Home Trees and shrubs Reports from Syria on May 1. Syria. Syria Update - Mattis denies US involvement in recent missile attacks on Syria

Reports from Syria on May 1. Syria. Syria Update - Mattis denies US involvement in recent missile attacks on Syria

“Russian Spring” has at its disposal unique footage of the hunt for ISIS* terrorists in the Yarmouk region in the south of Damascus.

Let us recall that the Syrian army, with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces, is conducting an operation against the remnants of ISIS, liberating large areas from militants in the former Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp near Damascus.

In the video provided "Russian Spring" military source, shows the moment of tracking and monitoring the nomadic gang groups of ISIS fighters who attacked the positions armed forces SAR from the ruins of Yarmouk.

Surveillance of terrorists allowed aerial reconnaissance to reveal their tactics and important objects, after which Su-34 fighters attacked areas where enemy personnel were concentrated.

As reported, assault units of the 9th SAA Division and their Palestinian allies are now storming ISIS defenses in different parts Yarmouk camp.

*Terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation

Rastan requested a truce

After a week of intense airstrikes and the beginning active work artillery, the militants in the Rastan cauldron asked for peace.
In the face of an imminent advance by the Syrian army and its allies, yesterday they requested a truce.
According to Lebanese sources, a temporary truce was announced late yesterday to negotiate the departure of militants from the Rastan pocket to Idlib.
The militants are asking for a 24-hour truce so they can negotiate without annoying aircraft. At the same time, they put forward conditions that the Russian military police and the mukhabarat, and not the Syrian army, enter the abandoned cities. Russia should act as the main mediator in these negotiations.
During the day, at a meeting of field commanders of the Rastan pocket, the terms of surrender will be discussed. There are unconfirmed reports that individual militant groups want to conclude separate deals with the government. Of course, they will have to give up their equipment - either surrender to the SAA, as in Eastern Qalamun, or destroy it, as in Duma.
As before, those who want to stop the war will be able to fall behind by first handing over their weapons and going through filtering. Then they can either return to peaceful life or enter the service of the Assad government as part of the local militia.
For the SAA, of course, it would be optimal for the militants to surrender in order to quickly unblock the Homs-Hama highway and use the forces concentrated for the attack on Rastan to prepare operations in other directions (for example, in Southern Idlib or in the east of the country, where ISIS is still roaming the desert).

Plus for Yarmouk.
Anna-News exclusive "Breakthrough of militant defense in Yarmouk"
A huge story using GoPro showing the realities of pushing through the defense of militants and the use of armored vehicles to suppress enemy firing points.

Turnover as usual in Telegram

US completes operation against ISIS in Iraq

The US Joint Forces Command announced the completion of the operation against ISIS militants in Iraq.

“The headquarters of the Joint Forces Ground Component Command ceased operations today during a ceremony in Baghdad due to the completion of combat operations against ISIS in Iraq,” the military said.

Some of the US military will remain in Iraq to train the local army.

*Terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation.

How FSB special forces destroyed rabid ISIS terrorists - footage of the special operation (VIDEO)

The video shows one of the militants running out of the house in which the terrorists had barricaded themselves. A mad bandit jumps onto the FSB officers' UAZ "Patriot" and starts stabbing at the windshield.

The intelligence officers opened fire on the Islamist directly through the windows and body.

The following frames show another terrorist located in a dilapidated building from which the first militant had previously ran out. The man sitting in the ruins raises the flag of the ISIS group above his head and shows it, after which an explosion occurs - the bandit is destroyed.

Then the armored personnel carrier crashes into the wall of the building and destroys it, the armored vehicle quickly drives back and a thermobaric ammunition flies into the gap, burning everything in the ruins.

This footage was filmed during a large-scale operation by FSB special forces to neutralize 11 members of a Dagestan bandit group on April 21 of this year near the Airport microdistrict in Derbent.

The footage also shows a combat robot that FSB officers used during a special operation for reconnaissance.

* Terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation.

Assault on Yarmouk. 04/30/2018

Briefly about Yarmouk.

1. Today the army has advanced a little further into the dense residential areas in the south of the enclave. In a number of areas there has been some weakening of the militants' resistance. Part of the Hayyar quarter is occupied.
2. The removal of “green” militants from the eastern part of the enclave began. The departure will take several days. Today just over 200 militants left. They are going to Idlib.
3. At the same time, air strikes on the Rastan pocket, to which parts of the Syrian army continue to gather, intensified. The offensive could begin any day now.
4. According to various estimates, over several years of war in Yarmouk, from 35 to 42% of the housing stock was destroyed.

Caution, 18+

A military source told SANA that in the province of Daraa in the areas of Busra Al-Harir and Al-Lajjat, as well as in administrative center in the Daraa Al-Balyad area, army units destroyed 4 armored vehicles and the command post of the Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists, eliminating a large number of of them.

