Home Natural farming What is the role of the family in the process. Family roles and their distribution. What is the significance of the ability of each person to lead a healthy lifestyle, to maintain and strengthen their health for the national security of Russia?

What is the role of the family in the process. Family roles and their distribution. What is the significance of the ability of each person to lead a healthy lifestyle, to maintain and strengthen their health for the national security of Russia?

"Ward No. 6" is one of the most famous works of the Russian classic Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. The cult story tells the story of the inhabitants of a provincial hospital for the mentally ill. In fact, the medical institution is a masterful allegory to modern Russia.

"Ward No. 6" is one of 19 stories written by Chekhov during his creative career. She is one of the most famous along with "Steppe", "Hunting Drama", "Boring Story", "Duel". The work was published in 1892 in the journal Russian Thought. "Ward No. 6" was created as if on a whim, simply because of the need to write something. In a letter to Ieronim Ieronimovich Yasinsky, a writer, literary critic, journalist, Chekhov reported that he was ending an incredibly boring story, full of reasoning, lacking a woman and an element of love.

No matter how the writer blasphemed his creation, "Ward No. 6" made a huge resonance. Over time, the expression "ward number 6" has become a household name. It is used in the event that they want to characterize something abnormal, out of the ordinary.

Chekhov "Chambers number 6": a summary

In a town forgotten by the god of the county, of which you can find a huge number on the map of immense Russia, there is a hospital for the mentally ill. There, in the old wing, there is room number six. The medical institution has a depressing appearance: when the plaster had been crumbled and covered the walls with ugly pieces, the roof was rusted. Everything here, even the nails of the skewed gray fence, look cursed. The dirty windows of the sixth ward are tightly closed with thick bars of iron bars, making the hospital look like a prison.

There are five patients in ward No. 6:

The first is a thin tradesman with a red mustache and tear-stained eyes. For days on end, he sits, propping his head on his fist, looking at one point and sighing sadly about something.

The second is a fat man with a dull, meaningless face. He does not react to anything, does not speak to anyone and seems to have completely lost the ability to think.

The third is a thin blonde with a kind and at the same time cunning face. He has delusions of grandeur, the blond is very talkative, he loves to tell everyone about his fictional achievements in a past life, before he was admitted to the hospital.

The fourth is the fool Moiseika. This old man with a sharp beard and curly black, like a Negro's hair, moved his mind twenty years ago, when his hat workshop burned down. Moiseika is very kind, disinterested, helpful, generous. Such as he is usually called blessed, divine people.

The fifth inhabitant of the ward, Ivan Dmitrievich Gromov, is the only intellectual among the patients. He is 33, he is a former bailiff, officially diagnosed with persecution mania. It is in the person of Gromov that the head physician of the hospital, Andrei Efimovich Ragin, finds an excellent companion.

Andrey Efimovich Ragin is a talented doctor who squanders his vitality and talent in a provincial town and a terrible hospital. Seeing the deplorable state of the medical institution, the head physician decides not to change anything, because he sees no point in the pitiful attempts of one person to change for the better what needs to be radically revised. Soon, Ragin's lifestyle is reduced to vodka with cucumbers, empty conversations with postmaster Mikhail Averyinich and reading books. But one day Dr. Ragin went to ward No. 6, where he struck up a conversation with patient Gromov.

Despite the fact that Gromov was on the other side of the hospital bars, he urged to fight for his rights and passionately longed to change the world for the better. The philosophy of the sixth patient ran counter to Ragin's theory of contemplation. However, the discussion with an intelligent, intelligent person interested and excited the doctor so much that he began to visit the ward almost every day to talk to his pet.

This behavior of the doctor could not fail to attract attention, and soon rumors spread throughout the hospital that the doctor had gone mad. The spread of slander was greatly facilitated by the district doctor Yevgeny Fedorovich Khobotov, who actively claims to be Ragin. In the end, Andrei Efimovich is offered to "go on vacation." Ragin is well aware that he is being survived. This undermines his mental strength, he becomes impulsive, irritable and one day pushes his friends out of the apartment.

