Home Perennial flowers Linux for home use. Comfortable Linux computer. Best Server Distribution: Ubuntu Server

Linux for home use. Comfortable Linux computer. Best Server Distribution: Ubuntu Server

The beginning of the development of general theoretical problems of translation was laid by books on the theory of translation of fiction, the most "ancient" of the theory of translation. The diversity of the translation process gives rise not only to various translation theories, but also types of translation that do not coincide in their characteristics, the selection of which must be scientifically substantiated. Any scientific classification has its own basis for division.

For a long time, the axiom that interlanguage transformations are carried out by a person, which was not in doubt, received a significant clarification in the 20th century: interlanguage transformations can be carried out by a person or a machine. The first basis for the classification of translation appeared - the mechanisms of interlanguage transformations. This foundation laid the foundation for the theory of machine translation. Over the short century of its existence, it has made no less contribution to the general theory of translation than the existing theories of human translation, although it should not be forgotten that machine translation has incorporated all the achievements in the translation theory of the "home" period. The theory of machine translation still exists as a single whole, which is associated with the stability of the conditions of the machine translation process and the low competence of the machine (it is useless to let it translate fiction).

Thus, one of the foundations of the division is the category of the agent in translation, which makes it possible to distinguish between machine translation and human translation. A person has to work in different conditions and, depending on the situation, translate in writing or orally, perceive the original visually or by ear. There is a significant difference between written translation, not limited in time, which allows resorting to the help of dictionaries and various reference books, and interpretation, which is carried out in extreme conditions of the functioning of the translator's mental mechanisms. This difference arises from the conditions of the functioning of mental mechanisms, which constitute the basis for the classification of the translation carried out by a person.

Therefore, to classify a translation carried out by a person, various division bases are used (classification by type):

  • 1. taking into account the correlation in time of the two main translation operations: the perception of the source text and the design of the translation. On this basis, J. Herbert proposed his classification in 1952, distinguishing two types of interpretation: simultaneous and sequential. Moreover, he also referred to simultaneous translation as visual-oral translation from sight, and subdivided consecutive translation into consecutive translation with and without the use of technical means.
  • 2. taking into account the conditions for the perception of the message and the design of the translation. The message can be perceived either visually or by ear, which already makes it possible to distinguish between visual translation and translation by ear. The translation can be made in writing or orally, providing for written and oral translations. But since each translation process includes both the perception of the message and the design of the translation, it becomes possible to talk about four types of translation: visual-written translation, visual-oral translation, translation by ear and oral translation by ear. The same classification was later proposed by L. S. Barkhudarov, but on a linguistic basis. He proposes to distinguish four main types of translation, depending on the form of speech in which the source and translated languages ​​are used, naming them respectively written-written, oral-oral, written-oral and oral-written translation.

The types of interpretation are:

  • 1. Consecutive unilateral translation by ear.
  • 2. Consecutive unilateral sheet translation.
  • 3. Two-way translation of the conversation.
  • 4. Simultaneous translation.
  • 5. Selective advisory translation.

The types of written translation are:

  • 1. Full written translation.
  • 2. Abstract translation.
  • 3. Translation of the "express information" type.
  • 4. Annotation translation.

However, this classification could not satisfy the majority of researchers. Indeed, visual translation, for example, cannot be put on a par with written translation by ear. Visual translation covers a huge area of ​​practical work with fiction, scientific and technical literature, as well as with information and propaganda texts, while translation by ear is reduced to one or several types of educational work (translation-dictation, translation of phono recordings) ...

Oral interpretation, in turn, includes two well-known independent types of translation: consecutive and simultaneous. In practice, visual-oral translation is found in practice rather as an auxiliary type of translation, when sheet translation precedes visual-written translation of the same text or is used for dictation into a typewriter with subsequent editing.

It is insufficient to single out only the conditions for the perception of the text and the design of the translation as the basis for the classification of the translation. In the process of translation, a much larger number of mental mechanisms function, and the conditions of their work in different types of translation are by no means identical.

That is why it is necessary to single out the mental mechanisms functioning in translation, and to accept the conditions of their work as the basis for the classification. At the same time, it is necessary to study the peculiarities of the work of mental mechanisms in each of the types of translation tested in practice. If two or three types of translation are characterized by the same features of the functioning of mental mechanisms, then this means that we are talking about one type of translation. Otherwise, we are dealing with different types of translation, since each independent type of translation activity is characterized only by its inherent set of conditions for the functioning of the translator's mental mechanisms.

The most important mental mechanisms that carry out translation activities are:

  • - mechanisms of perception of the source text;
  • - memorization mechanisms;
  • - mechanisms of transition from one language to another;
  • - translation processing mechanisms;
  • - mechanisms for synchronizing translation operations.

These mechanisms can work in a variety of conditions. In general, the complex of these conditions can be represented as follows:

  • 1. Conditions for the perception of the text of the message both from the point of view of the leading analyzers (auditory or visual perception), and from the point of view of its repetition (single or multiple).
  • 2. Conditions of memorization in connection with the size of the perceived segments of speech (significant or insignificant load on memory).
  • 3. Conditions for switching from one language to another in time (limited or unlimited).
  • 4. Terms of translation, both from the point of view of the form of speech (oral or written), and from the point of view of the possibilities of speech correction (single or multiple).
  • 5. Terms of time distribution of the main operations in the translation process (synchronism or sequence of operations).

A comparative analysis of various types of translation activity in terms of the oppositions just listed (auditory - visual perception, significant - insignificant load on memory, etc.) should show the legitimacy of their selection in cases where they have their own combination of features.

The types of translation that have found wide ethical application were selected for the analysis:

  • - written translation;
  • - Simultaneous translation;
  • - sheet translation;
  • - consecutive translation;
  • - paragraph-phrase translation;
  • - two-way translation;

From the point of view of the functioning of the mental mechanisms of the translator, one should distinguish between translation, simultaneous translation, sight translation and consecutive translation. The complexity of a particular type of translation activity is determined not only by the conditions of the functioning of the translator's mental mechanisms, but also by the nature of the source texts typical for this type of translation and the requirements for translated texts, i.e. to the result of the translator's work.

