Home Natural farming Dbo account. See what "RBS" is in other dictionaries. Remote banking services for legal entities: what banks offer

Dbo account. See what "RBS" is in other dictionaries. Remote banking services for legal entities: what banks offer

Remote banking (RBS) is a range of services for remote access to various banking operations that banks offer to their clients (both legal entities and individuals).

Using RBS services, customers can, for example, make remote access to their bank accounts or make payments and transfers using various technical means, communication channels and using specialized software products. This form of interaction with the bank allows customers to receive up-to-date information from the bank or give the bank their commands at the right time without visiting the bank.

The term RBS is one for different technologies for providing banking services based on customer orders, which are transmitted by customers without their visit to the bank (remotely).

Remote banking services are understood as various electronic services that allow servicing customers using all access channels: Internet (on-line and off-line access), telephone (regular or mobile), pocket computer, payment terminals and others.

Remote banking is also referred to as electronic banking. To describe RBS technologies, various, sometimes overlapping terms are used, for example, Internet banking, home banking, telebanking, WAP banking, PC banking, mobile banking, SMS banking and others. What is RBS? - Electronic resource http://www.bankdbo.ru/

Remote banking (RBS) is the provision of banking services through the use of electronic delivery channels. RBS classification - Electronic resource http://www.bankdbo.ru/

An electronic channel for the delivery of remote banking services is a found technological solution created on the basis of modern communication facilities, such as the Internet, mobile, fixed-line communications, various network connections, etc.

Regarding this, RBS can mean several predefined remote banking services provided to the client using different electronic delivery channels and concentrated in one single system for each of the channels. At the same time, each separate channel can duplicate and supplement the others.

RBS can be grouped according to various criteria: 2

1. Channel for the delivery of banking services.

Systematization of RBS through the channel for providing remote services is due to the technological and functional properties of each of the channels. Through the service delivery channel, you can focus on providing RBS services:

Through the Internet;

By telephone;

When using special self-service devices.

The use of remote banking services over the Internet is one of the most promising and rapidly growing areas. The rapid development of information technology has led to the fact that the Internet began to be used not only as a means of posting general information about banks and their products, but also as a network through which banks can provide customers with the opportunity to fulfill a huge range of information requests and active transactions (payments, transfers etc.).

The telephone connection was historically the first to be used and was the most widespread channel for the provision of banking services. Before modern technologies and means of communication appeared for a large number of clients, the simplest and most convenient way to obtain the necessary information or consultation was by phone call to the bank. With the advent and very rapid proliferation of computing and mobile communication devices, telebanking has taken on a variety of other forms.

One of the RBS channels are self-service mechanisms: payment and information terminals, information kiosks, ATMs, etc. The development of this type of remote banking services at the initial stage requires significant investments in the development of the bank's infrastructure, the purchase of appropriate equipment, the formation of maintenance and collection of these devices. However, these devices are becoming more and more popular among the population, and their number and the list of possible operations provided to customers is growing all the time.

2. The type of information system used to carry out banking operations.

When applying this criterion to systematize RBS, we mean the division of remote services according to the type of software and hardware used to carry out remote banking operations.

RBS systematization according to this criterion turns out to be the most common, with the following forms of remote banking services being distinguished.


This type of remote service uses a personal computer (PC) for this.

· Internet banking

This type of RBS is becoming more and more popular due to the development of the Internet, and it was created on the use of thin client technology. The client logs in via an Internet browser. The system for managing remote services is located on the bank's web server. All user data (payment documents, account statements, etc.) are available on the bank's website. At the same time, the site itself must be designed in accordance with the requirements of the Bank of Russia. It includes such information as: Letter of the Bank of Russia dated 23.10.2009 No. 128-T "On Recommendations for the Information Content and Organization of Web Sites of Credit Institutions on the Internet"

Full corporate name of the credit institution in Russian, included in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;

Registration number assigned by the Bank of Russia and included in the Book of State Registration of Credit Institutions;

Abbreviated corporate name in Russian;

Full company name and (or) abbreviated company name in the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation and (or) foreign languages ​​(if such a name is available, it is indicated in accordance with the charter of the credit institution);

The main state registration number of the credit institution; the date of the entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of an entry on the state registration of a credit institution, etc.

To designate this type of remote service, the names Internet-Client, thin client, on-line banking, WEB-banking and others are also used.

Mobile banking

A form of remote banking service, created under this name in the same way as Internet banking, is based on thin client technology, but for remote service in this case, mobile devices are used (for example, mobile phones, PDAs, smartphones).

Telephone banking

Telephone banking technologies are based on the sound method of transmitting information in the following ways:

With the use of telephone service operators,

With the help of automatic systems using a push-button telephone and computerized telephone communications,

· By sending SMS messages.

Typically, telephone banking systems have a limited set of functions when compared to other RBS systems.

