Home Trees and shrubs Sample written refusal to repair a suitcase. Information for the airline regarding the repair of a suitcase. Who draws up the act

Sample written refusal to repair a suitcase. Information for the airline regarding the repair of a suitcase. Who draws up the act

Often on new thing her owners have high hopes. And imagine their disappointment when the thing they just purchased stops working.

The Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” stands guard over the protection of our rights, which can easily be violated by anyone.

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 18 of this Law, each buyer has the right to exercise his rights to free service during the warranty period.

We have rights, but is it always possible to use them, because cases of refusal to repair under warranty are quite common. What should the buyer do if he refuses to fulfill his legal requirements?

Sometimes we ourselves are clearly the cause of malfunctions. Understanding this fact, you can draw up an act of refusal of warranty repairs yourself. This is much better than wasting time only to end up getting rejected anyway.

How to correctly draw up a document confirming refusal to carry out warranty repairs?

Checking the goods transferred to warranty repair, is handled by a service center engineer.

If something is broken in the product separate part or the system as a whole is due to the fault of the owner himself, then the repair will be paid. If the buyer refuses to pay, the warranty for this product is immediately canceled.

Sometimes the consumer turns to the seller for permission to perform service work at other service centers. IN in this case The seller controls the implementation of repair work.

In the event that the owner of the goods refuses to sign the certificate of completion of work, it is enough to sign it directly to the seller. This fact is the reason for the act to come into force.

When refusing warranty repairs to a client, the seller must draw up a special document - a Certificate of Refusal to Repair Under Warranty.

This document, as well as the results of the examination, must be attached to the application to the court if you want to try to solve the problem in this way. In this case also we're talking about about monetary compensation.

The buyer’s right to warranty repairs is secured by Articles 18 and 20 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.

If the seller, without good reason, refuses to provide you with such a service, he is thus violating the Law.

The act consists of the following points:

  • dates of transfer of goods for repair;
  • your personal data;
  • information about the service representative or seller who accepts the goods;
  • description appearance product identification or serial number;
  • presence of defects, their description;
  • articles of legislative acts of the Russian Federation to which you refer;
  • your signature and date of drawing up the act.

In what cases can repairs under a valid warranty be refused?

If a product fails during the warranty period, please contact one of these places:

  • To the manufacturer of the product, if its representative office is located in your locality;
  • To a store or salon;
  • To authorized service center. Typically, information about such services is found in the warranty card. In addition, information can be found on the manufacturer's official website.

The listed organizations or persons may refuse to provide you with free repairs.

But for this the following reasons must be present:

  • The consumer violated the rules for using the product and used it for other purposes;
  • The rules for transporting the products, as well as the conditions for their storage, were violated. For example, computer equipment was stored in a damp room;
  • The occurrence of unforeseen circumstances or natural disasters. Let's say that during a thunderstorm, lightning strikes the antenna, causing the TV to break. So, in this case, no one will pay you for repairs during the warranty period;
  • In the case when electrical appliance water will be affected;
  • If the product has been removed from warranty;
  • Availability of mechanical confirmations;
  • The product has been removed from warranty;
  • Operating rules have been violated.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation No. 2300-1 of February 7, 1992 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, the contractor has the right to refuse repairs under warranty only if he can prove the fact that all faults and defects have already arisen with the product after it has been handed over to the buyer. In this case, the buyer incorrectly used, stored, transported, etc. the product.

If you are denied repairs, you should receive a document containing information about the work performed by the contractor, information about existing breakdowns, how they arose and their impact on the operation of the equipment as a whole.

An important fact is the time the malfunction occurred and who caused it. Typically, AQI is used to prove the consumer's involvement in the occurrence of malfunctions. Which in turn will entail refusal to perform warranty work.

But if there is no such act, just as there is no direct evidence of the consumer’s guilt that the product is out of order, all responsibility for the quality and safety of the product lies entirely with the seller or manufacturer (Clause 6 of Article 18 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”) .

