Home Perennial flowers Global environmental problems causes and consequences table. Global environmental problems. Consequences of radioactive water contamination

Global environmental problems causes and consequences table. Global environmental problems. Consequences of radioactive water contamination

This species, genera, families of plants and animals, their distribution limited to a certain habitat. This factor may be influenced by geographic isolation, climatic conditions under which species can exist, etc. Science studies the distribution of various species of animals and plants around the planet. biogeography, thanks to her we know where and in what numbers they live.

Geographically isolated areas are considered to be deep lakes, mountains, and islands. For example, in Lake Tanganyika (East Africa), restricted species account for 75% of the total “population”, in Lake Baikal - 76%, in New Zealand - 72% (flora).

Why do endemics become rare species?

As a rule, they are susceptible to extinction due to their low prevalence. If a natural disaster occurs in the habitat and many representatives of the species die, then it is very difficult for endemics to restore their previous numbers. Another cause of extinction may be human activity (poaching, the consequences of industrial production, human invasion of the local ecology).

Examples of endemics

The hummingbird Oreotrochilus chimboraso is found only on Mount Chimbarazo (South America) at an altitude of 4000-5000 m above sea level

Eldar pine Pinus eldarica covers an area of ​​25-50 square kilometers along the northern and northeastern slopes of Mount Eylarbugi in Georgia.

A very unusual endemic is the platypus, which lives exclusively in Australia.

Irbis(snow leopard) - found in Central Asia, but the population is “saved” in Russian reserves. It became endangered due to active extermination by humans for the sake of beautiful fur in the 19th century. However, to this day the snow leopard is threatened by poaching.

Previously, snow leopards were very widespread, but now they can rarely be found anywhere except in protected areas, which are located in Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

U sea ​​otter A similar fate to the snow leopard: its species suffered because of its beautiful fur. Nowadays, the sea otter lives only in Kamchatka, the Kuril and Commander Islands. It can only live in the wild, so it is difficult to maintain its population.

What is a relic?

This a plant or animal that is descended from a group that was widespread in earlier times. The ancestors of most relics had massive sizes and were more adapted to survival, played relatively big role in the ecosystem of the contemporary geological era. In our time, these are species that have lost certain differences as unnecessary, since compared to the past, the conditions for existence have become more comfortable. Some external features may be lost during the process of evolution, while others may be preserved.

Classified into:

1) Phylogenetic relics

They are similar to endemics. They are descendants of living organisms that existed from hundreds of thousands to a million years ago. These representatives of the species were able to survive to this day thanks to a miraculous coincidence of circumstances: for example, an area convenient for reproduction, protected from predators.

frilled shark- one of them. Since the Cretaceous period, it has practically not changed in appearance and has not evolved. An eerie and dangerous creature lives in the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Barents Sea, but does not rise above the bottom layer. Perhaps this is why she managed to survive to this day, because at such a depth she (perhaps) had no competitors.

2) Geographical relics

A species that exists only in a specific area, while representatives of this species no longer live in other areas, although its ancestral group was widespread throughout the continent.

Why may some types of relics disappear?

There is one more class.

3) Pseudo-relics

Modern species of plants and animals are threatened with extinction due to human activity, which has “driven” them into areas unsuitable for habitation.

Examples of relics

Pseudorelics include rhinoceroses, cheetahs, lynxes and leopards.

The most notable relics are crocodiles. Crocodiles are one of the few that have been able to relatively preserve appearance their ancestors, carrying it through tens of millions of years.

They call it a living dinosaur monitor lizard. A large land lizard, the length of which can reach 7 meters, is an excellent example of a descendant of an ancient species.

Common types are called cosmopolitans. They populate almost everything geographical zones. For example, to cosmopolitan plants relate sorrel, dandelion, sundew.


  1. barraimaging.com.au (illustration)
  2. myzooplanet.ru
  3. studfiles.ru

Continuous technological progress, the continuing enslavement of nature by man, industrialization, which has changed the surface of the Earth beyond recognition, have become the causes of a global environmental crisis. Currently, the world's population faces particularly acute environmental problems such as air pollution, ozone layer depletion, acid rain, the greenhouse effect, soil pollution, ocean pollution and overpopulation.

Global environmental problem No. 1: Air pollution

Every day, the average person inhales about 20,000 liters of air, which contains, in addition to vital oxygen, a whole list of harmful suspended particles and gases. Atmospheric pollutants are conventionally divided into 2 types: natural and anthropogenic. The latter prevail.

Things are not going well for the chemical industry. in the best possible way. Factories emit harmful substances such as dust, fuel oil ash, various chemical compounds, nitrogen oxides and much more. Air measurements have shown the catastrophic situation of the atmospheric layer; polluted air becomes the cause of many chronic diseases.

Atmospheric pollution is an environmental problem that is familiar firsthand to residents of absolutely all corners of the earth. It is felt especially acutely by representatives of cities where enterprises of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, energy, chemical, petrochemical, construction and pulp and paper industries operate. In some cities, the atmosphere is also heavily poisoned by vehicles and boiler houses. These are all examples of anthropogenic air pollution.

As for the natural sources of chemical elements that pollute the atmosphere, these include forest fires, volcanic eruptions, wind erosion (scattering of soil and rock particles), the spread of pollen, evaporation of organic compounds and natural radiation.

Consequences of air pollution

Atmospheric air pollution negatively affects human health, contributing to the development of heart and lung diseases (in particular, bronchitis). In addition, air pollutants such as ozone, nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide destroy natural ecosystems, destroying plants and causing the death of living creatures (particularly river fish).

The global environmental problem of air pollution, according to scientists and government officials, can be solved in the following ways:

  • limiting population growth;
  • reducing energy use;
  • increasing energy efficiency;
  • waste reduction;
  • transition to environmentally friendly renewable energy sources;
  • air purification in particularly polluted areas.

Global Environmental Problem #2: Ozone Depletion

Ozone layer - thin strip stratosphere, protecting all life on Earth from the destructive ultraviolet rays of the Sun.

