Home Mushrooms Task 25 love is difficult mental work. Love is a difficult mental work, not everyone can master it in Dolinina (Unified State Examination Russian Language). Comprehensive text analysis

Task 25 love is difficult mental work. Love is a difficult mental work, not everyone can master it in Dolinina (Unified State Examination Russian Language). Comprehensive text analysis

Love is a difficult mental work, not everyone can handle it. But everyone dreams of her, searches for her. What do we look for in love? We are looking for in it an escape from loneliness, spiritual support. It is important for us to know that a loving person cares and values ​​everything that happens to us, everything that concerns us. And on the other hand, this person needs us, our care, help, our understanding. Friends - even the closest ones - can only love us. And we are looking for someone who will share our life, with whom we will have in common not only joys, but also pains and resentments... But when love is born, how to raise it so that it survives? How can you restrain yourself, how can you hold on to the one you love, so that you can remain the only one among all women, just as the Little Prince’s rose remained the only one in a garden where there were five thousand of the same roses? Many years ago, when I was still a teenager, an elderly woman revealed a secret to me: winning love is not difficult, but keeping it is difficult. Then I could not understand the worldly wisdom of this secret: I saw something shameful in the word “keep.” I read Pushkin: “Who can hold back love?” and Blok: “Oh yes, love is free like a bird.” But in fact, there are secrets and laws of love, and Saint-Exupery was one of those who knows these secrets. When the Little Prince first began his journey, he visited the planet where the old king lived. Seeing that his guest was tired and therefore yawning, the ruler was not offended, but ordered him to yawn. “Everyone must be asked what he can give. Power must be reasonable,” said the king. In our youth, we do not think about the limits of our power over a loved one and very often violate the wise law of the old king: “power must be reasonable.” Young wives, yesterday's girls, feeling a ring on their finger - a symbol of absolute power - suddenly begin to demand from their stunned husbands no less than the famous old woman demanded from the goldfish. And in love, no one owes anyone anything. The main and indisputable law of love is its voluntariness: - I am standing here, under your windows, not because you ordered me, but because I cannot do otherwise. -I cook you soup and iron your shirts, because it is a joy for me to serve you.
When you know that you will endure and endure everything for the sake of the one you love, then love begins. When you know that your power over him is patient, you will not order him to turn into a sea gull, you will patiently tame him, and he will tame you until you become the only ones for each other in the whole world. (WITH)

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Text from the Unified State Examination

(1) Love is a difficult mental work, not everyone can handle it. (2) But everyone dreams of her, searches for her. (3) What do we look for in love? (4) We are looking for in her an escape from loneliness, spiritual support. (5) It is important for us to know that everything that happens to us, everything that concerns us, is important and dear to a loving person. (6) And on the other hand, this person needs us, our care, help, our understanding. (7) Friends - even the closest ones - can only love us. (8) And we are looking for someone who will share our life, with whom we will have in common not only joys, but also pains and resentments...

(9) But when love is born, how to raise it so that it survives? (10) How to restrain yourself, how to keep the one you love, in order to remain the only one among all women, just as the Little Prince’s rose remained the only one in the garden, where there were five thousand of the same roses?

(11) Many years ago, when I was still a teenager, an elderly woman revealed a secret to me: it is not difficult to win love, but it is difficult to keep it. (12) Then I could not understand the worldly wisdom of this secret: I saw something shameful in the word “keep.” (13) I read Pushkin: “Who can hold back love?” and Blok: “Oh yes, love is free like a bird.”

(14) But in fact, there are, there are secrets and laws of love, and Saint-Exupery was one of those who knows these secrets.

(15) When the Little Prince just began his journey, he visited the planet where the old king lived. (16) Seeing that his guest was tired and therefore yawning, the ruler was not offended, but ordered him to yawn. “(17) Everyone must be asked what he can give. (18) Power must be reasonable,” said the king.

(19) In our youth, we do not think about the limits of our power over a loved one and very often violate the wise law of the old king: “power must be reasonable.” (20) Young wives, yesterday's girls, feeling a ring on their finger - a symbol of absolute power - suddenly begin to demand from their stunned husbands no less than the famous old woman demanded from the goldfish.