This type of RBS has names such as phone-banking, telebanking, Telephone-Banking, Telephone-Client, SMS-banking.

Service when using banking devices

Remote service technologies using self-service banking devices have proven to be among the most popular. There are several types of remote banking systems by the type of devices used:

RBS using ATMs (ATM-banking) - based on the software installed on the bank's ATMs,

RBS using payment terminals,

· RBS using information kiosks.

3. Subjects using the services.

Remote banking services are used by both legal entities and individuals.

Due to the fact that the banking services required by legal entities differ from those required by individuals, remote banking services also differ depending on these categories of customers.

The feasibility of providing remote services for a particular category of customers is established by the bank, some banks provide the opportunity to work remotely with the bank only to legal entities, others - only to individuals. Nevertheless, in recent years, many banks (especially the largest ones) have been vigorously using all types of RBS, including for different categories of clients.

As a rule, remote services for legal entities and individuals are carried out by various software and hardware tools and differ from each other primarily in functionality, as well as in terms of provision, interface, etc.

4. The type of information provided or possible operations when using the services.

There are different requirements for the functionality of remote banking. As a result of the fulfillment of these requirements, the list of possible operations provided to clients within the framework of a specific remote service, as well as the information received by the client from the bank, are completely different in nature. Due to this, it is possible to distinguish RBS services by the type of information provided or possible operations when using the services.

One of the earliest and simplest remote banking services was the provision by bank employees of advice to clients by phone. At the same time, the client was usually given only general information about the banking products of interest to him, the working hours of the bank's divisions, the features of receiving services, etc.

The development of information technologies has allowed clients to receive information of a much greater volume and variety on corporate Internet sites of banks, using automatic telephone services, banking self-service devices, etc.

The next stage in the development of remote banking services was the ability of the client to receive information prepared only for him: the provision of information about account balances and account statements, current client debt, etc. To obtain such information, the client is given the opportunity to transmit to the bank using the necessary software and hardware the corresponding requests, which are called passive requests.

At the same time, to provide personal information, it is required to create client authentication procedures (most often by password, username, passphrase, etc.) in order to comply with the law on bank secrecy and non-disclosure of information of its component to third parties.

The highest level of remote banking services in terms of possible operations when using remote services is providing the client with the opportunity to conduct active operations through the RB channels, for example, transferring funds from their accounts, making payments, replenishing deposits, repaying loans, etc.

To implement each of the above types of RBS, along with various software and hardware tools and technologies, additional tools are required to reduce various risks during remote interaction between a client and a bank. And the wider the range of operations that the bank provides to the client with remote service, the higher these risks are for both the client and the bank.

5. The degree of versatility or complexity of the provided operations.

Another criterion for systematizing remote banking services is the complexity of the services provided (universality). Based on this, we can distinguish:

The simplest service

Extended service

· Comprehensive (universal) remote banking service.

The simplest remote service is a limited set of options for the client, for example, viewing information only about the account balance and minimal reference information (for example, about currency exchange rates and rates on bank deposits).

An example for an extended service should be such a remote service, in which the client has the opportunity not only to receive up-to-date information from the bank, but also to monitor all banking operations on his accounts for any period of time and make non-cash payments.

A comprehensive (universal) remote banking service gives the client the opportunity to remotely access all banking services that the client could receive during a personal visit to the bank's office (except for cash transactions).

Thanks to this, clients to whom the bank provides a comprehensive RBS service have the opportunity to use any of the supported access channels to carry out their operations.

If a bank provides its clients with the most advanced service possible (at best, complex), this allows the bank to gain additional competitive advantages.

6. Terms of services provided.

Depending on the terms of provision, remote banking services are divided into paid and free ones. This does not mean at all that a particular type of service is entirely paid or free. When deciding on the provision of remote services to customers, the bank determines the tariffs for the use of this service. Usually, the client's costs for using the service can be both one-time (for connecting to the service, for each specific operation, etc.), and periodic (for example, in the form of a subscription fee for the period of using the service).

Very often the bank decides not to introduce a fee for any remote service. For a number of reasons, some operations in the composition of settlement, credit and deposit can be performed free of charge. Banking services that bring and do not bring banking income, expensive and cheap services are often singled out. Thus, most active operations allow the bank to receive income, while its passive operations involve the payment of interest on certain types. Certain banking services are labor intensive and therefore more expensive.

Consequently, the bank itself determines whether remote customer service is a service, or an additional service to an existing product, as well as whether the service is paid or free of charge for this category of customers, as well as the amount of payment, taking into account its tariff policy and market strategy.

Remote banking is a profitable and convenient form of interaction for both the bank and its client. It is thanks to their main advantages that the RBS channels have found embodiment in modern life and are constantly developing.