Causes of environmental problem

Back in the 1970s. Environmentalists have discovered that the ozone layer is being destroyed by chlorofluorocarbons. These chemicals are found in refrigerator and air conditioner coolants, as well as solvents, aerosols/sprays, and fire extinguishers. To a lesser extent, other anthropogenic impacts also contribute to the thinning of the ozone layer: space rockets, jet flights in high layers of the atmosphere, nuclear weapons testing, reduction of the planet's forests. There is also a theory that global warming is contributing to the thinning of the ozone layer.

Consequences of ozone layer depletion

As a result of the destruction of the ozone layer, ultraviolet radiation passes unhindered through the atmosphere and reaches the earth's surface. Exposure to direct UV rays has detrimental effects on people's health, weakening the immune system and causing diseases such as skin cancer and cataracts.

World environmental problem No. 3: Global warming

Like the glass walls of a greenhouse, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and water vapor allow the sun to heat our planet while preventing infrared radiation reflected from the earth's surface from escaping into space. All these gases are responsible for maintaining temperatures acceptable for life on earth. However, increasing concentration carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxide and water vapor in the atmosphere is another global environmental problem called global warming (or the greenhouse effect).

Causes of global warming

During the 20th century, the average temperature on earth increased by 0.5 - 1? C. The main cause of global warming is considered to be an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to an increase in the volume of fossil fuels burned by people (coal, oil and their derivatives). However, according to the statement Alexey Kokorin, head of climate programs World Fund wildlife (WWF) Russia, "Nai large quantity greenhouse gases is formed as a result of the operation of power plants and methane emissions during the extraction and delivery of energy resources, while road transport or flaring of associated petroleum gas causes relatively little harm to the environment.”.

Other causes of global warming include overpopulation, deforestation, ozone depletion and littering. However, not all ecologists blame the rise in average annual temperatures entirely on anthropogenic activities. Some believe that global warming is also facilitated by a natural increase in the abundance of oceanic plankton, leading to an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Consequences of the greenhouse effect

If the temperature during the 21st century increases by another 1? C - 3.5? C, as scientists predict, the consequences will be very sad:

  • the level of the world's oceans will rise (due to the melting of polar ice), the number of droughts will increase and the process of desertification will intensify,
  • many species of plants and animals adapted to exist in a narrow range of temperatures and humidity will disappear,
  • Hurricanes will become more frequent.

Solving an environmental problem

According to environmentalists, the following measures will help slow down the process of global warming:

  • rising prices for fossil fuels,
  • replacing fossil fuels with environmentally friendly ones (solar energy, wind energy and sea currents),
  • development of energy-saving and waste-free technologies,
  • taxation of environmental emissions,
  • minimizing methane losses during its production, transportation through pipelines, distribution in cities and villages and use at heat supply stations and power plants,
  • implementation of carbon dioxide absorption and sequestration technologies,
  • tree planting,
  • reduction in family size,
  • environmental education,
  • application of phytomelioration in agriculture.

Global environmental problem No. 4: Acid rain

Acid rain, containing products of fuel combustion, also poses a danger to the environment, human health and even to the integrity of architectural monuments.

Consequences of acid rain

Solutions of sulfur and nitric acids, aluminum and cobalt compounds pollute the soil and water bodies, have a detrimental effect on vegetation, causing dry tops of deciduous trees and inhibiting conifers. Because of acid rain, agricultural yields fall, people drink water enriched with toxic metals (mercury, cadmium, lead), marble architectural monuments turn into plaster and are eroded.

Solving an environmental problem

In order to save nature and architecture from acid rain, it is necessary to minimize emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere.

Global Environmental Problem #5: Soil Pollution

Every year people pollute the environment with 85 billion tons of waste. These include solid and liquid waste industrial enterprises and transport, agricultural waste (including pesticides), household waste and atmospheric fallout of harmful substances.

The main role in soil pollution is played by such components of technogenic waste as heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, thallium, bismuth, tin, vanadium, antimony), pesticides and petroleum products. From the soil they penetrate into plants and water, even spring water. Toxic metals enter the human body along a chain and are not always quickly and completely removed from it. Some of them tend to accumulate over many years, provoking the development of serious diseases.

Global Environmental Problem #6: Water Pollution

Pollution of the world's oceans, underground and surface waters sushi is a global environmental problem, the responsibility for which lies entirely with humans.

Causes of environmental problem

The main pollutants of the hydrosphere today are oil and petroleum products. These substances penetrate into the waters of the world's oceans as a result of tanker wrecks and regular discharges. Wastewater industrial enterprises.

In addition to anthropogenic petroleum products, industrial and domestic facilities pollute the hydrosphere with heavy metals and complex organic compounds. Agriculture and the food industry are recognized as the leaders in poisoning the waters of the world's oceans with minerals and nutrients.

The hydrosphere is not spared by such a global environmental problem as radioactive pollution. The prerequisite for its formation was the burial of radioactive waste in the waters of the world's oceans. Many powers with a developed nuclear industry and nuclear fleet deliberately stored harmful radioactive substances in the seas and oceans from the 49th to the 70th years of the 20th century. In places where radioactive containers are buried, cesium levels often go off scale even today. But “underwater test sites” are not the only radioactive source of hydrosphere pollution. The waters of the seas and oceans are enriched with radiation as a result of underwater and surface nuclear explosions.

Consequences radioactive contamination water

Oil pollution of the hydrosphere leads to destruction natural environment habitat of hundreds of representatives of oceanic flora and fauna, plankton death, seabirds and mammals. For human health, poisoning the waters of the world's oceans also poses a serious danger: fish and other seafood “contaminated” with radiation can easily end up on the table.

Asel 17.05.2019 12:14

Ian 31.05.2018 10:56
To avoid all this, it is necessary to solve all this not for the state budget, but for free!
And besides, you need to add environmental protection laws to your country’s constitution
namely, strict laws that should prevent at least 3% of environmental pollution
only your homeland but also all countries of the world!

24werwe 21.09.2017 14:50
The cause of air and soil pollution is crypto-Jews. On the streets every day there are degenerates with the characteristics of Jews. Greenpeace and environmentalists are vile crypto-Jewish TV. They study eternal criticism according to the Catechism of the Jew in the USSR (according to the Talmud). Dosed poisoning is promoted. They do not name the reason - the deliberate destruction of all living things by Jews hiding under the labels of “peoples”. There is only one way out: the destruction of the Jews and their agriculture and the cessation of production.