In a situation where:

  • They don’t want to accept your claim;
  • A certificate of completion of work is not drawn up, but at the same time you are absolutely sure that you are right, contact the consumer rights protection departments, which are located in all localities.

The most recent one, but in an effective way To achieve justice is to go to court.

Where to contact in case of refusal:

  • Send a complaint to the Rospotrebnadzor authorities;
  • Write an application to Rospotrebnadzor; in most cases, this step is quite effective;
  • Compose statement of claim to court.

Note! If you have sent an application to the court and are seeking protection of your consumer rights, you will not have to pay a state fee.

Have you received damaged luggage at the airport? A lopsided open suitcase on a belt or something worse? What to do in such a situation, who to complain to, and what to do if a breakdown is noticed already at home? We asked all these questions to travelers on our social networks VKontakte, Facebook and Instagram and collected fifty stories. Let's take it in order.

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What to do if your luggage is damaged

Where to go, who to write and call?

If you notice any damage on the belt, immediately contact the service agent on duty in the baggage claim area or airline representatives at the airport. They should help you file your claim.

If you notice damage outside the airport, don’t worry, you can still submit a claim. Call the airport or airline call center and find out where you can send your application and copies of all necessary documents.

What documents must be on hand to submit an application?

  1. Air ticket or a copy thereof.
  2. Boarding pass.
  3. Baggage tag.
  4. Identity document.
  5. Photos if you are submitting your application remotely.
  6. Receipt for the suitcase (very rarely asked, but be prepared that they may ask).

How long does it take to submit an application?

On internal on flights, a claim against the carrier can be made within six months, according to Art. 126 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation.

The specified period is calculated as follows:

  1. On compensation for damage in case of shortage or damage (spoilage) of cargo or mail, as well as in case of delay in their delivery - from the day following the day of delivery of the cargo, and in relation to mail - from the date of drawing up the commercial act.
  2. About compensation for damage in case of loss of cargo - ten days after the expiration of the delivery period.
  3. For damages in all other cases - from the date of the event that served as the basis for filing a claim.

On international on flights, a claim can be filed in accordance with Art. 127 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation:

  1. In case of damage to luggage (cargo) - within 7 calendar days from the date of receipt of the baggage and no later than 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the cargo.
  2. In case of delay in delivery of luggage or cargo - within 21 calendar day, from the date of delivery of baggage or cargo to the passenger.
  3. In case of loss of baggage or cargo - within 18 months from the date of arrival of the aircraft at its destination or from the day on which it should have arrived.

Traveler stories of damaged luggage

It was in Vnukovo. I wrote a statement to lost&found that the luggage was damaged. The administrator drew up a protocol and said to be sure to write to the airline with the protocol number - they will sort it out. The admin also apologized. There was a bag a la shuttle, which could not stand the cruel treatment and tore. But she was wrapped in plastic. Nothing was missing, so I didn’t write to the a/k.

Sergei Tikhonov

Tolmachevo, Novosibirsk. The bag went out onto the belt in an open form - top part torn, all personal belongings out. There were no valuables, nothing was missing. We wrote an application for compensation for a damaged rather expensive bag. The answer is: show me the receipt for it, and then document the degree of wear...

Svetlana Zakharenko

We received luggage with a torn wheel at Utair. We took the certificate at the airport, then wrote to UTair, attaching a photo, weight and cost of the suitcase. Compensation was based on the weight of the suitcase. Of course, the amount was not enough to buy a new one of the same kind.

Dmitry Zybinsky

I was flying with a connection in Amsterdam (KLM), and during security the lock on my suitcase was cut off. I arrived, wrote a claim, they promised to return the cost of the suitcase by check. I'm waiting for money. So advice - never throw away receipts for the purchase of suitcases!

