Home Natural farming Argun 14th border detachment. Argun border detachment (Tuskharoy)

Argun 14th border detachment. Argun border detachment (Tuskharoy)

Object of the FSB Border Directorate for the Chechen Republic

Names of the border detachment since its formation in 1999:
Itum-Kalinsky border detachment, since 1999
Tuskhoroi border detachment
Argun border detachment, since 2005
Border Directorate of the FSB of Russia (after the merger of the Argun and Borzoi border detachments)

Currently, the Argun border detachment, numbering more than three thousand soldiers and officers, uniting fifteen reinforced border outposts and three border commandant's offices, is the largest in the border service system of the FSB of Russia. Suffice it to say that its strength is comparable to the strength of the Finnish border troops.
Since 2003, the detachment has been commanded by Major General Yuri Rodionov.
“The creation of a detachment,” says Yuri Alexandrovich, “we had to start, as they say, with clean slate. At first, the load on soldiers and officers was very heavy. Back then we had to live in dugouts and tents, while simultaneously setting up border outposts and organizing a service to protect the State Border.
After the federal target program, the situation changes noticeably in better side. Today, in the detachment’s area of ​​responsibility, the construction of six modern border complexes is in full swing, which provides everything necessary for the normal functioning of personnel. Workers from Dagestan and Chechnya are working on their construction, thanks to which border guards have the opportunity to fully devote themselves to service.
The situation on the Russian-Georgian border today continues to be difficult and still very, very far from ideal. But still not as tense as it was a few years ago. Then we had to plan and carry out large-scale border special operations, during which fierce battles sometimes broke out...
Despite all the difficulties, the border is under reliable protection. We are gradually getting better business relationship There is a mutual exchange of operational information with our Georgian colleagues.
It helps that most of the current senior officers of the Georgian border troops once studied in Soviet schools and academies, together with many of them we once guarded the border of our single state. So we have one school, and one way of thinking. We have no problems with these people.
It is more difficult with younger, trained Western and American instructors and mentors. They are trying to build relationships according to slightly different principles. But I think and hope that all differences will be overcome over time and will not prevent us from doing the common task for everyone - to reliably guard the border.
And she continues to live her busy, but interesting and exciting life. And one of the indicators of the gradual stabilization of the situation in the area of ​​​​responsibility of our border detachment can be the fact that the families of our officers and warrant officers are beginning to come here for the summer.
Last summer there were so many border children that we even opened a real pioneer camp on the basis of the 2nd Commandant's Office! In the morning, boys and girls were gathered on the bus from all outposts; in the afternoon they frolicked on the sports fields and in the swimming pool, watched interesting films, played computer games. And in the evening, when the heads of families were released from service, they were taken back. Can you imagine how pleasant this was for the border guards and how beneficial it was for their moral and psychological state?! I think that we will be able to repeat this initiative, which is necessary in all respects, this summer...

Border guards of the Itum-Kalinsky border detachment have been fighting for three days with a group of Chechen militants who crossed the border from Georgia. There are losses on both sides.

Clashes between militants and border guards are violent. Using the geographical conditions of the gorge, the militants made several attempts to break out of the ring. All of them were unsuccessful. To date, we have found nine corpses of militants, two were captured. Several militant groups are preparing to cross the Russian-Georgian border. Accepted additional measures for reinforcement with personnel and equipment. We have losses: seven people were killed, five were wounded.

The militants captured on the border with Georgia will be presented to journalists. The chief of staff of the State Department for the protection of the state border of Georgia said that in the Itum-Kalinsky region, Russian border guards are fighting with local militants, and not with those who broke through from Georgia.

According to the Akhmeta District Department of Internal Affairs of Georgia, in bandit groups trying to cross state border, there are armed people aged from 19 to 26 years. Attempts to detain several militants aggravated the situation in the Pankisi Gorge. Extremists began to threaten to take hostages from among local residents. Law enforcement agencies of the Akhmeta region have reliable information that, under the guise of refugees, there were Chechen fighters. Then they headed to the Georgian-Russian border area. Eduard Shevardnadze said: “The Chechens in the Pankisi Gorge, including militants, want to return to their homeland.” The situation in the Kerigo Gorge area and the possibility of its aggravation in the Pankisi Gorge will be discussed at the Council meeting National Security Georgia.