Ecology (from Greek. óikos- home, residence and ...logy), biological science, which studies the organization and functioning of supraorganismal systems at various levels: populations, species, biocenoses (communities), ecosystems, biogeocenoses and the biosphere. Often uh Cology is also defined as the science of the relationships of organisms with each other and with the environment. Modern uh Cology also intensively studies problems of interaction between man and the biosphere.

The increase in attention observed in society over the past decades to problems that traditionally form the subject of study of environmental science is quite natural. The successes of natural science in revealing the secrets of the world order have made it possible to push the boundaries of conventional ideas about reality, to come to an understanding of the systemic complexity and integrity of the world, and have created necessary base to clarify and further develop the idea of ​​man’s place in the system of nature. At the same time, the aggravation of the problems of overpopulation of the planet, depletion of natural resources, pollution of the human environment with waste from industrial and agricultural production, destruction of natural landscapes, and reduction in species diversity contributed to the growth of public interest in obtaining environmental information. The development of mass communication systems (print media, radio broadcasting, television, Internet) has contributed to the growth of public awareness about the state of the environment, the influences people have on it, and their actual and possible consequences. The effect of these circumstances largely determined the increase in the social status of ecology and environmental specialists.

1. Global ecological problems and their reasons

1.1 Resource crisis. Land resources: soil

The most important property of soil is fertility - the ability to ensure the growth and development of plants. Soil is the most important and irreplaceable source of food resources, the main wealth on which people’s lives depend. It is the main means of agricultural production and forestry. Soil is also used as a building material in various earthen structures.

As noted in the work, current state soil cover is determined primarily by the activities of human society. Although natural forces do not cease to act on the soil, the nature of their influence changes significantly. The author of the work, noting the significance of human influence on the soil, points out that most modern cultivated soils have no similarity in the past history of the planet. As a result of development economic activity human impact, soil degradation, pollution and changes in chemical composition occur.

Significant land losses are associated with agricultural activities. Repeated plowing of land leaves the soil defenseless against by natural forces(winds, spring floods), resulting in accelerated wind and water erosion of the soil and its salinization.

The widespread use of fertilizers and poisons to control pests and weeds leads to the accumulation of substances unusual for it in the soil.

The process of urbanization causes significant damage to natural ecosystems. Drainage of wetlands, changes in the hydrological regime of rivers, pollution of natural environments, and the increasing scale of housing and industrial construction are removing huge areas of fertile land from agricultural use.

One of the consequences of the increasing technogenic load is intensive soil pollution. The main soil pollutants are metals and their compounds, radioactive elements, as well as fertilizers and pesticides used in agriculture. The most dangerous chemical soil pollutants include lead, mercury and their compounds.

Among the tasks of nature conservation, the most important is the fight against soil erosion. Among the general measures designed to prevent erosion, the work highlights general anti-erosion protection of the territory, providing for correct crop rotation, planting protective forests, hydraulic structures and other anti-erosion measures.

1.2 Land resources: minerals

Mineral raw materials play huge role in the national economy. Minerals provide about 75% of the raw materials for the chemical industry; almost all types of transport and various branches of industrial production rely on subsoil products. At the same time, the rate of use of mineral reserves continues to increase. Accordingly, with increasing production, the total reserves of mineral raw materials on Earth inevitably decrease. This circumstance raises the need for the protection of subsoil, a more reasonable, comprehensive use of mineral wealth.

The protection of a non-renewable natural resource should follow a rational, economical use. To do this, it is necessary to minimize the loss of raw materials during its extraction, processing and transportation.

The use of recycled materials, in particular scrap metal, is of great importance in preserving mineral deposits. Among the measures to protect mineral raw materials, mention should be made of their replacement with synthetic materials. A positive effect in the protection of mineral resources can be achieved by increasing the power of machinery and equipment while simultaneously reducing their dimensions, metal consumption, energy consumption and reducing the cost per unit of the final useful product. Reducing metal consumption and energy costs is at the same time a struggle for the protection of subsoil.

1 . 3 Energetic resources

The need for energy is one of the basic life needs of a person. About ten percent of human energy needs are provided by food, the rest by industrial energy.

Accelerating the pace of scientific and technological progress and development material production are associated with a significant increase in energy costs. Therefore, energy development seems to be one of the most important conditions for the economic growth of modern society.

For a long time, the energy base was fossil fuels, the reserves of which were constantly declining. Therefore, recently the task of searching for new energy sources is one of the most pressing tasks of our time.

Thermal power engineering. The main source of energy in Russia and the countries of the former USSR is thermal energy obtained from the combustion of organic fuels - coal, oil, gas, peat, oil shale.

Oil, as well as its heavy fractions (fuel oil) are widely used as fuel. However, the prospects for the use of this type of fuel look dubious for two reasons. Firstly, oil under no circumstances can be classified as an “environmentally friendly” energy source. Secondly, its reserves (including undiscovered ones) are limited.

Gas It is also widely used as a fuel. Although its reserves are large, they are also not unlimited. Today there are known methods for extracting some gases from gas. chemical substances, including hydrogen, which in the future can be used as a universal “clean” fuel that does not produce any pollution.

Coal is no less important in thermal energy than oil and gas. It is also used as fuel in the form of coke, obtained by heating coal without air access to a temperature of 950-1050°C. Currently, our country has developed a method for the fullest use of coal by liquefying it.

Hydropower. Hydroelectric power is environmentally friendly. However, the construction of reservoirs on the plains itself is fraught with negative consequences, the most significant of which is the flooding of vast useful (agricultural, etc.) land.

Atomic and thermonuclear energy. For a long time, the solution to the problem of the energy crisis was associated primarily with the development of nuclear and, in the future, thermonuclear energy, the latter of which, from a modern point of view, has practically inexhaustible fuel resources. It was generally accepted that one of the most important advantages of nuclear energy is its “ecological cleanliness”. Indeed, under favorable conditions, nuclear power plants produce significantly less harmful emissions than power plants running on fossil fuels.

