Home natural farming Biography a Nevsky. Holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky († 1263)

Biography a Nevsky. Holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky († 1263)

Alexander Nevskiy - Grand Duke Kyiv, Prince Vladimir and Novgorod, as well as the great Russian commander.
You can talk about the personality of Alexander Nevsky for a long time, but we will consider it short biography.
Early years.
The future prince was born in May 1221. Four years later, he was already initiated into the warriors. Alexander's independent life began when he was fifteen years old.
Alexander is a great commander.
The first military experience came to him in the war for Smolensk against the Lithuanian army, where he emerged victorious. In 1239, he married the daughter of the Polotsk prince Alexandra, and a year later he had a son.
In 1240, a large Swedish fleet came to the Neva, which threatened his state. Alexander decided to act decisively and with lightning speed. He did not even wait for reinforcements, the militia - only with the help of his squad he attacked the Swedes and was able to win a decisive victory. It was this victory that gave him the nickname - Nevsky.
At the end of 1239, the Teutonic Order began its campaign against Russian lands. They managed to capture a number of cities, but Alexander Nevsky met them at Lake Peipsi. The battle took place on April 5, 1242 and went down in history as Battle on the Ice. Alexander managed to turn the tide of the battle when his center was defeated, thanks to flank attacks, he threw back the Teutonic army. The Russian army pursued the knights running across the ice, and at the same time, many Teutons went under the ice forever. After that, peace was concluded between the Order and Novgorod.
In 1245 Alexander defeated the Lithuanian army.
Alexander is the Grand Duke.
In 1252, Alexander Nevsky became the Grand Duke, which was immediately followed by a war with the Lithuanians and the Teutons, where they were again defeated and were forced to sign a peace treaty.
During his short reign, he managed to win the respect of the Golden Horde, repel many attacks from Lithuania and Livonian Order.
In 1262 he went with Golden Horde in order to calm down Mongol Khan, angry with the anti-Mongol uprising - he managed to do it, but in the Horde, Alexander became seriously ill and returned to Russia.
In 1263 the prince died. He was remembered as a knight who did not lose a single battle, Mongol women frightened him with the name of their children, and Western knights admired his exploits. In addition, he was a saint of the Orthodox Church.
The majority evaluates Alexander as a great prince and a warrior - so they say domestic historians, many Eastern, as well as a number of Western historians. But many Western historians also evaluate his reign negatively, and his role in the war against the Teutonic Order is of little importance, since they did not pose a big threat and the battles were small.

Preventive war - suicide for fear of death

Otto von Bismarck

The holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky won fame for himself during his lifetime. Legends were made about him, his enemies were afraid of him and his compatriots revered him. After his death, the name of Alexander Nevsky was included in national history as an outstanding commander who, with the sword and fortitude, preserved Orthodoxy and the identity of the Russian people on the Russian land. Thanks to the Grand Duke Slavic people began to rally in order, following the example of Alexander Nevsky, to fight the threat in the West and resist the mighty Horde.

In the article, we will dwell in detail on the main deeds of the holy prince, thanks to which he was canonized (in 1547) and is still considered by Russians to be one of the people who magnified our Motherland in its entire history. There are 4 such events:

This happened when Prince Alexander was only 13 years old. By today's standards, quite a child, but already at this age, Alexander, together with his father, already fought against the German knights. In those days, instigated by the Pope of Rome, Western European knights carried out cross raids officially to convert "infidels" to Catholicism, but in reality to rob local population and conquering new territories.

Russian cities (Pskov, Novgorod, Izborsk) for a long time were the goal of the German order, because trade and architecture were developed here. The knights are not averse to profiting: someone to sell into slavery, someone to rob. To protect the Russian lands, Prince Yaroslav calls on the people to stand with him in defense of the Motherland. Watching the course of the battle, young Alexander, along with adults, fights against enemies, at the same time analyzing the behavior of the troops and defense tactics. Yaroslav Vsevolodovich bets on a protracted battle, and wins the battle. Tired knights are finished off with flanking blows, others run to the river, but the thin ice does not withstand heavy knights, it cracks, and the knights in their armor go under water. Novgorodians win a victory that went down in history as the Battle of Omovzha. Alexander learned a lot in this battle and used the tactics of the battle of Omovzha many times later.