Deir ez-Zor

In the city of Deir ez-Zor, east of the airfield, the army shot down an unmanned aerial vehicle aircraft Daesh terrorists. In the Al-Maqabbat area, a militant bulldozer was disabled. Fierce clashes with Daesh terrorists took place in the Al-Makaber area, resulting in dozens of them being killed and injured.

The day before, on the outskirts of Deir ez-Zor in the Panorama and Al-Sinaa neighborhoods, the Syrian army destroyed 12 Daesh terrorists.

A SANA correspondent reported that in Al-Bukamal, dozens of local residents joined the fight against Daesh. Two terrorist armored vehicles were set on fire, after which several citizens were captured.

SANA Agency

Summary of events in Syria for May 1, 2017

A member of the Syrian armed opposition delegation at the negotiations in Astana, Fateh Hassoun, said that Russia has made a proposal to deploy a neutral contingent on the line of contact in the Syrian Arab Republic, which will consist of representatives of countries not involved in the Syrian conflict.

The opposition representative explained that Russia proposed creating tension reduction zones in Syria, which should be controlled by neutral parties. The opposition representative called these proposals “useful in their realism,” RIA Novosti reports.

Russia's proposal, according to Hassoun, requires international community interfere more in the conflict, but is good. At the same time, the list of countries that could control neutral zones has not yet been determined.

Hassoun noted that if the Russian proposals are approved, a special working group will deal with the issue of appointing these countries. The demarcation forces, he said, will have small arms.

In total, it is proposed to create four tension reduction zones: in Idlib province, north of the city of Homs, in Eastern Ghouta and in the south of the country. This is stated in the document that RIA Novosti provided to a source in the Syrian opposition.

It is also indicated that Russia considers it necessary to create checkpoints on these lines to ensure, in particular, “free passage without weapons for civilians and the delivery of humanitarian aid.” In addition, Moscow is thinking of forming “monitoring centers to monitor compliance with the ceasefire.”

A delegation of the Syrian government led by Syrian Permanent Representative to the UN Bashar Jaafari arrived in Astana to participate in the international inter-Syrian meeting, which is scheduled for May 3-4.

The Syrian armed opposition received an invitation to a settlement meeting. “We received it orally from the Russian delegation. There are no strong voices objecting to going,” RIA Novosti quoted Fateh Hassoun, a member of the delegation of armed groups, as saying.

He expressed the hope that “Russia will be a guarantor of the process, and not a party.” “Since the peoples of Russia and Syria have had a strong connection since the beginning of the formation of the Syrian Arab Republic. And Russia's choice to support the regime is the wrong choice, and we hope that Russia will correct this soon.

The UN Secretary General's special envoy for Syria agreed to take part in the meeting as an observer at the invitation of the government of Kazakhstan.

Within 24 hours, two agreements on joining the cessation of hostilities were signed.

The number of localities that joined the reconciliation process increased to 1,477.

The number of armed formations that have declared their commitment to accepting and implementing the terms of the cessation of hostilities in accordance with the ceasefire agreement of February 27, 2016 has not changed - 143.

The number of settlements liberated from January 1, 2017 by Syrian government forces from the armed forces of the international terrorist organization"Islamic State", unchanged - 236.

The number of armed formations of the Syrian opposition that have joined the cessation of hostilities has not changed - 65.

The Russian part of the representative office of the joint Russian-Turkish commission to consider issues related to violations of the Unified Agreement recorded 12 violations per day in the provinces of Damascus (8), Latakia (2), Hama (1) and Daraa (1).

The Turkish part of the mission recorded nine violations of the Single Agreement in the provinces of Idlib (3), Daraa (2), Homs (2), Damascus (1) and Hama (1).

During the investigation into these facts of violations, it was established that all nine cases of violations by the Russian side were not confirmed.

During the day Russian Center To reconcile the warring parties, six humanitarian actions were carried out in the provinces of Aleppo (5) and Latakia (1).

In the city of Aleppo, in the districts of New South Aleppo, Benizid, Bustan Elqasr, Aziz and in the district of Qadi Askar, 1.5 tons of bread, portions of hot food and 150 food sets were given to residents.

In the village of Barishbo in the province of Latakia, 350 food packages were given to residents.

The total weight of humanitarian goods transferred to the population was 3 tons.

Per day humanitarian aid 1300 people received it.

During the day, the UN and partners continued to provide medical, psychological and legal assistance to the SAR. In addition, work continues to restore infrastructure and provide temporary housing to those in need.

US President Donald Trump said that the decision to launch a missile strike on Syria was very difficult for him, since such actions could kill “the wrong people.”

He said this during an interview with CBS.

"Here the most important decisions. For example, the decision to launch 59 Tomahawk missiles into Syria. These are very difficult decisions because we're talking about about people’s lives,” the American leader emphasized.