Sergei Ivanov said that the problem of the Pankisi Gorge can only be solved by force.

Sergei Ivanov, Russian Defense Minister: “Large gangs of terrorists continue to remain on the territory of Georgia, with whom Georgia as a state cannot do anything. And in the foreseeable future it will not be able to do anything. Currently, they are trying to penetrate into Russian territory. And we must do measures to protect our citizens against terrorist gangs...

...The battle has been going on for three days. Russian border guards identified one of the detachments in the Chechen sector. He is surrounded. I have already reported this to the President. There are prisoners. Unfortunately, there are also losses on our part. But we have no other choice but to take preventive measures and prevent terrorists from entering Russia. You know what's going on there now."

Explanatory note about the clashes in the area of ​​the 12th pogz of the Moscow border detachment, which took place on July 13, 1993.

14 groups with a total number of up to 200 people took part in the armed action against the 12th pogz of the Moscow border detachment (mortars - 2, recoilless rifles - 4, RS installations - 5-6, RPGs - up to 30, machine guns - 10-12). Direct supervision was provided by Corey Hamidullo.

During the period of hostilities in the 12th pog station area, 10 radio correspondents worked on the air. Analysis of incoming data and enemy tactics indicate that the main goal of the armed action was the destruction of the 12th pogz and the creation of a bridgehead in the 11th and 12th pogz sections for a further large-scale offensive in the Kulyab direction and the implementation of the plans of the “government of the Republic of Tajikistan in exile” ", aimed at accelerating the process of withdrawal of the Russian military contingent from the Republic of Tajikistan, which would allow them in the near future to overthrow the legitimate government in the Republic of Tajikistan. Carrying out a series of similar actions at the border will cause a political resonance among the public Russian Federation.

At the time of the attack on the 12th pogz there were 48 people: officers - 2, conscripts - 2, soldiers and sergeants - 41, of which 3 were servicemen from the rifle regiment of the 201st motorized rifle division.

At 4.00, a border patrol on the southeastern outskirts of the strong point discovered the enemy’s passage to the outpost. Given the situation, the border outpost was raised by the command “For battle.” When defense personnel occupied the border outpost, fire was opened from rocket launchers, RPGs and small arms. During the ensuing firefight, the fighting machine infantry, SPG-9 was damaged, the head of the border outpost, Lieutenant M. Mayboroda, was seriously wounded, several border guards were killed and wounded. The enemy also suffered losses. At 4.05, up to 26 people broke through from the mill area to the positions of the 5th squad. The border outpost was simultaneously fired upon by rockets, RPGs and group weapons. As a result of the explosions, the barracks and other premises of the outpost caught fire. At 7.40 from the 13th pogz, the reserve of the Moscow border detachment of Lieutenant Colonel V. Masyuk entered the border outpost area, consisting of: 105 people from the border detachment, 12 people from the KNB, 1 T-72 tank and 1 infantry fighting vehicle from the KNB, 2 infantry fighting vehicles from the 149th th MSP 201st MSD. A 120-mm mortar, which approached the bend in the road at 9.25, was fired upon by rockets from small arms. The sapper team discovered mines on the road, which they could not destroy due to strong fire cover. Despite the air strikes missile strikes(from 8.00 to 11.30), the enemy fired intensely at the reserve of the border detachment and did not give the opportunity to clear the road and advance to the 12th pogz.

Support detachment from the 201st MSD (tank - 1, infantry fighting vehicle - 2, armored personnel carrier - 1, Shilka (ZSU-23-4) - 1). The senior armored group was the deputy regiment commander for educational work Sergey Fedorovich Marchenko. Three tank crews, three infantry fighting vehicle crews, and three 2S1 (self-propelled artillery) crews were transferred by helicopter to Kulyab from Dushanbe.

At 13.40 he passed the 13th pogz and at 14.50 he approached the reserve of the Moscow border detachment.

By 14.30 the enemy was suppressed by fire from all available weapons. At the command of the head of the Moscow border detachment, the personnel of the 12th pogz - 23 people (of which 11 were wounded) under the command of the deputy head of the outpost, Lieutenant A. Merzlikin, under minor enemy fire, withdrew to the reserve of the border detachment.