The main advantages of remote banking services for the client: Benefits of RBS - Electronic resource http://www.bankdbo.ru/

· Convenience - the client can always use the services from anywhere in the world;

· Efficiency - payment for services using remote service systems occurs at a high speed, in some cases instantly;

· Availability - the cost of using remote services is low, often banks offer their RBS services free of charge;

· Profitability - often banks provide the client with the opportunity to perform remote banking operations at more favorable rates than if the client will be served in the office;

· Diversity - many banks support and develop different channels of remote service (for example, the Internet, mobile or landline phone);

The use of remote services for the client provides convenience and time savings, since to complete transactions, you do not need to go to the bank's office, waste time on the road and queues. The client will be able to receive the necessary set of banking services in a convenient format and place, without additional financial and time costs. Basically, customers will use RBS services when conventional payment channels no longer satisfy them.

The main advantages of remote banking services for a bank: 3

1. Economic benefit due to a reduction in the cost of customer service - the cost of providing services to a customer in bank branches and points of sale is much higher than with remote interaction. Of course, the bank incurs considerable costs to implement RB systems, but they always pay off after a certain period of time and the more clients the bank connects to remote services, the faster the payback period ends.

2. Remote service, which can also include customer service using terminals and self-service devices, is much more effective when compared with traditional service in a bank office, because no bank is able to serve tens of thousands of clients in its offices. As a result of reducing the time spent on interaction with the client, it decreases, and most importantly, the service throughput increases. And the more actively the bank works with private clients, the greater the effect of remote service.

3. The introduction of remote services will help to solve the problems of developing points of presence and ensure the availability of bank services for the client in any convenient place and at any convenient time.

4. There are opportunities to attract customers regardless of their geographic location, the bank gains access to new customer segments that the bank could not serve before the introduction of remote services.

5. The speed is increasing and the quality of customer service is improving.

6. The accuracy of the performed banking operations increases, the number of all kinds of errors decreases, and the bank's operational risks are reduced.

7. The bank has the opportunity to solve important additional tasks, for example, provide the client with operational information about new banking products or inform the client about the necessary actions (timely repayment of the delay, expiration of the term of the deposit, etc.)

8. The level of competitiveness of the bank is increasing due to the possibility of creating fundamentally new banking products and rapid scaling and integration of banking services with other financial services using remote access to cash accounts;

Therefore, if you correctly implement and develop remote services, the bank will increase the efficiency of its activities and expand its business by selling banking products and attracting new customers.

Despite its many advantages, using remote banking also has a number of disadvantages.

The general disadvantage of RBS is due precisely to the peculiarities of such a service, that is, by the fact that banking operations are carried out by the client remotely without direct communication with the bank's specialists. It is due to this that the problems of correct identification of the client arise when he performs remote banking operations. Disadvantages of RBS - Electronic resource http://www.bankdbo.ru/

Moreover, this problem exists for both credit institutions and clients. For the bank, it is especially important to ensure that remote operations are performed by the very person to whom the bank has given the right to do so. The client must be sure that no one except him (by malicious intent or by mistake) will be able to use his bank accounts.

If, while using one of the various remote banking services, unauthorized actions are possible on the part of someone, then such a service will not be in demand, even despite all its many advantages.

In the early stages of the emergence and distribution of RBS services, insufficient attention was paid to possible problems and flaws associated with their use, the rapid development of remote services is primarily due to the advantages that they can provide to banks and their clients. But, nevertheless, the emerging cases of fraudulent actions, technical failures and other incidents forced all entities involved in the implementation and operation of RBS services (credit institutions, clients, system developers) to take the security of remote services more seriously.

For example, the Bank of Russia offers credit institutions to include in agreements concluded with Internet providers and developers of RBS systems, the obligations of the parties to take measures aimed at quickly restoring the functioning of the resource in the event of emergency situations, as well as liability for the untimely fulfillment of such obligations. Letter of the Bank of Russia dated 07.12.2007 No. 197-T "On Risks in Remote Banking Services"

It should also be noted that when using remote banking services, the dependence of clients on those software, hardware and communication means becomes much greater than with traditional customer service at the bank's office. Nevertheless, the above can rather be equated with the features of RBS services than with their disadvantages.

Any of the types of RBS, together with the advantages that distinguish one remote service from another, also has disadvantages associated with the peculiarities of a specific software and hardware implementation of a particular RBS channel and its operation.

The disadvantages that occur when using one or another type of remote banking services can be eliminated to one degree or another by various organizational and technical methods.

Remote Banking Services (RBS)- a general term for technologies for the provision of banking services based on orders transmitted by the client remotely (that is, without his visit to the bank), most often using computer and telephone networks. To describe RBS technologies, various, in some cases, overlapping terms are used: Client-Bank, Bank-Client, Internet Bank, RBS System, Electronic Bank, Internet Banking, on-line banking, remote banking, direct banking, home banking, internet banking, PC banking, phone banking, mobile-banking, WAP-banking, SMS-banking, GSM-banking, TV-banking.