Battle of the Neva (1240) for the prince

In July 1240, the Swedish Vikings approached the confluence of the Izhora and Neva rivers on their boats and set up camp. They arrived to attack Novgorod and Ladoga. According to the chronicles, about 5 thousand Swedish invaders arrived, and Alexander managed to gather only 1.5 thousand warriors. It was no longer possible to delay. While the Swedes are in the dark and are only preparing for an attack, it was necessary to get ahead of them by attacking unexpectedly at their place of deployment.

Alexander with his small retinue settled in the forest not far from the Swedes. Even the Swedes did not have sentries, and the Vikings themselves were engaged in arranging the camp. Alexander, after carefully studying the location of the enemies, decided to divide the army into three parts: the first was to move along the coast, the second, the cavalry, led by Alexander himself, should advance in the center of the camp, and the third, the archers, remained in ambush to block the retreating path. the Swedes.

The morning attack of the Novgorodians came as a complete surprise to the Swedes. The Novgorodian Mishka managed to approach the tent, where the command sat, unnoticed, and sawed off the leg. The tent fell along with the generals, which caused even more panic among the Swedes. When the Varangians rushed to their augers, they saw that they were already occupied by the Novgorodians. The path was completely cut off when the archers entered the battle.

The Novgorod chronicle speaks of huge losses in the Swedish camp, and only 20 people were killed in the Russian regiment. Since that time, Alexander began to be called Nevsky in honor of the river, where he won his first significant victory. His fame and influence in Novgorod increased, which was not to the taste of the local boyars, and young Alexander soon left Novgorod and returned to his father in Vladimir. But even there he does not stay long, and moves to Pereslavl. However, already in the next 1241, Alexander received news from the Novgorodians that again the enemies approached their native lands. The Novgorodians called on Alexander.

Battle on Lake Peipsi - Battle on the Ice - 1242

The German knights managed to capture a number of Russian lands and settle there, erecting characteristic knightly fortifications-fortresses. In order to liberate the Russian cities, Prince Alexander Nevsky decided to unite the people to strike at the invaders with a single force. He calls on all Slavs to stand under his banner to fight the Germans. And he was heard. Militias and warriors flocked from all cities, ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of saving their homeland. In total, up to 10 thousand people united under the banner of Alexander.

Kaporye is a city that has just begun to be settled by the Germans. It was located a little further from the rest of the captured Russian cities, and Alexander decided to start with it. On the way to Kapor, the prince orders to take prisoner all the people he meets, in order to know for sure that no one will be able to inform the knights about the approach of the prince's army. Having reached the walls of the city, Alexander knocks out the gate with many pounds of logs and enters Kaporye, which surrenders without a fight. When Alexander approached Pskov, the inhabitants themselves, inspired by Alexander's victories, open the gates for him. Germans collect best forces for the fight.

Battle on Lake Peipsi will go down in history as the Battle of the Ice. Alexander Nevsky, considering the strategy of the battle, placed in the center numerous militias who did not know much about the tactics of battle. The main army was located in front of a steep bank, behind which were carts, fastened together by chains. On the flanks were the Novgorod regiments - the strongest of the entire ten-thousandth Russian army. And behind a rock that stuck out of the water, Alexander hid an ambush regiment. The holy prince arranged his people in such a way as to lure the knights into the "cauldron", realizing that, having first defeated the weak militias, even if they were numerous, the already tired Germans would go out to the best Russian regiment and carts, and considering how much the knight in armor had, then they will have practically no chance to get over the cart.

