Home natural farming Which is better advanced systemcare or ccleaner. CCleaner is a simple program to speed up your computer

Which is better advanced systemcare or ccleaner. CCleaner is a simple program to speed up your computer

Shadow Defender- a utility to ensure the protection of the computer and the confidentiality of information. Prevents unwanted and malicious changes to your computer. Allows you to boot in virtual shadow mode (Shadow mode) with selective saving of data.

With this utility, you don't have to worry about deleting important information.The program creates a virtual snapshot of the specified hard drive. With which you continue your work. Worms attacks, spyware downloads, deletion of your favorite photos, etc...

Everything will be returned after the next reboot of the computer. Shadow Defender will reliably "cover" the system. As long as you put various experiments on it and it does not cause much "slowdown" of the computer when using it.

After launch, the program produces all processes in a special shadow container. In which you place the sections you need. Without affecting the true data in any way. If you place the partition completely in such a shadow container and work with it, then after rebooting, no matter what you do, the system will boot clean.

As if nothing happened to her. Exactly the same as it was before loading into the shadow container.Of course, all actions have a limit, which depends on the free disk space. As operations accumulate in this shadow partition. The program will show the space occupied by pseudo-data. After a reboot, this place is cleared.

A good point is that the program is very easy to use. Switching to Shadow mode in Shadow Defender - does not require a system restart. There are also a number of just useful improvements. Like, for example, exporting/importing an exclusion list to/from a file.

You can add folders in it in which you want all the same to have changes. As a result, these folders will not fall into the shadow partition. And all changes in them will be real.It is also worth noting that for novice users and people who systematically test programs, this program will become indispensable assistant in this case.

Features of Shadow Defender

  • Protection against all viruses and malware
  • Protecting the system from unwanted changes
  • Safe gaming and software testing
  • Safe Internet Surfing

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Today I want to introduce you to an interesting thing that should definitely come in handy if you support subscriber jobs. Along the way, I will describe the problem itself, its advantages and disadvantages, and smoothly move on to working with a very curious program.

I have already encountered several times that it is necessary to install the Windows OS, a set of software and set up computers so that users can work relatively comfortably and at the same time cannot spoil anything. Install some left-handed programs, download files, litter the desktop, change settings ... You can, of course, cut all the rights. We will definitely talk more about this. But one of the activities is to provide the user with a “shadow” copy hard drive. When all file changes actually change not the original files, but a “cast” that will disappear after a reboot.

ShadowDefender software.

I say right away that the program is not FreeWare, which is a pity. It weighs about one and a half megabytes. It is installed with a “half-kick”, after installation it asks to reboot. Please reboot! The next step is to set it up. Run on the shortcut and go to the administration settings.

Let me explain some options:

  • Start With Windows– autoload at system startup. Useful feature, let's leave it.
  • Enable tray icon– show tray icon. I recommend to remove it, there is no need to raise unnecessary questions from the user and attract attention.
  • Enable desktop tip- show hints. Also useless, so as not to unmask the presence of the program.
  • Enable shell context menu– add the program item to the context menu of files. If you are using a program to save your computer, then this item is best left. In the context menu, when you right-click on a folder or file, the “Commit” item will appear - this means writing changes to the original files, and not a “shadow copy”. Those. save the work. Well, if you are protecting subscriber computers, then it is better not to check the box so that nosy users do not save any rubbish where they do not need to.
  • Enable password control- be sure to set a password for the program.
  • Need password when committing files via shell context menu- literally - requesting a password for a “commit” through the context menu. I think it's understandable.
  • Notify me when low free space on the protected volume– shows notifications if there is little space left on the protected disk. Why can this happen? All changes made on the disk in the protection mode (Shadow Mode) are recorded in a special “snapshot”, which takes up space by itself.

Next, go to the Exclusion List section - exclusions. We add those directories, changes in which will be saved independently. For example, I add a folder with anti-virus databases to All Users/… . In general, places are exceptions where data accumulation should occur. You can make the user's working directory and add it to the exceptions. And everything that will be written to this directory will remain untouched after the reboot, and everything else will return to the moment the “shadow copy” was taken.

Well, that's all. Now turn on Shadow Mode and do “Stay in this mode after reboot”.) Now our system is protected.

And how to work with it?

In general, a program for what, in fact, “set and forget”. I will consider two options when we set it and the user does not know about its existence, but each time a pristine system appears before him and it suits him and us.

The second option is when we want to secure the system from ourselves, for example for installation tests different programs or viruses. Something like, I think you read the material.

From the user's point of view.

And that's all. The user sits down at the computer. Sits in the internet, works. Downloads files. If there are enough privileges, it will even install software, or delete folders with files. Changes desktop background. It creates a bunch of shortcuts, temporary files, etc. It will climb into the registry, nakuralesit.

After the reboot, the system will appear before him in its original form! He can twist again! And we, as an administrator, can only ... rest! After all, viruses, in principle, will not hit the system already, according to at least this didn't happen to me.

From an administrator's point of view.

We work on a protected machine in strictly defined folders. We save all the results of the work in the folders recorded in the Exclusion List. If you suddenly need to save the object in another place, select the Commit item from the context menu and that's it. Of course, you should not say that the file should be clean. Because by committing a virus we get a problem

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