(21) And in love, no one owes anyone anything. (22) The main and indisputable law of love is its voluntariness: I am standing here, under your windows, not because you ordered me, but because I cannot do otherwise. (23) And from another position: I cook you soup and iron your shirts, because it is a joy for me to serve you.

(24) When you know that you will endure and endure everything for the sake of the one you love, then love begins. (25) When you know that your power over him is patient, you will not order him to turn into a sea gull, you will patiently tame him, and he will tame you until you become the only ones for each other in the whole world.

(According to N. Dolinina)


Love is the strongest emotion that fills our lives with meaning and special meaning. For the sake of love we perform feats, in the name of love we compose poems and songs, we sacrifice everything for the sake of happy moments next to our loved one. Love pushes us to commit crimes and revives us to a new fabulous life.

Does love bring happiness? Mutual - yes, but this feeling does not always find a response in the heart of the object of adoration. The whole point is that not each of us is able to build our relationships correctly, to treat the one we love and who loves us correctly.


A comment

She says that love is a complex mental work that not every person can do. Of course, everyone dreams of love, hoping to find salvation from loneliness in it. We desire to share our entire life with someone, not only its joyful moments, but also pain, resentment, injustice.

Taking care of someone also brings us a kind of spiritual satisfaction, especially the realization that we are needed and needed by someone. This feeling fills our existence with significance.

Next, the author reflects on how love is born and what needs to be done to keep it. Sometimes in our youth the expression “to hold on to love” seems offensive to us, because according to the legend of poets, love is as free as a bird. But N. Dolinina recalls the work of A. Saint-Exupery “The Little Prince”, who comprehended the secret of love and found his only rose.

Traveling around the planets, the Prince met an old king who knew the only true law of life: “Everyone must be asked what he can give. Power must be reasonable." The author applies these words to the relationship between a man and a woman.

In our society, families exist according to different principles - inexperienced wives begin to demand too much from their husbands.

Author's position

N. Dolinina is convinced that in love no one owes anyone anything. The main rule of love is its voluntariness. A person will sing serenades under the window or cook food not because he was ordered to do so, but because he wants to.

According to the author, love is when you feel that you can endure all the obstacles along the way for the sake of your loved one. When the power over a person is patient and does not force him to transform into someone he is not, then, having tamed each other, you will become unique and irreplaceable for each other.

Your position

I understand what the author wants to say. Freedom is important for love. If, due to mistrust, jealousy or other reasons, it is not there, then the feeling will sooner or later wither and die. You cannot force a person to love, not cheat, perform feats or give gifts. Love is voluntary and free in its manifestations.

Argument No. 1

In the play by A.N. Ostrovsky's "The Thunderstorm" we see a vivid example of how love dies under the yoke of unnecessary rules and restrictions. Katerina and Tikhon are a young married couple who live in the house of the merchant Kabanova, who idealizes the commandments of house-building. She turns her son against his wife Katerina, forcing him to keep her in fear and obedience.

Katerina loved her husband, but under conditions of despotism and an atmosphere of oppression, her love faded. As a result, the girl cheated on her husband and subsequently committed suicide.

Argument No. 2

I remember an example from the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov's "Hero of Our Time", where the main character Grigory Pechorin kidnapped a Chechen girl he liked and, locking her in a fortress, demanded reciprocal feelings from her. However, having tried everything - from persuasion to bribery, and only allowing her to leave, he achieved his goal. When the girl felt freedom, she realized that she also loved the young Russian officer. And for a while they were really happy.


Love is a concept that is fragile and strong at the same time. How we treat our chosen ones will determine how happy we will build a family and how long our union will be.