On April 5, 1242, the German knights completely "justified" Alexander's calculations. The Germans advanced in a "wedge", and, having defeated the militias, they went straight to the advanced detachments of Nevsky. Caught in a vice, on the one hand - carts, over which the horses could not jump in any way, having such a weight in the form of a knight in armor, and on the other - Alexander's warriors and Novgorodians from the flanks. The knights, who, wielding a spear, always hit the enemy directly, did not expect a blow from the flanks. It was not possible to turn 90 degrees with the horse thanks to the vise from the carts, where the German knights landed. The ambush regiment completed the defeat of the German knights. The Germans rushed in all directions along the thin ice Lake Peipus. The thin ice cracked, carrying heavy German knights under the water, just as it had once carried away their ancestors on Omovzha.

It was a brilliant strategy of the young Russian commander. The Germans learned a lesson, thanks to which they forgot the way to Russia for a long time. 50 prisoners of war marched bareheaded through the streets of Russian cities. This for medieval knights was considered a terrible humiliation. The name of Alexander Nevsky thundered throughout Europe as the best commander of the Northern lands.

Relations with the Golden Horde

In the Middle Ages, for the Russian lands, the Horde was a real punishment. A strong state with extensive trade and a mobile army. The cohesion of the Mongol-Tatars, the Russian principalities could only envy. Scattered Russian cities and principalities only paid tribute to the Horde, but could not resist it. Alexander was no exception. Even after all the brilliant battles held, to go against the Horde, as Prince Chernigov did, means to sign a death sentence for himself and his people. After the death of his father Yaroslav, who, by the way, died when he “visited” the khan, Alexander also went to Batu get a label for the khan's service. Enlisting the support of the Horde was for the Russian princes as a ritual, which is tantamount to coronation to the throne.

Could Alexander have done otherwise?! Probably could. The Western European powers, led by the Pope of Rome, offered their help more than once in the fight against the Horde in exchange for the adoption of Catholicism, but Alexander refused. The prince preferred to pay tribute to the Horde than to change the faith of his ancestors. The horde treated the Gentiles quite tolerably, the main thing is that the quitrents go into the treasury regularly. So Alexander chose the lesser evil, he believed.

In 1248, Prince Alexander Nevsky received a label on Kyiv and the whole Russian land. A little later, Vladimir also moved to Nevsky. While Russia regularly paid tribute to Batu, the Mongol-Tatars did not attack. Accustomed to living in peace, the Russian people forgot about the Horde threat. In 1262, the Tatar ambassadors who arrived for tribute in Pereslavl, Rostov, Suzdal and other cities were killed. To calm the conflict, the prince is forced to go to the khan. In the Horde, the prince fell ill on the way home. 41-year-old Alexander died.

After 300 years, the Russian Orthodox Church canonized Alexander Nevsky.

Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky (born May 13, 1221 - death November 14, 1263) - the second son of Grand Duke Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, great-grandson. Prince of Novgorod (1252), Grand Duke of Vladimir (1252–1263) Russian statesman, commander. Holy Russian Orthodox Church. Genus: Rurik.

early years

Alexander spent adolescence and youth for the most part in Novgorod, where his father put him to reign in 1828, together with his older brother Fedor (d. in 1233), giving two Suzdal boyars as leaders of the young princes. 1236 - Yaroslav went to Kyiv, having received the local table, and Alexander began to rule Novgorod on his own.

In 1239, Alexander started building fortresses along the river. Shelon on the western outskirts of Novgorod's possessions. Soon Alexander would glorify his name in the fight against the Swedes, Germans and Lithuanians, who sought to capture Novgorod and Pskov at a time when the rest of Russia was subjected to a terrible Tatar pogrom.

Main dates

1240 - on the Neva battle
1242 - on Lake Peipus - Battle on the Ice
1245 - repulse of the Lithuanian attack on Torzhok and Bezhetsk
1247 - Alexander, by the will of Batu, became the Grand Duke of Kyiv
1251 - two cardinals came to Novgorod to Alexander with a proposal from the Pope to accept Catholicism, he refused.
1252 - he received a label for the great reign of Vladimir
1256 - The prince conducted a successful campaign against the Finnish tribe Em
1262 - Novgorod, Tver and allied Lithuanian regiments undertook a campaign in Livonia

Personal life

1239 - Alexander married the daughter of the Polotsk prince Bryachislav, Alexandra. The young people got married in the church of St. George in Toropets. A year later, their son Vasily was born.

