Home Mushrooms Pregnant woman's weight at 22 weeks of pregnancy. Short cervix

Pregnant woman's weight at 22 weeks of pregnancy. Short cervix

The 22nd week of pregnancy has arrived. At this stage, your baby already weighs about 500 g, and the length from the crown to the sacrum is approximately 27 centimeters. If premature birth occurs, the baby will be able to survive.

Here's a belly Ultrasound Eat fish
phases of change
how long is ultrasound in position?

  1. There is still a lot of space in the uterus, so the baby actively changes its position, constantly kicking the mother, making itself felt. In the evening he can lie with his butt up, and in the morning - vice versa.
  2. Slows down at 22 weeks of pregnancy active growth brain and the development of tactile sensations and gonads begins. The baby studies himself and what surrounds him. He grabs everything he can reach and starts sucking his fingers.
  3. The baby sleeps up to 20 hours a day. Moreover, most often he is awake at night, because during the day the mother often moves around and rocks the baby in the womb.
  4. The formation of brain neurons has completed, and neural connections are established.
  5. The fetus's eyes are open and it responds well to light. If you shine a flashlight on your belly, your baby will turn around.
  6. The baby is able to react to the food that the mother takes. If a girl eats dishes with spicy seasoning, the child winces because taste buds have already formed in his mouth. When mommy eats something sweet, the fetus begins to swallow amniotic fluid.
  7. The spine has already formed. It contains the intervertebral discs and all the vertebrae.
  8. The entire body of the fetus is covered with vellus hair, which disappears immediately after birth.
  9. The lungs continue to actively develop.
  10. The genitals are improved.

In addition, the baby already recognizes his mother’s voice perfectly. He calms down if she talks to him and can get scared if the girl screams or speaks loudly. Therefore, you need to control your emotions. Also find out what it looks like and .

This is the belly that grows at 22 weeks

Changes and sensations

Any girl wants to know what happens to her during the 22nd week of pregnancy. Changes occur in her body and sensations appear, unfortunately, not always pleasant. There are various videos that allow you to clearly see the changes at 22 weeks of pregnancy.

  1. Bleeding and sore gums often occur. It is recommended to brush your teeth with a special paste and consult your doctor about multivitamin complexes that will compensate for the lack of vitamins and nutrients.
  2. Sometimes you feel nasal stuffiness. This is quite normal in this period. Drops of sea salt will help alleviate the condition. Before using the drops, you should mandatory consult your specialist. If bleeding occurs, you should also consult a doctor. You may have high blood pressure.
  3. The girl may feel dizzy and have bouts of weakness. This occurs due to physiological anemia that occurs at this stage. The blood volume increases, but the required number of cells does not have time to appear, which is why increased sensitivity develops.
  4. Heartburn often occurs during this period, varicose veins. Severe swelling may occur, which will increase your weight. Accordingly, walking will be more difficult.
  5. Mommy's appetite increases. You need to be very careful with this, because you cannot overdo it with food intake. You should gain about 300-500 g per week. If the figure is higher, you need to consult a doctor.

During pregnancy at 22 weeks, fetal movements are already clearly felt. Based on their character, one can make assumptions about his temperament. You can also find out about the location of the baby in the uterus. If during the 22nd week of pregnancy you feel movements somewhere in the lower abdomen, it means that the fetus is in a transverse or pelvic position.

By this time, the top of the uterus is approximately 2 cm above the level of the fart. The tummy is already clearly visible, and the navel may protrude forward. After the birth he will return to his place.

Listen carefully to your body. If you feel pain in the abdomen or a pulling sensation appears, then the cause may be poor digestion or increased uterine tone. In the second case, pain will be felt in the lower back and uterus at the same time.

Ultrasound and photo for memory

Lower back pain occurs very often because, due to the active growth of the abdomen, the center of gravity has shifted. As a result, the lower back experiences serious stress. The pain will have to be endured, but there are several ways that can reduce it:

  • go to rest several times a day to relieve the stress on your spine;
  • Do pregnancy exercises daily;
  • Wear a bandage that supports your stomach and back.

