Home Potato Theodosius name is abbreviated. Career path and love. The impact of the name on health

Theodosius name is abbreviated. Career path and love. The impact of the name on health

Theodosius name meaning: this name for a girl means "given by God."

origin of the name Theodosius: Greek. This is the female form Greek name Theodosius.

Diminutive form of the name: Fenechka, Fenya, Fedosya, Dosya.

What does the name Theodosia mean? World. She has a unique ability to resolve all disputes and conflicts. A girl with this name chooses a profession to her liking, she loves to mess around with children, attaches great importance to helping people. Theodosius can marry by fulfilling the will of her parents or taking pity on her boyfriend in love, but at the same time she manages to create a happy family.

Angel Day and patron saints named after Theodosius: the name Theodosius celebrates name days twice a year:

  • April 16 (3) - St. Martyr Theodosia - Virgin of Tyre.
  • June 11 (May 29) - Day of the transfer of the relics of the Holy Martyr Theodosius.

Signs of the name Theodosius: June 11 Fedosya - ear of wheat, buckwheat. Rye is earing - you will find a lot of mushrooms. They went to Feodosia in the field to look at the shoots. On this day, they gave the cattle a little buckwheat, so that they would breed well.


  • Zodiac of Theodosius - Gemini
  • Planet - Mercury
  • Feodosia color - gray-blue
  • Auspicious tree - ash
  • The cherished plant of Feodosia - buckwheat
  • Patron - snake
  • Talisman stone - chrysoprase

Characteristics of the name Fedosiya

Positive features: The name Fedosiya gives a cheerful, easy disposition, condescension to the weaknesses of people (she does not seem to notice them). She has many friends and admirers. Fedosiya tries not to offend anyone and does not know how to refuse people.

Negative Traits: The duality of Theodosia leads to the fact that Theodosia shows a certain inconstancy in life. The fact that she cannot fully understand herself, exacerbates her mental suffering.

The nature of the name Theodosius: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Theodosius? Theodosius loves to always be in the thick of things. She has a restless, restless nature, so her patience is only enough for the work that can be done quickly. Feodosia - true friend but trusts men more than women. Theodosia is very amorous, but quickly cools down to the object of her passion. If Feodosia is profitable, he easily retreats from his moral principles, although sometimes he defends his beliefs with fanatical persistence. She is selfish and ambitious.

The main quality of Fedosiya is sociability. And it is precisely this that sometimes helps Theodosius to become successful. Already in early childhood Fedosia is able to easily make friends and play with a variety of children, regardless of their characters. She almost never participates in quarrels and certainly will not initiate on her own. conflict situation. At school, no one complains about her either. A woman named Theodosius can enjoy authority. For her has special meaning be the leader in the class. At the same time, she is studying normal level- does not shine with knowledge, but you cannot call her unsuccessful either. Sometimes she can be too talkative, which, of course, is appreciated in noisy friendly companies, but at the same time creates problems for Fedosiya herself, who, through negligence, can blurt out any secret entrusted to her earlier.

In adulthood, communication skills remain the main feature of Fedosiya, which allows her to achieve great success in her career. She Fedosiya always easily makes acquaintances with the right people and connections help her push forward, climb up career ladder as high as possible. She can become a very good leader, but she will also feel good in the role of a subordinate, since the authorities, knowing the qualities of Fedosiya, will provide her with some freedom in actions and decision-making, because all the same, Feodosia will cope with her tasks perfectly.

She Fedosiya suffers from self-doubt, to which she is pushed by excessive sensitivity and emotionality. The girl Fedosia can experience some events extremely painfully. However, very often she manages to develop steel endurance in herself and go forward, despite obstacles and obstacles.

A girl named Fedosiya is an independent person. That is why, she almost never uses advice from others and prefers to make decisions on her own. Sometimes close people do not even suspect that Fedosya had any troubles, she hides it so skillfully. On any issue, Theodosius has her own point of view, which she considers the only correct one. That is why, in disputes, it is simply impossible to convince Theodosia - on the contrary, Theodosia will furiously prove the correctness of his own opinion to his opponent and sincerely wonder why he thinks otherwise.

Fedosia has some degree of ambition, and there is also self-confidence. But it must be said that it is precisely these qualities that often help her not to give up where many would step back.

Fedosia and her personal life

Compatible with male names: The union of Theodosius with Yermil, Yermolai, Joseph, Pankrat, Fedosy is favorable. The name Theodosius is also combined with Fedot, Filaret. Difficult relationships are likely with Zvyaga, Sidor, Feoktist, Kharlampy.