Later, the wife gave birth to Alexander more children: Vasily - Prince of Novgorod; Dmitry - the future prince of Novgorod, Pereyaslav and Vladimir; Andrei - will become the Kostroma, Vladimir, Novgorod and Gorodetsky princes, Daniel - the first prince of Moscow. The princely couple also had a daughter, Evdokia, who married Konstantin Rostislavich Smolensky.

Neva battle

1240 - the Swedes, who disputed the possession of Finland with the Novgorodians, prompted by a papal bull to crusade against Novgorod, under the command of Birger entered the Neva and reached the mouth of the Izhora. The news of their invasion was received in Novgorod. The prince with Novgorodians and Ladoga quickly advanced to meet them on the left bank of the Neva, at the confluence of the river. Izhory, on July 16, 1240, was completely able to defeat the Swedes, while Birger himself "put a seal on his face with your sharp spear." After this battle, adorned with poetic tales (the appearance of St. Boris and Gleb), Alexander received the nickname Nevsky. In the same year, the prince left Novgorod for Pereyaslavl to visit his father, having quarreled with the Novgorod boyars because he wanted to rule as powerfully as his father and grandfather.

Events that preceded the Battle of the Ice

However, circumstances forced the Novgorodians to call on Alexander again. The Order of the Swordsmen, shortly before that, joined with the Teutonic Order, and resumed the offensive movement against Novgorod and Pskov Russia. In the year of the Battle of the Neva, the Germans began the conquest of the Pskov region, and in the next year (1241), Pskov itself was occupied by the Germans. Encouraged by success, the crusaders set about conquering the Novgorod volost. They imposed tribute on the waters, built a German fortress in the churchyard of Koporye, took Tesov, lands along the river. The meadows were subject to ruin and, finally, the German detachments began to rob the Novgorod merchants, 30 miles from Novgorod.

Then the Novgorodians sent to Yaroslav Vsevolodovich for the prince, and he gave them his son Andrei. However, Alexander Nevsky was needed, not Andrei. Having thought, the Novgorodians sent the lord with the boyars to Alexander, who in 1241 was gladly accepted by the Novgorodians and, first of all, conquered Koporye.

Battle on the Ice

1242 - having received help from the lower regiments (from the Suzdal land), Alexander managed to liberate Pskov and from here, without wasting time, he headed to the borders of Livonia, and there, on April 5, 1242, he gave the knights a battle on the ice of Lake Peipsi, near the tracts of Uzmenya and the Crow of the stone, known by the name -: the crusaders were defeated on the head.

After this defeat, the knights asked for peace, abandoned their conquests in the Russian regions. After the Swedes and Germans, the prince turned his weapons to the Lithuanians and a number of victories (in 1242 and 1245)

Clashes with the Swedes

1256 - the Swedes tried again to take away the Finnish coast from Novgorod and, together with the subject Emyu, began to build a fortress on the river. Narova; but having learned about the approach of Alexander with the Suzdal and Novgorod regiments, they left. To intimidate the Swedes, Alexander Nevsky made a trip to the Swedish possessions, to the country of Emi (today Finland), subjecting it to devastation. So Alexander victoriously repulsed the enemies on the western border, but he had to choose a completely different policy in relation to the Tatars.

Relations with the Golden Horde

After the death of their father (died in 1246), Alexander Nevsky and his brother Andrei went for the first time (in 1247) to the Horde to worship Batu, and from here, from the banks of the Volga, along the waters of Batu, the Yaroslavichs had a chance to make a long journey to Mongolia to the great khan. It took them two years to make this trip. They returned in 1250 with labels for reigning: Andrei, although younger brother, received by the will of the Khan the first important table of Vladimir, Alexander received Kyiv and Novgorod.

