyday of his work fell on a difficult historical period. Nevertheless, he found the meaning of poetry in comprehending the essence of life. Significant in his work was the idea of ​​the relationship between man and the world. Thus, the poet dedicated the collection of poems “My Sister is Life” to the work of Lermontov. It is represented as a symbol of immortality in the poem "In Memory of the Demon." Through poetry, Pasternak expressed his view of the world order, the value and purpose of life, love, multidimensionality and harmony of the world. The original, unique style of writing cannot leave the reader indifferent.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

A classic of Russian literature of the last century. His work is a striking example of the evolution of poetry. The light, bright, sometimes mystical lyrics of the symbolist are eventually replaced by direct, sharp realism. This became possible as a result of the merger of two destinies - the country and the poet - at a turning point in history. Blok’s works reflect his worries about the fate of his homeland and his role in society. For him, love and friendship, the connection between man and nature, issues of faith and the universe are significant. But he is also frightened by the fear of impending hopelessness. No wonder A. Akhmatova called Blok “the tragic tenor of the era.”

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin

The first Russian writer to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. His poetic merits were awarded two Pushkin Prizes. His historical, philosophical, love or landscape lyrics are an example of high Russian culture. It is in the tradition of the poets of the “Silver Age”. Bunin's poetry is deeply national. Even while in exile, he continued to sing of the beauty of Russian nature and the meaning of his native word. In his poems one can clearly feel pain for his homeland, longing for its vast expanses, and a difficult understanding of loss.

Anna Andreevna Akhmatova

A great poetess, a recognized classic of Russian poetry. She belonged to the participants of the Acmeist movement. For them, in contrast to the symbolists, the distinctive features were: clarity and clarity of images, subject matter, and emphasized restraint. But in Akhmatova’s works all this was organically intertwined with traditional Russian poetry. The fate of the poetess is complex and dramatic. And of course, this left an imprint on her work. Maternal, female pain, inconsolable sadness for innocently lost and suffering souls - her famous poem “Requiem”.

Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin

World famous Russian poet, singer of peasant Russia. His ability to paint poetic pictures of Russian nature emphasizes his inextricable connection with the people. The poet's strength lies in the immense feeling of love for his homeland. He expresses this love in visible images. Moreover, they are not always attractive. The region may be destitute, abandoned, but still loved. Philosophizing or reflecting on his place, on what is happening in life, the poet again and again turns to his native nature. A rare gift of a liberated vision of the world, the ability to openly look at phenomena and actions, the ability to find happiness and joy in simple and ordinary things, an inimitable ability to express feelings - this is Yesenin.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

A Russian poet of exceptionally rare talent combined with unbridled energy. At the beginning of his literary activity, he supported the ideas of the futurists. They consisted in throwing away the classical artistic means of displaying reality. In their opinion, the rapidly changing reality could only be depicted with the help of new forms and images. He unconditionally accepted the revolution of 1917 and was enthusiastically carried away by the idea of ​​​​establishing a new world order. His poems, the poem “Good!” are about this. But the works of the last period of creativity suggest disappointment. In the poem “The Seated Ones,” Mayakovsky openly criticizes bureaucracy. Uncompromisingness, determination, a sharp mind and a harsh word raised him to the pinnacle of fame at the beginning of his journey and led to a tragic ending.

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Our organization is small, but recently it has been constantly growing. There are more workers, more customers come to the office. The director decided to introduce access control and install turnstiles. He instructed the security specialist to take care of the equipment, and me, the secretary, to prepare an order to introduce access control. In the order, I indicated that the organization would introduce access control, employees would be required to use magnetic passes, and I sent the order to the employees by email.

When the turnstiles were installed, problems arose. Some were unhappy that they had to linger at the turnstile, others said that we were restricting their freedom, others did not understand how to use the pass, and others lost and damaged their passes. I probably didn't take something into account when placing the order. How to avoid such problems when introducing access control?

