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Interesting facts about windows. Interesting facts and useful tips. IRS

Without ears, animals would not be able to hunt or find each other. Sometimes the ears are extremely small, but there are also very big sizes. Some dog breeds stand out among their own kind by having the longest ears.

Animals with unusual ears

Animal ears are very different, because animal world very diverse. Some people have ears so small that they are practically invisible, while others have them simply huge.

Long-eared jerboa

Among the representatives of the animal world, the ears of the long-eared jerboa are the longest relative to the length of its body. Despite the fact that the body length is only nine centimeters, the length of the ears reaches five centimeters. Scientists have studied this species quite little. The long-eared jerboa is known to be on the verge of extinction. The threat to his life is human activity.


The owner of unusual ears is the crocodile. He does not have an auricle as such. Its ears are a slit that is closed by a membrane when the crocodile dives into water. The auditory openings are protected from the outside by a bony protrusion.

Crocodiles hear well. There is an assumption that their ears pick up sounds under water.


A well-known cat has unusual ears. She has them arranged in a special way, thanks to which the auricle is tuned to the sound source reflexively.

A cat's ears have leathery folds that act as resonators. In the auditory organs of these animals there are twice as many nerve endings as in human ears.

"Leather Rabbit"

The American hare, whose second name is “leatherback rabbit,” is distinguished by the size of its ears. They are longer than the animal itself. The ears reach seventy centimeters, but there are also larger sizes. The American hare is usually gray or brown in color. In winter, after molting, it turns white. The eyelids and tips of the long hare's ears remain black.


An amazing animal - fennec. It belongs to the genus of foxes. Fennec size smaller than a cat. His distinctive feature– extremely long ears. Among predators, the fennec cat has the longest ears relative to the head. Their length is about fifteen centimeters. The animal itself reaches thirty to forty centimeters. Fenechs tolerate hot desert climates more easily thanks to their ears, which are an excellent source of thermoregulation.

Dogs with long ears

Long ears They always attract the dog's attention - they can be long, hanging or standing. There are many breeds of dogs with impressively sized ears: Afghan hound, dachshund, setter, basset hound, English cocker spaniel, etc. Let's look at some of them.

The Basset Hound is a breed loved by many. The ears of this representative of the breed are so long that they drag along the ground during a walk and end up in a bowl of food. The dog that holds the record for ear length is a representative of this particular breed. We're talking about a basset hound named Jack. The length of his ears is thirty-two centimeters and six millimeters. The dog lives in Germany. His owners insured the pet's ears for fifty-five thousand dollars.

The English Cocker Spaniel is one of the most... prominent representatives dogs with long ears. The Cocker Spaniel's long ears are covered with smooth, slightly wavy hair.

The dachshund is a long, burrowing dog with fairly long, floppy ears. Dogs of this breed can often be seen not as hunting dogs, but as pets. Her ears are set high, rounded at the ends and very mobile. They practically reach your nose.

The animal with the biggest ears

If we talk not about the relative, but about the absolute length of the ears, then the animal with the largest ears is the African savannah elephant. Elephants' ears reach a length of one and a half meters from top to base. For comparison, the length of this largest land mammal is from six to seven and a half meters and weighs from three to five tons.

Such outstanding protruding ears are due to the habitat of these animals - they use their ears as fans, fanning themselves to escape the heat. Elephants' ears have a completely unique network of veins, similar to human fingerprints. Developed blood supply to the ears helps animals survive the exhausting heat more easily.

Not only animals, but also people and even entire nations are eared. .
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It would seem that the formulation of the question is completely banal and simple - of course it is necessary! Almost everyone always does this all their lives. This is considered generally accepted hygiene rules. However, in fact, nature cannot invent a mechanism for the occurrence of earwax, and it has a useful practical meaning.

Earwax is a naturally occurring substance produced in the ears of many mammals, including humans. There is an opinion that sulfur is a sign of uncleanliness, but in fact it helps keep the ears clean, filters dust, debris and other substances such as shampoo. Thus, sulfur protects the ear canal from infection.
The ear canal in our body is essentially a “dead end”. Dead skin cells cannot be removed from it through physical erosion the way they can be removed from other areas of the body. Sulfur - creative solution this problem.