Nikolay Ustinov

I once flew from Bangkok to Moscow by Qatar. I arrived in Domodedovo and discovered that my suitcase’s retractable handle and wheel were broken. At the same time, I sent it through oversized with the “Fragile” sticker. I approached the airport employees in the baggage claim area, they processed everything, called a representative of the airline, and after 2 weeks they paid me the equivalent of $100. The Samsonite suitcase actually cost $30 and was purchased in Vietnam. The same suitcase in Moscow cost 120-150 dollars. Then there was a case with Transaero and also in Domodedovo, but they paid only 50 dollars for a similar suitcase, however, only the handle was cracked, and I rode with this suitcase a couple more times until I bought a new one. There was also a case when I flew from Moscow to Bangkok with Transaero, and the wheel of the suitcase was broken, but there was no time, and I just left. Bought in Pattaya for $50 new suitcase.

Slava Vlasov

In Malta I received my little American tourister and discovered that the zipper that fits into the built-in lock on the suitcase had been torn off. I approached the baggage claim, they drew up a damage report. Then there was a long correspondence with AirMalta about compensation for this damage, at first they were silent. Then I just started leaving comments on their posts on Facebook, they started to stir and as a result they paid 80€ in compensation. But at first they demanded that the original damage report be sent to them in Malta... I asked them a reasonable question: what if the post office loses my letter or your colleagues in the office accidentally lose it, what then?! We agreed on a scan of this document, a scan of my passport page with data and bank details. It took about three weeks for the money to arrive...
And even when they had already agreed on compensation, the airline again began to play the fool, saying that my details were incorrect. I had to shout loudly and they immediately sorted out the details and sent the money to my account.
But what should tourists do who don’t know foreign languages, I don’t even know... As a result, everything took almost 3.5 months of waiting and communication.

Alexey Kozlov

In Hanover I received a dented suitcase without a handle. He immediately filed a complaint against the Lufthansa counter and received compensation.

Mikhail Sharov

Air Berlin upon arrival in Domodedovo. One wheel of the suitcase was broken off. I wrote a statement to the employees at the information desk in the baggage claim area (10 minutes), and within a couple of weeks I received money from the airline, in general, at a fairly fair rate.

Andrey Kolesnikov

We received a suitcase without a wheel at the Rostov airport, drew up a report at the airport, then I repaired the suitcase, wrote a letter to the S7 office, where I indicated the requirement to compensate for the repairs and the bank account number, attached a receipt for the repair, and a report. A couple of weeks later the money arrived.


Several times I received broken suitcases without wheels, torn with broken insides (souvenirs, perfumes, etc.) at KLM airline. They wrote a claim, once they reimbursed the cost of the suitcases with a voucher for 100 euros, another time they refused to refund due to non-compliance with the procedure, namely: they presented a broken suitcase at the airport (in Spain), then immediately bought a new one (it was impossible to move with it) ), they said that this would be enough, upon arrival home (in Russia) they refused, no suitcase - no refund. Although documents for the purchase were provided. Allegedly, the Spaniards registered the fact incorrectly.


I flew from New York to St. Petersburg via Paris (Charles de Gaulle) with Lufthansa, and stupidly put a gift iPhone in my luggage. Upon arrival in St. Petersburg, it turned out that the luggage did not arrive from Paris. The airline assured that they would return it within 3-5 days, but they returned it a week later and without the iPhone. I immediately wrote a statement to the police in Pulkovo. Lufthansa reimbursed full price telephone by check within a week.


On a layover in Guangzhou (flight Moscow-Manila, layover over 24 hours with baggage claim), they gave me a suitcase with a broken wheel. We flew on China Southern Airlines. But they didn’t turn to the company, but to the “Help, complaints” window at the delivery office nearby, asked to write a statement about damage indicating passport details, made a copy of the boarding pass and immediately issued a new suitcase. Slightly less displacement, but good quality. Excellent airport and airline service.


Don't let your luggage get lost or broken. But, if anything, now you know how to apply and receive compensation.

