Home Potato Does lemon tea help with colds? Honey and lemon for the prevention of colds and flu: recipes. Lemon and honey for colds recipe

Does lemon tea help with colds? Honey and lemon for the prevention of colds and flu: recipes. Lemon and honey for colds recipe


Anastasia Faye

Lemon for colds is one of the indispensable remedies. It helps in all cases: on the one hand, the lemon is able to prevent the flu or colds, on the other hand, if the infection has already occurred, it can facilitate and speed up the healing process. Why is lemon so unique?

Lemon as a cold remedy
Lemon has long been famous for its antiviral preventive properties. Lemon is especially useful for colds - as a generous source of vitamins (in addition to valuable vitamin C, lemon contains A, B1 and B2, P) and phytoncides - the most valuable substances, especially during viral epidemics. Phytoncides are special volatile compounds that some plants secrete and that can kill a number of harmful bacteria and viruses. For those who cannot stand the smell or taste of garlic or onions, which also have an abundance of phytoncides, lemon (especially in combination with honey) is just a godsend. By the way, the antiseptic properties of a lemon were highly valued by the Egyptians for centuries: for example, when they were bitten by a scorpion, they put one half of the lemon on the wound, and ate the other half. And usually they survived.
As a prophylactic against colds, lemon can be used as follows:
The easiest and most delicious option: mix 150 g of honey and 1 lemon, grated on a fine grater along with the zest. A couple of teaspoons in the morning on an empty stomach, as well as during the day instead of dessert for tea - and you will not be afraid of any colds and flu.

A recipe for those who like it spicier: cut the ginger root into thin, almost transparent slices, put in a glass or cup. Top with a couple of lemon slices. Pour boiling water over the entire contents, and cover with a saucer (or lid). Let the drink brew a little, and drink it whole. Repeat after 3-4 hours. This drink will not only instantly clear the throat if a cough has already begun or the voice has sat down, but it will also significantly increase the protective properties of the immune system.

The easiest way to use lemon for a cold is to cut a lemon into slices and place this "sunny" saucer near the head of the bed you sleep on or on the desktop where you spend most of the day. Phytoncides, evaporating into the air, will literally drive away cold and flu viruses from you.

Naturopathic doctors say that if you put a slice of lemon on your cheek, then even when communicating and in direct contact with a person with a flu or a cold, your chances of not getting infected are very, very high.
Lemon in the fight against colds
But even if you are already sick, and all the symptoms of a cold are on your face - in this case, lemon can be a great helper in the fight against the disease. Most often it is used in addition to honey - this mixture is added to tea to warm the body from the inside and support immunity, and sometimes it is slowly absorbed in the mouth so that it "softens" the throat and relieves coughing. There are hundreds of recipes for using lemon for colds - everyone uses this product in the way he likes best. But here are a few things to keep in mind for any use:
It is necessary to use a lemon along with the peel - it contains almost half of the nutrients;

If you remove the seeds, then there will be no bitter taste.

So that the lemon does not seem too sour, it needs to be dipped in boiling water for a minute, and only then used.
The only contraindication to the use of lemon for colds can be only one circumstance - an allergic reaction. In all other cases, lemon can be consumed by both adults and children, both during a cold, and to prevent it.

Igor Cyrax

If bucks - then yes)))


Yes, vitamin C helps.


Yes, if you rub it on your nose


If you add lemon juice to tea and gargle, the cold will pass faster.

Konstantin Bebyakin

Will help a little. Vitamins. It is advisable to use lemon and as a preventive measure.

Ginger with lemon and honey - a recipe for health

The combination of lemon, honey and ginger is a miracle cure that is considered a panacea for many diseases. To prepare a healing drink that helps with specific diseases, it is important to follow the recipe developed over many years. We bring to your attention several recipes for drinks containing ginger, lemon and honey.

Health Recipes - Ginger with Lemon and Honey

Ginger, lemon and honey - a recipe for a cold

Tea made according to the classic recipe with ginger and honey helps with cough, runny nose and other common cold symptoms.


  • ginger - 300 g;
  • honey - 150 g;
  • lemon (medium size) - 1 pc.