Scientists say earwax carries important information about human health and nature. It traps dust, bacteria and small objects, preventing them from entering the ear. Sulfur also perfectly protects against water entering the ear canal.
Many doctors do not recommend removing earwax. Earwax plays important role in the functioning of the ears and, in most cases, there is no need to get rid of it. Our ears are self-cleaning, and if they are functioning properly, no intervention is required to keep them clean. In some people, the self-cleaning mechanism of the ears is disrupted, and wax becomes “trapped” in some part of the ear canal. This can happen for a number of reasons, including the anatomy of the ear (some people have very sharp curves in their ear canal). Or it may be due to insertion into the ear canal foreign bodies, such as cotton swabs, which can cause wax to actually be pushed further into the ear canal.

Since the ear produces wax all the time, where the wax particles are pushed with a stick, over time a wax plug appears, which can remain in the ear for decades. Excess wax in the ear has a lot of side effects, including pain, general irritation and sometimes infection of the ear canal.
In some cases, ringing in the ears, buzzing, or other extraneous sounds occurs. The wax plug can touch the eardrum, or completely block the external auditory canal, which will impede the passage of sound. It occurs in 35% of people over age 65 and can cause mild hearing loss that resolves once the wax is removed. That is, our efforts to cleanse our ears actually disrupt their self-cleaning cycle. A few drops of water or natural oil(for example, olive or almond) can be very effective in softening the wax plug in the ear and facilitating its “migration” from the ear. If there is no improvement, then you should consult a doctor who may prescribe douching with water. The main thing you should never do is push anything into your ears in order to clean them.

Behind last years Microsoft company constantly tried to please its users with new versions of the most popular operating system. Users really liked 7th Windows version, but very soon the 8th appeared, then 8.1, and just recently Windows 10 was released.

According to the developers, this will be the latest version of the well-known operating system, after which there will only be updates to some programs. But perhaps we should not rush into such statements, because nothing is perfect, and this version may also need further updates. We will try to figure this out now.

Pros of Windows 10

Above this operating system The developers have tried their best, so you need to start with its advantages.

So, what will Windows 10 bring you?

  1. Free and discreet update. After Microsoft realized that it was useless to fight piracy, they decided to make their latest product completely free, if, of course, earlier versions were already available.
  2. Significant increase in performance. Many users note the fact that after switching to Windows 10 from such controversial versions as 8 and 8.1, their software started working significantly faster. This is especially noticeable in modern games, which consume a lot of resources.
  3. Enhanced protection. Almost all Windows operating systems have problems with viruses, but in latest version security has been significantly improved. Moreover, the system receives information about new malicious agents through the cloud and thus constantly updates its level of protection.
  4. Saving settings to different devices. Since I remembered the increasingly popular cloud, then with its help a new version is capable of remembering user settings on one device, and then resuming them on another. Therefore, when moving from office computer Any work can be comfortably continued on your home PC.

Under the control of the system

Despite the fact that there are many advantages, there will always be some shortcomings that will not allow you to safely use the system.

Windows 10 collects almost all information about the user and sends it to its database. Thus, the following become known:

In fact, one system accumulates almost all the information about a person that can be collected. The legislation of many countries provides for the possibility of using this information, if necessary, and the user becomes quite vulnerable.

There is also a possibility that attackers could break your Microsoft account password and gain access to everything at the same time.

If you want to know more facts about Windows 10, we advise you to watch the following video:

There are many more interesting details that cannot be ignored next update famous operating system. You may like some things, but on the contrary, upset others:

  • the return of the good old Start button;
  • DirectX 12, which can use all cores in the processor simultaneously, as well as a video card with motherboard together with the main one, but does not always work with all games;
  • instead of the old one Internet Explorer new browser Edge;
  • some programs from Windows package 10 became paid, the trend may not please everyone;
  • removing ads is no longer so easy.

Therefore, every user still needs to think carefully about whether it is worth updating to this version. If you do not foresee any problems with the use of personal data, then update without hesitation.

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