You landed at the airport, reached the baggage belt, deftly grabbed your suitcase from it and... discovered that it was broken! Or they didn’t find their luggage at all... Or they found it, but their favorite trousers, Louis Vuitton bag or gifts for relatives disappeared from the suitcase. What to do? Don't rush to grieve. The airline that transported your luggage is required to pay you compensation.

Once you have received your luggage, inspect it; make sure there is no damage to it


First of all, take your suitcase either to airline representatives who are usually located at airports, or to the airport administration - to the baggage tracing counter Lost & Found. Typically, such a counter is located on the same floor as the baggage claim area. If the flight is overnight or early in the morning, you will most likely not find an airline representative and will only have to deal with an airport representative.

An on-site employee will inspect the damage to your luggage and begin compiling a damage report - called Damage Report. This document will be sent to the airline that was responsible for your baggage. For this report, please be prepared to provide the following data:

  • passport
  • boarding pass for the relevant flight you were traveling on
  • approximate date of purchase of the suitcase
  • suitcase brand
  • the amount for which the suitcase was purchased.

If you notice damage, take a photo of it immediately

An airport representative will visually assess whether your suitcase can be repaired or is in pieces. The whole procedure takes about 10-15 minutes, after which the employee will give you a copy of the report.

The next step is you have seven days (for international airlines) in order to go to the website of the airline that transported your luggage and send them a claim regarding damage to the suitcase. In this claim, you must briefly describe what happened and write the number of the damage report that was filed at the airport. You can also attach a couple of picturesque photos to your application. If you still have the receipt from the purchase of the suitcase, then you also need to provide it. If it has not been preserved, then it is advisable to go to the store and get a copy of the receipt.

For about a week with you e-mail An airline representative will contact you and, if he has any questions, will ask you for additional documents, as well as your number bank card for translate. And then he will decide how much to reimburse the cost of the damaged luggage. Compensation will be sent to the specified card number.

Traveler Svetlana Korikova:

“I had a similar problem with Brussels Airlines. They somehow managed to destroy my suitcase beyond repair. I was surprised that the airline asked me for a copy of the receipt - do they actually think people keep receipts after purchasing suitcases?.. I simply sent them a link to an online store that sold the exact same suitcase at the stated price. To which they answered that this was not a supporting document, but they relented and decided to reimburse only half of the cost of my suitcase instead of 100 percent... But I’m happy about that too.”

If you haven’t found your suitcase on the delivery line at all, you need to go to a special counter and write a missing report.

Traveler Ilya Shafraev:

“And I cheated with the cost of luggage. Even at the airport, he wrote that my suitcase cost more than it actually cost - 70 euros, but I bought it for 30 euros. I felt that all the money would not be returned anyway. Then I took a copy of the receipt from a friend’s store. As a result, the foreign carrier decided to pay me 50 percent of the cost of the luggage. But, thanks to my ingenuity, it turned out that I returned the entire cost of the damaged suitcase - a little more than 30 euros. True, they took about a month to get onto the map.”

According to statistics, the luggage of people who fly with transfers most often goes missing.


If your luggage is missing, you need to fill out a loss report immediately at the airport at a special counter. The act will need to describe all the things that were in the suitcase. Some airlines will try to give you 50-200 euros to buy essentials (toothbrush, razor, etc.), but these are the rare companies that are only showing their courtesy, and not their obligation. Then all you have to do is wait. From several hours to a month.

In 90 percent of cases, luggage is found and returned within 24 hours (brought home free of charge within the city of arrival and its suburbs). But in about 10 percent - in about a month.

If within 21 days your lost luggage not found, then it is considered missing and you have the right to demand compensation. Compensation for baggage without a declared value will be approximately $20 per kilogram (depending on the airline).

Discuss the incident with the airport and airline immediately


A hairdryer, a dress, perfume—everything is stolen from the baggage packed with a ribbon. They brazenly tear the tape and may even repack it after the theft so that you won’t notice anything.. In general, theft from suitcases seems strange - after all, almost everywhere there is a video surveillance system installed that monitors the entire journey of luggage from start to finish. But they continue to steal, and not a single one yet trial the case of the “luggage” thief is unknown to the public. Therefore, try not to check valuables in your luggage at all. Or check in luggage with a declared value, as well as insure it.