The conditions for the functioning of the translator's mental mechanisms are not the only basis for the classification of translation. The work of a translator also depends on the characteristics of the material with which he has to deal. Thus, according to this principle, two main types of translation are distinguished: literary and informative.

In literary translation, it is important not only to convey the content, but also to express this content with artistic means equivalent to the original, so that the translation has the same charge of emotional and aesthetic impact on the reader as the original. In literary translation, one can single out the translation of prose, poetry and dramatic works, tk. each of these genres differs significantly from the others.

In an informative translation, the main thing is to convey in another language all the completeness of information without any distortion. In this type of translation, the translation of newspaper publications, scientific articles, technical descriptions, patent literature, materials on economics and commercial activities, as well as the translation of branded materials are distinguished.

The work of a translator also depends on the linguistic means that make up the material being translated.

We have already talked about units of speech that require a separate solution for translation. In all cases, such a decision was determined by the specifics of the semasiological connections of these speech units. Moreover, the specificity of semasiological connections is not only a feature of one or another unit of the text that has to be taken into account, but it also presupposes a professional orientation, special training of a translator who is going to carry out translation operations with these units of speech. In order to translate units of speech with erased semasiological connections, you need to know foreign language equivalents; with fixed semasiological connections - to study terminology from a particular branch of science; in order to translate units of speech with temporary semasiological connections, it is necessary to be able to recreate images in the translated text.

Of course, most of the materials a translator has to work with include units of speech with various semasiological connections. And, nevertheless, the genre nature of the materials depends precisely on their saturation with linguistic means with the corresponding semasiological connections. So, in the texts of fiction, linguistic means with temporary semasiological connections prevail, i.e. figurative expressions that are necessary to have an emotional impact on the reader. Figurative expressions, tropes are a form of artistic knowledge of reality. As a rule, they are conditional, individual and constitute the main feature of literary texts.

Forms of scientific knowledge of reality, i.e. scientific and technical descriptions require linguistic means with a fixed semasiological connection, which were created for this purpose in the form of terms. It is the terms that define the genre character of scientific and technical texts.

Finally, the language of the mass media, which is presented in advocacy materials, is saturated with easily accessible to the general reader or auditor, and therefore often repeated expressions. It is in these materials that linguistic means with an erased semasiological connection prevail.

The work of a translator with texts that differ in the nature of the linguistic means, mainly contained in them, also requires various professional knowledge and skills and even abilities. If such types of translation as written, simultaneous, consecutive, sight translation were distinguished depending on the working conditions of the translator, which form the basis of the classification, then it is possible to distinguish other types of translation, if the form of semasiological connections of linguistic means is taken as the basis for the classification, defining the nature of the source texts. In this case, the translation classification can be inserted as follows:

  • 1. Translation of texts saturated with figurative expressions, tropes (linguistic means with temporary semasiological connections) is called literary translation.
  • 2. Translation of texts rich in terminology (linguistic means with fixed semasiological connections) is a scientific and technical translation.
  • 3. Translation of texts saturated with clichés and cliches (linguistic means with erased semasiological connections), the number of which is especially large in newspaper materials, is a socio-political translation.

The specialization of translators in the field of literary, scientific and technical or socio-political translation is directly related to the specifics of the linguistic means that determine this type of translation. To work in the field of literary translation, a translator must have a literary talent, or at least develop the ability to clothe his written speech in a literary form corresponding to the style of a particular author. This is required by the temporary semasiological connections of the linguistic means with which he has to work. Temporary semasiological connections of linguistic means exclude oral types of translation, since temporary semasiological connections are created as a result of creativity, which is impossible under time constraints. That is why literary translation is always written translation.

To work in the field of scientific and technical translation, a translator needs special knowledge in the branch of science or technology from which the text is taken.

Since it is impossible to know all branches of science and technology, they usually specialize in some branch, which led to the division of scientific and technical translation into military translation, economic translation, medical translation, radio technical translation, etc. Special knowledge is needed not only in order to understand the source texts, but also in order to correctly use the terms in speech, i.e. linguistic means with a fixed semasiological connection.

The fixity of the semasiological connections allows establishing direct sign connections between the linguistic means of two languages ​​in translation, and hence the use of the sign method of translation - a necessary condition for oral types of translation.

A special place is occupied by socio-political translation, in which information and propaganda texts are interspersed with scientific ones, and therefore linguistic means with an erased semasiological connection are adjacent to linguistic means with a fixed semasiological connection. This means that working in the field of socio-political translation requires, firstly, relevant political knowledge, and secondly, the ability to quickly find interlanguage equivalents. A set of linguistic tools with erased and fixed semasiological connections makes it possible to carry out oral types of translation especially successfully, although it does not exclude the possibility of written translation.

As can be seen from the above, the types of translation received as an answer to the question "How to translate?" (on the basis of the classification - the working conditions of the translator) do not coincide with the types of translation of the classification, which is based on the genre nature of the texts, i.e. answering the question "What to translate?"

In addition, there is a classification of the translation by quality (the degree of adequacy to the original is taken into account):

  • 1. Literal translation (possible only if the expressive means of the two languages ​​coincide, that is, the scope of the concept and grammatical categories (meanings of words and grammatical structures) coincide.
  • 2. Literal translation (the expressive means of the two languages ​​do not coincide, but the translator does not know this: "to be born with a silver spoon in one" s mouth "-" to be born in a shirt "- literally translated" to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth ". Literalism very often does not allow us to understand the true meaning of the statement).
  • 3. Free or authorized translation - approximately correct translation, since the translator allows himself to express a little more or a little less than what the author expressed, and sometimes allows significant deviations from the content of the original. I don "t know what is in store for me. Yet I do know I" ll do it when two Sundays come together, "when two Sundays come together" is translated "I will never do this", conveying only the meaning, adequate the expression "when the cancer hangs down"
  • 4. Adequate (equivalent) translation - expresses everything that the original does and produces the same emotional impact.

In translation, as in any activity, the translator has to adapt to the working conditions. Adaptation to working conditions practically translates into the following types of translation:

written, simultaneous, consecutive translation and sheet translation.

Modifications of consecutive translation in the form of one-sided and two-sided translation, paragraph-phrase translation and translation with records are also possible.