However, in recent decades, attitudes towards this type of energy have changed significantly. Negative evaluation of the role nuclear energy in the life of society is primarily associated with concerns regarding the consequences of accidents at nuclear facilities, which lead to serious leaks of radioactive materials and production waste. The position of nuclear energy was seriously undermined by the incidents at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (1986) and at a nuclear power plant in Japan (2011), the consequences of which led to hysteria and fear in society about possible even more serious disasters in the future. Geothermal energy. Heat reserves in the depths earth's bowels are practically inexhaustible, and its use from the standpoint of environmental protection is very promising. The electricity obtained from hot springs is the cheapest compared to other power plants. However, the coefficient useful action geothermal power plants is low due to the low temperature of the water coming from the subsurface to the surface. The exploitation of geothermal waters requires solving the issue of discharge and disposal of waste mineralized water, since they can have bad influence on the environment.

The activities of modern man have significantly changed the natural environment throughout our planet.

The essence of the modern environmental crisis is the contradiction between the almost limitless possibilities human activity, transforming nature, and disabilities biosphere in the resource support of this activity.

The global nature of the modern environmental crisis distinguishes it from previous crises. In this regard traditional methods exiting the crisis by moving to new territories is practically impossible. Changes in production methods, consumption rates and volumes of use remain real. natural resources.

Over the past two or three centuries, man's technical ability to change the natural environment has rapidly increased, reaching its highest point in the era of scientific and technological progress. However, it turned out that the growth of human power most often led to an increase in the consequences of his activities that were negative for nature and ultimately dangerous for the existence of man himself.

Among the most acute for humanity and still unresolved environmental problems The following can be included:

· demographic crisis (sharp increase population of the Earth);

· urbanization;

· reduction of forest area;

· erosion and decrease in soil fertility;

· deficit fresh water;

· Negative consequences energy production;

· pollution natural environment;

· destruction of the ozone layer of the stratosphere;

· anthropogenic climate change;

· decrease in biological diversity (decrease in the number of species of organisms);

· reducing the resistance of natural ecosystems to anthropogenic impact;

· the impact of negative changes in the natural environment on public health.

Increasing the Earth's population. For human population characterized by a “demographic explosion” of unprecedented scale, i.e. a sharp increase in population growth rates that has continued since the mid-20th century. It is especially pronounced in developing countries Asia, Africa and Latin America. The highest population growth has occurred in recent decades. At the end of the 1990s, the world's population was already 6 billion people, while in the 30s of the 20th century. The world's population was 2 billion people. It is believed that the population density of the Earth is approaching a critical level. However, according to many scientists, its population will eventually stabilize at 10-12 billion people.

Population growth along with industrial development is the second main factor negative influence on the biosphere, since the increase in human population is accompanied by an increase in the need for products Agriculture and industrial production and the volume of natural resources involved. These processes lead to increased environmental pollution and negative impacts on the biosphere.

Increasing food production, creating new jobs, and expanding industrial production are accompanied by the consumption of non-renewable natural resources, but main reason contradictions between man and nature - the rapid increase in the total anthropogenic load at her.

The specifics of demographic processes in different countries are associated with a whole complex of factors, including highest value have socio-economic and environmental. If in industrial developed countries the impact on nature is associated mainly with technogenic pollution; in developing countries, the main impact is associated with the direct destruction of nature as a result of prohibitively high loads on ecosystems: deforestation, depletion of available resources, etc.

Despite the fact that the total population of the Earth is increasing, in some countries there is no population growth or even a decline. Thus, birth rates in Russia throughout the 20th century. decreased and in the mid-60s for the first time dropped below the level of simple renewal. At the end of the 90s of the last century, these negative trends intensified significantly, and in 1991-1992. In Russia, a unique demographic situation has developed, the graphic display of which is called the “Russian cross” (Fig. 16.1).

The essence of this phenomenon, observed in peacetime and in the absence of any global catastrophes, is that mortality rates in various regions and in Russia as a whole began to consistently exceed birth rates, which leads to population extinction (Fig. 16.1).

Urbanization(from Latin urbanus - urban) - the process of concentration of population and economic life in large cities. If before 1900 While only about 14% of the Earth's population lived in cities, today approximately half of the Earth's population lives in cities. Cities require the highest concentration of food, water, fuel and other life support resources. Natural ecosystems are also unable to process the amount of waste that is generated during the life of people in cities. The main consequences of urbanization: depletion of energy resources, environmental pollution, degradation of water, forest and soil resources, loss of agricultural land. In addition, there is evidence that in cities the incidence of disease in people is on average two times higher than in rural areas.

Global biosphere pollution. Pollution is one of the oldest problems. It arose with the advent of the first settlements with their streams of sewage and various wastes household. But before the development of industrial civilization, pollution was greatly limited in its nature and distribution. All waste decomposed under the influence of microorganisms and was included in the cycles of substances. Since the second half of the 20th century. In the process of production activities, people create synthetic substances, which, in the form of waste, enter the environment (the atmosphere, hydrosphere, soil) and are almost not involved in the biosphere cycle of substances. It is also important that synthetic materials are often toxic to living organisms.

In most cases, pollutants, widely distributed in the atmosphere, hydrosphere and soil, are gradually dispersed throughout the biosphere. Atmospheric transport plays a major role. Rising air currents and winds carry pollutants to different distances and ensure their circulation in the atmosphere. Anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide or mercury increase the background concentrations of these pollutants in the atmosphere. Diluting pollutants in the environment (in water or air), reducing the concentration in a given area of ​​the biosphere, does not reduce their danger to nature and humans, but only delays the negative consequences.

Air pollution. The main cause of air pollution is the burning of fossil fuels. Other causes include emissions from chemical industry by-products, dust emissions, radioactive gases from nuclear power plants, and automobile exhaust. The main substances that pollute the atmosphere are gases (90%) and solid particles (dust). As a result of human activity, dust, carbon dioxide (CO 2), carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO 2), methane (CH 4), and nitrogen oxides (NO 2, NO, N 2 O) enter the atmosphere.

Soil pollution. Increasing soil fertility is often achieved by applying large quantity fertilizers, the use of chemical pest control agents, which allows for the intensification of agricultural production. The widespread use of artificial chemicals leads to contamination of soils and living organisms. In addition, precipitation carrying pollutants falls on the soil surface and is also a source of soil pollution. Surface and groundwater wash pollutants into aquatic environment(rivers, lakes, seas).