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Types of Remote Banking Services (RBS)

RBS technologies can be classified according to the types of information systems (software and hardware) used to carry out banking operations:

Client-Bank systems (PC-banking, remote banking, direct banking, home banking)

These are systems that are accessed through a personal computer. Client-Bank systems allow you to send payments to the bank and receive account statements (information on the movement of funds on the account) from the bank. At the same time, the bank provides the client with: technical and methodological support during the installation of the system, initial training of the client's personnel, software updates and support in the process of further work. The Client-Bank systems provide maintenance of ruble and foreign currency accounts from a remote workplace. But not all banks provide clients with full management of their accounts, deviating from world standards. For security purposes, the "Client-Bank" systems use various systems of cryptographic information protection (CIP), which ensure encryption and control of the integrity of information transmitted to the Bank. The use of the Client-Bank systems for servicing legal entities is still one of the most popular RB technologies in Russia, however, with the development of the legislative framework and technologies, more and more banks offer affordable RB services for individuals. Client-Bank systems are basically divided into 2 types: a thick client and a thin client.


The classic type of the Bank-Client system, also often referred to as the "fat client". A separate client program is installed on the user's workstation. The client program stores all its data on the computer, as a rule, these are payment documents and account statements. The client program can connect to the bank via various communication channels. Most often, a direct connection via a modem is used to connect to a bank (this technology is already a thing of the past) or via the Internet. The advantage of the "Bank-Client" systems is that the client does not need a permanent connection to the banking part of the RBS system to work directly with the client part of the system. Also, the advantage of some kind of "thick client" systems is their rich internal functionality for the separation of user roles and analysis of incidents. In particular, this is true for legal entities. Databases of this type of systems (meaning a thick client), as a rule, can be installed on a full-fledged database management system (DBMS), which for organizations with a large workflow makes it possible to provide convenient database backup, as well as full-fledged work with the network version without loss of speed of document processing.

Internet Client (thin client; Online banking, Internet banking, WEB-banking)

The user logs into the system via an Internet browser. The Internet-Client system is located on the bank's web server. All user data (payment documents and account statements) are available on the bank's website. The Internet-Client technology is also used to build systems for mobile devices (the bank's mobile site) - PDA, smartphones (Mobile-banking. Information services with a limited set of functions can be provided on the basis of the Internet Client.

There are both advantages and disadvantages to remote Internet banking. So, the advantages for organizations providing such services include the low cost of operating the Internet system (all updates are carried out only on the web server, not replicated among customers); the ability to integrate with the client's accounting systems; the availability of Internet services for the end user; maintaining the loyalty of customers who actively use these services.

The disadvantages include, first of all, the weak security of the Internet from unauthorized access. Despite the strive of developers of Internet solutions to create and improve the system of protection of transmitted messages, numerous potential dangers continue to appear. Reasons: shortcomings of operating systems, communication programs and browsers, human factor. Maintaining the level of protection at an appropriate level requires significant material costs, which can be afforded mainly by large banks that rely on significant revenues from the provision of such services.

Telephone-Banking systems (phone-banking, telebanking, Telephone-Client, SMS-banking)

As a rule, the Telephone-Bank systems have a limited set of functions in comparison with the Client-Bank systems:

  • information about account balances;
  • information on the amounts of receipts in favor of the client;
  • entering applications for the provision of a facsimile copy of the account statement;
  • entering applications for making payments, ordering cash;
  • entering applications for the transmission of a facsimile copy of the payment order;
  • entering a request for execution of a funds transfer order prepared according to a template;

The transfer of information from the client to the bank can be done in different ways, depending on the implementation of the system:

  • Communication of the client with the telephone service operator (Call Center).
  • Using a touch-tone telephone (Touch Tone Telephone) and a voice menu (computerized telephony (IVR (Interactive Voice Response) technology), Speech to Text, Text to Speech).
  • By sending SMS messages (SMS-banking)

All these functions become available only after personal identification of the client by the bank based on the personal identification system. Today, the most advanced and secure system is based on biometric identification cards.

Service using ATMs (ATM -banking) and self-service banking devices

RBS technologies using self-service banking devices are among the most popular in the world and in Russia.

ATMs and terminals fall into the RBS category, since they almost completely provide banking services remotely, without a client visiting a banking organization. In addition, an important factor for their inclusion in this category is the possibility of duplication of the basic functions of a standard bank-client, which the bank provides to individuals (individuals) for making payments.

There are several types of remote banking systems by the type of devices used:

  • RBS using ATMs (ATM-banking) - based on the software installed on the bank's ATMs. See also Bank card
  • RBS using payment terminals;
  • RBS using information kiosks.