Adaptation to the object of application of the translator's efforts or to what can be expressed by the formula "What to translate?" Gives rise to other types of translation: literary, socio-political and scientific and technical.

Although the conditions for the functioning of mental mechanisms ("How to translate?") And the semasiological connections of linguistic means ("What to translate?") Appear in any translation process independently of each other, nevertheless, their compatibility must be taken into account, otherwise the translator will not be able to fulfill his task, for example, a work of art cannot be translated simultaneously or from a sheet).

There are a huge number of Linux versions. In the last month alone, DistroWatch.com has featured more than 300 distributions, and in the entire history of Linux there were about 700. How to choose among this abundance?

There are two main criteria to watch out for:

  1. Distribution popularity... The more popular your distribution is, the easier it will be to find manuals on the web. A large community means that you can easily get help on the forums dedicated to the distribution if you have any difficulties getting it up and running. Finally, the more widespread the distribution, the more applications and packages are ported for it. It is better to choose popular solutions with a ready-made base of packages than to suffer with building from source in some exotic distribution.
  2. The development team that deals with it... Naturally, it's best to look at distributions supported by large companies like Canonical Ltd., Red Hat or SUSE, or distributions with large communities.

Please note that even the best distributions have analogues that are not much inferior to them. If you are not satisfied with the choice of Lifehacker, you can try alternatives.

For those who have never used Linux - Linux Mint

New users migrating from should definitely install Linux Mint. It is the most popular Linux distribution today. It is a very stable and easy-to-use system based on Ubuntu.

Linux Mint is equipped with an easy and intuitive interface (Cinnamon shell for modern computers and MATE for old machines) and a convenient application manager, so you won't have any problems finding and installing programs.

Pros: simplicity, care for ordinary users. You don't need any specific knowledge to install and use Mint.

Minuses: a large number of pre-installed software that may never come in handy.

For those who want the latest software - Manjaro

It is a popular Arch-based Linux distribution. Arch is an incredibly powerful and functional distro, but its KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) philosophy, as opposed to its name, makes it too difficult for beginners. Arch is installed via the command line only.

Manjaro, unlike Arch, has a simple graphical installer while still combining powerful Arch features such as the AUR (Arch User Repository) and rolling release. The AUR is the richest source for Linux packages. If an application is on Linux, it is probably already on the AUR. So in Manjaro you will always have the freshest packages.

Manjaro comes with a variety of desktop skins to choose from: functional KDE, GNOME for tablet screens, Xfce, LXDE, and more. Manjaro, you can be sure to get the latest updates first.

Pros: AUR, thanks to which you can install any application without unnecessary movements. Always fresh software.

Minuses: a peculiar design of the desktop shells. However, nothing prevents you from replacing it.

For home server - Debian

A home server can come in handy for many purposes. For example, to store data and backups, download torrents or arrange your own dimensionless.

Debian will live well on your home server. It is a stable and conservative distribution that has become the basis for Ubuntu and many other Linux systems. Debian only uses the most trusted packages, making it a good choice for a server.

Pros: stability and a wide range of applications.

Minuses: the need to manually configure the distribution after installation.

For media center - Kodi

If you want to host your media server, go for Kodi. Strictly speaking, Kodi is not a distribution, but a full-featured media center player. You can install it on any Linux, but the best choice is Ubuntu + Kodi.

Kodi supports all types of video and audio files. He knows how to play movies, music, organize your photos. Kodi turns anyone into a one-stop entertainment device.

Thanks to extensions, Kodi can download media files via torrents, track the new seasons of your favorite TV series, show videos from YouTube and other streaming services. In short, Kodi does it all.

In addition, Kodi is very beautiful and optimized for remote control or Android devices. You can easily customize the Kodi interface with a variety of visual skins.

Pros: a huge number of functions and convenient control.

Minuses: The standard interface may not be to everyone's liking, but it is easy to replace.

Desktop - Kubuntu

The KDE graphical environment is ideal for use on the desktop, and Kubuntu is the most popular distribution with KDE. Like many other distributions, it is based on Ubuntu, which means you won't have any application compatibility issues.

Kubuntu is beautiful, functional, and highly customizable. Even novice users can easily cope with it. It is a stable and polished system that provides all the functionality you need for your home desktop PC.

Pros: a large selection of packages, a wonderful set of KDE applications and a huge amount of interface customization.

Minuses: Kubuntu uses the stable version of KDE, which means that the latest features of this shell are coming here with a delay. If you want to try out the freshest KDE, KDE Neon is at your service.

For an old computer or netbook - Lubuntu

This version of Ubuntu is based on the LXDE shell, which is lightweight and resource-efficient. It is geared towards older or smaller machines. If you have a not-so-new computer or a netbook that can't handle Windows, you can install Lubuntu.

This Linux distribution consumes few system resources and is able to run on almost any configuration.

Pros: very fast and lightweight system. However, it supports the same packages and applications as its older sister Ubuntu.

Minuses: LXDE's look and feel may not be to everyone's taste, but it's a small price to pay for performance.

Alternative: .

For tablet or transformer - Ubuntu

Ubuntu is one of the most popular Linux distributions on the desktop. With version 17.10 Ubuntu will end support for the Unity shell and will migrate to GNOME. And GNOME looks pretty good on touchscreen devices. If you have a tablet and want to try Linux on it, try Ubuntu with GNOME.

The large GNOME UI elements, customizable gestures and extensions make Ubuntu a great touchscreen system.

Pros: Ubuntu is a widespread distribution, which means you can easily find all the software you need. In addition, most Linux sites are dedicated to Ubuntu.

Minuses: The GNOME shell is user-friendly, but at first it seems strange.

For laptop - elementary OS

As the name suggests, this version of Linux is very simple. You won't have any problems mastering it. It runs easily on laptops and is slow to drain.

The elementary OS interface resembles macOS, so it will be a pleasure for Mac fans to use. Animations, window decoration - everything here is so smooth and pretty that you can just admire the system. Nevertheless, behind the beautiful shell of elementary OS lies a full-fledged Linux, which supports all the applications necessary for the work.

Pros: beautiful interface, own indie application store.