Peel the ginger root and cut into small cubes. We clean the lemon, remove the seeds. Grind the lemon and the root with a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Add honey to the mixture, and mix all the ingredients thoroughly.

Put a teaspoon of the mixture into hot tea. Prescription tea with ginger, lemon and honey is designed to strengthen the immune system and increase vitality.

Recipe - honey, lemon and ginger in a jar

A drink made according to this recipe is great as an adjuvant for the treatment of flu and colds.


  • grated ginger - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • honey - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • freshly squeezed citrus juice - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • peppermint - a few branches;
  • spices as desired (cardamom, cinnamon, etc.).


Boil 1.5 liters of water and pour ginger into it. We stand the liquid for 2 minutes on low heat, after which we add citrus juice to it (in addition to lemon, it can be orange, lime or grapefruit), cooked spices. Pour the composition into a jar, wrap it with a towel and let it brew for 10 minutes. Add crushed mint and honey to the drink. The decoction is insisted for another 20 minutes. Healing remedy is ready!

Recipe with lemon, honey and ginger for vessels

A cocktail containing three healthy foods is an effective remedy designed to strengthen and cleanse blood vessels.


  • grated ginger - 0.5 tsp;
  • honey - 1 hour a spoon;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • dry wormwood - 1/3 teaspoon;
  • olive oil - 1 teaspoon.


We combine ginger with crushed wormwood. Add squeezed lemon juice and dilute with half a glass of hot water. We insist the elixir for 20 minutes, add honey.

The drink prepared according to the recipe should be drunk every morning on an empty stomach for a month.

Slimming Recipe with Ginger Root, Honey and Lemon

Ginger has a fat burning effect in the body. In addition, the drink prepared according to the proposed recipe dulls the feeling of hunger. All this has the best effect on the figure.


  • grated ginger - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • honey - 3 teaspoons;
  • freshly squeezed citrus juice - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • green tea (in tea leaves) - 2 teaspoons.


Put the grated ginger into a thermos, pour the citrus juice there. Pour green tea into a thermos and pour 2 liters of boiling water over it. We insist the drink for at least 2 hours, after which we filter. At the end add honey.

For the proper effect, you should take 1 liter of the drink every day. Nutritionists advise supplementing the intake with other means that specifically affect weight loss, for example, kefir with turmeric, etc.

Contraindications for use

Despite all the beneficial properties of drinks based on ginger, honey and lemon, there are a number of contraindications to their intake. Among them:

  • allergies to these products;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal system;
  • hepatitis;
  • cardiological pathologies;
  • chronic hemorrhoids;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Ginger is an ambulance for ailments, runny nose and colds. Ginger mixed with lemon and honey contains so many useful vitamins and minerals that it is not possible to list them all.

You will need

  1. - 300 gr ginger
  2. - 150 gr honey
  3. - 1 lemon
  4. - blender or meat grinder
  5. - jar


  1. Peel the ginger root and cut it into small pieces.
  2. We clean the lemon and remove the seeds from it.
  3. Put chopped ginger and peeled lemon in a blender and grind them. Instead of a blender, you can also use a meat grinder.
  4. Add honey to the resulting mixture and mix well. The result should be a runny consistency.
  5. Pour ginger with lemon and honey into a jar. The jar can be put in the refrigerator or in any dark place.
  6. For the prevention of colds, ginger should be consumed in the morning, adding 1 teaspoon to a glass of tea. In case of illness, you can put half a spoonful of ginger with lemon and honey under the tongue.

Lemon with honey: benefits, recipes, cooking method and reviews. Ginger with lemon and honey - health recipe

Many people know that lemon and honey are useful. Lemon contains a large amount of vitamin C - a natural antioxidant. Honey has been used since ancient times as a natural sugar substitute, rich in minerals, vitamins, and trace elements. These products with magical properties are widely used in medicine, cosmetology, and cooking. What are the benefits of lemon and honey? How to use these products to achieve the result? Let's look for answers to these questions together.