If you find something missing, you need to call an airport representative and an airline representative, and also write a statement to the police - at the airport or at your place of residence. Be prepared to provide witnesses who will confirm that you put the item in your luggage and then it was not found.

Drawing up an equipment malfunction report occurs in cases where equipment breakdown occurs and it is necessary to establish its causes, as well as make a decision about it. future fate. The act can be drawn up both in relation to household office equipment and in relation to complex technical devices.

Who draws up the act

The preparation of this document takes place with the participation of a specially created commission, which includes several people (at least two). It must include a specialized specialist (foreman, technician, engineer, etc.), as well as employees who are directly related to the equipment and who are able to establish the fact of its malfunction and describe the events preceding the breakdown. If necessary, experts from third-party organizations can be involved in investigating the circumstances of the breakdown.

Rules for drawing up the act

The act does not have a standard unified template, therefore it is drawn up in free form or according to a template developed and approved by the company. It can be written either on a regular A4 sheet or on the organization’s letterhead, both handwritten and printed. The main thing is that it be certified by the signatures of all members of the special commission. The document must be drawn up in at least two copies, depending on the number of interested parties. Each copy must be certified by original signatures.

The act must contain

  • information about the name of the equipment,
  • his passport details,
  • technical specifications and other parameters.

The more complex the equipment, the more detailed it should be described, right down to recording storage and operating conditions.

Here you need to enter detailed information about the identified malfunction.

Sometimes, as an additional appendix, the act is accompanied by photos of the breakdown, which must be approved by the head of the enterprise.

Instructions for writing a report of equipment malfunction

  • In the first part of the document it is written Name and its essence is briefly indicated (in this case “about equipment malfunction”), and also indicates locality, in which it is drawn up and the date: day, month (in words), year.
  • Then enter the full Business name operating the equipment with the designation of its organizational and legal status (IE, CJSC, OJSC, LLC).
  • Next are recorded information related directly to the equipment. Here you need to enter information about its name, serial number, date of purchase and account number for which the payment was made. You should also indicate the date of installation or installation, i.e. actual start date of use.
  • In conclusion, in this part it is necessary describe the identified breakdown, and this must be done as clearly and in detail as possible, so that in case of going to court, this document did not cause any comments and was accepted as evidence.
  • The second part of the act includes table, where the measures taken by representatives of the organization to identify and eliminate the malfunction, as well as their results, are documented. If several actions were performed, they should be indicated in separate paragraphs.
  • After this, under the table it is necessary to make a conclusion either about the complete unsuitability of the equipment for further use, or about the possibility of subsequent operation when carrying out certain repair work.
  • In the final part of the act it should sign representatives of the company, including its director. Then the document can be stamped, but the last step is not necessary if you work without a stamp, which, in fact, the law allows.

After drawing up the act

  1. If during the inspection it is determined that the malfunction occurred due to the connivance or negligence of the financially responsible person, then responsibility is assigned to him.
  2. In those situations where a breakdown occurred for reasons beyond the control of any employee and during the warranty period for the equipment, the report serves as evidence to ensure further repairs at the expense of the manufacturer.
  3. If during the inspection it is determined that the malfunction occurred due to the fault of the manufacturer, but he refuses to admit this, the issue will have to be resolved in judicial procedure and the act in this case will have evidentiary value.

This is exactly what happened to my new plastic suitcase upon arrival from Sharm el-Sheikh to Kyiv.

This is not my first rendezvous with the airline regarding compensation for damaged luggage, so I know what to do and where to run at the airport and what compensation I can expect.

Damaged luggage: what to do at the airport?

Whether it is a scheduled flight or a charter flight, the airline is in any case responsible for your baggage. An unpleasant situation happened to me on a charter flight from Sharm el-Sheikh to Kyiv operated by UIA.