Alexander did not go to Kyiv, which lost all significance after the Tatar ruin, but settled in Novgorod, waiting for the turn of events in his favor. Andrei Yaroslavich could not get along with the Tatars, and therefore reigned in Vladimir for a week: in 1252, the Tatar hordes under the command of Tsarevich Nevryuy were moved against him. Andrew's army was defeated, he fled first to Novgorod, and from there to Sweden.

Prince Vladimirskoe>

During the Nevryuev invasion, Nevsky was in the Horde and from the son of Batu, Sartak, who ruled the Horde for the decrepitude of his father, received a label for the great reign of Vladimir. Alexander sat in Vladimir, and since then became the same defender of the Russian land from the Tatars, as before from the Swedes and Germans, but began to act in a different way, applying to the circumstances, namely: on the one hand, he restrained the senseless uprisings of his subjects against the Tatars, on the other hand, the other - tried to humility before the khan to deliver possible benefits to the Russian lands.

Alexander gave a lot of gold and silver to the Horde to ransom the prisoners. Andrei Yaroslavich soon returned to Russia and sat down to reign in Suzdal, having received forgiveness from the khan through Alexander. A lot of anxiety caused Alexander the affairs of Novgorod, where his son Vasily reigned.

"Alexander Nevsky receives papal legates". 1876

Unrest in Novgorod

1255 - Novgorodians, having expelled Vasily, invited Alexander's brother, Yaroslav, Prince of Tver, to reign. However, Alexander wanted to keep Novgorod behind him, went with the army to Novgorod and forced the Novgorodians to accept the reign of Vasily without a fight. 1257 - unrest in Novgorod resumed due to rumors about the intention of the Tatars to make the same census there to tax the inhabitants with a total tribute, which was carried out by the Tatar numeralists in the land of Suzdal, Murom and Ryazan.

Prince Vasily himself was on the side of the Novgorodians, who did not want to pay tamgas and tithes. For this, Alexander Nevsky sent Vasily to Suzdal lands, and the advisers who pushed the young prince to resist the Tatars were severely punished. 1258 - Alexander went to the horde to "honor" Ulavchiy, an influential khan dignitary. Only in 1259, the mediation of Alexander and rumors about the movement of the Tatar army to Novgorod forced the Novgorodians to agree to the census.

Last years. Death

1262 - an uprising broke out against the Tatars in Vladimir, Rostov, Suzdal, Pereyaslavl and Yaroslavl, caused by heavy oppression from the Tatar tax-farmers. Tatar army was ready to advance to the Russian lands. Then Alexander Nevsky hurried to the Horde to the Khan (4th time) to avert trouble from the people. He stayed there all winter and not only managed to avert the Tatar pogroms, but was also able to obtain from the Khan the release of the Russian land from the obligation to expose military detachments for the Tatars.

This was the last thing Alexander Nevsky did: he went sick from the Horde and on the road, in Gorodets Volzhsky, died on November 14, 1263, according to the chronicler, “having worked hard for the Russian land, for Novgorod and Pskov, for all the great reign, giving his life and for the true faith." Metropolitan Kirill announced to the people in Vladimir about the death of the Grand Duke with the words: “My dear child, understand that the sun of the Russian land is coming”, and everyone exclaimed: “We are already perishing!”

Holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky and a silver sarcophagus

Board results

XIII century - Russia was attacked from three sides - the Catholic West, the Mongol-Tatars and Lithuania. Alexander showed the talent of a commander and diplomat, making peace with the most dangerous and powerful (but at the same time more tolerant) enemy - the Golden Horde - and repelling the German attack, he was able to protect Orthodoxy from Catholic expansion.