Honey in medicine

In medicine, honey is used as a product that has antiviral, anti-inflammatory, immune stimulating, regenerating, antifungal effects. The bee product is useful for people leading an active lifestyle, because it has the property of increasing efficiency. Honey promotes the removal of fluid and cholesterol from the body, has a beneficial effect on metabolism, and improves digestion. Reviews of regular users of this product are extremely positive. Everyone recommends it for use. The only exception is allergy and individual intolerance to the product.

Honey in cosmetology

Honey was used for cosmetic purposes even by our great-grandmothers and great-great-grandmothers. Modern cosmetics manufacturers have also adopted this unique product. It has been proven and tested for centuries that honey masks for the face, body, hair have a beneficial effect on their condition and appearance. This sweet product has a rejuvenating effect, helps in the fight against wrinkles, in combination with lemon, whitens age spots and improves skin tone. With powerful antibacterial properties, it is an effective treatment for oily, acne-prone skin.

Honey in cooking

Honey has long been used as a natural sweetener. A healthy sugar substitute is used in recipes for a large number of confectionery products: cookies, sweets, marshmallows, gingerbread, jams. Due to its specific aroma, it is also actively used in the preparation of various drinks: cold and hot teas, milkshakes, low-alcohol drinks. Honey is added to chicken dishes for spice, to nutritious cottage cheese desserts, milk porridges. He makes any dish a masterpiece.

Lemon with honey - a recipe for colds

Lemon contains a lot of ascorbic acid. Honey is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. For the prevention of colds, it is recommended to use lemon with honey daily. You can simply add lemon juice to a spoonful of honey, or dilute the bee product in a glass of warm water and add a slice of lemon. A honey-lemon drink will improve your well-being, cheer you up, and have a calming and restorative effect.

When you have a cold, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids. Honey tea with lemon would be a great option here. A common mistake is to put honey in boiling water. The high temperature of the water reduces the healing, unique properties of the bee product.

How else can you make lemon with honey? The recipe is very simple. You need to stir 0.5 cups of honey and juice of 1 lemon. This delicious and healthy dessert should be drunk with hot tea. This healthy delicacy keeps well, it does not need to be refrigerated. A glass of tea with a teaspoon of this dessert is recommended to drink every 2 hours.

Lemon with honey is a good remedy for children in the fight against cough. You can make your own syrup at home. Dip 1 lemon in boiling water for 7-12 minutes. Squeeze lemon juice into a glass. Add 3 tablespoons of glycerin. The third ingredient is honey. It is required to take enough to make a glass of syrup. Use 3-6 times a day, depending on the degree of cough in the child.

Honey with lemon and olive oil

Honey, lemon, olive oil - a miraculous combination that has a positive effect in order to rejuvenate. The unusual properties of products are used in many recipes of different peoples. We bring to your attention a recipe for an oriental elixir of youth. Taking it, you will notice pleasant changes: healthy skin color, sparkle in the eyes, reduction of wrinkles, a surge of energy, improved attention and memory, digestive problems will disappear. To prepare it, you will need honey, lemon, olive oil. The first ingredient you need to take is 200 g, lemon juice - 0.5 cups and 1/4 cup olive oil. Mix everything. The resulting mixture is taken in the morning before breakfast, 1 teaspoon.

You can also make an Italian cocktail that gives energy. Take a few mint leaves, a liter of hot water, half a lemon, 2 teaspoons of honey. We brew the mint, let it brew. Add the rest of the ingredients to the warm infusion. It is recommended to drink before going to bed in autumn and spring.

Greek hair mask

Want gorgeous hair? Olive oil, lemon, honey will help you. We take heated oil - 2 dessert spoons, three tablespoons of honey and juice of 1/2 lemon. Mix everything and apply to clean hair. We leave for 15 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.

Ginger with lemon and honey (health recipe)

How is ginger with lemon and honey prepared? Recipe for health - this is the name given to this syrup among the people. So, take the following ingredients: 1 medium lemon, 250-350 g of ginger, 150-200 g of honey.

Cooking process:

  • clean the ginger root, finely chop;
  • cut the peel from the lemon, take out the seeds and chop;
  • add honey, mix.

We use 1 tsp. the resulting syrup per day: either with tea or just a spoon.