Fertilizers are, of course, necessary to replenish reserves in the soil nutrients, seized from the harvest. The desire to increase the productivity of agricultural plants leads to oversaturation of soils with fertilizers. However, according to the law on marginal yield, plant productivity does not increase in direct proportion to the amount of fertilizer applied. Excess fertilizer in the soil leads to excess nitrogen and phosphorus in products and deteriorates the structure of soils.

Pollution of continental and oceanic waters. Numerous pollutants can be dissolved in water or transported in suspension over vast distances from discharge sites. Most toxicants, no matter what phase they are in - gaseous, liquid or solid - are capable of polluting the hydrosphere.

Biological pollution in the form of wastewater leads to severe bacteriological contamination and leads to the spread infectious diseases, which creates additional problems in the field of epidemiology.

Chemical pollution of water occurs as a result of the release of various chemical compounds used in agriculture (pesticides and mineral fertilizers), as well as waste from industrial enterprises. Very often, industrial wastewater carries substances harmful to aquatic organisms, such as lead, mercury, copper, etc. Pollution with hydrocarbons (oil and petroleum products) has become one of the main types of hydrosphere pollution in recent decades.

Environmental consequences pollution of natural waters manifests itself in disruption of biogeochemical cycles of substances, reduction in biological productivity, and degradation of individual aquatic ecosystems.

Water pollution with organic substances affects abiotic and biotic factors operating both in flowing waters (rivers) and in large stagnant bodies of water (lakes, closed seas). In running waters, the discharge of waste saturated with organic substances causes a complete disruption of the functioning of the ecosystem. In this case, four zones are formed, which follow one after another downstream: 1) a degradation zone, where the river waters mix with the pollutant; 2) a zone of active decomposition, where fungi and bacteria, aerobic and then anaerobic, multiply and destroy organic matter; 3) recovery zone, where the water is gradually purified and its initial characteristics are restored; 4) clean water zone.

As a result active development microorganisms in the decomposition zone, the concentration of dissolved oxygen drops sharply and the number of algae decreases. An outbreak of autotrophs (microscopic algae - phytoplankton) occurs in the third zone as a result of the appearance of nitrates and phosphates extracted by destructive microorganisms from polluting organic substances. When the removal of dissolved and suspended pollutants is completed and initial conditions are restored, organisms living in clean water reappear. Disturbances in the composition of animal communities living in rivers are much more pronounced, since no animals living in clean water can survive in the contaminated area.

Water pollution with toxic compounds leads to suppression of vital activity and death of organisms sensitive to this toxicant. For example, chlorine-containing insecticides, in particular DDT, inhibit photosynthesis in phytoplankton and have a strong negative impact on biocenoses due to their ability to concentrate in food chains - bioaccumulation.

One of the main factors of negative changes in the biosphere is the ultra-intensive exploitation of natural resources, which leads to consequences such as destruction of vegetation cover and deterioration of soil properties.

Destruction of vegetation cover. First of all, it is associated with deforestation. Deforestation is one of the most pressing global environmental problems. The role of forest communities in the functioning of natural ecosystems is enormous. Forests absorb atmospheric pollution, protect soil from erosion, regulate surface water flow, prevent a decrease in groundwater levels, etc. In addition, forests play a large role in the process of binding free carbon dioxide in the air during photosynthesis (reducing the greenhouse effect).

A decrease in forest area causes disruption of oxygen and carbon cycles in the biosphere. Although the catastrophic consequences of deforestation are widely known, deforestation continues. The forest area on the planet decreases by almost 2% every year.

As a result of intensive livestock farming, meadow ecosystems are degenerating into wastelands.

Deterioration in physical chemical properties soil. Excessive exploitation of land for agricultural crops is a powerful factor in the destruction of natural resources. Usually there are four main reasons for the damage and destruction of land: wind and water erosion; salinization due to improper irrigation; decreased fertility; soil pollution.

Erosion is the destruction of soil as a result of the action of water or wind. Erosion processes in nature have sharply intensified under human influence. Erosion begins, first of all, where the natural vegetation cover, which holds the soil together with roots and reduces the intensity of air and water flows, is destroyed. Over its history, humanity has lost about 2 billion hectares of fertile land.

Irrigated agriculture causes irrigation erosion and secondary salinization. Excess moisture in the fields causes the groundwater level to rise to the soil surface and their intense evaporation. Salts dissolved in water accumulate in the upper soil horizon, reducing its fertility. Some scientists believe that the civilization of Ancient Babylon died from secondary soil salinization.

Land depletion is also caused by: the alienation of nutrients from the harvest and their incomplete subsequent return; loss of humus - deterioration water regime. As a result of depletion, the soil loses fertility and becomes desertified.

Depletion of the Earth's ozone layer. Anthropogenic changes in the atmosphere are also associated with the destruction of the ozone layer, which serves as a protective screen from ultraviolet radiation, which is harmful to living organisms. The process of destruction of the ozone layer occurs especially quickly above the poles of the planet, where so-called ozone holes have appeared. In 1987 an ozone hole over the Antarctic (extending the contours of the continent) and a less significant similar formation in the Arctic have been registered, expanding year by year (expansion rate - 4% per year).

The danger of depleting the ozone layer is that the intensity of ultraviolet radiation harmful to living organisms may increase. Scientists believe that the main reason for the depletion of the ozone layer (screen) is the use by people of chlorofluorocarbons (freons), which are widely used in everyday life and in production (aerosols, foaming agents, solvents, etc.). In 1990 global production of ozone-depleting substances amounted to more than 1,300 thousand tons. Chlorofluorocarbons, entering the atmosphere, decompose in the stratosphere with the release of chlorine atoms, which catalyze the conversion of ozone into oxygen. In the lower layers of the atmosphere, freons can persist for decades. From here they enter the stratosphere, where their content is estimated to increase annually by about 5%. It is assumed that one of the reasons for the depletion of the ozone layer may be the destruction of forests as producers of oxygen on Earth.

Global climate change. Currently, the main causes of changes in the Earth's climate system are considered to be anthropogenic emissions (emissions) of gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride), which increase the natural greenhouse effect. These gases pass sunlight, but partially block infrared thermal radiation, emitted by the Earth's surface. In recent decades, the greenhouse effect has intensified, which leads to heating of the lower parts of the atmosphere, which, in turn, causes changes in climatic and meteorological parameters.

Greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is understood as an increase in the average temperature of the surface part of the Earth's atmosphere as a result of changes in the heat balance caused by greenhouse gases. The main greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide and water vapor. The contribution of carbon dioxide to the greenhouse effect, according to various sources, ranges from 50 to 65%. Other greenhouse gases include methane (20%), nitrogen oxides (5%), etc. An increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases leads to the fact that solar radiation continues to penetrate unhindered to the earth's surface, and long-wave (infrared) radiation coming from the Earth is absorbed greenhouse gases. As a result Bottom part The troposphere heats up above normal levels and the overall heat balance of the Earth changes. According to available data, due to greenhouse gases, the average annual air temperature on Earth over the past century has increased by 0.3...0.6 °C.

It is believed that before the advent of the industrial era (late 19th century), carbon flows between the atmosphere, continents and oceans were balanced. But over the past 100 years, the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased significantly as a result of anthropogenic inputs (Fig. 16.2). One of their main sources is the combustion of fossil fuels, but this process is also accelerated as a result of the development of agriculture and deforestation.

Intensive farming causes soil carbon loss. The fixation of carbon dioxide by agricultural plants during photosynthesis does not compensate for the amount released from the soil as a result of plowing. Deforestation leads to additional release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere when wood is burned. Forests are important carbon sinks, since forest biomass contains 1.5 times more carbon, and forest humus contains 4 times more carbon than the entire atmosphere.

The Earth's photosynthetic green belt and ocean carbonate system maintain constant levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. But the rapidly increasing rates of burning fossil fuels and the formation of large amounts of carbon dioxide during the development of civilization on Earth are beginning to exceed the ability of plants to completely assimilate carbon dioxide during photosynthesis.

Most of the atmospheric carbon stores end up in the ocean, which contains 50 times more carbon dioxide than the atmosphere, or in plants and soil. The rate at which carbon stocks are built up in these terrestrial or oceanic reservoirs depends on many factors. The ocean and atmosphere form the global climate system, and changes in one of these blocks can affect the other. In order to be able to predict the direction of climate change, you need to thoroughly know the transformation processes various forms carbon in the ocean, the transfer of carbon into the deep layers of the water column and its accumulation in bottom sediments.

Most of the carbon in the ocean is stored for a long time in deep waters and in seafloor sediments. One of the possible ways for carbon to enter from the surface productive layers of the ocean into the depths of the ocean is through biological pump. This path begins with phytoplankton - single-celled organisms that create the basis of the ocean the food chain, absorbing carbon dioxide and nutrients and creating organic matter through the process of photosynthesis. Phytoplankton and the zooplankton that feed on them produce particles of organic matter in the form of dead organisms and waste products.

In the process of respiration of aquatic organisms, part of the carbon bound in organic matter is oxidized to mineral forms (carbon dioxide) in the upper layers of the ocean, which in turn can evaporate into the atmosphere. Fixed organic carbon in the form of organic particles (the bodies of aquatic organisms, the products of their excretions in the form of sticky lumps) under the influence of gravity settles into the depths of the ocean, where it either oxidizes or becomes part of sedimentary organic material. How quickly and in what volume carbon dioxide from the atmosphere enters the depths of the ocean, where it lingers for a long time and where it is switched off from the biogeochemical carbon cycle, depends on the intensity of the functioning of marine ecosystems. The transition of carbon from inorganic form (carbon dioxide) to organic form (biomass and detritus), transformation and transfer of carbon into the depths is called a “biological pump”, i.e. a process as a result of which carbon is pumped out of the atmosphere and accumulates in the ocean (in water and bottom sediments).

Studies have shown that over the past 100 years, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased by 25%, and methane by 100%. The rapid growth of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere was accompanied by a global increase in temperature. Thus, in the 1980s, the average air temperature in the Northern Hemisphere increased compared to late XIX V. by 0.5...0.6°C (Fig. 16.3). According to available forecasts, the average temperature on Earth by 2020-2050. may increase by 1.2...2.5°C compared to the pre-industrial era. Warming can lead to intensive melting of glaciers and an increase in the level of the World Ocean by 0.5... 1.5 m over the specified period. As a result, many densely populated coastal areas will be flooded. However, with a general increase in precipitation in the central regions of the continents, the climate may become drier. For example, in the 80-90s of the XX century. in Africa and North America Catastrophic droughts, which are associated with global warming, have become more frequent.

In recent decades, climate warming and increased precipitation in Russia have had a significant impact on the hydrological characteristics of water resources. Thus, in the basins of the Volga, Don and Dnieper rivers there was an increase in flows by 20...40%. The increase in Volga flow was the main factor in the increase in 1978-1995. level of the Caspian Sea by almost 2.5 m. In the Caspian regions, more than 320 thousand hectares of land were flooded and taken out of land use.

With climate warming, the risk of dangerous floods is expected to increase in many regions of Russia, where river flows are predicted to increase. Projected changes in water levels will lead to changes in erosion processes in watersheds and river beds, increased turbidity and deterioration in water quality.

The climate on Earth has always changed, and there have not been any long periods during which it remained stable. But never before has the climate changed at such a rate as it is now.

In addition to the content of greenhouse gases, there are also such important parameters that actively influence the Earth’s climate, such as the content of water vapor in the atmosphere and moisture circulation over land. As a result of an increase in the average surface air temperature, the content of water vapor in the Earth's atmosphere increases, which leads to an increase in the greenhouse effect. The moisture cycle over land, which is 99% determined by vegetation, is being disrupted due to the accelerating loss of forests on the planet.

At the same time, global warming can also lead to the opposite trend - to regional cooling as a result of changes in the directions of sea currents. Already in the first decades of the 21st century. warm waters The Gulf Stream may cease to be a barrier to cold currents coming from the Arctic Ocean (from the Labrador Peninsula). Thus, against the background of general planetary warming, local cooling in northern Europe is very likely. The effect of the disappearance of ocean heating can manifest itself very quickly, and, most importantly, it will be sudden and sharp. The consequences of a possible local cooling against the background of general warming may affect Iceland, Ireland, Great Britain, the Scandinavian countries, the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions, the Republics of Karelia and Komi, and other adjacent regions of Russia.