Donald Trump admitted that launched missiles could hit a small or even Big City. “You may kill the wrong people. And you have another tragedy on your hands,” the politician noted. "I hate this. But the job must be done,” the president added.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson during telephone conversation We agreed to meet on the sidelines of the ministerial meeting of the Arctic Council in Fairbanks, America. The diplomats also briefly discussed the upcoming international negotiations on Syria in Astana.

About 300 British citizens are members of the terrorist organization Islamic State (IS; banned in Russia) in Syria and Iraq. This was reported by The Telegraph.

A British native, Stefan Aristide, detained in Turkey, said that “most Britons are not foot soldiers, they are responsible for the group’s media and propaganda” or “hold high positions.” Stefan himself joined the jihadists in 2015 and now believes that life with them is “like life in prison.” He is currently in Turkey, but if extradited to the UK he faces life imprisonment.

Aleppo. Kurdish media report that Russian and American forces are moving towards the Syrian-Turkish border military equipment. In addition, YPG representatives claim that Russia will build a military base near the city of Afrin, northwest of Aleppo.

The Turkish army fired at Kurdish positions in the area of ​​Minage airport and the village. Maranaz.

Idlib. In the village Babsqa near the Turkish border in the north of the province, an ammunition depot exploded. According to local sources, the incident occurred as a result of a confrontation between the Ahrar al-Sham and Hayayt Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Nusra) groups.

Hama. Clashes continue in the area of ​​the settlement. Maan and Halfaya.

Homs. The Syrian Arab Army resumed its offensive north of the city of Palmyra in the area of ​​the Al-Shaer mountain range.

Units of the 5th Army Corps of the SAA began an assault on the area of ​​well No. 105.

Damascus. During the ongoing clashes between the militant groups Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and Jaysh Al-Islam, the former Nusra forces captured the village. Jisrin and Khazzeh.

Fighting continues between militant groups in the villages of Al-Shari, Al-Aftres, Al-Muhammadiya and Irbin.

Militants from Ahrar al-Sham and Faylaq al-Rahman also take part in the battles on the side of Heyyat Tahrir al-Sham.

The SAA continued its offensive in Qabun and in the Tishrin area.

Jaysh Al-Islam militants officially apologized to the participants peaceful demonstration, which passed the day before, with which they fired.

Daraa. Fighting continues in the Busra Al-Harir and Al-Lajjat ​​areas, as well as in the Daraa-Al-Balyad area.

On the road between settlements Al-Ghara and Al-Sharqiyya, SAA sappers planted explosive devices that went off when two cars drove past. As a result of sabotage, the Amud Khuran Brigade, part of the FSA, lost three field commanders, reports Al Masdar news agency.

Also the 5th Armored Division of the Syrian Arab army, the headquarters of the former “Nusra” in the village was destroyed. Busra Al-Harir.

Deir ez-Zor. In the city of Deir ez-Zor, east of the airfield, an IS UAV was shot down.

There is fighting in the Al-Makaber area.

ISIS members again attacked the perimeter of the airbase to no avail.

Coalition aircraft near the city of Deir ez-Zor destroyed 4 IS oil wells.

Raqqa. About 60% of the city of Tabqa has been cleared of ISIS. The black flag of Daesh has been removed (video). There are battles inside the industrial zones of the city.

Coalition aircraft near the city of Raqqa destroyed 4 barges and an IS weapons warehouse.

Near the city of Tabqa, 12 tactical units were destroyed; five oil trucks, two vehicles and a combat position, and an IS tactical unit was suppressed.

Current information from the theater of military operations in Syria, releases from Syrian media, statements on the current situation.

18.50. In Idlib, which is under the control of militants, another provocation with the use of chemical weapons is being prepared.

In the city of Serakab, militants are driving local residents to a place planned for provocation - the film crew of al-Jazeera and the White Helmets is also located there.

18.10. The Turkish side has rebuilt the wall on the Syrian border near the Akchakala-Tell Abyad crossing, installing sliding metal gates.

17.50. SAA artillery is “working” in the city of Hula, north-west of Homs.

17.50. Militants of the banned Daesh killed three SAA fighters with spy fire.

17.50. Current map of the situation in Damascus: we previously reported on the offensive of the SAA forces together with the NDF National Defense Forces in the eastern part of Damascus against the jihadist positions in the al-Qaboun and Tishreen areas. The current configuration of the forces is approximately as follows.

17.40. The offensive against Irbin, eastern Damascus continues - the Syrian Air Force is carrying out airstrikes on terrorist positions.

17.35. After the successes of government forces in al-Shaair, where wells, infrastructure and a plant were liberated, as well as the Jabal mountain range (about 80% of the territory under the control of the SAA), militants of the banned Daesh stopped retreating and are trying to counterattack.

According to al-Masdar's military source, Daesh made three counterattack attempts, which, however, did not bring success and were decisively repulsed.

On this moment terrorists are opposed by SAA fighters with heavy weapons; the militants have no chance against such positions.