Honey with lemon, dried apricots and nuts

Traditional medicine recommends maintaining the resistance and endurance of the body with the help of a simple and tasty treat, the ingredients of which will be dried apricots, nuts, lemon, honey.

This delicacy will normalize hemoglobin, pressure. And the kids will love this healing dessert.

Healthy treat recipe:

  • 100-150 grams of honey;
  • 70-120 grams of dried apricots;
  • lemon;
  • 70-120 grams of raisins (optional);
  • 70-120 grams of walnuts.

Dip the washed lemon into boiling water. Soak dried fruits in warm water, wash well. Grind all components, pour in honey (if honey has a thick consistency, we recommend warming it in a water bath). It is best to store in a glass container in the refrigerator. It is recommended to use a teaspoon on an empty stomach.

Honey with lemon for weight loss

The actual problem of many of the fair sex is excess weight. It can also be solved with honey and lemon. No need to exhaust yourself with strict diets. It is enough to drink a glass of warm honey drink on an empty stomach. It has been scientifically proven that those who regularly consume foods rich in vitamin C are noticeably less likely to become obese. Accordingly, if lemon juice is added to honey water, the drink will improve its quality and useful characteristics. The reason for the formation of excess weight is very often hidden in metabolic disorders. So, a honey drink with lemon drunk on an empty stomach will improve digestion, remove toxins and toxins, and speed up the metabolism. Metabolism will return to normal, and weight will return to normal.

Honey and lemon are just perfect foods for weight loss. An important plus of this method is that there is no need for a rigid nutritional framework. Honey drink has a negative effect on appetite, food intake is reduced. If a decision is made to limit food for a faster result, honey will work as an antidepressant, add energy, saturate the body with essential trace elements and vitamins. The quality of the water matters. We use only living water, without gas, chlorine, filtered. A change in diet in favor of low-fat and light foods, natural foods, as well as sports activities is welcome: aerobics, running, swimming. Be wary of the use of citric acid if you have weak tooth enamel, stomach gastritis.

How to choose honey and lemon wisely

When choosing honey, check it for taste. Natural bee product gives a sensation of sore throat. It is recommended to buy honey with a specialist or from trusted manufacturers, since this product is often faked.

Eat lemon with honey and be healthy and beautiful!

Who has the recipe for the garlic, lemon and honey mixture? For colds and more...



healers know the recipe for a real "elixir of youth." To prepare it, you need to grate 400 g of peeled and washed garlic, squeeze the juice from 4 lemons, mix everything and pour into a jar, tie the neck with gauze. Take this remedy should be one teaspoon diluted in a glass of boiled water.
With atherosclerosis, it is recommended to consume 2-3 cloves of garlic daily.
In diseases of the upper respiratory tract, it is recommended to take one teaspoon several times a day of such a mixture. Take 5-6 cloves of garlic, peel, finely crush and dilute in a glass of milk. Boil the mixture and let cool.
For the prevention of influenza, mince half a lemon with its peel and seven cloves of garlic through a meat grinder. Then add 0.5 liters of boiled water. Put the mixture for four days in a dark place, and then store in the refrigerator. Take this medicine 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach. When the liquid runs out, prepare a fresh portion immediately so that there is no interruption in the intake. In autumn, such a tool is simply indispensable in the fight against colds and infectious diseases.
For angina pectoris with shortness of breath, garlic is taken with honey and lemon juice in the following proportions: 1 liter of honey, 10 lemons, 5 heads of garlic. Peeled and washed garlic, grate or pass through a meat grinder, mix with lemon juice and honey. Put this mixture for a week in a dark place. Take four teaspoons once a day, and eat this medicine slowly, with pauses between taking each spoon for about one minute. Garlic is especially useful in the autumn, when you need to support the body.


here look through the mud is worth it

Lilia Diatlova

When I get sick, so as not to bother with cooking the drug, I just spread honey on the bun, and put garlic on top, and in two days I'm as good as new. Current if you do this no more than 2 such sandwiches, otherwise the stomach will not approve.

but Pasaran

Hmm .... Are you sick?