Soon Rain is invited to a consultation at the hospital. Hobotov tricked Ragin into room 6 and left him there. The watchman Nikita, who specializes in the brutal beating of patients, brings the hospital uniform and punches the demoted doctor in the face. Andrei Efimovich understands that his life and philosophy have cracked. Ragin no longer sees the meaning in existence, and therefore life leaves him - soon Ragin dies of apoplexy.

main idea

The controversy between Gromov and Ragin was based on a clash of two points of view. Ragin positioned himself as a contemplator. He called life a bustle of vanity and did not consider it appropriate to interfere in the current course of events. There is no point in fighting. Gromov, on the other hand, believed that life is a struggle. A thinking person cannot stand aside when chaos is happening around, when other people are suffering. The patient called the philosophy of the doctor "philosophies of the Russian lazybones". “Convenient philosophy,” Gromov noted with ardor. “And your conscience is clear, and you feel like a sage.”

Society in miniature

The author brings the reader to the realization that serious social problems concern every person. Life will not change for the better as long as people remain deaf, as long as the concept of "someone else's grief" exists.

Chekhov observes the discussion of his heroes as if detached, allowing both the doctor and his patient to speak. However, the final events of the story prove the inconsistency of the Ragin philosophy. An unpredictable life can turn so that you find yourself in a position of oppression, and then others will begin to philosophize, while you tearfully ask for help.

Analysis of the work

Starting from the central idea of ​​action and inaction, Chekhov also dissects topical social and philosophical problems:

  • violence against the human person;
  • rights and powerlessness;
  • human life values ​​(to be precise, the problem of devaluing life);
  • the lack of rights of modern people (the oppressed, disadvantaged, unjustly accused simply have nowhere to look for protection).

Chekhov's Chamber No. 6 is a miniature copy of modern Russia. The inhabitants of the ward and the hospital are citizens of Russia, of whom society is composed. There is a place in it for the unfortunate dispossessed, blind-minded, blissful fools (Moiseika), executioners, stupid warriors (Nikita the watchman), hypocrites and careerists (Hobotov), ​​irresponsible revelers (postmaster), idle philosophers (Ragin) and, of course, enthusiastic romantics, desperate daredevils (Gromov). By the way, thanks to the latter, our world still exists.

Statistics show that the transition to a market economy has had a very negative impact on the state of the family. Demographers record a catastrophic drop in the birth rate, sociologists note an increase in the number of asocial families and predict a decline in living standards, a decline in the moral foundations of family education.

One of the best gifts a parent can give to a child is to introduce him or her to the history of their family. As an adult, he himself will become a link between generations. The connection between generations becomes visible when we look at photographs of our relatives together, tell or listen to stories from life, “family legends”.

It is sad that, for the most part, beyond three generations, we do not know our ancestry. In the modern world, there are a lot of technical possibilities in order to leave it and leave a memory about yourself. This activity will become very interesting and very important for the family. And we know that nothing unites a family like a common hobby. How great it is for everyone to get together in the evening not at the TV, but at the family album over a cup of tea with raspberry jam, prepared according to grandmother's recipe!

For example, family role“Mothers” means that every woman takes care of her children. This role also includes a complex of feelings, the most important of which is love. However, the "mother" is also the goal to achieve which she seeks, namely, to bring up her children worthy people. This concept is associated with the phenomena of norms and sanctions. The norms determine what exactly from the point of view of society should be performed by the bearer of the role. So, the mother is obliged to help children master various skills and abilities, to control their behavior, and, if necessary, to punish. Sanctions are the reactions of others or the person himself to the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of a role. People may judge a mother who abandoned her children. She can also experience the effect of an internal sanction - remorse, realizing that she does not love her child.

Family members perform different: spouse (s), mother, father, son, daughter, grandmother, grandfather, grandson, father-in-law, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, older brother, etc. economy, one and the same person should be able to flexibly function in several roles at once (for example, as a husband of his wife, father of an older child - a son and a youngest child - a daughter, a son-in-law of a father-in-law and a mother-in-law). Otherwise, a variety of role family conflicts and family dysfunction may arise.

Each family role individually and their entire system in a particular family must meet certain requirements.

First, they must have logical integrity. If the expectations from the representative of a certain family role contradictory, serious difficulties appear in its implementation (for example, when the mother demands from her son that he be gentle, gentle, obedient and, at the same time, independent and courageous).

Second, the totality family roles, which the individual performs in the family, must ensure the satisfaction of his needs for respect, recognition, sympathy. Thus, the role of a husband places on a man not only the obligation to provide materially for his wife, but also gives him the right to expect love, affection, and satisfaction of sexual and erotic needs from her.

Thirdly, it is very important that the performed ones correspond to the capabilities of the individual. When the requirements are unbearable, neuropsychic stress and anxiety arise (as a result of their lack of confidence in coping with the role). An example of this is a “child playing the role of a parent” in a situation where, due to the absence of elders or their personality impairments, he has to take on parenting responsibilities.