Legal regulation

RBS services are regulated by the following provisions of the Central Bank of Russia:

  • Regulations dated July 16, 2012 No. 385-P "On the rules of accounting in credit institutions located on the territory of the Russian Federation"
  • Regulations dated June 19, 2012 No. 383-P "On the rules for transferring funds."
  • Regulations of 24.04.2008 No. 318-P "On the procedure for conducting cash transactions in credit institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation" (clause 2.8 "Organization of work with cash when using ATMs, electronic cashiers, automatic safes and other software and hardware systems" );
  • Regulations of 23.06.1998 No. 36-P “On interregional electronic settlements through the settlement network of the Bank of Russia”;
  • Regulation No. 20-P of 12.03.1998 “On the rules for the exchange of electronic documents between the Bank of Russia, credit institutions (branches) and other clients of the Bank of Russia when making settlements through the settlement network of the Bank of Russia”.
  • Temporary regulation of 10.02.1998, No. 17-P "On the procedure for accepting for execution instructions of account holders signed by analogs of a handwritten signature, when conducting non-cash payments by credit institutions"

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the requirements:

  • Federal Law of 06.04.2011 No. 63-FZ "On Electronic Signatures";
  • Bank of Russia Standard STO BR IBBS-1.0-2010 "Ensuring information security of organizations in the banking system of the Russian Federation;
  • Letters from the Bank of Russia dated 03.04.2004 No. 16-T "On Recommendations for the Information Content and Organization of Web-Sites of Credit Institutions on the Internet" (instead of 128-T dated 23.10.2009);
  • Letters from the Bank of Russia dated 30.08.2006 No. 115-T "On the implementation of the Federal Law" On combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism in terms of identifying customers served using remote banking technologies (including Internet banking) ";
  • Letters from the Bank of Russia dated April 27, 2007 No. 60-T "On the specifics of servicing clients by credit institutions using the technology of remote access to a client's bank account (including Internet banking)";
  • Bank of Russia Letters No. 197-T dated 07.12.2007 “On Risks in Remote Banking Services”;
  • Letter of the Bank of Russia dated March 31, 2008 No. 36-T “On Recommendations for Organizing Risk Management Arising in the Performance of Transactions by Credit Institutions Using Internet Banking Systems”;
  • Letters from the Bank of Russia dated January 30, 2009 No. 11-T "On Recommendations for Credit Institutions on Additional Information Security Measures when Using Internet Banking Systems"
  • Letters from the Bank of Russia dated October 26, 2010 No. 141-T "On Recommendations on the Approaches of Credit Institutions to the Selection of Providers and Interaction with Them in the Implementation of Remote Banking Services"

RBS services are governed by the following provisions of the National Bank of Ukraine.

Customers have long been able to carry out financial transactions without visiting the bank. Remote banking has become the norm in modern life, a way to manage your money remotely. However, along with convenience, new problems have emerged - both for the recipients of services and for the banks themselves.

Pros and cons of remote customer service

Remote banking services (RBS) are technologies that allow customers of financial institutions to receive various services at a distance, without personal communication with bank operators. Orders from persons who have entrusted the organization with money are received remotely, via telephone and computer networks. For such interaction, the client only needs to have a computer (or other electronic device designed to work in the network - a smartphone, tablet, etc.), as well as access to the Internet. Sometimes it is required to install special software for communication with the bank.

Legal entities and individuals can be serviced remotely. For such an opportunity to appear, you need to open a personal account of the RBS, through which the necessary orders will be sent to the bank. The main pros and cons of the system are related precisely to its work.

The advantages, undoubtedly, include the availability of remote services, savings in personal and work time, which was previously required for a personal visit to the bank. It is easier for clients to monitor their account, to ensure the correctness of the operations entrusted to the financial institution. Remote banking services are often provided either free of charge or for little money, which also contributes to the popularity of the system. Finally, its important advantage is the efficiency of interaction with the bank, since orders are transmitted almost instantly.

However, the RBS system also has significant disadvantages. And the main one is the threat of unauthorized access, both to the personal account and to the client's money. Despite the fact that banks are actively trying to solve this problem, it remains very urgent. For example, according to official data, in 2017 alone, hackers, using the remote banking system, stole over a billion rubles from bank accounts.

Another disadvantage that RBS banking has is that the system is not protected from possible technical failures, which cannot be completely ruled out. Malfunctions can lead to various negative consequences: from prolonged inaccessibility of the personal account to the erroneous debiting of funds from the account.

RBS systems for legal entities: types

Today, remote banking services for organizations are carried out in the following forms:

  1. Bank-client. A special program for RBS - client is installed on the computer, through which interaction with the bank takes place. Information is usually transmitted over the Internet or over dedicated channels.
  2. Internet banking - RBS works through a regular browser. Installation of a special client program is not required in this case. Allows you to enter your personal account by login and password from any computer (if you have the Internet).
  3. Telephone (mobile) banking. Remote banking services are provided through cellular communications. Now banks are developing this type of RBS most actively, since the client's demand for it is increasing annually.
  4. External devices for RBS. These include, in particular, ATMs, payment terminals and other equipment that allows customers to independently carry out some banking operations, for example, depositing and withdrawing cash.