You need to take 1/2 cup of honey, grate 1 lemon along with the peel, mash 5 medium cloves of garlic. Mix everything well and put in a dark, warm place for a week. Then keep in the refrigerator, wrapped in a black cloth. Take 2-3 times a day, 1 teaspoon, regardless of the time and meal. That's all.

Personal Account Deleted

good warm beer to drink och helps)


I prepared such a mixture for cleaning blood vessels, the doctor wrote the proportion. Mix honey + lemon + garlic in equal proportions by volume. Those. I take a lemon, grind it in a meat grinder, transfer it to a measuring container, for example, into a tea cup, add the same cup of honey, grind the peeled garlic cloves and add an equal tea cup to the mixture, mix everything, put it in the refrigerator down (where there is the least cold) on week. A week later, every morning on an empty stomach, I eat a teaspoon of the mixture, washed down with a glass, no less, of water. It is recommended to stir a spoonful of the mixture in a glass of water and drink it, but I could not.

437 05/19/2019 5 min.

Lemon is perhaps one of the most famous folk remedies for colds. This is a real “storehouse” of useful substances, primarily vitamin C. It is indispensable in the prevention of colds, as well as their treatment. The classic combination is lemon combined with honey, which has really healing properties for colds. Lemon has a pronounced antiseptic, mild antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect.

Disease Definition

The common cold is an acute respiratory disease caused by general hypothermia of the body. It can be caused by a viral or bacterial infection with reduced local immunity. Most adults perceive a cold as a mild illness, which is most often carried “on the legs”. Doing this is not worth it, since such an attitude can lead to the development of complications in the future.

Unlike the flu, a cold is more sluggish. This disease is not characterized by an "acute" onset.

The main symptoms of a cold:

  • Subfebrile temperature (up to 37.5 C);
  • Runny nose;
  • Moist cough;
  • Headache;
  • moderate sore throat;
  • Weakness;
  • Not strong;
  • Rash;
  • Fast fatiguability.

General intoxication of the body leads to such unpleasant symptoms as poor general condition, weakness, dizziness, muscle pain, and nausea. But such symptoms do not appear as strongly as with the flu.

Medicinal properties of lemon

Lemon fruit is a natural source of citric acid and vitamin C. In addition, the peel of lemon fruits contains a huge amount of essential oils. The chemical composition of lemon fruits includes not only ascorbic acid, but also vitamins A, E and P, as well as B vitamins. They also contain substances such as:

  • Carotenoids;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • A nicotinic acid;
  • Carbohydrates;
  • Essential oils.

Biologically active substances contained in the juice and peel of lemon fruits are an effective remedy for treating and. Lemon has the following beneficial properties:

  • Stimulation of local immunity;
  • Pronounced bactericidal action;
  • Strengthening blood vessels and capillaries;
  • Pronounced anti-febrile action;
  • Increasing the internal resistance of the body;
  • Calming effect;
  • Creation of antibodies to the virus;
  • Promotes the regeneration of inflamed mucous membranes;
  • Reduces ;
  • Has a mild analgesic effect;
  • Prevents the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms.

Lemon juice can be used as a natural remedy for beriberi and hypovitaminosis. When combined with water, it has a mild antipyretic effect and helps relieve sore throats.

Lemon can be used as an effective folk remedy at the first sign of a cold.

Healthy Recipes

From the juice, pulp and peel of a lemon, you can prepare many tasty and healthy remedies for the prevention and treatment of colds. The classic recipe is green tea with lemon and honey, which helps to quickly restore fluid loss at temperatures and help the body fight the disease. At the first sign of a sore throat or pharyngitis, it is recommended to cut half a lemon into circles and chew it along with the peel. This will help reduce pain and inflammation.

The peel of a lemon contains many essential oils and other beneficial substances. It can be used to prepare vitamin infusions and lemon-based mixtures.

A good drink to quench your thirst is warm water with lemon juice. To do this, you can cut the lemon into thin circles and place a few slices in a cup of warm water. This drink is refreshing, perfectly quenches thirst and stimulates appetite.

In order for the lemon to retain its beneficial properties as much as possible, it should be used fresh. Heat treatment quickly destroys vitamin C and other biologically active substances.