In normally functioning families, the structure family roles is holistic, dynamic and psychologically comfortable for all its members. However, they are often pathologizing, and then, due to their structure and content, they have a traumatic effect on family members. These are the roles of a "family scapegoat", "a family martyr who sacrifices himself without a trace in the name of loved ones", "a sick family member", etc.

In some families, one of the members is forced to play a social role that is traumatic for himself, but psychologically beneficial to his relatives.An illustration of this is the delegation of the role of an adult to a child, which is typical for families with a problem of alcoholism, where the mother “saves” the father and suffers, and the child is faced with the need to be the mother’s “support” - to support her, comfort her, not upset her, hide her childhood difficulties from her. so as not to upset. In this case, the child is used by the mother to resolve marital conflicts: it is put forward as a "shield" during drunken scandals, goes to negotiations with the father the next morning to "reason" with him, etc.

Reproductive health comes from the word reproduction. Biological reproduction- this is reproduction by organisms of their own kind, the same as reproduction.

The existence of any kind of living beings is possible only through reproduction and generational change. Man is no exception. The history of mankind is a continuous change of generations.

However, if in all living species reproduction and generational change occur on the basis of biological programs and depend on external conditions, then a person endowed with reason can influence the implementation of biological programs, that is, control the reproduction system, ensuring not only birth, but also the necessary raising offspring, taking into account the social needs of society.


The reproduction of the population includes not only the birth of a child, but also his upbringing, the preparation of a full-fledged member of society, capable of performing the necessary functions that ensure the social development of society.

A single integrated system of population reproduction, which ensures the birth of a healthy child and the upbringing of a healthy generation, determines the main content of the level of reproductive health.

The level of reproductive health of each individual and society as a whole affects the reproduction of the population in our country, determines the demographic situation and has a significant, if not basic, significance on the state of national security 1.

The level of reproductive health is a kind of result of the entire complex of the state of reproductive health of a person and Russian society. The demographic state of the country characterizes in a generalized form the health of the citizens of the country and society as a whole. The ruling forces of many states and peoples consider the growth of demographic potential as the main guarantee of survival in the processes of world and regional rivalry and struggle.

Historical facts

The best minds of Russia linked its future with the growth of the population and the development of its high spiritual and creative qualities. DI Mendeleev, based on the demographic indicators of the early 19th century, determined the probable population of the Russian Empire in 2000 at 594.3 million people. However, the revolution of 1917 and the fratricidal Civil War, collectivization, the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, as well as the collapse of the USSR, made significant adjustments to this forecast. The population of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2008 was 142 million people.

It should be noted that the leadership of various states in critical situations of a demographic nature takes a number of administrative measures. So, in the USSR at one time there was a ban on abortion, the procedure for divorce was complicated, control over the payment of alimony in favor of women was tightened, state awards and honorary titles for mothers with many children were established (in 1944 the honorary title of "Mother Heroine" and the order of the same name was established to award women who gave birth and raised ten or more children). A set of such measures helped to increase the rate of population growth.

The modern demographic situation in the world requires, in the interests of global, regional and internal security of countries, the development of general principles of attitude to the dynamics of population. Demographic security is taking an ever-increasing priority in the system of national and international security. The issue of demographic development of each country is its sovereign right, taking into account all available and potential resources. The demographic processes taking place in the country must correspond to its social development and ensure the well-being and safety of the population.


In the Russian Federation, since 1992, there has been a tendency towards a decrease in the population size, which is observed at the present time. The main reason for this situation is the natural decline in the population due to the excess of deaths over the number of births. So. the population of the country as of January 1, 2006 compared with 1996 decreased by 5.5 million people.

The life expectancy of the population of Russia remains low. In 1994, it was 57.7 years for men and 71.3 years for women. According to long-term forecasts, it remains close to this level (for example, for men born in 2006, the average life expectancy will be 60.4 years, for women - 73.2 years). For comparison: the average life expectancy of citizens of the United States and England is 75 years, Canada - 76, Sweden - 78, Japan - 79.

According to the State Statistics Committee of Russia

Assessment of the level of reproductive health in terms of demographic processes in Russia also leaves much to be desired.

To assess the state of the reproductive health of our society and the opportunities available in the Russian state for population reproduction and ensuring generational change, we will consider the two most significant conditions affecting the level of reproductive health of an individual and society.