The main difficulty in introducing access control is employee dissatisfaction

The introduction of access control, as a rule, has two main goals:

1) protecting the safety of employees and property of the organization from possible attacks by unauthorized persons;

2) automation of recording the entry and exit of employees, facilitating the recording of working time in the organization, which is the responsibility of the employer in accordance with part four of Art. 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Automated timekeeping disciplines employees and guarantees objectivity in accounting.

The introduction of access control may cause dissatisfaction among employees, and the degree of passion may vary. Let's consider three situations.

Situation 1

The organization had free access to all premises; employees simply signed with the secretary when coming to work. Due to the growth of the company and cases of abuse of this freedom, management decided to introduce access control: install turnstiles and distribute access cards. The changes caused dissatisfaction among workers who were not accustomed to strict discipline, because now they need to report for every 5-10 minutes of delay, and all information is recorded automatically.

Situation 2

The organization's employees complied with the access control regime, which was not specified in the documents. If employees violated access control regulations, it turned out to be impossible to hold them accountable: no approved rules - no violation. Therefore, at a certain point, management decided to develop and approve the Regulations on access control. The workers did not object to the access control itself, but some of them were perplexed: “Why do we need a new document? After all, we comply with everything. Don't they trust us?

Situation 3

With the current access regime, the organization decided to replace outdated equipment with more modern equipment, and therefore it was necessary to slightly change the procedure for obtaining access cards, using equipment, the process of recording time worked and its analysis. Such changes did not cause mass discontent, because the changes affected only technical details and did not affect the organizational side.

Be that as it may, with the introduction of access control employee resistance factor must be taken into account. Sometimes you can hear from people that in this situation their freedom is limited. Of course this is not true. Their right of movement is not restricted, but entry and exit procedures are determined by the rules established by the individual employer. According to part one of Art. 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, employers, with the exception of employers - individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs, adopt local regulations containing labor law norms, within their competence in accordance with labor legislation and other normative legal acts containing labor law norms, collective agreements, agreements. Thus, the employer has the right to issue a local regulation establishing access control in the organization.

In addition, the need to introduce a pass regime arises in cases where it is necessary to stop violations of labor discipline by employees: being late, leaving work before the end of the working day, removing property without the permission of the employer. The documents that introduce access control must ensure the possibility of bringing violators to justice.


According to Art. 20 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the rights and obligations of the employer in labor relations are exercised by the management bodies of a legal entity (organization) or persons authorized by them, i.e. The regulation and order must be signed by the general director (director) or a person authorized by him by proxy.

Let's look at the rules to avoid the most common mistakes that arise when introducing access control in an organization.

Rules for introducing access control

Rule No. 1: any innovations must be supported by an order from the manager(Example 1). The rights and obligations of workers, the principles of using installed equipment are best set out in the Regulations on access control, which will become an annex to the order on the introduction of access control and the requirements of which employees will be required to comply with. After all, in accordance with part one of Art. 189 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, labor discipline is obligatory for all employees to obey the rules of conduct determined in accordance with the Labor Code, other federal laws, collective agreements, agreements, local regulations, and employment contracts. According to part two of Art. 21 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employee is obliged to observe labor discipline, and on the basis of Art. 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for committing a disciplinary offense, i.e. failure to perform or improper performance by an employee through his fault of the labor duties assigned to him, the employer has the right to apply disciplinary sanctions.

In case of violation of access rules (loss or damage of a magnetic card, use of someone else's magnetic card, passage without a magnetic card, removal of material assets outside the established procedure), employees can be subject to disciplinary action.

Rule No. 2: in order to reduce employee resistance when introducing access control, you need to involve them in the development of these innovations. If employees take part in the development of the Access Regulations, they will understand that their opinion is taken into account.

It is recommended to create a commission to develop the Regulations on access control, consisting of heads of departments, and submit for its consideration a draft Regulation prepared by the responsible departments (secretariat, security service, personnel department). The commission will add its proposals and comments to the document, and the heads of departments will discuss the Regulations in their teams. A notice about the preparation of the Access Regulations can be posted on the notice board on the intranet.