Lemon with honey

The combination of lemon and honey helps mobilize the body's defenses to fight infection. The easiest way is to prepare a delicious lemon-honey mixture. For its preparation you will need:

  • 3 large lemons;
  • 400 grams of linden honey;

Grind the lemons in a blender along with the peel, pour honey and mix. Such a tasty medicine can be taken 1 teaspoon every morning as a means of preventing colds.

To prevent the mixture from bittering, it is necessary to remove all the seeds from the lemon.

Lemon with ginger

With lemon and honey - this is one of the most delicious and healthy remedies used already at the first sign of a cold. To do this, you need ginger and lemon in equal proportions. You can prepare the simplest version of this tea in just 5 to 10 minutes. It is enough to cut the ginger into thin slices, and the lemon into slices. Put the lemon and ginger on the bottom of the cup, add honey to taste and pour boiling water over it. Insist 3 - 5 minutes, then drink in small sips.

Lemon infusion

A great option for a warm drink for a cold is a lemon infusion.
To prepare it, you only need 1 large lemon and boiling water. Washed lemon cut into large pieces, put in a glass jar and pour boiling water. Insist for half an hour, then drink warm, without adding sugar or honey. This is a good remedy for fever, helping to restore fluid and mineral salts in the body.

If you need to reduce the sour taste of a lemon, you should first pour boiling water over it.

Honey-lemon mixture for angina

Heat the juice of 3 lemons in a water bath, add honey there. Cook until thickened, without letting the mixture boil. Ready mix to accept on 1 tablespoon 3 - 4 times a day, carefully dissolving.


In addition to many healing properties, lemon has its own contraindications for use. The most common cause is an allergy to citrus fruits.. This is due to the fact that lemon fruits contain a large amount of citric acid, essential oils and other biologically active substances.

Lemon has a mild laxative effect. Drinking concentrated lemon juice or lemon-based mixtures in large quantities can lead to diarrhea.

It is very careful to use lemon as a folk remedy for problems such as:

  • Hypersensitivity of tooth enamel(may lead to toothache and the development of caries in the future);
  • Tendency to heartburn;
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Gastritis with high acidity;
  • Cholelithiasis;
  • Acute and chronic cholecystitis;
  • Enterocolitis;
  • Urolithiasis disease.

Do not use lemon in any form if you have already had a severe allergic reaction to citrus fruits. If in any doubt, you should consult with your doctor.


Useful video about the benefits of lemon


Lemon is a wonderful folk. It contains not only a huge amount of vitamin C, but also many other useful substances. Lemon fruits are rich in vitamins A, E and P, and also contain a large amount of carbohydrates and mineral salts. Lemon helps to quickly replenish the lack of vitamins and mineral salts in the body, replenish fluid reserves. Tea with lemon helps not only to quench your thirst, but also to quickly restore strength. Another classic combination - honey with lemon helps to quickly remove unpleasant and support the body's defenses.

It contains ascorbic acid, B vitamins, macro- and microelements, and due to this it is considered one of the most effective means of natural origin that help in the fight against colds. helps with colds if used correctly.

as a means of prevention

In the peel and pulp of lemon fruits, phytoncides and essential oil are present in large quantities, which have antiviral and antibacterial agents. Therefore, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin slices on a saucer placed at the head of the bed will be a good prevention of influenza and acute respiratory infections.

Regular consumption of lemon fruits during the cold season stimulates the immune system. It should be remembered that when heated, most of the vitamins that make up citrus fruits are destroyed, so sliced ​​\u200b\u200blemon slices are placed not in hot, but in cooled tea.

Popular recipes that with a cold used as one of the components of a prophylactic: honey with lemon, and ginger, grated with zest.

with a cold

Lemon juice has high antiseptic properties, so lemon water can be used to gargle with acute respiratory infections. The high content of ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system, reducing the permeability of blood vessels and their vulnerability to viruses and bacteria.

Vitamin P strengthens capillaries and lowers blood pressure. Group B is involved in relaxation of the nervous system, has a calming effect, reduces muscle tension, which is especially important in influenza and influenza-like conditions.

Lemon zest has antibacterial properties, so for colds, you can grate it along with the top layer of the peel on a fine grater and chew the resulting mixture 2-3 times a day.