Love is a difficult mental work, not everyone can handle it. But everyone dreams of her, searches for her. What do we look for in love? We are looking for in it an escape from loneliness, spiritual support. It is important for us to know that a loving person cares and values ​​everything that happens to us, everything that concerns us. And on the other hand, this person needs us, our care, help, our understanding. Friends - even the closest ones - can only love us. And we are looking for someone who will share our life, with whom we will have in common not only joys, but also pains and resentments... But when love is born, how to raise it so that it survives? How can you restrain yourself, how can you hold on to the one you love, so that you can remain the only one among all women, just as the Little Prince’s rose remained the only one in a garden where there were five thousand of the same roses? Many years ago, when I was still a teenager, an elderly woman revealed a secret to me: winning love is not difficult, but keeping it is difficult. Then I could not understand the worldly wisdom of this secret: I saw something shameful in the word “keep.” I read Pushkin: “Who can hold back love?” and Blok: “Oh yes, love is free like a bird.” But in fact, there are secrets and laws of love, and Saint-Exupery was one of those who knows these secrets. When the Little Prince first began his journey, he visited the planet where the old king lived. Seeing that his guest was tired and therefore yawning, the ruler was not offended, but ordered him to yawn. “Everyone must be asked what he can give. Power must be reasonable,” said the king. In our youth, we do not think about the limits of our power over a loved one and very often violate the wise law of the old king: “power must be reasonable.” Young wives, yesterday's girls, feeling a ring on their finger - a symbol of absolute power - suddenly begin to demand from their stunned husbands no less than the famous old woman demanded from the goldfish. And in love, no one owes anyone anything. The main and indisputable law of love is its voluntariness: I am standing here, under your windows, not because you ordered me, but because I cannot do otherwise. And from another position: I cook you soup and iron your shirts, because it is a joy for me to serve you. When you know that you will endure and endure everything for the sake of the one you love, then love begins. When you know that your power over him is patient, you will not order him to turn into a sea gull, you will patiently tame him, and he will tame you until you become the only ones for each other in the whole world. (According to N. Dolinina)

Natalya Grigorievna Dolinina (1928, Leningrad - 1979, ibid.) - Soviet philologist, teacher, writer and playwright. Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR. Daughter of literary critic G. A. Gukovsky. In 1963 she spoke out in defense of the poet Joseph Brodsky, who was unfairly accused of parasitism. In 1975, in the popular book “Dear Parents!” touched, in particular, on the importance of sexual education for adolescents - four years before the appearance of the innovative work of I.S. Kona "Psychology of adolescence".

Jealousy is a natural feeling. All people experience it to one degree or another. And I’m not even sure that it would be good if jealousy completely disappeared: I’m afraid that this would impoverish love. The trouble is not that one is not jealous, but the other is jealous. The trouble is that the egoism inherent in love becomes immeasurable if we do not control it, do not restrain ourselves and do not try to “rule ourselves,” as Pushkin said. After all, in essence, jealousy is a lack of self-confidence. This is a constantly gnawing suspicion that you are unworthy of the love of your chosen one or your chosen one, that there is or may be someone more worthy. All bitter reproaches about how someone could choose someone else over ME have an underlying doubt about their right to love. And, on the other hand, this is distrust of the one you love. This means that you admit the possibility that another may become closer and dearer to your beloved, that you are not the only one in this world for her. In fact, we know (from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s fairy tale “The Little Prince”) that among five thousand roses there is always ONE, and it depends only on ourselves whether we will find the strength and patience to enjoy it. And jealousy poisons our joy, we suffer ourselves and even torment the one we love. I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly, As God forbid your beloved to be different - in these Pushkin lines there is no the worst of human vices - complacency, but there is dignity, there is confidence in the strength and value of one’s love, there is concern for the beloved. When love is born, it is like a newborn baby, helpless. But now she gets stronger, gets to her feet, and walks. She grows - the first scratches, scars, and sometimes wounds appear on her tender, clean body. Everyone learns to heal them himself. But all people probably have one thing in common: just as we feel sorry for a child who has hit himself, so we must feel sorry for our love and our beloved. The collapse of love begins from the minute when one of the two begins to feel sorry for himself, justify himself, think about himself. In love there is no one suffering heart: all feelings are shared by two, and thinking about the second person is an indispensable law. Love gives strength to self-denial, renunciation of selfishness, and overcoming jealousy. After all, in true love, everyone steps over themselves for the sake of the other. And this does not mean destroying your “I”, it means finding yourself in the most significant of the feelings that are given to a person. According to N. Dolinina

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