With the support of aviation, mortar fire (at 16.00 a helicopter delivered one 120-mm mortar), after the discovery and destruction of three landmines and two anti-tank mines by the sapper group, at 18.30 the reserve of the border detachment and the armored group of the 201st MRD occupied the village of Sarigor. Subsequently, advancing under enemy fire, at 20.10 we occupied the 12th poz.

As a result of the clash, 25 people died (of which three were servicemen of the 149th Small Rifle Regiment NIKOLASHKIN N., USUNBAEV A., KHAMITOV G.). The enemy lost up to 70 people, 35 corpses of militants, 5 machine guns, 2 RPGs, 1 machine gun, 20 rockets, and small arms ammunition were found on the territory and near the border outpost.

The sapper team at the outpost discovered and neutralized 10 anti-personnel mines.

All premises of the border outpost burned down.

On July 13, 1993, at the 12th outpost of the 117th Red Banner Border Detachment, they died

Borin Sergey Nikolaevich
Genus. 14.10. 1973 in Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic. Russian. Called up on 12/21/1991 by the Leninsky RVC of Izhevsk. Private, Art. floodlighter 12 pogz v/2033. Awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously)

Verevkin Andrey Anatolievich
Genus. 08/03/1974 in the city of Kizel, Perm region. Russian. Called up in 1992 by the Kizelovsky RVC. Private, Art. battery mechanic 2 pogz military unit 2033. Awarded the Order“For personal courage” (posthumously). Buried at his place of birth.

Dzhumaev Makhmadullo Sadirovich
Genus. December 31, 1974 in Kish. Kori-Poen, Kulyab region. (Rep. Tajikistan). Tajik. Called up on 02/05/1993 by the Kulyab OGVK. Private, Art. operator-gunner 12 pogz military unit 2033. Awarded the Order “For Personal Courage” (posthumously). Buried at his place of birth.

Elizarov Vladimi Fedorovich
Genus. November 20, 1972 in Kalinin (Tver). Russian. Called up on November 26, 1991 by the Zavolzhsky RVC in Tver. Sergeant, com. department 12 pogz military unit 2033. Awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously). Buried at his place of birth.

Karimov Azamatjon Nazirkhonovich
Born June 20, 1974 in the village. Avazboy, Rishtan district, Fergana region. (Rep. Uzbekistan). Uzbek. Called up on December 7, 1992 by the Rishtan RVC. Private, cook 12 pogz military unit 2033 Awarded the Order “For Personal Courage” (posthumously). Buried at his place of birth.

Kologreev Yuri Vladimirovich
Genus. 06/02/1972 in r.p. Old Maina, Ulyanovsk region. Russian. Called up on January 13, 1992 by the Staromainsky RVK. Sergeant, com. communications department 12 pogz military unit 2033. Awarded the Order “For Personal Courage” (posthumously). Buried at his place of birth.

Kolotygin Sergey Alexandrovich
Genus. 08.10 1972 in Perm. Russian. Called up on December 23, 1991 by the Dzerzhinsky RVK of the Perm region. Private, crew number 12, military unit 2033. Awarded the Order “For Personal Courage” (posthumously). Buried at his place of birth.

Kulikov Mikhail Gennadievich
Genus. March 17, 1973 in the city of Shuya, Ivanovo region. Russian. Called up on December 11, 1991 by the Shuisky RVK. Private, grenade launcher 12 pogz military unit 2033. Awarded the Order “For Personal Courage” (posthumously). Buried at his place of birth.

Kusyubaev A.S.

Magomaev Rabadan Magomedovich
Genus. 07.11 1973 in the village. Gejukh, Derbent district, Republic. Dagestan. Ossetian. Called up in 1992 by the Kizlyar RVC Rep. Dagestan. Private, loading 12 pogz military unit 2033. Awarded the Order “For Personal Courage” (posthumously). Buried in the village. Pervomayskoye, Kizlyar district, Republic. Dagestan.

Mayboroda Mikhail Viktorovich
Genus. July 10, 1968 in Alma-Ata (Republic of Kazakhstan). Ukrainian. Called up on October 27, 1986 by the Moscow RVC in Alma-Ata. In 1991 he graduated from the Higher Border Military-Political School in Moscow. Lieutenant, beginning 12 pogz military unit 2033. Awarded the Order “For Personal Courage” (posthumously). Buried at his place of birth.