Love and marriage: Fedosya's personal relationships usually develop over the years and are built on the basis of intellectual interests. For happy family life a girl with this name needs to learn to face reality, truth and facts.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Music and especially literary activity of one kind or another are the best opportunities for Fedosya's career. AT literary work she gives free rein to her imagination. She Fedosiya is able to work on two projects at the same time and complete both equally successfully.

Business and career: Despite the fact that Fedosya is careless, she is often lucky in life, and at the most critical moment, when the last funds are running out, she suddenly has money. But Fedosya rarely gets large sums.

In numerology, the meaning of the name Theodosius is determined by the number 1, which indicates a person who is able to act in extreme situations and make the right decisions. True, Fedosiya is not recommended to engage in risky business precisely for this reason, since in this area it is still required advanced planning. Regardless of whether Fedosiya is a leader or a subordinate, she will always manage to earn good money. It can become famous and successful if it sets itself global goals.

Health and Energy

Health and talents named after Theodosius: The monotony and monotony of life are harmful to Fedosya's health. In order to ensure peace of mind, a girl with this name needs to diversify her existence: a trip out of town or even rearranging furniture in a room relieves tension and stress from her.

The fate of Feodosia in history

What does the name Theodosius mean for women's fate?

  1. Feodosia Prokofievna Morozova (1632-1675) - activist of the Russian schism, associate of Archpriest Avvakum, noblewoman. She was the daughter of the devious P.F. Sokovnin, a relative of M.I. Miloslavskaya - the wife of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Morozova devoted many works visual arts, and above all - a picture of V.I. Surikov.

Feodosia in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of Theodosius into different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On the English language the name translates as - Feodosia.

    This term has other meanings, see Theodosia (name). The city of Feodosia, Ukraine. Feodosiya Krymskot. Kefe Flag Coat of Arms ... Wikipedia

    City, Crimean region, Ukraine. Founded in the VI century. BC e. like Greek. the colony of Theodosius given by God. In the XIII century. in its place, the Genoese village of Kafa was founded, in 1475 captured by the Turks. In 1783, Kafa was annexed to Russia under the restored ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia

    I, female; unfold Fedosiya, and Fedosya, and; simple. to Fedoseya, and. Derivatives: Fedosyushka; Fedosya (Fedos); Fedya (Feda); Fenya (Fena); Dosya. Origin: (Female to (see Theodosius)) Name days: January 12, January 31, February 1, April 2, April 16, June 11, October 16 ... ... Dictionary of personal names

    given by God; Fedosiya, Fedosya; Fedosyushka, Fedosya, Fedya, Fenya, Dosya; Kafa Dictionary of Russian synonyms. feodosia n., number of synonyms: 5 city (2765) ... Synonym dictionary

    Name, nickname, nickname, patronymic, surname, pseudonym; nickname, name, term, title, company; rank, epithet. Names (objects), terminology, nomenclature. See reputation, fame .. big name, give a name, bear a name, beg ... ... Synonym dictionary

    Feodosia- - the name of several saints Orthodox Church: 1) The martyr who suffered in the Palestinian Caesarea in 308 Pam. May 29. 2) Martyr, daughter of the martyr Athanasia, who suffered in 311 in Alexandria. Memory Jan 31 3) F. Tsaregradskaya, martyr nun ... Complete Orthodox Theological Encyclopedic Dictionary

    City in Ukraine, Crimea, port on the Black Sea Railway station 85.6 thousand inhabitants (1991). Seaside climatic and balneo-mud resort. Food flavoring, building materials, metalworking industry, furniture, offset factories, etc ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    The youngest daughter of the Grand Duke of Moscow John III Vasilyevich, was born on May 29, 1485 (after the death of one of the older sisters, who bore the same name). At this time, the autocratic power of her father was already fully established in the Muscovite state, and the forces ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    Feodosia- Russian woman's nameDictionary of personal names and patronymics

    Feodosia Stepanovna Rzhevskaya ... Wikipedia


  • Byzantine Empress Athenaida-Eudokia. Life and work in the context of the era of the reign of Emperor Theodosius II (401-450), Aleksandrova T.. this work is dedicated to a complex, little-studied and underestimated era: the period of the reign of Emperor Theodosius II (401-450), the longest in the history of Byzantium. During this time, the empire...
  • Byzantine Empress Athenaida-Eudokia, T. L. Alexandrova. This work is devoted to a complex, little studied and underestimated era: the period of the reign of Emperor Theodosius II (401-450), the longest in the history of Byzantium. At this time, the empire ...
  • Byzantine Empress Athenaida-Eudokia. Life and work in the context of the era of the reign of Emperor Theodosius II (401-450), Tatiana Aleksandrova. This work is devoted to a complex, little-studied and underestimated era: the period of the reign of Emperor Theodosius II (401-450), the longest in the history of Byzantium. During this time, the empire...