Mommy begins to experience training contractions. They are harmless and manifest themselves by contraction of the uterus. At the same time, the girl does not feel discomfort. However, if such contractions occur regularly and pain is felt, you should immediately call ambulance and your gynecologist. Premature labor may have begun.

RecommendationThe essence
Control your weightBuy a scale and weigh yourself once a week on an empty stomach in the morning. You should be wary if your weight gain is greater established norm. This may indicate fluid retention in the body.
Keep a diaryAt 22 weeks of pregnancy, it is recommended to keep a diary. Include a photo of your baby with an ultrasound, describe your emotions, sensations, changes in well-being.
Communicate with your babyThe baby already recognizes his mother’s voice, so you need to communicate with him, sing songs, read good fairy tales. The baby senses his mother’s mood well and feels her emotions.
Take care of yourselfAt the 22nd week of your pregnancy, the long-awaited baby is already large, so the uterus is enlarged. As a result, the load on the spine and lower back increases. You need to stand, lie, walk and sit correctly. It is advisable to sleep on a hard mattress and not sit with your legs crossed over each other.
Buy comfortable shoesIt is recommended to wear comfortable flat shoes as comfort is important at this time. You should not buy rubber and leatherette.
Set yourself up correctlyAt 22 weeks of pregnancy, a woman’s belly is already quite large, as evidenced by numerous photos. A woman may feel awkward and unwanted. Her morale often deteriorates. But pregnancy is not a disease, so don’t get hung up on it. various problems, and think about the fact that in a few months you will meet your baby. Rest more, go for walks and communicate with loved ones.
Take control of your healthAt this time, hemoglobin may drop, jumps are possible blood pressure. Take care of yourself, and in case of sudden weakness, do not hesitate to ask for help. Spend as much time as possible on fresh air and ventilate the room more often.
Proper nutritionAt 22 weeks of pregnancy, nutrition is the key to the proper development of the child. It is important to eat foods with big amount vitamins: dried fruits, fish, fruits, meat. It is recommended to eat six small meals a day. Should be controlled drinking regime to avoid swelling. Drink more kefir and eat fermented milk products. Avoid drinking carbonated drinks, cocoa, coffee, tea. You need to consume about 3 thousand kcal per day.

Eat fish and lots of vegetables

What symptoms are dangerous?

When pregnancy has reached 22 weeks, you need to carefully monitor your condition. There are several dangerous symptoms:

  • contractions, uterine stones, nagging pain in the abdomen;
  • discharge that is watery, bloody, greenish, orange, Brown, it is dangerous if the discharge increases while walking;
  • if unnatural behavior of the fetus is observed at 22 weeks of pregnancy, you should consult a doctor; excessive activity or lack thereof is an alarming sign;
  • temperature up to 38 degrees or higher, may indicate ARVI or other colds that need to be treated only by a doctor;
  • pain during urination, accompanied by high fever;
  • diarrhea, a feeling of pressure on the bladder, perineum, these signals are often harbingers of the onset of labor.

The 22nd week of pregnancy is dangerous due to miscarriage due to isthmic-cervical insufficiency (ICI). This diagnosis means that the cervix is ​​not strong, and accordingly, the weight of the fetus can cause its opening. This leads to the development of infection, rupture of the membranes and premature birth.

A bad symptom is pulling and cutting pain in the abdomen. This pain cannot be tolerated. You need to immediately contact a specialist.

At this stage, amniotic fluid may suddenly begin to leak, which will cause premature birth. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance. Under no circumstances should you pull.

What should the discharge be like?

The 22nd week of pregnancy is accompanied by the presence of discharge. This is absolutely normal. The discharge should be light gray or white, in moderate quantities. Sometimes a faint sour odor appears.

When the discharge changes its smell or color, you should immediately consult a doctor. This may indicate a sexually transmitted infection. The 22nd week of pregnancy is not the time for such problems. The infection needs to be treated urgently. Find out about and how it should take place.