Minuses: The Pantheon graphical shell, although it looks stylish, is not very functional.

Recently asked to see a computer at home.

The situation is standard, after launching a black screen. After examining the "patient", it became clear about the need to activate windows. But that's not all, by activating the license (real, not something like a loader ...) it turned out that the wizard had recently been called and he was treating the computer for viruses.

The situation is as follows: after launching everything works, but after a few minutes, about 2-3, after the download is complete, the most interesting begins.

Numerous programs imposed by the Internet, amigo browser, mail satellite, various automatic system updates are launched, which supposedly keep your programs up-to-date, and so on ...

As a result, the system is heavily loaded and freezes, in my case it hung tightly, nothing helped. Restoring the system and removing all these "programs" did not give a positive result. The system still hung and glitched.

The most correct option suggested itself - reinstallation, and all problems will be solved!

Most of the masters do this, and you will earn more money on the sale of licenses for the antivirus, office, operating system, plus drivers and so on, the amount is not frail. Now the maintenance of a computer on the windows operating system does not result in a frail amount, for a common user.

But now it's not about the moral side of this issue.

I spent a few minutes talking with the owners of this computer, or rather about an hour and a half. We just talked about viruses, what its tasks do on this computer and who uses it.

The conclusion after the conversation was as follows.

The computer is used to surf the Internet.

Watching videos, listening to music.

Download media content from the Internet.

For writing essays and stuff for study.

Games are almost unnecessary, they said that for the sake of stability of the computer and the absence of viruses, games can be abandoned.

He suggested switching to Linux.

Then the most interesting thing began, the child said that he could not live without google, another needs a Yandex browser and VK. A certain amount of time was spent on clarifying which is which.

As a result, I launched linux mint from a portable (my own, brought with me) hard disk. Gave it to use it, to do what they always do on their computer. Surfing the Internet, social networks, printing documents. Change the appearance of the desktop, change the wallpaper, color, and more.

I must say that almost without prompts, they got used to it pretty quickly, understanding where the programs are and how to run them.

I explained to them how to search for the programs they need in the program manager, telling them that this is a kind of Google play, like in android.

It got to the printer.

I thought there would be problems, and in vain I started it all. I started my printer at home for a long time, crawling and re-reading the entire Internet, I have a canon lbp 6000, I need dancing with ubnom.

But no, I just connected it to my computer and after a while it was installed. Not just installed, but prints, and correctly and without problems, the HP laserjet p1005 printer.

I was told that everything suits them and were glad that they could forget about viruses, they wanted to say goodbye to me, but having learned that all this works from a "flash drive" (portable hard drive) via usb, and after installation it will work much faster ...

Their joy knew no bounds.

Installation took very little time, more I saved user data.

What conclusion have I made for myself.

People have been ready for the transition to linux for a long time - there is no one who will explain everything to them at the initial stage and prompt.

There is no need to spend money on renewal and purchase of licenses for antiviruses anymore, and windows itself, well, and the office.

If you need a computer for study, surfing the Internet, viewing and listening to media content and do not use specific programs that have no analogues in linux.

Use linux, find a knowledgeable wizard who will explain everything to you in detail, at the initial stage, install and configure.

Spend your money not in vain, and not on programs for which you need to renew your license in a year, if viruses do not "eat" your computer before, but on training and usefully.

Pros of switching to Linux.

The advantages are obvious, the absence of viruses, accidentally installed programs, license renewal, everything works stably and without freezes. Drivers are installed once and out of the box, just plugged in the device, waited a little and everything works.

lInux consumes less resources, and it is not necessary to have a powerful computer that costs a lot of money, it works very quickly on an ordinary office computer.

The main condition for there to be a constant access to the Internet, in our time, is not a problem at all, for most users.

As for games, then everything is not so bad, if you wish, everything works in linux, even Steam already supports a decent number of games and works in Linux itself.

I don't remember whether or not I said above, I installed Linux mint 18.1. - the easiest Linux for novice users, it is similar in interface to windows. Everything works out of the box - installed and you can work.

If you have any questions please write I will try to answer.

Good luck to all!

10 comments on "" Linux - for home. ""

    Nice and helpful post.
    Such topics should be covered more and more widely. People are milked, humiliated, imposed ... because of their ignorance.

    Of course, the benefit is also not worth imposing, but it is necessary to cover it.

    Typical mantras of Linux users - which they repeat like our father - are free (freebie), no viruses and other nonsense. There are viruses, insert your USB flash drive into any computer with Windows and immediately make sure that you have them, yes, they are not active, but this does not mean that they are not present. The problem with Linux starts with the drivers, not all the details are written here, and not a word about pro-priority products.

  1. The main wasp you will have when you start working in your specialty and there are certain requirements for ...
    You shouldn't count other people's money - they want to pay, they don't want to - they don't pay (although they partially pay you for setting up all this stuff) ... Linux is cheaper ?! Why is this ?! How much do offices pay admins on Windows and Linux ?!

  2. So it will cost an ordinary user a pretty penny to constantly call the wizard to fix something. Cheapness of Linux only at first superficial glance ... What will the user do when one day he does not see the GUI at boot time because GRUB crashed?

  3. This does not happen, flies and often. Nobody experiments with anything. It's just that when you turn on the PC, there is always an internal alarm, either it starts or not. With Windows, it's a different matter, where the data storage location does not depend on the location of the Home folder (aka My Documents), therefore, the system can be easily rearranged without losing data

  4. For the third year in a row, Mint 18.1 has been spinning (if I'm not mistaken) in parallel with Windows 7 (which was installed only for the sake of games presented to the child on the DR). Nothing is buggy, does not hang, and in general everything suits everyone. At first, my wife fiddled with the unusual interface of the office, then got used to it. For a mode of use similar to the one described in the article, the lin is the very thing (and most importantly a freebie, at least for me, because I install it myself)

OS Linux has become the subject of all sorts of myths, the main one of which claims that it is completely unsuitable for the needs of ordinary users. Obviously, such tales are folded by people who are completely unfamiliar with it, otherwise they would have known that Linux is unpretentious, convenient, extremely easy to install and work with all applications. Everything will be described in order below.