Each bank prescribes its own conditions for the remote banking system, which can be found on the official websites of financial organizations. In all cases, an agreement is required between the bank and the legal entity (client).

The conditions of the RBS system can be regularly adjusted by the bank, which is usually reported in the "News" section.

Remote banking services for legal entities: what banks offer

All banks now have a remote banking system, and most of them are convenient and easy to use. The baknvo also has mobile applications that allow you to have access to your current account on a permanent basis. The difference will be only in the cost of the bank's services for servicing the current account and minor technical differences. The use of remote banking systems makes it possible to almost completely abandon "paper" payments and checkbooks.

Remote banking(RBS) it is customary to call the provision of banking services (provision of banking products) at a distance, without clients visiting the bank's office, without direct contact with bank employees - from home (so-called home-banking), office, car, etc.

This type of service allows the client to control their own accounts, buy and sell non-cash currency, pay for utilities, Internet access, mobile operator accounts, make non-cash bank and interbank payments, transfer funds to accounts, etc.

Remote banking services provide the bank with the following competitive advantages. When using RBS, operating costs are significantly reduced. There is no need to maintain additional premises, workplaces and personnel, which cannot be dispensed with when serving customers in the traditional way. As a result, transaction costs (per transaction) are reduced by an order of magnitude. By saving funds for its maintenance, the bank can significantly increase its client base - the low cost of banking products makes it possible to reduce tariffs for them, which, other things being equal, makes the bank more attractive in the eyes of the consumer.

At the same time, thanks to RBS, the bank is able to cover a large segment of consumers with small funds and not very profitable from the point of view of traditional banking.

In addition, a potential client of a bank, where RBS is practiced, is freed from rigid binding to a specific location of the bank, and this is very convenient. Consequently, RBS contributes to the expansion of the bank to other regions, which leads to the expansion of the client base.

The attractiveness of RBS in the eyes of clients is not least due to the fact that it is able to provide them with more comfortable conditions for communicating with the bank and significant time savings - to carry out a banking operation, the client does not need to visit the bank's office. Moreover, he does not even need to adjust to the bank's work schedule - it is available 24 hours a day, and the user can perform the desired transaction at any time convenient for him.

Currently, there are three levels of RBS:

  • 1) informational - the bank's website on the Internet, which reflects the types and rates of services provided;
  • 2) communication - two-way exchange of information via e-mail, information on the state of the account, account statements;
  • 3) full-featured transactional - carrying out all financial transactions, except for cash withdrawals).

By technology of providing services, RBS are classified as follows: Bank-Client systems, Internet banking, video banking, telephone banking, terminal banking, mobile banking (WAP banking, SMS banking, SIM applet, midlet).

System « Bank-Client»Is a software and hardware complex that allows you to organize interaction in a secure off-line mode between the client and the bank. The system has a multi-level security system and ensures the reliability, safety and confidentiality of the transmitted information. It includes banking and client subsystems, integrated with protection and communications subsystems.

The full list of services that the bank can provide through this system is the most extensive. In the classic (expanded) version, the Bank-Client system allows the client to:

  • familiarize yourself with banking rules;
  • receive reference information (a list of operations performed by the bank, exchange rates, etc.);
  • open various bank accounts;
  • manage the movement of funds through accounts, including card accounts;
  • receive information about the state of your account in the form of relevant statements;
  • make payments on bills, including for goods and services, including utilities;
  • receive electronic copies of settlement documents;
  • order a checkbook;
  • carry out conversion operations;
  • to carry out operations with the investment portfolio, which is under the management of the bank;
  • carry out credit operations (overdraft credit);
  • exchange electronic text messages and financial information with the bank;
  • receive consulting and information services; and etc.

The payment order is generated electronically once

a client, not a bank employee. This simplifies the day-to-day work of an accountant, speeds up payments and reduces the likelihood of errors in payment details. Upon receipt, the bank checks the electronic signatures on each document received from the client. The client's settlement documents are stored in the archive of the banking part of the system together with electronic signatures, which excludes their distortion in the bank. Built-in encryption tools ensure encrypted transmission of information between the bank and the client.

The system usually includes:

  • a) document exchange server - a mail server, in terms of service and addressing formats, compatible with various types of protocols, to provide access via dial-up telephone channels;
  • b) AWS of the bank for receiving documents from the client, interacting with the banking system and notifying the client about the results of processing his documents;
  • c) A client's workstation for creating documents, sending them to the bank, receiving processing results and account statements.