17.00. Arab sources publish materials from a Russian TV channel from Deir ez-Zor - a war correspondent for Russia 24 went to the new self-proclaimed capital of the banned Islamic State.

The material generally describes the positive dynamics of the battles in Deir ez-Zor. It should be noted that attracting attention, including journalists, to the difficult situation in the besieged city is the undoubted merit of the military officers of ANNA News, thanks to whom the Russian-speaking audience first learned about the problems and life of Deir ez-Zor and met some characters, such as General Issam Zahreddin who have become “media” personalities.

In the screenshot of the Russia 24 report is General Issam Zahreddin.

16.50. Russian soldiers in the canton of Afrin on the border with Turkey.

Previously, we reported that these areas were patrolled by US troops - so, the visit of the American military preceded the attacks of Turkish troops on the Kurds.

16.45. While the liberation of Tabqa is being completed, 5 thousand internally displaced persons are in need of urgent assistance- shelter, food, basic necessities, medical care.

We previously reported that during the battles for Tabqa, humanitarian corridors were organized through which 20 thousand civilians were able to leave the warring city.

16.05. The al-Masdar publication publishes a photo report from Tabqa - on May 1, the SDF forces actually took the city, sources vary: from one hundred percent liberation to “two neighborhoods and a dam remain to be liberated.”

Today we have already published a photo with a defeated ISIS banner and an armored suicide car.

In the description of the photo, the publication emphasizes the neutralized tripwire mines and the organization of humanitarian corridors through which 20 thousand civilians of the city were able to escape.

The general course of action - on April 2, Tabqa was completely surrounded, then the suburb of Alexandria was liberated, which became a springboard for further advancement; the international coalition led by the United States launched hundreds of air strikes on the city.

Upon liberation of the city, the Kurdish YPG troops under the leadership of the SDF will head towards the city of Raqqa, which remains under the control of militants and has remained the “capital” of the outlawed ISIS since 2014 (at the same time, the press has long been talking about “ new capital" - Deir ez-Zor).

15.55. We previously reported that the Syrian Arab Army, together with the NDF, launched a powerful offensive on May 1 in the eastern part of Damascus against jihadist positions in the al-Qaboun and Tishreen areas.

14.20. Photo from the Jobar quarter: Faylah al-Rahman militants are hitting a building in which government fighters have taken refuge.

13.50. In the east of Daraa, the Syrian Arab Army destroyed the headquarters and positions of the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham group. rural town Busra al-Harir.

Units of the 5th Armored Division, with artillery support, carried out an attack on the morning of May 1 - they destroyed the jihadist headquarters and their fortifications in Busra al-Harir.

According to an al-Masdar military source from the 5th Armored Division, in addition to the destruction of the jihadist headquarters, dozens of militants were killed.

IN Lately The Syrian Arab Army has noticeably increased the number of military operations in countryside Daraa, which should prevent the movements of jihadists around the province.

13.30. According to information from ANNA News's own sources of war correspondents, next output militants from Homs to Idlib are expected on May 12 - by the 13th the governor of Homs promised to completely complete this process.

13.10. The Syrian Arab Army, together with the NDF, launched a powerful offensive on May 1 in eastern Damascus against jihadist positions in the al-Qaboun and Tishreen areas.

The 42nd brigade, 4th mechanized division and 105th brigade of the Republican Guard, after rocket and artillery attacks, began an attack on the positions of the Harakat Ahrar al-Sham and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham groups.

According to an al-Masdar military source from the 42nd Brigade, the SAA has already “taken” a number of objective points in Tishirn, also advancing into the southern part of al-Qabun, destroying the headquarters of Harakat Ahrar al-Sham.

12.30. Kurdish forces, together with the SDF, are continuing a large-scale offensive in western Raqqa, targeting the remaining militant positions in the strategically important Tabqa.

Al-Masdar reports that the Syrian Democratic Forces are currently fighting in the industrial zones of Tabqa - in the event of a successful outcome of these battles, the SDF will receive positions from which it is possible to finally drive the ISIS fighters out of the city.

And this, in turn, provides the key to Raqqa, which has been under the control of the banned Daesh since 2014.

12.25. SDF forces in Tabqa captured three armored suicide vehicles - the so-called "SVBIED".

12.20. An AFP correspondent in Tabqa captured the moment: an SDF fighter tearing down a terrorist banner

11.35. SDF took control of Tabka

According to the official statement of the SDF, released " Old city“However, two areas and the dam in Tabqa remain under the control of the militants. At the same time, some media reports about the complete release of Tabka.

11.25. The British are fighting in the ranks of the banned Daesh

According to The Telegraph, British citizen Stefan Aristide was detained in Turkey - he spoke about 300 fellow citizens who are in the ranks of the banned Daesh.

British citizens are not militants, they are engaged in recruitment and propaganda in Iraq and Syria.