There is also a more moderate interpretation of this point of view. So, according to our contemporary historian A. Gorsky, in the actions of the Grand Duke “one should not look for some kind of conscious fateful choice ... Nevsky was a pragmatist ... he chose the path that seemed more profitable for him to strengthen his land and for him personally ... when it was necessary give a decisive battle, he fought when an agreement seemed more useful, he went to an agreement.

A sign of memory and glory is the special legend “On the Life and Courage of the Blessed Grand Duke Alexander”, the most full text which in the 2nd Pskov Chronicle. For the feat of endurance and patience, Alexander Nevsky was canonized in 1549, and the Alexander Nevsky Lavra was founded in his honor in 1710. His relics, discovered in 1380, were transferred by order of the emperor in 1724 from Vladimir in St. Petersburg in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, where they rest to this day in the Trinity Church in a silver reliquary donated by the Empress.

The Grand Duke won the main military victories in his youth. At the time of the Battle of the Neva, he was 20 years old, and during the Battle of the Ice, the commander was 22 years old. Alexander was a politician and diplomat, but more of a military leader.

In all his life, the Grand Duke did not lose a single battle.

Prince Alexander is the only secular Orthodox ruler in all of Europe and Russia who did not compromise with catholic church for the sake of maintaining power.

2008 - the competition "Name of Russia" was held. The event was organized by representatives of the state television channel Rossiya together with the Institute Russian history Russian Academy of Sciences and the Public Opinion Foundation.

Internet users chose the "Name of Russia" from ready list"500 great figures of the country". As a result, the competition almost ended in a scandal, because Joseph Stalin took the leading position. The organizers said that "numerous spammers" voted for Stalin. As a result, Alexander Nevsky was named the official winner.

Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky was the son of Princess Theodosia (daughter of Mstislav the Udaly). He was born on May 13, 1221. It is known that in 1228 and 1230. father left the brothers Alexander and Fedor to reign in Novgorod. But only from 1236 did the period of Alexander's long reign in Novgorod begin. By that time, the older brother Fedor had died. The first years of his reign were devoted to strengthening the city. In 1239 he married Alexandra Bryachislavna, princess of Polotsk. This union brought three sons to Alexander: Daniil became the prince of Moscow, and Andrei and Dimitri reigned in Vladimir.

The prince got his nickname - Nevsky - after the victory over the Swedes in the battle that took place on July 15, 1240 on the banks of the river. Not you. Historians believe that the Battle of the Neva enabled Russia to save land on the shores of the Gulf of Finland. The Swedes in that battle were commanded by Jarl Birger, the future ruler of Sweden.

Shortly thereafter, Alexander, due to another conflict, leaves Novgorod and leaves for Pereyaslavl-Zalessky. However, the wayward Novgorodians were forced to call on Prince Alexander again. This was caused by a serious threat to their lands from the Livonian Order. Decisive battle took place on the ice of Lake Peipsi on April 5, 1242. This battle, like the battle on the Neva, went down in history. Alexander defeated the Livonian knights, and they had to make peace, and, most importantly, renounce all claims to the lands of Russia. A little later, in 1245, the prince recaptured the city of Toropets, captured by Lithuania. Thanks to the successful actions of Alexander, the security of the western borders of Russia was ensured for a long time.

In the east of the country the situation was completely different. The Russian princes had to bow before the power of more strong enemy- and great Kyiv prince I had to go to the capital of the Horde, Karakorum, to receive a label to reign. In 1243, Batu Khan issued such a label to Alexander's father, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich.

Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich died unexpectedly, on September 30, 1246. But Khan Guyuk, who then ruled the Horde, died while the brothers Andrei and Alexander reached the Horde capital. Khansha Ogul Gamish, who became the mistress of Karakorum, ordered to give the great reign to Andrei, the youngest of the brothers. Alexander was given land to manage southern Russia, including Kyiv itself. But Alexander Nevsky, despite this, returned to Novgorod. The Pope, Innocent IV, offered Alexander help in the fight against the Horde in exchange for the adoption of Catholicism. But this proposal was in a very categorical form rejected by the prince.