Express information on the country

The Earth is in third place in terms of distance from the Sun and in fifth place among all planets solar system to size.

Age– 4.54 billion years

Average radius – 6,378.2 km

Average circumference – 40,030.2 km

Square– 510,072 million km² (29.1% land and 70.9% water)

Number of continents– 6: Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica

Number of oceans– 4: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic

Population– 7.3 billion people. (50.4% men and 49.6% women)

Most populous states: Monaco (18,678 people/km2), Singapore (7607 people/km2) and Vatican City (1914 people/km2)

Number of countries: total 252, independent 195

Number of languages ​​in the world– about 6,000

Quantity official languages – 95; the most common: English (56 countries), French (29 countries) and Arabic (24 countries)

Number of nationalities– about 2,000

Climate zones: equatorial, tropical, temperate and arctic (main) + subequatorial, subtropical and subarctic (transitional)

But before you contact her directly, you need to follow simple steps:

  1. Record the fact of luggage damage at the Lost&Found counter (and at the same time take a photo at the airport). Even if you arrived late at night, do not be lazy to do this. There's always someone at Lost&Found. Fill out a baggage damage report - this is official document, confirming damage to the suitcase.
  2. Find all baggage tags, boarding and e-ticket. It is very important not to lose the same luggage tag that is placed on your passport during check-in and baggage drop-off.
  3. Make a written complaint to the airline at Lost&Found. This step precedes writing a letter to the airline itself. Here it is important to describe the suitcase (color, model), the degree of damage, when and how much it was purchased for, and what compensation you want to receive. You can take a photo of this complaint: it will serve as a template for your further letter.

At the airport, the main thing is to draw up a baggage damage report and get its personal number. When the damaged suitcase was delivered to me for the first time, the airline representative herself suggested what kind of damage it was worth pointing out. So you can start a thorough inspection right away at the Lost&Found counter.

The next step is to write a claim directly to the airline.

According to UIA rules, the letter must be sent to the post office within seven days after receiving the suitcase. Later I found out that other airlines have the same rules. The text of the complaint can be expressed in free form. I liked that I didn’t have to do it by hand and send all the documents and evidence to the airline.

For UIA, all you have to do is write an email and attach all the photos/videos. That's a plus! We indicate all the details in the letter and do not forget to express your claim in monetary form.

Here is a fragment of my letter: “ When checking in for the flight [number, date of flight] Sharm el-Sheikh - Kyiv, a whole, undamaged suitcase wrapped in film was checked in as luggage. gray. Upon arrival at Boryspil airport, it was discovered that the suitcase was significantly damaged:

  • the retractable handle on the suitcase was torn out (photo attached);
  • the suitcase had significant cracks and breaks throughout the entire body (photo attached);
  • 4 wheels of the suitcase, which should rotate 360 ​​degrees, jam and move with difficulty (video attached)».

Some airlines may accept damaged luggage even after leaving the airport. In this case, you need to contact the airline as soon as possible. For example, on the Lufthansa and AirFrance websites there is a special form to fill out if you notice damage to your luggage at home or in a hotel.

I asked for a refund of the full cost of the luggage, since the suitcase was purchased six months ago and before this trip there were no cracks or through holes on it.

Your damaged luggage is considered evidence, as evidenced by completing the Damage and Pilferage Report (DPR) at the airport in Lost&Found. If the suitcase had been damaged before the flight, this would have been noted at check-in at Sharm el-Sheikh airport and the airline would have known about it.

UIA liability for damaged luggage

UIA airline is not responsible behind the following types loss and damage to luggage and belongings:

  • lost straps and loops, scuffs or scratches, damage as a result of overfilling the suitcase, damage to fragile items or food that quickly deteriorates or breaks; damage to things and items that are improperly packed or damaged by other things in this baggage;
  • for damage/loss of breakable, fragile things and things that break or quickly deteriorate, electronic equipment (including photo and video equipment, computer equipment, storage media), software, money, keys, jewelry (valuable and semi-precious metals and stones), glasses, antiques, works of art, photographs, fur products, technical documentation, business documents, valuable papers, medicines, medical records, passports and other identifying documents, samples, unique or irreplaceable items, and other valuable items.