  1. Providing sustainable motivation for a person to create a prosperous family and fostering a personal model of a good family man.
  2. The degree of responsibility of parents and the state for raising children, receiving the necessary education, their state of health, physical and mental, spiritual and moral development.

These criteria most fully characterize reproductive health as the main component of public health.

Sustained motivation to create a prosperous family... It has been established that the best social structure that meets the interests of the individual and society and ensures a continuous change of generations is the family.


A family is a small social group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are linked by a common life, mutual assistance and moral and legal responsibility.

In modern society, the family consists of spouses and their children and is a moral and legal union of a man and a woman.

The form of education of married couples and the nature of the relationship between spouses are subject to social and cultural norms developed by society in the course of historical development. They are largely influenced by the social structure and the characteristics of a particular historical stage in the development of society.

The Family Code of the Russian Federation entered into force on March 1, 1996. Family legislation of the Russian Federation proceeds from the need to strengthen the family, build family relations on feelings of mutual love and respect, mutual assistance and responsibility to the family of all its members, the inadmissibility of arbitrary interference by anyone in its affairs, ensuring the unhindered exercise by family members of their rights.

Nature walk

The family performs functions that largely determine the preservation and strengthening of the health of a person and society. Only in the family does a person receive sustainable opportunities to meet everyday needs and develop a personality. The family most fully fulfills the reproductive function - the birth and upbringing of children. In the family, parents introduce their children to moral values ​​and norms of behavior, the world around them, life in society, interaction with other people, and pass on labor skills. The family decides the leisure function, which ensures the harmonious development of a person, and the sexual function, which ensures the satisfaction of the sexual needs of the spouses.

Thus, a person's stable motivation to create a prosperous family and the attractiveness of a personal model for him to become a good family man, as well as his ability to choose a life partner and create a happy family, where there will be more harmony than conflicts in the relationship between spouses, and characterize the level of a person's reproductive health.


Since 1990, the number of annually contracted marriages in Russia has been decreasing. In 1990, there were 8.9 marriages per 1000 people of the population; in 2000, this number was 6.2. Along with the decline in marriages, the number of divorces increased. And it cannot be said that recently there has been a sharp downward trend in this indicator. In 1990, there were 3.8 per 1000 people of the population, and in 2003 - 5.5, in 2007 - 4.8.

In 1994, 1,090.6 thousand marriages and 680.5 thousand divorces were registered in the country, in 2003 - respectively 1,091.8 thousand marriages and 798.8 thousand divorces, in 2007 - 1262.6 thousand marriages and 685.9 thousand divorces. The number of children in a situation of divorced marriages is constantly increasing. In addition, the number of children born to unmarried women is constantly growing.

According to the State Statistics Committee of Russia

Analysis of statistical data and surveys of young people shows that. that an example of a person who is able to create a prosperous family and become a good family man suddenly loses its attractiveness. The importance of the very value of a happy family life is diminishing. Among young people, the proportion of those who do not consider it necessary for themselves to formalize their marriage relations when creating a future family is noticeably increasing.


From all that has been said, a harsh conclusion can be drawn: the level of human health and his reproductive health as an integral part of public health has been steadily decreasing in recent years.

Responsibility of parents and the state for the upbringing and development of children, for the state of their health also characterizes the level of reproductive health.

The family as the initial unit of society and the state as a whole, performing the reproductive function, must ensure the upbringing and development of the child's physical, spiritual and moral qualities, form him into a person and a citizen, integrated into his modern society and aimed at its improvement, thereby ensuring reproduction and development of human resources. The degree to which this function is performed characterizes the level of the family's reproductive health. It is also possible to assess this level with a certain degree of reliability taking into account the available statistics characterizing the spiritual, physical and social well-being of children.

In the Russian Federation, there are a number of national projects and regional programs aimed at improving the situation of children.

The Program of Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation for the Medium Term (2006-2008) identified the following priority directions of state policy to improve the situation of children in the Russian Federation:

  • protection and promotion of the health of children and adolescents;
  • prevention of social disadvantage for families with children;
  • increasing the efficiency of the state system of support for children in especially difficult circumstances, including disabled children, orphans and children left without parental care;
  • creating conditions for the active inclusion of children in the socio-economic and cultural life of society.

In the 2006 Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, a special emphasis is placed on increasing the birth rate and strengthening state support for families with children, on developing a mechanism to reduce the number of children in residential institutions.