The interaction between the client and the bank in this case is as follows. The client in the offline (off-line) mode generates documents, applications, orders to be sent to the bank. The banking part of the system works in a standby mode for connection with a client until the latter establishes a connection through a communication channel between the client's and the bank's data transmission devices. During a communication session, the bank authenticates the client (i.e., the client is authenticated), initiates the transfer of information prepared for the client, and prepares to receive information from the client. The client receives information from the bank and sends his messages in response, after which the connection is broken. The bank accepts and then processes the information received from the client in off-line mode.

All transmitted messages (both in the banking and in the client part) are encrypted and certified with an electronic digital signature. The electronic digital signature of messages received by the bank from the client is checked against the standard, after which the reception of documents is registered in the server (banking) part, then the bank notifies the client with a special message that the client receives during the next communication session. All documents are kept in the bank for a long time. At the same time, Internet channels are most often used as a communication channel when working with the described technology; telephone lines can also be used.

The advantages of the "Bank-Client" system are:

  • low cost of communication channels and data transmission devices;
  • support for almost any transport protocol for transferring messages;
  • relative simplicity of banking software and hardware;
  • autonomous preparation of documents by the client, i.e. in off-line mode;
  • availability of document archives both on the bank's server and on the client's computer;
  • high degree of protection of the banking part from unauthorized access;
  • acceptable degree of protection of transmitted information;
  • the ability to integrate the client side of the system with other software for automatic generation of documents (for example, with the accounting system used by the bank client);
  • the ability to implement a large number of auxiliary functions in the client side of the system.

However, the use of the "Bank-Client" technology is devoid of the following disadvantages:

  • the need for preliminary installation and subsequent maintenance of software on the client's computer;
  • difficult diagnostics by the client of the movement of their financial documents;
  • difficulties in adding new forms of documents to the system that require updating the software version on the bank's client computer;
  • a certain complexity of the software on the client's side, which consists both in the increased requirements for the hardware platform, and in the need to train the bank client to work with the software installed by him.

The aforementioned aspects determined the fact that only large enterprises can really use the services of banks for remote account management based on the Bank-Client system. For organizations that make a lot of payments every day, the gain in speed and quality of banking services is comparable to the cost of implementing and maintaining the client side of the system. As for small businesses and private clients, it is often not economically profitable for them to implement such systems.

Since the "Bank-Client" technology implies that a part of the banking ABS is installed on the bank's client's computer, the client can only connect to the bank from his computer. Thus, when traveling geographically, the client is forced to always have his computer with him. And if it is a DeskTop class computer, such a solution is practically impossible, but Notebook makes mobile exits to the ABS of a commercial bank quite acceptable. In this case, the main issue is the protection of the computer from theft and unauthorized access, which significantly reduces the level of security.

Internet banking in fact, it was a further development of the "Bank-Client" system and has a number of advantages over it. However, some of these advantages can be viewed as disadvantages as well. For example, the use of an open network allows you to expand the circle of potential customers indefinitely, but at the same time reduces the level of system security. At the same time, the undeniable advantage is that the user is not "tied" to a specific computer on which special software is installed (the client's workstation is an integral part of the classic version of the Bank-Client system), but can use any computer that has access to Internet.

In this case, the technology of interaction between the client and the bank is implemented in the following stages:

  • the client launches any browser and enters a special Internet application from the bank's website;
  • the bank sends the client an authentication request;
  • the client enters information for authentication and gets access to the banking part of the "Bank-Client" system;
  • the bank provides the client with forms for entering documents, which are filled in by the client on-line;
  • when all the information is entered and additionally confirmed by the client, the client sends the document to the bike.

The principal feature is that all information is transmitted to the bank as it is entered by the client.

The advantages of building such a system are:

  • ease of introduction of new forms of documents into the system, since there is no need to update the software of the bank's clients, it is enough to update it only on the bank's server;
  • convenient work of a bank client with an Internet application;
  • no need to install and maintain the system on the client side (it is enough to have a computer with Internet access);
  • storing and working with documents directly on the bank's server;
  • the ability for the client to view the status of documents;
  • possibility of simultaneous work of a large number of clients.

The disadvantages of organizing client access through the bank's website almost directly to the bank's ABS are as follows:

  • the need for a higher degree of protection of the ABS from fraud and penetration from the outside via the Internet;
  • increased requirements for the hardware of the banking part of the system;
  • increase in the cost and volume of traffic for the bank;
  • impossibility to generate documents off-line.

Low cost and ease of connection to the system made it

available not only for large organizations, but also for small companies and individuals. This is the most promising type of RBS, for example, Deutsche Bank and Bank of America make about 70% of payments via the Internet. In Russia, Internet banking has also been actively developing in recent years.

Video banking - This is a system of interactive communication between clients and bank staff, a kind of video conference, for the organization of which a device called a kiosk is used (a device with a touch screen that allows a client to access various information, as well as communicate with a bank employee and perform various operations with his help). Kiosks are installed in public places and are often combined with ATM machines. This RBS technology is not widespread, since such functionality can be replaced by terminal and telephone banking with greater convenience for the client and with a higher level of confidentiality.