Bloody issues at 22 weeks of pregnancy requires urgent consultation with a gynecologist. They may indicate placental abruption and the onset of labor. At watery discharge You should also be wary, since there is a risk that amniotic fluid has begun to leak.

What does an ultrasound show?

At 22 weeks of pregnancy, ultrasound reveals possible problems in fetal development. This is a very important period for screening diagnostics, which allows:

  • examine the condition of amniotic fluid and placenta;
  • identify possible developmental defects.

IN currently no evidence and scientific explanations that ultrasound is harmful to the baby. During the entire period of gestation, three planned examinations are required. At 22 weeks of pregnancy, using an ultrasound, you can get a photo of your baby and reveal the following indicators:

  • thigh length;
  • biparietal head size;
  • coccyx-parietal size;
  • fetal growth.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

At the second screening, the doctor said that the placenta was blocking the pharynx. But there are chances that it will rise. Yesterday at the reception at the residential complex, my local police officer almost snapped - it’s bad. Apparently it will stay that way. There is almost no chance that it will rise.
There will be a third birth - I so want to believe in a miracle and give birth again on my own...
Who had similar stories? How did you give birth in the end?


Good day everyone!
I’ll start, perhaps, from the very beginning) in October last year I became pregnant, but unfortunately B froze... they made a vacuum in December, they said after 2 months we can plan because... Everything is fine.
Now the picture is this: there was PA 2 days before ovulation, after 5 or 6 days there was slight spotting, now the body temperature is at 37, BT 37.2. Is pregnancy possible or am I getting carried away? Why did I think about pregnancy, last year I also had similar discharge, and after the vacuum my periods came as usual and on time.
Today is 8-9 days after O.
Thank you in advance for each of your opinions.
Health and children to all


Good morning!
Let's chat about the quirks you had while you were expecting your babies.
During my first pregnancy, without even knowing about it, I wanted Schweppes to the point of trembling. I drank for a whole week, then I stopped liking it))) my second son was not a gourmet and I already began to think that all these stories about the tricks of pregnant women were just their whims, until.... Until I became pregnant with my third. This is where my brain was visited amazing wishes. For example, the smoked mackerel went very well, which I polished with chocolate, now every day I eat carrot salad with garlic, before this I hadn’t eaten it for five years.....
But many people’s quirks concern not only food. She shared hers. Let's laugh and be surprised.


Good day to all!
I apologize for the sheet))
The first CS was almost 10 years ago and I was tormented quite a lot then. The indications were vision and breech presentation of the baby. At first, at 38 weeks, I was sent to the maternity hospital for a planned operation, they even allocated an ambulance for such a great purpose, although I felt great... and then miracles began! They kicked me out of the first maternity hospital (after 4 hours of waiting in line) under the pretext that it was too early, they say, come back in a week, then we’ll talk, and at the same time they sealed it: no cesarean, you’ll give birth yourself. On my way back, swearing at domestic medicine through clenched teeth, I trudged on a minibus, ramming heavy bags with things and grub. It’s clear that I didn’t want to go blind in my prime or have complications for the child, so after a week I prepared convincing arguments and a bunch of papers with examinations, I prepared for the battle for the CS. And here are the familiar wooden benches, a queue, 4 hours of waiting and I’m at the doctor’s. And what do I hear? Firstly, I arrived early again, which is strange, because the same doctor told me the timing. Come, they say, in 5 days. Secondly, “you will give birth yourself.” I don't care about certificates. On the way back, on the already familiar minibus, I Once again She cursed domestic medicine, this particular doctor and her relatives to the last degree, imagining them together and separately, in very piquant poses. True, having taken into account the previous failure, I took less things with me, which made it easier to drag. For the third time, I decided not to go to this maternity hospital, but chose another one. So, a new maternity hospital, the same storage facility, shops that have almost become family, a doctor’s office... “Firstly, we don’t have places, and secondly, you will give birth yourself...”. What kind of mockery is this! My patience ran out at this point, so leaving the inhospitable doors, I did not trudge home, but called Gore. Hello department, where juicy, in colors and faces, she told the story of her 3 attempts to penetrate into what I so needed, the state. institution. And then she came back and demanded written refusal in my hospitalization from the head doctor. There were no head doctors, but magically a place was found. A reprimand from the top, the management of the maternity hospital, also followed immediately. Caesarean section was approved. It is clear that this did not increase my popularity among medical staff. Then they stupidly kept me in the pathology room for a week, doing nothing, extorting money for anesthesia (I twisted a delicious cookie with a malicious grin) and for the last one and a half days I was not allowed to eat or drink, hiding behind indications for general anesthesia. Thank God the baby was born healthy and everything worked out.
Almost 10 years have passed, I'm pregnant again. Planned cesarean section for the same vision, as indicated. Remembering past ordeals, I really don’t want to repeat them, naively believing that medicine has stepped forward over the years.
How did you do the CS? Both planned and emergency operations are interesting, because anything can happen in life.
Thank you in advance for your answers))