Alexander received a label for a great reign in 1252, when Ogul Gamish was overthrown by Khan Mongke. Khan summoned Alexander to Sarai, the capital, where he was issued a charter to reign. However, Andrei Yaroslavich had strong support from the Galician prince Daniel Romanovich and the prince of Tver. He refused to obey the decision of the Khan, but soon left the borders Northeast Russia, pursued by a detachment of Mongols under the command of Nevruy.

Prince Alexander Nevsky, whose biography is full of military victories, was forced to pursue a conciliatory policy towards the Golden Horde. This enemy was too strong. During a trip to the Horde in 1262, such qualities of Alexander Nevsky as diplomacy and the ability to negotiate were clearly manifested. Then he managed to save his soldiers from participating in many aggressive raids of the Mongols. But, returning back, the prince fell ill and died in Gorodets standing on the Volga. This happened on November 14, 1263. There is a version that the prince was poisoned while still in the Horde, but it cannot be proven.

Saint Prince Alexander Nevsky began to be revered already in the 1280s. in Vladimir. However, official canonization took place much later. Prince Alexander was the only ruler in Europe who did not compromise with Rome and the Catholic Church in order to maintain power.

Reigns: 1252 1263

From the biography

Vsevolod's grandson Big Nest. (Prince of Novgorod from 1236-1251, Tver (1247-1251), 1251-Kyiv, Grand Duke of Vladimir from 1252).

In 2009 - in Russia was held TV project "Name of Russia". It was suggested a large number of historical figures who have the right to become the "name of Russia" for their services to the country and people. Alexander Nevsky became the symbol of the nation.

Alexander Nevsky is a symbol of Russia:

  • Nevsky is a patriot of the country, who devotedly loved Russia. All his activities are devoted to the desire to protect the country from threats from the west and east, to alleviate the situation of the people in difficult years yoke of the Golden Horde.
  • This is a talented commander who won several important battles, including the Battle of the Neva and the Battle of the Ice. He thought over the tactics of the struggle, introduced an element of surprise, skillfully used weather, features of the area where the battles took place, set up ambushes. And he also pursued the conquered enemy for a long time, exhausting his strength to the end, so that it would be discourteous for him to attack Russia again.
  • A. Nevsky is a far-sighted politician and diplomat. Realizing that Russia was not yet ready to repulse the Mongol-Tatars, he pursued a policy of peaceful relations with the Horde, stopped all speeches against it, so that there would be no useless victims.
  • The prince was distinguished by personal courage, courage, bravely fought against the enemies of the Motherland.
  • Nevsky is the defender of Christianity. A deeply religious man, he did not allow the spread of Catholicism, which the Western knights so dreamed of. The victory in the Battle of the Neva and on Lake Peipsi is not only a victory over the enemy, but a victory for the Christian faith. For this, the church canonized him, that is, ranked him among the saints.

Thus, the victory in the project "Name of Russia" is well-deserved. Alexander Nevsky is remembered and honored by Russia.

Historical portrait of Alexander Nevsky: activities

1. Domestic policy

Activities. Results.
1. Preservation of peace and tranquility through smart diplomatic policy with the Horde.
  1. Novgorod was not subjected to devastating raids by the Khan's Baskaks.
  2. Having achieved the right of the Russian princes to personally bring tribute to the Horde, for many years he freed Russia from the constant raids of the Baskaks.
2. Restoration of the country's economy, destroyed by the Mongols - Tatars. He continued active construction of a defensive nature, thus protecting the country's cities and its borders. He sought to restore trade relations with countries, resuming interrupted trade routes. Contributed further development crafts. Actively supported chronicle writing.
  1. Strengthening of the princely power.
By his actions in relation to the Horde, victories in the West, he significantly increased the role of the grand duke's power.