A little about Linux

This is the collective name for UNIX-like OS, basis for which serves as the eponymous Linux kernel, which also unites libraries collected for it, system programs developed by the GNU project. The full name of the kernel that works like most others on PC-compatible systems such as Intel x86 and the like is GNU / Linux.

Linux is directly related to complementary applications, which make it a full-fledged and functional representative among operating systems, but unlike them, it is not a single package, but is represented by hundreds of distributions that combine GNU programs with the Linux kernel. Information about distributions is published by the DistroWatch website (https://distrowatch.com/?language=RU), leading the rating of their popularity, based on traffic data, providing a description of pages with diagrams. It is on it that you can get acquainted with everything related to Linux and its components.

What you should pay attention to

As we begin our review of the operating system, the first thing to note in it is the best alternative to moving from Windows, far superior to Microsoft's brainchild. For better understanding advantages of Linux it should be contrasted with the Windows OS, the most common of all. And that's why:

  1. Completely free, while Windows has a developed commercial basis, which is why the vast majority of users are forced to use an unstable pirated version. Installing Linux does not require any financial costs, as well as the thousands of applications available after switching to it.
  2. Another important positive feature of the Finnish OS is its exceptional reliability, not always inherent even in licensed Windows. With it, you do not have to constantly reboot a godlessly buggy, freezing computer, the correct operation of Linux after that will become a pleasant discovery.
  3. On Linux, unlike other systems no viruses, but what this is connected with is not known for certain, especially since there are no "personal" anti-virus programs on it. Even if the virus penetrates the PC, it does not spread to the saved folders, and therefore does not cause any damage to the computer system.
  4. Can't be ignored installation features programs, for which you do not need to search for them yourself, in most, on not credible sites teeming with viruses. On Linux, everything is much simpler and more convenient, thanks to a reliable repository and its manager, from where it is easy to install any program or application.
  5. In the kernel of the operating system all drivers are sewn necessary for the adequate operation of the network card, which is a big problem, for example, in Windows 7, which often does not recognize new devices connected to the PC. On Linux, everything is initialized, installed and starts working almost instantly after connecting.
  6. One of the main advantages is open source, in Windows, it closes immediately after writing the kernel, which makes it impossible to open it later. His opponent has no difficulties with this, even if it is necessary to make some changes to the OS.

Linux has a wider distribution area than all other operating systems combined. Works great on home and workgroup PCs, adapts well most processors, servers, robots, smartphones, portable devices, anything that supports programmable operations.

Overview of the most popular distributions

Thanks to the open source code of the Linux OS, you can be confused by having access to hundreds of different distributions, constantly updated with new ones. But in fact, such an abundance is the ability to choose a system, for the individual characteristics of any gadget. This is especially true for devices that do not differ in special power, which, after installing a suitable distribution kit, will acquire a full-fledged system, light and functional, containing the necessary software components. To install, you will need just download a suitable ISO image from the official site, write to a USB device and start the computer from it.

Linux Mint

In fact, this is a modernized, improved version of the most popular distribution kit among Ubuntu users, which is distinguished by its reliability and versatility. Has a wide range of software with elements of proprietary optimizers, open source. Linux Mint is the best option for those who are just begins to get acquainted with the new OS, due to the external similarity of the graphical interface with the one presented in Windows. But if you want, you can change it at your discretion even at the time of loading.


A simple and convenient distribution kit, both in installation and in use. Thanks to this, it comes into working condition immediately upon completion of the installation process with all the tools necessary to interact with multimedia content. Provides support 32 and 64-bit versions of the system and several kernels, including RC. Based on the earlier ArchLinux distribution, the Manjaro repositories automatically sync with it after installation. This provides access to the most current software updates.


The most versatile, the only one supporting mixed update system... This allows you to easily switch to other versions, and after installation, you can individually choose the software at your own discretion, from the many options offered. The Debian repositories contain more than 50,000 packages programs and utilities with 10 supported architectures, the ability to automatically install, uninstall. Thanks to its qualities, dozens of new distributions have been created on its basis.


Not the most versatile of the distributions, until version 14 was called HVMS. It has proven itself well as a cross-platform multimedia player that can turn a computer into a developed media center - this is it main advantage... Thanks to these features, Kodi has quick access to manage any kind of video and audio files, no matter where they are - on a PC or an optical disc. Has good open source software supporting OS from Linux and Windows to Android and iOS.


Although it is an independent product based on Ubuntu, it was and remains a part of a common project. He has a lot in common with his "big brother": the use of one framework, a common repository with packages of the same programs and utilities, a common operating system, which is simultaneously updated six months later. But there is in between some differences, Kubuntu uses KDE as a graphical environment, while Ubuntu uses the standard GNOME. And Kubuntu also supports 32 and 64-bit editions, while Ubuntu only supports 64-bit versions.


One of the most simple and convenient projects among all existing ones, not only included in the Ubuntu family. A distinctive feature of the OS is its extremely light weight, insignificant energy consumption, due to which it consumes very few resources. Installing it is relevant for netbooks and hopelessly outdated computers, or in the case of using USB modems with low speed Internet traffic. For such devices, Lubuntu is simply irreplaceable, but for more advanced ones, installing it does not make sense, since it does not differ in great functionality due to the economy mode.


Reflects upon most popular from distributions all over the world, and according to the DistroWatch rating, more than half of its users live in the CIS countries. Although it was created on the basis of Debian, outwardly they have nothing in common. Differs in simplicity during installation and use, with a clear interface, which will be especially useful for beginners. Ubuntu has many preinstalled programs, applications and utilities folders in the repositories.

Elementary OS

Like many other projects, it was created on the basis of the popular Ubuntu, but externally and functionally more similar to OS X... It is noteworthy that the bulk of his software was developed on an individual basis specifically for this project, which makes him so unlike the "head of a glorious family." For this reason far superior Ubuntu in terms of speed, stability and other criteria, all software components are perfectly combined with Elementary OS.


It is very popular among users, deserves only flattering reviews, but at the same time, multifunctional capabilities make it extremely difficult... The most powerful technology Portage presented in it is characterized by flexibility, wide configuration possibilities, wide variety of settings and automatic management of pre-installed software. The Gentoo repositories contain more than 10,000 folders with programs, it is possible to connect to third-party resources.