Orthodox nomenclature. Directory of names and birthdays



January 12 (December 30), January 31 (18), February 1 (January 19) and April 2 (March 20) - Martyr Theodosia.

Toponymic Dictionary of Crimea


from the Greek "gift of the gods", a city in the South-Eastern Crimea, founded in the VI century BC. e. Greeks, immigrants from the Asia Minor port city of Miletus. From the first quarter of the 4th century BC. e. was part of Bosporan kingdom. In the Middle Ages, Kafa arose on its ruins, which from the 13th century became the stronghold of the Genoese dominion on the Black Sea. Having established themselves in Feodosia since 1266, the Genoese erected stone walls with 26 round and rectangular towers that surrounded the city from land and sea. In the center of the city, the two-tiered tower of Constantine, built in 1382-1445, has been preserved. In its middle part, machicules were arranged - hinged loopholes supported by stone brackets. The triple arcade belt and stone battlements crowning the structure are expressive. In the 17th century, to strengthen the defense, a stone bastion with casemates was added to the tower. In addition to the city fortifications, the Genoese built a citadel on the shore of the bay, where a quarantine was later created, on which there were several Armenian churches and a bathhouse. Since 1475, under the rule of the Turks, Kefe has retained its importance largest city Crimea. Regular construction began according to plan in 1817. AT late XIX century Feodosia developed as a trading port, and now its resorts have gained importance.

encyclopedic Dictionary


a city in the Crimea, a port on the Black Sea. Railway station. 85.6 thousand inhabitants (1991). Seaside climatic and balneo-mud resort. Food flavoring, building materials, metalworking industry; furniture, offset factories, etc. Art Gallery. I. K. Aivazovsky, literary and memorial museum of A. S. Green. Founded in the 6th century. BC e. Remains of a fortress from the 14th-15th centuries, Mufti-Jami Mosque (17th century). Order Patriotic War 1st degree (1982).

Version 2. What does the name Theodosia mean

Theodosius - from the Greek. Given to the gods, razg. Fedosiya
and Fedosya.

Fedosyushka, Fedosya, Fedya, Fenya, Dosya.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Guest Fedosya, sit on the stove and chew kalachi.

It's none of your business, Fedosya, to collect other people's ears.

June 1 Fedosya-spike, buckwheat. Rye is earing - you will find a lot of mushrooms.
They went to Feodosya in the field to look at the shoots. On this day, they gave the cattle a little buckwheat,
to flourish well.


Theodosius is a very peculiar person. Active, ambitious
her restlessness and inability to see things through to the end prevent her from succeeding. She has
only that work is obtained that does not require large expenditures of time, energy,
souls. The same with feelings. Falls in love often, but not for long, although the male society
in principle, prefers women, believing that the representatives of the stronger sex are more reliable
in friendship. People are always swarming around her, some events are constantly taking place.
Theodosius is selfish, therefore she easily refuses seemingly unshakable
beliefs, if it is possible to profit or find personal peace.

Numerology Of The Name Theodosius

Name number: 1

Units are extremely purposeful individuals who are ready to give all their strength to bring ideas to life. These creative people will never suffer from bad imagination, and leadership qualities will help them reach the top in business.
Units are always in the center of attention of others, they know how to subjugate others. Sometimes aggressiveness is excessive, but perseverance allows you to achieve your goals.

These are quite contradictory individuals who may doubt themselves, but will never lose self-respect. Units are good partners if you pay due attention to them.

The meaning of the letters in the name Theodosius

F- perfectly adapt to the conditions environment. Always have lots of great ideas. In their stories, they are able to embellish and invent a little. They love to help people very much. There is never a dull moment with them. Their life is always filled with many interesting events.

E- sociability, insight, commercialism and selfishness. The owners of this letter are able to win people over. They are both simple and charming at the same time. Constantly striving for a good life, which is valued more than friendship. They perform well in creative professions. They are interesting conversationalists.

O- open, cheerful and cheerful nature. Those who have the letter "O" in their names are hardworking and possess creativity. They are ideally suited for professions related to strategic thinking and economy. They are friends only with reliable people whom they trust.