Would you go?

Happy holiday to all girls! This is the situation: my husband’s friend had a BD, his wife (my friend, they live 2 floors above us) said that they were expecting relatives from Moscow to visit, and we were invited the next day. Well, we did just that, went the next day and congratulated him. Now the other day she also had a birthday, and these same relatives were supposed to come, and they called us back on the trail. day. Well, ok... they call in the evening, supposedly the relatives didn’t come, let’s cancel the meeting with you and meet again sometime. Yesterday these relatives came to see them, and today they are calling us. I have a feeling that they don’t want to cook especially for us, and they invite us to finish eating for our relatives. Or she could just treat her to tea... My husband says you’re right, we’ll come up with something and not go. Would you go?


At 22 weeks it is already so active that it is possible not only to clearly feel it, but even to guess what the baby pushed with and what position he is now in. However, the risk of miscarriage still remains, so it is important to know how the baby grows and what is necessary for its full bearing.

Fetal development at 22 weeks of pregnancy

The growth of the child’s brain slows down somewhat and the development of tactile sensations begins. The baby likes to touch himself and everything that surrounds him, he loves to suck his finger and play with his hands. The weight of the fetus at 22 weeks reaches 420-450 grams and if childbirth occurs ahead of schedule, there is a real chance of his survival. The child is very active, he can change his position several times a day.

At 22 weeks of pregnancy it fluctuates between 27-28 cm and continues to increase steadily. The baby sleeps a lot, and his activity, as a rule, occurs at night. This is why mommy may have trouble sleeping and needs more rest during the day.

A fetus at 22 weeks of gestation already has the ability to distinguish loud and sharp sounds, and the eyes are so developed that the child can turn towards a light source, for example, during an ultrasound. He is also able to express his emotions about psychological state women.

The anatomy of the fetus at 22 weeks of gestation involves the formation of future teeth, almost fully formed lips and the pancreas at the stage of development. The fetal heartbeat is already clearly audible at 22 weeks, which can be recorded using ultrasound. There is a fully formed spine, and the child’s body is covered with original down. The ever-increasing size of the fetus at 22 weeks leads to an increase in the load on the lower back and spine. A woman is recommended to wear special underwear and devote more time to rest.

Ultrasound of the fetus at 22 weeks

It is during this period that the study examines the condition and quantity amniotic fluid, the presence or absence of malformations is determined, and the maturity of the placenta and umbilical cord is determined. Doctors are also interested in fetometry of the fetus at 22 weeks, which will provide the necessary information about the correct development of the baby in the mother’s womb.

Do not be alarmed if the baby is in an uncomfortable position for childbirth. Very often, the transverse presentation of the fetus at the 22nd week changes due to its activity. You may have to do pregnancy exercises. It is she who often helps to change the breech presentation of the fetus at the 22nd week.

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