Arch Linux

Unlike any other Linux release, and in the absence of an official live CD, getting it up and running requires a terminal, not a website. What is unique about Arch Linux in many ways is that users individually "assemble" the system for yourself, as you like. In general, the operating system is quite complex, it is almost impossible for beginners to understand it. The standards are also too high, only 64-bit edition is supported.


Like Lubuntu, it is most suitable for use on outdated models of gadgets, low-power, using low traffic speeds. Otherwise, it is not very remarkable, and is not at all interesting to users with modern high-tech devices. Many call it antediluvian and primitive, such a characteristic is not too far from the truth, in OpenSuse even no function automatic software update. This has to be done manually, after a notification from the official website arrives in the mail!


An ultra-modern multifunctional project with a large set of tools and wide possibilities. Such seemingly wonderful qualities actually only complicate the work with him. The concept of an independent project is to build a full-fledged operating system based on free, disparate software elements by the principle of a puzzle... Some people like this, but for people who are not prone to constant drastic changes, this is terribly inconvenient, and Fedora will be the most inappropriate option.

ALT Linux

One of the Linux distributions that have long since become a separate branch, produced in Russia, mainly by the Basalt SPO company. In fact, it is thoroughly equipped with software, not particularly demanding, easy to install, easy to operate and navigate. But too "raw", in it many unaccounted for flaws and omissions, due to which ALT Linux often crashes, and user reviews are mostly negative.

CentOS / Red Hat

Perfect in all respects free CentOS, has fully proven its worth and relevance today. Most notable high degree of protection, as well as constant stability, and it works equally well on all devices without exception. But it should be noted that it is fundamentally different from all the others, in particular the structure of the commands, as well as the syntax of most of them. But for those who are used to Windows, this will not come as a shock.

Pinguy OS

Pinguy OS, which belongs to the branched Ubuntu family, has earned the approval of a large number of users for its versatility and simplicity at the same time. It is noted that in addition to having a significant baggage of programs and various applications in the repositories, with a properly selected set of folders, it is capable of perform any operations inaccessible to most more advanced systems. Convenient and not heavy, supports 32 and 64-bit versions, most preferred when migrating from Windows, it contains many of the functions that have become familiar.

Zorin OS

Despite the fact that, like many other distributions, it is based on the Ubuntu platform, neither externally, nor in management and navigation is completely different from it. But it has a lot in common with Windows, especially with regard to the interface, and therefore it is much easier to adapt to it than to the rest. And the package with programs and offers contains components familiar from Microsoft's OS with Google Chrome in the first line, which is the default browser in Zorin OS. With the help of the download manager, it is easy to install other "native" programs, so that the transition will not be so burdensome.


A functional, advanced OS, an excellent option for almost all devices, except for those that do not differ in high power. Solus only supports 64-bit version, this is its main and only drawback, made up for by a wide range of tools that provide fast navigation and flexible settings. In addition, it contains a large number of preinstalled programs and components for them, as well as a good manager for working with packages, aimed at both uninstalling outdated applications and finding and installing new, stable versions.

Puppy Linux

Perhaps one of the best distributions in existence today. Is different extreme ease occupying only 72 MB of space, the same low system requirements, despite the fact that it includes a large number of all kinds of applications. Another noticeable difference is its similarity with the external characteristics of Windows, which is important in the case of Linux. This balance of compactness, technical capabilities, makes Puppy Linux a unique and generally recognized product not only among the owners of outdated devices, for which it is of particular importance.


The distribution kit is surprisingly simple in everything, from installation to configuration of components. Its main advantage over others expressed in additional software with excellent navigation, functionality for the use of modules off-label. In addition, they are standalone, do not require separate installation as on other operating systems. Slax users can change any images, customize installations, software packages at their discretion.


Another representative of the Russian Linux line, in contrast to its criticized brother ALT Linux, which received only positive reviews and user approval. Is different high functionality, large database, technical excellence. But in some ways Rosa is similar to "Fedora", the development company uses the same concept and versions of the operating system, mostly experimental. But we must admit its exceptional convenience, thanks to tools like a single launch point for all applications, a visualization system, and a whole set of useful utilities.

So what to choose

With such a quantity and variety, the choice will indeed be difficult, each of the presented ones has differences, individuality, positive, and sometimes unique characteristics, and not the best sides. This complicates the choice - among them there are few similar to each other, even if another was created on the basis of one OS. And yet, as often happens with those who are irreplaceable at first glance, there are much more perfect analogs, or hard-hitting sides invisible on the surface. So what should you choose and what criteria should you use? There can be only one answer to this question - the choice must depend on the technical characteristics compatible with the capabilities of the device under which it is made, and not on the shiny wrapper.

Linux for beginners:

  1. The most optimal choice for beginners would be Ubuntu, given that it is preferred by experienced users. Equally easy to install, configure, navigate, and later use. Unity's interface is not too different from the usual on Windows, so it is easy to navigate in it.
  2. Just as simple and straightforward Linux Mint, although it does not differ in special functionality, but this is compensated by its availability even for the "darkest" ones. Like Ubuntu, it is one of the closest to Windows in terms of external parameters, making it easy to learn.
  3. CentOS slightly more complicated than the previous ones, it is a free version of one of the few commercial Linux projects (RedHat), along with its simplicity, it is quite functional. Stable software packages pre-installed in it do not allow gross errors on the part of users, due to the security system.
  4. Opensuse was originally developed as an accessible, easy-to-use, understandable for all OS users. The default KDE interface is similar to Windows, has the same navigation and operation principles, but slightly different in detail, so it's not hard to get used to.
  5. Zorin OS, in addition to having an interface similar to Windows, it has a package of programs and applications familiar from the previous operating system. And if Wine is preinstalled in it, the same programs and components are easily launched, which is extremely useful and convenient for any beginner.