Aristide left for Syria two years ago, but decided to return. Now he faces life imprisonment in his homeland. The Telegraph reports that up to a thousand Britons were in the ranks of the banned Daesh, some of them returned to the UK.

11.15. With the support of Hezbollah units, parts of the 11th and 18th divisions of the SAA, together with the 5th legion of the NDF National Defense Forces, liberated a number of villages in Palmyra and the al-Shawmariyya mountain range, thereby returning a key part of the desert that had fallen under the control of terrorists back in 2014.

Now the SAA plans to crush the “bulges” of the militant front in the east of Hama and Homs, and push the terrorists back to Raqqa.

10.55. Fierce fighting is taking place in three areas of Tabqa between SDF forces and militants of the outlawed Daesh, the current situation was published by a Kurdistan military source.

10.30. On May 1, government forces continued their offensive in the north of Palmyra against militant positions around Mount al-Shaair.

After the liberation of gas wells 103, 108, 110 and 112 on 30 April, the SAA Fifth Legion launched a series of attacks at well 105; the battle continues today.

As a military source in Northern Palmyra told al-Masdar, the Syrian Arab Army is moving forward, liberating several more settlements from militants.

If the Syrian Arab Empire manages to take control of the remaining gas wells near al-Shaair, one of the most important supply lines for militants in Raqqa will be cut off.

9.35. Militants leave al-Wair

2,041 people went from al-Wair, Homs to Idlib, of which 809 were militants, 327 were armed. The withdrawal of militants is carried out within the framework of agreements on a local truce and mutual evacuation of the population - thus, civilians from Foua and Kefraya similarly, in several stages, leave their cities under the control of militants.

The withdrawal of armed forces from Homs is very important, as it will allow the city to be returned under the full control of the authorities, who will establish a peaceful life.

9.20. Damascus - SAA offensive

On the morning of May 1, government forces launched a prepared offensive in the al-Qaboun area of ​​Damascus, aimed at the positions of Harakat Ahrar al-Sham.

In the southern part of al-Kabun, the 42nd brigade, 4th mechanized division and 105th brigade of the Republican Guard, under the cover of tanks, went on the offensive.

In the northern part of the area, government forces launched an attack with several mortar rounds and surface-to-surface missiles, directly targeting jihadist strongholds.

According to a military source from the 42nd Brigade, the Syrian Arab Army is trying to inflict maximum damage in order to force the terrorists to surrender.

ANNA Agency

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May 1, 2018 10:30 pm

Syria,1st of May. ISIS 1 "dormant cells" carried out two bombings in Iraq. Two senior Kurdish leaders were killed in Raqqa province. ISIS terrorists continue to suffer territorial losses south of Damascus, a military source reports Federal agency new products (FAN) in Syria Ahmad Marzouq.

Briefly about the results of the confrontation

Russian Aerospace Forces: provide an air barrier for the SAA in the south of Damascus.

Syrian Arab Army(SAA) and allied forces: they brought residents released by militants to Idlib, to the province Latakia.

"Islamic country" 1: lost several strongholds in the Hajar Al-Aswad area south of Damascus; organized explosions in Iraqi provinces Diyala And Nineveh.

Tahrir Al-Sham: continues to negotiate with the Syrian Arab Republic in the north Homs.

Kurds: announced a new military operation in the province Deir ez-Zor; lost two senior leaders in Raqqa.

Damascus Province

Armed fighting continues between the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), supported by Palestinian paramilitary forces, and the Islamic State radicals south of Damascus. Air cover for the SAA is provided by military aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces. As Military Key (IvanSidorenko1) reports on Twitter, crops and a garden located north of the Hajar Al-Aswad area came under the control of government forces. Meanwhile, the engineering units of the SAR army have already begun to clear the liberated zones of mines and IEDs left by the terrorists, the Twitter channel (sayed_ridha) reports. Opposition media ratify that during the armed confrontation, Bashar al-Assad’s forces also suffered positive losses in manpower. However, this information has not been confirmed by official news portals.

Province of Latakia

Earlier it was reported that 42 people abducted by militants in the city of Ishtabrak in 2015 were released under the terms of an agreement concluded between the government army and the radicals of the armed opposition in the Al-Yarmouk camp area. According to a military source in social network Twitter (sayed_ridha), all of them were delivered to the province of Latakia, which is considered one of the most non-dangerous regions Syrian Arab Republic(SAR). Let us remind you that from time to time there have been skirmishes only in the north of Latakia on the line of contact between militant forces and the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).

Homs Province

In the northern part of Homs province, negotiations are still ongoing between representatives of the Syrian Arab Republic and the command of the radicals of illegal armed groups, conducted through the mediation of employees of the Russian Center for the reconciliation of the warring parties. According to the news agency Al Masdar News, the SAR authorities are demanding that the militants of the Tahrir Al-Sham terrorist coalition, led by "Jabhat Al-Nusra" 1***, give up all weapons and go to Idlib. Militants of the moderate formations of the Syrian Independent Army (SSA) have the opportunity to resolve their legal status with the Syrian government. Also, under the terms of the agreement, traffic on the highway should be resumed Homs - Hama.