D- stubbornness, pride, isolation, complexes and limitations. These people, before doing something, will think over everything well several times. All actions are guided by common sense and logic. They will always help in a difficult situation. They are overly talkative. They do not accept criticism, very rarely listen to other people's opinions and therefore often make serious mistakes.

FROM- are stubborn, unpredictable and leadership qualities. In their actions they are accustomed to rely on logic and common sense. They are overly emotional, and sometimes even capricious. They constantly want to stand out from the gray mass. Your partner may be overly demanding.

And- fine spiritual organization, romanticism, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. The fair sex pays a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on personal traits. great success they manage to achieve in science and work with people. Very economic and prudent.

I- people who have this letter in their name know their worth. They strive to achieve love and respect from the people around them. People with the letter "I" are good thinkers and are able to hide many secrets. In addition, they are excellent interlocutors and romantic natures with a rich imagination.

Name as a phrase

  • F- Firth (the meaning of the word combines the concepts: Spit, Axis of the World, Basis, Source);
  • E- Be (Is, Be, Exist)
  • O- He (Oh, Oh)
  • D- Welcome
  • FROM- Word
  • And- And (Unification, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
  • I- (YA = A) Az

Theodosius name in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write first the first name, then the patronymic with Latin letters and then the last name. You may need to write the name Feodosia in English when applying for a passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

Feodosia is a very beautiful and rare female name. There is no doubt that its owner is a very interesting and extraordinary person.

This article will tell you what the meaning of the name Theodosius is and what fate awaits his mistress. And to begin with, let's plunge into history and find out where this beautiful name came from. It is female form the name Theodosius, which originates in Ancient Greece and literally translates as "given by God."

The day of the angel of Theodosius falls on the dates: January 12 and 31, February 1, April 2, 5 and 16, June 11, July 21 and October 16.

Temperament and life path

Theodosia's childhood is completely carefree for her parents. She grows up as an obedient girl, loves to spend time at home with her family. The baby does not differ in willfulness, the word of mom and dad for her is the law.

The girl is doing well at school. At each lesson, she carefully listens to the teacher, and at home she diligently performs homework. The baby really likes the process of learning and development, especially she loves to read.

Adult Theodosia is a model of kindness and chastity. The owner of this name is distinguished by calmness and prudence. She brings good to the world and is able to reconcile any opponents thanks to her friendliness and wisdom.

The name Theodosius even outwardly distinguishes its owner from others. At the first glance at such a woman, people feel her unusualness. Her kind and different look is able to interest anyone.

As a rule, Theodosia has a lot of comrades. The woman is ready to help them at any time. She is able to close her eyes to any shortcomings and weaknesses of a person. Everyone who is next to her, themselves strive to become better and brighter.

Theodosia is not used to opening her soul to people. Only the most close person will know what is in her heart. One thing is known for sure: there is not a drop of anger, envy, self-interest and prudence in it. With the purity and innocence of her soul, she really resembles the chosen one of God.

Career path and love

The owner of this name is not a careerist. She will only do what she really likes. A woman seeks to help the world around her and make it better.

That is why Feodosia often chooses the professions of a psychologist, teacher, social worker, doctor or veterinarian. In work in such positions, a woman succeeds in everything highest level, colleagues and superiors praise her.

Women named Theodosia often volunteer. Money does not play a significant role for them, but the desire to help the world comes first. If this woman decides to take own business, then, most likely, she will organize a shelter for homeless animals or open a fund to help sick children.

With its unusualness, Theodosius attracts men like a magnet. However, she keeps her fans at bay. As a rule, a woman is looking for one love for life.

The girl approaches the choice of a life partner very seriously. The opinion of her parents is very important to her, so she will never marry a man whom they do not approve of.

It often happens that Theodosia marries a man whom she does not love. They become very good man feeding to her very strong feelings. But after some time, as a rule, real affection and even love is born in the soul of a woman.

Theodosia is a wonderful wife - wise, calm, patient, gentle. In the house, she creates a unique atmosphere of comfort and love, surrounds her children with care and warmth. Each family member or guest feels very comfortable in the house of such a hostess.

Name Talismans:

  • Lucky colors are yellow and orange.
  • Most auspicious days Weeks are Friday and Sunday.
  • Patronizing signs of the zodiac - and.
  • The totem metal is gold.
  • The ruling planet is the Sun.
  • Lucky numbers are 1, 9, 27.

The name Theodosius endows the personality of its owner best qualities. Such a woman is very happy man and gives his warmth and kindness to all those around him. Author: Maria Shcherbakova

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