2. Foreign policy.

Activities. Results.
1. Western direction: the fight against the crusaders, the defense of the Orthodox faith. July 1.5, 1240 - Battle of the Neva. He struck a blow at the Swedes, who were on a crusade to convert to Catholicism. The words of Nevsky to the soldiers before the battle: "God is not in power, but in truth." For the victory in this battle, he received the nickname Nevsky.
  1. April 7, 1242 - Battle on the Ice. Battle on Lake Peipsi with German knights.

As a result, Novgorod and Pskov were liberated from the knights.

  1. Eastern direction.
He understood that the Horde could not be defeated by force. He chose other methods: - he helped the Tatars in the census in 1257; in 1258, with the help of the Horde, he suppressed the uprising in Novgorod in order to maintain peaceful relations with the khan. tribute to prevent raids on Russia by the Tatars; he achieved the opportunity to personally take tribute to the Horde in 1263.


Alexander Nevsky - one of the most prominent rulers of Russia, saved the country from independence, which threatened from the West and East, weakened the oppression from the Horde

1. Preserved the peace of the country, saved it from the raids of the Baskaks.

  1. He did a lot to restore the country's economy and trade relations.
  2. Significantly strengthened the grand duke's power.

4. Repulsed the crusaders from the west, Russia defended its independence from the German and Swedish knights, Orthodoxy was preserved, for which he was canonized.

5. He achieved peaceful relations with the Horde, he himself paid tribute to the khans, did his best to create conditions for a peaceful life, to restore strength to fight the Golden Horde. He achieved the right to collect tribute from the Russian princes.

Chronology of the life and work of Alexander Nevsky

July 5, 1240 Neva battle with the Swedes. Outcome: + coast of the Gulf of Finland, trade with the West.
April 7, 1242 Battle on the Ice - a battle with the Livonian knights on Lake Peipsi. Result: Orthodoxy is protected, the independence of Novgorod and Pskov is preserved.
1245 The defeat of the Lithuanian detachments near Gorodets, who invaded the Novgorod land.
1253 Defense of Pskov from the Lithuanian knights.
1256 After the death of Batu, he negotiates with Khan Berke about tribute in exchange for military aid in the fight against Lithuania and the Order.
1257 Assisted the khans in the census of the population of Russia.
1258 Suppressed the uprising in Novgorod against the tribute to the Horde.
1263 He won the right to personally take tribute to the Horde.

In memory of Alexander Nevsky:

In 1547 - canonized. Warrior-deliverer (Alexander Blessed).

1724 - by order of Peter 1, they were reburied from Vladimir to St. Petersburg in the monastery, which was named the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in his honor

1725-Catherine 1 - Order of A.N. - one of the highest awards in Russia until 1917.

During the years of the Great patriotic war in 1942 - the Soviet order of A.N. - the award of commanders for personal courage.

Since 2010, the order has become an award in the Russian Federation.

2009 - TV project "Name of Russia", Alexander Nevsky became a symbol of the nation.

Famous phrases of Alexander Nevsky:

"God is not in power, but in truth"

"We must strengthen the defense in the West, and look for friends in the East."

It is interesting:

The well-known expression "whoever enters us with a sword will die by the sword" does not belong to Nevsky. It is pronounced in the film of the same name. Screenwriter Pavlenko P.A. reworked the phrase from the Gospel: "Having taken the sword, they will perish by the sword."

Alexander Nevsky on the monument to Mikeshin M.O. "Millennium of Russia". 1862

Alexander Nevsky in art


  • Mosiyash S, Alexander Nevsky, 1982
  • Jan V.G. "Youth of the commander", 1981
  • Vasiliev B. "Alexander Nevsky".


  • "Alexander Nevsky", in the role of Nevsky - Nikolai Cherkasov. Sergei Eisenstein, 1938
  • "Mr Veliky Novgorod". In the role of Nevsky - Alexander Frankevich - Laye. Director - Alexei Saltykov, 1984
  • "The Life of Alexander Nevsky". Nevsky - Anatoly Gorgul. Directed by Georgy Kuznetsov, 1991
  • "Alexander. Neva battle. Nevsky - Anton Pampushny, director - Igor Kalyonov, 2008

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