Results of human influence on the biosphere. IN modern era Human activities have a huge impact on the natural conditions of the entire planet. The flora and fauna of land have been especially changed. Many species of animals and plants have been completely destroyed by humans, and even more species are under threat of extinction. It is estimated that over 120 species and subspecies of mammals and about 150 species of birds have recently disappeared.

Enormous changes have occurred in the vegetation cover of most of the surface of the continents. Over vast areas, wild vegetation has been destroyed and replaced by agricultural fields. The forests that have survived to this day are largely secondary, i.e., highly modified as a result of human impact in comparison with the natural vegetation cover. Big changes also occurred in the vegetation cover of many areas of steppes and savannas due to intensive grazing by livestock.

Human impact on natural vegetation has had a noticeable impact on the process of soil formation in the relevant areas and has led to changes in the physical and chemical properties of soils. The soils in agricultural fields have changed even more due to the systematic use of artificial chemical fertilizers and the removal of a significant part of the biomass of growing plants. In many areas, environmentally unsound soil cultivation has led to increased erosion, as a result of which the soil cover has been destroyed over large areas.

The influence of human activities on the hydrological regime of land is rapidly increasing. The stock of not only small, but also many large rivers has changed significantly as a result of the creation hydraulic structures, withdrawal of water to meet the needs of industry and the urban population, irrigation of agricultural fields. The creation of large reservoirs, the area of ​​which in many cases is comparable to the area of ​​large natural lakes, has dramatically changed the regime of evaporation and runoff over vast areas.

The period in the history of the relationship between man and nature from the beginning of the 20th century. and to this day is characterized by the expansion of its expansion: the settlement of all territories accessible for habitation, the intensive development of industrial and agricultural production, the discovery and start of exploitation of new methods of releasing and converting energy (including the energy of the atomic nucleus), the beginning of the development of near-Earth outer space and the Solar System as a whole, as well as unprecedented population growth.

The history of human influence on the biosphere shows that technological progress is constantly increasing the possibilities of impact on the environment, creating the preconditions for the emergence of major environmental crises. On the other hand, the same technological progress expands the possibilities of eliminating man-made deterioration of the natural environment. These two opposing trends manifested themselves most clearly in the second half of the 20th century. and are currently ongoing.

Control questions and tasks

1. Describe the main directions of human influence on the biosphere.

2. What is the essence of the modern environmental crisis?

3. List the most important environmental problems of our time.

4. What factors influence global climate change?

Topic 11.Global environmental problems of our time

11.1. Global environmental problems, causes and consequences.

11.2. Preservation of natural ecosystems and biodiversity.

11.1. Global environmental problems, causes and consequences.

The global environmental problem consists of the difficulties of overcoming the environmental crisis that has arisen on our planet due to the destructive impact of people on nature. The main manifestations of the environmental crisis are the following:

1. Pollution of the Earth’s air and water basins, the formation of the greenhouse effect, “ozone holes”, “acid rain”, poisoned rivers and lakes, entire zones of environmental disaster with human diseases, etc.

2. Global climate changes that threaten a climate catastrophe in the future (general warming, weather instability, droughts, melting of polar ice caps, rising sea levels, flooding of vast territories, fertile lands, etc.).

3. Reduction of arable land and deterioration of soil fertility due to overexploitation, erosion, poisoning, salinization, waterlogging, desertification, absorption by cities and industry, etc.

4. Destruction and extinction of forests, impoverishment of flora and fauna, huge amounts of waste, etc.

Man is a part of nature, and the most dangerous disasters and environmental pollution for our planet are associated with him. The scientific and technological revolution, the enormous growth of industry and increased human productive activity are changing the face of our planet. There has now come a period in the history of mankind when society is forced to clearly balance its activity with the capabilities of nature. “Previously, nature frightened man, but now man frightens nature,” according to the French researcher Jacques Yves Cousteau. Having entered an era of rapid scientific and technological progress, most people do not think about the possible consequences of the unlimited exploitation of natural resources, do not care about the fate of the biosphere, which experiences all the consequences of human economic activity.

The Earth is a unique celestial body in the solar system and the only planet that has a biosphere, which arose under the influence of solar energy as a result of long-term biochemical processes.

Man, as an element of the biosphere, appeared relatively recently, about 3.2 million years ago, and until the beginning of the 20th century, his activity was local. It was man who became a huge ecological and geochemical force that greatly influenced the change environmental situation over the past 50 years. Now human activity already covers the entire biosphere and is global. Humanity has entered the industrial age of intense pressure on the environment in all spheres: ground, air, underground.

Let's look at some of the environmental consequences of global air pollution:

Possible climate warming (“greenhouse effect”);

Destruction of the ozone layer;

Acid rain.

"Greenhouse effect"

Currently, the observed climate change, which is expressed in a gradual increase in average annual temperature, is associated by most scientists with the accumulation in the atmosphere of so-called “greenhouse gases” - carbon dioxide (CO 2), methane (CH 4), chlorofluorocarbons (freons), ozone ( O 3), nitrogen oxides, etc.

Greenhouse gases, primarily CO 2 , prevent long-wave thermal radiation from the Earth's surface. According to G. Hoefling, an atmosphere saturated with greenhouse gases acts like the roof of a greenhouse. On the one hand, it lets you in most solar radiation, and on the other hand, it almost does not let out the heat re-emitted by the Earth.

Due to the burning of more and more fossil fuels by humans: oil, gas, coal, the concentration of CO 2 in the atmosphere is constantly increasing.

The report, prepared under the auspices of the UN by an international group on climate change, states that by 2100 the temperature on Earth will increase by 2-4 degrees. The scale of warming over this relatively short period of time will be comparable to the warming that occurred on Earth after the Ice Age, which means the environmental consequences could be catastrophic. This is primarily due to the expected increase in the level of the World Ocean due to the melting of polar ice and a reduction in the areas of mountain glaciation. By modeling the environmental consequences of a sea level rise of just 0.5-2.0 m by the end of the 21st century, scientists have found that this will inevitably lead to disruption of climate equilibrium, flooding of coastal plains in more than 30 countries, degradation of permafrost, and swamping of vast areas and other adverse consequences.