Rule No. 3: when developing the Regulations on access control, it is necessary to describe in detail the procedure for entering and leaving the organization(s), the procedure for issuing magnetic passes, the rules for their storage, responsibility for their loss and damage (Example 2). In addition, it is necessary to describe the procedure for bringing in/out of material assets, the rules of passage for guests of the organization (meeting, escorting on the territory). It is possible to provide special rules for persons of state supervision and control, which can be carried out upon presentation of the relevant documents. Indicate who is monitoring the turnstiles (organizational security or security organization under contract), the functions of the security guard at the turnstile, and his powers.

Rule No. 4: the order that approves the Regulations on the access regime must contain the exact date when the access regime begins - for example, a week after workers familiarize themselves with the order. This time is necessary for workers to adapt to new conditions. In addition, the order must indicate the officials responsible for the operation of the access control system in the organization, so that employees know who to contact if questions arise.

Rule No. 5: all employees who will be subject to this regime must be familiarized with the order and the Regulations against signature. In accordance with part three of Art. 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when hiring (before signing an employment contract), the employer is obliged to familiarize the employee, against signature, with the internal labor regulations, other local regulations directly related to the employee’s work, and the collective agreement.

It is possible to bring an employee to disciplinary liability only if he is familiar with the document (in this case, the Regulations on access control) against signature. Familiarization is possible by affixing a signature either in the Journal of familiarization with local regulations, or in the familiarization sheet attached to the Regulations. It is necessary to familiarize existing employees with the Regulations on access control immediately after signing the order and Regulations; only accepted ones - before signing the employment contract.

By the way

Sending documents by e-mail does not replace familiarization with signature, which is provided for by law. When sending documents by e-mail, it will be problematic to prove that the employee has familiarized himself with the order and the Regulations on access control in the event of a labor dispute.

Rule No. 6: It is advisable to reflect the presence of access control in an organization in the Internal Labor Regulations. In this document, it is enough just to mention the presence of access control in the organization, making reference to the Regulations and the order on access control.

Rule No. 7: when putting into effect an order on access control, it is recommended to conduct a smallPR-share(for example, in the form of a conversation with all employees collectively or by department). It should be emphasized that the introduction of access control, restriction of the passage of unauthorized persons and the carrying of foreign objects is introduced primarily to ensure the safety of workers; indicate management's concern for protecting the life and health of its employees. At such a meeting, employees have the opportunity to ask questions that concern them. The regulation and order can additionally be posted on information boards, on the intranet, or sent out by email.

Example 1

Order on the introduction of access control

LLC "Trading House "Stolitsa""


15.08.2014 № 15


About the introduction of access control

In order to ensure the safety of workers, the safety of property and material assets


1. Establish access control on the territory of LLC “Trading House “Stolitsa”” (hereinafter referred to as the Organization) from 09/01/2014.

2. Approve and put into effect the Regulations on access control on the territory of the Organization (Appendix No. 1) from 09/10/2014.

3. To the head of the security service, I.R. Selitsky. organize the production and issuance of magnetic access cards for employees of the Organization until September 25, 2014.

4. Head of HR Department S.M. Kurkina familiarize employees with the Regulations on access control on the territory of the Organization against signature before 09/25/2014.

5. Head of the security service Selitsky I.R. appoint responsible for the implementation of access control on the territory of the Organization.

6. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

CEO Bulatova D.E. Bulatova

The following have been familiarized with the order:

Selitsky I.R. Selitsky 08/15/2014

Kurkina S.M. Kurkina 08/15/2014

Example 2

Regulations on access control

LLC "Trading House "Stolitsa""


about access controlon the territory of LLC "Trading House "Stolitsa""

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Regulations determine the procedure for implementing access control in the building (hereinafter referred to as the Building) at the address: Moscow, st. Lyublinskaya, 55, which belongs to LLC "Mifist" on the right of ownership and is used as an office of LLC "Trading House "Stolitsa"" (hereinafter referred to as the Organization) on the basis of a lease agreement. The building is located on the territory of the Ljubljana Park (hereinafter referred to as the park).