Telephone banking - the provision of remote financial services through a regular telephone connection. This is the most accessible type of RBS, but not the most functional. Basically, this type of banking is used to obtain information by the client (services, tariffs, account balances, etc.).

IVR system(interactive voice response) is an interactive information system that allows both to provide information in real time and to process customer commands (orders). The command entry tool is usually the touchtone button on the telephone. Pressing certain key combinations in touchtone mode allows you to enter numeric commands in response to voice prompts from the telephony system.

Voice banking - outdated system of interaction between the bank and the client, which implies communication between the client and the call center specialist. To identify the client, in most cases, a verbal password is used, called the client and verified by the operator; additional identifiers, such as identity document data, address, etc., can also be used. For greater protection against unauthorized access, the client can be limited to the telephone number from which he can give an order to the bank. The number is checked by automatic number identifier or by a call back from the operator to the client. Also, orders that a client can give by phone may be limited, for example, transfers between the client's own accounts, opening and replenishing a deposit. At the same time, transfers outside the bank are carried out only according to templates previously signed and provided by the client to the bank in writing. Each transfer template is assigned its own number, and the client only needs to call the bank and name the amount and template number according to which the transfer will be made.

Terminal banking - currently the most widely used type of RBS. In Russia, the market is more dominated by non-bank terminals, banks, in turn, install multifunctional ATMs that allow not only withdraw / deposit cash to a client's bank card, but also a large number of standardized payments (payments for mobile communications, utility bills, charitable contributions, etc.).

Mobile banking provides for the use of a mobile phone as a terminal for accessing RBS. Four main types of technology are used: WAP-banking, SMS-banking, SIM-applet, midlet.

WAP-BAPKIEIG - remote account management by means of a mobile phone equipped with special software based on the wireless data transfer protocol. However, so far banks do not distinguish WAP-banking as a separate type of service. A customer who wants to carry out banking transactions only by a mobile phone will still have to connect to the Internet banking system. At the same time, mobile channels cannot always maintain the required degree of protection of transmitted or received information at the same level as it is organized on the Internet.

SMS banking - another service provided by banks to mobile phone owners. With the help of short message services (SMS), the client will have access to all information about the status of current accounts (account balances), receiving account statements for the required period, as well as making a limited list of payments. At the same time, for the client, the use of SMS-banking is not the most convenient form of access to financial services due to the need to collect a large amount of text and digital information, as well as to memorize the command symbols.

SIM applet - kind of remote banking. When using it, the payment application is written directly to the phone's SIM card and allows financial transactions to be made fairly securely. To use this technology, the client must first purchase a new SIM card with the installed payment application.

Midlet - payment JAVA-application that works in the memory of a mobile device and allows financial transactions to be carried out in a secure mode. Unlike the previous technology, there is no need to change the SIM card, but the JAVA application does not work on all models of mobile phones.

However, at present, the problem of ensuring the security of remote banking systems is coming to the fore, which significantly hinders the increase in the volume of transactions and the expansion of the client base.

The development of information technologies in all spheres of society, increasing the mobility of the population forces banks to develop the RBS direction as one of the priorities.

Today in Russia the majority of large banks offer their clients RBS services.

In the course of the research "CNews Analytics" 1, data was collected on the use of remote banking systems in the 100 largest banks of the Russian Federation by assets and banks with 100% participation of non-residents operating in the territory of the Russian Federation, as of January 1, 2011.

URL: www.cnews.ru

In the segment of Top-100 banks, the first place belongs to the BSS company - 55.6% of all installed applications. The second place is taken by the company "Beefit" - 13.9%, the third - the systems of its own design (13.4%).

The RBS system for individuals is used in 75.8% of Top-100 banks, and the most widespread version of it is Internet banking. In this case, the banking sector retains the priority of its own developments - 32.7%. Among external developers of this type of systems, the leader is BSS with a share of 31.3%, followed by Compass + (8.7%) and Beefit (8%).

In the market for remote servicing of legal entities in the segment of credit institutions with 100% participation of non-residents, BSS also has first place - 60.4% of installed applications (for Bank-Client systems - 64.4%, Internet-Client - 57.7%). In second place is again "Beefit" with a total share of 15.3%. The third place is occupied by systems of our own design - 7.9%. The share of other players on the market does not exceed 5% for all systems.

Credit institutions operating in the Russian market with 100% participation of non-residents are focused more on the corporate market. Only 30.4% of them use remote service systems for individuals. Systems of the "Internet-Bank" type are installed in all banks with this type of service, "Telephone-Bank" and a mobile bank - in 6.8% of banks each, and only 4.6% of banks use self-service kiosks for individuals. The highest share for all systems belongs to BSS - 32.4%.

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