How to choose for a cold

The most useful properties are fruits with a rich yellow peel, oily to the touch, with a pronounced aroma. Useful varieties with a minimum number of seeds or no seeds at all. For long-term storage, lemons are placed in glassware in cool water.


It is not recommended to use with a cold in case of individual intolerance, the presence of cross-allergic reactions. contraindicated in persons with diseases of the digestive tract, accompanied by high acidity, as well as patients with pancreatitis, cholecystitis, kidney disease.

To support the strength of immunity and reduce the negative impact of pathogenic microbes, a representative of citrus fruit hybrids - lemon will help.

How lemon works for colds

In 100 gr. lemon contains 74% of the daily value of vitamin C, which increases the body's resistance to colds. Lemon kills viruses and helps the cells of the throat and nose resist disease.

Prevention or treatment

Lemon can be eaten to prevent and treat colds. It contains vitamins A, B1, B2, C, P, acids and phytoncides - volatile compounds that have bactericidal and antiviral effects.

It is important to start taking the fruit at the first symptoms of the disease: sore throat, sneezing, nasal congestion and heaviness in the head.

It is better to eat lemon when the season of viral infections begins, without waiting for the first symptoms. Lemon acts preventively and prevents pathogens from affecting the immune system.

What foods enhance the effect of lemon

With respiratory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, it is necessary to consume a lot of warm drinks. It can be water, herbal teas, decoctions of wild rose and antitussive fees. They enhance the beneficial properties of lemon when taken at the same time, as the body receives more vitamins. Such vitamin "charges" will quickly cope with the problem and help the immune system resist microbes.

Lemon works in a similar way with:

  • garlic;
  • bow;
  • cranberries;
  • blackcurrant;
  • dried fruits - figs, raisins, dried apricots, nuts.

By supplementing the cold remedy with lemon with any ingredient, you will increase the body's resistance to viruses.

A cold is only, at first glance, not serious. In fact, it's not like that at all. People experience colds much more often than other illnesses. At the same time, few people think about the harm they cause to the body by taking antipyretic and antiviral drugs, and even more so antibiotics.

But if you look at the natural "pharmacy", on the undeservedly forgotten folk advice, you understand that the disease can be dealt with without expensive pills. One lemon is worth something.

  • Useful properties of lemon

    Lemon is one of the most famous citrus fruits, affordable and tasty. Thanks to vitamin C, which it is really rich in, the fruit has a beneficial effect on human immunity. Therefore, people who often consume this exotic fruit, adding it to tea, in its pure form or with other ingredients, are less prone to colds.

    In addition to ascorbic acid (vitamin C), there are many other vitamins and nutrients in lemon:

    And thanks to phytoncides, this citrus fruit helps the body resist viruses and has an antiseptic effect.

    Of course, for the use of even such a healthy fruit there are limitations and contraindications:

    • diseases of the stomach and increased acidity (consultation of a gastroenterologist);
    • the likelihood of an allergic reaction;
    • kidney disease;
    • inflammation of the pancreas;
    • children under 3 years old.

    But when used correctly, this wonderful fruit is simply irreplaceable.

    Folk recipes for colds with lemon

    The composition of almost all folk recipes for colds includes lemon. Someone recommends taking it with herbal tea, others advise making a mixture with honey and ginger root.

    But it is better for everyone to choose the right option for themselves.

    There are a lot of recipes for treating and preventing colds with lemon, but they are all almost the same. In tea, you can add mint, cinnamon or cloves to the main ingredients, at the personal discretion of each person. You can add a little red pepper to the mixture, this is also not to everyone's taste.

    But there are some main conditions, without which there will be no effect, or even, on the contrary, the effect will be negative:

    • honey can be added to water not higher than 40 degrees;
    • tea is better to take the one that you use constantly;
    • drink in small sips;
    • add garlic and pepper only if you use them often.

    With the correct intake of these folk remedies, you will feel an improvement the very next day, if the disease is not neglected.

    But if a cold has been going on for several days, folk methods of treatment can only enhance the effect of drugs and help your body recover. Therefore, when symptoms of a cold appear, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

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