1.2. The requirements of the Regulations are aimed at preventing unauthorized access of unauthorized persons to the Building and protected premises; security of the Building and office premises; prevention of unauthorized removal (into) of the Building (e) of property, equipment and other material assets (hereinafter referred to as material assets); ensuring internal order and fire safety measures in premises and common areas; Ensuring traffic rules within the park.

1.3. The access regime includes the procedure for entering (exiting) the Organization's employees and visitors into (from) the Building (s), the procedure for removing (bringing in) material assets, as well as the entry (exit) of vehicles into (from) the territory (s) of the park.

1.4. Security of the Building and premises includes the prevention and suppression of unauthorized entry of unauthorized persons into the Building and protected premises, unauthorized removal (introduction) of material assets from (into) the Building, violations by employees of the Organization, visitors and unauthorized persons of internal regulations and fire safety measures in the Building and in its immediate vicinity.

1.5. Security of the Building is carried out by the owner of the Building. Security officers are located in a security room located in close proximity to the entrance doors.

1.6. The requirements of security personnel aimed at ensuring access control, internal order and fire safety are mandatory for all persons present in the Building. Employees of the Organization and visitors are obliged to comply with the requirements of security officers in matters of ensuring access control.

1.7. The requirements of the Regulations are mandatory for all employees of the Organization and other citizens visiting the Building (hereinafter referred to as visitors).

1.8. Entry of the Organization's employees and visitors into the Building is carried out through the entrance doors equipped with an access control and management system (ACS).

1.9. The document giving the right to enter (exit) into (from) the Building (s) is a magnetic card.

2. Procedure for entry and exit of workers and visitors

2.1. Entrance to the building of the Organization's employees (except for employees of separate divisions) on weekdays is through the entrance doors using magnetic cards from 08:00 to 18:15.

2.2. Before passing through the entrance doors in connection with the start of the working day, Employees who handed over the cards will receive back magnetic cards to enter the building from a security officer.

2.3. To enter the building, a magnetic card is applied to the ACS reader. Login is carried out after the green light signal appears on the ACS reader.

2.4. Magnetic cards are produced by the head of the information protection and security department at the request of employees.

2.5. If employees temporarily do not have a magnetic card, one-time entry and exit to the Building is carried out upon presentation of a passport or other identification document.

2.6. Upon dismissal, employees hand over magnetic cards to the head of the information protection department upon receipt of a work book and leave the building through the entrance doors upon presentation of their passport.

2.7. During non-working hours, weekends and holidays, security officers provide access to the building of the General Director and other employees using magnetic cards in accordance with the order of the Organization.

2.8. On holidays and weekends, as well as on weekdays after 18:15, employees are allowed into the Building using magnetic cards at the request of immediate managers, agreed with the General Director.

2.9. Workers gain access to the second and third floors by attaching magnetic cards to ACS readers. Login is carried out after the green light signal appears on the ACS reader.

2.10. Security officers issue keys to premises in the Building to employees of the Organization with mandatory registration in the Key Issue Register against signature.

2.11. Employees of separate units who arrive at the Organization are allowed into the Building upon presentation of a passport or other identification document, with a mandatory entry in the Visitor Register.

2.12. If necessary, employees of separate departments are issued a duty pass to move around the Building.

2.13. Admission of visitors to the Building on weekdays is carried out upon presentation of a passport or other identification document, from 09:00 to 17:30. Before allowing a visitor to pass, the security officer requests consent to allow the visitor to pass through from the employee to whom the visitor is being directed. Upon receipt of consent, the security officer allows the visitor to enter with a mandatory entry in the Visitor Register. A security officer will escort the visitor to a meeting room to wait for an Organization employee.

2.14. When planning to receive visitors, the Organization's employees are obliged to inform them in advance about the access rules established in the Building.