The lightest:

  1. Lubuntu is one of the lightest among its kind, but due to its popularity it is widely used on new, powerful computers. There is a completely logical explanation for this - high performance is achieved precisely because of the low weight.
  2. LXLE, created on the platform of one of the lightest distributions in the set, Lubuntu, far surpasses in all respects the "big brother", criticized even by beginners. When creating the OS, the main emphasis was on optimization and performance, as well as extremely low weight to achieve this.
  3. Lightweight systems do not always achieve this effect by sacrificing power and flexibility; there are times when they are not inferior in these indicators to 64-bit versions. A striking example ArchBang possessing qualities inaccessible to others. Its main advantages are simple installation, simple settings, lightness and simplicity.
  4. Like the previous one, Linux Lite, besides being light enough, it is also easy to use, multifunctional, as far as possible with its parameters. In addition, it has a beautiful, pleasant interface, a large number of preinstalled applications, and often acts as a gateway when switching from Windows to Linux.
  5. KNOPPIX, this is the grandfather of all distributions created for Linux, the oldest of all existing, oddly enough, and still exists to this day. Due to the fact that it is now running on the developed, stable Debian platform, it has a wide range of features, a set of applications and is extremely lightweight at the same time.


  1. Most remarkable in this regard Pixel OS built from scratch using the Debian base as a starting point, nicknamed its side effect, in a good way. The first thing the developers did was to free the repositories from "trash", limiting them to only really necessary packages, which became a reanimation for old, weak PCs.
  2. Fast, effective on weak PC and low internet speed Peppermint OS, belonging to the cloud type, went the same way. Even at the time of development, its creators immediately abandoned all offline programs that burden the system. The set of preinstalled packages includes only the most useful and lightweight packages at the same time.
  3. Legacy OS, which uses the lightweight Puppy Linux base, tried to become even lighter due to ultra-light components: IceWMw and POX, which is why it is indispensable for low-power PCs. Even on computers with outdated components, it installs as a 32-bit Live CD so it works fine even on 256 MB of RAM.
  4. Bodhi Linux, uses a special edition for hopelessly outdated 32-bit PCs over 15 years old. The main feature of Bodhi Legacy is that it is implemented on the old Linux v3.2 kernel, this greatly facilitates the OS, which is additionally optimized for use on very old hardware.
  5. One of the lightest and fastest among all is antiX capable of working productively on 256 MB of RAM. In its folders and packages, it contains lightweight desktops and managers, there is an option with only one application required to launch and create a desktop.

Russian distributions:

  1. Astra Linux was created for defense state structures, this is the key to its reliability and high functional qualities. It is not unreasonably called the best among Russian distributions for its security and high level of protection when transferring any personal data, although it has long been serving exclusively for peaceful purposes.
  2. Rosa Linux the best not only among Russian, but among all operating systems for Linux, thanks to high-tech development options, useful, convenient for ordinary users. Many people talk about "closed" versions designed for data encryption, but this is probably another myth, only public assemblies are known.
  3. Simply Linux quite popular among users from the CIS countries, due to its ease and availability. It is not demanding on resources, therefore it can be installed even on computers whose age has exceeded 10 years. The graphical shell is xfce, which most eloquently proves the lightness and unpretentiousness of the OS.
  4. Calculate is one of the most unusual among the Russian versions based on Linux. It is distinguished by its work on the Gentoo platform, which is difficult and incomprehensible to install and use. But unlike him, with Calculate you don't need to understand these intricacies - everything happens automatically.
  5. Alt Linux is called a pensioner among Russian operating systems for Linux. During its existence, many distributions have been created on its basis, which in itself speaks of its relevance. Although it must be admitted that, despite the updates, it is very outdated, and the OS developed after its model is much better.

For home PC:

  1. Debian It is deservedly considered the best in this regard, although there is not much difference on which device to use it. It is functional, powerful enough, lightweight, albeit not fundamentally in the case of home PCs, high download speed has its advantages and positive aspects.
  2. Elementary OS it is the best alternative to Windows, the external similarity makes it more convenient and understandable, which is important in the case of home computers used mostly as a work tool, and not for fun. Its speed characteristics will be an additional incentive for installation.
  3. Deepin a very interesting Chinese development, although it did not receive wide distribution, but it managed to loudly declare itself. It contains a lot of programs that you will not find anywhere else, they work most effectively on home PCs, they are stable and high speed.
  4. OpenSuse far superior to basic Debian, considered the best for PCs - a large set of programs, a unique control center, the biggest advantages of the OS. For use on home computers, it is convenient, thanks to good navigation that allows you to quickly navigate to the desired place.
  5. And here Antergos as noted by many users, there is simply no equal, very similar to Manjaro, which is why the two distributions are called Siamese twins. But he has a similarity with others, from whom he borrowed the best of the qualities. It works well on any devices, and it would not be entirely correct to single it out as the best one for a PC.

For laptop

  1. Ubuntu and here it takes a leading position, for the simple reason that laptops use modems to connect to the network, and Ubuntu is stable at low traffic.
  2. The same can be said about Debian, lightweight, high-speed, stable with any connection, popular among users of the operating system.
  3. CentOS not as popular as the previous ones, but due to its individual characteristics, it is best suited specifically for a laptop.
  4. RHEL was originally developed as a kind of appendage for laptops, so it takes into account all the features of the work of a narrow specialization.
  5. Concerning Kali, then in this case, only one thing can be noted - it was not created for a laptop, but on the contrary, it is the only environment where its stability is maintained.

Summing up, you can add only one thing - any search will be crowned with success only when you know what to look for. And the answer to the question: which Linux is better, has one answer - suitable for all parameters individually.

If you look at all sorts of tops and ratings, you will notice that the share of Linux users is growing steadily. This is connected, of course, with people's interest in this topic. Many are fascinated by Open Source, others find Linux distributions more stable and convenient than other operating systems, and some are pursuing only experimental goals. In general, as they say, in taste and color ... And nevertheless, sometimes, due to the variety of all these systems based on GNU / Linux, it becomes very difficult to choose. And that's why I'm happy to present you with a list of 10 stable Linux distributions for home use. This article will help you decide which Linux to choose for your home. They are, in my opinion, the best fit for installation on home PCs. Until we get started, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

10 stable Linux distributions for home use

Home Linux - Debian

First, it is worth mentioning that this is just a selection, but not a distribution by places (from best to worst or vice versa), in other words, all distributions presented in this top are approximately equally suitable for home use. The same applies to the old man Debian, which for years remained the standard of stability for many Linux users.