Deir ez-Zor Province

The news agency Sky News Arabia reports that the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced the resumption of military operations against the so-called “sleeper cells” of the “Islamic State” hiding in the territories occupied by Kurdish forces. As the military key (sayed_ridha) reports on Twitter, SDF units redeployed to the canton Afrin during the Turkish Olive Branch campaign, they will again be transferred to the eastern part of Deir ez-Zor . Let us remind you that the areas occupied by the Kurds have not yet been cleared of not only underground ISIS groups, but also of explosive structures planted by terrorists.

Raqqa Province

One of the leaders of the Kurdish Democratic Cohesion Party was killed in an IED explosion in the city of Ain Issa, located north of the administrative center of the province. Military Key (SalhMoslimMohamad) reported this on its Facebook page. Meanwhile, in the city of Raqqa, the Minister of Justice of the Kurdish forces was poisoned, the Twitter channel (sayed_ridha) reports. In this manner, assassination attempts on high-ranking Kurdish leaders continue. Let us remind you that a few hours ago, as a result of an attack by unknown persons, one of the commanders of the Syrian Democratic Army (SDF) was shot dead. It is expected that the attackers could have been detachments of local Arab tribes who were being persecuted by Kurdish units.


In the city Mosul in the province Nineveh there was an explosion. According to one of the security officers, the explosive structure was activated when a police car passed by. This led to the death of two and the injury of five police officers, reports informational portal Bas News. Earlier today there was also an explosion in the province Diyala. As a result of the detonation of a bomb in the area of ​​the Al-Mohisa settlement, a special forces officer was killed, and one of his colleague was also injured. Thus, despite statements about the destruction of the “Islamic country” in Iraq, small groups of terrorists still carry out underground activities in the region.

1 The organization is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Participants in combat operations in Syria (show infographics)

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Syria,1st of May. An explosion occurred at a Kurdish-occupied oil refinery in Deir ez-Zor. The first batch of militants headed to Idlib from the Al-Yarmouk camp area in Damascus. Turkish Armed Forces discovered a YPG prison in Aleppo, a military source reports Federal News Agency (FAN) in Syria Ahmad Marzouq.

Briefly about the results of the confrontation

Syrian Arab Army(SAA) and allied forces: Airstrikes are carried out on IS 1 positions south of Damascus; continue to gather forces to the north Homs.

"Islamic State" 1: suffered casualties as a result of drone strikes in the province Deir ez-Zor.

Tahrir Al-Sham: sent the first batch of fighters from Damascus V Idlib; suffered SAA airstrikes in the northern part Hama.

Turkish Armed Forces: discovered a prison of Kurdish radicals in the canton Afrin in the north-west of the province Aleppo.

Kurds: survived an explosion at an oil refinery in the province Deir ez-Zor.

Damascus Province

The Al Masdar News news agency reports that the first batch of Islamists of the anti-government coalition Tahrir Al-Sham has already left the area of ​​the Al-Yarmouk camp south of Damascus and is heading towards Idlib. At least five buses with militants left for territories controlled by the armed opposition. Let us recall that it was previously reported that the Syrian government and radical leaders reached an agreement through the mediation of representatives of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Parties, according to which, in exchange for unimpeded evacuation, the militants will release five thousand civilians from the cities of Al-Fua and Kefraya in Idlib, and will also hand over all their weapons for SAA soldiers. Let us remind you that these settlements have been surrounded by jihadists since 2012.

After the evacuation of Tahrir Al-Sham units, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) will be able to intensify its attack on the positions of Islamic State terrorists in the neighboring region of Hajar Al-Aswad. According to AMN military sources, fierce fighting on the southern outskirts of the capital is taking place around the clock. Let us remember that the day before government forces managed to occupy a number of farms on the outskirts of the quarter. Syrian aviation is supporting the offensive of the SAR army. Official news portal SANA News reports that the Syrian Air Force carried out targeted airstrikes on ISIS firing positions and supply routes, as a result of which the terrorist group suffered losses in manpower and military equipment.

Aleppo Province

A military source on the social network Twitter (IvanSidorenko1) reports that members of the Tahrir Al-Sham group, evacuated from the southern regions of Damascus, have already reached a checkpoint near the city of Al-Eis, located in the south of Aleppo province. This information also confirmed by the Twitter channel (Sohayb_Masri1). Let us remind you that the radicals are leaving Damascus in accordance with the terms of the agreement with the Syrian authorities.