2.15. Visitors move in the Building only when accompanied by an employee of the Organization.

2.16. Upon completion of work, all premises are inspected by the workers located in them. Electric lighting and electric heating equipment is de-energized, windows and vents are closed, doors are locked.

2.17. Employees hand over the keys to the premises to the security officer with a mandatory signature in the Key Issue Register.

2.18. Exit from the Employees' Building is carried out through the entrance doors after the green signal appears after applying the magnetic card to the ACS reader. The exit is carried out after the green light signal appears on the ACS reader.

2.19. After passing through the entrance doors (when leaving due to the end of the working day), the employee, if desired, hands over the magnetic card to the security officer.

2.20. The exit of employees of separate divisions of the Organization and visitors is carried out through the entrance doors, while visitors are accompanied by an employee of the Organization to the door. A note about leaving in the Visitor Log is required.

2.21. Representatives of law enforcement agencies (prosecutor's office, Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB), representatives of supervisory and regulatory authorities (state technical supervision, energy supervision, boiler supervision, state communications supervision, sanitary and epidemiological supervision, labor safety inspection, tax inspectorate, etc.), arriving on official business, are allowed into the Building upon presentation of an official certificates and accompanied by the head of the information protection and security department. The arrival of a law enforcement officer(s) is reported to the General Director.

2.22. The entry of law enforcement officials into the Building is recorded by a security officer in the Visitor Register.

2.23. The entry of vehicles into the territory of the Organization is carried out with the permission of the General Director.

2.24. The owner of the vehicle is responsible for entering the territory and parking on the territory of the park of personal vehicles.

2.25. Vehicles enter the park through the gate from the street. Lyublinskaya from 8:00 to 18:15. The opening and closing of the gate is carried out by the employee or visitor driving the vehicle. After passing, the person driving the vehicle is obliged to close the gate and secure the chain to it.

2.26. Persons are not allowed into the Building: those who are drunk, or under the influence of narcotic or psychotropic substances; those who have not fully complied with the requirements of the security officer to implement access control; with firearms and ammunition; with flammable liquids and explosive objects.

2.27. A person who is intoxicated when attempting to enter or exit is detained by a security officer, which is reported to the General Director and the Head of Information Protection and Security. The head of information protection and security draws up a report on violation of the access control regime. The act is signed by the security officer and persons appointed by the general director, as well as by the offender. If the violator refuses to sign the act, a corresponding entry is made in it.

2.28. In order to prevent the entry of prohibited items and the unauthorized removal of material assets, a security officer may inspect bags, briefcases, and other hand luggage of employees and visitors if there are reasonable grounds to believe that they contain items prohibited for entry or stolen material assets. Searches may only be carried out with the consent of the employee or visitor.

2.29. If a person does not agree to present hand luggage for inspection, as well as if there are sufficient grounds to believe that items prohibited for entry or material assets stolen at the facility are hidden directly on his body or in clothing, the person is not allowed into the Building, and when attempting to exit, he is detained and handed over representatives of internal affairs bodies.

3. Final provisions

3.1. To avoid damage to the magnetic card, employees are required to store it away from heating devices, magnets, and other magnetic cards.

3.2. If a magnetic card is lost or damaged, the employee must immediately notify the head of the information protection and security department for an official investigation.

3.3. If a magnetic card is no longer valid (demagnetization, expiration, damage), the employee must notify the head of the information protection and security department and hand over the inactive card.

3.4. Persons who have lost a magnetic card or damaged it are subject to disciplinary action once their guilt is established.

3.5. Persons who have lost a magnetic card or damaged it are obliged to reimburse the Organization for the cost of its production.

3.6. Violation of these Regulations entails an internal investigation and disciplinary action in the manner established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.7. Violation of access control serves as grounds for reducing the monthly premium.

3.8. These Regulations must be brought to the attention of each employee of the Organization working in the Building against signature.

Prepared by:

Head of HR Department Kurkina CM. Kurkina

Head of Security Service. Selimzyanov I.R. Selimzyanov

Yu.Yu. Zhizherina, HR Director

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