The current federal target program "Children of Russia" for 2007-2010 was adopted, which is designed to provide an integrated approach to creating favorable conditions for improving the life and health of children, to solving the problems of disadvantaged families with children.

In conclusion, we note that the preservation and strengthening of the health of the younger generation is an important task in order to increase the national security of Russia.


  1. What is the impact of the state of reproductive health of a person and society on the national security of Russia?
  2. What is the role of the family in the process of generational change?
  3. What is the impact of the activities of the state and parents in the upbringing and development of the younger generation?
  4. What is the significance of the ability of every person to lead a healthy lifestyle, to maintain and strengthen their health for the national security of Russia?
  5. Why is it in the family that a person receives sustainable opportunities to meet everyday needs?


Formulate for yourself what qualities of a person will contribute to a harmonious relationship between family members and the creation of a safe family life.

1 You can read more about reproductive health as a component of human and social health in the textbook “Fundamentals of Life Safety. Grade 8 "(see section 7.3.).

  • The reproduction of the population includes not only the birth of a child, but also his upbringing, the preparation of a full-fledged member of society, capable of performing the necessary functions that ensure the social development of society.

  • A single integrated system of population reproduction, which ensures the birth of a healthy child and the upbringing of a healthy generation, determines the main content of the level of reproductive health.

  • The level of reproductive health of each individual person and society as a whole affects the reproduction of the population in our country, determines the demographic situation and has a significant, if not basic, significance on the state of national security.



  • The best minds of Russia linked its future with the growth of the population and the development of its high spiritual and creative qualities. DI Mendeleev, based on the demographic indicators of the early 19th century, determined the probable population of the Russian Empire in 2000 at 594.3 million people. However, the revolution of 1917 and the fratricidal Civil War, collectivization, the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, as well as the collapse of the USSR, made significant adjustments to this forecast. The population of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2006 was 142.7 million people.


  • Statistics

  • In the Russian Federation, since 1992, there has been a tendency towards a decrease in the population size, which is observed at the present time. The main reason for this situation is the natural decline in the population due to the excess of deaths over the number of births. Thus, the population of the country as of January 1, 2006 compared with 1996 decreased by 5.5 million people.

    The life expectancy of the population of Russia remains low. In 1994, it was 57.7 years for men and 71.3 years for women. According to long-term forecasts, it remains close to this level (for example, for men born in 2005, the average life expectancy will be 58.9 years, for women - 72.4 years). For comparison: the average life expectancy of citizens of the United States and England is 75 years, Canada - 76, Sweden - 78, Japan - 79.

  • According to the State Statistics Committee of Russia

  • Providing sustainable motivation for a person to create a prosperous family and fostering a personal model of a good family man.

  • The degree of responsibility of parents and the state for raising children, receiving the necessary education, their state of health, physical and mental, spiritual and moral development.


  • Statistics

  • Since 1990, the number of annually contracted marriages in Russia has been decreasing. In 1990, there were 8.9 marriages per 1000 people of the population; in 2005, this number was 7.5. Along with the decline in marriages, the number of divorces increased. And it cannot be said that recently there has been a sharp downward trend in this indicator. In 1990, they were recorded at 3.8 per 1000 people, and in 2003 - 5.5, in 2005 - 4.2.

    In 1994, 1,090.6 thousand marriages and 680.5 thousand divorces were registered in the country, in 2003 - respectively 1,091.8 thousand marriages and 798.8 thousand divorces, in 2005 - 1066.4 thousand marriages and 604.9 thousand divorces. The number of children in a situation of divorced marriages is constantly increasing. In addition, the number of children born to unmarried women is constantly growing. In 2005, the number of such children was 437,075.

  • According to the State Statistics Committee of Russia

  • In the 2006 Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, a special emphasis is placed on increasing the birth rate and strengthening state support for families with children, on developing a mechanism to reduce the number of children in residential institutions.

  • The current federal target program "Children of Russia" for 2007-2010 was adopted, which is designed to provide an integrated approach to creating favorable conditions for improving the life and health of children, to solving the problems of disadvantaged families with children.

  • In conclusion, we note that the preservation and strengthening of the health of the younger generation is an important task in order to increase the national security of Russia.

  • What is the impact of the state of reproductive health of a person and society on the national security of Russia?

  • What is the role of the family in the process of generational change?

  • What is the impact of the activities of the state and parents in the upbringing and development of the younger generation?

  • What is the significance of the ability of every person to lead a healthy lifestyle, to maintain and strengthen their health for the national security of Russia?

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