Mukhin Alexey Konstantinovich
Genus. November 15, 1972 in Vichuga, Ivanovo region. Russian. Called up on December 7, 1991 by the Vichuga OGVK. Private, radiotelegraph operator 12 pogz military unit 2033. Awarded the Order “For Personal Courage” (posthumously). Buried in the village of Lomy, Vichuga district.

Nikolashkin M.N.- serviceman of the 149th motorized rifle regiment of the 201st motorized rifle division.

Nikonov Dmitry Leonidovich
Genus. 02.10 1974 in the village of Nikonovo, Alapaevsky district, Sverdlovsk region. Russian. Called up in 1992 by Alapaevsk RVC. Private, Art. sniper shooter 12 pogz military unit 2033. Awarded the Order “For Personal Courage” (posthumously). Buried in the village of Koptelovo, Alapaevsky district.

Petrochenko Alexander Vladimirovich
Genus. 07.10 1974 in Sudogda Vladimir region. Russian. Called up on November 20, 1992 by the Sudogodsky RVC. Private, driver, crew number 12, military unit 2033. Awarded the Order “For Personal Courage” (posthumously). Buried at his place of birth.

Soidulaev T.A.

Sushchenko Sergey Alexandrovich
Genus. 04/28/1973 in Dalmatovo, Kurgan region. Ukrainian. Called up on December 18, 1991 by the Dalmatovo RVC. Sergeant, medical instructor of the 12th military unit 2033. Awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously). Buried at his place of birth.

Sych Sergey Vladimirovich
Genus. January 28, 1971 in the city of Rechitsa, Gomel region. (Republic of Belarus). Belarusian. Called up on December 12, 1989 by Rechitsa OGVK. Art. Sergeant St./Sl., Art. technician 12 pogz military unit 2033. Awarded the Order “For Personal Courage” (posthumously). Buried at his place of birth.

Ulybin Leonid Vladimirovich
Genus. 07/09/1973 in the town of Krasnokholmsky, Kaltasinsky district of the Republic. Bashkortostan. Russian. Called up on December 24, 1991 by the Kaltasinsky RVC. Private, Art. cook 12 pogz military unit 2033. Awarded the Order “For Personal Courage” (posthumously). Buried at his place of birth.

Umarov Nazir Gasratovich
Genus. 07.11 1974 in the village. Gasik, Tabasaran district, Republic. Dagestan. Ossetian. Called up on January 15, 1993 by the Tabasaran RVC. Private, rifleman. unit 12 pogz military unit 2033. Awarded the Order “For Personal Courage” (posthumously). Buried at his place of birth.

Uraimov Saibzhon (Soyibzhon) Rakhmatzhonovich (Akhmadzhonovich)
Genus. June 15, 1974 in the college. Gulistan, Balykchinsky district, Andijan region. (Rep. Uzbekistan). Uzbek. Called up on November 24, 1992 by the Balykchinsky RVK Private, beginning. searchlight station 12 pogz military unit 2033
Order "For Personal Courage" (posthumously). Buried at his place of birth.

Filkin Igor Viktorovich
Genus. November 30, 1972 in the village of Shilovo, Ryazan region. Russian. Called up on November 27, 1991 by the Shilovsky RVC. Private, mechanic-line supervisor of the 12th military unit 2033. Awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously). Buried in the village of Ibred, Shilovsky district.

Khairidinov Aslidin Shamsidinovich
Genus. 03.10 1974 in the village of Parhar (Republic of Tajikistan). Tajik. Called up in 1992 by the Parkhar RVC. Private, Art. gunner 12 pogz military unit 2033. Awarded the Order “For Personal Courage” (posthumously). Buried at his place of birth.

Khalitov R.A.- serviceman of the 149th motorized rifle regiment of the 201st motorized rifle division

Chashchin Andrey Viktorovich
Genus. 02/03/1974 in the village. Bolshoi Berkut, Dalmatovsky district, Kurgan region. Russian. Called up in 1992 by the Dalmatovo RVC. Private, operator-crew number 12, military unit 2033. Awarded the Order “For Personal Courage” (posthumously). Buried at his place of birth.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation for courage and heroism shown in battle on July 13, 1993, Lieutenant Merzlikin A.V. and Sergeant S.A. Evlanov was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

By order of the commander of the border troops of the Russian Federation of the 12th border outpost The 117th Red Banner Border Detachment was named after 25 Heroes.

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