Meanwhile in the canton Afrin near the village of Kafr Mez, the Turkish armed forces discovered a prison of the Kurdish formation People's Self-Defense Units(YPG). According to a military source on Twitter (Acemal71), among the prisoners there could be not only militants of the pro-Turkish Syrian Free Army (FSA), but also locals who do not agree with the actions of the group. Let us remind you that the YPG forces are associated with the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), recognized as terrorist in many countries. Members of the PKK are responsible for organizing several terrorist attacks in Turkey.

Homs Province

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) continues to gather forces in Homs province ahead of upcoming clashes with jihadists terrorist group "Jabhat Fatah Al-Sham" 1***, reports Twitter channel (IvanSidorenko1). Previously, detachments of the special forces of the SAA “Tigers” were redeployed to Homs. Let us remind you that yesterday a regime of silence was declared in the north of the region. The opponents are expected to hold talks today. The mediators will be employees of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of Warring Parties. The SAR forces intend to avoid armed confrontation. Meanwhile, civilians continue to move into territories occupied by government units.

Deir ez-Zor Province

Local news portal DeirEzzor 24 reports powerful explosion, which exploded at an oil refinery controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces**** (SDF). What caused the explosion is still unknown. However, it is believed that Kurdish troops may have violated the rules for transporting equipment. Let us recall that earlier there was information that the Kurds were exporting oil refining plants to the province of Hasakah, most of which is under the control of the SDF.

The same Internet portal reports that the positions of Islamic State terrorists operating underground were attacked by a combat drone in the area of ​​the village of Abu Khater. It is noted that as a result of the drone attack, many ISIS members were killed. More details are currently being clarified.

Hama Province

The day before, it was reported that Israeli warplanes attacked military targets of pro-Assad militias in western Hama and southern Idlib. As a result of the air attack, fighters of the Iranian paramilitary force Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) were killed. In addition, the military base of the SAA allies was completely destroyed. Israeli officials have not commented on the attack.

Meanwhile, in the northern part of the province they continue to carry out combat missions Syrian Air Force. Targeted airstrikes of the Syrian Air Force hit fortified areas of the Islamists of the Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham alliance in the vicinity of the village Al-Latamina. This was reported by the Twitter channel (QalaatAlMudiq). There has been no information yet about the damage inflicted on the radicals.

1 The organization is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation.

A member of the Syrian armed opposition delegation at the negotiations in Astana, Fateh Hassoun, said that Russia has made a proposal to deploy a neutral contingent on the line of contact in the Syrian Arab Republic, which will consist of representatives of countries not involved in the Syrian conflict.

The opposition representative explained that Russia proposed creating tension reduction zones in Syria, which should be controlled by neutral parties. The opposition representative called these proposals “useful in their realism,” RIA Novosti reports.

Russia's proposal, according to Hassoun, requires the international community to intervene more in the conflict, but is good. At the same time, the list of countries that could control neutral zones has not yet been determined.

Hassoun noted that if the Russian proposals are approved, a special working group will deal with the issue of appointing these countries. The demarcation forces, he said, will have small arms.

In total, it is proposed to create four tension reduction zones: in Idlib province, north of the city of Homs, in Eastern Ghouta and in the south of the country. This is stated in the document that RIA Novosti provided to a source in the Syrian opposition.

It is also indicated that Russia considers it necessary to create checkpoints on these lines to ensure, in particular, “free passage without weapons for civilians and the delivery of humanitarian aid.” In addition, Moscow is thinking of forming “monitoring centers to monitor compliance with the ceasefire.”

A delegation of the Syrian government led by Syrian Permanent Representative to the UN Bashar Jaafari arrived in Astana to participate in the international inter-Syrian meeting, which is scheduled for May 3-4.

The Syrian armed opposition received an invitation to a settlement meeting. “We received it orally from the Russian delegation. There are no strong voices objecting to going,” RIA Novosti quoted Fateh Hassoun, a member of the delegation of armed groups, as saying.

He expressed the hope that “Russia will be a guarantor of the process, and not a party.” “Since the peoples of Russia and Syria have had a strong connection since the beginning of the formation of the Syrian Arab Republic. And Russia's choice to support the regime is the wrong choice, and we hope that Russia will correct this soon.

The UN Secretary General's special envoy for Syria agreed to take part in the meeting as an observer at the invitation of the government of Kazakhstan.

Within 24 hours, two agreements on joining the cessation of hostilities were signed.

The number of localities that joined the reconciliation process increased to 1,477.

The number of armed formations that have declared their commitment to accepting and implementing the terms of the cessation of hostilities in accordance with the ceasefire agreement of February 27, 2016 has not changed - 143.

The number of settlements liberated from January 1, 2017 by Syrian government troops from the armed formations of the international terrorist organization “Islamic State” has not changed - 236.

The number of armed formations of the Syrian opposition that have joined the cessation of hostilities has not changed - 65.

The Russian part of the representative office of the joint Russian-Turkish commission to consider issues related to violations of the Unified Agreement recorded 12 violations per day in the provinces of Damascus (8), Latakia (2), Hama (1) and Daraa (1).