The distribution kit is famous for the fact that it uses only proven, stable versions of software. This approach avoids any nasty incidents, which is why Debian is so valued.

Almost all popular DEs can be used as a graphical environment. A wide variety of flavors are available in the community repos, including XFCE, GNOME, KDE, MATE, and even Cinnamon. By the way, you can choose the shell during installation. Fortunately, the developers have taken care of this.

For those who have never used Linux - Linux Mint


As you might have guessed, GNOME is used as the main desktop shell. However, the version with Unity has not sunk into oblivion. Influenced by the community, which promises to be a great option for those users who are not ready to give up this beautiful graphical shell.

Elementary OS

"Fast and open replacement for Windows and MacOS" - this is how the developers position this operating system. At the core, of course, is the Ubuntu distribution. But this does not prevent Elementary from being one of the most unusual, and at the same time convenient Linux distributions. The authors of the project develop and maintain their own graphical environment - Pantheon. It is notable for its appearance (similar to a Mac), as well as its speed of operation.

Recently, this distribution has acquired its own army of fans. People not only financially support developers (which motivates them to make their product better), but also actively communicate with them, directing efforts in the right direction. By the way, Elementary has its own applications, developed, again, within the project. And this is really interesting.

To download the distribution kit for free, you need to select "Other amount" in the column "Pay what you want:" and enter 0 there.


More recently, a new version of this system has been released -. There I briefly described all the main features and capabilities of this distribution kit and its updated version. It is worth noting, incidentally, that Deepin has a suite of proprietary software as well. This software is not available on other systems, so if you want to try it all out, you definitely need to install this distribution.


Of all the previously listed Linux distributions for home use, this one perhaps stands out in that it is not a fork of the same Debian, or Ubuntu. It uses a completely different package manager, and it is for this reason that the work in the system is somewhat different from the usual way of interaction in Debian-based (and Ubuntu-based) distributions. One of the biggest advantages of this system is the YaST control center. It gives you complete control over every aspect of OpenSuse (including system updates, application installations, and configuration).

The distribution is available in two main editions: Tumbleweed and Leap... The first is a rolling release, the essence of this is the updates that the Tubmleweed version receives in a timely manner, as it is released. Leap, on the other hand, is a stable version with much less frequent software updates. Thanks to this, the distribution kit really gets stability in its work, and eliminates the appearance of some errors that could be relevant on a rolling distribution kit.

As for graphic skins, it should be said that at the moment OpenSuse is available with KDE and GNOME... and it is for this reason that the developers of the distribution use and maintain them. All in all, OpenSuse is a great Linux distribution for home use. Many people stop at it, believing that no other distribution kit has such stability and add-on.


To be honest, this distribution is one of my favorites. Why is that? As they say, subjectivism is to blame. For me personally, Manjaro is synonymous with stability, beauty, and, finally, usability. Arch-like variations are really easy to operate, customize, and update. With the help of one single resource (I'm talking about the AUR), you can install almost any software without wasting time adding repositories or downloading the installation file manually through a browser.


Another arche-like Linux distribution for home use, which is making its way to the top of all kinds of ratings. It should be regarded as the twin brother of Manjaro, which, for all its similarities, looks more like its parents (on Arch Linux). Yes, indeed, Antergos is more like Arch, and even uses its repositories, while Manjaro downloads updates from its own.

Like Arch with Manjaro, this distro can connect to the AUR and use that repository to install packages. The whole trinity is very similar in use, but there are differences, which are, most often, in the changed design (in Arch it is completely default). Otherwise, the distribution is very stable and perfect for home use.

Home Linux - Fedora

And this distribution kit is famous for the fact that it is on it that all the novelties of the GNU / Linux world appear for the first time. It is a kind of testing ground for Red Hat. Before adding anything to their commercial Linux RHEL distribution, the company is implementing it in Fedora. Many may now exclaim - "And if this is just a test version for a commercial distribution, does this mean that there is no stability here, and that Fedora will be just awful as a Linux distribution for home use?" And to such people I will answer: no, it does not mean. Although this distribution gets all the updates first, it still remains very, very suitable for use at home. What can I say, Linus Torvalds himself (the creator of the Linux kernel) used (or still uses) Fedora as the main operating system.

Of course, you should understand that like all other Linux distributions, this one is not without its drawbacks. You shouldn't expect anything out of the ordinary from him, however, again, for the home Fedora will be an excellent choice.

The distribution kit comes in three main editions: Work station, Server and Atomic... Also on the official resource are available options with a variety of graphical shells. These are KDE, LXDE, XFCE, and even Cinnamon. For home, in general, the option "Workstation" or Workstation is suitable. Therefore, I recommend paying attention to it.

Home Linux - Ubuntu Mate

I made this edition a separate item, not because I have nothing more to add here. Ubuntu MATE is really something awesome, it can be regarded as a separate Linux distribution with its own development team (although this also applies to some other distributions from the Ubuntu family). The version with mate stands out from a number of others with a special approach. Own design style, colors, and most importantly, stability of work. Many people mark this last point when they say why they chose Ubuntu MATE.

The distribution kit is quite versatile. Although it is based on the MATE graphical shell, the developers have added enough functionality to customize this shell into something similar to other graphical environments. So, in Ubuntu 17.10, the ability to configure the system for Unity was added. This was done in order to help some fans get through the transition of the main edition to GNOME. Other design options are also available here, and you can familiarize yourself with them on your own by installing the distribution kit on your hard drive or virtual machine.

It is worth noting the speed of MATE, which users absolutely love. The system is fast and undemanding, which makes it possible to install it even on weak PCs and laptops.

Home Linux - Conclusions

So, I have presented to you my subjective top 10 Linux distributions for the home computer. In my opinion, it is these versions that are very suitable for use at home. You, of course, may disagree with this, there are always controversial points. Still, if you didn't find what you were looking for here, I recommend that you check out the other top Linux distributions as well. Perhaps there you will find something that suits you better. And now that's all.

Top 10 Linux Distributions for Home Use

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