Acid rain.

The term "acid rain" refers to all types of meteorological precipitation - rain, snow, hail, fog, sleet - whose pH is less than the average pH of rainwater (the average pH for rainwater is 5.6). Sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) released during human activity are transformed into acid-forming particles in the earth's atmosphere. These particles react with atmospheric water, turning it into acid solutions, which lower the pH of rainwater. The term “acid rain” was first introduced in 1872 by the English researcher A. Smith. The Victorian smog in Manchester caught his attention. And although scientists of that time rejected the theory of the existence of acid rain, today no one doubts that acid rain is one of the causes of the death of life in water bodies, forests, crops, and vegetation. In addition, acid rain destroys buildings and cultural monuments, pipelines, renders cars unusable, reduces soil fertility and can lead to toxic metals seeping into aquifers.

The consequences of acid rain are observed in the USA, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Australia, the republics of the former Yugoslavia and many other countries around the globe.

Acid rain has a negative impact on bodies of water - lakes, rivers, bays, ponds - increasing their acidity to such a level that flora and fauna die in them. Acid rain harms more than just aquatic life. It also destroys vegetation on land. Scientists believe that although today The mechanism is not yet fully understood; a complex mixture of pollutants, including acid precipitation, ozone, and heavy metals, collectively lead to forest degradation.

Ozone layer.

Depletion of the Earth's ozone layer is a potential threat to human health, animals, vegetation and microorganisms. Observations since 1973 show that the thickness of the ozone layer over Kazakhstan has decreased by 5-7%. Measures to regulate the use of substances that deplete the ozone layer, adopted in accordance with the Montreal Protocol, contributed to its reduction in the world by 10 times compared to 1986 levels. Currently, work is being carried out in Kazakhstan to reduce the use of ozone-depleting substances and remove them from circulation, and to introduce new technologies using substances that do not destroy the ozone layer.

The main identified substances that destroy the ozone layer are:

Chlorofluorocarbons (HFO or CFC);

Partially halogenated chlorofluorocarbons (HHFO or HCFC);

Partially halogenated bromofluorocarbons (HBFO);

1,1,1 – trichloroethane (methyl chloroform);

Bromochloromethane (BHM);

Methyl bromide (MB);

Carbon tetrachloride;

The main purposes of using substances that destroy the ozone layer:

cooling units;

air conditioning devices;

warm air supply devices;


fire protection systems and portable fire extinguishers;

insulation boards.

“Ozone hole” - caused by the destruction of the ozone layer, especially low concentrations of ozone at the South Pole during the Arctic winter and spring. Area of ​​the "ozone hole" in last years was approximately 24,000,000 km 2, and in satellite photographs it looks like big hole. The thickness of the ozone layer in the ozone hole region is 100-150 DU (the normal thickness of the ozone layer is 300 DU).

Consequences of destruction

As a result of the destruction of the ozone layer, an increased amount of UV-B solar radiation reaches the Earth, which has a negative effect on both living beings (people, animals, vegetation) and objects.

Consequences of an ozone layer that is too thin:

the endurance of various materials (for example, rubber) decreases and, at the same time, the duration of use of these materials;

aquatic organisms (benthos) living in the upper layers of water die;

agricultural yields and fish catches are decreasing;

the population's immunity against various diseases decreases;

the possibility of developing skin cancer and eye cataracts (both in humans and animals), and diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract increases.

Ways to solve environmental problems:

1. Development and implementation of a coordinated international environmental protection program, including such activities as:

a) creation of an international environmental fund for organizing and implementing environmental measures of global importance (to stop the deforestation of tropical forests, improve the quality of drinking water, etc.);

b) establishment of international environmental standards and control over the state of the natural environment (with the right to inspect any country);

c) introduction of international quotas (standards) for harmful emissions into the atmosphere;

d) declaring the natural environment the property of all humanity and introducing the “polluter pays” principle into international practice (for example, the introduction of an international “green tax” on harmful emissions).

2. Constant, complete and truthful informing of people about the state of their environment and the formation of an ecological worldview in society.

3. Creation of well-founded environmental legislation, which should provide for high liability for its violation and effective incentives to encourage environmental protection (for example, the introduction of special “environmental taxes” on the use of the dirtiest technologies and, conversely, tax benefits for environmentally friendly production).

4. Transition to a new, environmentally friendly technological culture (rational approaches to the use of natural resources, the use of the cleanest and least rare of them, concern for the reproduction of renewable resources, the introduction of waste-free (or low-waste), resource- and nature-saving technologies, environmental protection systems and etc.).

11.2. Preservation of natural ecosystems and biodiversity.

The ecosystems of Kazakhstan are distinguished by the uniqueness of biological diversity in Central Asia and on the continent as a whole. The disappearance of plant and animal species leads to a loss of diversity at the genetic level and corresponding changes in ecosystems. The main reason for the actual loss of biodiversity is the destruction and degradation of habitats, mainly the destruction of forests, soil erosion, and pollution of water bodies. More recently, the introduction of alien plant and animal species has also been recognized as a significant cause of biodiversity loss.

To preserve the biodiversity of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Convention on Biodiversity was ratified in 1994, and a national strategy and action plan for the conservation and balanced use of biological diversity were developed.

The most effective measure for preserving biodiversity is the creation of specially protected natural areas. The area of ​​specially protected natural areas of the Republic of Kazakhstan is 13.5 million hectares or 4.9% of the entire territory, which is not enough to maintain the ecological balance of biological diversity and is below world standards, which amount to 10%. According to the Concept for the development and placement of specially protected natural areas of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030, it is planned to increase their area to 17.5 million hectares, which will account for 6.4% of the territory of the republic.

Recently, a real external threat to Kazakhstan has been posed by the import of genetically modified organisms and products that are widespread throughout the world. Given the danger of widespread dissemination of genetically modified organisms and products throughout the world, the Convention on Biodiversity was opened for signing the Catagen Protocol on Biosafety. The implementation of these provisions of this Concept will ensure the protection of environmental objects, maintaining it at a certain level of sustainability, the ability to self-regulate and preserving the diversity of forms of living and inanimate nature, including the gene pool of living organisms that are on the verge of extinction.

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