Please note that we are not talking about wheels on the suitcase. Previously they were not subject to compensation.

“In case of minor damage (dirty, wet, cuts, tears, etc.) to checked baggage or its contents, UIA recommends that you independently organize repairs or dry cleaning of this baggage/its contents and provide it to the customer relations department or through the form feedback on the official website, a payment document from a repair shop or dry cleaner (check, receipt, invoice, etc.), which will confirm the costs incurred material costs and is the basis for making compensation payments.”

To my request, UIA responded that there is no evidence that they damaged the luggage. It's good that my phone has geotags saved. I advise you to take all the photos/videos right at the airport (preferably before and after).

“In case of significant damage to checked baggage/its contents, if the baggage cannot be repaired (which is confirmed by a certificate from the workshop about the impossibility of repair), compensation is paid in the amount of the confirmed actual cost of the damaged baggage/its contents (based on a sales/fiscal receipt), taking into account wear and tear and in accordance with the Montreal Convention 1999 (up to 1131 SDR).

If the baggage cannot be repaired and the passenger cannot confirm real cost damaged luggage, compensation is paid depending on the weight of the items, in accordance with the provisions of the Warsaw Convention-1929 ($20 per 1 kg of damaged luggage), and in accordance with ID card IATA – “Baggage Identification Chart”.

What to do if you notice damage to your suitcase at home?

It is important to understand that not all damages can be compensated. Airlines generally are not responsible for normal wear and tear of baggage and damage such as:

  • scratches;
  • dents;
  • manufacturing defects;
  • damage incurred during transportation of an overfilled baggage unit;
  • improper packaging of fragile items;
  • broken zippers.

To understand what "normal wear and tear" is, the airline needs to know the age of your suitcase. When my suitcase was damaged on Austrian Airlines, the carrier deducted from the compensation amount each year it was used. Then it was 12%. In a word, if a 2016 suitcase for which you paid $100 was damaged during transportation, then you will receive $80 (-20% for two years of use).

What to do if things are missing from your suitcase?

Thank God, this didn’t happen to me. But I always stick to one rule: “Never put valuables in your luggage. Laptop, tablet, Jewelry, we take money and a camera with us.”

I remember one African student who was flying to Portugal to study with us. The guy decided to put his laptop in a suitcase, and upon arrival he was very surprised why his luggage did not arrive. It was 2008 or 2009, and his luggage was never found.

If your luggage has been opened, you will be able to notice this directly at the airport: the suitcase is not properly zipped or is completely open, the lock is torn off or broken. As in the case of damage, you need to immediately go to Lost&Found. Although the art of opening suitcases unnoticed has improved significantly, and missing items can only be noticed at home or in a hotel.


Based own experience, I can say that it doesn’t matter whether your suitcase is fabric or plastic. But these simple tips will help prolong his life.

  • Pack your luggage in plastic wrap. This will reduce the risk of illegal opening of the suitcase and some damage. This service is available at every airport. I personally don’t really like this plastic film: it’s tightly wrapped, but upon arrival it’s impossible to remove it, because all the piercing and cutting objects are inside the suitcase. I use regular cling film: one for departure, the other in my suitcase for the return trip.
  • Make it a rule to insure your luggage. It's like travel life insurance: the cost of insurance is much less than treatment.
  • Do not check valuables in your luggage. Someone can cover up the theft of things by external damage to the suitcase. Therefore, it is better to open the suitcase at the Lost&Found counter and check its contents.

Ekaterina Birskaya– travel expert, blogger, author of the project and courses for travelers VividTravel by Kate.

My motto: “Everyone can travel!”

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