The Turkish part of the mission recorded nine violations of the Single Agreement in the provinces of Idlib (3), Daraa (2), Homs (2), Damascus (1) and Hama (1).

During the investigation into these facts of violations, it was established that all nine cases of violations by the Russian side were not confirmed.

During the day, the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties carried out six humanitarian actions in the provinces of Aleppo (5) and Latakia (1).

In the city of Aleppo, in the districts of New South Aleppo, Benizid, Bustan Elqasr, Aziz and in the district of Qadi Askar, 1.5 tons of bread, portions of hot food and 150 food sets were given to residents.

In the village of Barishbo in the province of Latakia, 350 food packages were given to residents.

The total weight of humanitarian goods transferred to the population was 3 tons.

During the day, 1,300 people received humanitarian aid.

During the day, the UN and partners continued to provide medical, psychological and legal assistance to the SAR. In addition, work continues to restore infrastructure and provide temporary housing to those in need.

US President Donald Trump said that the decision to launch a missile strike on Syria was very difficult for him, since such actions could kill “the wrong people.”

He said this during an interview with CBS.

“The most important decisions are made here. For example, the decision to launch 59 Tomahawk missiles into Syria. These are very difficult decisions because we are talking about people’s lives,” the American leader emphasized.

Donald Trump admitted that launched missiles could hit a small or even large city. “You may kill the wrong people. And you have another tragedy on your hands,” the politician noted. "I hate this. But the job must be done,” the president added.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, during a telephone conversation, agreed to meet “on the sidelines” of the ministerial meeting of the Arctic Council in Fairbanks, America. The diplomats also briefly discussed the upcoming international negotiations on Syria in Astana.

About 300 British citizens are members of the terrorist organization Islamic State (IS; banned in Russia) in Syria and Iraq. This was reported by The Telegraph.

A British native, Stefan Aristide, detained in Turkey, said that “most Britons are not foot soldiers, they are responsible for the group’s media and propaganda” or “hold high positions.” Stefan himself joined the jihadists in 2015 and now believes that life with them is “like life in prison.” He is currently in Turkey but faces life imprisonment if extradited to the UK.

Aleppo. Kurdish media report that Russian and American military equipment is moving towards the Syrian-Turkish border. In addition, YPG representatives claim that Russia will build a military base near the city of Afrin, northwest of Aleppo.

The Turkish army fired at Kurdish positions in the area of ​​Minage airport and the village. Maranaz.

Idlib. In the village Babsqa near the Turkish border in the north of the province, an ammunition depot exploded. According to local sources, the incident occurred as a result of a confrontation between the Ahrar al-Sham and Hayayt Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Nusra) groups.

Hama. Clashes continue in the area of ​​the settlement. Maan and Halfaya.

Homs. The Syrian Arab Army resumed its offensive north of the city of Palmyra in the area of ​​the Al-Shaer mountain range.

Units of the 5th Army Corps of the SAA began an assault on the area of ​​well No. 105.

Damascus. During the ongoing clashes between the militant groups Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and Jaysh Al-Islam, the former Nusra forces captured the village. Jisrin and Khazzeh.

Fighting continues between militant groups in the villages of Al-Shari, Al-Aftres, Al-Muhammadiya and Irbin.

Militants from Ahrar al-Sham and Faylaq al-Rahman also take part in the battles on the side of Heyyat Tahrir al-Sham.

The SAA continued its offensive in Qabun and in the Tishrin area.

Jaysh Al-Islam militants officially apologized to the participants of the peaceful demonstration that took place the day before, which they fired at.

Daraa. Fighting continues in the Busra Al-Harir and Al-Lajjat ​​areas, as well as in the Daraa-Al-Balyad area.

On the road between the settlements of Al-Ghara and Al-Sharqiya, SAA sappers planted explosive devices that went off when two cars drove past. As a result of sabotage, the Amud Khuran Brigade, part of the FSA, lost three field commanders, reports Al Masdar news agency.

Also, the 5th Armored Division of the Syrian Arab Army destroyed the headquarters of the former “Nusra” in the village. Busra Al-Harir.

Deir ez-Zor. In the city of Deir ez-Zor, east of the airfield, an IS UAV was shot down.

There is fighting in the Al-Makaber area.

ISIS members again attacked the perimeter of the airbase to no avail.

Coalition aircraft near the city of Deir ez-Zor destroyed 4 IS oil wells.

Raqqa. About 60% of the city of Tabqa has been cleared of ISIS. The black flag of Daesh has been removed (video). There are battles inside the industrial zones of the city.

Coalition aircraft near the city of Raqqa destroyed 4 barges and an IS weapons warehouse.

Near the city of Tabqa, 12 tactical units were destroyed; five oil trucks, two vehicles and a combat position, and an IS tactical unit was suppressed.

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